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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp DOI: A Study on the Opti


9. LBS-II LBS2.0 Mobile Computing Lecture 2012. 11. 30 안병익(biahn99@gmail.com)

Location Based Service LBS Concept LBS Market & Biz LDT LBS Platform LBS Standards & Law LBS Case LBS 2.0 SN-LBS SeeOn/4Square/Gowalla Future of LBS 2

Current Popular Features Have Deep Consumer Roots 3 Source: Location Based Services by QUALCOMM, 2008

Global LBS Market Trends 4 Source: Location Based Services by QUALCOMM, 2008

Location Technology Improvements 5 Source: Location Based Services by QUALCOMM, 2008

Consumer Experience 6 Source: Location Based Services by QUALCOMM, 2008

Time Line Progression of LBS 2012 2010 2008 2005 2002 7 Source: Location Based Services by QUALCOMM, 2008

Services Offered Today 8 Source: Location Based Services by QUALCOMM, 2008

Services Up and Coming 9 Source: Location Based Services by QUALCOMM, 2008

LBS Evolution LBS features and supporting services Introduction of finder LBSs Restaurants Filling stations ATMs First Child tracking services First locationbased Mobile gaming Google launches GoogleMaps Integration of location data into social network services Locationbased dating Merging of outdoor and indoor LBS applications Applicationoriented LBSs First commercial Proactive LBSs 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 FCC passed E- 911 mandate Key technologies & activities Deadline phase 1 of E-911 Introduction of 3G networks First commercial WLAN fingerprinting systems Emergence of RFID First handset Supporting Java Location API Mass market penetration of GPScapable mobiles Deadline phase 2 of E-911 Introduction of Android handset First GPS capable iphone GPS works indoors Emergence of common middleware for proactive, crossreferencing, and multitarget LBSs Launch of Galileo New middleware features for spam avoidance and privacy preservation Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

LBS Evolution community orientation crossreferencing multi-target self-referencing single-target reactive operator-centric positioning content-oriented device-centric positioning application-oriented user centrality proactive proactivity degree Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

LBS 1.0 Content-Centric Current LBSs are content-oriented and lack the logic necessary for user interactivity (no user models captured in the service) Content could be boring! And has limited impact as compared to interactions Content-centricity was not by choice, it was more of a constraint. Downloading content was what is available, and was challenging enough (e.g. WAP performance) Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

LBS 1.0 Precision of the Localization subsystem Cellular triangulation useful for some applications but inadequate for others. On-board GPS (e.g., Assisted GPS) offers better accuracy, but does not work indoor. Locate nearest Pizza place! era of LBS Does not need accuracy Outdoor! Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

LBS 1.0 Telecom-centric Localization data owned by Telco; location based information provided by telco; telco partners with other content providers (such as Verizon and Microsoft MSN never took off, even with a massive publicity campaign). The centricity and encumbrance by telecom proved to be non-scalable and actually an impedance to the much-anticipated proliferation of the elegant LBS concept Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

The First Fix: From Content to Applications Redefining LBS to be a framework not an application. As an application, LBS, gets a location, passes it to an authoritative server (@telco), and then delivers back location relevant information to the target. This is one application very limiting. As a framework, LBS gets a location, passes it to servers owned or provided by participating businesses (small, medium, large, from any industry imaginable), and then delivers back location relevant services (applications) to the target. This is unlimited number of applications. This is very flexible and exciting! 15 Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

The Second Fix: Enable Indoor Localization More investment in indoor localization technology. Standardizations Solve Privacy issues Bluetooth Example: Through the creation of a new Legalized Snooping profile Snoop protocol Pay customer to snoop Access to customer profile On the fly tailored applications Other possibilities: Ultra wideband, or even licensed frequencies. 16 Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

The Third Fix Alter LBS Business Model Telco to sell and profit from basic services only (data pipe, SMS pipe,..and perhaps application pipe in the future). Telco no longer define LBS. Empower small, medium and large size businesses to transact LBS directly with end users. Any business should be allowed to participate and offer LBS. A business should be able to develop LBSlets using simple LBS development kits. Businesses can host their own LBSs either directly or through a web hosting service. User to own and sell his/her LBS user profile. 17 Source: Dr. Sumi Helal, University of Florida

