First, Jesus Christ is the secret of God. You may have some secrets. I ask you to think about them. What are they? Why do you keep them as secret? It

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<C3D6C1BE2039BFF C0CF2E696E6464>



2 공제회 소식 노후자금, 매달 연금처럼 받으세요 신용 등급 세분화 1~2등급 1000만원 확대 회원대여 이용 한도 변경 장기저축급여 분할급여금 낮은 세율로 높은 실수령액 시중 상품보다 안정성 높아 퇴직 시점 한 번만 신청 가능 한국교직원공제회의 연금형 상품 장기저축급


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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활



71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370



74 현대정치연구 2015년 봄호(제8권 제1호) Ⅰ. 서론 2015년 1월 7일, 프랑스 파리에서 총격 사건이 발생했다. 두 명의 남성이 풍자 잡지 주간 샤를리 의 본사에 침입하여 총기를 난사한 것이다. 이 사건으로 인해 열두 명의 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 얼마 후에


Sermon Text for December 21, 2017 Jesus as the Secret and Mystery of God Romans 16:25-27 비밀이요신비이신예수 로마서 16:25-27 Merry Christmas! May all glory be to our triune God in the highest and peace be with all people on the earth! 메리크리스마스! 가장높은곳에서는삼위의하나님께영광이있기를그리고땅에서는 모든이들에게평화가있기를기도합니다. Shortly we are going to worship God with one of the most beloved music, that is, Handel s oratorio The Messiah. Our choir will sing some wonderful pieces from the first part of the oratorio with guest soloists. It is my hope that my brief sermon will be an introduction to this main worship. 조금있다가우리는가장사랑받아온음악헨델의오라토리오 메시아 로써하나님을 예배할것입니다. 우리성가대가초청독창자들과함께오라토리오의 예언과탄생 중에서몇 곡을연주할것입니다. 그것이본예배이고요, 저의설교는그예배를위한준비라고여기시기 바랍니다. Today I read last three verses of Paul s letter to the Romans. At the end of this letter Paul prays that the Roman believers may stand firm in the gospel that he preached. This gospel is about Jesus Christ, who He is, what He did in the past, what He does now, what He will do in the future and what all these mean to us. 오늘저는바울이쓴로마서의마지막세절을읽었습니다. 여기서바울사도는로마 교인들이자신이전한복음안에굳게서기를기도합니다. 이복음은예수그리스도에관한 것입니다. 그분이누구신지, 전에무엇을하셨는지, 지금무엇을하고계신지, 앞으로무엇을 하실지그리고그모든것이우리에게무슨의미인지에관한것입니다. Here Paul uses a Greek term musterion to refer to the life and works of Jesus Christ. This word is usually translated into two English words. One is secret and the other mystery. When Paul calls the life and works of Jesus Christ musterion, he must have had these two meanings in his mind. 여기서사도바울은 무스테리온 이라는헬라어단어를사용하여예수그리스도의 생애와활동을묘사합니다. 이단어는보통두개의영어단어로번역됩니다. 하나는 비밀 이고 다른하나는 신비 입니다. 예수그리스도를 무스테리온 이라고부를때바울사도는두가지 의미를모두생각하고있었을것이분명합니다. 1

First, Jesus Christ is the secret of God. You may have some secrets. I ask you to think about them. What are they? Why do you keep them as secret? It is because they are very important for you and your loved ones. You know that you have to make them known eventually but not right now. You are waiting for the opportune time to reveal those secrets. 첫째, 예수그리스도는하나님의비밀입니다. 여러분도비밀을가지고있겠지요. 잠시 생각해보십시오. 여러분의비밀은어떤것입니까? 왜그것을비밀로지키고있습니까? 여러분에게매우중요하기때문입니다. 언젠가는밝혀야하는줄은압니다만, 지금은아니라고 생각하기에비밀로간직하고있는것입니다. 적당한때가오면밝힐것입니다. One of the interesting news in the last week was a report about the secret investigation about UFO. As you may know, UFO refers to unidentifiable flying objects. There have been rumors that the US government has been conducting secret investigations about them. The official statement of the US government had been consistent denial of such secret project. 지난주에있었던흥미로운뉴스중하나는 UFO 에관한비밀조사가행해지고 있었다는사실입니다. 아시겠지만, UFO 은확인불가능한비행물체를말합니다. 미국정부가 이것에대해조사하고있다는소문이과거에도있었습니다. 하지만정부의공식적인입장은 그런것은존재하지않는다는것이었습니다. One of the officials who participated in the project, however, recently revealed that secret. According to him, the Pentagon started that secret project in 2007 and officially ended it in 2012. 그비밀프로젝트에참여했던관리중한사람이최근에그사실을폭로했습니다. 그에 따르면, 펜타곤에서 2007 년에비밀연구조사를시작했다가 2012 년에종료했다는것입니다. Why did the government keep this project secret? It is because the existence of ET(Extra-terrestrial) means a lot for us. There have been thousands of reports about UFO from all over the world. Even if just one of them is proved to be a real visitation of the aliens, then it will shake up all our knowledge and theories about the universe. As soon as such a case is revealed, we will all fall in total confusion. 왜정부는이프로젝트를비밀로했을까요? 외계인의존재는우리에게매우중요한 문제이기때문입니다. 세계여러곳에서미확인비행물체를보았다는보고가수천건에 달합니다. 만일그것들중하나라도외계인의방문으로밝혀진다면, 그것은우주에대한 우리의지식과이론을한꺼번에뒤집어놓을것입니다. 그런사례가하나라도밝혀진다면우리 모두는대단한혼란에빠질것입니다. Do you know that new religions about UFO have attracted many followers? There are more than dozens of groups all over the world. They believe that they will be saved by being connected with and enlightened by the aliens. Some of them argue that Jesus was an alien. Especially younger people are very vulnerable to these kinds of new age religions. Don t be misled! 2

