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注 意 : 在 操 作 本 机 之 前 请 阅 读 此 部 分 要 确 保 最 好 的 性 能, 请 仔 细 阅 读 此 手 册 请 将 它 保 存 在 安 全 的 地 方 以 备 将 来 参 考 2 请 将 本 机 安 装 在 通 风 良 好 凉 爽 并 且 干 燥 干 净 的 地 方 - 应 远


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Guideline for Applicants - KNU Exchange Program - Contents Page * Instruction for Filling-out * Why KNU and Chuncheon City? 1. KNU Chuncheon Campus 2. Field of Study and Registration of classes 3. Dormitory 4. Free Korean Language Program 5. Buddy Program 6. Additional Information 7. Chuncheon City 8. Campus Map 9. Academic Calendar for 2015 10. FAQ (한글, English, 中 國 語 ) 2 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 11-1 -

Instructiion for Filling-out 1. You may fill-out the application form either in Korean or in English. 2. Please put an O mark into the box that corresponds to your answer in the fields. 3. Please fill-out this form by typing in the required information. (No handwritten entries/answers are allowed except for your signature) And then please print your duly accomplished application form and attach a passport picture and affix your signature. Checklist for the Required Documents 1 An application 2 A copy of proof of enrollment For Application 3 A copy of transcript 4 A recommendation letter from a supervisor from your study field (Department) 5 A color copy of Passport 6 A letter of self-introduction including study plan Certificate of Health * Only required for Chest X-ray, taken within 3months Advance Preparation Insurance certification (One main page in English version) * Only for students who purchase insurance themselves in their home country Copy of your passport and three photos for Alien registration card and etc. * Only recent photo with a white background taken within 3months will be accepted, * In case you attach an old photo or unrelated one, your application will be refused. Email of your arrival information (Flight schedule) Academic Calendar Contents 1 st semester (Spring) 2 nd semester (Fall) Beginning of the semester date Mar. 2nd End of Aug. Note End of the semester date Mid June End of Dec. List of the courses taught in English Early Feb. Early Aug. Refer to the KNU website Registration for classes Mid February Mid August Undecided Pick-up service End of Feb. End of Aug. Designated time during two days Dormitory check in End of Feb. End of Aug. Keep the designated periods! Dormitory check out Mid June End of Dec. Undecided Orientation Mar. 2nd End of Aug. First week of each semester - 2 -

Spelling MUST be exactly the same as in your passport. As there are countries such as Germany, Czech Republic, and Russia that have different alphabets, when filling out the application, please be sure to use the same name as the one written at the bottom part of your passport. Please pay attention to the symbol for the spacing of words ( << ), also, be careful not to include the three-letter country code (e.g. KOR) written before your name. 交 换 生 填 写 申 请 书 的 时 候, 请 填 写 护 照 下 方 的 英 文 字 母 ( 图 片 中 红 色 部 分 ) - 3 -

Why KNU? Started in 1947 as agricultural college and expanded to a comprehensive university having more than 130 academic fields and over 20 colleges in three (3) campuses in 2013, KNU strives to utilize this crisis as an opportunity to prove its inherent excellence. Around 17,000 students and 500 Faculties in Chuncheon Campus 193 sister universities in 47 countries One of the top 10 National Universities in Korea Top ranked in graduates employment for 3 consecutive years. Within Top 20 in Education & Research Capability Why Chuncheon City? - 4 -

1. KNU - Chuncheon Campus 70 minutes from downtown Seoul by train or express bus The Nearest National University from Seoul/ Standard Language 2. Field of Study and Registration of Courses List of Degree Programs http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/english/menu3/sub_03_01_01.php List of classes taught in English http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/english/bbs/board.php?bo_table=ip_others&wr_id=8&page=0 To join classes taught in English,: students whose major at his/her home university is related to more than 1 course from the list of courses taught in English. Please be aware that you may not be able to register for some classes due to the limited number. Tuition at KNU will be waived for all exchange students of KNU s partner Universities. - 5 -

