STARS JAM with FAM MONTH OF MARCH MV: Colossians 3:1-2 Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven,

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STARS JAM with FAM MONTH OF MARCH MV: Colossians 3:1-2 Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place oh honor at God s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. SUNDAY. March 14, 2021 Read: Proverbs 14 (NLT) Jessica started crying again. It had been so hard to move away from all her friends. Now she didn't know anyone. There was no one to talk to about how miserable she felt. Even when her dad brought her home a brand new stuffed bear, it didn't cheer her up for very long. She didn't even have anyone she could call to tell them about it. So now she sat on her bed, flipping through her Bible. "Please God, I need help right now. Show me something to get me through this." Suddenly she remembered a verse she had learned in Sunday school. She turned to the book of Jeremiah after finding it in her index. In chapter 31, verse 3, she found these words, "And from far away the Lord appeared to his people. He said, 'I love you people with a love that will last forever. I became your friend because of my love and kindness."' Jessica closed her Bible breathing these words, "Thank you, Lord. That will get me through." TALK TIME: Read verse 10 together. Who is the only one who can really understand our sadness? Why does it help to know that God understands and cares? SUNDAY. March 14, 2021 Read: 잠언 14장제시카는다시울기시작했습니다. 제시카는친구들과떨어지고싶지않았기때문입니다. 이사한후에그녀는아는사람이아무도없었습니다. 그녀의슬픈상황에대해서말을할사람도없었습니다. 아버지가곰인형을새로사주셨지만제시카에게는도움이되지않았습니다. 전화통화를할수있는사람도없었습니다. 그래서제시카는침대에앉아서성경을펼치고읽기시작했습니다. 하나님, 저를도와주세요. 제문제를해결할수있는도움을주세요. 라고기도를했습니다. 그러자갑자기제시카는주일학교에서배운성경말씀을기억했습니다. 목차에서예레미야서를찾은후예레미야 31장 3절을찾았습니다. 옛적에여호와께서나에게나타나사내가영원한사랑으로너를사랑하기에인자함으로너를이끌었다하였노라. 제시카는 감사합니다. 예수님, 이말씀이제게큰위로가되었어요. 라는말을하면서성경을닫았습니다. 10절을함께읽어보겠습니다. 우리의슬픔을진정으로이해할수있는유일한사람은누구일까요? 하나님게서이해하고관심을기울이신다는것을아는것이왜동움이되나요?

MONDAY. MARCH 15, 2021 Read: Proverbs 15 (NLT) Ted kept looking at the video games. He wanted the new one that just came out but he didn't have forty dollars to buy it. The shopkeeper was busy with another customer. Who would know? He slipped the game into his jacket and walked out of the store. Russ knew that Harvey didn't have any money to buy lunch with at school that day. He wanted to help him out without embarrassing him so he slipped some money into his locker when he wasn't looking. Harvey ate a good lunch that day but he never knew who to thank for it. Why does it seem like people who do wrong sometimes get away with it? And people who are good often receive no credit for their good deeds? It may seem uneven but our proverb says, Verse 3 says, "The Lord's eyes see everything that happens. He watches both evil and good people." We need to remember that all punishment and rewards are not given right away. We may have to wait until we meet God but nothing goes unnoticed by Him. It matters what we do. TALK TIME: What difference does it make in our behavior that God always is watching us? MONDAY. MARCH 15, 2021 Read: 잠언 15장테드는비디오게임을계속바라보았습니다. 사고싶었던새로운게임이새로나왔는데도 40달러가없었기때문에살수가없었습니다. 그런데가게주인은다른손님을응대하느라바빴습니다. 누가알까요? 테드는게임을재킷에몰래넣고가게를나갔습니다. 러스는하비가그날학교에서점심을살돈이없다는것을알게되었습니다. 러스는하비가알지못하게도움을주고싶어서하비의사물함에약간의돈을넣어두었습니다. 하비는그날맛있는점심을먹게되었지만누구에게감사해야할지몰랐습니다. 왜잘못을저지르는사람들은가끔씩그들의잘못을슬그머니넘어가는것처럼보일까요? 그리고선한사람들은가끔씩그들의선행에대해칭찬을받지못하나요? 불공평한것처럼보일지도모르겠지만잠언 15장 3절에서는, 여호와의눈은어디서든지악인과선인을감찰하시느니라 라고말합니다. 우리는모든벌과보상이즉시이루어지지않는다는것을기억해야합니다. 우리는하나님을만날때까지기다려야할지도모르지만하나님께서는모르시는것이없습니다. 우리가지금하는일이중요합니다. 하나님께서항상우리를지켜보고계시다는것은우리의행동에어떤차이를가져다줄까요? How can knowing that He is watching make us feel better?

