주제어 : 카프카스, 미군주둔, 민족분규 투고일 : 2007. 4. 15 심사일 : 2007. 5. 1 ~ 5. 30 심사완료일 : 2007. 6. 15 미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 * - 남카프카스를중심으로 - 김선래 ** 국문요약
118 제23권 1호 Ⅰ. 머리말
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 119 Ⅱ. 남카프카스지역의군사전략적중요성 1. 남카프카스지역의지정학적중요성과미-러의정책
120 제23권 1호 2. 카스피해지역의에너지자원과미. 러의군사적대립
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 121 Дегоев ВВ Большая игра на Кавказе история и современность Москава русская панорама
122 제23권 1호 Ⅲ. 남카프카스지역에서의미국의군사접근전략 1. 미국의대카프카스군사개입정책과 NATO 의평화동반자프로그램(Partnership for Peace)
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 123
124 제23권 1호
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 125 2. 미. 아제르바이잔군사협력-Caspian Guard Initiative-과대아제르바이잔정책
126 제23권 1호
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 127 3. 그루지아미군주둔과군사정치적영향력
128 제23권 1호 Ⅳ. 남카프카스내분쟁과러시아군사개입전략 1. 아브하지아민족분규와러시아평화유지군개입
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 129
130 제23권 1호
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 131
132 제23권 1호 2. 남오세티아공화국에서의러시아평화유지군주둔과그루지아갈등
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 133 Дагомысских соглашени Дагомысских соглашени Дагомысских соглашений
134 제23권 1호
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 135
136 제23권 1호 3. 아제르-아르메니아영토분쟁과러시아군주둔 1) 미국과러시아그리고유럽연합의입장
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 137 2) 나고르노- 카라바흐문제의복잡성과특징은다음과같다.
138 제23권 1호 Ⅴ. 맺음말
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 139
140 제23권 1호
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 141 참고문헌 Алаев Э Региональные этнические конфликты федерализм том сентября Авакова РМ АГ Лисова Россия и Закавказье реалии независимости и новое портнерство Москва ЗАО Финстатинформ Бруно Коппитерс Спорные границы на Кавказе Москва Весь Мир Согрин В Политическая история современной России Москва Весь Мир Дегоев ВВ Большая игра на Кавказе история и современность Москава русская панорама Гаджиев к г Геополитика Кавказа Москва Международные Отношения ЛанцоваСА ВА Ачкасова Мировая политика и международные отношения Сант Петербург ЗАО Питер Коппитерс Б Э Ремакль А Зверев этнические и Региональные конфликты в Евразии Москва Весь Мир
142 제23권 1호 Московские новости Независимая газета Грузинская хроника тбилиси Известия
미국의군사적영향력확대와러시아의대응 143 Abstract Extension of the U. S. Military Influence and Opposition of the Russia : A Study on Conflict of the South Caucasus Kim, Seun-Rae The Putin administration has been restraining extension of the military influence of USA in the South Caucasus from 2005. The extension of the military influence of USA in the South Caucasus is considered as serious threatening measure to Russia Especially, A south belt of Russia. In particular concerning the energy security is the international agenda that the United States and Russia even NATO have expressed their concern about threats to energy security. The Caucasian share of global oil and gas reserves is not considerable. However, in light of the uncertainty over the reliability of Persian Gulf supplies, as well as the possibility that Russia may use energy delivery as a power tool, the transport of Caspian and Central Asian (Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan) energy supplies to the West via the Caucasus has gained vital importance. Instability in the South Caucasus is a threat to European Union (EU) security. Geographic proximity, energy resources, pipelines and the challenges of international crime and trafficking make stability in the region a clear EU interest. The separatist regions in Georgia -- Abkhazia and South Ossetia -- have become areas of the major players interests in the region. at regional and global levels, countries and organizations are involved in a struggle for power and energy security Considering that the military power of the U.S., N.A.T.O., Russia and the C.S.T.O. and the regional maritime task forces are assigned to energy security in this region, the conclusion seems valid that in the near future the combination of military and energy will constitute the major instruments of the military power in the South Caucasus. Russia has used the conflicts as political leverage with the West. the reaction in Moscow to
144 제23권 1호 the possibility of US rapid reaction forces in the Caucasus and Central Asia has so far been restrained. 김선래 - sunrae63@hanmail.net / 019-268-1998 / 관심분야 : 러시아자유주의, 중앙아시아, 카프카스