BUSINESS FRANCE Business is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for

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contents 3 Special Event SPECIAL EVENT p 03 WELCOME, PIERRE GAGNAIRE CHEF! 롯데호텔서울 피에르 가니에르 서울 SUMMER CHRISTMAS 롯데호텔월드 라세느, 라운지 앤 브라세리 PIERRE GAGNAIRE


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FRENCH WINE TASTING SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - 25 APRIL 2017 프랑스와인테이스팅 2017 년 4 월 25 일, 서울 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Ouvrons le monde à vos saveurs!

BUSINESS FRANCE Business is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in. It promotes s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the VIE international internship program. Founded on January 1, 2015 through a merger between UBIFRANCE and the Invest in Agency, Business has 1,500 personnel, both in and in 73 countries throughout the world, who work with a network of public- and private-sector partners. For further information, please visit: In 2017, the Wine and Spirits Department of Business will organize around 30 professional tastings Tastin all around the world, in more than 60 cities. 비즈니스프랑스 (Business 주한프랑스대사관경제상무관실 ) 는프랑스경제의세계화임무를수행하는공공기관으로서, 프랑스기업의세계진출및수출과외국투자의프랑스유치를독려하기위해창립되었다. 본기관은프랑스기업과국가의경제적이미지향상및투자매력도증진을도모하고있으며해외기업연수생파견제도 (V.I.E.) 를운영하고있다. 2015 년 1 월 1 일, 유비프랑스 (UBIFRANCE) 와프랑스투자유치청 (AFII) 의통합으로탄생한비즈니스프랑스는세계 70 개국, 1500 명의직원으로구성되며, 공공및민간파트너네트워크를활용하고있다. 보다자세한정보는홈페이지 ( 를통해확인할수있다. 2017 년비즈니스프랑스의와인 & 스피릿부문은전세계 50 개이상의도시에서 30 개이상의전문가시음회를개최할예정이다. 2

EDITO / 초대의글 Business, the French agency for international business development, is delighted to present you the «FRENCH WINE TASTING». This year, 36 exhibitors participate in the Asia wine tour: Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka and Taipei from 25th to 28th April 2017. Don t miss this opportunity to meet wineries from all the French regions and to explore new business opportunities. The wine tasting session in Seoul is organized for wine professionals in the Champagne Room, Novotel Ambassador Seoul Gangnam, from 1pm to 5pm on 25th April 2017. We hope that this event could also enrich your product portfolio «Made In, Made With Love». Enjoy more than 350 French wines and spirits! Olivier Dardenne, Senior Trade Advisor, Business Korea 프랑스경제의세계화를위한공공기관인 Business ( 주한프랑스대사관경제상무관실 ) 은올해역시프랑스와인테이스팅을개최하게되어매우기쁩니다. 올해는 4 월 25 일 -28 일의기간동안 36 개의업체가동아시아와인투어 ( 서울, 도쿄, 오사카, 타이페이 ) 에참가하게됩니다. 프랑스전역에서온참가자들과만날수있을뿐아니라양국기업간의새로운비즈니스를창출할수있는이번기회를놓치지마시길바랍니다. 특히서울에서진행되는전문가시음회는 2017 년 4 월 25 일 ( 화 ), 노보텔강남앰배서더호텔내샴페인볼룸에서오후 1 시부터 5 시까지이어질예정입니다. 이시음회를통해 «Made In, Made With Love» 제품포트폴리오를더욱강화할수있기를기원합니다. 350 개이상의프랑스와인및스피릿을마음껏즐겨주세요! 비즈니스프랑스올리비에다흐덴상무관 3

EXHIBITORS LIST Alsace Gustave Lorentz... Page 7 Bordeaux Nouvelle-Aquitaine CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine... Page 8 Château Bélingard... Page 9 Château Haut Grelot... Page 10 Château Le Sèpe... Page 11 Château Maison Noble... Page 12 Château Maison Noble Saint Martin... Page 13 Famille Rochet... Page 14 Fiwine Bordeaux... Page 15 Union des Viticulteurs de Port Saint-Foy... Page 16 Vignobles Bayle-Carreau... Page 17 Champagne Champagne Emile Leclère... Page 18 Champagne Gratiot & Cie... Page 19 Cognac -Nouvelle Aquitaine Cognac Pierre de Segonzac... Page 20 Languedoc Roussillon Sud de Développement... Page 21 Chantovent Groupe Jean d Alibert... Page 22 Château Borie Neuve... Page 23 Château Camplazens... Page 24 Château des Coccinelles... Page 25 Château La Tour Penedesses... Page 26 Château Le Devoy Martine... Page 27 Château Saint Estève... Page 28

EXHIBITORS LIST DAD South of Wines... Page 29 Domaine de Vénus... Page 30 Joseph Castan Fine Wine... Page 31 Laudun Chusclan Vignerons... Page 32 Les Vignobles Foncalieu... Page 33 S.Delafont... Page 34 Vins Expression... Page 35 Vignobles Lorgeril... Page 36 Loire Valley Domaine Ménard-Gaborit... Page 37 Multi Regions Jaillance... Page 38 Jimex Intl... Page 39 Sélection Patrick Clerget... Page 40 Rhône Valley Domaine des 3 Cellier... Page 41 Domaine Juliette Avril... Page 42 Domaine Maby... Page 43 South-West In Vino Voluptas... Page 44

Alsace GUSTAVE LORENTZ / 귀스타브로렌츠 GUSTAVE LORENTZ SAS 91 rue des Vignerons 68750 BERGHEIM Pascal SCHIELE Ph.: +33 (0)3 89 73 22 22 Since 1836 la MAISON GUSTAVE LORENTZ owns a 33ha vineyard in Bergheim including 13.5ha for the Grand Cru Altenberg de Bergheim and 1,5 ha for the Grand Cru Kanzlerberg. Since 2012, our estate has been inspected and certified Organic Agriculture by Ecocert, a guarantee of our production methods. 1836 년에창립된메종귀스타브로렌츠는알자스포도원의중심인베르크하임언덕에면적 33 헥타르에달하는포도원을소유하고있다. 이중 12 헥타르는알텐베르크베르크하임그랑크뤼에속하며, 1.5 헥타르는칸츨러베르크그랑크뤼에속한다. 33 헥타르에서생산되는와인은 2012 년부터유기농인증을받아그품질을인정받았다. Crémant d'alsace Brut - Crémant d'alsace - white - NV - Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc - 88 pts Robert Parker's Wine Advocate, 90 pts Wine Enthusiast Riesling "Evidence" - Alsace - white - 2015 - Riesling - Organic Gewurztraminer "Evidence" - Alsace - white - 2015 - Gewurztraminer - Organic Riesling Grand Cru Kanzlerberg - Alsace Grand Cru - white - 2010 - Riesling Gewurztraminer Grand Cru Altenberg de Bergheim Vieilles Vignes - Alsace Grand Cru - white - 2011 - Gewurztraminer - 92 pts Robert Parker's Wine Advocate, 92 pts Wine Enthusiast Pinot Blanc Réserve - Alsace - white - 2016 - Pinot Blanc Riesling Réserve - Alsace - white - 2016 - Riesling Gewurztraminer Réserve - Alsace - white - 2016 - Gewurztraminer Pinot Gris Réserve - Alsace - white - 2015 - Pinot Gris Pinot Noir "Evidence" - Alsace - red - 2014 - Pinot Noir - Organic 회사유형 : Negociant 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 33 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 2 million bottles 수출비율 : 50% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Northern Europe, North America 7

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CCI NOUVELLE-AQUITAINE / 누벨 - 아키텐국제상공회의소 CCI NOUVELLE-AQUITAINE 2 place de la Bourse CS 91942 33050 BORDEAUX CEDEX Béatrice SIMARD Ph.: +33 (0)5 24 57 14 21 Cel.: +33 (0)6 77 63 82 94 International Information, advice and support are the three missions of CCI International Nouvelle-Aquitaine, dedicated to Sme s that aim to explore new markets, better identify export actors and sustainably strengthen their international position. We regularly organise Wine Events in Bordeaux or in Asia in partnership with Business with the financial support of the Conseil Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine. 누벨 - 아키텐국제상공회의소의주요업무는정보제공, 컨설턴트, 이벤트개최이다. 이들은새로운시장을개척하고, 잠재적인고객을확보하며, 수출역량을강화하고자하는중소기업을지원하는데목적을두고있다. 또한, 누벨 - 아키텐지방의회로부터재정적지원을받아비즈니스프랑스와협력하여와인 & 스피릿행사들을개최하고있다. 8

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CHÂTEAU BÉLINGARD / 샤토벨랭가르 CHÂTEAU BÉLINGARD Lieu-dit Belingard 24240 POMPORT Vianney de TASTES Ph.: +33 (0)5 53 58 28 03 Cel.: +33 (0)6 72 93 87 84 We are a family business established in the Dordogne Valley (50 miles East of Bordeaux city). Our winery is owned by the seventh generation of the same family. Our wines are produced under the AOC Bergerac and Monbazillac. Our range of wines includes white, rosé and red wines. The white wines are dry or medium dry and we also produce sweet dessert Monbazillac wines. 샤토벨랭가르는보르도에서동쪽으로 50km 떨어진도르도뉴계곡에위치하고있는가족도멘으로 7 대째이어져내려오고있다. 생산와인은베르즈락 (Bergerac) 과몽바지약 (Monbazillac) AOC 와인으로, 화이트, 로제, 레드와인을포괄한다. 이들이생산하는화이트와인은드라이하거나부드러운와인뿐만아니라디저트와인으로유명한달콤한몽바지약와인까지매우다양한종류를갖추고있다. Château Bélingard - Bergerac sec - white - 2016-60% Sauvignon, 20% Sémillon, 20% Muscadelle Château Bélingard - Bergerac rouge - red - 2014-60% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Cabernet Franc, 5% Malbec - 85/100 Wine Enthousiast 2015 (USA) Château Bélingard Réserve - Côtes de Bergerac Rouge - red - 2014-50% Merlot, 50% Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Medal Concours 2016 des Grands Vins de (Macôn) et des Vins d'aquitaine (Bordeaux) Château Bélingard - Côtes de Bergerac Moelleux - Sweet wine - 2016-95% Sémillon, 5% Sauvignon Gris Château Bélingard Réserve - Monbazillac - liquoreux - 2013-70% Sémillon, 15% Sauvignon, 15% Muscadelle - Silver Medal Concours 2015 des Grands de (Macôn) Ortus - Monbazillac - Liquoreux - 2014-70% Sémillon, 20% Sauvignon, 20% Muscadelle 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 80 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 3 000 hl 수출비율 : 60% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : USA, Netherlands, Germany 9

