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274 한국문화 73


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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을






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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관



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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로




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현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho


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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T



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아니라 일본 지리지, 수로지 5, 지도 6 등을 함께 검토해야 하지만 여기서는 근대기 일본이 편찬한 조선 지리지와 부속지도만으로 연구대상을 한정하 기로 한다. Ⅱ. 1876~1905년 울릉도 독도 서술의 추이 1. 울릉도 독도 호칭의 혼란과 지도상의 불일치 일본이 조선

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CONTENTS >>> Business World 11 Business Conversations Day 1 I m looking for the convention center 1 I was wondering if you could tell me where the City Hall is 2 Day 2 Do you know the shortest way to the mall? 3 Is this the right road for Woodstock? 4 Day 3 I can t understand where I am on this map 5 I seem to have lost my way 6 Day 4 How far is it from here to the distribution office? 7 How long does it take to get to the Samsung building? 8 Day 5 Do you know how many stops until the exhibition center? 9 Do you happen to know if there is a good restaurant around here? 10 Business Culture Day 6 1. The Longest Undefended Border In the World (1 ~ 3) 11 Day 7 1. The Longest Undefended Border In the World (4 ~ 5) 13 Day 8 2. Let s Get Rid of Sexual Harrassment! (1 ~ 2) 15 Day 9 2. Let's Get Rid of Sexual Harrassment! (3 ~ 5) 18 Day 10 3. Merry Christmas (1 ~ 5) 21

Business World 11 Business Presentation Day 11 1. Emphasizing & Persuading (1) 26 Day 12 1. Actual Expressions 29 Day 13 1. Emphasizing & Persuading (2) 32 Day 14 1. Actual Expressions 35 Day 15 3. Closing the Presentation 38 Business Reading Day 16 Business Reading (2) 43 Day 17 Business Reading (3) 45 CONTENTS >>> Day 18 Business Reading (5) 47 Day 19 Business Reading (8) 49 Day 20 Business Reading (10) 52

DAY01 Business Conversations Asking for Directions I m looking Air for Travel the convention center A: Excuse me, 1) I m looking for 2) the convention center. 3) Could you tell me where it is? B: Sure, just walk down 4) the street and take a right. 5) A: Is it next to 6) the stadium? B: No, it is across 7) the street, next to the post office. A: Thanks a lot for your help. 1. What s the dialog about? 2. How could A get to the convention center? 3. Is the convention center next to the stadium?.1.

Business Conversations I was wondering if you could tell me where the City Hall is A: Hi, I was wondering if you could 1) tell me where the City Hall 2) is. B: Just go three blocks 3) and turn 4) left. A: Is it on the right or left? B: After the left turn, it s on the right. A: Thanks a lot. Have a nice day. 1. Where is A going? 2. How could he get to the City Hall?.2.

DAY02 Business Conversations Do you know the shortest way to the mall? A: Hey Scott, do you know the shortest way 1) to the mall? 2) B: Well, I usually take the highway, 3) but it might not 4) be the fastest way. A: All right. Maybe I ll take my chances 5) and try a new way. B: Good luck. Let me know 6) what you find. A: I will, if I ever return! 7) 1. What happened in the dialog? 2. How does Scott go to the mall? 3. What s the fastest way to get to the mall?.3.

Business Conversations Is this the right road for Woodstock? A: Excuse me, sir. Is this the right road 1) for Woodstock? B: No, this road goes to 2) Albany and then on 3) to Canada. A: Wow, I must 4) be really lost. 5) B: Go back 6) that way for ten minutes and take the road on your left. A: Thanks for your time. 1. Where is A headed? 2. Is he passing through the right road?.4.

DAY03 Business Conversations I can t understand where I am on this map A: Excuse me, I can t understand where I am on this map. Any ideas? 1) B: Well, this is Baker St., 2) which is right here on the map. A: Where is the bank? B: It s over here, 3) three streets from here. A: Thanks. It feels good to 4) know where I am! 1. What s the dialog about? 2. Where is A going to? 3. How far is the bank from Baker St.?.5.