3. Dormitory Buildings and Housing fees Location Dormitory Occupancy Features * Prices indicated are only estimates. Fees / Semester (4months) Housing Food On campus YulGokGwan (M/F) ToeGyeGwan (M) NanJiWon (F) GukJiWon (F) 4 people Room Communal restroom and shower room on each floor 310,000 Won Option for using cafeteria BTL (M) BTL (F) 2 people Room 460,000 Won (Meals) Public Facilities: Cafeteria, Computer lab, Laundry room, Study room, Fitness Center, etc. Cafeteria * Prices indicated are only estimates. Meal Options Meal Semester (4months) 1 3meals Everyday for a semester Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 700,000 Won 2 2meals Everyday for a semester Lunch, Dinner 560,000 Won 3 3meals on weekdays for a semester Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 560,000 Won 4 2meals on weekdays for a semester Lunch, Dinner 490,000 Won 5 No meals buying a meal ticket for each meal (Around 4$) Operating Hours Breakfast Lunch Dinner Weekdays 07:00~09:00 11:30~13:30 17:30~19:00 Weekend, Holidays 08:00~09:00 12:00~13:00 17:30~18:30 Health Examination (Medical report) Newly admitted international students have to submit Chest X-ray examination(tuberculosis) result to the dormitory office within ten days of your arrival. Chest X-ray result written in English issued by your home country is acceptable. Forbidden dormitory rules Smoking, cooking and drinking alcohol in the dormitory are forbidden. Breaking the curfew (01:00~05:00) - Except for graduate students Allowing strangers to sleep inside and using the room and building of the opposite gender Generally, exchange students could pay the dormitory fee within a week after arriving in Korea. You can buy bedding and daily necessities from a convenience store inside the campus. Events of Dormitory Students Council: Rental bicycles and sports goods, monthly showing films etc. Equipped furniture: bed(included a mattress), closet, desk and chair - 6 -

4. Free Korean Language Class You can take a level test(interview) in the firs week of the semester then you will be assigned to a class according to your Korean proficiency. And you can take both if you want. 1 [ Baeckryung Volunteer Group] Korean Language Class 2 [ Department of Korean Language and Literature ] Korean Regular Course No credit Credit 5. Buddy Program Korean students, called buddy, who can speak English, Chinese or Japanese will be assigned to all exchange students for one semester to help your campus life. 6. Additional Information Visa information http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/english/menu5/sub_05_01_01_02.php Free shuttle bus from KNU campus to Chuncheon bus terminal and subway station on weekdays. The electricity voltage is 220V with two rounded prong plug. There are three more cafeterias in the campus, besides the ones that are in dormitories. Preparing warm clothing is recommended because the daily temperature range between mornings and nights is big. 7. Chuncheon City GongJiCheon Park (10min by taxi) and promenade following a little stream Vicinity mountains and temples Various festivals: Mime Festival, Puppet show, International theater festival, Art festival etc. Chuncheon National Museum (10min by walk) and Animation Museum (40min by bus) SongAm Sports Town (30min by bus) for sports climbing, inline track, ice link, water sports etc. Shopping street MyungDong (25mit by walk) More information about Chuncheon http://tour.chuncheon.go.kr/eng/page/sub04_01.asp - 7 -

8. Campus Map YounJeokji Pond Food Festival for International Students Central Library & Mirae Square Main Stadium - 8 -

9. Academic Calendar for 2015 2016 Academic schedule will be informed at the end of December. Month Date Contents February 2015 March 3rd (Tue) ~ 6th (Fri) 10th (Tue) ~ 13th (Fri) 16th (Mon) ~ 27th (Fri) 23rd (Mon) ~ 25th (Wed) 23rd (Mon) ~ 26th (Thu) 27th (Fri) 2nd (Mon) 3rd (Tue) ~ 5th (Thu) 13th (Fri) Spring Semester Pre-Registration Spring Semester Course Registration Leave of absence/re-admission Application New Students Course Registration Tuition Fee Payment Matriculation Ceremony Spring Semester Add/Drop Courses Finalize Spring Semester Attendance Sheet April 24th (Fri) Last Day of Midterms May June July August 5th (Tue) 6th (Wed) ~ 8th (Fri) 18th (Mon) ~ 22nd (Fri) 25th (Mon) 3rd (Wed) ~ 24th (Wed) 8th (Mon) ~10th (Wed) 14th (Sun) 17th (Wed) 22nd (Mon) 30th (Tue) ~ July 5th(Sun) June 30th (Tue) ~ 5th(Sun) 14th (Tue) 15th (Wed) ~ 27th (Mon) 15th (Wed) 4th (Tue) ~ 7th (Fri) 18th (Tue) ~ 21th (Fri) 24th (Mon) ~ 27th (Thu) 24th (Mon) ~ 28th (Fri) 28th (Fri) 31st (Mon) Children s Day (National Holiday) Summer Session Course Registration Summer Session Tuition Fee Payment Buddha s Birthday (Holiday) Spring Semester E-learning Course Evaluation Make-up Class Period University Anniversary Day End of Spring Semester, Last Day of Finals Summer Session Begins Spring Semester Grade Check Spring Semester Grade Check Spring Semester Grade Confirmation Summer Session E-learning Course Evaluation End of Summer Session Fall Semester Pre-Registration Fall Semester Course Registration Tuition Fee Payment Leave of Absence/Re-admission Application Graduation Ceremony Fall Semester Begins - 9 -

