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<Secrets of Droon 3 - The Mysterious Island> - Chapter 2. Wings Over Water * "You are outnumbered." (15page) outnumber - If one group of people or things outnumbers another, the first group has more people or things in it than the second group. * Keeah struggled to her feet and aimed her fingers at the giant mast. (18page) mast 돛대 - any upright wooden or metal supporting pole, especially one carrying the sails of a ship, or a radio or television aerial - Chapter 3. Shipwrecked! * Slippery yellow vines coiled down from above and dangled in the paths. (27page) slippery - so smooth, wet, etc as to cause or allow slipping. coil - to wind round and round in loops to form rings or a spiral. path - A path is a long strip of ground which people walk along to get from one place to another. - Chapter 4. Trapped...With Friends! * Eric pushed and pulled as hard he could to break out of the sack. (28page) sack - a large bag, especially one made of coarse cloth or paper * In the middle of the troop of Ninns was the wizard, wrapped from head to foot in thick chains. (29page) troop - a group or collection, especially of people or animals. * "Sparr is coming!" She snarled. (31page) snarl - said of an animal: to growl angrily, showing the teeth * Eric waved at the thick haze. (33page) haze - a feeling of confusion or of not understanding. - Chapter 5. Attack of the Icky Bugs * Attack of the Icky Bugs( 제목 ) icky - If you describe a substance as icky, you mean that it is disgustingly sticky. * Their hard brown shells gleamed like armor. (35page) gleam - If an object or a surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny and clean.
* "Gross!" said Eric, ducking behind a tree. (36page) gross ; 역겨운 Oh, gross! gross - If you describe something as gross, you think it is very unpleasant. * The spider part of me resents that!" said Max. (41page) resent : 분개하다괘씸하게생각하다. - If you resent someone or something, you feel bitter and angry them. * Neal's fuzzy legs began to quiver, and his feelers twitched. (41page) quiver - If something quivers, it shakes with very small movements. * Suddenly he flicked his tongue at Julie's head. (42page) flick - If something flicks in a particular direction, or if someone flicks it, it moves with a short, sudden movement. * Soon there was a whole swarm of seaflies buzzing over them. (43page) swarm - A swarm of bees or other insects is a large group of them flying together. * The flies swarmed together in a dense, bright green lump. (44page) dense - Something that is dense contains a lot of things or people in a small area. - Chapter 6. Groggle Mountain * Then he began to spin his legs so quickly they seemed to blur. (46page) blur - When a thing blurs or when something blurs it, you cannot see it clearly because its edges are no longer distinct. * Max and Neal leaped upward easily, tying the spider slik to rocks and ledges wherever they could. (46page) ledge : 선반 - A ledge is a piece of rock on the side of a cliff or mountain, which is in the shape of a narrow shelf. - A ledge is a narrow shelf along the bottom edge of a window. * Neal, clinging to the ledge above, turned. (48page) cling - If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them tightly. * They all started pelting the groggles with rocks. (49page) pelt : ( 무엇을 ) 던지며공격하다 - If you pelt someone with things, you throw things at them.