Business Conversations I seem to have lost my way A: Excuse me, I seem to have lost my way. 1) This city is so confusing. 2) B: Where are you trying to 3) go? A: I m looking for the movie theater that is downtown. 4) B: Catch 5) a cab, 6) as it s quite far 7) from here. A: All right. Thanks for your help. 1. Why was A lost? 2. Where is the movie theater located? 3. How could he get there?.6.

DAY04 Business Conversations How far is it from here to the distribution office? A: Jim, how far is it from here to 1) the distribution office? 2) B: Well, I ve walked over here 3) from here. Maybe ten minutes. A: I think I ll drive 4) instead of walking. B: Why is that? A: I have too much to 5) do and no time to 6) do it. 1. Where is B going? 2. How long will he have to walk to get there? 3. Will he drive or walk?.7.

Business Conversations How long does it take to get to the Samsung building? A: Hyoung-ju, how long does it take to 1) get to 2) the Samsung building? B: Probably 3) about an hour or so. 4) A: I thought we were really close! 5) I have a meeting in ten minutes. B: Traffic in Seoul can be a real killer. 6) A: I guess I d better 7) call and reschedule. 8) 1. How far is the Samsung building? 2. What s the traffic like in Seoul?.8.

DAY05 Business Conversations Do you know how many stops until the exhibition center? A:Excuse me, do you know how many stops 1) until the exhibition center? 2) B: I think it s about six stops from here. A: Is this the correct bus to be on? 3) B: Yes, it is. When we get there, I will let you know. 4) A: Thank you very much. 1. What happened in the dialog? 2. Is A on the right road? 3. How far is the exhibition center?.9.

Business Conversations Do you happen to know if there is a good restaurant around here? A: Excuse me, do you happen to know if 1) there is a good restaurant around here? B: Well, you could try going to the food court 2) in the mall. A: Where is that located? 3) B: Walk down this street for five minutes, and you ll see it. A: Okay. I m starved. 4) 1. Is there a good restaurant in the mall? 2. Where can it be found?.10.

DAY06 Business Culture The Longest Undefended Border In the World.11.

Business Culture 1. What was the article about? 2. What is the difference between US and Canada? 3. In what century were they at war with each other? 4. Do they have the largest undefended boarder?.12.

DAY07 Business Culture.13.

Business Culture 1. What was article about? 2. What is Canada s national sport? 3. What is America s national sport? 4. What are the major leagues in America and Canada?.14.

DAY08 Business Culture Let s Get Rid of Sexual Harassment!.15.

Business Culture.16.

1. Who was the article about? 2. What is the huge problem in America? 3. Why do some parents abuse their children? 4. What should a child do if he is a victim of harassment?.17.

DAY09 Business Culture Business Culture.18.


Business Culture 1. What was the article about? 2. When do most sexual harassments happen? 3. Why are there fewer incidents of harassment in America?.20.

DAY10 Business Culture Merry Christmas.21.

Business Culture %ntik.22.


Business Culture.24.

tß%r2ti] 1. What was the article about? 2. When does commercial holiday season begin in America? 3. Why do you think Christmas is a hectic time of the year? 4. How do people spend their Christmas Day?.25.

DAY11 Business PresentationBusiness Culture.26.


Business Presentation 1. What is particularly important is that... = What is particularly important is I d like to emphasize that What I m pointing out is that What I d like to focus on 2. It is no exaggeration to say that... = It is no overstatement to say that It is not overemphasizing to say that 3. I can speak with confidence... = I m quite positive that... I m sure that I insist that I strongly argue that 1. Do you have any questions? 2. Why is it important to give emphasis on your main topic? 3. How does emphasis and persuasion help in establishing your point?.28.

DAY12 Business Presentation.29.

Business Presentation (Most manufacturers may argue ~) (It is no exaggeration to say that ~) (I d like to emphasize ~) (What is particularly important is ~) (It is no exaggeration to say ~) (What is particularly important is ~) (I argue that ~) (Most people may argue that ~) (I insist that ~) (Generally speaking ~).30.

