모던패밀리시즌 3: 15 화고모엄마 Whoa. What s all this? 이게뭐니? - Mom heard us say we were bored. - Suckers. 심심하댔는데엄마가들었어요바보들 She heard us from outside. She has supe

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I&IRC5 TG_03,04권



<5B E31322E31375D20BBFDC8B0BFB5BEEE20BAB8C3E6C0DAB7E12E687770>

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

Objective 이야기를즐기며정전기의원리를이해하기 Look at~. 의표현을이용하여말해보기 Key Words & Expressions Rub the balloon. Look at the paper. Look at his hair. Procedure Contents M

Microsoft Word Hanwha Daily_New.doc

6단계 08권 TG

수능 CAT


When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no

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E F G H Contents The Elephant and the Eskimo The Flamingo and the Frog The Greyhound and the Grasshopper The Horse and the Hippo Review EFGH

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes

Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C






모던패밀리시즌 3: 15 화고모엄마 Whoa. What s all this? 이게뭐니? - Mom heard us say we were bored. - Suckers. 심심하댔는데엄마가들었어요바보들 She heard us from outside. She has super good hearing, like a Seeing Eye dog. 바보들밖에있었는데들었어요 귀가엄청밝아요맹도견처럼요 They have overdeveloped hearing to make up for the fact 맹도견들은시력을잃은대신청력이... Wait. The dogs aren t blind. Wait. Are they? 참, 개가못보진않죠? 못보나요? No, that wouldn t make sense. You re right. If I wait long enough, she can get there by herself. 그럼말이안되는데 아빠말대로그냥두면언니스스로깨닫네요 Quick, girls. Famous Danny from Moonstruck. ' 문스트럭 ' 의주인공이름이뭐지? [ Beeps ] Aiello. ' 아이엘로 ' Hey, Phil, I m glad I caught ya. What s up? - 매형, 다행히집에있었네요 - 웬일이야? Uh, it s about Steven and Stefan. They want to see that house on Briar again. Really? I showed it to em five times. Last time we were there, I think they got mail. Yeah, well, that s why I m calling. They hate upsetting people. 스티븐과스테펀이브라이어집을다시보고싶대요 다섯번이나보여줬는걸다른집을찾은줄알았어 그래서제가전화했죠그친구는실례되는걸싫어해요 Unless, of course, it s me. Then they don t mind waking me at 7:00 a.m., asking 저한텐꼭두새벽부터전화해서매형한테연락해달라고했지 me to call you. 만요 It s no problem. I m just hanging around. - Kind of bored, really. - [ Both Gasp 괜찮아, 어차피심심하던차였어 ] What? [ Gasps ] 왜? Well, we did our good deed for the day. 오늘몫의선행은끝났네 Yeah, for the enemy. Don t they have enough? 그것도적에게! 너무한거아니야? It s been about a year since we decided to adopt a boy. 저희는 1 년전부터아들을입양하려고했는데 Meanwhile, our friends Steven and Stefan decided that they wanted a baby 친구인스티븐과스테펀도아이를입양하겠다는거예요 too. [ Muttering ] Wonder where they got that idea. 누구를따라한걸까요? Well, we re still waiting, but they already got their kid, because they went through a surrogate. Which is all they talk about. Are you gonna keep doing that? I might. 저희는아직도기다리고있지만그둘은대리모를통해애를낳았죠그둘은대리모를통해애를낳았죠만날그얘기예요 - 계속그럴거야? - 아마도 I have to go show a house. But first, what was Elton John s sexual orientation 아빠는집보여주러간다 1970년대엘턴존의성정체성은? in the 70s? [ Together ] Bi. - ' 바이 ' 요 - ' 바이 ' 요 - You ve done that one before. - And it never gets old. - 전에도물어봤잖아요 - 그래도안질려 Like the good Captain Fantastic himself. Hey, Claire, guess what? I m sorry, honey, I can t talk right now. 엘턴존의명곡처럼 - 클레어, 그거알아? - 지금얘기할시간없어 1/13