September October November 1st (Tue) ~ 3rd(Thu) 11th (Fri) 22nd (Tue) ~ 24th (Thu) 9th (Thu) 28th (Wed) 3rd (Tue) ~ 5th (Thu) 12th (Thu) ~ 20th (Fri) 19th (Thu) ~ 21st (Sat) Add/Drop Courses Finalize Fall Semester Attendance Sheet Dae Dong Je (University Festival) Hangul Day (National Holiday) Last Day of Midterms Winter Session Course Registration Minor, Double Major Application New Student Interview for Admission (No Classes) 23 (Mon) ~ 27 (Fri) Winter Session Tuition Fee Payment December January 2016 February 1st (Tue) ~ 7th (Mon) 4th (Fri) ~ 28th (Mon) 7th (Mon) ~ 11th (Fri) 18th (Fri) 21st (Mon) 1st (Fri) 4th (Mon) 4th (Mon) ~ 10th (Sun) 13th (Wed) 15th (Fri) 15th (Fri) ~ 26th (Tue) 22nd (Mon) 29th (Mon) For two days (Undecided) Change of Major Application Fall Semester E-learning Course Evaluation Make-up Classes Period End of Fall Semester, Last Day of Finals Winter Session Begins New Year s Day (National Holiday) New Year Kick-off Ceremony Fall Semester Grade Check End of Winter Session Winter Session Grade Confirmation Winter Session E-learning Course Evaluation Graduation Ceremony Matriculation Ceremony Pick-up service for Exchange Students March 2 nd (Mod) International Students Orientation - 10 -

10. FAQ I want to study at KNU as an exchange student. How do I apply? KNU operates the exchange program with about 190 foreign sister universities which have signed the MOU. Therefore, you must check whether your university has an arrangement with KNU. The exchange student application process is only available through the manager of the Office of International Affairs so please contact the international exchange department of your university first. Unfortunately, KNU does not offer the exchange student program for the students who are not from any sister universities. I want to change the expected study period. What's the procedure? 1) Visit and consult with the manager at the Office of International Affairs 2) Fill out the 'Study Period Change Application Form' (you need to get the signature of the international exchange department manager at your home university as well.) 3) Submit the completed application to the Office of International Affairs 4) A manager at the Office of International Affairs in KNU will process the request and change the study period officially. I came to KNU for a semester program but want to continue to study for one more semester. What should I prepare? You must visit and consult with the Office of International Affairs to fill out the 'Study Period Change Application Form.' And the department that you are affiliated with must agree on the extension of an additional semester. Please refer to the following and decide carefully. - Visa Extension: Prepare all the required documents and apply at the Immigration Office by yourself. (Visa extension application, financial statement (balance of more than 5 million won), Application fee of 60,000 won and other documents) (Certificate of KNU enrollment, a copy of KNU and your home university's MOU agreement prepared by the Office of International Affairs) - Dormitory Application (apply online through the dormitory website to stay during the vacation and the second semester) - Accident Insurance (extend the insurance period for the next 6 months as it is required while staying in Korea) - Buddy Program is provided only for the first semester meaning there will be no official Buddy for the second semester. What will happen to the credits that I obtained from KNU when I go back to my college? KNU mails your transcript to your university. You must contact your university for the credit recognition process. What is the number of credits required for an exchange student? A student must take at least 2 courses and is eligible for a maximum of 22 credits. - 11 -