1. It is no exaggeration to say that = It is not an overstatement to say that It is not to overemphasize to say that 2. What is important is = What is necessary is It is crucial to 3. Keep in mind that = Always remember that Be always aware of 1. Did you understand our lesson? 2. Would it help to use these expressions in your future presentation? 3. Do these expressions help a speaker to sound more convincing?.31.

DAY13 Business Presentation.32.


Business Presentation 1. That means = That implies That signifies 2. Brought about = Caused by Because of 3. The green line represents that The graph on the screen shows that We can see from the graph that 4. Is expected to = Is likely to Is more likely to 5. Thanks to = We are grateful with We would like to commend 6. We expect = We re forecasting We re assuming 1. Did you understand our lesson? 2. Which expressions have you often used in your presentations? 3. Can you give other expressions for emphasizing and persuading?.34.

DAY14 Business Presentation.35.

Business Presentation (This means ~) (We should pay attention ~) (We re forecasting ~) (We expect ~) (We re forecasting ~) (We expect ~) (~ brought about ~) (~ thanks to ~) (Am I making myself clear ~) (I wish to draw your attention ~).36.

1. I ll make a brief summary = In a nutshell I ll make a summation 2. We should pay close attention to = We should be keenly aware of It is necessary that we focus on 3. We expect to gather = We anticipate to get We predict to receive 1. Did you understand our article? 2. How can a good choice of words help a speaker during presentations? 3. Do you think you are convincing enough as a speaker?.37.

DAY15 Business Presentation.38.


Business Presentation.40.

(My final topic is ~) (So that concludes my presentation ~) (Before I wrap up my talk ~) (My final topic is ~) (That s all ~) (In closing, I would like to propose ~) (That covers ~) (So, that concludes my talk ~) (I ll briefly summarize~) (That covers ~).41.

Business Presentation 1. Before I finish my talk = Before I wrap up my talk Before I end my talk 2. Let me briefly summarize = Summarizing my points To sum up 3. That were presented = That were shown That were discussed 4. I have covered = Now that we ve covered That covers 5. That s all I have to say = I ve got no more to say It s my final point 6. As I conclude this presentation = I d like to conclude To conclude In closing So, that concludes 7. That brings us to the end of my speech = My final topic is about My final topic is on 1. Did you understand our article? 2. What important points have you learned in today s lesson? 3. Are you ready now to make a complete presentation?.42.

DAY16 Business Reading What Is A Generic Drug? It is a drug manufactured and sold under its common or base chemical name. Are Generic Alternatives Available For All Prescriptions? Not all prescription medications have generic alternatives. It is only after a brand drugs patent has expired that a generic can be introduced to the market. Your Osco/Sav-on pharmacist will inform you if a generic is available for your prescription, and show you how much you can save. Why Should I Use A Generic Drug? The best reason is for the savings. Generic manufacturers do not have the research and development expense associated with bringing a new drug to market; so they are able to produce a generic drug at a substantially lower cost. How Much Can I Save? You can save as much as 50% and more over the brand drug. At Osco/Sav-on, we tell you how much you have saved right on your prescription receipt..43.

Business Reading 1. Did you understand the article? 2. What is a generic drug? 3. When can you buy a generic drug? 4. What s the benefit of buying generic drug? 5. How much can you save?.44.

DAY17 Business Reading The various parts of a glacier move at different rates. Movement of a valley glacier is similar to the flow of a river in that velocities are greater in the center than near the edges. Ordinarily, flow is more rapid in the middle of a glacier than near its head or terminus. The majority of glaciers move only a few centimeters per day. But a vastly different behavior pattern, however, has been exhibited by glaciers in areas of Russia, Iceland, the Alaska Range, and certain other parts of the world. Such glaciers may, after a period of quiescence lasting 10 to 100 years, suddenly begin to move very rapidly as much as five meters per hour. This rapid flow, which continues for only a year or two, causes a sudden depletion of the upper portion of the glacier, which is accompanied by a swelling and advance of its lower part. Ice masses manifesting unusual characteristics of this sort are commonly called surging or galloping glaciers..45.