I told Bethenny I would take her to the airport. I m late, and she s gonna miss her flight. Where are my keys? Why is that chair still here? 베서니공항에데려다주기로약속했는데늦었거든 열쇠는어딨지? 의자가왜여태여기있어? 루크랑둘이밖으 로치운다며? I thought you and Luke were gonna put it out on the sidewalk. 의자가왜여태여기있어? 루크랑둘이밖으로치운다며? So you can t talk, unless it s about my chores. 잔소리할시간은있나봐? Why don t you just do it now and you won t be so bored. You heard that? I hear everything. That s for me. Hey, Leon. Nice buzz cut. Yeah, for some people, the shampoo doesn t work. It only makes the lice angry. Nice to see you. Oh, no. No. Oh, God. Um, Alex, do not move. Haley, clean this up, okay? 지금치우면심심할일도없겠네그말을들었어? 난다들어제친구예요리언, 머리를짧게깎았네네, 샴푸로감았는데도이가바글거려서요나중에보자어머나, 세상에앨릭스, 넌가만있고헤일리가좀치워라 Who fills a vase with marbles? 누가꽃병에구슬을넣어요? Who doesn t see a vase filled with marbles? 누가꽃병에구슬든것도못봤대? Who wants to hear a bunch of plates crashing? 접시깨지는소리듣고싶은사람있어요? Phil! Honey, the girls need you in the kitchen. Thanks for the hat, Leon. Kind of tickles. 필, 주방에애들한테가봐 모자빌려줘서고마워좀간지럽지만 Phil! 필! [ Luke ] How much electricity do we need to bring this back? 그나저나전기는얼마나필요할까? It s not rocket science. We re only reanimating a squirrel. 겨우다람쥐한마리되살리는건데 Phil! Now! 필! 빨리! Sounds great. No, hang on. Gloria, where s Manny? Some neighborhood kids have invited him to play football. He said he was taking his morning constitutional. He s workin on his go-kart, but he ll be there. Okay, see you then. [ Beeps ] No, Manny cannot go and play with those boys. Margo is trying to get us theater tickets for this afternoon. Gloria, you and Manny do enough together. Let s let him decide. Where s he walking? I don t know. But according to the song he was singing, he was going to the sunny side of the street. I cannot express to you enough how bad this kid needs football. 좋지, 잠깐만글로리아, 매니어딨어? 동네애들이같이미식축구하재아침산책하러간다고했어고카트타고있는데데려갈게그럼이따가보자고매니는미식축구하러못가마르고가오늘오후영화표를구해준대매니는늘당신이랑어울리잖아직접물어보자 - 산책어디로갔어? - 몰라햇살이반짝이는쪽으로간다고노래부르던데햇살이반짝이는쪽으로간다고노래부르던데매니는미식축구가꼭필요한아이야 2/13

Mom, look what I found! Number 99! 엄마, 뭘찾았는지보세요! 99 번이에요! When Manny was five, we didn t have much, we were on our own, so we always dreamed of winning the lottery. We figured if we collected 100 lucky heads-up pennies... and bought a ticket with them, we couldn t lose. But now, I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful home. I feel like I already won the lottery. 매니가 5살때우리는가진게없어서항상복권에당첨되는꿈을꿨어요동전 100개를주워서그돈으로복권을사면당첨될거로믿었죠지금은훌륭한남편과멋진집이있죠벌써복권에당첨된기분이에요 So I can keep whatever we win? 그럼당첨되면다제가가져요? I think no. I found most of them. Can you put this in the jar with the others? Sí. 안돼, 동전은거의내가찾았으니까 - 이거병에넣어주세요 - 그래 Ay, I forgot. What is the combination to your safe? 네금고비밀번호가뭐였지? Uh I ll just come with you. 그냥같이가죠 Oh, yes, cause that s how this arrangement works. I take money from you. 조심성이참대단하구나내가네돈을훔치겠니? [ Beeps ] Hello. 여보세요? Oh, hi, Margo. No, no, she just ran upstairs. Listen, about these theater tickets. 반가워요, 마르고글로리아는위층에있어요 저기, 있잖아요영화표는안구해도돼요 Don t knock yourself out tryin to Oh, you did. 저기, 있잖아요영화표는안구해도돼요구했다고요? Well, sorry to do this last minute, but they can t go. No, Manny has a football game, so [ Kettle Whistling ] 미안한데영화관은못가요 매니가미식축구를하러가서요 [ Manny ] Jay, could you steep my tea? 아저씨, 차좀우려주세요! I cannot express to you enough how much this kid needs football. And that is the whole house. Again. [ Chuckles ] 미식축구가꼭필요한아이거든요 이제다둘러봤네요몇번째지만요 I love it, but I just don t love it. 맘에들지만쏙들지는않아요자기는어때? Do you love it? I love it. I absolutely love it. I m just not sure if I m in love with it. Oh, yeah. 맘에들지만쏙들지는않아요자기는어때? 정말맘에드는 데딱여기라는확신이없어정말맘에드는데딱여기라는확신이없어그렇군요 We have an expression around the office for when a sale just isn t happening 부동산업계에서는거래가안될것같으면 commission impossible. Maybe for some people. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but the house does come with a hookup for a European washing machine. Oh, I love that. ' 수수료임파서블 ' 이라고해요어떤사람들은요전에얘기했는지모르겠지만이집엔유럽식세탁기있어요맘에드네요 [ Cell Phone Rings ] Oh, so sorry. 죄송해요 It s the boss. 우리상사예요 3/13

