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현장설명서 Site Explanation 1. 공고에붙이는사항 1.1. 현장명 : 서울용산국제학교 1.2 소재지 : 서울시용산구이태원로 285 1.3 계약명 : 2021/2022년도차량운행및관리위탁용역 1. Notice 1. 1. Site: Yongsan International School of Seoul 1. 2. Location: Itaewon-ro 285, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 1. 3. Tile of Contract: 2021/2022 YISS School Bus Service 2. 현장설명일시, 입찰등록일시, 제안설명회일시 ( 견적서제출 ), 낙찰결정일시 2.1. 현장설명일시 : 2021년 3월 15일 ( 월 ) 10:00 409호 2.2 입찰등록일시 : 2021년 3월 25일 ( 목 ) 10:00~11:30까지 409호로제출 2.3 낙찰결정일시 : 2021년 3월 26일 ( 금 ) ( 낙찰된업체만개별통보 ) 낙찰자는낙찰통보를받은날로부터 7일이내에계약을체결하고, 운행계획서를제출하여야한다. 2. Date of Site Explanation, Bid Registration, Date of determining the bid winner 2.1 Date of Site Explanation : March. 15, 2021(Mon.) 10:00, Room 409 2.2 Date of Bid registration : March. 25, 2021(Thu.) 10:00~11:30, Room 409 2.3 Date of determining the bid winner : March. 26, 2021(Fri.) (the bid winner will be notified individually) The bid winner will make a contract within 7 days of receiving notification and submit a School bus service plan. 3. 계약기간 : 3.1 중형차 25 인승 ( 장축 ) 16 대, 대형차 45 인승 ( 장축 ) 2 대 : 2021 년 8 월 1 일 ~2022 년 6 월학기종료일 까지 3. Contract Period 1

3.1 Sixteen of 25-passenger bus (major axis) and Two of 45-passenger bus (major axis): Aug. 1, 2021 ~ The last school day of June 2022 4. 대금지불 : 매월말일기준으로청구하여 15 일이내에현금으로지불함을원칙으로한다. 4. Payment : It makes a principle that the service provider demands for payment on the basis of the last date of the month, and shall be paid in cash within 15 days. 5. 적용사항 : 본계약의일부로계약일반조건, 입찰공고, 임차과업내용서, 현장설명서, 입찰유의서등을 포함한다. 5. Applied items: The terms and conditions under this contract shall partially include general terms and conditions, site explanation, general instructions to bidders, estimate conditions, and bid notice. 6. 입찰및계약일반사항 6.1 입찰방식 - 일반경쟁입찰 -발주처에제출한내역서 ( 견적서 ) 와입찰금액이일치하여야유효한입찰이된다. - 공동도급은인정하지않는다. 6.2 낙찰자결정방법 - 서류심사후최저가낙찰자를우선협상대상자로한다. - 우선협상대상자가계약을포기할경우, 후순위자와협상토록한다. 6.3 계약금액의조정 - 물가및인건비변동에따른계약금액의조정은일체적용하지않는다. - 용역범위의변동이있을시에는발주처와낙찰자간의협의후계약금액이변경될수있다. 예 ) 각노선별학생수증감에따라필요한차량수의감소혹은증가 6.4 제보증금등 - 계약이행보증금 : 계약금액의 10% 이상보증서로납부한다. 6.5 계약체결 - 낙찰자는발주처로부터낙찰통지를받은후 7일이내에소정양식에의한계약서로계약을체결하고계약일로부터 7일이내에운행계획서를제출한다. 6.6 본입찰과관련된모든비용은입찰자부담으로하며, 입찰자의입찰비용에대하여발주처는보상할의무가없다. 6. Bidding & General Terms and Conditions 6.1. Bidding System 2

