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300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름

27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability

Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,


272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울




원고스타일 정의

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Architect of the Month

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo Chronology Davide Macullo With the contribution of Born in Giornico(Switzerland) in 9. Commercial study in Zug, Technical high school in Lucerne, graduated in 989 from the Professional University of Art & Design in 000 Domenico Lungo, Architect(Cwitzerland) Marino Cattaneo, Architect(Cwitzerland) Lugano. Since 998 member of the Swiss Register of Architects and Engineers. 00 Marco Moro, Architect(Italy) Undertakes several study journeys in Europe, Asia and United States. Commences 00 Marco Strozzi, Architect(Cwitzerland) working in the atelier of Mario Botta in Lugano in 990 as architect responsible for projects abroad in : Italy, Germany, Holland, United States, Israel, India, China, Russia, Ivo Maria Redaelli, Architect(Italy). Makis Lahanas(Greece) Greece, South Korea, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Malaysia, Turkey, Great Britain, Latvia. Opens his atelier in 000. Lives and works in Lugano (Switzerland). Current projects in: Collaborations Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Greece, France, South Korea. Han Man Won, Architect(South Korea),I M Architecten, Architect, the Nether lands, Giorgio Orsini, Architect(Italy),Laura Perolini, Architect(Italy), Since 00 The Office aims at becoming a place of cross-experiences by promoting a Paola Trione, Architect(Italy),Mario Gemin, Architect(Italy) 다음은 함께한 건축가들로, 술디자인 대학을 졸업했다. 998년부터 스위스 건축가 및 공학자 협회의 회원으로 활동하고 000년부터 건축가 도미니코 런고(스위스), separate contributions will promote an all-embracing approach to architecture, span- Collaborators ning from the theoretical analysis of the territory to pedagogy and the sustainability of Michele Alberio, Architect(Italy),Lorenza Tallarini, Architect, Switzerland, 건축가 마리노 카타네오(스위스), 있으며, 유럽, 아시아 및 미국으로 수차례의 건축여행을 다녀왔다. 990년, 루가노의 마리오 보 타 아틀리에에서 작업을 시작하여, 건축가로서 전 세계 각지의(이탈리아, 독일, 네덜란드, 미국, 00년부터 건축가 마르코 모로(이탈리아), 이스라엘, 인도, 중국, 러시아, 그리스, 대한민국, 아랍에미리트, 요르단, 이집트, 말레이시아, 터 00년부터 건축가 마르코 스트로지(스위스), 키, 영국, 라트비아)프로젝트를 수행하고, 000년 자신의 아틀리에를 개관했다. 현재 스위스 건축가 이보 마리아 레다엘리(이탈리아), 루가노에서 거주하며 작품 활동을 하고 있으며, 스위스, 이탈리아, 네덜란드, 그리스, 프랑스, 건축가 마키스 라하나스(그리스)와 함께 작업했다. 대한민국에서 프로젝트를 수행 중이다. 공동연구 00년부터 그의 건축사무소는 서로 다른 배경을 가진 건축가들의 문화적 교류를 바탕으로 다층적 상호경험 의 공간을 지향하고 있다. 각 구성원의 개별적 기여는 모든 것을 아우르는 더 폭넓고 풍부한 건축적 접근을 가능하게 하고, 건축교육 분야의 이론적 분석, 지속가능한 건 proficuous cultural exchange with architects coming from different backgrounds. The the construction. 다비드 마끌로 9년 스위스 지오르니코 출생. 추크, 루체른 기술고등학교에서 수학하고, 989년 루가노 예 건축가 한만원(대한민국), 건축가 아임 아키텍텐(네덜란드) 건축가 조르지오 오르시니(이탈리아), 건축가 라우라 페롤리니(이탈리아) 건축가 파올라 트리오네(이탈리아), 건축가 마리오 젤민(이탈리아) 축에 이르기까지, 다양한 주제의 작업들을 하고 있다. 협력자 건축가 미켈레 알베리오(이탈리아), 건축가 로렌자 탈라리니(스위스) Melina Angeletti, Architect(Argentina),Karen Abernethy, Architect(Australia), 건축가 멜리나 안젤리티(아르헨티나), 건축가 카렌 아베르네티(아르헨티나) Viviana Salvadè, Accounting 건축가 비비아나 살바데(스위스) 990 00 00 Week-end house in Rossa(CH) Hotel Akronaufplia Xenia in Naupli(Greece), in Competition for the new campus of the swiss Apartment building in Vimercate(Italy), in progress(with M.Gernin, M.Lahanas) italian university(ch),with Marco Strozzi progress(with Ivo Redaelli, Milano) 00 00 SPA and wellness facilities at Elounda Awarded project, Alzheimer clinic 'il Resort Crete(Greece), built(with ronco' Casasco-Como(Italy), in M.Lahanas, Athens) progress(with in Perolini, Como) 00 Town Houses and Apartment in Apartment building in Cari(CH), with Apeldoorn(Holland), under construction Marco Strozzi 007 Abu Dhabi interna- Talassotherapy center in Spotorno(Italy), under tional competiconstruction(with Ivo Redaelli, Milano) tion(uae), with Ivo Redaelli(Milano) International competition for Gyeonggi-do Jeongok Apartment building in Cornate D Adda(Italy), prehistory museum(south Korea), with Marco in progress(with Ivo Redaelli, Milano) Strozzi Factory in Bernareggio(Italy), under construction(with Ivo Redaelli, Milano) Apartments complex Barbour in Vimercate (Italy), in progress(with Ivo Redaelli, Milano) Refurbishment country house in Uzés(FR), Competition for shopping mall and resibuilt(with Marco Strozzi) dences Cisano Magnetti (Italy), with Ivo Redaelli, Milano 008 Housing on the Lugano lake in Maroggia(CH), in progress 7 House in Rio Patra (Greece), in progress (with M.Lahanas, Athens) Competition Magok Waterfront in Seoul(South Korea), with Marco Strozzi Conpetition for the enlargement the Office building in Athens(Greece), in Ethnography Museum of Geneve MEG(CH) progress(with M.Lahanas, Athens) New office and logistics facility for Jansen Park pavilion in Vimercate(Italy), in AGOberriet(CH), in progress progress(with Ivo Redaelli, Milano) Hotel in Vimercate(Italy), in Facade design, factory in Milan(Italy), in progress(with progress(with Ivo Redaelli, Ivo Redaelli, Milano) Milano) 8