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CHÂTEAU HAUT GRELOT / 샤토오그를로 CHÂTEAU HAUT GRELOT 28 Les Grelauds 33820 SAINT-CIER-SUR- GIRONDE Fei TAN Ph.: +33 (0)5 57 32 65 98 Cel.: +33 (0)6 72 28 81 84 CHÂTEAU HAUT GRELOT is located in Saint Ciers Sur Gironde,norh of Bordeaux. As one of the Grands Vins de Bordeaux, Château Haut Grelot represents an era of dynamism and innovation in the heart of our countryside which reveals the true quality of our wines. We produce a wide range of white wines, aromatic and delicate with hints of exotic fruit, and powerful, fruity red wines with silky tannins. 최고등급보르도와인인그랑뱅드보르도중하나인샤토오그를로는명망높은테루아의중심에서최상의품질의와인을위해역동적이고혁신적으로일하고있다. 보르도북쪽에위치한샤토오그를로는열대과일향을띤섬세하고향기로운다양한화이트와인과과일향이풍부하고부드러운탄닌을지닌강렬한레드와인을주로생산한다. Château Haut Grelot Première Cuvée - AOP Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - white - 2015 - Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon, Muscadelle - Vigneron Indépendant Silver Medal Château Haut Grelot Cuvée Sélection - AOP Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - white - 2015 - Sauvignon Blanc - Concours Géneral Agricole Paris Gold Medal Château Haut Grelot Première Cuvée - AOP Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - red - 2015 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Château Haut Grelot L'Héritage - AOP Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - red - 2014 - Merlot, Malbec Château Haut Grelot Coteau de Methez - AOP Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - red - 2014 - Merlot - Concours Géneral Agricole Paris Gold Medal & Vigneron Indépendant Silver Medal Château Haut Grelot - AOP Bordeaux - red - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Château Haut Grelot - AOP Crémant de Bordeaux - White sparkling - NM - Sémillon Château de Cach - AOP Haut Medoc - red - 2015 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc Château Mongravey - AOP Margaux - red - 2012 - Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot Château Magnan La Gaffeliere - AOP Saint Emilion Grand Cru - red - 2012 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker/Negociant 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 67 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 350 000 bottles 수출비율 : 30% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : UE, Other European Countries, China, Canada, Africa 10

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CHÂTEAU LE SÈPE / 샤토르셉 CHÂTEAU LE SÈPE Lieu-dit le Sèpe 33350 SAINTE-RADEGONDE Dominique GUFFOND Cel.: +33 (0)6 86 90 88 18 Dominique Guffond took ownership of CHÂTEAU LE SÈPE, a 14 hectares vineyard near Saint-Emilion, in early 2009 after a professional training in a classified Margaux vintage. Independant wine grower and winemaker, his wines are every year rewarded in, on the international competition and this year in Japan (Sakura). 도미니크귀퐁은마르고와이너리에서전문경험을쌓은후, 2009 년초에생떼밀리온근처면적 14 헥타르의포도원샤토르셉을인수하였다. 샤토르셉은독립적인와인재배업체로, 프랑스국내를비롯하여국제대회에서도여러차례수상한경력이있으며, 올해에는일본에서상을획득하여 ( 사쿠라 ) 그명성을널리알렸다. Château Le Sèpe - Entre-Deux-Mers - white - 2015 - Sauvignon, Muscadelle Château Le Sèpe Cuvée Initiale - Bordeaux - red - 2011 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec - Médailles Decanter, Lyon, Gault & Millau Château Le Sèpe Cuvée Initiale - Bordeaux - red - 2012 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec - Médailles Sakura, Decanter, Guide Hachette, Los Angeles Wine Competition Château Le Sèpe Cuvée Initiale - Bordeaux - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec - Médailles Decanter, Gilbert & GaillArd, Los Angeles Wine Competition Château Le Sèpe Cuvée Classique - Bordeaux - red - 2012 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc - Médailles Bordeaux, Gilbert & Gaillard Château Le Sèpe Cuvée Classique - Bordeaux - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc - Médailles Gilbert & Gaillard 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 14,5 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 90 000 bottles 수출비율 : 15% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : USA, Luxembourg, Poland 11

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CHÂTEAU MAISON NOBLE / 샤토메종노블 CHÂTEAU MAISON NOBLE 1 Maison Noble 33230 MARANSIN Jean-Bertrand MARQUE Ph.: +33 (0)9 53 25 44 35 Cel.: +33 (0)6 17 66 56 33 jmarque@chateau-maisonnoble. com Winemakers at BORDEAUX for 10 generations! I run a family vineyard at BORDEAUX, near Saint-Émilion and Pomerol. We produce great wines (Red, Rose and White) in the strict tradition of BORDEAUX wine-making, but with our modern equipment. We work hard to produce quality wines at the best price: Our wines are always rewarded by very prestigious international competitions. Jean-Bertrand MARQUE 10 대째와인을재배해온가족출신으로생떼밀리온과포므롤근처인보르도에서 20 헥타르면적의 쁘띠샤토 를운영하고있다. 보르도의전통양조방식을엄격하게지키면서최신장비를사용하여레드, 로제및화이트를생산한다. 샤토메종노블은합리적인가격에우수한품질의와인을공급하기위해전력을기울이고있으며, 언제나세계적으로명망있는대회에서수상함으로써그품질을인정받았다. 또한, 토양관리에서와인병입까지모든과정을직접관리하고철저하게운영한다. Château Maison Noble Cuvée Prestige - Bordeaux - red - 2006 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Château Maison Noble Cuvée Prestige - Bordeaux - red - 2008 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Bronze Medal Concours Général Agricole de Paris Château Maison Noble Cuvée Prestige - Bordeaux Supérieur - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Medal concours international de Macon + Gold Medal concours Gilbert et Gaillard + Silver Medal concours des Vinalies Internationales + Bronze Medal Decanter Château Maison Noble - Bordeaux Supérieur - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Medal concours Gilbert et Gaillard + Silver Medal concours des Vinalies Internationales + Bronze Medal Decanter + Bronze Medal concours international de Macon Château Maison Noble - Bordeaux Clairet - rosé - 2015 - Cabernet Sauvignon - Winer of the OSCARS of Bordeaux Château Maison Noble Cuvée Maurice - Bordeaux Blanc - white - 2015 - Sauvignon blanc - 89 à Decanter 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 20 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 120 000 bottles 수출비율 : 50% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Japan, Columbia, USA, Taiwan 12

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CHÂTEAU MAISON NOBLE SAINT- MARTIN / 샤토메종노블생마르탱 CHÂTEAU MAISON NOBLE SAINT-MARTIN 1 Maison Noble 33540 SAINT-MARTIN-DU-PUY Bertrand GONZALEZ Ph.: +33 (0)5 56 71 86 53 Cel.: +33 (0)6 73 28 66 05 This domain is a 75 ha wine estate in the heart of the Entre-Deux-Mers region. The wines produced there are all AOC wines: Bordeaux Supérieur red, Bordeaux red, Entre-Deux-Mers and Bordeaux Rosé We practise integrated viticulture. Our soil is mainly clay and limestone. We are completely independant. 샤토메종노블생마르탱은면적 75 헥타르의포도원이다. 보르도슈페리에, 보르도, 앙트르두메르 AOC 와인을생산하는포도원은전적으로독립적경영으로이루어진다. 이들은토양 - 인간 - 환경사이에서조화를이루는것을우선으로하며, 환경에미치는영향을최소화하는합리적인농법을실천하고있다. Château Maison Noble Saint Martin - Bordeaux Supérieur - red - 2015 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc Château Maison Noble Saint Martin - Entre-Deux-Mers - white - 2016 - Sauvignon blanc, Semillon, Muscadelle Château Maison Noble Saint Martin - Bordeaux Rosé - rosé - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc Grand Vin de Maison Noble - Bordeaux Supérieur - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc Blanc de Maison - Entre-Deux-Mers - white - 2015 Château Jean de Bel Air - Bordeaux Rouge - red - 2015 - Merlot, Caberbet Sauvignon Château Jean de Bel Air - Bordeaux Blanc - white - 2016 - Sauvignon blanc Château Du Clos Perrault - Bordeaux Rouge - red - 2016 - Merlot, Caberbet Sauvignon Château Dubory - Bordeaux Rouge - red - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Château Bridoire - Bordeaux Rouge - red - 2016 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 75 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 500 000 bottles 수출비율 : - 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : - 13

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine FAMILLE ROCHET / 파미유로쉐 FAMILLE ROCHET Lieu-dit Malbat 33190 LA RÉOLE Mylène CAILLEMET Ph.: +33 (0)5 56 61 02 42 Cel.: +33 (0)6 23 32 12 98 Since 1865, The ROCHET Family owns a vineyard which now streches over 85 hectares (210 acres). Located at the heart of the Bordeaux wine region, the family estate makes the finest Bordeaux wines since 6 generations and produces a wide range of wines so as to give pleasure and satisfaction to everyone. Their wines are awarded medals every year and are mentionned in the most prestigious guides. 1865 년부터로쉐가문은 85 헥타르의포도원을경작하고있다. 보르도포도원의중심에위치한이도멘은 6 대째우수한품질의다양한와인을생산하여고객들에게만족감과즐거움을준다. 이가문의와인은다년간메달을수상하였으며, 유명와인가이드북에이름을올리고있다. Château Taussin - AOP Bordeaux - red - 2015 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Bronze Medal Bordeaux 2016, Gold Medal Gilbert & Gaillard Château Taussin - AOP Bordeaux - white - 2016 - Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Gris Château Taussin "Premium" - AOP Bordeaux - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Medal Paris 2015 Château Taussin - AOP Bordeaux Supérieur - red - 2015 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon C'est La Vie! - AOP Bordeaux - red - 2015 - Merlot Château Haut Jamin - AOP Bordeaux - red - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Medal Paris 2017 Château Haut Jamin - AOP Bordeaux Supérieur - red - 2015 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Medal Paris 2017 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 90 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 4 500 hl / 600 000 bottles 수출비율 : 60% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China, NZ, Singapore, USA, Germany, Belgium 14

