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(2005) ,,.,..,,..,.,,,,,


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애니메이션 <라이온 킹>의 미국적 이데올로기 - 이미지 분석을 중심으로 - animation,. animal,, anima. 1).,.,. *. 1). 5 (Altamira)..

,. (Norman Mclaren), 2)... 21.,,,,. 3D., (Lev Manovich, ). 3) 2) Charles Solomon, "Animation: Notes on d Definition", The Art of the Animated Image, An Anthology, The American Film Institute, 1987, p.11 : Animation is not the art of drawing-that-move, but rather the art of movement-that-are-drawn. What happens between each frames is more important than what happens on each frame";,,, 2005, 77. 3) Lev Manovich, The Language of new media,,,, 2004, 379. 114 31

.., Window effect.,,. 3H(High cost, High risk, High-return). 4). 4,500 Lion King 1994 (, ), 7 8. 1 OSMU. One Source,, Multi Use 40. OST, 4) 20-30fps (frames per second). 200~300.,, 3H. 115

. 5)..,..,,, Fairy Tail. 6) 5) 3,700. 2,900 (Michael Joseph Jackson, 1958-2009) Thriller (1982).. ( ) 7 8 6 11 5,500 x 20(95 12 ) 3 96 3,, 10 96 OST - 1,500 - - 6) 90 (1990), (1991), (1992), (1994). 116 31

.. ( 天 心 ).. The Little Mermaid (1990), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992). 7), Shimba ( ),,,,. 7) (William Shakespeare, 1564~1616; ) (Hamlet). (, 1928~ 1989; ) 1965 (Leo the Lion). 117

.,,..,,,...... ( ),,,.. (Pride Rock),. 118 31

. [ ] ( ).. (Circle of Life). / / / / / /. 8) Shimba( 8) It's the circle of life/and it moves us all/through despair and hope/through faith and love/till we find our place/on the path unwinding/in the circle/the circle of life. The Lion King,, 1994. 119

),. ( ),. Lafiki( ) ( ), ( ), ( ).,..... 120 31

....,,,.,.... 121

...,,...,,..... 122 31

.......,. 3.,... 123

. (He lives in you),..... (I'm very disappointed you). (He's alive).. 124 31

..?.... (You have for- gotten me... you have forgotten who you are, and so forgotten me). (Remember who you are),! (No, please, don't leave me)..,,.,,.,., 125

., (Orientalism)..,.,..,..,. Mexican American African American.. [ 1],, 126 31

.... 9)..,..,,.,,,,..,,, 9).,.,.,,. 127

,..... ( )...( )... 128 31

.,... ( ).,,... ( ).., 129

....,,.,,.... Lion King. lion. lion king lion king. lion. lion king Lion King. Lion Shimba Lion King 130 31

lion king. lion king,,,,.. Lafiki( ).,.. ( ),,.., (It's the circle of life). 131

.,. ( ) ( )., (the shadow place)..,.,. ( 先 王 ). ( ),., 132 31

? (You said you'd always be there for me!) ( )..., (the northern border),, ( ).,,.. ( ).,. 10),,., 10),,,. 133

. Remember who you are.., ( )........ fms. 134 31

........., Remember......,,,,,...,, the circle of life, 135

,,.,,,,.,. 7 8,000 2 900 1.. 11) Fox Anastasia (1997), Pixar Toy story (1995), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Shreck (2001). 11) Can you feel the love tonight (Elton John) (Tim Rice). 136 31

.....,,,. (circle of life).,,,,,...,,,,.. 137

,, 194,, 2005.,,, 8, 2006, 126-127.,,, 2004.,,, 2005.,,, 2003., vs,, 2006.,,, 2005.,,, 2003.,,, 2006.,,,, 2004.,,,, 2007. The Lion King, Walt Disney Picture, 1994. 138 31

American Ideologies in the Animation Lion King : An Image Analysis Kim, Gi-Gook There can be no objection to the view that animation is both a genre of art and a cultural content. As a product of the cultural contents industry, animation is valued not only as a work of art but also for its expanded economic potential and for its high window effect, its connection to continuous value-added media. On the other side of the economic growth of the animation industry are issues such as prolonged planning and production, excess capitalization from production cost overruns, and the resulting concentration of animation markets in America. Apart from its artistic value or cultural contents, Lion King, one of the most conservative of Disney's animations, uncritically reproduces the West-centered social structures of male superiority, law of the jungle, and focus on family. It also contains the America-centered ideology of transmuting the inconsistencies of reality through a fairy-tale world view. Then, how does the strategic ideology of the animation Lion King, as a product of Disney's cultural contents industry, express itself in the text? How does the viewer discover and understand its ideology? This study traces the American and West-centered ideologies highlighted in Disney's animation under the guise that childish innocence is the will of Heaven. To that end, an animation image analysis is conducted to reveal the concrete materialization of American ideologies existing in Lion King. 139

:,,,, Animation, Disney Lion King, American Ideology, Cultural Contents, image analysis 140 31