노래 리딩 챈트 MOTHER TIP Step 1 대상 : 6~7 세이야기의요소를파악할수있어요. 언어능력이크게확장되며책을읽은후에이야기의요소를파악할수있는시기입니다. 단순한텍스트나패턴이반복되는책보다는스토리라인이담겨있고 기승전결이뚜렷하며이야깃거리가많이들어있는책을읽어주세요. Good Night, Little Rainbow Fish 글 그림 _Marcus Pfister 불안과두려움에잠을자지못하는 Little Rainbow Fish가엄마에게도움을요청합니다. 엄마는 Little Rainbow Fish의앞길이문어의먹물로보이지않아도, 깊은바다에서길을잃어도, 악몽을꾸어도언제나곁에서지켜줄것이라고약속합니다. 이제 Little Rainbow Fish가잠들수있겠지요?
아이들은잠이들면엄마가없는다른세계로접어든다고생각하여불안과공포를많이느낀다고합니다. 그래서엄마에게이것저것말을걸고물을달라고하는등요구사항이많아지는것도그세계로접어드는시간을늦추기위해서이지않을까싶습니다. 우리아이들처럼 Little Rainbow Fish도좀처럼잠들기가쉽지않은가봅니다. Good Night, Rainbow Fish는우리가잘알고있는 Rainbow Fish의어린시절이야기라고볼수있는데엄마물고기가등장해어떤이야기보다우리아이들의마음을잘담아내고있습니다. 책장을넘기니서로를따뜻한시선으로바라보는엄마물고기와아기물고기가신비로운푸른빛이감도는바다속에평화롭게자리잡고있습니다. 하지만아기물고기는고민에빠진눈빛으로좀처럼잠들지못하고있습니다. 어두워서못자겠다는아기물고기에게엄마는빛을비추는전등물고기를보내주겠다고합니다. 하지만아기물고기에게그약속은아직잠들기에충분하지않은가봅니다. 바닷물이밀려와서날휩쓸어가버리면어떡해요?, 문어가뿌린시커먼잉크구름에길을잃으면요?, 괴물물고기한테잡아먹히면요?, 독해파리에게붙잡히면요? 이런저런걱정을늘어놓는아기물고기에게엄마물고기는준비라도한것마냥아기물고기를안심시키는대답을해주며엄마물고기의변치않는사랑을보여줍니다. 페이지마다아기물고기가상상하는걱정스러운상황이명확하고실감나게묘사되고있어어린아이들도쉽게그상황을이해할수있고다음페이지에엄마가어떤해결책을제시해줄지궁금한마음에서로책장을넘기려고할것입니다. 상황을멋지게해결해나가는엄마물고기의눈빛과표정또한눈여겨볼만한재미요소입니다. 어느새아기물고기는눈을살며시감고고요하게잠듭니다. 불안했던모습은그어디에도없고엄마의사랑이라는따뜻한안식처에서깊은잠에빠지는모습이편안해보입니다. 잠들지못하는아이들에게이보다더좋은베드타임스토리북은없겠죠? 어쩌면아기물고기의상상속일들은우리아이들이커가면서겪어야될시련일지도모릅니다. 그순간언제나잠들때곁을지켜주던존재의사랑을잊지않고다시일어설수있는힘을얻기를희망해봅니다.
Good Night, Little Rainbow Fish 1. Background Knowledge -아이들이자기전에무엇을하는지, 어떤생각을하는지, 잠이오지않을때에는어떻게하는지에대해말하여봅니다. Mom: Have you ever had trouble sleeping at night? Child: Yes, Mom. Mom: So, what did you do? Child: I just closed my eyes, thinking of funny things. Mom: Why couldn't you sleep well? Child: Mmm... My room was too dark and I was not used to sleeping alone. So I needed someone to stay with me. Mom: Then why didn't you call for me? Child: I didn't want to act like a baby. In fact I needed you very much. When you read me a bedtime story, I can sleep well. Mom: Whenever you need me, I will always be around.
1. Picture Walking Cover Page Mom: What is on the cover? Child: Little Rainbow Fish and his mommy. Mom: That s right. What are they doing? Child: They are kissing each other. Maybe it's a good night kiss. Mom: Wow, how do you know this is a goodnight kiss? Child: Because the title says "Good Night." Mom: Good guess! The title is "Good Night, Little Rainbow Fish." Written by Marcus Pfister. Page 3~4 Mom: Look at the picture! What can you see? Child: I see a fish. Mom: Do you know who he is? Child: Yes. He is Little Rainbow Fish. Mom: Great. Where is he? Child: He is in the sea. He lies down on the leaves. Mom: The Little Rainbow Fish can't sleep. Can you guess why? Child: Maybe he doesn't want to sleep alone. Page 5~6 Mom: Little Rainbow Fish says he can't get to sleep. Can you guess why? Child: Mmmm.. I see a fish with a light. Mom: Good. It is called a lantern fish. Why is he here? Child: Maybe Little Rainbow Fish is afraid of the dark. Mom: Yes, Mommy will send him to Little Rainbow Fish. What is the lantern fish doing? Child: He is shining his light while Little Rainbow Fish falls asleep. Mom: Great. He can sleep tight now.