UFO 에기초한새로운종교가있다는사실을아십니까? 전세계적으로꽤많습니다. 이신흥종교들은외계인과소통하여진리를깨달으면구원을받는다고가르칩니다. 어떤종파에서는예수가외계인이었다고주장하기도합니다. 특별히젊은이들이이러한뉴에이지적종교에쉽게흔들립니다. 조심해야합니다. Coming back to our subject, the fact that something is kept secret means that something is very important. Something you keep secret is important for you and your loved one. If there is something your school keeps secret, then that something is very important for all students. If the government keeps something secret, that something is enormously significant for the people of that country. 다시주제로돌아와서, 무엇이비밀로지켜지고있다는말은그것이매우중요하다는 뜻입니다. 여러분이무엇인가를비밀로지키고있다면여러분에게매우중요하기때문입니다. 여러분이다니는학교혹은직장에서무엇인가를비밀로지키고있다면, 그무엇은모든 학생에게혹은모든직원에게매우중요하기때문입니다. 만일정부가무엇인가를비밀로 지키고있다면, 그비밀은국민모두에게매우중요하기때문입니다. This thought sheds light on the significance of Jesus Christ. The one who kept Jesus secret was not the president of a country but the creator and ruler of the whole universe who is our God. God had to wait for the opportune time to reveal that secret. And when the day came, God revealed that secret through the baby in a manger in Bethlehem. 이렇게생각해보면예수그리스도가얼마나중요한분인지를알수있습니다. 그분을 비밀로지켜온존재는한국가의대통령이아니라온우주의주인이신우리의하나님이십니다. 하나님은그비밀을드러내기에적당한시간까지기다려야했습니다. 그리고그날이왔을때, 하나님은베들레헴의구유에누이신아기를통해그비밀을드러내셨습니다. As I mentioned before, the significance of a secret is proportional to that of the person who keeps secret. The fact that God kept Jesus as secret means that Jesus impact is definitive, universal and eternal. He is the Savior and Lord for all humanity in the world. He determines the eternal destiny of each person. And he will renew the whole creation. He is so important that each person should make decision to Him and that decision will determine the eternal destiny. 앞에서말한대로, 비밀은그비밀을지키는사람이누구냐에따라비중이달라집니다. 하나님이예수님을비밀로지켰다는말은예수님의영향력이그만큼결정적이고우주적이며 영원하다는뜻입니다. 그분은모든인류의구원자요주님이십니다. 그분은우리각자의영원한 운명을결정하시는분입니다. 그분은온세상을새롭게하실것입니다. 우리각자는그분에 대해어떤결정을해야만합니다. 그리고그결정은우리의운명을영원히결정지을것입니다. 2. 3