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine FIWINE BORDEAUX / 피와인보르도 FIWINE BORDEAUX 53 rue du Dehez 33290 BLANQUEFORT Marie SOUBIRAC Ph.: +33 (0)5 56 68 05 45 Cel.: +33 (0)7 82 09 61 59 In 2011, Olivier DESGOUILLONS became the new owner and CEO of the company, renamed FIWINE BORDEAUX. We have 2 activities: Website dedicated to online selling of wines and spirits ( great growth wines, old vintages, rare wines) Traditional wine trade, promoting several domains from all regions in / Burgundy, Bordeaux, Loire, Rhône, etc. 2011 년올리비에데구이옹이사주이자대표이사가되어회사명을피와인보르도로개명하였다. 피와인보르도는다음과같은두가지분야의일을수행한다 : 와인과스피릿 ( 그랑크뤼, 올드빈티지, 희귀한와인 ) 을온라인으로판매하는웹사이트 부르고뉴, 보르도, 루아르, 론등프랑스전역의여러도멘홍보와전통적와인교역 Château Montaunoir - Bordeaux AOC - red - 2015 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - Terra Vitis Château Montaunoir - Bordeaux AOC - white - 2016 - Sauvignon, Muscadelle - Terra Vitis Château Escot - Médoc Cru Bourgeois AOC - red - 2012 - Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot Château Ermitage la Garenne - Puissegin Saint Emilion AOC - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Château Palais Cardinal - Saint Emilion Grand Cru AOC - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Domaine Debray - Hautes Côtes de Beaune - white - 2016 - Chardonnay - Sustainable method Domaine Debray - Hautes Côtes de Beaune - red - 2016 - Pinot Noir - Sustainable method Clos du Calvaire - Châteauneuf du Pape - red - 2014 - Grenache Château Galouchey - Sainte Foye Côtes de Bordeaux - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon Château Leognan - Pessac Leognan - red - 2011 - Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot - WE 91 / Gold medals 4th best French wines for Asia Pol Couronne - Champagne - white - Chardonnay 회사유형 : Negociant 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : - 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : - 수출비율 : - 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, etc 15

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine UNION DES VITICULTEURS DE PORT SAINTE-FOY / 포르생트프와포도재배자연합 UNION DES VITICULTEURS DE PORT SAINTE-FOY 78 route de Bordeaux 33220 PORT-SAINTE-FOY Guy ROBERT Cel.: +33 (0)6 71 42 37 46 The Union of Winegrowers of Port Ste Foy was created in 1935. 35 vineyards harvest 450 hectares in red, rosé, dry white and mellow white; We produce 3 million bottles of high quality because we control the entire wine production chain from the waist in January, February, vintage, vinification, until bottling. 포르생트프와포도재배자연합은 1935 년에창설되었다. 이연합에속한 35 개의와이너리는면적 450 헥타르의포도원에서레드, 로제, 드라이화이트, 스위트화이트와인을생산한다. 이들은 1~2 월에행하는포도나무가지치기로시작해포도수확, 와인양조를거쳐병입까지와인생산의전과정을직접관리하며, 우수한품질의와인을매해 3 백만병씩생산한다. The French red Nose - IGP Périgord - red - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Cassius - Bergerac - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Terrre Noire - Bergerac - red - 2014 - Merlot, Cabernet Terre Bleue - Bergerac - white - 2016 - Sauvignon Terrre Satinée - Bergerac - rosé - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Terre d'or - Cotes de Montravel - white sweet - 2015 - Muscadelle, Sauvigon Cote Bistrot Red - IGP Périgord - red - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Cote Bistrot White - IGP Périgord - white - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet Cote Bistrot Rosé - IGP Périgord - rosé - 2016 - Merlot, Cabernet 회사유형 : Cooperative 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 450 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 3 million bottles 수출비율 : 15% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China 16

Bordeaux - Nouvelle-Aquitaine VIGNOBLES BAYLE-CARREAU / 비뇨블바일 - 카로 VIGNOBLES BAYLE- CARREAU Château Barbe 33390 CARS Olga BIBA Ph.: +33 (0)5 57 98 19 20 Cel.: +33 (0)6 79 93 16 60 BAYLE-CARREAU winery is a family business since 5 generations, 5 main properties, 2 wine appellations. We offer a good value for money wine on 139 ha on both appellations Côtes de Bourg and Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux. Producing a significant volume (around 900000 bottles / year) we manage to handle the wine process from A to Z with a deep concern of sustainable viticulture. Retail & on-trade sectors. 비뇨블바일 - 카로는바일, 카로및주르당가문이운영하는가족회사로 5 대째이어져내려오고있다. 이기업은 5 개소유지에서가격대비품질이우수한와인을생산하고있다. 면적 139 헥타르의포도원은코트드부르 (Côtes de Bourg) 와블라이코트드보르도 (Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux), 두 AOC 지역에위치하고있으며포도원의총생산량은연 90 만병에달한다. Château Eyquem - Côtes de Bourg - red - 2013 - Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Malbec - Concours de Bordeaux 2014 Gold Medal Château Landreau - Côtes de Bourg - red - 2012 - Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon - Concours de Macon 2013 Silver medal - Concours des Vinalies Nationales 2013 -Prix des Vinalies Château Barbé - Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - white - 2016 - Sauvignon, Sémillon Château Barbé - Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - red - 2012 - Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Malbec - Concours de Bordeaux 2014 Bronze Medal; Concours Elle à Table 2015 Silver medal Château Pardaillan - Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux - red - 2011 - Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Malbec - Concours de Macon 2012 Silver medal Crémant de Bordeaux - white - NM - Ugni blanc, Sémillon 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 139 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 900 000 bottles 수출비율 : 15% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China, Russia, Mexico, Bielorussia, Netherlands, Belgium 17

Champagne CHAMPAGNE GRATIOT & CIE / 샹빠뉴그라티오에꽁빠니 CHAMPAGNE GRATIOT & CIE 27 avenue Fernand Drouet BP 10 02310 CHARLY-SUR-MARNE Amélie GRATIOT Ph.: +33 (0)3 23 82 06 89 For one and a half centuries, CHAMPAGNE GRATIOT & CIE has been continually working and evolving to build it's history. Talented builders and creators, the men and women in the family have been committed to preserving the spirit of the founders by making Champagne Gratiot & Cie, a family and visionary Champagne House. based on a constant concern of respect, rigour and perfection! 샹빠뉴그라티오에꽁빠니는 150 년동안자신의역사와전통을지키기위해부단히노력해왔다. 이들은탁월한재능을지닌미래지향적인가족기업으로엄격하고완벽한기준에걸맞은창시자의정신을지켜왔다. Almanach n 1 Brut - Champagne - white - NV - 85% Pinot Meunier, 15% Chardonnay - International Wine Challenge 2016/2017 Bronze Medal, Decanter 2015/2016, Gold Medal Gilbert & Gaillard 2015 Almanach n 2 Intense - Champagne - white - NV - 70% Pinot Meunier, 25% Chardonnay, 5% Pinot Noir - International Wine Challenge 2017 Bronze Medal, Decanter 2015, Guide Hachette 2015/2016, Selection Gilbert & Gaillard 2015 Almanach n 3 Rosé - Champagne - rosé - NV - 41% Pinot Meunier, 38% Chardonnay, 21% Pinot Noir - Vinalies Internationales 2015/2016 Silver Medal, Decanter 2015/2016, International Wine Championship Canada 2015 Silver Medal, Gilbert & Gaillard 2015 Gold Medal Almanach n 4 Mill 2008 - Champagne - white - 2008-72% Pinot Meunier, 27% Chardonnay, 1% Pinot Noir - International Wine Challenge 2017 Gold Medal, Decanter 2015 Bronze Medal Désiré Gratiot 2006 - Champagne - white - 2006-63% Pinot Meunier, 37% Chardonnay - Decanter 2016 Bronze Medal 회사유형 : Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 18 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 120 000 bottles 수출비율 : 21% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Japan, Italy, USA, Germany, Belgium 18

Champagne CHAMPAGNE ÉMILE LECLÈRE / 샹빠뉴에밀르클레르 CHAMPAGNE ÉMILE LECLÈRE 15 rue Victor Hugo 51530 MARDEUIL Marie BARBIER Ph.: +33 (0)3 26 55 24 45 Since 1832, La Maison EMILE LECLÈRE is located in the heart of the Champagne vineyards in Mardeuil (2 kms from Epernay). Vincent and Marie, the 5 th generation of winemakers work together 12 ha (30 acres) of vineyards, spread from 10 to 60 kms from the property, composed of 70% Pinot Meunier, 6% Pinot Noir and 24% Chardonnay. 에밀르클레르가문은 1832 년부터샹프누아포도원의중심인마르뒈이으 ( 에페르네에서 2km) 에자리잡았다. 샹빠뉴에서 5 대째자체라벨의와인을수확및양조 (RM) 하는뱅상과마리는농가에서 10~60 킬로사이에위치한 12 헥타르면적의포도밭을협력하여경작하고있다. 이들이생산하는포도품종은피노뫼니에 70%, 피노누아 6%, 샤르도네 24% 로구성되어있다. Brut Réserve - Champagne - white - NV - 80% Pinot Meunier, 20% Chardonnay - Gault et Millau from 2013 to 2016, Hachette avec *, Decanter 2015 (recommandé), Decanter 2016 Bronze Medal Blanc de Blancs - Champagne - white - NV - 100% Chardonnay - Gault et Millau from 2013 to 2016, Decanter 2014 Bronze Medal Bicentenaire - Champagne - white - NV - 60% Chardonnay, 30% Pinot Meunier, 10% Pinot Noir - Gault et Millau from 2013 to 2016, Decanter 2016 Bronze Medal, Concours International de Lyon Silver Medal Cuvée Généréation 5 - Champagne - white - NV - 100% Chardonnay - Gilbert et Gaillard Gold Medal, Hachette avec *, Gault et Millau 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 12 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 120 000 bottles 수출비율 : 40% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : USA, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand 19

Cognac - Nouvelle Aquitaine COGNAC PIERRE DE SEGONZAC / 꼬냑피에르드스공작 COGNAC PIERRE DE SEGONZAC 1 impasse de la Nérolle 16130 SEGONZAC Pablo FERRAND Ph.: +33 (0)5 56 48 56 10 Cel.: +33 (0)6 63 85 87 55 pabloferrand@ Since 1702, the domain PIERRE DE SEGONZAC is registered in the tradition of pure Cognacs 7 hectares, located in Grande Champagne, supply the grapes of Ugni-Blanc which will serve to make the finest eauxde-vies. A unique knowledge transmitted from generation to generation, responsible for traditions and cognacs of very high qualities. 도멘피에르드스공작은 1702 년부터유명한코냑을생산해왔다. 그랑드샹빠뉴지역에위치한 7 헥타르에서는최고급오드비 (eau-de-vie) 의제조에사용되는진귀한위니블랑품종이생산된다. 이도멘은역사와전통을보여주는독보적인노하우를토대로오늘날에도최고급꼬냑을생산하고있다. VSOP - Grande Champagne - ambré - Ugni-Blanc XO Réserve - Grande Champagne - ambré - Ugni-Blanc - Silver mention extraordinaire (IWSC 2016) XO Sélection des Anges - Grande Champagne - ambré - Ugni-Blanc - Gold (Challenge International du Vin 2015) XO Extra - Grande Champagne - ambré - Ugni-Blanc - Gold (Challenge International du Vin 2015) XO Ancestrale - Grande Champagne - ambré - Ugni-Blanc 회사유형 : Bouilleur de Cru / Grower Distiller 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 6,54 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : - 수출비율 : 80% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Russia, China, Europe 20