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo House in Carabbia 카라비아하우스 Location Carabbia, Switzerland Function House Site area m Bldg. area 7m Total floor area 9m Stories FL Structure Reinforced concrete Finish Wall_Painted plaster, Floor_Granite stone(ext.), Wall_Painted plaster, Floor_Travertino stone(int.) Design participation Laura Perolini, Michele Alberio(Italy) Client Cristiano e Patrizia Botta Interior design Davide Macullo Structural engineer Luigi Pellegrinelli(Ideal ingegno S.A, Switzerland) Constructional engineer Franco Semini(Switzerland) Supervision DL Direzione Lavori(Switzerland) Photographer Pino Musi(Italy), Enrico Cano(Italy) 대지위치스위스, 카라비아용도주택대지면적 m건축면적 7 m연면적 9 m규모지상 층구조철근콘크리트조 마감벽 _ 플라스터위페인트, 바닥 _ 화강암 ( 외부 ), 벽 _ 플라스터위페인트, 바닥 _ 트래버틴스톤 ( 내부 ) 사진피노무시 ( 밀라노, 이탈리아 ), 엔리코카노 ( 코모, 이탈리아 )

Carabbia is a little village of approx. 00 inhabitants. It rises on the western side of Mount San Salvatore slope in a beautiful bowl. This house is characterized by the creation of clearly identifiable geometric structures that delimit an organized development of the spaces. The underlying theme is the establishment of a spatial relation between interior-interior and interiorexterior that aims at the dilatation of the lived dimension. The interesting lesson comes from the succession of Japanese gardens which show a different awareness of the space through a sequence of sceneries and space dilatation. It is as if it were possible to experience a domestic atmosphere and, at the same time, to project one s own perception on a geographic scale. This building responds to the owner s wish to live in an intimate space, as if it were a shell. Carved in a clear square geometry, the spaces meet the slope and extend in a spiral - fluent movement that constantly changes the perception of the space and its relation with the exterior, offering privileged views towards the beautiful landscape of the region. This small house(m x m) stands for a sequence of experiences condensed in a continuous space that gives a sense of protection and, at the same time, of being projected into the landscape. The sloped roof that follows the inclination of the land is a reaction of building on the hill side proposing an organic language instead of a urban one! The plot is characterized by a slope of about 0 facing west. The way the new volume adhere to the sloped land optimizes the excavation works. No earth has been displaced from the construction site. The three main stories of the house are set on the plot at shifted levels to match the correspondent level of the site. This offers a direct relation to the outside from all parts of the house at all levels. While entering the house the eyes embrace the whole interior space and the related outdoor space, till the most far diagonals. This enlarge the potential of the perception of bigness of a house that is actually a very small volume: around,000m for a usable area of 0m ; while the perception is closer to a house of at least 00m. The dilatation of the perception between the spaces and between outside and inside works in the same way throughout the entire building. From all part of the building the feeling it's approximately to live in an open space surrounded by a prosperous natural landscape and the space you are enjoying is related to the others through transparent or translucent filters / layers. The perception transits always from inside to outside to inside again, making the outdoor space part of the indoor one. In this way the living space has been stretched and its size appears bigger. This research on dilatation of the perception of the spaces enhances the idea that a space can be only completely understood by spending time in it and that beside the walls / slabs(material), shape, design, type, typology. A space must be conceived using time as instrument for the planning/creative phase. The functions are displayed on three main levels and an entrance mezzanine(with wardrobe storage). The mezzanine entrance level is set between the upper level(living) and the middle level(kitchen/dining). On a lower level are placed the three bedrooms. All levels are visually connected between each others while keeping the own characteristic Yard Ⅰ South Yard Ⅱ South east view Porch North west

