Wake up the Doctor in You May 2016 Vol.232 05 Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 2016 05 232 INSAN PEOPLE BOOK SPECIAL
Journal of Naturopathic Medicine May 2016 Vol.232 INSAN PEOPLE Wake up the Doctor in You BOOK MAY 2016 Vol.232 40 05 01 26 SPECIAL 06 14 16 18 22 28 29 36 40 SPECIAL Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 2
4 56 58 60 62 64 66 70 74 77 78 80 82 84 93 18 82 62 MAY 2016 Vol.232
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THE SEASON 15% 220g77,000 / 154,000 130,900 80120576,000 518,400 80120950,000 855,000 10
301398,000 338,300 89,000 80,000 178,000 151,300 1577-9585 www.insanlife.com 11
THE SEASON 500+ 50055,000 46,800 500+ 50074,000 62,900 500+ 50079,000 67,200 500250,000 42,500 1kg+ 900g+ 500 84,000 67,200 1kg + 900g 54,000 43,200 1577-9585 12 www.insanlife.com
3045~50g 70,000 59,500 2855~60g 120,000 96,000 40g30 50,000 45,000 17g2030,000 27,000 17g4060,000 51,000 13
12,000 1577-9585 www.insanlife.com 17
1 20
2 3 4 1 2 3 4 21
98,000 1577-9585 www.insanlife.com 27
12,000 28
You Can Enjoy Life to 100, If You Manager Your Life Well. In an era when cancer and other terminal diseases and foremost, How can we lead a healthy and happy life until 120? Yet most of us don t take this seriously. You just go through the motion from one day morrow. Living doesn t just mean breathing. You have to try to improve make the future better than the present, and become healthier than you are now. Let s say you purchase a new car. You d read the manual before anything else. Yet most people don t even bother looking up the manual on their own body. A good health is essential to a happy life. To cut to the chase, you have to learn and accept principles of Insan Medicine to truly recognize and make the best use of your manual. That is, you have to properly manage your life by practicing Insan Medicine, the truest form of medicine in existence. When we stand in front of a towering peak, we tend to worry about how we could possibly scale it. Come to think of it, there s no mountain we can t climb. And we can also beat cancer. Yet most people just assume they can t and they don t even bother trying. If you don t have any intention of beating cancer, then obviously you can t. Insan once said, A cold and cancer are both diseases all the same. You just have to treat it. In modern medicine, there are three ways to treat cancer: operation, anti-cancer medicine and radiation therapy. Surgeries cut out cancerous cells, while medicine and therapy prevent further spread of cancer. Yet anti-cancer drugs destroy the last remnants of your immune system. Radiation will turn normal cells into mutants. And cancer won t be conquered. Modern medicine has become less of a science than a his book <Confessions of a Medical Heretic>, American doctor Robert S. Mendelsohn exposed the dark side of modern medicine. He pointed out that doctors or nurses simply perform routines, but they don t engage in any sort of research into how to cure diseases. Mendelsohn was president of the alternative medicine at National Health Federation, and director of Chicago s Michael Reese Hospital. He wouldn t have spewed nonsense. To activate the doctors within you to treat cancer, you have to consume food that would strengthen your immunity and do exercise to raise your body temperature. A drop of one degree in your body temperature will mean 30 percent decrease in your immunity. At the normal temperature of 36.5 degrees Celsius, immune cells will kill cancerous ones. But at 35.5 degrees, natural killer cells can t function properly. times a week for at least 45 minutes at a time. Moxa cautery works even better. In Insan Medicine, moxa cautery is done on jungwan and danjeon, or middle and lower part of your abdomen. It s like heating up a cold room. If you roast whole garlic and dip it into bamboo salt, it will too help raise your temperature. Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, claimed raising the body temperature was the most ideal treatment to diseases, and Insan detailed ways to do just that in <Shinyak> and <Shinyak Boncho>. By Insan Medicine, you eat, exercise, and undergo moxa cautery to raise your temperature. You don t have to stake your precious life to someone else. You can strengthen your own immunity. Take control of your life, learn and master principles of Insan Medicine and live a healthy and happy life till 120. Insan 33