Page 7~8 Mom: What is Mommy doing? Child: She is near Little Rainbow Fish. Mom: How does Little Rainbow Fish feel? Child: He feels cozy. Mom: Yes. Little Rainbow Fish wants Mommy to stay with him. What about you? Do you want me to be with you when you sleep? Child: Of course. Mom, you will never leave me while I am sleeping. Mom: OK, I promise. Page 9~10 Mom: What happens to Little Rainbow Fish? Child : Little Rainbow Fish swims very fast. Mom: Why do you think Little Rainbow Fish swims fast? Child: Ah... I can see the tide. Mom: Yes. The tide takes him away. But does the tide really take him away? Child: No, mom. I think it is his imagination. Mom: Brilliant. How do you know? Child: I see the word "suppose." Mom: Right. You can use the word "suppose" when you want to say imagine or what if. Page 11~12 Mom: What does Mommy do? Child: Mommy follows Little Rainbow Fish. Maybe she can rescue him. Mom: Right. Mommy saves Little Rainbow Fish. Mommy promises to swim faster than a swordfish and get Little Rainbow Fish back home safely. Do you think Little Rainbow Fish still worries about the tide? Child: No. Not anymore. Mom: Excellent!
Page 13~ 14 Mom: Wow, do you know what this animal is? Child: It is an octopus. It s very big. Mom: Yes. What does the octopus do? Child: The octopus blows out ink. Mom: So, what happens to Little Rainbow Fish? Child: He can't see anything. It might be dangerous. Mom: Maybe he gets lost in a cloud of ink. Can you guess who helps him? Page 15~16 Mom: Look at Mommy. What is she doing? Child: She is blowing. Mom: Why? Child: I think Little Rainbow Fish is in the black cloud of ink so Mommy tries to save Little Rainbow Fish. Mom: Yes. She blows away the black cloud. How does Little Rainbow Fish feel? Child: He feels safe now. Page 17~18 Mom: Is Mommy around? Child: No, she isn't. Mom: What can you see here? Child: I see something black coming. Maybe a big fish, a shark's shadow? Mom: He is a monster fish. How does he make Little Rainbow Fish feel? Child: He makes Little Rainbow Fish scared. He might eat him. Mom: What will happen next? Let's see.
Page 19~20 Mom: Yes, there is Mommy. What is she doing? Child: She is scaring the monster fish. Mom: How does she look? Child: She looks brave. Mom: Why do you think she is brave? Child: She is smaller than the monster fish, but she isn't afraid. Mom: What about the monster fish? How does he look? Child: He looks frightened. Mom: Brilliant. He will never come back. Mommy saves over Little Rainbow Fish again. Page 21~22 Mom: Wow, what is that? Child: Mom. This is a jellyfish. But it looks strange. Mom: Right. It is a poisonous jellyfish. What happens to Little Rainbow Fish? Child: He gets stuck. But I think Mommy will save him again. Mom: How do you know? Child: Whenever Little Rainbow Fish is in trouble, Mommy comes and protects him. Mom: Excellent! Page 23~24 Mom: Yes, you are right. This time Mommy saves Little Rainbow Fish again! How does she rescue him? Child: Mommy ties its arms together. It can't move its arms at all. Mom: Good! How might poisonous jellyfish feel? Child: He might feel surprised. Mom: Okay. The jellyfish seems to be in trouble. And Mommy says she will nurse Little Rainbow Fish. How nice!
Page 25~26 Mom: Little Rainbow Fish worries that he might have a bad dream. Will he really have a bad dream? Child: No. Mom: How do you know? Child: Mommy holds Little Rainbow Fish tight and Little Rainbow Fish is sound asleep. Mom: Super. Mommy will even rescue Little Rainbow Fish from bad dreams. 3. Comprehension Check Up What is the problem in this story? -Little Rainbow Fish couldn't sleep without his mom. He kept saying something bad would happen. Was Little Rainbow Fish really afraid of sleeping alone? Why or why not? -Little Rainbow Fish was afraid of sleeping alone because he was still little. Also, I think he didn't want to sleep. He wanted to talk with his mommy before going to bed. What advice would you give Little Rainbow Fish if you met him? - If I met Little Rainbow Fish, I would say, "Your mommy will always be with you. Don't be scared. You are not alone. You will have a nice dream while you are sleeping." How would Mommy help Little Rainbow Fish if he was in trouble? -She would act bravely and keep him safe even if she was in danger. If Rainbow Fish got caught in the arms of a poisonous jellyfish, Mommy would tie its arms together so it couldn't move at all. How did Rainbow Fish fall asleep happily at the end of story? -Mommy said she would always protect him and stay with him. So Rainbow Fish felt safe.
4. Activities Make a Dream Catcher -꿈을잡아내는주술도구를 "Dream Catcher" 라고합니다. 나쁜꿈을꿀까두려워잠에들지못하는 Little Rainbow Fish를위해 Dream Catcher를만들어봅시다. 철사와구슬, 털실등을이용하여모빌형태로만든다음아이들의소원이나사진을곁들여봅니다.