* "Leave me alone!" Eric yelled, flailing his arms. (50page) flail : 마구흔들다. - If your arms or legs flail or if you flail them about, they wave about in an energeticbut uncontrolled way. ex) His arms were flailing in all directions. * But the groggle kept dodging them. (50page) dodge - to avoid (a blow, a person, etc) by moving quickly away, especially sideways. dodge : 몸을재빨리움직이다. - If you dodge, you move suddenly, often to avoid being hit,caught, or seen. - Chapter 7. The Glove of Power * The earth seemed to swoop up at him as he plummeted toward the jungle. (52page) plummet - to fall or drop rapidly; to plunge or hurtle downwards. plummet -곤두박질치다. 급락하다. - If an amount,rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount. * Eric dug his right foot in and hoisted himself up with his tired arms. (55page) hoist - 들어올리다.( 밧줄등으로 ) - If you hoist something heavy somewhere, you lift it or pull it up there. * He peered down. (55page) peer - to look hard at it or them, especially through narrowed eyes, as if having difficulty in seeing. * He leaned into the branches, untangled the glove, and dragged it out. (56page) untangle -( 엉킨것을 ) 풀다. untangle - If you untangle something that is knotted or has become twisted around something, you undo the knots in it or free it * "Guess not!" Neal yelped. "Yikes!" (57page) yelp - 꽥소리를지르다. -If a person or dog yelps, they give a sudden short cry, often because of sort or pain. * Thwang! Thwang! Flaming arrows whizzed by the kids. (57page) whiz - 총알, 화살이내는소리 (p.57) * Coming out of the cave depths were several large fuzzy legs and long twitching
feelers. (59page) fuzzy - Fuzzy hair sticks up in a soft, curly mass. - Chapter 8. Cave of Bugs * Their feelers twitched in the air. (60page) feeler -더듬이. - An insect's feelers are the two thin stalks on its head with which it touches and sences things around it. * In the thin light streaming from the cave's opening, they saw a giant pit. (60page) pit -deep hole. * "The bugs don't see us yet. Maybe we should just fight the Ninns, one on one." (61page) one on one - 1대 1로, 맨투맨으로 one on one - A one-on-one situation, meeting, or contest involves only two people. * "They're bugs," Neal snorted. (62page) snort -코웃음을치다. 콧방귀를뀌다. -When people or animals snort,they breathe air noisily out through their noses. people sometimes snort in order to express disapproval or amusement. * "You know, to distract them" (63page) distract -산만하게하다. - If something distracts you or your attention from something, it takes your attention away from it. * His feelers twitched and quivered. (64page) quiver -( 가볍게 ) 떨다 - If something quivers, it shakes with very small movements. * He fluttered his feelers once, took a squeaky breath, then scuttled out of the shadows. (64page) scuttle -종종걸음을치다. - When people or small animals scuddle somewhere, they run there with short quick steps. * The bugs hissed and squealed, but the kids shot around the ledge and up the side of the mountain before they could catch up. (65page) squeal - a long high-pitched noise, cry or yelp, like that of a pig, a child, etc
* At once - whoom - a wall of raging flames shot up around the kids. (67page) rag - to tease; to play rough tricks on someone. - Chapter 9. At the White Cliff * The kids huddled together to avoid the flames. (68page) huddle : 옹기종기모이다 - If you huddle somewhere, you sit, stand, or lie there holding your arms and legs close to your body, usually because you are cold or frightened. * The fire looked hot enough to burn them to a crisp. (70page) crisp : 바삭바삭한, 아삭아삭한 - Food that is crisp is pleasantly hard, or has a pleasantly hard surface. * He twitched his feelers. (71page) twitch : 씰룩거리다, 홱잡아채다, 경련하다 - If something, especially a part of your body, twitches or if you twitch it, it makes a little jumping movement. * "Give me the Eys!" Sparr demanded. (71page) demand - If you demand something such as information or action, you ask for it in a very forceful way. * "Ugh" the guard growled, swatting the flies. (71page) swat - to hit (especially a fly) with a heavy slapping blow. * "Demither has betrayed me!" Sparr cried. (72page) betray : 배신하다,( 적에게정보를 ) 넘겨주다 - If you betray someone who loves or trusts you, your actions hurt and disappoint them. * Keeah hurled the burning stone at the sea. (73page) hurl - to fling violently * His eyes flashed, and his fins turned black with rage. (73page) rage : 격렬한분노 - Rage is strong anger that is difficult to control. * The serpent reared her head and opened her jaws. (74page) serpent : ( 특히큰 ) 뱀 - A serpent is a snake.
* The serpent reared once more, then plunged into the water below, sending up a wave that crashed against the cliff like an exploding bomb. (74page) plunge - to dive, throw oneself, fall or rush headlong in or into it. * Cremble, earth! Fall to the sea!" (76page) crumble : ( 건물이나땅이 ) 허물어지다 - If something crumbles, or if you crumble it, it breaks into a lot of small pieces. - Chapter 10. A Ship Reborn * "This way!" Galen urged. (78page) urge : 충고하다 - If you urge someone to do something, you try hard to persuade them to do it. * "The island is crumbling into the sea! Swiftly now!" (78page) swiftly : 즉시, 신속히 - A swift event or process happens very quickly or without delay. * Torn bits of sail furled upward into red-and-yellow squares of cloth. (79page) furl - said of flags, sails or umbrellas: to roll up.
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