GRAMMAR 1. It seems that 주어 + 동사 : ~ 인거같다 = 주어 seem [to v / to have p.p.] It seems that Sylvia eats chocolate too often. = Sylvia seems to eat chocola

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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구


05 과 LANGUAGE FOCUS 실용영어 2 YBM VOCABULARY 동사 + er/or 명사 (~ 하는사람 ) 동사 + ive 형용사 found plan dance edit collect instruct er or founder planner dancer editor collector instructor create attract compete communicate administrate ive creative attractive competitive communicative administrative CHECK Complete the sentences by using the above words. 1. A city helps design cities and make decisions on the height of buildings. 2. We decorated the shop to make it more to a wider range of people. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 1. draw attention to : ~ 로관심을끌다 Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. Lucy loves to draw attention to herself. 2. not only A neither B : A 뿐만아니라 B 도 ~ 이아니다 Not only did James not bring his passport, neither did Jay. Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for his company. 3. due to + 명사 : ~ 때문에 (=because of, owing to) Due to financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1984. The plane was delayed due to weather conditions. 7 1

GRAMMAR 1. It seems that 주어 + 동사 : ~ 인거같다 = 주어 seem [to v / to have p.p.] It seems that Sylvia eats chocolate too often. = Sylvia seems to eat chocolate too often. It seems that he lost a lot of weight. = He seems to have lost a lot of weight. The architecture seems to show that there is no limit to human creativity. = It seems that the architecture shows that there is no limit to human creativity. It seems that positive thinking helps us gain confidence. = Positive thinking seems to help us gain confidence. CHECK Complete the sentences as in the example. e.g.) It seems that living with nature is important for health. Living with nature seems to be important for health. 1. It seems that Mat wants to newly decorate his kitchen. 2. It seems that Ken knows a lot about Korean architecture. 2 1 등급싱싱고등어! 이정민선생

2. 과거완료수동태 과거완료 1 정의 2 형태 3 해석 과거완료수동태 : 과거완료 + 수동태 1 형태 2 해석 EXAMPLES He didn't realized that his purse had been stolen on the way home. The store had been closed before I arrived. The site was originally occupied by a house, which had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. 수능어법 POINT It turned out that the heart of the fire 5 had not been in the kitchen but in the basement below. [H2-1211] Despite the fact that these books for training 3 had not been used for some 15 years, they still had great influence over the actions of GE managers. [H2-1406] 7 3

Grammar in Context Complete the sentence using the given words A : Look at this! The houses are in the shape of cubes. B : Yes, Piet Blom designed them after he (ask) by the town planners to decorate a bridge. A : You mean these houses were build on a bridge? B : You're right. Each of the houses is supposed to represent a tree. A : Then, the whole village must be a forest. This seems (be) the most unique architecture in Rotterdam! Language Focus REVIEW POINTS 01. 접미사 er/or 과 ive 역할은? 02. Useful Expressions 해석가능? 03. 부정어 + 도치구조는? 04. ~ 인거같다 2가지표현문장전환가능? 05. 부정사의시제 2가지와의미는? 06. 과거완료 123? / 과거완료수동태형태, 해석은? 4 1 등급싱싱고등어! 이정민선생

05 과어휘정리 VIP 실용영어 2 YBM Vocabulary IS Power 모르는어휘에 하고 [ᄌᄃᄋᄀ] Reading 1. architecture n 건축, 설계 2. commonly ad. 흔히, 보통 3. define v 정의하다 4. include v 포함하다 5. construction n 건설, 건축 6. structure n 구조, 건물 7. limit n 제한, 한계 8. founder n 창설자 9. spread v 퍼지다, 확산시키다 10. determined a 단호한, 굳게결심한 11. achieve v 달성하다, 성취하다, 이루다 12. draw attention to ~ 에관심을끌다 13. pedestrian n 보행자 14. decorate v 장식하다 15. financial a 금융의 16. represent v 나타내다, 상징하다 17. abstract a 추상적인 18. aesthetics n 미학 19. occupy v 차지하다 20. bombing n 폭격 21. controversial a 논란의여지가있는 22. acclaimed a 찬사 / 호평을받고있는 23. attraction n 명소 24. garage n 차고, 주차장 25. community n 지역사회 26. ultimately ad. 최종적으로, 결국에는 27. bookshelf n 책장, 선반 28. influential a 영향력있는 29. method n 방법 30. ensure v 확실히하다 31. literary a 문학의 Listening 32. building n 건물 33. amazing a 놀라운, 대단한 34. agree v 동의하다 35. upside down 거꾸로된 36. wonder v 궁금해하다 37. somebody n 누군가 38. design v 설계하다 39. attract v 끌다 40. people n 사람들 41. future n 미래, 장래 42. become v ~ 이되다, ~ 해지다 43. architect n 건축가 44. build v 짓다 45. recommend v 추천하다 46. around 주위에, 여기저기 47. famous a 유명한 48. special a 특별한 49. simple a 단수한 50. design n 디자인 51. connection n 연결, 관련성 52. nature n 자연 53. top n 정상, 위 54. hill n 언덕, 산 55. view n 전망 56. at the top of ~ 의꼭대기에 57. cathedral n 대성당 58. reason n 이유 59. shaped a ~ 의모양의 60. about 약 ~ 61. beautiful a 아름다운, 예쁜, 훌 륭한 62. visit v 가다, 방문하다 63. museum n 박물관 64. unusual a 특이한, 독특한 65. unique a 독특한 66. pay a visit 찾아가다, 들르다 67. check out 확인하다, 보다 7 5