Secondly, Paul says that Jesus Christ is a mystery. Mystery means something beyond our understanding and description. Modern scientific development often makes people to believe that we humans are able to understand everything. If you go to college, you will meet many people who pretend to know everything. In actuality, however, there are so many things and areas that we are not able to understand. 둘째, 바울사도는예수그리스도가신비라고말합니다. 신비는이해를초월하여말로 설명할수없는것을말합니다. 현대과학의발전은자주사람들로하여금우리인간이모든 것을이해할수있다고착각하게만듭니다. 대학교에가면모든것을아는것처럼말하고 행동하는사람들을흔히만납니다. 하지만실제로는우리가이해할수없는것이많습니다. After five years of investigation about UFO, the Defense Department officially stated that no single case for the visitation of ET has been confirmed. Nevertheless, the questions about UFO and ET remain still as a mystery. One of the Pentagon officials who led this secret project said in an interview, My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone. UFO 에대한 5 년동안의연구조사후에국방부는외계인의방문을확인할만한사례가 없었다는공식적인입장을내놓았습니다. 그럼에도불구하고 UFO 와외계인에관한의문은 말끔히해결되지않았습니다. 이프로젝트에참여했던펜타곤직원중하나는최근인터뷰에 나와서 우리가혼자가아니라는매우설득력있는증거가있다는것이나의믿음입니다 라고 말했습니다. UFO and ET were once a baseless rumor but are now a mystery. For the visitation of UFO and the existence of aliens, there is definitive proof neither for nor against it. UFO 와외계인은한때근거없는소문이었지만지금은그렇지않습니다. UFO 의 방문과외계인의존재에관한한, 그것을부정하거나인정할만한결정적인증거도, 단서도 없습니다. Some people think that it will be a great threat to the Christian faith if the existence of ET is proven to be a fact. I don t think so. On the contrary, I believe it will be a chance for us believers. If the existence of the aliens is proven to be true, it will help us to explain what we believe. People who do not accept the gospel are reluctant to believe things beyond their understanding such as heavenly kingdom, resurrection and eternal life. If the existence of the aliens is confirmed, people will admit there are somethings beyond their understanding. 어떤사람들은외계인의존재가밝혀질경우에기독교신앙은크게위협받을것이라고 생각합니다. 저는그렇게생각하지않습니다. 반대로믿는이들에게기회가될것이라고 생각합니다. 외계인의존재가밝혀진다면우리는우리가믿는것을더잘설명할수있게될 것이기때문입니다. 복음을받아들이지않는사람들은하늘나라, 부활, 영생같은, 이해를 4

넘어서는것들에대해믿기어려워합니다. 만일외계인의존재가확인된다면, 사람들은 이해를넘어서는것들이존재한다는사실을인정하게될것입니다. Coming back to our subject, Paul said Jesus Christ is a mystery. Put more correctly He is the mystery. Many things about Him have been revealed and known. We know when He was born, where He lived, who nurtured Him, what He did, what He said, how He died, what happened to Him after three days and what He did after being raised. If you think you know Jesus Christ sufficiently enough after learning these facts, you are wrong. Not at all! He is much more and much bigger than these. The more we know Him, the more we feel like we don t know Him. It is because He is always beyond our understanding. 주제로돌아와서, 바울은예수그리스도가신비라고말합니다. 좀더정확히말하자면 그분은 최고의 신비입니다. 그분에관해많은사실들이알려져있지요. 어디서태어나셨는지, 어디에사셨는지, 누가그분을길렀는지, 무슨일을하셨고무슨말씀을하셨는지, 어떻게 죽으셨는지, 사흘후에무슨일이일어났는지그리고부활하신후에어떻게하셨는지를우리는 알고있습니다. 만일이런사실들을알고나서예수님에대해충분히알았다고생각한다면 오산입니다. 전혀그렇지않습니다. 그분은이모든것들보다더크신분입니다. 우리가그분에 대해알면알수록우리는그분을더모르는것같이느낍니다. 그분은언제나우리의이해를 넘어계시기때문입니다. Do you have some unanswered questions about Jesus? Don t be alarmed! It is natural. Jesus and His works are beyond our understanding and comprehension. If you don t have any question and doubt about Him, then it must be a reduced and distorted form of Jesus. If you want to be a true believer, you need to learn to live with unresolved questions. If you meet unanswerable questions about Jesus, you may well say to yourself, Well, I am on track! 예수님에대해혹시이런저런의문을가지고계십니까? 놀라지마십시오. 당연한 일입니다. 예수님과그분의행적은우리의이해를넘어서있습니다. 만일그분에대해아무런 의문도없다면, 여러분은매우축소되고왜곡된예수님을섬기고있는것입니다. 여러분이 참된믿음을가지려면먼저답하기어려운질문들과함께사는법을배워야합니다. 답하기 어려운질문들을만났다는사실은바로믿고있다는반증입니다. We worship and praise Jesus Christ because He is much greater, mightier, wiser, more beautiful than we imagine. Once you get to know how majestic and glorious He is, joyful praise will burst out from your heart. 우리는예수그리스도께서우리가상상하는것보다더위대하시고더강하시며더 지혜로우시고더아름다우시기에그분을예배하고찬양합니다. 그분이얼마나위대하시고 영광스러우신지를알면그분을찬양하지않을수없습니다. 5