Languedoc Roussillon SUD DE FRANCE DÉVELOPPEMENT / 쉬드드프랑스데블롭프망 SUD DE FRANCE DÉVELOPPEMENT 3 840 avenue Georges Frêche 34477 PEROLS CEDEX Catherine MACHABERT Ph.: +33 (0)4 99 64 29 14 machabert@suddefrance-dvpt. com With its almost 280 000 hectares of grape vines in Languedoc, Roussillon and part of the Rhône valley region as well as in the French Southwest, Occitania is without a doubt the world s largest and most multiplex vineyard. Its warm and mild climate and its panoply of landscapes make it one of the most innovative wine producing regions of our time. The traditional savoir-faire of the local winegrowers, combined with the latest production techniques, engage worldwide attention for Occitan wines. Sud de conveys the pertinent information using a clear and articulate form. A true umbrella brand, it represents Occitania s numerous and varied wines, emphasizing the origins of viticulture in this region and the uniqueness of its remarkable districts bordering the Mediterranean. 전세계에서가장넓고다양한포도원을자랑하는오시타니아 (Occitanie) 지방은론과남서부지역일부를비롯해랑그독 - 루시옹전역에 28 만여헥타르에달하는포도원을아우른다. 이지역의온화한기후와풍요롭고다양한테루아는다채로우면서도특징적인포도원을형성하는데일조했다. 또한, 이지방은조상들로부터전해내려온지역의노하우와혁신적인첨단양조기술을접목해와인의품질을더욱발전시키고있다. 한편, 쉬드드프랑스상표는소비자를위하여이해하기쉽게만들어진하나의상징이자표현이다. 이상표는해당지역의 AOC 및 IGP 와인에통틀어서사용되는진정한의미의 엄브렐라브랜드 로, 와인의원산지와집약된노하우, 탁월한지중해성테루아의가치를더욱높여주는역할을한다. 21

Languedoc CHANTOVENT- GROUPE JEAN D'ALIBERT / 샹토방 쟝달리베르그룹 CHANTOVENT- GROUPE JEAN D'ALIBERT Quai du Port au Vin 78270 BONNIÈRES-SUR-SEINE Sarah VAN DER BEEK Ph.: +33 (0)1 30 98 59 20 Cel.: +86 156 1831 2236 CHANTOVENT is the sales and marketing tools of Jean d'alibert group, a group of wine producers in the South of including 1,200 winegrowers and covering 6,000 hectares of vineyards. The annual production is 36 million bottles. Chantovent is a leading company for Minervois appellation and IGP Coteaux de Peyriac. 샹토방은프랑스남부의 1,200 명의와인생산자및 6,000 헥타르의포도밭을포괄하는쟝달리베르 (Jean d'alibert) 그룹에서영업과마케팅을도맡고있다. 연간생산량은 3600 만병에달하며미네르브와 (Minervois) AOC 와인과코토드페이리악 (Coteaux de Peyriac) IGP 와인의대표주자이다. Bistro Marquisat - Coteaux de Peyriac IGP - red - 2016 - Carignan, Grenache Le Bleu - Pays d'oc IGP - rosé - 2016 - Grenache Gris Jean d'alibert Prestige - Pays d'oc IGP - white - 2016 - Chardonnay, Viognier J.A By Jean d'alibert Nature - AOC Minervois - red - 2016 - Syrah, Grenache Château Félines - AOC Minervois La Livinière - red - 2010 - Syrah, Grenache - Gold Medal Macon 2012 Les Contemporains - Pays d'oc IGP - red - 2016 - Merlot Bistro Signature PET - Pays d'oc IGP - red - 2016 - Cabernet, Syrah, Merlot Château Mirausse Cuvée Originale - AOC Minervois - red - 2014 - Syrah, Grenache - Gold Medal Gilbert & Gaillard Château Rivière Cuvée Prestige - AOC Minervois - red - 2016 - Syrah, Grenache 회사유형 : Group of producers 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 6 000 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 42 million bottles 수출비율 : 40% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Asia, USA, Germany, Belgium 22

Languedoc CHÂTEAU BORIE NEUVE / 샤토보리눼브 CHÂTEAU BORIE NEUVE Domaine Borie Neuve 11800 BADENS Bruno CORREIA Ph.: +33 (0)4 68 79 28 62 bruno.correia@ CHÂTEAU BORIE NEUVE is a family winery located in the village of Badens, in the Minervois region, LANGUEDOC. It's mainly the story of the family CORREIA, especially Bruno, the elder son, a passionnate winegrower turned towards the future and the production of modern, fruity, complex and refreshing wines. Often rewarded by numerous medals, our wines are savoured in the best restaurants of. 샤토보리눼브는랑그독지방미네르브와의중심에위치한바덴의작은마을에자리잡고있다. 유서깊은코레아가문의장남인브뤼노는미래지향적이면서도부드러우며과일향을지닌현대적인와인을생산하고자한다. 수많은메달을획득한샤토보리눼브의와인은전세계의가장뛰어난레스토랑에오르는와인중하나로사랑받고있다. Château Borie Neuve - Camille - AOC Minervois - red - 2015 - Carignan, Syrah, Grenache Château Borie Neuve - Benjamin - AOC Minervois - red - 2015 - Syrah, Grenache Château Borie Neuve - Marie - AOC Minervois - rosé - 2016 - Grenache, Cinsault Château Borie Neuve - Les Terrasses - AOC Minervois - rosé - 2016 - Cinsault, Grenache Château Borie Neuve - L'Excellium - AOC Minervois - white - 2016 - Roussanne, Vermentino Château Borie Neuve - Chemin de Traverse - AOC Minervois - white - 2016 - Muscat Petit Grain, Vermentino Domaine Borie Neuve - Chardonnay - IGP Pays d'oc - white - 2016 - Chardonnay Domaine Borie Neuve - Merlot - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2016 - Merlot 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 140 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 5 500 hl / 200 000 bottles 수출비율 : 50% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark 23

Languedoc CHÂTEAU CAMPLAZENS / 샤토컴플라젠스 CHÂTEAU CAMPLAZENS Domaine de Camplazens 11110 ARMISSAN Léandre VANDENBOUHEDE Ph.: +33 (0)4 68 45 38 89 Cel.: +33 (0)6 71 35 27 73 CHÂTEAU CAMPLAZENS is a boutique vineyard and a jewel on La Clape, located in the heart of Languedoc in Southern. We produce fruity, full-bodied and well balanced wines, which are awarded every year in the best wine concours of the world. 샤토컴플라젠스는특색이강한와이너리로남프랑스랑그독지방중심에자리한라클라프의보석이라불린다. 독자적인와인생산법으로유명한샤토컴플라젠스는과일향이풍부하면서도진하고균형잡힌와인을생산한다. Château Camplazens Premium - AOC La Clape - red - 2015 - Syrah, Grenache, Carignan - Gold Decanter Château Camplazens La Réserve - AOC La Clape - red - 2015 - Syrah, Grenache - Silver Decanter Château Camplazens La Garrigue - AOC La Clape - red - 2015 - Grenache, Syrah - Silver Decanter Château Camplazens Julius - AOC La Clape - red - 2011 - Syrah, Grenache, Carignan - Best wine of Languedoc, Decanter 2011 Château Camplazens Rosé - AOC Coteaux du Languedoc - rosé - 2016 - Grenache, Syrah Domaine Camplazens Grenache - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2016 - Grenache - Gold Vigneron Indépendant Domaine Camplazens Marselan - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2016 - Marselan - Silver Vigneron Indépendant Domaine Camplazens Syrah - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2016 - Syrah - Gold Syrah du Monde Domaine Camplazens Syrah - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2015 - Syrah Domaine Camplazens Viognier - IGP Pays d'oc - white - 2016 - Viognier 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 48 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 1 800 hl / 220 000 bottles 수출비율 : 75% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China, Switzerland, Germany 24

Languedoc Rhône CHÂTEAU DES COCCINELLES / 샤토데콕시넬 CHÂTEAU DES COCCINELLES 6 rue des Ecoles 30390 DOMAZAN Sebastiaan MOERKAMP Ph.: +33 (0)4 66 57 03 07 Cel.: +33 (0)6 24 53 17 37 CHÂTEAU DES COCCINELLES is located at the southern end of s Rhône valley, between the famous Pont du Gard aqueduct and the Pont d Avignon. The estate covers an area of 80 ha (198 acres) that are situated on the Signargues plateau, an excellent terroir possessing an exceptional geological pedigree. 샤토데콕시넬은발레뒤론의남쪽, 아비뇽다리와퐁뒤가르사이의가장아름다운역사적유적지근처에위치한도마장 (Domazan) 에자리잡고있다. 80 헥타르의도멘은시냐르그고원위에펼쳐져있는독특한지질학적특성을가진테루아로유명하다. Coccinelles - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2015 - Merlot - Organic St Honorat - Côtes du Rhône - red - 2014 - Syrah, Grenache - Organic Coccinelles - Côtes du Rhône - red - 2015 - Syrah, Grenache - Organic Coccinelles - Côtes du Rhône - red - 2016 - Grenache, Syrah - Organic Coccinelles - Côtes du Rhône - white - 2016 - Roussanne, Grenache - Organic Coccinelles - Côtes du Rhône - rosé - 2016 - Cinsault, Syrah - Organic Coccinelles - Côtes du Rhône Villages Signargues - red - 2014 - Syrah, Grenache - Organic 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 80 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 400 000 bottles 수출비율 : 45% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China, Thailand, Japan 25

