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해외출장 보고 ISO/TC204회의 출장 2008. 4 문영준 연구위원 육상교통연구본부 - 1 -

ITS 국제표준위원회 (ISO/TC204) 회의 출장목적 - 매년 2회씩 정기적으로 개최되는 ITS 국제표준기 구 ISO/TC204의 WG14분야(차량-도로 경고 및 제어시스템) 회의에 국제 전문가 겸 국제표준 Ite m인 In te rse cti on Signal Information and Violation Warning System (ISIVWS: PWI 26684)"의 Leader 자격으로 참석 하 여 국제표준화에 관한 토론을 주관하고 국내 의견 반영 및 의결 권을 행사함 - 지난 2007년 10월 Qingdao 회의에서 의결되어 새로이 구성된 WG 1 7 (No ma d ic D e vic e in ITS Se r vi c e s) 분 야 의 신 규 국제표준 (PWI 10992: The use of nomadic & mobile devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles) 진행상황 보 고 및 WG17의 Convener 역할 수임 회의기 간 : 2008. 4. 14(월) ~ 4. 18(금) 출장지 : Hilton Munich Park Hotel, 독일 Munich (뮌헨) 출장 세부일 정 - 2008. 4. 1 5 (화 ) : 인 천 출발 - 프랑크푸르트 경유 - 뮌헨 도착 - 2008. 4. 16(수) : ISO/TC204 WG 14 회의 (국제표준 Item 별 토 의, ISIVWS 회의 주도 및 의결권 행사) - 2008. 4. 1 7 (목) : ISO/TC204 CH OD 회의 (WG 1 7 신 규 의장 결 정 및 역할 수임) - 2008. 4. 18(금) : ISO/TC204 P l en a ry 회의 (총회, W G 주요사항 보 고 및 Resolution 의결) - 2008. 4. 1 9 (토 ) : 뮌 헨 출발 - 프랑크푸르트 경유 - 2008. 4. 20(일) : 인천 도착 출장비용 : ISIV W S 국제표준 L e a de r 자 격 및 W G1 7 임 시 의장 자 격 으 로 지 식 경제부 기술표준원에서 출장비 지원 - 2 -

ISO/TC204 회의 결 과 W G 1 4 (R o a d wa y /V e h i c l e W a r n i n g & Co n t r o l Sy s t e m ) 분 야 - 우리나라가 주관하는 PWI26684 Intersection Signal Information and Violation Warning System (ISIVWS)대한 Draft 검토 및 토의 현재까지 작성 완료된 NP 초안에 대한 검토 일본측에서 ISIVWS Active와 OBE Active 상태에 대한 제안 내용에 대한 집중적임 검토 미국측은 RSE의 위치 및 시간에 대한 경고 범위를 모두 포함하여 줄 것을 제안하고 우리측이 이를 수용 5월말 까지 NP 초안 완료 후 차기 회의전에 NP 투표 완료할 예정 W G 1 7 (N o m a d i c D e v i c e ) 분 야 - WG17 (Nomadic Device in ITS Services) 분야의 신규 국제표준 (PWI 10992: The use of nomadic & mobile devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles) 진행상황 보고 및 WG17의 Convener 역할 수임 - ISO/TC204 CH OD 회의 (2008. 4. 1 7 ) : 각 WG 별 의장 보고 시 WG17 진행상황 및 향후 계획 보고 - ISO/TC204 P le n a r y 총 회 (2008. 4. 1 8) : W G1 7 의장으 로 본인 선 출 및 확정, Resolution 의결 Resolution 648 ISO TC204 resolves to appoint Dr. Young Jun Moon as Convenor of WG17, "Nomadic and Portable Devices for ITS Services". Approved - 3 -

발 표자 료 ISO Convenor s Report WG17 Nomadic Devices ISO/TC204 WG17 Nxxx.x Status on WG17 Introduction Jeju meeting Objectives April 17, 2008 CHOD Munich, Germany Young J. MOON, Ph.D. Acting Convenor of WG17 Members Participated 2 Status on WG17 Jeju Meeting Objectives TC204 Plenary Qingdao 2007 Meeting Resolution 613 ISO TC204 resolves to create Working Group 17, Nomadic Devices for ITS Services and invites member countries to submit nominations for Convenor of the Working Group Resolution 614 ISO TC204, noting the approval of the preliminary work item 10992 The use of nomadic devises to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles resolves to invite Dr. Young- Jun Moon to act as editor for this work item and to call a first editing group meeting, to clarify the scope of the work, and to determine a plan for the project. (Location and date; Jeju island, Korea, 12 th March 2008) 3 Meeting Schedule Date: March 12, 2008 Place: Shineville Resort, Jeju,, Korea Status and cases for nomadic devices applications In companies, organizations, countries or regions TC204 P-P and O-membersO Liaison representatives PWI 10992 Discussion To clarify the scope of the work To define the relevant standardization issues other open issues WG17 Discussion Functions & Processes Plans and other issues 4 Members Participated Membership Status Active Participation Canada, Korea, Sweden, UK, USA Experts Nominated : 11 Germany, Japan, Korea, UK (3), USA, Sweden (2) Liaison from TC22 (2) Delegates attended in the Jeju Meeting 26 delegates from 9 countries 5 experts nominated Status and cases for nomadic devices applications TC22/SC3/WG1 ISO 22900 MVCI and ISO 22901 ODX TC204 WG16 Background of WG17 & CALM Standards WG17 Programme of Work The experts discussed the role and scope of the working group, and circulate the provisional proposals of work programs to experts for comment in order to report the summary of comments to TC204 Plenary in. Device Discovery in the CALM in-vehicle environment Service Discovery in the CALM in-vehicle environment The mobile device in the role as mobile router The interface to D-PDU D in the provision and support of ITS Services (including MVCI) ) via nomadic and mobile devices Augmentation of the capabilities of the nomadic device using information from in-vehicle systems Nomadic device acting as a key to personalise the vehicle configuration Using capabilities in a nomadic or mobile device to augment functionality within the vehicle The use of portable nomadic devices within commercial vehicles and a public transport Optimising the use of the capabilities in nomadic and mobile devices in the e provision of ITS services 5 6-4 -

PWI Discussions PWI 10992 The use of nomadic and mobile devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles To develop standards for the communications architecture and generic requirements to enable the connectivity between the vehicle and the infrastructure or other vehicles by using nomadic links within the vehicle (e.g. Bluetooth) and devices introduced into the vehicle (e.g. music players, PDAs etc.) including the provision of connectivity via mobile devices (2G/3G/Mobile Wireless Broadband etc) to the infrastructure; the support of application services within the vehicle; and integration within the CALM architecture and in vehicle gateways (e.g. D-PDU). D PWI Discussions New Work Item Proposed The use of nomadic and mobile devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision for travellers To develop standards for the communications architecture and generic eric protocols to provide and maintain ITS services to travellers (drivers, passengers, pedestrians, service providers) using nomadic and mobile devices. Meeting Plans Meeting scheme twice a year in the same schedule of TC204 Plenary Next meeting Date : 12 th November, 2008 Place : Ottawa, Canada Conference calls by email after the TC204 Plenary in before the next meeting 7 8 W G 1 7 의장 수 임 관 련 보도 자 료 - 5 -