Can I take any class that I want regardless of my major? An exchange student can take classes of various areas without any class registration limits. But one may not register for a class in the following cases. - When it is impossible to register for the class as it is fully signed up (Registration for the class is first come first served basis!) - When a professor asked a student to drop a class due to poor Korean skills - When a student did not complete the prerequisite class for the relevant class - When a students of other major tries to take a class exclusive to a certain major - When a class is different from the general class in the form of experiment, practice, etc. How long will a Buddy (exchange student guide) help me? The Buddy Program for an exchange student is a volunteer program run by the KNU students. As Buddies are currently enrolled at the university and may be busy due to personal matters, they may not be available all the time. As it is an unpaid volunteer activity, any costs which may be occurred in the process of assisting you should be arranged and paid accordingly. (EX: taxi fare, meal, etc.) I want to know the exchange student selection process. 1) [KNU] sends the exchange student program application and brochure to the sister university. 2) [Sister university] announces the program to the students and receives applications. 3) [Sister university] delivers the applying documents to KNU. (application, transcript in English, a copy of a passport, student statement, college letter of recommendation, etc.) 4) [KNU] determines which department that the applying student be affiliated to study with. (It is not decided by the Office of International Affairs but the relevant department decides the matter of acceptance by consulting the student materials.) 5) [KNU] finalizes the affiliated department and then sends the admission letter and guidelines to the sister university. 6) [Exchange student] - Upon receiving the admission letter, apply for a visa and prepare to depart - Register classes - Email contact with a Buddy - Using the Incheon International Airport pick up service provided by KNU, arrive at Chuncheon - Move into the dormitory - Participate in the new foreign student orientation - Apply for the alien registration card, purchase insurance, submit a medical report (chest x-ray test result) to the dormitory, and pay the dormitory expenses - Campus life - Participate in the exchange student farewell party - Clean a room and move out of the dormitory (Must return the key and bedding to the management office) - Departure 7) [KNU] mails the transcript in English to the sister university once the grade is confirmed one month after the day of the last class. - 12 -

I'm about to go back home so when can I get the transcript for this semester? The grade is confirmed about a month after the last day of class. When it is finalized, the Office of International Affairs sends the transcript in English to your college (end of July or January). And the manager at your college's international exchange department will receive the transcript after about 10 days (middle of August or February). How do I register a class? Method 1: Ask the exchange student guide (Buddy) for help - Check the list of English classes for this semester on the News & Notice section of the KNU English/Chinese website (end of July or January) - Email the class information (class title, code, date of a week/time) to the relevant Buddy Method 2: Go to the KNU website and register online - Login to the [Class Registration] the website during the registration period (ID: 9 digits of student id number, PW: six digits of the date of birth) 강원대학교에서 교환학생으로 공부하고 싶습니다. 어떻게 신청하나요? 강원대학교는 MOU 협정을 맺은 190여개의 국외 자매대학교와 교환프로그램을 운영합니다. 그렇기 때문에, 제일 먼저 학생의 학교가 강원대학교의 자매대학교인지 확인해야 합니다. 국제교류부서 담당자를 통해서만 교환학생 신청을 받기 때문에, 학생의 학교 국제교류부서에 연락하고 신청해주기 바랍니다. 아쉽게도 강원대학교의 자매대학교 학생이 아니라면, 교화학생 신청이 불가능합니다. 예정된 수학기간을 변경하고 싶습니다. 절차가 어떻게 되나요? 1) 국제교류본부 사무실에 방문하여 교환학생 담당 직원과 상담하기 2) '수학기간 변경 신청서' 작성 (학생 모교의 국제교류부서 담당자 서명도 받아야 함) 3) 작성한 신청서 국제교류본부에 제출 4) 강원대학교 국제교류본부 담당자가 공문처리하여, 수학기간을 공식적으로 변경 한 학기 교환학생으로 왔지만, 한 학기를 더 공부하고 싶습니다. 뭘 준비해야 하나요? 국제교류본부 사무실에 방문하여 상담을 받고, '수학기간 변경신청서'를 작성해야 합니다. 또한 학생이 소속한 학과에서 한 학기 추가연장에 대해 동의를 해야 가능합니다. 아래의 사항을 고려하여, 신중히 결정해주세요. - 비자연장: 각종 서류를 준비하여 직접 출입국사무소 방문신청 (비자연장 신청서, 재정증명서(은행잔고 약 500만 원 이상), 수수료 60,000원 및 기타서류) (강원대학교 재학증명서, 강원대학교와 학생의 모교 MOU 사본은 국제교류본부에서 준비) - 기숙사 신청 (방학과 둘째 학기 거주를 위해, 기숙사 홈페이지를 통해 직접 신청) - 상해보험 가입 (한국 체류기간동안 반드시 보험에 가입해야 하므로, 가입기간 6개월 연장) - Buddy Program은 첫 학기에만 지원되므로, 둘 째 학기에는 공식적인 Buddy가 없습니다. 강원대학교에서 받은 학점은, 저의 학교에 돌아갔을 때 어떻게 성적처리 되나요? 강원대학교에서는 학생이 성적표를 모교로 우편발송합니다. 성적처리는 학생의 모교에 문의하면 됩니다. 교환학생은 몇 학점을 들어야 하나요? 최소 2과목 이상 수강해야 하고, 최대 22학점까지 신청 가능합니다. - 13 -