- Hey. - Hi. I m on my way home. 여보세요? 가는중인데헤일리가전화안받네, 별일없지? I ve been calling Haley, but nobody s answering. Is everything okay there? 가는중인데헤일리가전화안받네, 별일없지? Everything here is great. Oh, thank God. Did you put the chair out front? Not yet. Honey, you re gonna miss the trash pickup. Don t worry. If they don t take it, someone else will. 여긴문제없어 - 다행이다, 의자는내놨어? - 아직 - 다행이다, 의자는내놨어? - 아직그러다쓰레기차지나가이번이아니면다른누가가져가겠지 Who is gonna pick up that ratty chair off our lawn? 그낡아빠진의자를누가가져가? Are you kidding? It s in great shape. 장난해? 좋은물건이잖아 Super cozy. People are always commenting on it. Trust me, it ll be gone by the 엄청안락하고다들칭찬하는걸오늘안에사라질거야 end of the day. - Please just do it now. - I can t. - 그냥지금버려 - 그건안돼 [ Whispers ] I m so sorry. 죄송해요 When I m done with these clients, I ll call Luke and Leon. I know I can talk them into it. We are not losing this house to Luke and Leon. 이고객들가면루크랑리언한테전화해서설득할게 루크와리언에게이집을뺏길순없어 What do you mean, "call Luke and Leon"? Aren t you at home? 루크랑리언한테전화한다니? 지금집아니야? No, I left right before you did. 내가먼저나왔는데 Phil, the hou The-The kids. 필, 그럼집은? 애들은어쩌고? Oh, God, the squirrel. 맞다, 다람쥐 Hello? 여보세요? [ Together ] We ll take it. - 살게요 - 살게요 Commission... accomplished. 수수료성공! So how great is your life right now, huh? A new house, new baby. Stefan s Propecia s kicking in. [ Phone Chirps ] Oh. That s him. He s on his way. 요즘어때? 새집에신생아도있고스테펀발모제효과도보고 새집에신생아도있고스테펀발모제효과도보고 스테펀이 ' 지금감 ' 이라고문자보냈어 He texted "O.M.W." We try to keep our texts short when we re driving with the 스테펀이 ' 지금감 ' 이라고문자보냈어아기가탔을땐문자를 baby. 짧게보내 Oh, well, what wonderful parents you are. 훌륭한양육자네 [ Chuckles ] You guys hate us a little bit, don t you? 둘다우리가얄밉지? No. God, no. Yeah, just a little. - 그럴리가 - 조금 Have you thought about surrogacy? 대리모생각해봤어? At least you d be making a baby, instead of waiting around for some pregnant 임산부들이선택해줄때까지기다릴필요없잖아 mom to maybe pick you. Well, we considered it, but how do you decide which one will 생각은해봤는데너희는누구... Where s Lily? Sleeping. - 릴리는어딨어? - 자 ice the cupcake? 정자를썼어? 4/13

That you couldn t say in front of Lily? Well, then she d want a cupcake. Yeah. - 릴리앞에서못할말이야? - 뭔지물을테니까 - But that s the beauty of the swirl. - The swirl? - 그게회오리의매력이지 - 회오리? You both donate. They mix it up, fertilize the egg, you never know who the 두사람의정자를섞어서수정하니아빠를알수없어 father is. - [ Doorbell Rings ] - Ooh, that s Stefan. 스테펀이다 You know, maybe we should think about the swirl. Well, I-I didn t think surrogacy was for us, but, you know Cause one of us would feel left out. Yeah, but if you don t know whose it is Sorry we re late. Guys, meet Rocco. 우리도한번생각해보자우리가대리모를쓸거라고는생각못했어둘중하나는소외되잖아아빠가누군지모른다잖아늦어서미안, 로코를소개할게 [ Muttering ] Rocco or cocoa? 로코야? 코코아야? - Look at him out there. - Oh, honey, this is so exciting. - 매니좀봐 - 정말신나네 [ Jay ] Go ahead! Attaboy! 잘한다, 달려! Go! Go ahead! Go, Manny! Run! I knew Gloria would find out I lied about those tickets, but I figured when she saw Manny out there, playing with all those other kids, she d thank me. That s what I figured. - 매니, 뛰어! - 그래, 그렇지영화표에대해거짓말한걸글로리아가알게되겠지만매니가애들과뛰어노는걸보면고마워할거예요그렇게생각했었죠 Go, go! 빨리달려! What the hell s he doin? Run, Manny, run! - 뭐하는거지? - 매니, 어서뛰어야지! Mom, number 100! Now we have the money - [ Grunts ] - [ Woman Groans ] 엄마, 100 번째예요! 이제... Oh, thank God. Nobody s dead. Or we re all dead. 다행이다, 아무도안죽었구나 아니면다죽었거나요 - How many plates did we lose? - None. - 접시몇개깼어? - 0개요 Luke and Haley used cookie sheets to clear a path through the marbles for 루크랑언니가쿠키판으로구슬을밀어서길을내줬어요 me. - Where are the marbles? - Right here. - 구슬은? - 여기있어요 - Oh, Haley! - I put glue on em so it doesn t happen again. 그러지마! 풀로붙여서안쏟아져요 - What about the chair? - Leon and I rolled it outside on some skateboards. 의자는? 리언이랑제가스케이트보드에실어서굴렸어요 Oh. [ Gasps ] The squirrel. You think I was going to let that happen? - 다람쥐는? - 제가그냥뒀겠어요? These kids are going to survive. They are the best of me and Phil. Luke using the skateboards, Haley gluing the marbles That is pure Phil. Alex keeping everyone in line? Pure me. Sometimes I worry no one s gonna like Alex. There you go, buddy. Thank you. 아이들은잘살아갈거예요저와필의장점만닮았죠스케이트보드를이용한거와구슬을붙인건필같고모두를통제하는앨릭스는꼭저같아요그래서앨릭스가왕따당할까봐걱정돼요여기있다 5/13