20,000 36
1 2 1 2 38
2016 39
Special Theme 40
43,000 62,000 65,000 70,000 16,500 53,000 107,000 198,000 17,000 58,000 112,000 215,000 49
77,000 154,000 130,900 288,000 576,000 518,400 950,000 855,000 33,000 82,000 163,000 21,000 57,000 113,000 24,000 63,000 120,000 78,000 50
50,000 45,000 398,000 338,300 540,000 620,000 1,200,000 440,000 520,000 1,000,000 51
398,000 338,300 1577-9585 www.insanlife.com 54
1577-9585 www.insanlife.com 600g 70,000 55
1 2 60
3 4 1 2 3 61
26 62
63 27,000 51,000 1 2 3 2 1 3
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Xanthine oxidase XO 64
400 300 300 250 200 200 150 100 100 50 0 0 Superoxide dismutase SOD Glutathione peroxidase GP 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 Catalase 0.00 65
50 66
the roof of North China 1 2 1 1 2 72
Manjushri 3~7 3 4 5 6 7 73
한국 약초의 재발견 폐 심장 피부 건강에 좋은 맥문동 항산화 면역력 증강에도 효과 글 김효정 사진 조선 DB 연일 따뜻한 날씨 덕에 꽃놀이나 캠핑 등 야외 활동을 많이 하는 5월이지만 황사나 미세먼지 소식이 있는 날이면 외출을 삼가는 게 좋다. 탁 한 공기가 다양한 부작용을 일으키기 때문이 다. 특히 평소 폐 건강이 좋지 않은 사람이라면 호흡기 질환이나 가려움증을 동반한 피부 질환 에 걸릴 확률이 높은데, 백합과의 여러해살이 풀인 맥문동麥門冬의 뿌리를 달여 꾸준히 섭취 소장암 등의 치료법을 알리는 부분에서 맥문동 하면 폐 건강뿐 아니라 호흡기와 피부 건강까 을 언급했다. 지 지킬 수 있다. 이뇨 작용 돕고 체중감량 변비 해소도 그늘진 아파트 화단 등에서도 잘 자라 맥문동은 또한 진액이 풍부해 우리 몸에 들어 맥문동은 그늘진 곳에서도 잘 자라기 때문에 가면 마른 곳을 적셔주는 역할을 한다. 이런 작 산 화단 공원을 비롯해 아파트나 빌딩의 그 용이 마른기침이나 당뇨병, 모유 부족 등의 치 늘진 정원에도 많이 심어져 있다. 어디서든 잘 료에 효과를 낸다. 열을 내리고, 이뇨 작용을 돕 번식하는 맥문동의 뿌리는 한방에서 약재로 사 고, 아토피 질환 해소 및 체중감량과 변비 해소 용되는데, 약재로서의 맥문동은 맥문동 뿌리를 에도 도움을 준다. 항산화 작용과 면역력 증강 일컫는 것이다. 맥문동의 맥麥은 뿌리 모양이 에도 효과가 있으며, 가슴이 답답한 증세와 팔 겉보리 낟알과 비슷하다고 해서 붙여졌다. 짧 다리를 떠는 등의 불안 증세와 불면증 치료 약 고 굵은 뿌리줄기에서 잎이 모여 나와서 포기 재로도 사용된다. 를 형성하며 줄기는 높이 20~50cm까지 곧게 우리 말에 기운이 없이 늘어져 있을 때 맥을 못 자란다. 잎은 짙은 녹색을 띠며 꽃은 5~6월에 춘다 고 하는데, 평소에 기氣가 약한 사람이 맥 연보라색으로 피고, 열매는 가을에 검붉은 열 문동을 달여 차로 마시면 효험을 볼 수 있다. 매로 여문다. 동의보감 에서 맥문동을 오래 복용하면 몸이 맥문동은 성질이 차고, 맛은 달면서 쓰다. 주로 가벼워지고 천수를 연장할 수 있다 고 한 것을 폐와 심장, 위장의 기능을 높이는 데 도움을 준 보아 천연 강장제로서의 효능이 큰 것을 알 수 다. 신약본초 에서는 폐암 폐위암 대장암 있다. 77
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37 36 SPECIAL THEME SPECIAL THEME INSAN 17 16 25 1 2 3 2 1 3 33,000 82,000 163,000 93
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02-6160-1004 02-522-8276 02-552-3524 02-485-3653 02-2699-9585 070-8242-9585 02-2647-4890 02-815-7795 02-822-4441~3 02-966-3171 02-942-2712 02-846-2201 02-782-3738 02-831-2261 070-8860-3731 02-928-0345 070-4843-0295 02-425-0539 032-435-3963 032-519-3389 032-833-8790~1 02-504-8985 02-6378-8736 031-811-5066 02-804-5420 031-416-4248 031-8003-9585 031-275-3791 031-466-7540 031-470-3118 031-374-7434 031-953-4904 031-611-8563 031-246-1678 031-215-0742 031-8001-1599 032-612-7589 032-344-6648 02-435-0676 042-823-5015 041-634-8956 041-956-0652 041-546-3373 043-648-9979 043-283-0436 043-252-1425 043-213-2979 043-213-4204 062-952-0389 062-223-7933 062-267-1846 062-374-0950 061-744-2340 061-381-7366 061-684-5754 061-282-9836 064-333-5254 063-226-6666 051-557-5553 055-964-9448~9 051-897-8844 051-721-7656 051-242-7708 051-757-0021 051-703-1998 052-266-3168 052-273-4705 055-644-0059 055-221-7230 055-385-9909 055-753-0588 055-962-6930 070-8131-1721 055-943-3698 055-343-3266 055-332-2375 055-338-6075 055-287-2700 055-274-8228 055-251-3531 053-634-8080 053-471-3377 053-793-9195 053-744-7567 053-287-2347 053-756-5888 054-742-4040 054-535-0533 054-852-9159 054-555-3386 054-473-7307 054-972-8297 054-331-1449 054-435-0479 054-251-6464 033-646-4351 033-645-0189 033-633-6321 033-332-5209 033-262-6236 033-742-5354 064-745-5999 064-748-0241 064-726-1237 042-823-0225 064-772-4598 02-542-3678 94
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2016.4.1~2017.3.31 0 3 1 4 9
1 2 1. 21 2. 1 1 3.10 3 4. 5 www.insanlife.com