전공과 관계없이, 원하는 과목을 모두 수강할 수 있나요? 교환학생에게는 수강신청에 대한 제약 없이, 다양한 분야의 수업을 신청할 수 있습니다. 하지만 아래와 같은 경우에는, 수업신청이 불가능 할 수도 있습니다. - 정해진 과목의 수강신청인원이 초과하여, 신청이 불가능한 경우 (수강신청은 선착순!) - 한국어 실력이 많이 부족하여 교수님이 수강취소를 권유한 경유 - 해당 과목 수강을 위한 선수과목을 이수하지 않은 경우 - 특정 전공 학생만을 위해 개설된 수업을, 타전공 학생이 신청한 경우 - 실습, 실험 등 일반적인 수업과 다른 특별한 형태의 수업일 경우 Buddy(교환학생 도우미)는 저를 얼마나 도와주나요? 교환학생을 위한 Buddy Program은 강원대학교 학생들의 자발적인 봉사활동입니다. Buddy도 학교를 다니는 재학생이고 개인적인 업무로 바쁠 수 있기 때문에, 교환학생의 모든 일을 도맡아 도와줄 수는 없습니다. 특히 별도로 지급되는 활동비가 없으므로, 교환학생 업무를 도와주는 과정에서 발생하는 비용은 상의하여 함께 부담해야 합니다. (예> 택시비, 식사비 등) 교환학생 선발과정이 궁금합니다. 1) [KNU] 자매대학교에 교환학생 프로그램 신청서 및 안내자료 전달 2) [자매대학교] 학생들에게 공지하고, 신청접수 3) [자매대학교] 신청학생의 서류를 강원대학교에 전달 (신청서, 영문성적표, 여권사본, 자기소개서, 학교 추천서 등) 4) [KNU] 신청학생이 소속되어 공부할 수 있는 학과 결정 (국제교류본부에서 결정하는 것이 아니라, 해당 학과에서 학생 자료를 보고 수용여부 판단) 5) [KNU] 소속 학과가 결정되면, 입학허가서와 함께 Guideline을 자매대학교에 전달 6) [교환학생] - 입학허가서를 전달받아 비자발급하고, 출국준비 - 수강신청 - Buddy와 이메일 연락 - 강원대학교에서 제공하는 인천공항 픽업서비스를 이용하여 춘천 도착 - 기숙사 입사 - 신입 유학생 오리엔테이션 참가 - 외국인등록증 신청, 보험가입, 기숙사에 건강진단서(흉부x-ray 검사결과) 제출, 기숙사비 납부 - 학교생활 - 교환학생 Farewell party 참가 - 방 청소 후 기숙사 퇴사(열쇠 및 침대시트 관리실에 꼭 반납) - 출국 7) [KNU] 종강일로부터 한 달 후 성적이 확정되면, 자매대학교에 영문성적표를 우편으로 발송 곧 귀국하는데, 이번 학기 성적표를 언제 받을 수 있나요? 종강 후 약 1개월 후에 성적이 확정됩니다. 성적이 확정되면 국제교류본부에서 학생의 모교로 (7월 말, 1월 말)영문성적표를 우편 발송합니다. 학생의 모교 국제교류부서 담당자가 10일 정도 후에 성적표를 받게 됩니다. (8월 중순, 2월 중순) 수강신청은 어떻게 하나요? 방법1: 교환학생 도우미(Buddy)에게 부탁 - 강원대학교 영문/중문 홈페이지 공지사항에서 이번 학기 영어수업 목록 확인(1월 말, 7월 말) - 담당 도우미(Buddy)에게 이메일로, 원하는 수업정보 전달 (과목이름, 과목코드, 수업요일/시간) 방법2: 학교 홈페이지에 접속하여, 직접 온라인신청 - 신청기간에 홈페이지에서 [수강신청하기] 로그인 (아이디: 학번 아홉 숫자, 비밀번호: 생년월일 여섯 숫자) - 14 -