Languedoc CHÂTEAU LA TOUR PENEDESSES / 샤토라투르페네데스 CHÂTEAU LA TOUR PENEDESSES 2 rue Droite 34600 FAUGERES Alexandre FOUQUE Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 95 17 21 Cel.: +33 (0)6 98 28 75 15 domainedelatourpenedesses@ www. domainedelatourpenedesses. com The vineyard spread over 40 ha and is located between hillsides and volcanic plateaux Thanks to those diverse soils M. FOUQUE works with various apellations AOP FAUGERES- AOP COTEAUX LANGUEDOC PEZENAS - VP OC - VP CASSAN that enable him to have many varieties (Syrah, Grenache, Mourvedre... ) Each specific varietal and terroir is vinified separately to keep the best aroma for his wines. 샤토라투르페네데세스의포도원은면적 40 헥타르에달하며화산지대언덕과평원사이에자리잡고있다. 토양의다양성으로인해, 푸크 (FOUQUE) 씨는여러포도품종 ( 시라, 그르나슈, 무르베드르등 ) 과더불어 AOP 푸제르, AOP 코토랑그독페즈나스 - 뱅드페이독 뱅드페이카상등원산지명칭이붙은와인들을생산한다. 또한와인의고귀한향을보존하기위해테루아및종류별로개별양조한다. La Cuvée Antique Rouge - AOP Languedoc Pezenas - red - 2015 - Syrah, Mourvèdre, Grenache - Organic La Montagne Noire Rouge - AOP Faugères - red - 2015 - Syrah, Grenache, Mourvèdre, Cinsault, Carignan - Organic La Cuvée Antique Blanc - AOP Languedoc - white - 2015 - Marsanne, Roussanne, Vermentino ou Rolle, Viognier - Organic Les Volcans - AOP Coteaux Languedoc Pezenas - red - 2015 - Syrah, Mourvèdre, Grenache, Carignan - Organic Les Raisins de la Colère - AOP Faugères - red - 2015 - Syrah, Mourvèdre - Organic Clos Penedesses - AOP Coteaux Languedoc Pezenas - red - 2015 - Grenache, Counoise - Organic Tempranillo - VP Cassan - red - 2012 - Tempranillo - Organic Pinot Noir - VO Oc - red - 2015 - Pinot Noir - Organic 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 40 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 90 000 bottles 수출비율 : 40% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Canada, Japan, EAU, China 26

Languedoc Rhône CHÂTEAU LE DEVOY MARTINE / 샤토르드브와마틴 CHÂTEAU LE DEVOY MARTINE 448 RN 580 30126 SAINT-LAURENT-DES- ARBRES Véronique LOMBARDO Ph.: +33 (0)4 66 50 01 23 Cel.: +33 (0)6 45 29 28 64 www.chateauledevoymartine. com CHÂTEAU LE DEVOY MARTINE is an estate of 40ha since 1968. Today, Veronique, the 4 th generation of winemakers, take care of the vinification and the estate. We produce mainly Lirac, a Cru from the Rhone Valley since 1947. Our Lirac exists in 3 colors and we produce also red Côtes du Rhône and IGP Gard red and rosé. 샤토르드브와마틴은 1968 년에창시된 40 헥타르의가족경영의포도원이다. 오늘날에는 4 대째인베로니크가양조와포도원을책임지고있다. 생산와인중주종은리락 (Lirac) 으로 1947 년에지정된발레뒤론의크뤼와인이다. 리락은레드, 화이트와로제가있으며, 이외에도코트뒤론레드와인, IGP 가르레드와로제와인도생산한다. Château Le Devoy Martine Cuvée Circius - AOC Lirac - red - 2013 - Mourvèdre, Grenache, Syrah Château Le Devoy Martine Cuvée Via Secreta - AOC Lirac - white - 2016 - Grenache Blanc, Roussanne, Clairette, Bourboulenc Château Le Devoy Martine Cuvée Via Secreta - AOC Lirac - red - 2015 - Grenache, Mourvèdre, Syrah, Cinsault Château Le Devoy Martine - AOC Côtes du Rhône - red - 2015 - Grenache, Cinsault, Mourvèdre, Syrah Le Devoy Martine - IGP Gard - red - 2015 - Carignan, Mourvèdre Château Le Devoy Martine Cuvée Via Secreta - AOC Lirac - rosé - 2016 - Grenache, Cinsault, Mourvèdre, Syrah 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 40 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 1 000 hl / 130 000 bottles 수출비율 : 45% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : USA, Germany, Belgium, Canada 27

Languedoc CHÂTEAU SAINT-ESTÈVE / 샤토생테스테브 CHÂTEAU SAINT-ESTÈVE Domaine de Saint-Estève 11200 THEZAN-DES-CORBIÈRES David LATHAM Ph.: +33 (0)4 68 43 32 34 Cel.: +33 (0)6 13 82 72 50 contact@chateau-saint-esteve. com CHÂTEAU SAINT-ESTÈVE, property belonging to the LATHAM family since 1984, is implanted in a protected nature with the wild character on the Country of Corbières. The Mediterranean climate, the argilo-chalky-clay soil, its rolled pebbles and its south exhibition allow a optimal maturation of the bays on the various vines. 1984 년부터라탕가문이소유하고있는샤토생테스테브는자연이잘보전되어있으면서거친코르비에르테루아에위치하고있다. 이테루아는지중해성기후, 석회점토질토양, 자갈, 정남향으로자리잡은포도밭등최상의조건들을갖추고있어다양한품종의포도를완벽하게숙성시키는데제격이다. Domaine de Saint-Estève Chardonnay - IGP Pays d'oc - white - 2016 - Chardonnay Domaine de Saint-Estève Merlot - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2015 - Merlot Château Girabelle - AOP Corbières - red - 2015 - Carignan, Grenache noir, Syrah, Mourvèdre Château Saint-Estève - AOP Corbières - rosé - 2016 - Grenache noir, Syrah, Cinsault Château Saint-Estève - AOP Corbières - red - 2014 - Grenache noir, Syrah - Gold Medal concours des Vignerons Indépendants 2016 Château Saint-Estève Cuvée Henry de Monfreid - AOP Corbières - red - 2013 - Syrah, Carignan, Grenache noir, Mourvèdre - Silver Medal Concours des Vignerons Indépendants 2016 Château Saint-Estève Cuvée Astreos - AOP Corbières-Boutenac - red - 2013 - Carignan, Grenache noir, Syrah, Mourvèdre Château Saint-Estève Cuvée Ganymède - AOP Corbières-Boutenac - red - 2011 - Carignan Vieilles Vignes, Syrah, Grenache noir, Mourvèdre Château Saint-Estève Cuvée Altaïr - AOP Corbières - red - 2014 - Syrah, Grenache noir - Bronze Medal Decanter World Wine Awards 2016 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 127 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 4 184 hl / 440 000 bottles 수출비율 : 80% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China, Ivory Coast 28

Languedoc DAD SOUTH OF FRANCE WINES / DAD 사우스오브프랑스와인즈 DAD SOUTH OF FRANCE WINES 8 avenue de l'europe 34830 CLAPIERS Cédric ESPITALIER NOEL Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 55 90 90 Cel.: +33 (0)6 15 44 83 34 Founded in 1991, DAD is the exclusive Export Sales office for 16 winegrowers: private Châteaux and Domaines, and some of the best Cooperatives Cellars. Our wines are from the Languedoc, Rhone, Provence and Gascony. We work hand in hand with our producers in order to offer our customers well-packaged wines of excellent quality and value. We are looking for long term win/win partnership. 1991 년에창설된 DAD 는유명한독립샤토및도멘과공동생산조합 (Caves Coopératives) 에속한 16 개의와인생산자를위한수출기구이다. DAD 는랑그독, 론, 프로방스및가스코뉴지방에위치하고있으며, 가격대비품질이우수하고고급스러운포장을위해와인생산업체와긴밀한협력관계를맺고있다. DAD 는오랜기간을함께할수있는새로운파트너를찾고있다. Picpoul de Pinet Saint Peyre - AOP Picpoul de Pinet - white - 2016 - Piquepoul Chardonnay Saint Peyre - IGP Pays d'oc - white - 2016 - Chardonnay Le Grand Blanc - IGP Côtes de Thongue - white - 2015 - Roussanne, Chardonnay, Viognier Esprit BIO Merlot - Pays d'oc - red - 2016 - Merlot - Organic Esprit BIO Sauvignon Blanc - Pays d'oc - white - 2016 - Sauvignon Blanc - Organic Palm Château de l'escarelle - IGP Méditerranée - red - 2015 - Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carignan - Viticulture Raisonnée Controlée et certifié HVE Mes Bastides Château de l'escarelle - AOP Coteaux Varois en Provence - red - 2014 - Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon - Viticulture Raisonnée Controlée et certifié HVE Mes Bastides Château de l'escarelle - AOP Coteaux Varois en Provence - rosé - 2016 - Grenache, Mourvèdre, Syrah - Viticulture Raisonnée Controlée et certifié HVE Larmes du Volcan - AOP Languedoc - red - 2015 - Syrah, Grenache, Mourvèdre - Gold Medal Concours des Grands Vins du Languedoc Roussillon L'Espinouse - AOP Pézenas - red - 2014 - Syrah, Grenache - 88 Decanter 2016 회사유형 : Export Sales Office 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 16 wineries on 4 000 ha 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 225 000 hl / 10 million bottles 수출비율 : 100% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Europe, USA, Russia, Japan, Korea, China 29

Roussillon DOMAINE DE VÉNUS / 도멘드베뉘스 DOMAINE DE VÉNUS 13 avenue Jean Moulin 66220 SAINT-PAUL-DE- FENOUILLET Alice EUVRARD Ph.: +33 (0)4 68 59 18 81 Cel.: +33 (0)6 85 55 02 00 The DOMAINE DE VÉNUS was born when ten wine-loving friends decided to create great terroir wines. Their Dream: create an exceptional wine estate, singular by its originality and its eclecticism, on the magical Fenouillèdes terroir. Since 2003, the estate owners have progressed constantly in the search for excellence, in order to share their passion with all wine lovers. 도멘드베뉘스는우수한테루아와인을양조하고자하는 10 여명의열정적인포도주애호가들의의기투합으로탄생하였다. 이들은매혹적인프누이예드의테루아에서독창적이면서도우수한도멘을세웠다. 2003 년부터는이들은자신들의열정과우수한와인의품질을모든와인애호가와공유하고자노력하며끊임없이발전하고있다. Domaine de Vénus Cuvée l'effrontée - Côtes du Roussillon - white - 2013-50% Macabeu, 40% Grenache Gris, 5% Grenache Blanc, 5% Vermentino Domaine de Vénus Cuvée Tentations - Côtes du Roussillon - red - 2013-80% Grenache Noir, 20% Syrah Domaine de Vénus Cuvée Passions - Côtes du Roussillon Villages - red - 2013-60% Syrah, 30% Grenache Noir, 10% Carignan Domaine de Vénus - Vin de Pays des Côtes Catalanes - red - 2015-98% Carignan, 2% Syrah Vénus et Co - Côtes du Roussillon - red - 2016-50% Syrah, 40% Grenache Noir, 10% Carignan Vénus et Co - Côtes du Roussillon - rosé - 2016-50% Grenache Noir, 50% Syrah 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 33 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 70 000 bottles 수출비율 : 15% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Belgium, USA, Canada, Denmark 30