Uh What? You need anything? I ll get it. Steak sauce. But it s okay. It s probably good for me to move around. Oh, Jay, it s so nice to see you take care of him like that. Why are you surprised? He s our kid. [ Cell Phone Chimes ] We take care of each other in this family. I want to kill you. Wild guess Margo. Let me explain. There is no excuse. This is sounding private. I m gonna get out of here. So that s why you were being so nice. 필요한거있으면내가주마스테이크소스요운동도할겸제가갈게요그렇게살뜰히챙겨주다니정말고마워우리자식인데당연하지서로살펴주는게가족이잖아죽여버릴거야마르고문자군 - 내말부터들어봐 - 변명할생각마 - 내말부터들어봐 - 변명할생각마부부문제같으니까전빠져드릴게요그래서잘해줬군 You lied to my friend. You made Manny play the American football. 내친구를속이고매니한테미식축구시키다니! It is your fault that he got stampeded. 매니가깔린건당신탓이야! Or is it your fault? [ Thumping Continues ] He stopped to pick up a penny, for God s sake. Be careful what you say, Jay. You re skating on thin eggshells right now. I tried to get him out there with kids his own age, 당신탓이아니고? 동전줍자고뛰다말았잖아 말조심해, 제이내심기는안건드리는게좋아 또래애들이랑놀게한거야 which is what he should be doin [ Clattering ] and not spending another 엄마치마폭에싸여있지말고나가서뛰어놀아야지 afternoon with his mommy. If you have a problem with the way Manny s being raised, you talk to me! 내양육법에불만있으면나한테말해! I am. I don t want to hear it! - 말하고있잖아 - 듣기싫어! Phil, you really didn t have to do this. 이럴필요없는데 I sold a house today because of you two. The least I can do is buy you dinner. 두사람덕에집을팔았는데식사대접정도는해야지 I saw that house. It is gorgeous. I know. Yes. We re real happy for them. They showed me a picture of the baby. How adorable is that little guy? Yes, we re real happy for them. Okay, you might want to slow down there. I m playing a new drinking game. It s called "Every time I m depressed, I take a drink." [ Chuckles ] That game exists. It s called alcoholism. Oh, I m sorry. You re right. I m-i m wallowing, and it s not cute. - To happier things. - [ Mitchell ] Yes. To happier things. Happier things. [ Mitchell ] There you go. Yes. I remember the first few drinks, and, um, after that, the night s just bits and pieces. I want to do something I never do brag about my kids. - 집봤는데근사하더라 - 맞아 - 집봤는데근사하더라 - 맞아잘돼서저도기뻐요아기사진을보여줬는데정말사랑스럽더군요잘돼서저도기뻐요천천히마셔우울하면술마시는새로운술게임이에요알코올중독이라고원래있는게임이야자기말이맞아제가볼썽사납게분위기를깨고있었네요 - 행복을위해 - 행복을위해처음몇잔은기억나는데그후로는흐릿하네요처음으로우리애들을자랑하고싶어졌어요 Today, they were resourceful. They were responsible. They 오늘은셋다지략있고책임감도있고... 6/13