카라비아는약 00 명의거주자들이살고있는작은마을로, 생살바토르산서쪽경사면의다소움푹꺼진아름다운대지에위치해있다. 카라비아주택은분명하게식별가능한기하학적구조들을품고있는데이는조직적으로발전하는공간들의한계를설정한다. 여기에깔려있는테마는내부-내부, 내부 -외부사이의공간적관계를확립하는것으로서, 궁극적으로생활영역의확장을목표로하고있다. 흥미로운영감은일본식정원에서얻어졌는데, 이들정원은경관의시퀀스와공간의확장을통해아주색다른방식의공간인식을보여준다. 이것은마치가정적인분위기를표현할수있게함과동시에지형적규모에그자신을투영시킨다. 건물은조개껍질과같이내밀한공간에서거주하고싶다는고객의욕구를충실히반영하였다. 뚜렷한정사각의기하학으로이루어진공간들은경사지와결합되어나선형으로확장된다. 이는공간에대한인식및외부와의관계를지속적으로변하게해주는유동적움직임으로서, 지역의아름다운경관에대한대부분의특별한전망을제공해준다. 이작은주택 (m x m) 은연속된공간속에응축된경험들의시퀀스를상징한다. 그공간은보호받는다는느낌과동시에, 경관속으로돌출해있다는느낌을함께제공한다. 대지의경사를그대로따른경사지붕은언덕위에위치한건물자체의상호작용으로서, 도시적건축이아닌유기적건축언어를제안하고있다. 부지는서쪽으로 0도가량경사졌다. 새로운볼륨은착굴작업을최소화시키는방식으로경사부지에세워졌으며, 부지의지대를훼손하거나대체하는일을피했다. 주택의 개층은부지의레벨과균형을맞추기위하여이동시킨층레벨위에조성 하였다. 이는모든레벨에서, 외부로부터주택내부의모든요소들에이르는직접적관계를가능하게해준다. 주택내부로진입하면단아한내부공간과더불어비스듬하게뻗어있는아득한외부공간이한눈에들어온다. 이는사실매우작은볼륨을가진주택내부의총,000 m규모에가용공간 0 m를가진규모를인식적으로확대시켜준다. 그래서최소 00 m의가용공간을가진주택처럼보이게하는것이다. 공간과공간사이, 외부와내부사이의공간감의확대는전체건물에서동일한방식으로일어난다. 건물의모든요소는농밀한자연경관으로둘러싸인열린공간안에서생활한다는느낌을전해준다. 또한내부공간이, 투명하거나반투명한필터나층에의해다른공간과연결되어있다는느낌을준다. 공간인식은항상내부에서외부로, 그리고다시내부로돌아오며그럼으로써외부공간을내부공간의일부로만든다. 이러한방식으로생활공간은확장되어그인식된규모를확대시킬수있다. 공간적인식규모의확장에대한이시도는, 공간이란그안에서머물러보아야만, 즉, 벽과슬래브, 형상, 디자인, 종류, 지형등을몸으로느껴봄으로써만이해할수있다는생각에의해뒷받침된다. 공간이란그설계나창작과정에있어항상시간이라는요소를감안해야하기때문이다. 각기능들은 개의주요층과출입구중층 ( 옷장과함께 ) 에구현되어있다. 중 층출입구는상부층 ( 생활공간 ) 과중부층 ( 부엌 / 식당 ) 사이에위치해있으며, 하부층에는 개의침실이배치되어있다. 모든층들은시각적으로연결되어있으며각층의고유한특색은그대로보존될것이다. Rooms circulati Dining Entry living

East elevation West elevation Roof floor plan. Entry. Living. Kitchen. Porch. Bedroom. Mechanical room 7. Parking South elevation North elevation Ⅰ Ⅱ Level +.7 Ⅰ Ⅱ 7 Section Ⅰ Section Ⅱ Level +. 7 8

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo House in Ticino 티치노하우스 Location Gerra Agarone, Switzerland Function House Site area,m Bldg. area 8m Total floor area m Stories FL Structure Reinforced concrete Finish Mineral painting, Floor_Granite(ext.), Wall_Mineral painting, Floor_Oak, Teak(int.) Design Participation Laura Perolini(Italy), Margherita Pusterla(Italy), Michele Alberio(Italy) Interior design Davide Macullo Structural engineer Franco Semini(Switzerland) Constructional engineer Ennio Magetti(Switzerland) Supervision Ennio Magetti(Switzerland) Photographer Enrico Cano(Italy) 대지위치스위스, 제라아가론용도주택대지면적, m건축면적 8 m연면적 m규모지상 층 구조철근콘크리트조마감벽 _ 미네랄페인팅, 바닥 _ 화강암 ( 외부 ), 벽 _ 미네랄페인팅, 바닥 _ 오크, 티크 ( 내부 ) 사진엔리코카노 ( 이탈리아 )