Languedoc JOSEPH CASTAN FINE WINE / 조세프꺄스탕파인와인 JOSEPH CASTAN FINE WINE Château Saint-Jean d'aumières 34150 GIGNAC Vianney CASTAN Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 40 00 64 Cel.: +33 (0)6 07 44 39 57 JOSEPH CASTAN FINE WINE provides wines from the whole Languedoc-Roussillon (South of ) and Rhône Valley. From table wine till the best AOC we have several brands, Domains and Châteaux in Vins de Pays d Oc, Varietal wines, Corbières, Minervois, Cotes du Rhône, Vacqueyras, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, 비아니카스탕에의해 2007 년에창립된조셉카스탕파인와인은랑그독 - 루시옹지역의와인생산업체이자네고시앙으로, 랑그독와인과발레뒤론남부와인을전문으로한다. Domaine Saint-Jean d'aumières "Les Collines" - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2015 - Merlot - Gold Medal Gilbert et Gaillard Château Saint-Jean d'aumières "Les Perles Noires" - AOP Languedoc - red - 2014 - Syrah, Carignan, Grenache - Gold Medal in Lyon Château Saint-Jean d'aumières "L'Alchimiste" - AOP Terrasses du Larzac - red - 2014 - Syrah, Carignan, Grenache - Gold Medal top one and Lyon Château Saint-Jean d'aumières "L'Alchimiste Black Edition" - AOP Terrasses du Larzac - red - 2014 - Syrah, Carignan, Grenache - Parker 92/100 Château Saint-Louis la Perdrix "L'envol" - AOP Costières de Nimes - red - 2015 - Syrah, Carignan, Grenache - Gold Medal Gilbert et Gaillard Château Saint-Louis la Perdrix "L'envol" - AOP Costières de Nimes - white - 2015 - Grenache, Roussane - Gold Medal Gilbert et Gaillard Château Saint-Louis la Perdrix "La Dernière Croisade" - AOP Costières de Nimes - red - 2015 - Syrah, Carignan, Grenache - Gold Medal Bruxelles Château Saint-Louis la Perdrix "La Dernière Croisade" - AOP Costières de Nimes - white - 2016 - Grenache, Roussane - Gold Medal Gilbert et Gaillard Elégance Merlot - IGP Pays d'oc - red - 2016 - Merlot - Gold Medal Gilbert et Gaillard Elégance Chardonnay - IGP Pays d'oc - white - 2015 - Chardonnay - Gold Medal Gilbert et Gaillard 회사유형 : Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : - 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : - 수출비율 : - 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : China, Europe 31

Languedoc Rhône LAUDUN CHUSCLAN VIGNERONS / 로덩쉬스클랑비뇨롱 LAUDUN CHUSCLAN VIGNERONS Route d'orsan 30200 CHUSCLAN David BERNESCUT Ph.: +33 (0)4 66 90 11 03 Cel.: +33 (0)6 46 32 10 14 Covering over 3,000 hectares, the LAUDUN-CHUSCLAN vineyards are among the largest on the right bank of the Rhone, and boast an exceptional array of terroirs. The fruit of the experience of 250 families of wine producers, backed by teams of diligent, expert professionals, our Cotes du Rhone wine ranges are characterized by their rich diversity and remarkably consistent quality. 3000 헥타르에달하는로덩쉬스클랑포도원은론강우안에서는제일규모가큰포도원중하나이자뛰어난다양성을지닌테루아로유명하다. 전문가들로구성된팀과 250 가구의포도재배자들의경험의결실로빚어낸로덩쉬스클랑의코트뒤론와인은다양성과품질로널리인정받았다. La Noria - Côtes du Rhône - red - 2015 - Grenache noir, Carignan, Syrah, Cinsault - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Silver Mâcon Esprit du Rhône - Côtes du Rhône - red - 2015 - Grenache noir, Carignan, Syrah, Cinsault - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Silver CGA Paris Guide Hachette Esprit du Rhône - Côtes du Rhône - white - 2016 - Grenache blanc, Clairette, Roussanne, Viognier - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Guide Gilbert & Gaillard Esprit du Rhône - Côtes du Rhône Villages Chusclan - red - 2015 - Grenache noir, Carignan, Syrah, Mourvedre - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Guide Gilbert & Gaillard Esprit du Rhône - Côtes du Rhône Villages Laudun - red - 2015 - Grenache noir, Syrah - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Gold CGA Paris Esprit du Rhône - Châteauneuf du Pape - red - 2015 - Grenache noir, Syrah, Mourvèdre Les Genets - Côtes du Rhône Villages Chusclan - red - 2015 - Grenache noir, Carignan, Syrah, Mourvedre - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Gold Macon Guide Hachette Dolia - Côtes du Rhône Villages Laudun - red - 2015 - Grenache noir, Syrah - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Silver Orange Excellence - Côtes du Rhône Villages Laudun - white - 2015 - Grenache blanc, Clairette, Roussanne, Viognier - vignobles en Agriculture Durable - Gold Orange 회사유형 : Cave Cooperative 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 3 000 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 140 000 hl / 6 million bottles 수출비율 : 40% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : UK, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Brazil, China 32

Languedoc LES VIGNOBLES FONCALIEU / 레비뇨블퐁칼리유 LES VIGNOBLES FONCALIEU Domaine de Corneille 11290 ARZENS Damien D'OVIDIO Ph.: +33 (0)4 68 76 21 68 Cel.: +33 (0)6 77 09 12 82 LES VIGNOBLES FONCALIEU is a Union of Cooperative wineries located in the South of near Carcassonne. Its 1000 committed and passionate winemakers share their experience and work together to produce wines which pay tribute to the south of s extraordinary terroir. The 4500 hectares of vines which they cultivate extend from Gascony to the Côtes du Rhône, taking in Languedoc Roussillon. 레비뇨블퐁칼리유는카르카손근처에본부가있는공동생산조합연합 (Union de Caves Coopératives) 이다. 열정적이고적극적인 1,000 여개의와인생산업자들은남부프랑스의비범한테루아에걸맞은와인을생산하기위해경험을적극공유하고있다. 이들이경작하는 4500 헥타르의포도밭은가스코뉴로부터랑그독 - 루시옹을거쳐코트뒤론까지펼쳐져있다. Château Haut-Gléon - AOP Corbières - red - 2014-45% Syrah, 40% Grenache noir, 15% Carignan Château Haut-Gléon - AOP Corbières - white - 2015-75% Roussanne, 25% Vermentino - Coup de Cœur au Guide Hachette 2017 Latoque - Pays d'oc IGP - red - 2015 - Cabernet-Sauvignon, Syrah, Malbec - Gold Medal Robert Parker -88-90 points Le Versant Sauvignon - Pays d'oc IGP - white - 2015 - Sauvignon - Silver Medal Concours Mondial du Sauvignon Le Versant Pinot Noir - Pays d'oc IGP - red - 2015 - Pinot Noir Le Versant Grenache Rosé - Pays d'oc IGP - rosé - 2016 - Grenache Rosé Syrah & Viognier red - Pays d'oc IGP - red - 2015-80% Syrah, 20% Viognier - 2 étoiles au Guide Hachette 2017 L'Apogée - AOP Saint-Chinian - red - 2013-70% Syrah, 30% Mourvèdre - Medal Robert Parker - 90 pts Le Griset Sauvignon Gris blanc - Pays d'oc IGP - white - 2015 - Sauvignon Gris - Silver Medal Vinalies Internationales Château Cazevieille - AOP Saint-Chinian - red - 2015-85% Syrah, 15% Grenache 회사유형 : Union de Caves Cooperatives 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 4 500 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 256 000 hl / 22 million bottles 수출비율 : 68% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : UK, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Malaysia, 33

Languedoc S.DELAFONT / S. 들라퐁 S.DELAFONT ZA Mas David Chemin du Cimetière 30360 VEZENOBRES Anissa BOUCHOUATA Ph.: +33 (0)4 66 56 94 78 Cel.: +33 (0)6 40 71 57 75 We are Négociant éleveur specialized in the crus from the Languedoc vineyards. There are fabulous terroirs and exceptionnal vineyards in the Languedoc but not sufficiently recognized. Samuel Delafont has created S.Delafont Artisan Négociant with a militant approach and the desire to participate in the development of the great Languedoc wines. S. 들라퐁은랑그독지방의와인을전문으로주조 / 유통 (négociant-éleveur) 하는업체이다. 랑그독은테루아의다양성으로인해우수한와인들이생산되고있지만다른지역에비해크게조명을받지못하였다. 이를안타깝게여긴사무엘들라퐁은랑그독와인의우수함을알리는데에적극적으로일조하고자메종 S. 들라퐁아티장네고시앙을창립하였다. S.Delafont - Vin de - red - 2016-70% Pinot noir, 30% Grenache S.Delafont - Vin de - white - 2016-60% Viognier, 40% Vermentino S.Delafont - Languedoc - rosé - 2016-35% Grenache, 30% Syrah, 20% Cinsault, 15% Mourvèdre S.Delafont - Languedoc - red - 2015-50% Syrah, 40% Grenache,10% Mourvèdre S.Delafont - Languedoc - white - 2016-40% Rolle, 20% Roussanne, 15% Marsanne, 15% Grenache blanc, 5% Viognier, 5% Bourboulenc S.Delafont - Limoux - white - 2015-100% Chardonnay S.Delafont - La Clape - red - 2014-65% Syrah, 30% Mourvèdre, 5% Grenache S.Delafont - Pic Saint Loup - red - 2014-85% Syrah, 10% Mourvèdre, 5% Grenache S.Delafont - Crémant de Limoux - 2013 - Chardonnay, Chenin, Pinot S.Delafont - Crémant de Limoux - NV - Pinot noir, Chardonnay 회사유형 : Artisan Negociant 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : - 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 62 000 bottles 수출비율 : 85% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Japan, China 34