68. UFO 미확인비행물체비행접시 (Unidentified Flying Object) 69. during ~ 동안 70. vacation n 방학, 휴가 71. clock tower 시계탑 72. foreign a 외국의 73. tour n 관광 74. natural a 자연의 75. surrounding n 환경 76. chance n 기회 77. traditional a 전통적인 78. tip n 정보 79. designer n 설계자 80. advertise v 광고하다, 홍보하다 81. basket n 바구니 82. behind ~ 뒤의 ( 숨겨진 ) 83. search v 찾다, 검색하다 84. article n 기사 85. create v 만들다 86. in the shape of ~ 의모양으로 87. symbol n 상징 88. real n 실제, 실물 89. personally ad. 개인적으로 90. value n 가치 91. hold v 보유하다 92. religious a 종교의 93. guidebook n 안내서 94. offer v 제공하다 95. interested a 관심이있는 96. free a 무료의 97. admission n 입장료 98. ticket n 표, 입장권 99. expo n 국제박람회, 전람회 100. weekend n 주말 101. energy-efficient 에너지효율이좋은 102. career n 경력, 직업, 직장 103. advice n 조언 After Reading 104. decorate v 장식하다, 꾸미다 105. kitchen n 주방, 부엌 106. architecture n 건축, 건축물 107. remove v 제거하다, 없애다 108. establish v 설립하다, 제정하다 109. style n 양식, 방식 110. cube n 정육면체 111. mean v 의미하다 112. whole a 전부의, 모든 113. unique a 유일무이한, 독특한 114. in the shape of ~ 의형태로 115. be supposed to v ~ 하도록되어있다 116. lean v 기울어지다, 기대다 117. construct v 짓다, 건설하다 118. tourist n 관광객 119. attraction n 관광명소 120. invention n 발명품 121. automobile n 자동차 122. increase v 늘리다 123. popular a 대중적인 124. potential a 잠재적인 125. giant a 거대한 126. feature n 특징, 특색 127. familiar a 익숙한, 잘알려진 128. icon n 상징 129. complete v 완성하다 130. entire a 전체의, 완전한 131. structure n 건축물 132. originally ad. 원래 133. retail a 소매의 134. spare v 아끼다, 절약하다 135. according to ~ 에의하면 136. teapot n 찻잔 137. locate v 에있다 138. welcome a ~ 해도좋은, 환영받는 139. pass v 지나가다 140. along ~ 을따라 141. attract v ~ 을매혹하다, 끌다 142. customer n 고객, 손님 143. in the shape of ~ 의모양으로 6 1 등급싱싱고등어! 이정민선생

144. at the side of ~ 의변에 145. get inside 안으로들어가다 146. summer vacation 여름방학 147. surrounding n 환경 148. chance n 기회 149. tip n 조언, 정보 150. background n ( 개인의 ) 배경 151. achieve v 이루다, 달성하다 152. ultimately ad. 결국에 153. acclaim v 찬사를보내다 154. literature n 문학 155. attract v 마음을끌다 156. major v 전공하다 157. come up with 생각해내다 158. a wide rage of 다양한 159. Dutch a 네덜란드의, 네덜란 드의사람의 160. center n 중심 161. individual a 개개의 162. practical a 실용적인 163. in fact 사실은 164. make up 구성하다 165. trouble n 문제, 곤란 166. quite ad. 꽤, 상당히 167. realize v 깨닫다, 알아차리다 168. alarm clock 알람시계 169. keep time 시간을지키다 170. out of order ( 기계가고장난 ) 7 7

05 과본문분석실용영어 2 YBM 본문코끼리 Unique Architecture Around the World 1. The Basket Building (USA) 2. The Cube Houses (Netherlands) 3. The Dancing House (Czech Republic) 4. Kansas City Library Garage (USA) 본문 1 Unique Architecture Around the World The word architecture is a commonly used word. It can be 본문해석은고등어노트를참고하세요 ^^! 단골출제 POINT (1) 내용일치 (2) 어법 (3) 빈칸 (4) 문장의위치 (5) 서술형 simply defined as a mix of art and science that includes the design and construction of various buildings and structures. The world of architecture seems to show that there is no limit to human creativity. The Basket Building (USA) Can you guess what this building is used for? Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company which sells baskets, had a dream to build his office into a giant basket. Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. However, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for his company. But Dave was determined. His dream was achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that looked like a basket finally opened for business. How can the word architecture be defined? It can be simply defined as a mix of art and science. Why did Dave Longaberger dream of building his office into a basket? He believed the idea would draw attention to the company. 8 1 등급싱싱고등어! 이정민선생