Located in one of sunniest place of southern Switzerland, this house rises on the site where once old rural constructions were. It is characterized by small monolithic volumes standing on the natural slope of the land andit is surrounded by nature. The new construction reminds the pre-existences by four volumes that follow the edges of a meter-square ground and by displaying a carved roof. The landscape seems to flow through these volumes that become a protected living space; a continuation of the green environment modeled as if to be part of the building. The construction is enhanced by an entrance cave surrounded by the green and following the slope in an organic and fluent sequence of spaces, related to each other and stretched outside. This typology aims at offering an alternative to the box-shaped construction on the hills more and more urbanized and spoiled from their peculiarities by an aggressive attitude of building without respect to the environment. The whole construction has been realized according to the principles of sustainability and with bio-ecological materials. 남부스위스의가장화창한지역중하나에자리잡은이주택은한때오래된전원건축물이있던자리에들어서있다. 부지에는대지의자연스러운경사를이용해세워진작은모놀리스타입의볼륨들이있었고, 자연이이들을에워싸고있었다. 새로운프로젝트는 m 광장의가장자리를따라 개의볼륨을배치하고, 조각된지붕을설치함으로써예전에그곳에있던볼륨들을상기시키고있다. 경관은보호된생활공간이되어주는볼륨들사이를 흐르고 있는것처럼보이며, 연속된녹지환경역시건물의일부로서계획되었다. 이러한친환경적계획은녹음에둘러싸인입구의 동굴 에의해더욱강조되며, 이는유기적이고유동적인공간들속에서자연스럽게부지의경사를따라이어진다. 이들공간은서로밀접한관계를유지하며외부를향해뻗어간다. 이러한방식은종래의박스-타입건축에대한대안적의미를가지며, 환경을존중하지않는공격적인건축적태도로인해점점도시화되고, 고유한특색을훼손당해가는자연에대한존중을담고있다. 본프로젝트의전체건설작업역시지속가능성의원리와친환경적자재를활용하여실시했다. Detail Ⅰ Detail Ⅱ Detail Ⅲ North west view Detail Ⅳ

South west view Stair Ⅰ Patio window Stair Ⅱ

7. Entry. Living. Kitchen. Patio. Bedroom. Bathroom 7. Wardrobe 8. Laundry 9. Steam bath & Sauna 0. Cave. Swimming pool. Parking East elevation West elevation Level ±0 0 9 8 South elevation North elevation Level -.90 Section Level -. 7 8

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo Location Gorduno, Switzerland Function House Site area 0m Bldg. area 98m Total floor area 0m Stories FL Structure Reinforced concrete, Steel Finish Floor_Concrete(ext.), Floor_Resina(int) Design participation Marco Strozzi Client Alessandro e Paola Interior design Davide Macullo Structural engineer Rossi Constructional engineer Franco Semini(Switzerland) Supervision Ennio Magetti(Switzerland) Photographer Pino Musi(Italy) 대지위치스위스, 고르드노용도단독주택대지면적 0 m건축면적 98 m연면적 0 m규모지상 층 구조철근콘크리트조, 철골조마감바닥 _ 콘크리트 ( 외부 ), 바닥 _ 레시나 ( 내부 ) 사진피노무시 ( 이탈리아 ) House in Gorduno 고르드노하우스

South west view South west view(edge) North view(detail) North east The project aims at setting a portion of bastion around the center of the village. The big north wall resembles a fence characterized by the slabs showing the section of the house. The small size of the interior rooms is compensated by their dilatation towards the exterior and the continuous visual relation between them. The exterior balconies, connected to each other and to the interior spaces, define the soft part of the construction. In addition they offer a comfortable space to live in and define the internal function. The excavated volume functions as transitional part between the interior and the exterior and gradually reveals the levels: private, semi-private and public. This volume, partially covered and partially protected by translucent elements, generates a particular micro- clima. Taking advantage of the seasonal position of the sun, during the winter the heat is collected through dark flooring while in the summer a shadowed in-between space assures a cool temperature. 프로젝트는마을의센터주위로일종의요새를설치하는것을목표로한다. 커다란북쪽벽은주택의단면을보여주는슬래브로된담장을닮았으며, 내부실의작은크기는외부로의확장과외부와의지속적인시각적연결성에의해보상될것이다. 외부발코니는서로연결되어있고내부공간과도연결되어프로젝트의 소프트 한부분을구성하며, 편안한생활공간을제공하고내부기능도규정하게된다. 깊게파인볼륨은내부와외부사이과도기적공간의기능을하며층들을점진적으로드러내줄것이다. 그리고그순서는사적공간, 반 ( 半 ) 사적공간, 공용공간의순이될것이다. 일부는덮여있고일부는반투명요소로보호되는이볼륨은, 특별한미기후 (micro-climate) 를창조해낸다. 한편, 태양의계절적변화를활용하여겨울에는어두운색깔의바닥을통해따뜻함을유지하고, 여름에는그늘진사이공간을통해시원함을보존할수있다.