TUESDAY. March 16, 2021 Read: Proverbs 16 (NLT) TUESDAY. March 16, 2021 Read: 잠언 16 장 Dan was a thoughtful person. Everyone who knew him respected him. They knew that what he had to say was worthwhile. As a result, whenever they had a problem they would come to Dan for advice. He always counseled them wisely, being careful to pray for wisdom and to stick to the instruction he had learned in God's Word. The words that came out of his mouth were a result of the good things Jesus Christ had done in his life. Verse 23 says, "A wise person's mind tells him what to say. This helps him to teach others better." We need to be training our minds to think correctly. God would like to use us all to teach others in His way. Only as we learn His way ourselves will we be able to do this TALK TIME: Why do we need to be wise before we can teach others? Where do we find such wisdom? 저는댄은사려깊은사람이었습니다. 그를아는모든사람들이그를존경했습니다. 사람들은댄이말하는것들이가치가있다는것을알고있었습니다. 사람들은문제가생길때마다댄에게조언을구했습니다. 댄은지혜를구하기위해서기도하고하나님의말씀에서배운가르침에충실하려고조심스럽고또현명하게조언하려고노력했습니다. 댄이하는말들은예수님께서그의삶에행하시는선한일의결과였습니다. 23절말씀은말합니다. 지혜로운자의마음은그의입을슬기롭게하고또그의입술에지식을더하느니라. 우리는올바르게생각하도록우리의마음을훈련시켜야합니다. 하나님은우리모두를사용하셔서다른사람들을그분의방식으로가르치기를원하십니다. 우리들이예수님의길을배울때에만우리는하나님의방법으로다른사람에게알려줄수있습니다. 다른사람을가르치기전에우리는왜현명해져야할까요? 그러한지혜를어디서찾을수있나요?

WEDNESDAY. March 17, 2021 Read: Proverbs 17 (NLT) "Guess what I found out," Lara asked with a wicked grin on her face. Jeanette just looked back at her without answering. Lara continued, "Nina is going to flunk this year. I think it serves her right and I'm going to make sure everyone knows about it." "Don't you dare, Lara!" Jeanette answered sternly. "Poor Nina. Her dad lost his job this year and her mother has been working doubletime to make ends meet. It has been a terrible year for her. No wonder she has had trouble in school." Lara threw her head back and laughed. "Big deal. I've got juicy news and I'm not keeping it to myself." Jeanette shook her head as she looked at Lara. "Someday it will be you who is in trouble, Lara, and no one is going to care." WEDNESDAY. March 17, 2021 Read: 잠언 17 장 내가뭘알아냈는지맞춰봐. 라라는얼굴에사악한미소를지으며물어보았습니다. 제네트는답하지않고라라를바라보았습니다. 라라는 올해니나는분명히낙제할거같아. 니나는그런결과를받는게당연해. 또내가다른모든사람들이알도록소문을낼거야. 라고말했습니다. 그러지마, 라라! 제네트는단호하게대답했습니다. 불쌍한니나. 니나의아버지는올해직장을그만두셨고어머니는생계를유지하기위해두배로일하고있어. 니나에겐정말끔찍한한해였을거야. 학교에서문제가생기는것도당연하지. 라라는고개를뒤로젖히며웃었습니다. 그게뭔대수라고. 나는이흥미진진한뉴스를다른사람들이알게할거야. 지네트는라라를바라보며고개를저었습니다. 언젠가는너도힘들게될때가있을거야, 라라. 그때가되면아무도신경을쓰지않을거야. 5절을소리내어읽으세요. 가난하고힘든사람들을놀리는것이왜하나님을모욕하는것일까요? TALK TIME: (focus on verse 4) 다른사람의문제를비웃는것은왜잘못일까요? Read verse 5 aloud. Why do we insult God if we make fun of the poor? Why is it wrong to laugh at other s trouble?

