DOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION TOOL STEEL FOR DIE CASTING & HOT STAMPING The ever-faster pace of change necessitates products of ever-higher p

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Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction TOOL STEEL FOR DIE CASTING & HOT STAMPING

DOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION TOOL STEEL FOR DIE CASTING & HOT STAMPING The ever-faster pace of change necessitates products of ever-higher precision. Doosan has the latest technologies and sufficient experience to produce the advanced tool steel satisfying this need. Moreover, the steady enhancement of the industrial productivity will always bring the satisfaction.

DOOSAN TOOL STEELS CONTENTS Characteristics 특징 Mechanical properties 기계적 특성 Thermal properties 열적 특성 Melt-out property 용손 반응 특성 Machinability 기계 가공성 Applications 적용 사례 04 06 08 09 10 11 03

DOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS 특징 1. Higher resistance to catastrophic crack propagation due to excellent toughness 인성이 우수하여 금형의 대형균열 발생 억제 2. Easiness for manufacturing the complex molds due to higher machinability STD 61 대비 기계가공성이 우수하여 금형 제작 용이 3. Good resistance to heat crack with higher thermal conductivity 우수한 열전도율로 내 heat crack 성 우수 4. Extended mold life due to higher resistance to softening 연화 저항성이 우수하여 금형 수명 증대 Comparison of Properties 특성 비교 Toughness 인성 High Temp. Strength 고온강도 Heat crack resistance 내 heat crack 성 Machinability 기계가공성 Excellent > > poor Chemical Compositions 화학성분 C Mn Cr Mo Si V Others 0.35~0.45 <0.50 4.5~5.5 1.0~1.5 adjusted (Unit: wt.%)

DOOSAN TOOL STEELS Heat treatment 열처리 Annealing 1) Quenching Tempering 800~900 C 1000~1050 C 550~650 C 1) Max. hardness(hb) of as annealed material : 229 Heat treatment cycle 열처리 조건 Micro-structure 미세 조직 Temperature( C) 1200 1000 800 600 2nd Preheat (700~800 C) Austenitizing 1000~1050 C High Pressure gas cooling 1st Tempering 550~650 C 2nd Tempering 550~650 C As annealed STD 61 40μm 40μm 400 200 1st Preheat (500~600 C) Air cooling Air cooling Quenching, Tempered 0 80~100 C Time 40μm 40μm Continuous cooling transformation curves 연속 냉각 변태 Quenching Temperature : 1030 C Temperature( C) 1000 900 800 700 100( C/sec) 10 5 1 0.5 Cooling speed 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.2 0.1 Pearlite 600 500 400 300 200 100 Ms Mf Bs Bf 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Time (sec.) 05

DOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 기계적 특성 Quenched & tempered hardness 소입 & 소려 경도 Tensile properties vs. Hardness 인장특성 vs 경도 Hardness (HRc) 60 50 40 Quenching Temp. Strength (MPa) 2200 2000 1800 1600 TS YS EL 30 25 20 15 10 Elongation (%) 30 1030 C 1000 C 950 C 1400 1200 5 0 20 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Tempering temperature( C) 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 Hardness (HRc) Tensile properties vs. Test temperature 고온인장 특성 Strength (MPa) 1600 1400 1200 1000 Hardness st 25 C : 47HRc EL & RA (%) 100 80 EL RA 800 60 600 400 200 TS YS 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature( C) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature( C) Resistance to softening at elevated temp. (650 ) 고온 연화 저항성 Hardness (HRc) 45 40 35 30 25 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 Compressive Strength (MPa) 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 Compression up to 50%(0.1s -1 ) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Absrobed energy (J/cm2) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 2mm U-notch Charpy impact test Longitudinal direction 0 10 20 30 40 50 Exposure time at 650 C (hr) Exposure time at 650 C (hr) Exposure time at 650 C (hr)

