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Journal of Fashion Business Vol. 6, No. 5, pp.125~135(2002) The Present State of E-Business according to the Establishment Year and the Sales Approach of Dongdaemun Clothing Market Park, Hea-Ryung* and Park, Mi-Ryung Associate Prof., Dept. of Clothing Design, Hanseo University* Assistant Prof., Dept. of Clothing, Mokpo University Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the present state of e-business according to the establishment year and the sales approach of Dongdaemun clothing market and to present problems according to e-business activation of it and its developmental direction. The subjects for this study were selected out of Dongdaemun clothing markets being considered as more fashion-oriented markets and were divided into two categories both according to the establishment year and according to the sales approach. As a result, Dongdaemun clothing markets are mainly divided into traditional wholesale market, eastern wholesale & retail market, and western retail market and having dealings with each other according to the market s characteristics. The utility percentage of on-line e-business according to the establishment year and the sales approach showed that traditional wholesale market was 42%, eastern wholesale & retail market 0.75%, and western retail market 11%. This result indicated that the utility percentage of traditional wholesale market showed much higher than eastern wholesale & retail market and western retail market. This would be because the structural characteristics of clothing market delayed the utility of e-business. For the problems on the utility of on-line e-business through counselling, traditional wholesale market showed much higher than wholesale & retail market and retail market because it had little problems on design imitation in retail market due to export by order and mass production. The problems of low utility of on-line e-business in Dongdaemun clothing market would result from well-timed on-line update according to rapid goods cycle, constant satisfaction for additional order, standardization of size and quality, and inexpensive internet purchase despite of express expense. Key words: Dongdaemun eastern wholesale market( ), e-business( ), Dongdaemun traditional wholesale market( ), Dongdaemun western retail market( ) 125

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