Module 1 PAGE Lesson 1 Sound & Script 1 Lesson 2 Greeting & Introduction 75 Lesson 3 Describe Your Surroundings 145 Lesson 4 The Family 212 Lesson 5 P

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Special Operations Language Training 1 Korean Module 1 Lesson 1-6 The US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School in association with The University of Arizona, South Camber Advanced Computer Learning Company

Module 1 PAGE Lesson 1 Sound & Script 1 Lesson 2 Greeting & Introduction 75 Lesson 3 Describe Your Surroundings 145 Lesson 4 The Family 212 Lesson 5 Personal Characteristics 261 Lesson 6 Calendar 313

CULTURAL NOTES APPLICATION ACTIVITIES SKILL ENHANCEMENT INTRODUCTION HOMEWORK Calendar Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I pages 2-39 Sound & Script Lesson Objectives Page 40 At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to understand, obtain, and provide information about sound and script in Korean. In particular, the student will: 1. Identify the Alphabet Recognize each character of the Korean alphabet Identify the Korean characters by name Pronounce the characters phonetic sounds Write the characters on a scratch piece of paper 2. Write the Korean Alphabet Three rules in writing the Korean alphabet Alphabetical order 3. Produce Vowel Sounds Recognize vowels Produce vowel sounds W sounding vowels Y sounding vowels Vertical vowels Horizontal vowels 4. Produce Consonant Sounds Recognize consonants Pronounce aspirated and non-aspirated consonant sounds Double consonants 5. Recognize Loaned Words Identify loaned words Pronounce loaned words Write loaned words 6. Identify Special Cases Change of sound in syllable-final consonants Consonant ㅎ 7. Syllables Making a syllable Three different types of syllables 8. Sentence and Intonation Recognize sentence structure Recognize subject markers and object markers Recognize different intonations Page 41-44 pages 45-48 pages 49 62 2

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Calendar INTRODUCTION The Korean Alphabet There are 40 symbols that make up the Korean alphabet, nineteen of which are consonants and the other twenty-one are vowels. Consonants (19) ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ Vowels (21) ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ ㅐㅒㅔㅖㅘㅙㅚㅝㅞㅟㅢ Tip of the Day King Sejong of Korea (1397 1450) led the creation of Hangul with the help of Jibhyonjon scholars. He named his alphabet Hun Min Jong Um, Accurate Sounds to Educate Tip of the the People. day King Sejong of Korea (1397-1450) led the creation of Hangul with the help of Jibhyonjon scholars. He named his alphabet Hun Min Jong Um, Accurate Sounds to Educate the People. 3

INTRODUCTION Calendar Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I 2

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Calendar INTRODUCTION Identify the Alphabet Basic Consonants Letter Korean Name Letter Korean Name ㄱ gi-uk 기역 ㅇ i-ung 이응 ㄴ ni-un 니은 ㅈ Ji-ut 지읒 ㄷ di-gut 디귿 ㅊ Chee-ut 치읓 ㄹ lee-ul 리을 ㅋ Ki-ut 키읔 ㅁ mi-um 미음 ㅌ Ti-gut 티읕 ㅂ Bi-ub 비읍 ㅍ Pi-ub 피읖 ㅅ Si-ot 시옷 ㅎ Hi-ung 히읗 Letter Approximate Letter Approximate Pronunciation Pronunciation ㄱ g as in god ㅇ o as in orange ㄴ n as in nose ㅈ j as in June ㄷ d as in day ㅊ ch as in cheese ㄹ l as in shell ㅋ k as in kick ㅁ m as in moon ㅌ t as in tiger ㅂ b as in bank ㅍ p as in pizza ㅅ s as in sun ㅎ h as in hot Glottalized Consonants ㄲ ssang gi-uk 쌍기역 ㅆ ssang Si-ot 쌍시옷 ㄸ ssang di-gut 쌍디귿 ㅉ ssang Ji-ut 쌍지읒 ㅃ ssang Bi-ub 쌍비읍 Letter Approximate Pronunciation Letter Approximate Pronunciation ㄲ accentuated k sound as in ㅆ ss as in hiss sky ㄸ accentuated t sound as in style ㅉ accentuated j sound as in jazz ㅃ accentuated p sound as in spoon 5

INTRODUCTION Calendar Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Basic Vowels Letter Korean Name Letter Korean Name ㅏ ah 아 ㅡ ui 으 ㅓ uh 어 ㅣ ee 이 ㅗ oh 오 ㅐ ae 애 ㅜ woo 우 ㅔ eh 에 Letter Approximate Pronunciation Letter Approximate Pronunciation ㅏ a as in Arizona ㅡ oo as in book ㅓ u as in sun ㅣ e as in eel ㅗ o as in original ㅐ a as in add ㅜ woo as in woods ㅔ e as in end Diphthong Vowels Letter Korean Name Letter Korean Name ㅑ ya 야 ㅢ ui 의 ㅕ yea 여 ㅘ wa 와 ㅛ yo 요 ㅙ wai 왜 ㅠ you 유 ㅝ war 워 ㅒ ae 애 ㅞ wae 웨 ㅖ ye 예 ㅚ woi 외 ㅟ we 위 Letter Approximate Pronunciation Letter Approximate Pronunciation ㅑ ya as in yard ㅢ ui as in Louie ㅕ yea as in yearn ㅘ wa as in Washington ㅛ yo as in yo-yo ㅙ wa as in wagon ㅠ you as in you ㅝ wa as in water ㅒ a as in ankle ㅞ we as in wedding ㅖ ye as in yes ㅚ wh as in whey ㅟ we as in week 2