THURSDAY. March 18, 2021 Read: Proverbs 18 (NLT) Mom heard Bev and Amy at it again. From the bedroom which they shared, she could hear their voices raised in anger. Soon Amy came stomping out, slamming the door behind her. "Mom, I can't take her anymore. Do you know what she did now? She broke the new figurine Grandma gave me. It was special to me and she did it just to make me mad. How can she be so mean?" Amy was now crying and obviously upset. Mom felt angry at Bev. It did seem that she often tried to make Amy mad but this was the last straw. She went into their room and challenged Bev. "Why did you break your sister's figurine? I can't believe you would do that." Bev looked up at her mom with tears rolling down her face. "I feel awful, Mom. Amy wouldn't let me finish telling her. I know I've been mean to her lately so I thought I would surprise her by cleaning up our room. When I was rearranging the dresser, the figurine broke. I'm so sorry." Mother took Bev in her arms and called Amy into the room TALK TIME: Read verse 17 again. Why should we always be careful to hear the other person s side of a story? What happens if we only hear one side of a story? How would this story have been different if Amy had listened to Bev? THURSDAY. March 18, 2021 Read: 잠언 18 장엄마는베브와에이미가또싸우는소리를들었습니다. 그들이함께쓰는방에서화가잔뜩난아이들의소리를듣게되었습니다. 곧에이미가쿵쾅거리며엄마방의문을두드렸습니다. 엄마! 더이상못참겠어요! 베브가무엇을했는지아세요? 할머니가저에게주신새조각상을깨뜨렸다구요! 저에게정말소중했던물건인데그냥저를화나게하려고깨뜨린거에요! 어떻게그렇게못되게구는지모르겠어요! 에이미는울기시작했고많이화가났습니다. 엄마는베브에게화가났습니다. 베브는에이미를화나게하려고한적이여러번있었지만이번일은선을넘었기때문입니다. 엄마는아이들의방으로들어가서베브에게말했습니다. 왜언니의조각상을깨뜨렸니? 네가그렇게한사실을믿을수가없구나. 베브는눈물을흘리며엄마를올려다보았습니다. 엄마, 저속상해요. 에이미는제말을끝까지듣지도않았어요. 최근에우리가다툰일로사이가안좋았지만방을치우면에이미와화해할수있을거라고생각했어요. 그래서옷장을정리하다가 새조각상이깨졌어요. 정말죄송해요. 엄마는베브를품에안고에이미를방으로불렀습니다. 17절을다시읽어보세요. 왜우리는항상상대방의이야기를듣도록주의해야할까요? 이야기의한쪽만들으면어떻게되나요? 에이미가베브의말을들었다면이야기는어떻게달라졌을까요?