如 何 申 请 成 为 江 原 大 学 的 交 换 学 生? 江 原 大 学 和 与 其 签 署 MOU 协 定 的 190 多 个 海 外 姊 妹 大 学 共 同 运 营 学 生 交 换 项 目 因 此, 首 先 要 确 认 自 己 所 在 学 校 是 否 是 江 原 大 学 的 姊 妹 大 学 只 有 通 过 国 际 交 流 中 心 负 责 人, 才 能 申 请 交 换 学 生 资 格, 因 此 希 望 学 生 联 系 我 们 学 校 国 际 交 流 中 心 进 行 申 请 可 惜 的 是, 如 果 你 不 是 江 原 大 学 姊 妹 大 学 的 学 生, 就 无 法 申 请 交 换 学 生 资 格 如 何 变 更 预 定 学 习 年 限? 1) 访 问 国 际 交 流 本 部 办 公 室, 向 交 换 学 生 负 责 人 员 咨 询 2) 填 写 学 习 年 限 变 更 申 请 书 ( 要 得 到 学 生 母 校 国 际 交 流 中 心 负 责 人 的 签 名 ) 3) 将 写 好 的 申 请 书 提 交 给 国 际 交 流 本 部 4) 由 江 原 大 学 国 际 交 流 本 部 负 责 人 处 理 公 文, 并 正 式 变 更 学 习 年 限 一 个 学 期 的 交 换 学 生 结 束 后, 如 果 还 想 再 学 习 一 个 学 期, 需 要 准 备 什 么? 请 访 问 国 际 交 流 本 部 办 公 室 咨 询, 填 写 学 习 年 限 变 更 申 请 书 另 外, 需 要 得 到 学 生 所 在 学 系 同 意 其 再 延 长 一 个 学 期 请 考 虑 下 列 事 项 后, 慎 重 决 定 - 延 长 签 证 : 准 备 各 种 材 料, 直 接 访 问 出 入 境 管 理 事 务 所 进 行 申 请 ( 延 长 签 证 申 请 书, 财 政 证 明 ( 约 500 万 韩 元 以 上 的 银 行 存 款 余 额 ),6 万 韩 元 的 手 续 费 及 其 他 材 料 ) ( 在 国 际 交 流 本 部 准 备 江 原 大 学 在 校 证 明, 江 原 大 学 与 学 生 母 校 签 署 的 MOU 复 印 件 ) - 申 请 宿 舍 ( 为 了 在 放 假 期 间 和 第 二 学 期 居 住, 可 直 接 在 宿 舍 网 页 上 申 请 ) - 购 买 伤 害 保 险 ( 在 韩 国 滞 留 期 间 必 须 投 保, 延 长 6 个 月 的 投 保 期 间 ) - 只 在 第 一 个 学 期 提 供 Buddy Program 服 务, 自 第 二 学 期 起 没 有 正 式 的 Buddy 母 校 会 认 证 在 江 原 大 学 进 修 的 学 分 吗? 江 原 大 学 会 将 学 生 的 成 绩 表 邮 寄 给 学 生 的 母 校, 是 否 会 反 映 此 成 绩, 请 直 接 咨 询 母 校 交 换 学 生 要 进 修 多 少 学 分? 至 少 要 进 修 2 个 科 目, 至 多 申 请 22 学 分 可 以 申 请 与 专 业 无 关 的 课 程 吗? 交 换 学 生 不 受 选 课 申 请 的 限 制, 自 由 申 请 各 种 各 样 的 课 程 但 在 如 下 情 况, 可 能 受 限 - 超 过 指 定 科 目 选 课 申 请 名 额, 无 法 申 请 时 ( 选 课 申 请 遵 循 先 来 后 到 的 原 则!) - 韩 国 语 实 力 不 够, 教 授 劝 其 取 消 选 课 申 请 时 - 没 有 进 修 相 应 科 目 的 必 修 科 目 时 - 其 他 专 业 学 生 申 请 为 特 定 专 业 学 生 开 设 的 科 目 时 - 实 习, 实 验 等 不 同 于 一 般 科 目 的 其 他 特 别 形 式 的 科 目 Buddy( 交 换 学 生 帮 手 ) 会 帮 助 我 做 什 么? 为 交 换 学 生 准 备 的 Buddy Program 是 江 原 大 学 学 生 自 发 组 织 的 志 愿 者 活 动 Buddy 也 是 在 校 生, 因 为 也 有 自 己 的 私 事, 很 忙, 所 以 不 能 帮 助 交 换 学 生 完 成 所 有 事 情 尤 其 是, 没 有 额 外 支 付 的 活 动 费, 帮 助 交 换 学 生 时 产 生 的 费 用, 应 在 相 商 后 共 同 承 担 ( 例 : 出 租 车 费, 餐 费 等 ) - 15 -