Living Entry Living & Kitchen

.Entry.Living.Kitchen.Wardrobe.Bedroom.Bathroom East elevation West elevation Level +. South elevation North elevation Level +.7 Ⅱ Ⅰ Ⅰ Ⅱ Section Ⅰ Section Ⅱ Level -.7 7 8

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo Location Comano, Switzerland Function House Site area 8m Bldg. area 9m Total floor area 00m Stories FL Structure Reinforced concrete, Steel Finish Floor_concrete(ext.) Wall_(gipsumboard mineral painted, Floor_resina(int.) Design Participation Laura Perolini(Italy), Margherita Pusterla(Italy), Michele Alberio(Italy) Client Luana Tozzini paglia e raoul paglia Interior desegn Davide macullo e marco strozzi Constructional engineer Franco semini(switzerland) Supervision Ennio magetti(switzerland) Photographer Pino Musi(Italy), EnricoCano(Italy) 대지위치스위스, 코마노용도주택대지면적 8 m건축면적 9 m연면적 00 m규모지상 층구조철근콘크리트조, 철골조 마감바닥 _ 콘크리트 ( 외부 ), 벽 _ 석고보드미네랄페인트, 바닥 _ 레시나 ( 내부 ) 사진피노무시 ( 이탈리아 ), 에리코카노 ( 이탈리아 ) House in Comano 코마노하우스

Comano, set at km north from Lugano(Ticino), is a little village at the foot of a hill. The plot is set as a kind of boundary between the hill and the new urbanized area on a flatter surface. The steep sloped land itself suggested to treat the land as it would be a built volumeand part of the architecture of the house. The project starts by modelling thoseterraces that represent a continuation of the indoor spaces so that the entire plot is used and built as domestic space.in this way the outdoor spaces flow inside and the indoor spaces flow towards outside. This way of stretching the spaces offers the perception of living a larger space composed by different climatic, material and lighting conditions. The sequence of spaces of different nature stretches the perception of time as well. We do believe that a different treatment of the same spaces increase the perception of time and the feeling of well being. The only natural land portion left is the hill side slope that works as scenery for the terraced areas. This house has been planned with particular care to ensure intimacy and privacy while keeping a wide view towards outside to enjoy the beautiful surrounding landscape without being seen from outside public spaces. The use of shadowed spaces and of glazed winter gardens in this particular region becomes an energy saving natural instrument while using passive solar energy in opposite ways during summer and winter. Collecting heat through the flooring irradiation in winter and cooling through the shadowed porches in summer. The construction stands on the lower part of a steep slope; it organically integrates with the landscape thanks to the verticality of two volumes built according to a strict regulation and bearing in mind the building height in order to preserve the view on the historical village on top of the hill. The arrangement of the storeys links every room, visually and physically, with the garden thus enhancing the feeling to be constantly at ground level. The huge entrance porch, that serves also as covered car-park, is carved into the hill as a cave; leaving the upper volume as if floating in the green landscape. The void generated between the main volumes, hosts the stairs that link the shifted levels at different heights and give the feeling of walking on the natural slope as if nature were part of the built spaces. 루가노에서 km 북쪽에있는코마노는언덕기슭에위치한작은마을이다. 부지는언덕과새롭게도시화된구역사이에있는일종의경계라할수있다. 경사진대지는그자체로하나의볼륨을구성하며주택건축의일부가된다. 프로젝트는먼저전체부지를가족공간으로활용할수있도록내부공간의연속성을드러내는테라스로조성했다. 이런방식으로외부공간은내부로흘러들어오며, 내부공간역시외부로흘러나간다. 이러한공간의확장은각기다른기후, 재료및조명조건들로구성된더넓은공간에서생활한다는느낌을선사해준다. 각기다른자연공간의시퀀스는시간의인식역시확대시켜주는데, 동일한공간을다른방식으로처리함으로써시간성의인식및행복의느낌을증진시키려했다. 남겨진유일한 자연적 대지는테라스구역을위한멋진풍경역할을해주는언덕면의경사지라고할수있다. 주택은아름다운주변경관과탁트인전망을제공함과동시에프라이버시를보호할수있도록특별한주의를기울여설계되었다. 외부의공공공간에서주택의내부가보이지않도록한것이다. 그늘진공간및유리처리가된겨울정원은이특수한지역에서에너지절약원이되어준다. 반대로여름과겨울엔태양에너지를활용하여에너지를생산할것이다. 겨울엔바닥면의빛반사를통해열을모으고여름엔그늘진포치를통해시원함을유지시킬것이다. 건물은가파른경사지의하부에위치해있다. 이는언덕꼭대기에위치한역사적마을의경관을보존하기위해, 엄격한규정및건물높이를염두에두고조성한두개의수직볼륨에의하여, 주위경관과유기적으로통합된다. 각층의배치는모든방들을시각적, 물리적으로정원과연결하여모든층이지상에있는것같은느낌을강화해준다. 주차공간으로도활용되는커다란출입구포치는마치동굴처럼언덕경사지에조성되어있다. 이로인해포치의상부볼륨은마치녹색경관위에 떠있는 것처럼보인다. 메인볼륨들사이의텅빈공간에는각기다른높이의층들을연결하는계단이있다. 이계단은마치자연이건축공간의일부가된것처럼자연속의경사로를올라가는듯한느낌을선사해줄것이다. West side Outdoor stair