Put 40% down. 보증금도 40% 나냈죠 It was worth showing the house five times and waiting 다섯번이나보여주며기다렸던... Almost a year. Seriously! Who do you have to 거의 1 년기다렸어요대체누가꼭... Blow. That s really hot. Why don t you let it cool down and try some of the 불어서식혀먹어엄청뜨거워... Mexican! The baby is clearly Mexican. So, you know, the swirl is out. Oh, it s enough to make you lose 멕시코인이에요! 딱봐도아기는멕시코인이에요 회오리도소용없어요 - 빠지는것도모자라... - 까먹었네 Track. Is this my fourth drink, or is it my fourth? - 빠지는것도모자라... - 까먹었네네번째... 네번째잔인가? I just said fourth twice, didn t I? I did, didn t I? [ Laughing ] 네번째... 네번째잔인가? 두번이나네번째라고했지? I think we re gonna need four cabs. Two! Two! 택시네대불러주세요두대지! [ Laughing ] You made me! 누나때문이야! I-I vaguely remember someone crying. If we ever did surrogacy, I would want you to be the donor. Mm-mmm. You re so smart. You re so handsome. 누가울었던것같은데요 대리모를쓴다면자기정자를써야해 - 똑똑하고잘생겼잖아 - 그만해 Oh, stop it. It should be you. You re so fun. - 똑똑하고잘생겼잖아 - 그만해자기정자를써야지재밌고 재능도많잖아 - You re so talented. - Okay. 자기정자를써야지재밌고재능도많잖아 It s not fair. I love you both so much. 이건불공평해요둘다사랑하는데 If you could have a baby that was a mix of the two of you, I would love that 두사람을합친아기가있다면정말완벽할거예요 baby so much. - Stop it. - Oh, that is so sweet. - 그만해요 - 다정하기도하지 I meant it. That is so sweet. - 진심이야 - 정말좋은말이야 Oh, my God, you guys, we could do this. 그거가능할것같아요할수있다니까! We could do this. We could make a baby that is half Tucker and half Pritchett. 그거가능할것같아요할수있다니까! 두사람을반반섞은아기를낳을수있어 Are you saying what I think you re saying? - 나랑똑같은생각해? - 그래 Yeah. Cloning? - 나랑똑같은생각해? - 그래복제? No, no. I m saying... I give the egg. Yeah, I give the egg. That s the Pritchett side. And then Cam, you re the father, right? And then we just, like, mix it and put it in a like, a surrogate lady thing, 아니, 그게아니고내가난자를기증한다고내난자는프리쳇쪽이잖아그리고캠이아빠가되는거죠그난자와정자를수정시켜서대리모몸에넣으면되잖아 and then, bang, we have a baby. 그럼아기가태어나는거야! Oh! Are-Are you serious? You would do that? - 누나, 진심이야? - 그래줄래요? I would be honored. You guys. 기꺼이요, 내얘기를들어봐요 You guys, if there s one thing I have learned today, 7/13 기꺼이요, 내얘기를들어봐요나는오늘세아이의모습속 에서

it s the pleasure of looking at your children and seeing both both of you in there, and I want you to have that experience. We need that. We want that. [ Claire ] Yeah. And something else. 나는오늘세아이의모습속에서우리두사람을볼수있었어요우리두사람을볼수있었어요 - 두사람도느끼길바라요 - 우리도바라는바야또있어요 - Guys, I make really good babies. - Yes. - 내난자는끝내주거든요 - 맞아 I have magic eggs or something. [ Mitchell ] Yes. - 황금알처럼난자가좋은가봐 - 그래! - They re, like, golden. - Oh, gosh. - 황금알처럼난자가좋은가봐 - 그래! 세상에 Oh, Phil, I don t What do you What do you say about this? 매형생각은어때요? I think we re all having a baby! 다같이아기를만들자 [ All Screaming, Laughing ] Table hug! 포옹한번하죠! Sweet potato fries! 맙소사, 세상에! What have I done? I know. - 내가무슨짓을했지? - 내말이! What was I thinking? I just get drunk, and I bring a baby into the world? That would be four for four. I can t go through with it. Don t panic. You haven t donated anything yet. Besides, what are the chances your eggs even work? What are the chances we can pretend I never said that? It s weird. It s my brother. And then there would be this baby over there that s my baby, but it s not my baby That actually sounds good. Just say that. We re gonna see em for brunch in two hours over at your dad s. Ooh, that seems soon... and-and hard. 내가돌았었나봐! 취해서애낳는얘기를했어? 그래, 맞아그럴순없어진정해, 아직기증안했잖아당신난자로실패할수도있고그말안한척해도돼이상해, 내동생이잖아아기를낳아도그래내아기인데아닌거잖아두시간뒤에아버님댁에다모이니까그렇게말해너무빠른것같은데말꺼내기도힘들고 What if What if I blame it on you? 그냥당신핑계대면어때? What if we say that you re not okay with it? 당신이반대해서못한다고하자고 - No! - Why? - 싫어! - 왜? Are you really okay with another man fertilizing your wife s egg? 내난자랑다른남자의정자가수정돼도좋아? - Of course not. That s creepy. - Yes. - 당연히싫지, 끔찍해 - 그럼! Plus, what if you and Cam make a better baby than we did? 당신이랑캠의아이가더뛰어나면어쩌지? It s settled. Phil says no. 됐다, 당신이반대한거야 Like they re really gonna believe that I overruled you. 당신이나한테졌다는걸믿을까? Oh, right. Come on. - 맞다 - 당연하지 Mmm. They re gonna be crushed. They ve waited so long for this baby. 엄청충격받을거야아기를간절히바랐잖아 Maybe they re having second thoughts too. 두사람도생각이바뀔지몰라 8/13