DOOSAN TOOL STEELS Fatigue property at room temperature 피로 특성 Low cycle fatigue 저주기 피로 High cycle fatigue 고주기 피로 1.3 Total strain range (%) 1.2 1.1 1.0 Applied Stress (MPa) 1000 900 0.9 800 0.8 700 0.7 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 Number of cycles to fracture Number of cycles to Failure Charpy impact test 2U mm notch, 충격 특성 Absorbed energy vs. Temp. 충격 흡수 에너지 vs. 온도 Impact toughness isotropy 충격 인성 등방 성 비교 Index of Charpy impact value 1) 2mm U-notch Charpy impact test(longitudinal direction) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Index of Charpy impact value 1) 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 2mm U-notch Charpy impact test at room temp. L T L : Longitudinal direction T : Transverse direction L T 1 Hardness : 45HRc 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Test temperature( C) 0.0 1) Normalizing the absorbed energy of (Longitudinal direction) as to 1 07

DOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION THERMAL PROPERTIES 열적 특성 Physical properties 기본 물성 Thermal expansion coefficient 열팽창계수 (x10-6 / C) Thermal conductivity 열전도 (W/mK) 200 C 400 C 600 C 25 C 200 C 400 C 600 C Young's modulus 영율 (GPa) 12.8 13.5 14.2 29.5 31.7 31.9 31.6 216 11.6 12.5 13.2 24.0 26.5 28.2 28.9 200 Heat crack property 열피로 특성 Heating Temp. : 600-700 High frequency heating machine Quenching Machine Heating Coil Nozzle spraying water Heating Water cooling Specimen Specimen Sample : 50x50x30, mm 14sec 1 cycle 35sec Heat crack test 열 피로 시험 Material 소재 Sectional crack shapes after test cycle 열 피로 시험 후 단면 관찰 Maximum crack length 최대 균열 깊이 Test condition 시험조건 66 μm 100μm High frequency (1000 cycles) heating up to 650 and cooling. 100 μm 고주기 열 피로 시험 : 650 까지 가열 후 냉각, 1000회 반복 100μm

DOOSAN TOOL STEELS MELT-OUT PROPERTY 용손 반응 특성 Immersion test 침지 실험 1 mm distance The data taken 10 times Graphite Crucible Thermocouple (k-type) 700±2 4 mm Heater specimen Sealed by refractory material (super-3000) Specimen Material 소재 Melt-out reaction layer observation 용손 반응 층 관찰 Immersion test 침지 시험 Mean melt-out depth 평균 용손 깊이 Test condition 시험조건 280 μm 800μm Measured with intervals of 1mm distance In molten Al alloy at 700oC for up to 43hrs 700 에서 용융 Al 합금에서 43시간 동안 침지 후 1mm 400 μm 간격으로 측정 800μm 09

DOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION MACHINABILITY 기계 가공성 Machinability test Product shape for the machining test Tool steel (480X290X320 mm 3 ) Material 소재 Wear loss 마모량 Chip 칩 Machining condition 가공조건 0.2 mm Rough Machining with CNT- MCT using Ø63F (R3.0), 4 edge DIJET DIJET 공구를 사용하여 CNT-MCT 장비로 황삭 가공 0.5 mm Machining time : 6hrs (6시간 동안 가공)

DOOSAN TOOL STEELS APPLICATIONS 적용 사례 Applications for die casting 다이캐스팅 금형 적용 사례 Timing chain cover 타이밍 체인 카바 Mold Product As assembled Auto transmission housing 자동 변속기 부품 Mold Product As assembled Applications for hot stamping 열간 프레스 성형 금형 적용 사례 Center piller for car body 차체용 센타필러 Mold Product 11

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction 창원본사 (HEAD OFFICE AND CHANGWON PLANT) 우편번호 642-792 경상남도 창원시 성산구 두산볼보로 22 Mail Code 642-792 22 DoosanVolvo-ro, Seongsan-Gu, Changwon, Gyeongnam Korea Tel. 82-55-278-6114, 7114 Fax. 82-55-264-5551~2 서울사무소 (SEOUL OFFICE) 우편번호 137-920 서울시 서초구 강남대로 465 Mail Code 137-920 465 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-Gu, Seoul Korea Tel. 82-2-513-6114 Fax. 82-2-513-6200