본문 2 The Cube Houses (Netherlands) One of the icons of Rotterdam is the Cube Houses, designed by the Dutch architect Piet Blom. The architecture is in fact built on a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. The 단골출제 POINT (1) 어법 (2) 내용일치 (3) 빈칸 (4) 문장의위치 (5) 어휘 (6) 글의제목 The Cube Houses : Rotterdam's Landmark (7) 서술형 town planners asked Piet Blom to newly decorate the bridge in the 1970s. Due to financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1984. According to Blom, the top of the individual house represents an abstract tree, and all houses together make up a yellow forest. The Cube Houses could be called an architectural wonder since Blom has considered the form and aesthetics much more important than practical purpose. What are the Cube Houses built on? They are built on a pedestrian bridge. 7 9

본문 3 The Dancing House (Czech Republic) The Dancing House is one of the most interesting Prague 단골출제 POINT (1) 어법 (2) 내용일치 (3) 글의제목 (4) 빈칸 (5) 문장의위치 (6) 서술형 houses built at the end of the 20th century. It represents a man and a woman dancing together. This amazing building was designed by a Czech architect Vlado Milunic, together with a Canadian architect Frank Gehry. The site was originally occupied by a house, which had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. The very non-traditional design was controversial at the time, but it has become one of the most acclaimed modern buildings in Prague. In 1996, it received the Design of the Year Award from the American Time magazine. What does the Dancing House in Prague represent? It represents a man and a woman dancing together. 10 1 등급싱싱고등어! 이정민선생

본문 4 Kansas City Library Garage (USA) One of the attractions of Kansas City in Missouri is the appearance of the parking garage for the public library. The garage looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf, except in this case the books are 25 feet high and 9 feet wide. The garage 단골출제 POINT (1) 어법 (2) 내용일치 (3) 글의주제 (4) 빈칸 (5) 어휘 (6) 요약문 Kansas city built a parking garage that looks like a row of books, which reflects the cultural interest of its people. (7) 서술형 behind the books was constructed in 2006 in response to the need for additional parking. Community input was requested on ways to make the new structure attractive, and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential book titles that represent Kansas City. This method ensured the design, as well as the titles, would truly represent the wide range of cultural and literary interests of the city s people. Does the world of unique architecture interest you? Exploring how architects express their creativity is exciting. Great architects will always remind people of their great creativity through their amusing ideas. What does the Kansas City Library Garage look like? It looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf. Why was the Kansas City Library Garage constructed? It was constructed in response to the need for additional parking. 7 11

코끼리다시보기 건축은건물과구조물의설계와건설을포함하는예술과과학의혼합 건축의세계는인간창의력의무한함을보여줌 1. The Basket Building (USA) 바구니판매회사의설립자 Dave Longanerger 가커다란 바구니모양의건물을짓겠다는꿈을실현 2. The Cube Houses (Netherlands) 로테르담의보행자다리위에세워져있는상징중의하나 / 도시설계자들의요청으로 Piet Blom이설계건축학의경이로움 : 실용성보다양식과미학을더중시 3. The Dancing House (Czech Republic) 20세기말에지어진프라하의가장흥미로운건축물중하나춤추고있는남녀를상징 / 체코와캐나다건축가공동설계예전과다른디자인이당시논란이었지만, 지금은찬사받음 4. Kansas City Library Garage (USA) 주차장의외관을책장처럼설계 : 캔자스시의관광명소주차공간건설 구조물을매력적으로만들기 ( 지역시민참여 ) 도시사람들의문화와문학에대한관심을대표 위대한건축가 : 놀라운아이디어로창의력에대한생각제공 12 1 등급싱싱고등어! 이정민선생

본문주요문장한눈에보기 - ᄌᄃᄋᄀ 할것!! 붉은색어법포인트! 파랑색빈칸, 어휘포인트! 1It can be simply defined as a mix of art and science that includes the design and construction of various buildings and structures. 선행사 2The world of architecture seems to show that there is no limit to human creativity. = It seems that the architecture shows that there is no limit to human creativity. 3Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for his company. 4His dream was achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that looked like a basket finally opened for business. 5The architecture is in fact built on a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. 6The Cube Houses could be called an architectural wonder since Blom has considered the form and aesthetics much more important than practical purpose. 7The Dancing House is one of the most interesting Prague houses built at the end of the 20th century. 8The site was originally occupied by a house, which had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. 9The garage looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf, except in this case the books are 25 feet high and 9 feet wide. = participation 10Community input was requested on ways to make the new structure attractive, and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. 11The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential book titles that represent Kansas City. 12 This method ensured (that) the design, as well as the titles, would truly represent the wide range of cultural and literary interests of the city's people. 13Great architects will always remind people of their great creativity through their amusing ideas. 7 13