Context of use of an LBS 18 Source: METIS Seminar, 2007

스마트폰 사용자들의 주요 활동 Location Proximity + Social Graph 위치기반 SNS 19 19

Location App Store : 34% Android Market : 28% Mash Up Contents : 39% 20

21 LBS Evolution

22 Opportunity of LBS

23 Mobile location-based services to more than $12.7 billion by 2014, according to Juniper Research - Sales of Apps - Mobile Ad tied with apps One of every 5 searches is location related 23

The Social Media Universe is Expanding 800 MM+ monthly active users 15MM+ users 800MM+ monthly users visit site 15MM+ users 232MM+ monthly active user s 230MM+ users 6MM+ users 2MM+ users 135MM+ users 2MM+ users 115MM+ subscribers 2MM+ users 62MM+ users 1.5MM+ users 51MM+ users 500K+ users 20MM+ blogs 100K+ users Source: Estebancontreras, The State of Social Media Marketing Source: Official and Estimated statistics. Facebook, YouTube, Zynga, Twitter, LinkedIn, Groupon, Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, Foursquare, Pinterest, sc vngr, Path, Google+

NEXT SNS? Facebook, Twitter

Check-In Services (LBSNS : Location based SNS) The Times : 2010 년 이후에는 아마도 체크인 (Check in)이 웹에서 가장 많이 사용되는 단어 가 될 것! RWW(ReadWriteWeb) : 위치 가 플랫폼이 되 는 시대가 도래했다.(The Era of Location-As- Platform Has Arrived) 페이스북(Facebook)과 트위터가 사용자가 무 엇을 하고 있는지(what you re doing)에 관심 을 쏟고 있는 동안, 체크인 서비스는 사용자가 어디서 무엇을 하고 있는지(where you re doing it)와 사용자가 체크인하는 것에 대해 어 떻게 보상을 다르게 할 것인지에 대해 주목! 26

LBSNS : Print(Check-In) 27 스페인-알타미라 동굴 벽화 27

LBSNS : Gamification(Battle Ground) 28 28

LBSNS : Near Communications(SNS) 29 29

30 30

Gamification FUN 31

32 32

33 33

34 34

Foursquare? 공놀이 중에 사각형 코트를 그려서 공을 튕기고 받는 놀이가 바로 Four Square라고 합니다. 포스퀘어(Foursquare)는 구글이 2005년에 인수한(지금은 유명무실한) 소셜네트워킹서비스(SNS)인 닷지볼(Dodgeball)창업자 Dennis Crowley가 구글에서 다시 나와서 2009년 3월에 창업해서 만든 서비스 로, SNS와 위치정보가 결합된 서비스 이 서비스는 특정 장소에 활발한 활동을 하는 사람에게 시장(mayor)의 지위를 부여하고 활동에 대한 보상차원에서 뱃지를 부여하는 등 소셜 게임(Social Game)의 요소까지 포함 35


Foursquare의 가치는? 야후,16명 벤처기업 포스퀘어 인수 1200억원 제의 37

38 Gowalla

Gowalla 포스퀘어와 비교적 흡사 Trip은 체크인한 곳의 연결된 개념 투어 Stamp는 포스퀘어의 히스토리 개념 Passport 는 마이페이지 39

40 40

SeeOn 3,600,000 People use SeeOn Service 41

Story & Place 42 Ahem, Bubble, View, Sync to SNS

43 SeeOn Concept May, 2010

SeeOn - July, 2010 44

4 Social Graph 지인 vs 비( 非 )지인 F A A F : friend relationships f : following relationships A: region relationships : People : POI A F f f f f

SeeOn Principle! Socialization Gamification User Participation Venue/Info/Photo Collaborative Tip/Near By Info./Review Collective Intelligence Reputation Fun Captain/Cap/Level Incentive Special Offers/Discount Social Graph Sharing Connectivity Gratification Special Offers Discount Commerce Fun Interactive (Collaborate) Location Aware 46

