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<The secrets of Droon 1 - The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet> - Chapter 1. The Small room " I have to clean the basement," Eric grumbled. (2page) grumble - to complain in a bad-tempered way. " What a mess!"(4page) mess - an untidy or dirty state * Neal slumped into the chair. (4page) slump - to drop or sink suddenly and heavily " Serves you right" (6page) 쌤통이다. 꼴좋다. * It slammed shut. (9page) Slam - to shut loudly and with violence - Chapter 2. The Sky Below the Ground "Uh-oh," he gasped. (15page) gasp - A gasp is a short quick breath of air that you take in through your mouth, especially when you are surprised, shocked, or in pain. "lizards, I think." (15page) lizard - A lizard is a reptile with short legs and a long tail. - Chapter 3. Groggles and Ninns * Vanishing into pink sky. (16page) vanish - to disappear suddenly * He tumbled into the air. (17page) tumble : If someone or something tumbles somewhere, they fall there with a rolling or bouncing movement. * "Umph!" Eric moaned when he finally hit the ground. (17page) moan : If you moan, you make a low sound, usually because you are unhappy or in pain. * "Holy cow!" Eric tried to crawl under a bush. (18page) holy cow - 어마!, 저런!, 설마!, 야단났군! 놀람 노염 기쁨을나타냄 holy' 라는단어가종교적인의미, god 을의미.
* Ouch! My ankle!" He groaned. (18page) groan : If you groan, you make a long, low sound because you are in pain, or because you are upset or unhappy about something * The lizards swept even closer to the treetops. (18page) sweep -swept- swept : If you sweep an area of floor or ground, you push dirt or rubbish off it using a brush with a long handle. * when they swooped, Eric saw the riders clearly. (18page) swoop - to fly down with a fast sweeping movement. * Eric blinked when he thought of how to tell her. "I...uh...sort of...fell." (19page) a sort of - a thing like * His leg bagan to tingle. (20page) tingle - to feel or make someone or something feel a prickling or slightly stinging sensation, as with cold or embarrassment. tingle : When a part of your body tingles, you have a slight stinging feeling there If you tingle with a feeling such as excitement, you feel it very strongly. * He will stop at nothing to conquer Droon. (22page) conquer : If one country or group of people conquers another, they take complete control of their land. * Without another word, keeah leaped away swiftly, like a cat. (22page) swiftly : quickly - Chapter 4. At the Bridge * "Scour the forest!" (29page) scour - to clean, polish or remove by hard rubbing * He rushed into a clearing. (31page) clearing - an area in a forest, etc that has been cleared of trees, etc. 빈터, 빈자리등의의미가있는데여기에서는투명한벽. 정도로사용됨. - Chapter 4 표현 * The sooner we do, the sooner we get home. (31page) 빨리하면빨리집으로갈수있다.
- Chapter 5. The Vanishing Tower "Guys!" Eric interrupted. (33page) interrupt - to break into (a conversation or monologue) by asking a question or making a comment. * "This tree has petrified. It tuned to stone be cause it's so old. We learned about petrified trees at camp" (33page) petrify - to terrify; to paralyse someone with fright. * As the three of them stood there, a giant tower shimmered into view." (33page) shimmer - to shine tremulously and quiveringly with reflected light; to glisten * The room was cluttered beyond belief. (36page) beyond belief - 믿을수없을만큼, 대단히 ' clutter - to overcrowd it or make it untidy with accumulated objects * Mission accomplished!" (39page) accomplish - to complete * "Fearing he would use them to take your over world, I sealed the stairs that once joined our two realms." (40page) realm - a kingdom - Chapter 6. Home Must Wait * Neal shivered. (43page) shiver - to quiver or tremble, eg with fear. * The hazy glass showed a city of bright towers as light and sunny as Plud was dark. (45page) hazy - misty, vague; not clear * It looked like a shaggy camel. (47page) shaggy - said of hair, fur, wool, etc: long and coarse; rough and untidy in appearance * She plodded to the passage door and turned her head back, as if beckoning the children to follow. (47page) beckon - to summon someone towards oneself, especially by making a sign or repeated gesture with the hand
- Chapter 7. The Forbidden City * The forbidden city ( 제목 ) forbidden - If something is forbidden, you are not allowed to do it or have it. forbidden - prohibited; not allowed; not permitted * And take this invisible cloak. It may come in handy." (48page) invisible - not able to be seen. unseen colak - A cloak is a long, loose, sleeveless piece of clothing which people used to wear over their other clothes * "And take me!" Max twittered. (48page) twitter - a light repeated chirping sound made by especially small birds * Ooga! Sparr's car roared loudly up the road. (52page) roar - said of a lion or other animal: to give a loud growling cry - Chapter 8. Prisoners! * It shrivered to the size of a small egg. (60page) shiver - to quiver or tremble, eg with fear * Everyone turned to see a mop of orange hair scurry down the wall. (62page) scurry - a sudden brief gust or fall, eg of wind or snow; a flurry * He staggered backward as the fire blew past Keeah, punching a hole straight through the wall to the hall out side. (64page) stagger - to walk or move unsteadily * "I think we found a dungeon all by ourselves!" (65page) dungeon - a prison cell, especially underground. - Chapter 9. Into Thin Air * "This is a storage room" (66page) storage - the act of storing or the state of being stored. * The invisible cloak isn't big enough for all of us. And there's nothing here but these dumb old rugs." (66page) dumb- not having the power of speech * "Whoa! It's wobbly up here!"(70page) wobbly - unsteady; shaky; inclined to wobble. * He thrust his fist at them. (70page)
thrust - to push suddenly and violently * But Sparr aimed his fist again. (70page) aim - to point or direct a weapon, attack, remark, etc at them or it * The flame from the red jewel seemed to engulf Sparr's hand. (71page) engulf - to swallow something up completely - Chapter 10. The World Under the Stairs * Pink air swirled all around the flying carpet. (72page) swirl - to flow or cause to flow or move with a whirling or circling motion. * Suddenly, a rainbow of colors glistened ahead if them. (73page) glisten - often said of something wet or icy: to shine or sparkle * Julie tugged a fringe. (73page) tug - to pull sharply or strongly fringe - a border of loose threads on a carpet, tablecloth, garment, etc. * Obediently, it pulled away from the steps. (75page) obedient - obeying; willing to obey
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