East side Dining room Living porch Stair

. Entry 8 8. Living. Kitchen. Patio. Bedroom. Bathroom 7. Guest room 8. Terrace 9. Laundry East elevation 0. Mechanical room. Storage. Swimming pool. Parking Level +.0_+7. South elevation 9 7 Ⅰ 8 Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅰ Level +._+ Section Ⅰ 0 Section Ⅱ Level +0.0 7 8

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo B House at Guachon 과천 비 하우스 Partner architect_han Man-won Location Guachon, Korea Function House Site area 90m Bldg. area 78m Total floor area 70m Stories FL Structure Reinforced concrete, Steel Finish Exposed concrete, Natural stone paving(ext.), Exposed concrete, Wall_Plasterboard, Floor_Timber(int.) Design participation Karen Abernethy(Australia) Model Karen Abernethy(Australia) Rendering Studio DIM(Italy) 대지위치경기도, 과천시용도주택대지면적 90 m건축면적 78 m연면적 70 m규모지상 층 구조철근콘크리트조, 철골조마감노출콘크리트, 자연석포장 ( 외부 ), 노출콘크리트, 벽 _ 플라스터보드, 바닥 _ 목재 ( 내부 )

부지는번화한서울에서한시간가량떨어진, 멋진초목이있는언덕지형으로둘러싸여있다. 부지는 고요한아침의나라 를떠올리게하며, 옛한국동양화에서표현된한국산수의아름다움과부드러운자연경관의매력을지니고있다. 이주택은 0 m의작은규모이기때문에지각되는내부공간의규모를넓히기위해내부공간을서로분할하고이어주며, 나아가주변경관에연결하는투명 반투명필터를활용했다. 건물의외부볼륨은대지의경계를따르고있으며내부기하학은고객의요청에따라수평선의특수한지점 ( 언덕의경사 ) 을향해있다. 주요볼륨의비틀림을통해건물의내향적외관은내부에서완벽하게뒤바뀐다. 예상치못한공간의차원이전개되는것이다. 볼륨이조성된방식은공간의시퀀스를잘보여주며, 이는중앙지역삼각형모양의개방된중정을따라내부에서외부로흘러나가게된다. 중정을향해기울어있는지붕의기하학은대지를하늘과연결시키려는아이디어를구현한것으로이요소들을내부의생활공간으로끌어들이는역할을한다. ' 조개껍질 ' 내부에서는쾌적한그늘과남쪽지평선으로의놀라운전망, 그리고북쪽 에서유입되는부드러운빛을즐길수있다. 주택은모든장소와공간에서그전체모습을보여주는일종의유기체와같다. 모든공간들은명료한기하학에의해구성되며이는건물전체의유기적형상과긴밀한관련을맺고있다. 그리고이것이내부공간의인지확대효과를불러오는것이다. 중정중앙부의커다란자작나무는수직성을드러내며, 스케일과에너지의초점역할을한다. 건물의노출콘크리트는숱한선들을통해내부공간을감싸는데, 이는거주자들을감싸주는제 의 유기적 피부와같다. 대지에붙어있는건축공간시퀀스들은거주자들에게대지및주변경관과의친밀성을제공해준다. 건축은공간의마술적해석이다. 어떻게정원을만들지고민하기전에, 먼저대지가얼마나아름다운지, 그것이어떠한잠재성을가졌으며, 당신은왜그것을천국으로바꾸려하는지를여러방법으로숙고해야한다. 마치옛학자들이그들이거주하는마을을천국으로바꾸기위해화랑을짓곤했던것처럼말이다. 이는꼭그장소여야만하는이유를찾기위함이다. ( 희원 - 천국에닿는아름다움- 삼성문화재단- 00) The site is surrounded by a hilly topography with remarkable vegetation, just one hour away from the pulsating centre of Seoul. The character of the site reminds one of asian morning calm, the peculiarity of a gentle natural landscape that expresses the beauty of the korean landscape as in a vision of a ancient korean painting. A small house of about 0ß becomes the challenge to express the worry of widening the perception of the size of the internal spaces through transparent and translucent filters that divide and connect the internal spaces with each other and to the surrounding landscape. The outer volume of the building follows the boundaries of the land while the internal geometry is orientated to a specific focus(hill slope) on the horizon as desired by the owner. Through the torsion of the main volume the introverted appearance of the building changes completely once inside it, offering an unexpected dimension. The way the volume is carved displays a sequence of spaces that flow from inside to outside around a central triangular open courtyard(impluvium). The geometry of the roof, sloped towards the courtyard, emphasizes the idea of relating the earth to the sky and brings this elements inside the living spaces. The life inside the shell enjoys shadowed spaces, an amazing view towards the horizon on the south and a soft light from north. The house becomes a kind of organism that shows its whole dimension from every place and space. All spaces are marked by a clear geometry while also related to the organic shape of the whole. This will have a enlarging effect on the perception. A large birch tree in the middle of the courtyard represent the verticality and acts as the focus of scale and energy. The exposed concrete of the structure en wraps the internal spaces with infinite lines as a second organic skin of the inhabitants. The adherence to the land of the built sequence of spaces sets the inhabitants in an intimate relationship to the ground and the surrounding landscape. Architecture is the interpretation of the magic of a place. Before considering how to make a garden, you first come to examine in many ways how beautiful the ground is, what potential it has and why you want to make it into paradise as scholars of old days built an old art gallery only to make their native village into paradise. That is to find a factor that made the ground chosen. (Hee Won - The beauty reaches the Heaven - Samsung Foundation of Culture - 00).