Business Reading 1. Did you understand the article? 2. Tell me something about the movements of glacier. 3. What is the speed of movement of glacier in some part of the world, such as Russia, Iceland, etc? 4. What is a surging or galloping glacier?.46.

DAY18 Business Reading Madison Square Garden: where history and legends are made! For over 100 years, The Garden has been a centerpiece of New York City, offering the ultimate experience in sports and entertainment. And now, Madison Square Garden invites you to a behind-the-scenes look at what makes it The worlds most famous arena. With over 600 events every year, theres always something exciting to see. Whatever the event, youll get a rare, firsthand glimpse of what goes on. Its the next best thing to a back stage pass! The All Access Tour is your ticket to an insiders view! Its a once-in-alifetime chance to join the golden circle, stand courtside on the Knicks floor, or get behind the glass on Rangers ice. On the All Access Tour, you ll never know who or what youll see. Come feel the excitement! Youll discover why The Garden is not a building, but a state of mind..47.

Business Reading 1. Did you understand the article? 2. Where is Madison Square Garden located? 3. What is it like to watch an event in Madison Square Garden? 4. What is Madison Square Garden commonly called?.48.

DAY19 Business Reading Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is found in foods of animal origin. Vegetables do not contain cholesterol, but some have saturated fatswhich can turn into cholesterol. Cholesterol carried by high density lipoproteins(hdl) remains in the blood until it is eliminated through the colon. HDL is referred to asgood cholesterol. Low density lipoproteins(ldl) carry cholesterol which is deposited in body tissues. This is the bad cholesterolsince it can form fatty streaks in the linings of the arteries. When it accumulates in the arteries, it reduces the flow of blood to the heart and may cause a heart attack or stroke. A simple blood test can determine the cholesterol level in your blood. Ideally, your cholesterol level should be below 200. Levels of 200 to 239 are considered borderline, while levels above 240 are considered high.research has shown that if there is too much cholesterol in your blood, your chances of having a heart attack increase. But theres good news: Cholesterol can be reduced by a prudent diet, regular exercise, and the use of medication. And every time you lower your blood cholesterol level by 1%, you cut your risk of heart attack by 2%. The few basic changes in lifestyle that can make that happen are well worth the effort. If you smoke, quit. Follow a low-fat diet. Avoid foods fried in saturated fat oils. Choose fish or poultry instead of red meat. Remove skin and fat from chicken and other fowl. Snack on fruits and vegetables. Read product labels carefully, and opt for low or no fat products and those that contain no cholesterol. Exercise regularly. Be sure to consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program..49.

Business Reading.50.

1. Did you understand the article? 2. What is HDL? 3. What does LDL stand for? 4. Why is LDL called the bad cholesterol? 5. How would you know the cholesterol level in your body?.51.

DAY20 Business Reading The flu: its been going around for centuries. Originally, the term the fluwas used to describe a single illness: influenza. Throughout history, epidemics of influenza have caused millions of deaths worldwide. Today, the fluis applied to a number of different viral infections that affect either the respiratory system or the stomach. And, while the modern flu bugstill causes a world of misery, it usually leads to no lasting harm if treated quickly and properly. Unfortunately, theres nothing you can do to speed your recovery from the flu. The virus simply has to run its course. There are, however, ways to control the discomfort. Chief among them: Get plenty of bed rest; Drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration. Water and juices are best. Avoid coffee and alcohol. Since the flucaused by influenza is especially dangerous for elderly or high risk patients, they should be reimmunized each season. Vaccines are changed each year to combat the strain that is prevailing..52.

1. Did you understand the article? 2. What is a flu? 3. What are the ways to alleviate the discomfort caused by flu? 4. What should you avoid when you have a flu? 5. What should elderly or high risk patients do to avoid having a flu?.53.