Look. This is what my baby with Claire would look like. 이것봐, 나랑클레어의아기야 What is this? What? 그게뭐야? Okay, well, I found a Web site where couples can upload pictures, and then it shows em what their baby would look like. [ Chuckles ] This is Gloria and I. Couldn t resist. Wow. That-That looks exactly like Manny. Like-Like weirdly so. 웹사이트를찾았는데커플사진을올리면아기얼굴을합성해줘이건글로리아랑내아기궁금하더라고매니랑똑같이생겼다소름끼칠정도네매니랑똑같이생겼다소름끼칠정도네 Wait, what s this other picture? 그사진은뭐야? Don t be jealous. But this is me and Justin Timberlake. 질투하지마나랑저스틴팀버레이크아기야 [ Exhales ] Cam, we have a problem. 이건아닌거같아 Oh, what, you can talk about Ryan Gosling all day, but the moment I say something No, no, no. About this baby. 자기는맨날라이언고슬링얘기하면서... 아니, 그게아 니라아기말이야아니, 그게아니라아기말이야 I I don t think I can do it. 아무래도못하겠어 What? Why? Why? It s perfect. It s our chance to have a baby that s part me, part you. No, no, it s part you and part Claire. I m nowhere in there. And it s not like I can pretend. It s She s not some egg donor that we don t know. It s Claire. 왜? 완벽하잖아우리둘을섞은아기를가질기회야아니, 자기랑누나섞은거지난없는거야아니, 자기랑누나섞은거지난없는거야우리가모르는사람도아니고우리누나잖아우리가모르는사람도아니고우리누나잖아 You know, we see her all the time. 항상보는사람인데아기한텐뭐라고해? And what are we supposed to tell the baby? "Say hi to your Aunt Mommy." 항상보는사람인데아기한텐뭐라고해? - ' 고모엄마한테인사해 ' - 사랑스럽겠다 - Adorable. - No, not adorable. - ' 고모엄마한테인사해 ' - 사랑스럽겠다사랑스럽기는, 취향별나다 Appalachian. 사랑스럽기는, 취향별나다 Okay, I m-i m sorry, Cam. Jay says that I m smothering Manny, but I m just enjoying him. I mean, they re only gonna be boys for a short time. 미안해, 캠제이는내가매니를과보호한대요함께시간을보내는것뿐인데애들은금방크잖아요 Best time ever in this house! 이렇게재밌는건처음이야! I m uncomfortable with this, Phil. The manual specifically says "No towing." There are two types of people in this world 저는좀불편해요 설명서에끌기금지랬어요 세상에는두유형의사람이있지 people who follow the manual and people who stick it to the manu 설명서대로사는사람과거기에반기를들고... That hurt! 아파라! - [ Door Opens, Closes ] - [ Mitchell ] Hi. - 저희왔어요 - 매니, 왜그러니? 9/13

- Manny, what happened? - Football injury. - 저희왔어요 - 매니, 왜그러니? 미식축구하다다쳤 어요엄마가설명하실거예요 My mom will "yell" you all about it. 미식축구하다다쳤어요엄마가설명하실거예요 Hola, Lily. Does my little princess want a cookie? 릴리왔구나! 우리공주님, 과자먹고싶지? Oh, well, you know, maybe just one. 하나만주세요오늘단걸많이먹어서요 She s already had her sugar limit for today. How can you tell? 요? [ Screams ] Ay! Okay, Lily. 가자, 릴리 하나만주세요오늘단걸많이먹어서요어떻게알아 Hey. Hey, you two. - 어서와요 - 누나, 매형 So, where Oh, where are the kids? 애들은어딨어요? Oh, Haley s driving them over separately. Ohh. Big girl now. That s right. [ Cameron ] Yeah. So, that was so fun last night. So fun. Yeah. We had a great night. Yes. 헤일리가차로데려올거예요 - 이제다컸네요 - 그러니까요어젯밤엔정말즐거웠어요 - 맞아요 - 재밌었죠그래요 [ Phil, Mitchell ] We should get that - 그럼우린... - 찌찌뽕 Jinx. [ Chuckles ] We re goin this way, so [ Cameron ] 350 for 30. See you in a bit. That looks delicious. - 그럼우린... - 찌찌뽕우린이쪽으로갈게요 우린이쪽으로갈게요 이따봐요, 주스맛있겠네 [ Whispering ] I cannot tell them. I cannot break their hearts. [ Door Opens ] So you re gonna have Cam s baby just to keep things from being 도저히말못꺼내겠어상처주기싫어 난처한상황을피하려고캠의아기를낳을거야? weird? [ Door Closes ] Um, what? 난처한상황을피하려고캠의아기를낳을거야? 뭐라 고요? You and Uncle Cam are having a baby? 캠삼촌이랑아기를만든다고요? Kids, shh. There was a discussion about the possibility of your mom donating an egg... so that the guys could have a baby. But we decided it was not a good idea. 목소리낮춰삼촌들이아기를가질수있게난자를기증할까생각해본거야난자를기증할까생각해본거야하지만관두기로했어 Why? Because Lily s such a mess? 릴리가골칫덩어리라서요? For a lot of reasons. They have to 이유가많아, 삼촌들은... But we can agree that she s a disaster as a human being. 릴리가재앙인건사실이잖아요 - I think it s a great idea. - Yeah. 좋은생각같은데요네, 훌륭한기부예요감동했어요 It s a really beautiful offer, Mom. I m impressed. 네, 훌륭한기부예요감동했어요 Oh, my God. Cam! They told the kids already, and they seem to be 애들한테까지말했는데다들동조하고있어 totally into it. Is it just me? Am I the only one that thinks this is weird? 나만이상하다고생각하는거야? Maybe it s not weird. Maybe we re pioneers. No, we re hardly pioneers. 이상한게아니라우리가개척자가되는거야무슨개척자씩이나날씨에따라드라이어바꿔쓰면서 10/13