7 7. entry. living. kitchen. bedroom. bathroom. terrace 7. storage East elevation West elevation Level +. 7 7 South elevation North elevation Level +. 7 Section Ⅰ Section Ⅱ Level 0.00 나무쪽배경아직다못지움

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo Kim Chang Wan House 김창완하우스 Partner architect_han Man-won Location Seoul, Korea Function House Site area m Bldg. area 80m Total floor area 0m Stories B, FL Structure Concrete, Steel Finish Exposed concrete, Aluminium framed windows, Natural stone paving(ext.), Exposed concrete, Wall_Plasterboard, Floor_Timber(int.) Design participation Karen Abernethy(Australia) Client Kim Chang-wan Model Karen Abernethy(Australia) Rendering Studio DIM(Italy) 대지위치서울특별시용도주택대지면적 m건축면적 80 m연면적 0 m규모지하 층, 지상 층구조콘크리트조, 철골조 마감노출콘크리트, 알루미늄프레임창, 자연석포장 ( 외부 ), 노출콘크리트, 벽 _ 플라스터보드, 바닥 _ 목재 ( 내부 ) 공동설계한만원아키텍츠

Section(D) North-West view North-East view Set in the urban area of the city of Seoul the site is characterized by a the people up to a level from where they can enjoy two extreme different dense, low rise building, residential area. The presence of a preserved nat- conditions : a spectacular view of the city of Seoul that extend itself as a ural park adjacent to the plot on the south confers to this site an extraordi- kind of living carpet and the extraordinary calm of the green hill. nary potential being a gateway between urban and natural landscape. The proposed building take care of this condition designing a three-dimensional 서울에있는이부지는저층건물이밀집되어있는주거지역이다. 남쪽부지와인접 filter with sequences of voids and volumes, as a metaphor of leaves, that 한자연공원은프로젝트에흔치않은잠재성을제공하는데, 도시환경과자연경관사 makes it breathing towards the natural landscape and becomes a precise 이의관문이될수있기때문이다. 제안된건물은이조건을고려하여빈공간과볼 image, reminding to a tree growing from the hard soil of the street, 륨이연속적으로교차하는입체적인다공성공간을창조한다. 이는나뭇잎사귀의메 towards the urban landscape. It is a townhouse that grows, with a geomet- 타포로서건물이자연경관을향해숨쉴수있도록해주고, 건물자체가단단한토 ric design but in an organic way, from the city towards the green hill. A 양으로부터뻗어나와도시경관을향해자라나는나무의이미지가되도록한다. 이 stoned tree as a kind of prehistoric presence that marks the limit of the 타운하우스는기하학적이면서도유기적인방식으로, 도시에서푸른언덕을향해뻗 urban texture. The building appears as unfinished, growing presence who s ideal edges are joined through the perception of the viewer. The omission 어간다. 이돌로된나무는원시적뉘앙스를갖고있으며도시의문맥을극한까지시험하는것이다. 건물은마감하지않은채로두었는데이는성장의메타포로서, 최 East elevation West elevation of frames reminds to abstract painting in global terms, as well to the defini- 종적인모습은보는이의관점에따라다양한모습으로변하게된다. 프레임의생략 tion of Korea s traditional space in The Traditional Space by Yim Seock-jae 은추상화를연상하게하며동시에한국의전통적공간 ( 한국의전통공간, 임석재, Ewha Womans University Press 00 : Korea s traditional space can be 이화여대출판부, 00) 을떠오르게한다. 한국의전통공간은두개의단어로요약 summed in two words emptiness and formlessness. They also represent the traditional mind set of the Korean people. Emptying and non-definitiveness are incorporated in the teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and are core values of the latter two. 될수있는데, 이는비움과무형성이다. 이어휘들은한국인의전통적심성을나타내는말이기도하며, 유교, 불교및도교의가르침과도일맥상통하는부분이있다. 이들은특히불교와도교에서중요시하는핵심적인가치들이다.. Parking. Living room. Open space The basement, open to the street host the entrance both for people and cars. The three upper floors are part of the single family house as three 거리와면해있는지상층에는차와사람들이드나들수있는출입구가있다. 상부세개층은단일한가정주택일부로서, 각각독립적이면서도서로의친밀감과대화를가능하게하는소통적공간들로구성되어있다. 커다란테라스로인해유리로처 independent and communicating units granting intimacy and dialogue one 리된부분을뒤로후퇴시킬수있고, 동시에생활공간을주변자연경관을향해확장 the others. Large terraces allow a set back of the glazed parts and an extension of the living spaces towards the surrounding landscape privileging the 하여외부기후로부터내부공간을보호하는일종의미기후를창조해낼수있다. 반면옥상테라스는사람들에게두가지의철저하게상반된요소들을즐길기회를제 North elevation Section natural context and in the same time create a kind of microclimate as pro- 공한다. 하나는살아있는풍경의카펫이라고여겨질만큼아득하게뻗어나간서울 tection of the internal spaces from the atmosphere. The roof terrace brings 의도시경관이며, 다른하나는녹색언덕의한없는고요함이다.. Deck. Bedroom. Living & Dining room. Kitchen. Terrace. Studio 9 7 9 7. Open space 8. Dress room 9. Elevator 8 Model First floor plan Third floor plan