Languedoc VINS EXPRESSION / 뱅엑스프레시옹 VINS EXPRESSION 4 chemin de l'hérault 34120 CASTELNAU-DE-GUERS Alexander KROSSA Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 98 49 10 Cel.: +33 (0)6 07 44 69 10 VINS EXPRESSION is a fine wine exporting company headquartered in Languedoc. Its mission is to offer exclusive wines from Domains/ Châteaux, whose wines reflect the best expression and highest quality of their appellations. The wines are estate bottled. Our range comprises more than 150 wines from Languedoc/ Roussillon, Rhône Valley, Provence and Burgundy. Most of our wines are medal winners. 랑그독기업인뱅엑스프레시옹은유명와인을수출하며원산지인테루아의특성에걸맞은우수한품질의도멘과샤토와인을공급하는것을사명으로삼는다. 이들와인은도멘에서병입된다. 현재뱅엑스프레시옹은각종메달을수상한 150 개이상의와인 ( 랑그독 - 루시옹, 발레뒤론, 프로방스, 부르고뉴지방와인 ) 을다양하게갖추고있다. Domaine Les Yeuses Syrah Les Epice - IGP OC - red - 2015 - Syrah - (2014 )Best Red WineTop 100 London 2016 Domaine Les Yeuses O d'yeuses - IGP OC - red - 2014 - Marselan, Cabernet Franc Domaine Grauzan - IGP OC - white - 2016 - Chardonnay - Gold (2015) Domaine Grauzan - IGP OC - red - 2015 - Merlot - Gold (2015) Domaine St Antoine Facsination - IGP OC - red - 2014 - Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Domaine St Antoine Origin - IGP OC - red - 2015 - Carignan 1936 White, aged in oak - IGP Côtes de Thongue - white - 2015 - Sauvignon 1936 Red, aged in oak - IGP Côtes de Thongue - red - 2015 - Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon DU SUD Rosé - IPG OC - rosé - 2016 - Grenache, Syrah Seigneurie de Peyrat - IGP OC - red - 2015 - Grenache Domaine de Larzac - IGP OC - red - 2014 - Syrah, Marselan Domaine Saint Paul de Colline - AOP Picpoul de Pinet - white - 2016 - Picpoul Château La Condamine Cuvée Tradition - AOP Corbières - red - 2015 - Carignan, Syrah, Grenache - Gold 회사유형 : Negociant 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : - 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 2 million bottles 수출비율 : 95% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Europe, USA, Japan, China 35

Languedoc Roussillon VIGNOBLES LORGERIL / 비뇨블로르즈릴 VIGNOBLES LORGERIL Château de Pennautier BP 4 11650 PENNAUTIER Ludivine CECILLON Ph.: +33 (0)4 68 72 81 99 Cel.: +852 97 91 61 49 LORGERIL, independant family winery since 1620, is one of the major brand of the Languedoc & Roussillon region. Owner of six prestigious estates, the family produces 9 different AOC and IGP across the region. All the vineyards are located in altitude, the key to achieving fresh and elegant wines. 로르즈릴은 1620 년에창립된독립가족기업으로랑그독루시옹지역에속한다. 이들은 6 개의유명도멘을소유하고있으며 9 개의랑그독루시옹 AOC 와인및 IGP 와인을생산하고있다. 로르즈릴의포도원은높은고도에자리잡고있어신선하고우아한풍미의와인을생산한다. Château de Pennautier Terroirs d'altitude - AOC Cabardès - red - 2013 - Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Syrah, Grenache, Malbec - Gold Concours des Grands Vins de Macon 2015 Esprit de Pennautier - AOC Cabardès - red - 2014 - Merlot, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache - Gold Sakura Japan Award 2017 Marquis de Pennautier - IGP Oc Chardonnay - white - 2015 - Chardonnay Château de Ciffre Terroirs d'altitude - AOC Saint Chinian - red - 2014 - Syrah, Grenache - Gold Sakura Japan Award 2015 + Gold Concours des Grands Vins de Macon 2016 L'Orangeraie Cabernet Sauvignon - IGP Oc Cabernet Sauvignon - red - 2016 - Cabernet Sauvignon 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 350 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 18 000 hl 수출비율 : 50% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Europe, Canada, USA 36

Loire Valley DOMAINE MÉNARD-GABORIT / 도멘메나갸보히 DOMAINE MÉNARD- GABORIT 30 la Minière 44690 MONNIÈRES Maxime LAVOLE Ph.: +33 (0)2 40 54 61 06 Cel.: +33 (0)6 77 50 42 04 www.domainemenardgaborit. com DOMAINE MÉNARD-GABORIT is a family owned winery of 65 hectares based in the Loire Valley with a main focus on the AOC Muscadet Sèvre et Maine since 1734. We are "vignerons indépendants" and produce a wide range of high end Muscadets and IGP Loire. We are certified "Reasonned Agriculture" and we started a 100% BIO conversion. Our Muscadet is exported worldwide! 도멘메나갸보히는루아르에위치한 65 헥타르규모의가족기업으로, 1734 년부터뮈스카데세브르에맨 AOC 와인을전문으로하고있다. 독립적인포도재배원 (vigneron indépendant) 으로고급뮈스카데및루아르 IGP 와인을생산한다. 합리적농법 (Agriculture Raisonnée) 인증을받았으며, 현재 100% 유기농으로변화하고있다. 이도멘에서생산되는뮈스카데는전세계로수출되고있다. Cuvée Classique - AOC Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - white - 2015/2016-100% Melon de Bourgogne - Raisonnée HVE en conversion BIO Cuvée Prestige - AOC Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - white - 2015/2016-100% Melon de Bourgogne - Raisonnée HVE en conversion BIO Cuvée Fût de Chêne - AOC Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - white - 2015/2016-100% Melon de Bourgogne - Raisonnée HVE en conversion BIO Cru Communal - AOC Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - white - 2015/2016-100% Melon de Bourgogne - Raisonnée HVE en conversion BIO Méthode Traditionnelle Brut - VMDQS - white - 2015/2016 - Melon de Bourgogne, Chardonnay - Raisonnée HVE en conversion BIO L'Envol Sparkling rosé - Vin de - rosé - 2016 - Melon de Bourgogne, Chardonnay, Cabernet - Raisonnée HVE en conversion BIO 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 65 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 400 000 bottles 수출비율 : 10% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : UK, Belgium, Canada 37

Multi-Regions JAILLANCE / 자이앙스 JAILLANCE 355 avenue de la Clairette 26150 DIE Ludivine CECILLON Ph.: +33 (0)4 75 22 30 00 Cel.: +852 97 91 61 49 JAILLANCE is leading brand of AOC sparkling wines. Settled in most beautiful vineyards since 1950, we offer a wide range of sparkling: from traditional methods of quality to fresh and elegant AOC sparklings from Bordeaux (Crémant) and Rhône Valley (Clairette/Crémant) regions. 자이앙스는발포성와인중처음으로원산지통제명칭 (AOC) 을인정받은브랜드다. 이들은 1950 년부터프랑스에서가장아름다운테루아중하나에자리잡았으며우수한전통방식으로보르도 ( 크레망 ) 와발레뒤론 ( 클레레트 / 크레망 ) 지역의 AOC 와인에걸맞은다양한발포성와인을생산하고있다. Jaillance Chardonnay -VMQ - Sparkling wine - NV - Chardonnay Jaillance Crémant de Bordeaux Brut Blanc - AOC Crémant de Bordeaux - Sparkling wine - NV - Sémillon - 2016 Silver Concours des Crémants, 2016 Double Gold Sakura Japan Women's Wine Awards, 2016 Gold Concours Général Agricole de Paris Jaillance Crémant de Bordeaux Brut Rosé - AOC - Crémant de Bordeaux - Sparkling rosé wine - NV - Merlot - 2017 Silver Sakura Japan Women's Wine Awards, 2016 Gold Concours Général Agricole de Paris, 2016 Gold Sakura Jaoan Women's Wine Awards Cuvée Icône Crémant de Bordeaux - AOC Crémant de Bordeaux - Sparkling wine - 2011 - Cabernet Franc - 2016 Silver Concours des Crémants Cuvée Impériale - AOC Clairette de Die - Sparkling wine - NV - Muscat, Clairette - 2016 Silver Decanter, 2016 Gold Concours International de Lyon, 2016 Commended International Wine Challenge 회사유형 : Cooperative 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 1 130 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 70 000 hl 수출비율 : 20% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Europe, USA, Canada 38

Multi-Regions JIMEX INTL / 지멕스인터내셔널 JIMEX INTL 13 rue des Emeraudes 69006 LYON Bruno JOANNARD Ph.: +33 (0)4 26 72 52 90 Cel.: +33 (0)6 08 88 21 54 Since 1998, JIMEX INTL accompanies French producers on the Asian markets (1500000 bt in 2016: Japan, Korea and China). Our priority is the quality of the wines. The producers presented have an high reputation and are looking for partners in Asia: - Henri de Villamont (Burgundy) - Maison Bougrier (Loire) - Charles Ellner (Champagne) - Château Thivin (Beaujolais). 지멕스인터내셔널은 1998 년부터프랑스와인생산업체의아시아시장진출에힘써왔으며 (2016 년일본, 한국및중국내판매량 : 150 만병 ) 와인의질을가장우선순위로두고있다 ). 지멕스인터내셔널이소개하는와이너리들은모두명망이높은업체로앞으로함께할아시아파트너를찾고있다 : - 앙리드비아몽 ( 부르고뉴 ) - 메종부그리에 ( 루아르 ) 샤를르엘네 ( 샹파뉴 ) 샤토티뱅 ( 보졸레 ). Henri de Villamont Cuvée Prestige - Bourgogne Pinot Noir - red - 2014-100% Pinot Noir - 13/20 Bettane et Desseauve 2017 Henri de Villamont - Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru - red - 2012-100% Pinot Noir Château d'aigueville - Côtes du Rhône Villages - red - 2015-50% Grenache, 30% Syrah, 10% Carignan, 10% autres - Conversion Bio Aime Boucher Chardonnay - Vin de - white - 2016 - Chardonnay - Gold Medal Best Value Vin de Selection Anivin Aime Boucher Pinot Noir - Vin de - red - 2016 - Pinot Noir Aime Boucher Muscadet Sèvre et Maine - Muscadet Sèvre et Maine - white - 2016 - Melon de Bourgogne Charles Ellner Qualité Extra Brut - AOC Champagne - white - NV - 50% Pinot Noir, 30% Chardonnay, 20% Pinot Meunier Charles Ellner Prestige 2004 - AOC Champagne - white - 2004-65% Chardonnay, 35% Pinot Noir Charles Ellner Séduction 2006 - AOC Champagne - white - 2006-75% Chardonnay, 25% Pinot Noir Château Thivin "Cuvée Zaccharie" - Côte de Brouilly - red - 2015 - Gamay Noir - Terra Vitis - Silver Medal Gamay international 39