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Calendar INTRODUCTION Exercise 1 Listen and repeat the basic vowels after the instructor. ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣㅐㅔ Exercise 2 Listen and repeat the y sounding diphthong vowels after the instructor. ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖ Exercise 3 Listen and repeat the w sounding diphthong vowels after the instructor. ㅘㅙㅝㅞㅚ Exercise 4 Listen and repeat the basic consonants after the instructor. ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈ Exercise 5 Listen and repeat the basic aspirated consonants after the instructor. ㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ Exercise 6 Listen and repeat the five glottalized consonants after the instructor. ㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ 7

INTRODUCTION Calendar Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Exercise 7 Listen to your instructor pronounce the Korean alphabet and write it on a scratch piece of paper. Tip of the Day Tip of the day Calligraphy ( 붓글씨 ) Calligraphy ( 붓글씨 ). In Korea, writing characters with traditional br ink stick has been considered an important form In Korea, writing characters with traditional brush and ink stick has been considered an important form of art.. Three Rules in Writing the Korean Alphabet Each Korean symbol is made up of a definite number of strokes written in a prescribed sequence called "stroke order". It is important to write symbols in the correct stroke order. Observe the following general rules: Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 The symbol for a consonant, which begins a syllable, must be written before the vowel symbol. For example, ㅇ before ㅏ to form 아. The movement of each stroke must be from LEFT to RIGHT or TOP to BOTTOM. If a symbol involves more than one stroke (like ㅏ or ㅗ ), the movement should again be LEFT to RIGHT ( ㅣ and then ㅡ to form ㅏ ) or TOP to BOTTOM ( ㅣ and then ㅡ to form ㅗ ). 2

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Calendar INTRODUCTION Alphabetical Order (Dictionary Sequence) The ability to use a dictionary is fundamental in the language learning process. Without this skill students will not be able to expand their vocabulary and learn the definitions of new words. This section is designed to assist you in the development of this skill. The following table shows the alphabetical order or dictionary sequence of Korean syllables. First, arrange the words according to the consonant sequence. Then, if two words or more begin with the same consonant, arrange them in proper vowel order. Dictionary Sequence of Korean Letters Consonant order 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하갸냐댜랴먀뱌샤야쟈챠캬탸퍄햐거너더러머버서어저처커터퍼허겨녀뎌려며벼셔여져쳐켜텨펴혀고노도로모보소오조초코토포호교뇨됴료묘뵤쇼요죠쵸쿄툐표효구누두루무부수우주추쿠투푸후규뉴듀류뮤뷰슈유쥬츄큐튜퓨휴그느드르므브스으즈츠크트프흐기니디리미비시이지치키티피히 Exercise 8 Answer either true or false for the following sentences. (1) Vowels precede consonants in syllables. (2) The movement of each stroke is from top to bottom or left to right. (3) If a symbol involves more than one stroke, the movement should be RIGHT to LEFT or BOTTOM to TOP. 9

INTRODUCTION Calendar Module 1 Lesson 6 Korean SOLT I Exercise 9 In the following sequence of consonants, the syllables are out of place. Using the table, place the syllables in the correct order on a separate piece of paper. 가나라바다마사자아차카타하파 Exercise 10 Arrange each group of words in dictionary sequence on a separate piece of paper. You may use the preceding table. (1) 마, 너, 자, 니 (2) 으, 기, 나, 그 (3) 여, 새, 어, 사 (4) 바다, 술, 자유, 시집 (5) 여름, 겨울, 고래, 날개 (6) 친구, 아빠, 어머니, 형, 할아버지 (7) 한국, 미국, 영국, 일본, 중국 (8) 축구, 야구, 배구, 농구, 탁구 2

Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 6 Calendar INTRODUCTION Tip of the Day day The The Invention Invention of Hangul of Hangul One One of the of the theories theories about about the shapes the shapes of Korean of characters Korean is that characters they are derived is that from they designs are derived of a door. from In the designs picture of to the a left door. of a typical In the door above design, picture you of can a typical find most Korean of the Korean characters. With classmates, see if you can identify door design, you can find most of Korean the characters. alphabet characters. With classmates, see if you can identify the characters. Vowels There are 21 vowels. Thirteen of the vowels are diphthong vowels, which are produced by combining the "y" and "w" sounds with the basic 8 vowels. Repeat the sounds after your instructor. Basic Vowels ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣㅐㅔ Diphthong Vowels ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖㅟㅢ ㅘㅙㅝㅞㅚ 11