You have three different hair dryers for different types of weather. Maybe it s just gonna take some time to get used to the idea. 무슨개척자씩이나날씨에따라드라이어바꿔쓰면서 점차그생각에익숙해질거야 What idea? Oh. 어떤생각? Um, well, Jay 아버님 Cam. Claire has - 캠 - 클레어가... No. I I just don t think my dad s really ready for this conversation, so 관둬, 이얘기들으면놀라자빠지실거야 Stop acting like I m some stodgy old coot. I ve grown. [ Cameron ] Okay. Um, Jay, Claire has offered to give us one of her eggs, so we can have a baby that s half Pritchett, half Tucker. That s unnatural. I m against it. Oh, surprise, surprise. Jay s against something. Cam and Claire want to have a baby together. 꽉막힌노땅취급마나도변했다고꽉막힌노땅취급마나도변했다고좋아요클레어가자기난자를기증해준다고했어요우리를반반섞은아이를가질수있게요자연에반하는일이야난반대네어머나, 세상에제이가반대하는일도있다니캠이랑클레어가아이를가진대 Eww! You re not gonna do that. 안그럴거지? It s not your decision, Dad. You re not thinking straight. And you re not in charge. Okay, Claire and I are adults. If we want this to happen, it s-it s gonna happen. - 아빠가결정할일은아니죠 - 이성적으로생각해 - 아빠가결정할일은아니죠 - 이성적으로생각해아빠는참견하지마세요누나랑저도다컸다고요아빠는참견하지마세요누나랑저도다컸다고요저희가원하면그렇게할거예요 [ Under Breath ] So much for second thoughts. 두사람이다시생각할거라며? Young lady, I need to have a talk with you. - 딸, 얘기좀하자 - 지금요? I don t Now? [ Gloria ] No! You don t get to tell everyone how to live their lives, that boys cannot spend time with their mommies... or that brothers and sister can t make babies. - 딸, 얘기좀하자 - 지금요? 아니, 남의인생에참견하지마아니, 남의인생에참견하지마아들한테엄마랑놀지말라느니남매끼리아이를갖지말라느니 So you re all for this? No, it s a freak show, but it s their freak show. 사람문제야! So this is happening again. 그럼하는거야? 그럼당신은찬성이야? 아니, 끔찍한일이지하지만두 Well, I m not gonna not do it cause my dad thinks I shouldn t. 아빠가반대한다고안하지는않을거야! I m not following. We re not doing it cause I don t want to do it. 무슨소리야? 내가싫어서안하는거지! What we re not doing is not doing it cause he doesn t want us to do it! Just say baby or no baby. [ Sighs ] 우린아빠가하지말란다고안하는걸안하는거야! 한마디로정리해 Isn t it enough this family spends a lot of time together? Now we have 함께자주어울리는것도모자라가족끼리아이를만들 to inbreed. 겠다고? Okay, Dad. It s not technically inbreeding. It s, um 말하자면가족끼리아이를만든다기보다... 11/13