Multi-Regions SÉLECTION PATRICK CLERGET / 셀렉시옹파트릭클레르제 SÉLECTION PATRICK CLERGET 2 rue du Grenier à Sel 21200 BEAUNE Patrick CLERGET Ph.: +33 (0)3 80 26 53 73 Dynamic export specialist, we offer an extensive range of wines from all the districts of. We offer estate-bottled wines and wines bottled in the region of production under our label or under private labels. We are very flexible and we can answer all kind of demand. 셀렉시옹파트릭클레르제는역동적인수출전문가로프랑스전역의와인을광범위하게공급한다. 생산지와샤토에서병입되어, 자사레벨이나유통업체의라벨을부착한와인을판매하며고객의다양한요구에도유연하게대응한다. Patrick Clerget - Bourgogne AOP - white - 2015 - Chardonnay Réserve du Chevalier - Sparkling Medium Sweet - white - NV - Charmat Method Les Hauts de Fontrouge - IGP Coteaux de Peyriac - white - 2016 - Carignan, Merlot, Caladoc Patrick Clerget - IGP Pinot Noir - red - 2015 - Pinot Noir Villeclary - AOP Minervois - red - 2013 - Syrah, Grenache, Carignan - Silver Medal Olivier de Chamard - Côtes du Rhône AOP - red - 2015 - Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre Olivier de Chamard - Châteauneuf du Pape AOP - red - 2015 - Syrah, Grenache, Carignan Patrick Clerget - Coteaux Bourguignons - red - 2014 - Gamay, Pinot Noir Patrick Clerget - Bourgogne Pinot Noir AOP - red - 2014 - Pinot Noir Fruitty Star - Flavored Wines - Blue - NV 회사유형 : Négociant 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : - 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : - 수출비율 : 95% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Asia, Europe, America 40

Rhône Valley DOMAINE DES 3 CELLIER / 도멘데트루아셀리에 DOMAINE DES 3 CELLIER 5 bis Chemin Rural de Sorgues 84230 CHÂTEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE Nathalie CELLIER Ph.: +33 (0)4 90 02 04 62 Cel.: +33 (0)6 21 16 86 93 DOMAINE DES 3 CELLIER members are the eighth generation of the CELLIER family growing vines and producing Châteauneuf-du-Pape and Côtes du Rhône wines. With many rewards and internationally recognized, Domaine des 3 Cellier is officially Organic since the 2016 vintage. 도멘데트루아셀리에는 8 대째포도밭을경작하고있는샤토네프뒤파프 (Châteauneuf du Pape) 와코트뒤론 (Côtes du Rhône) 와인을양조해온셀리에가문을대표하고있다. 각종국제대회를통해상과메달을휩쓴이도멘은 2016 년빈티지부터유기농인증 (AB) 을받아명성을높였다. Alchimie - Châteauneuf-du-Pape - white - 2015 - Clairette, Grenache, Roussane, Bourboulenc - Parker : 85 Alchimie - Châteauneuf-du-Pape - red - 2015 - Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre, Counoise, Vaccarère, Terret Noir, Clairette Rose - J.Robinson : 17/20, Parker : 88-90 Marceau - Châteauneuf-du-Pape - red - 2104 - Mourvèdre, Grenache, Syrah, Vaccarèse - J. Robinson : 16,5/20 Privilège - Châteauneuf-du-Pape - red - 2013 - Syrah, Grenache, Mourvèdre - Parker : 87 Eternelle - Châteauneuf-du-Pape - red - 2015 - Grenache - Parker : 88-90, J. Robinson : 18/20 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 17 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 35 000 bottles 수출비율 : 60% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : UK, USA, Japan, Denmark, Belgium 41

Rhône Valley DOMAINE JULIETTE AVRIL / 도멘쥘리에트아브릴 DOMAINE JULIETTE AVRIL 8 avenue Pasteur 84230 CHÂTEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE Stephan BRUN-AVRIL Ph.: +33 (0)4 90 83 72 69 Cel.: +33 (0)6 37 58 98 21 DOMAINE JULIETTE AVRIL 15 ha AOC CHATEAUNEUF DU PAPE red 8.50 ha AOC CAIRANNE red 3 ha AOC VENTOUX Red 2 ha IGP Viognier 1 ha IGP Syrah. 브랭 - 아브릴도멘은수세기동안포도재배전통을계승해온면적 5 헥타르의가족경영도멘이다. 오늘날까지도도멘은수령 100 년이넘는그르나슈품종이심어져있는포도밭을소유하고있으며, 모래가섞인점토토양은커다란자갈로덮여있는것이특징이다. 또한, 이도멘은유서깊은교황청이보이는곳에위치하고있으며, 포도원동쪽으로는유명한몽방투가펼쳐져있다. 이들이생산하는와인은프랑스전통오크배럴에서 24 개월간숙성을거친다. Juliette avril - Châteauneuf-du-Pape - red - 2015 - Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre - Lutte raisonnée Maxence - Châteauneuf-du-Pape - red - 2014 - Grenache 60 %, Syrah 40 % - Lutte raisonnée Maylis - Cairanne - red - 2016 - Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre - Lutte raisonnée Viognier - IGP Viognier - white - 2016 - Viognier - Lutte raisonnée Syrah - red - 2016 - Syrah 100% - Lutte raisonnée 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 45 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 150 000 bottles 수출비율 : 50% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : USA, Europe 42

Rhône Valley DOMAINE MABY / 도멘마비 DOMAINE MABY 249 rue Saint-Vincent 30126 TAVEL Richard MABY Ph.: +33 (0)4 66 50 03 40 Cel.: +33 (0)6 07 51 25 61 DOMAINE MABY is a family winery situated in the south of the Rhône Valley. We produce Tavel, Lirac, Côtes du Rhône and Vin de Pays, with full respect of sustainable agricultural practices. Our wines are distributed within Europe, North America, Asia, and are highly recommended by all the major specialist guides (Parker, Jancis Robinson, Guide Hachette...) 도멘마비는남부발레뒤론에위치한타벨에자리잡고있는가족와이너리이다. 합리적농법 (Agriculture Raisonnée) 으로타벨, 리락, 코트뒤론와인과뱅드페이를생산하고있다. 이들이생산하는와인은유럽, 북미, 아시아로유통되고있으며, 세계유명와인전문평론매체 ( 파커, 잰시스로빈슨, 기드아쉐트등 ) 에서도높은평가를받고있다. Prima Donna - Tavel - rosé - 2016 - Grenache (60%), Cinsault (40%) - 91/100 Parker La Forcadière - Tavel - rosé - 2016 - Grenache noir (62%), Cinsault (17%), Grenache blanc (7%), autres (14%) - 2 * Guide Hachette 2016/2 Bel Canto - Lirac - red - 2015 - Grenache - 90-93/100 Parker Nessun Dorma - Lirac - red - 2014 - Grenache (55%), Syrah (45%) - 90/100 Parker Casta Diva - Lirac - white - 2016 - Viognier (66%), Clairette (34%) - 91/100 Parker La Fermade - Lirac - red - 2015 - Grenache (70%), Syrah (15%), Mourvèdre (15%) - 89-91/100 Parker La Fermade - Lirac - rosé - 2016 - Cinsault (75%), Grenache (25%) - 90/100 Parker La Fermade - Lirac - white - 2016 - Clairette (56%), Grenache (38%), Viognier (6%) - 90/100 Parker Variations - Côtes du Rhône - red - 2015 - Syrah (38%), Grenache (30%), Mourvèdre (21%), Carignan (11%) - 87-89/100 Parker Baroques - Vin de Pays des Coteaux du Pont du Gard - red - 2015 - Syrah, Cinsault 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : 64 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : 300 000 bottles 수출비율 : 46% 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : Europe, North America, Asia 43

South-West IN VINO VOLUPTAS / 인비노볼룹타스 IN VINO VOLUPTAS Route de Madiran 32400 VIELLA Adrian ROCHE Ph.: +33 (0)5 62 69 90 05 Cel.: +33 (0)6 60 34 11 88 IN VINO VOLUPTAS is an import-export interface between conscientious winemakers willing to promote their wines and customers from all around the world, looking for traditional and authentic products. Through meetings, discussions, tastings and cellar visits, we care about sharing experiences with our customers. We aim to introduce them the best quality/price wines, in line with their market. 인비노볼룹타스는자신들의브랜드를홍보하고자하는와인생산자와좋은제품을찾는전세계고객사이를잇는수입 - 수출인터페이스이다. 미팅, 시음회및카브방문등을통해고객들과경험을공유하며, 고객의니즈에맞으면서가격대비훌륭한와인을소개하는것을목표로한다. Camy - Domaine Laougué - Madiran/Pacherenc - red & white - 2013/15 - Tannat, Manseng - Organic Tradition - Château Cluzeau - Bergerac - red & white - 2014/15 - Merlot, Malbec, Cabernet - Organic Antan - Domaine Carcenac - Gaillac - red - 2015 - Braucol, Duras Fossiles - Haut Marin - Côtes de Gascogne - white & red - 2016 - Colombard, Manseng Clapas de Brayus - Mas Pellier - Duché d'uzès - red & white - 2015 - Grenache, Syrah Gaia - Domaine Raphaël Chopin - Beaujolais-Régnié - red - 2015 - Gamay 회사유형 : Independent Winemaker 도멘면적 ( 헥타르기준 ) : - 연간생산량 ( 헥토리터및병기준 ) : - 수출비율 : - 주요수출국가 ( 아시아포함 ) : - 44

LOOKING FOR A SHORTCUT TO SUD DE FRANCE WINES? JOIN THE NEW B2B PLATFORM The Sud WineHub is our B2B website which allows you to source regional wines through connecting you to producers. The first and only search engine on the market exclusively for Sud de wines assuring your confidentiality. Why join the Sud de WineHub? Free sourcing of thousands of Sud de wines Search engine and comparison tool tailored for professional buyers Benefit from exclusive offers on Sud de wines Place your call for tenders with flexibility and efficiency (free of charge) Private messaging system Register to the website and join the WineHub community! CONTACT Catherine MACHABERT Tel. : +33 4 99 64 29 14



FRENCH WINE TASTING SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA 25 APRIL 2017 프랑스와인테이스팅 2017 년 4 월 25 일, 서울 Business 77 boulevard Saint-Jacques 75998 Paris Cedex 14, Fabienne LE GOC Business Unit Manager Wine & Spirits Department +33 (0)1 40 73 35 71 @BF_Vins #Tastin Business Korea Olivier DARDENNE Senior Trade Advisor / 상무관 Agrotech +82 (0)2 564 1952 Hahnareum KIM Trade Advisor / 부상무관 Wine and Spirits +82 (0)2 501 9616 The claim Made in, Made with Love conveys a promise rooted in the French food industry s values: the quality know-how, the passion and commitment.