When we find no words to describe a mysterious thing, we turn to music, dance or painting. The various kinds of arts are useful means to express something beyond our description. 신비한것을보고표현할말을찾을수없을때우리는음악이나춤이나그림을 사용합니다. 여러종류의예술은표현할수없는대상을표현하는좋은도구입니다. I d like to introduce one of my favorite praises to you. Its title is I Stand in Awe of You. 그런의미에서제가좋아하는찬양중하나를여러분에게소개하려합니다. 제목은 입니다. Verse 1: You are beautiful beyond description Too marvelous for words Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen or heard Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom Who can fathom the depths of Your love You are beautiful beyond description Majesty enthroned above 당신은표현할수없이아름답고말로담을수없이놀라우시며이해하기에너무도크신분입니다그동안보거나들은것과는비교할수없습니다당신의무한한지혜를누가알겠으며당신의사랑의깊이를누가잴수있겠습니까당신은표현할수없이아름답습니다위엄에둘러싸여하늘에앉으셨습니다 And I stand, I stand in awe of You I stand, I stand in awe of You Holy God to whom all praise is due I stand in awe of You 모든찬양에합당하신거룩하신하나님 Verse 2: You are beautiful beyond description 6

Yet God crushed You for my sin In agony and deep affliction Cut off that I might enter in Who can grasp such tender compassion Who can fathom this mercy so free You are beautiful beyond description Lamb of God who died for me 당신은표현할수없이아름다우십니다 그런데하나님은내죄를위해당신을깨뜨리셨습니다 고뇌와깊은고통가운데서잘라지셔서 제가하나님앞에나아가게하셨습니다 그부드러운사랑을누가알수있겠습니까 이값없는자비를누가잴수있겠습니까 당신은표현할수없이아름다우십니다 나를위해죽으신하나님의어린양 And I stand, I stand in awe of You I stand, I stand in awe of You Holy God to whom all praise is due I stand in awe of You 모든찬양에합당하신거룩하신하나님 Yes, Jesus Christ was the secret that God had kept for long ages. He was supposed to be the Savior, the Messiah for all human beings and so God had to keep Him secret. This is the day to remember and celebrate the day of revelation of that secret. 그렇습니다. 예수그리스도는하나님께서오랜세월동안숨겨오신 비밀 이십니다. 그분은모든인류의구원자즉메시야가되기로예정되셨습니다. 그래서하나님은그분을 비밀로지키셨습니다. 오늘은그비밀이드러난것을기억하고축하하는날입니다. Yes, Jesus Christ is the mystery. He rose from the dead, ascended and was seated at the right hand of God. He works among and within us through the Holy Spirit. He continues His saving works until the day of the New Heaven and Earth. All these are beyond our understanding and comprehension. 그렇습니다. 예수그리스도는 신비 이십니다. 그분은죽은자들가운데서살아나셨고 하늘에오르시어하나님의보좌우편에앉아계십니다. 그분은성령을통해우리안에그리고 7

우리가운데일하십니다. 그분은새하늘과새땅이이르는날까지구원의사역을 계속하십니다. 이모든것은우리의이해를넘어서는일입니다. This is the message that George Frederick Handel wanted to share with us through the Messiah. It is my prayer that each and every one of us may come to realize that Jesus Christ is indeed God s secret and mystery! 이것이헨델이오라토리오 메시아 를통해우리에게전하려했던메시지입니다. 이제 듣게될아름다운음악을통해하나님의비밀이요신비이신예수그리스도를새롭게 만나시기를기도합니다. 8

< 속회자료 > 2017 년 12 월 24 일주일설교 비밀이요신비이신예수 (Jesus as the Secret and Mystery of God) 1. 찬송을부르며시작합니다. 115 장 ( 통 115) 2. 한사람이대표로기도합니다. 3. 로마서 16 장 25-27 절을읽습니다. 로마교인들에대한바울의기도가무엇인지를살펴봅니다. 4. 한사람이설교말씀을요약하여발표합니다. (10 분 ) 5. 말씀의나눔 ( 한질문에대해 15 분정도를할애하십시오. 전체나눔시간이 90 분을넘지않게하십시오.) 1) 오늘의말씀을통해새롭게깨달은것이있으면한가지만나누어주십시오. 2) 예수그리스도가하나님의비밀이요신비라는사실이무엇을의미하는지당신의말로다시설명해보십시오. 3) 당신이알고있고믿고있는예수님은어떤분입니까? 그분을생각할때예배와찬송과감사가솟구쳐나옵니까? 그렇지않다면왜그럴까요? 4) 예수님에대한당신의믿음에있어서부족한점은무엇인지생각해보십시오. 6. 기도 1) 예수님을하나님의비밀이요신비로대하는믿음을구하십시오. 2) 진정한믿음과예배를위해기도하십시오. 7. 중보기도 1) 서로의기도제목을나누고합심으로중보하십시오. 2) 지원하는선교지와선교사의소식을나누고위해서기도하십시오. 8. 찬송을부르며헌금을드립니다. 찬양곡 아름답고놀라운주예수 혹은찬송 85 장 ( 통 85) 9. 주기도문으로예배를마칩니다. 9