FRIDAY. March 19, 2021 Read: Proverbs 19 (NLT) The Johnsons lived next to a four-year-old boy named Leo. Leo loved to visit the Johnsons because they had a boy his age. These visits usually went well unless Leo couldn't have a toy he wanted. One day, he threw a fit over a toy his friend wouldn't give him. Leo became so angry that he broke his friend's toy in two rather than give it back. At this point Mrs. Johnson made Leo go home. He went home in tears and his mother called Mrs. Johnson, angry with her. Even after Mrs. Johnson told her what happened, she stuck up for her son. Sadly, Leo's mother was helping him to destroy himself. Even though she thought she loved him a great deal, she was teaching him that he could always have his way. He would grow up to be a selfish, disagreeable individual. V18 "Correct your son while there is still hope. Do not help him destroy himself." TALK TIME: (focus on verse 4) Why do we all need to be corrected/disciplined? How is it like putting us to death or destroying us if we are not corrected? FRIDAY. March 19, 2021 Read: 잠언 19 장존슨즈는레오라는 4살짜리소년옆집에살았습니다. 레오는또래친구인존슨즈가집에오는것을좋아했습니다. 레오가가지고놀고싶어하는장난감이없을때는좋은만남을가질수있었습니다. 어느날은친구가장난감을주지않자레오가거칠게움직였습니다. 레오는너무화가나서친구의장난감을돌려주지않고두조각으로만들어버렸습니다. 그러자친구의어머니는레오가집으로돌아가도록하셨습니다. 레오는눈물을흘리며집으로돌아갔고레오의어머니는화가나서친구의어머니에게전화를걸었습니다. 존슨즈부인에게사정설명을듣고레오의어머니는그녀에게레오에대해서자랑했습니다. 슬프게도레오의어머니는레오가망가지는것을도와주고있었습니다. 그녀는그녀가레오를아주많이사랑한다고생각했지만, 그녀는레오가이기적이고자신만생각하는아이로성장하도록돕고있었습니다. 18절 네가네아들에게희망이있은즉그를징계하되죽일마음은두지말지니라 왜우리는모두징계를받아야할까요? 우리의잘못으로징계를받아고쳐지지않는다면우리를죽이거나망가뜨리는것은무엇일까요?

SATURDAY. March 20, 2021 Read: Proverbs 20 (NLT) "I'm sure glad I'm not like that stuck-up Edna next door," Vivian exclaimed as she slammed the front door. "I waved to her and she never paid any attention to me. She thinks she's too good for the rest of us. I would never act like that to anyone." "Well, Vivian," her mother replied gently, "I seem to remember a time last week when you wouldn't let your sister even come into your room to say hi to the friend you had over. Was that so different?" "Of course, it's different. She's a pest." "Your sister doesn't see it as any different. She was just as hurt by your action as you were by Edna's." "I don't care! It's just not the same!" Verse 9 says, "No one can ever say, 'I am innocent. I have never done anything wrong."' If we are honest with ourselves, we will realize that we are no better than the next person is. We all need a savior to deliver us from our sins. Have you accepted Jesus Christ's forgiveness for your sins? TALK TIME: Why are none of us innocent? SATURDAY. March 20, 2021 Read: 잠언 20 장비비안이현관문을쾅닫으면서말했습니다. 내가옆집에에드나처럼잘난척하는사람이아니라다행이에요. 내가인사했는데나를쳐다보지도않았어요. 우리보다더잘났다고생각해서그런거겠죠. 나는따른사람들한테절대로그렇게하지않을거에요. 글쎄, 비비안 엄마가부드럽게말했습니다. 엄마기억에는놀러온친구한테동생이네방에들어가서인사도못하게했던거같은데. 에드나의행동과너의행동이무엇이다르다고생각하니? 당연히다르지요! 동생은귀찮게굴잖아요! 네동생은그렇게생각하지않던걸. 에드나에게네가상처받은것처럼, 동생도너의행동에상처를받았단다. 상관없어요! 그냥다른거에요! 잠언 20장 9절은 내가내마음을정하게하였다내죄를깨끗게하였다할자가누구냐 라고말합니다. 우리자신을정직하게본다면, 우리도다른사람들보다나을것이없다는것을깨닫게될것입니다. 우리모두는우리를죄에서구원할구원자가필요합니다. 여러분은여러분의죄를용서해주시는예수그리스도를믿나요? 우리중에그누구도깨끗하지않은이유는무엇일까요? 어떻게하면우리의죄를없앨수있나요? How can we get rid of our sin?