Architect of the Month Davide Macullo Bungalows in Elounda 엘론다의방갈로 Partner architect_makis Lahanas Location Elounda beach, Greece Function Bungalows Site area,000m Bldg.,00m Total floor area,90m Stories FL Structure Reinforced concrete, Steel Finish Wall_Natural stone, Soffit_Marmorino, Mirror_Stainless steel column, Fiber glass & Titanium seperating wall, Pool_Tile, Deck_Teak(ext.), Floor_Teak, Ceiling_Teak, Bathroom_Marble, Glass(int.) Design participation Michele Alberio(Italy), Lorenza Tallarini(Switzerland), Marina Ravelli(Italy), Melina Angeletti(Argentina) Client Helios hotel Rendering Studio D.I.M. Associati(Italy) Interior design Riccardo Cogliati(Italy), B&B(Italy) Lighting design Ing. Thomas Maissen(Switzerland) Landscape design Davide Macullo Structural engineer YLTD(Greece) Electrical engineer LDK(Greece)Pool engineer Schneider Acquatec(Switzerland) Construction supervision Diarchon(Greece) 대지위치그리스, 엘론다비치용도방갈로대지면적,000m건축면적,00m연면적,90m규모지상층구조철근콘크리트조, 철골조마감벽 _ 자연석, 처마안쪽 _ 마모리노, 거울 _ 스테인레스스틸기둥, 유리섬유와티타늄을사용한벽, 수영장 _ 타일, 데크 _ 티크 ( 외부 ), 바닥 _ 티크, 천장 _ 티크, 욕실 _ 대리석, 유리 ( 내부 )

Sketch View from water Swimming pool View of bungalow & Pool from deck Pool view Deck Ⅰ Deck Ⅱ Living room Bedroom The amazing location of the site in the worldwide known resort Elounda 세계최고급호텔들이위치한세계적인리조트인엘론다비치부지에있는이프로 Beach(leading of the world hotels) suggests a new project simulation that 젝트는아득한수평선의경관을제공하는아름다운만에둘러싸인바다와대지를 aims to link the scale of the land with the one of the sea marked by the 연결하려는목적을가지고있다. 해안쪽으로후퇴한볼륨들은정박한배들처럼바 beautiful surrounding bay that offers intimacy and wide view to the horizon 다를향해있으며육지쪽으로는도시적분위기를선사해준다. 탁트인바다를볼 at the same time. Set back on the coast the raw of volumes faces the 수있는이새로운산책로는조금더작은규모로서, 이는현대적인느낌을주면서 water as they would be anchored yachts towards the sea, while proposing 도고대그리스해안마을의아담한거리를상기시킨다. 각유닛의강력한기하학적 a urban atmosphere on the land side. The news created pathways with 형태는연속된둥근표면들과볼륨에깊이를부여하는 도각도의벽선으로인해, open views to the sea have a reduced scale that reminds the ancient 바다를향해흐르는듯한유동적인경관을창조해낸다. 이로써프로젝트전체가두 streets of coastal villages but in a contemporary way. The strength geome- 가지상반된특징을가진새로운인공경관이된다. 외벽클래딩에사용된짙은회색 try of the single units becomes a fluent landscape towards the sea through 의석재는자연과조화를이루는새로운볼륨을창조하며, 나무나가죽과같은자연 the sequence of rounded surfaces and wall lines carving the deepness 재료의사용은인간을자연적인느낌속에서따뜻하게감싸준다. of the volumes. The whole system becomes a new artificial landscape that saws the two different conditions. The use of dark grey stone for the cladding of the exterior walls set the new volumes in harmony with the surrounding nature and the use of natural materials as wood and leather Section Plan enwraps the people in a warm atmosphere of natural taste.