47 SeeOn HOT Place


Yelp NASDAQ Market Cap : 1.6B$ Monthly Visit Users : 70M - 총 리뷰수 : 2,500만개 (2012년 4월 기준) 러셀시몬스, 제러미소토펠만 - 최초의 사용자 리뷰기반 서비스 엘리트 등급을 부여하여 충성 고객 생성 체크인 서비스와 옐프딜 과 같은 소셜커머스서비스 도 입 50

Yelp 2004년 PayPal 출신들에 의해 창업 현재 직원수 200명 LBS 기반 서비스 중 가장 인지도가 높음 장소(레스토랑,바,커피숍 등)에 대한 비즈니스 평가 및 리뷰 서비스 2009년 약 3천만달러 수익 2010년 약 5천만달러 수익 가장 인지도가 높다고함 2009년말 구글이 5억달러 인수 제안 했으나 거절한 것으로 알려져 있음 총 $56M 펀딩 받음 51

Local Commerce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imnewcg0d80 52 52




브랜드 마케팅의 고민 커뮤니케이션 매체의 다양성 기존 미디어 : 투자대비 효과 미비 고객 관리 중요성 충성도 높은 고객 확대 SNS 마케팅? 소셜커머스? 스마트폰/모바일 활용? 블로그, 검색광고, SNS 등 시도 --> 전달력 부족 --> 고객들도 광고인줄 인식 56 56

LBSNS 마케팅 SoLoMo: 즉각적이고 실질적인 On&Off-line 결합 Serendipity & Loyalty 사용자 입장에서 방문가능한 실질 가능한 혜택으로 거부반응이 적음 확산(SNS 내외부 SNS 통한 WOM) 타깃 마케팅 :비용 대비 고효율 새로운 고객 발굴하고 지속적인 소통이 가능 브랜드 경험하고 그 경험이 지속적으로 소셜그라프를 통해 전파 가능 실제 생활과 밀접한 정보 전달 가능 Gamification : 지속적인 참여 유도 Coverage Experience Exposure Contact Serendipity Empathy 57 57

Commerce with LBSNS Platform Check-in Special - Discounts for Checkins Captain Special Checkin Royalty Stamp - Daily Checkins Creating Event-Specific Places Places Leaders Boards Listing, Coupons Near by Events Admin. Supports Statistics Reports User s Review Like(follow) 5

SoLoMo Market Korea ecommerce Market : 24B$ SoLoMo Market : 8B$(E) 5

LBS + Social Services Future 해외:4square/Gowalla/Yelp 국내:SeeOn/I min Twitter : GEO API 인수 FB : Location Services 접목 강화, 고왈라인수 Google Latitude Urbanspoon, CauseWorld, AroundMe, Moximity, Where, Limbo!, Gypsii, CitySense, Mobiluck, Plazes, Google Latitute, ipling 위치정보 = 모바일에서 가장 중요한 자산 Social Property 와 Locational Proximity 결합 Mobile Context 기반 Social Service 강화 60

SoLoMo 에서의 Commerce E-commerce (Commerce 2.0) Smart-commerce (Commerce 3.0) LBS + Commerce 오픈마켓, 정보중심 Longtail 이성적,합리적 On-Line 소셜미디어 개인맞춤형 감성적, 즉시성 On-Line +Off-Line 투명성(실시간) 소셜커머스 개인맞춤형광고 Location/Local 신뢰마케팅 61 61

Mobile Revolutionizing Commerce Location-Based Services - Enable real-time physical retail / service opportunities Transparent Pricing - Instant local + online price comparison could disrupt retailers Discounted Offers - Deep discounts drive foot traffic to local retailers Immediate Gratification - OTA (over-the-air) instant digital product + content delivery Source - 2011 Top Mobile Internet Trend by Mary Meeker 62 62

Real-Time Social Features Accelerating Mobile Usage Growth Location + Sharing Communication + Sharing SeeOn KAKAO me2day facebook Mobile - Built in Friend Connectivity, Share, Virality Source - 2011 Top Mobile Internet Trend by Mary Meeker 63 63

Social Analytics 64 Source : http://jmharkonen.wordpress.com