For the record, I think what my mom is doing is very brave. 전이런엄마가용감하다고생각해요 I like it. I ve always kind of wanted a half-brother, half-cousin. 든요 - Really? Always? - I mean, if you think about it 그래? 항상? [ Overlapping Dialogue ] [ Jay ] I disagree with you about inbreeding, 전찬성이에요, 항상동생이자사촌을늘갖고싶었거 - 생각해보면... - 꼭그렇게... young lady. Oh, wow. When was the last time we talked under a table? 마지막으로탁자밑에서얘기한게언제지? Dad and Gloria s wedding reception. Oh, yeah. [ Chuckles ] I love you. You know that. But I can t do this. No, no, neither can I. Really? Yeah. Are you serious? You can t Oh, God, I m so relieved. I m sorry. I-I Oh, I am so sorry I led us down this road. No, no, Claire. Don t be. Don t be. It was generous and thoughtful, just like you. How could I not want those qualities in my child? Ohh. Oh, come here. 아빠랑글로리아의결혼피로연맞다내가너사랑하는거알지? 근데이건못하겠어맞아, 내생각도그래 - 정말? - 그래진심이야? 정말미안해일을이렇게만들어서정말미안해아니야, 그러지마관대하고사려깊은제안이었어나도누나닮은아이를갖고싶어 - 정말? - 이리와 Good brother. So this is really happening? - 착한내동생 - 그래서할거냐? What if it is, Dad? Yeah, what if we love each other and this is a beautiful thing? Okay, it s our decision. It s not yours. Yeah. 그러면어쩔건데요? 우린서로사랑하고이건아름다 운일이에요 - 우리가결정할일이에요 - 그래요 So baby, no baby? 할거야, 말거야? No. Mm-mmm. You okay? Oh, yeah, I m fine. Oh, I know it s been hard on you. 관두자 - 괜찮아? - 그럼 속상한거알아 Hey, what if we went out for a nice dinner tonight? 오늘맛있는거먹으러갈까? Oh, that d be fun. Should I call the sitter? Yeah. 그럼베이비시터부를까? You know what I was thinking today? What about Luke? 생각해봤는데루크한테맡기는거어때? Oh, he s so good with her, the way he looks at her. 릴리를향한눈빛보니까잘돌볼거야 [ Whispers ] Oh, my God, Cam. Oh. She s organizing her things. - 세상에, 캠 - 자기물건정리하고있어 Look at how she s dressed. [ Chuckles ] Oh. We didn t make her, but she sure is us. Hey, Lily. It might make more sense with the shoes Mitchell. I like what she did with the dolls though. Play as you will. It s nice. Play as you will. The bent one, remember? One of the first ones we found. It was at the bottom of the gutter in the street. 옷입은것도봐우리가낳진않았지만우리딸이야 - 릴리, 이신발이더... - 미첼 - 인형을저렇게해놓으니좋다 - 맘대로놀아 - 그래 - 네맘대로해구부러진동전이에요초창기에찾은거잖아요배수로에떨어져있었죠초창기에찾은거잖아요배수로에떨어져있었죠 12/13

Ay, yes. We put the gum at the bottom of your walking stick. Ay, look at this one, the green one. 네지팡이밑에껌을붙여서꺼냈지 이녹색동전봐내택시에서찾은거야 - The one we found at the floor of my taxi. - Your taxi? 이녹색동전봐내택시에서찾은거야당신택시? Yes. Before I had somebody running my life for me, I used to drive a taxi at night. Manny would sleep in the seat next to me. One time, I had to hit the brakes so hard... that he fell into the floor, and he found the penny. 그래, 누군가내인생을통제하기전에밤에택시를몰았어매니는내옆자리에서잤지한번은브레이크를세게밟아매니가떨어졌는데동전을찾았어 [ Chuckles ] Pretty lucky, huh? 운이좋았죠? Eight years. I can t believe we re finally done. 8 년만에드디어끝났네요 [ Sighs ] Me, either. Come. Let s go get your lottery ticket. 나도그래, 이제복권사러가자 Gloria, I think you made a mistake here. 글로리아, 당신이실수한것같아 What did I do now? 또뭐? I ve counted these, and you ve only got 96 pennies. 내가세어봤는데 96 개밖에없어 Are you sure? 정말요? [ Jay ] Fraid so. 그래 I guess you re gonna have to keep lookin. Dang it! I counted those. See for yourself. And now we upload your picture. This is fun. This is fun. 계속찾아봐야겠다 - 똑바로셌단말이에요 - 직접봐이제자기사진올리고재밌다, 기대돼 Yeah. And in just a few short moments, thanks to the magic of 조금있으면기술의힘으로미래의아기를볼수있어 technology, we ll know what our baby actually looks like. No, no. What happened? What is that? - 맙소사! - 뭐야? 왜이러지? Did you put one of us in upside down? 사진을거꾸로올린거아니야? No, that s actually Okay, I don t want to see this anymore. Turn it off. 아니야, 더는못보겠다꺼버려 Oh, it s not turning off. Throw something over it, then. Oh, God! - 안꺼져 - 뭐라도덮어, 맙소사! Yeah, well, we played God, and look what we brought forth. 하나님을거역해서이렇게됐나봐 Daddies, what are you looking at? 아빠들, 뭐보세요? - Maybe it wasn t that bad. - No, no. - 그렇게나쁘진않았어 - 우리가과민반응했나봐 It s possible that we overreacted. Yeah. Maybe our expectations were just a little too high. The little guy had some cute features, huh? Of course he did. It s us. It can t be that bad. Let s just take a - 그렇게나쁘진않았어 - 우리가과민반응했나봐기대가커서실망도컸을수있어기대가커서실망도컸을수있어 - 귀여운면도있었잖아 - 그럼, 우리아이인데 - 귀여운면도있었잖아 - 그럼, 우리아이인데한번더... 13/13