很 好 奇 交 换 学 生 的 选 拔 过 程 1) 向 KNU 姊 妹 大 学 传 达 交 换 学 生 项 目 申 请 书 及 介 绍 材 料 2) 通 知 姊 妹 大 学 学 生, 受 理 申 请 3) 向 江 原 大 学 传 达 姊 妹 大 学 申 请 学 生 的 材 料 ( 申 请 书, 英 语 成 绩 单, 护 照 复 印 件, 自 我 介 绍, 学 校 推 荐 书 等 ) 4) KNU 申 请 学 生 决 定 就 读 的 学 系 ( 并 非 由 国 际 交 流 本 部 决 定, 而 是 由 相 应 学 系 根 据 学 生 材 料 来 决 定 是 否 录 取 ) 5) KNU 所 属 学 系 决 定 后, 会 将 录 取 通 知 书 和 Guideline 一 同 交 给 姊 妹 大 学 6) 交 换 学 生 - 拿 到 录 取 通 知 书 后, 申 请 签 证, 准 备 出 国 - 选 课 申 请 - 用 邮 件 联 系 Buddy - 使 用 江 原 大 学 提 供 的 仁 川 机 场 接 送 服 务, 抵 达 春 川 - 宿 舍 入 住 - 留 学 新 生 参 加 入 学 教 育 - 申 请 外 国 人 登 录 证, 购 买 保 险, 向 宿 舍 提 交 健 康 诊 断 书 ( 胸 部 x-ray 检 查 结 果 ), 缴 纳 住 宿 费 - 学 校 生 活 - 交 换 学 生 参 加 Farewell party - 打 扫 房 间 后, 离 开 宿 舍 ( 一 定 要 向 管 理 室 返 还 钥 匙 及 床 单 ) - 离 境 7) KNU 停 课 日 起 一 个 月 后 发 表 成 绩, 并 将 英 文 成 绩 单 邮 寄 给 姊 妹 大 学 即 将 回 国, 什 么 时 候 发 表 本 学 期 的 成 绩 表? 大 约 在 停 课 1 个 月 后 发 表 成 绩 成 绩 下 来 后, 国 际 交 流 本 部 会 将 英 文 成 绩 单 邮 寄 给 学 生 的 母 校 (7 月 末,1 月 末 ) 学 生 所 属 母 校 的 国 际 交 流 中 心 负 责 人 将 在 10 日 后 收 到 成 绩 单 (8 月 中 旬,2 月 中 旬 ) 如 何 进 行 选 课 申 请? 方 法 1: 委 托 交 换 学 生 帮 手 (Buddy) 帮 忙 - 在 江 原 大 学 英 文 及 中 文 网 页 的 公 告 事 项 里 确 认 本 学 系 的 英 语 授 课 目 录 (1 月 末,7 月 末 ) - 向 负 责 帮 手 (Buddy) 发 送 邮 件, 询 问 所 需 的 课 程 信 息 ( 课 程 名 称, 课 程 代 码, 上 课 日 期 及 时 间 ) 方 法 2: 登 录 学 校 网 页, 在 线 申 请 - 在 申 请 期 限 内 登 录 网 页 的 选 课 申 请 (ID:9 位 数 学 号, 密 码 :6 位 数 出 生 日 期 ) - 16 -