- Open competitive bidding - Bidding shall be valid only provided that the submitted details correspond with the bid price. - Joint-contract is not allowed. 6.2. How to determine the bid winner - The lowest price bidder will be the preferred bidder. - In case the priority negotiation partner gives up contracting, the back burner partner shall be selected. 6.3 Adjustment of contract amount - Adjustment of contract amount according to the changes in the prices and personnel expenses shall not be available. - Employer and Bid winner shall discuss for the change in the prices according to the range of services. -e.i ) Changes in numbers of buses 6.4 Security deposit - Performance bond : More than 10% of contract amount shall be paid by means of a warranty etc. 6.5 Contract conclusion - Bid winner shall sign the prescribed agreement within seven days from the date of being notified, and submit the service plan within seven days from the date of contract conclusion. 6.6 The whole expenses related to this bid shall be burdened by bidders. Client shall not be responsible for compensating for the bidders' expenses. 7. 입찰에붙이는사항 7.1 계약명 : 2021/2022년도서울용산국제학교통학버스운행 7.2 계약내용 (1) 중형차 25인승 ( 장축 ) 16대 ( 학생등 하교용 15대, 예비차량 1대 ) 1 학생등 하교용 15대중에 2대는교직원출근을위한차량운행을함께한다. 2 예비차량사용목적 A. 통학버스및교직원출퇴근차량고장시대체운행 B. 학사일정에따라견학, 소풍, 스포츠, 기타등으로학교에서요청시운행 C. 학기중에는학교운행을원칙으로한다.( 다른용도로는사용할수없다.) D. 예비차량계약여부는 2021년 7월개학전사용여부를결정하여낙찰자에게고지한다. (2) 대형차 45인승 ( 장축 ) 2대 CCTV장치에설치되는카메라는최소 41만화소이상이어야하며, DVR 녹화저장장치의기간은최소 7일이상이어야한다. (3) 상기의차량을지정된노선에투입하여정해진시간운행 3

(4) 계약기간중전체차량 2 회무상운행 본계약조건을이행하면서문제발생시긴급조치 ( 복구 ) 를실시하고, 이에필요한부담은낙찰자에서 부담한다. 7. Details for bidding 7.1. Title of Contract: 2021/2022 YISS School Bus Service 7.2. Descriptions 1) 25-passenger bus (major axis) x 16 (students' transportation-15, spare bus-1) 1 Two 25-passenger bus of fifteen will be used for teachers transportation 2 Usage of spare bus A. Alternative bus to be used in case of a bus failure B. To be served for field trip, excursion, sports and others requested by YISS according to the academic schedule C. It is principle to have only School Bus Service during the school semester. (other purposes are unacceptable) D. Contract for the spare school bus will be decided by if or if not the spare bus will be used and the decision will be notified to the contractor before school starts in 2021 July. 2) Two 45-passenger bus (major axis) 410000 pixel CCTV devices are required and recording time shall be at least 7days 3) To offer the foregoing buses ( B-1) to the designated routes during stipulated time 4) 2 times of Free Bus Service during terms of bus service contract If some problems happen while implementing the terms and conditions of this contract, "EUL" shall take the emergency step (recovery) and burden the expenses thereof. 8. 통제불가능한사유에의한운행불가시 - 감염병예방및관리에관한법률에따른감염병의광범위한유행, 기타일방당사자가통제할수없는사건등으로인하여일방이계약상의무를원활히이행하지못하게될경우, 아래와같은비율로정산한다. 예 ) 미운행에대한환불금액 : ( 년간계약금액 / 180 일 ) * 미운행일수 * 50%!"#!$%#& 수업일수 (%) 지불금액 (%)!"#$%& 96~100% 100% 18~19 86~95% 90% 12~17 56~85% 80% 4

* 추후변경될수있음. 0~11 0~55% 50% 8.Unable to operate due to uncontrollable reasons. -If the operation is not possible due to uncontrollable reasons such as inspection diseases, it will be settled at the following ratio. Ex) Refund amount for non-operation : (annual contract amount / 180 days) * Number of days not operated * 50% The number of school days (days) The number of school days (%) Payment Amount (%) Over 20 days 96~100% 100% 18~19 86~95% 90% 12~17 56~85% 80% 0~11 0~55% 50% *It can be subject to change. 9. 기타사항 9.1 입찰시응찰자가제출하는제출서류는일체반환하지않으며, 제출서류가정당하지않을경우에낙찰을무효로한다. 업체선정은당사 ( 서울용산국제학교 ) 의결정사항으로응찰자는일체의이의를제기할수없다. 9.2 입찰참가자는입찰공고, 현장설명서, 임차과업내용서, 현장설명서, 계약일반조건, 견적조건등기타입찰및계약에필요한사항을완전히숙지하고입찰에참가하여야한다. 이를숙지하지못하여발생하는모든책임은입찰참가자에게있다. 9. Miscellaneous 9.1 The submitted documents will not be returned to the bidders. If the submitted documents are found unjust, the bidding shall become void. Selection of the company shall be decided by this school (YISS), therefore bidders are not allowed to raise any objection to it. 9.2 Bidders shall make sure to be all aware of the conditions of a bid notice, general instructions to bidders, general terms and conditions, estimate conditions, and other necessary matters, before making a bid. Bidders shall be responsible for all the problems caused by failure of being aware of the foregoing. 10. 문의사항 : 서울용산국제학교관리부 02)797-5104 ext)427 또는 430 5

10. Inquiry : YISS Maintenance Office: 02-797-5104 (EXT 427 or 430) 2021 년 3 월 15 일 서울용산국제학교장 6