<Attachment 1> 2016 Korean Language Class Student Scholarship Korean Education Center in Los Angeles (KECLA) would like to inform outstanding Korean language class students to participate in 2016 Korean Language Class Student Scholarship. This Scholarship is supported by KECLA and Foundation for Korean Language and Culture in USA (FKLAC) and the purpose of the scholarship is to award and encourage outstanding students from Korean language classes. Please refer below for the details and selection criteria. 1. Purpose To award and encourage outstanding students learning Korean language and culture 2. Eligibility Students between 6-11 th grade, who attended elementary school (from 1 st grade and graduated) in U.S. and must be enrolled in Korean language classes (must include student s Korean language teacher s recommendation letter) If a student has received a scholarship award in the past, the student is only eligible for greater scholarship i.e., if a student has received a Hunminjeongeum Scholarship in 2015, may receive either King Sejong or Hangul Grand Scholarship in 2016 i.e., if a student has received a King Sejong Scholarship in 2015, may receive Hangul Grand Scholarship in 2016 If any faulty recommendation/students are discovered, then the school will lose the privilege to participate and will be excluded from this program for three years) 3. Selection Criteria - Student must have attended elementary school (from 1 st grade and graduated) in U.S. - Currently enrolled in Korean language class at your school - Current GPA for Korean class is above 3.0 - A great interest in learning Korean language and culture
4. Scholarship Award Category: - Hangul Grand Scholarship: Certificate + Scholarship of $300 - King Sejong Scholarship: Certificate + Scholarship of $200 - Hunminjeongeum Scholarship: Certificate + Scholarship of $100 Awarded in order of Hangul Grand Scholarship, King Sejong Scholarship, Hunminjeongeum Scholarship 5. Selecting Process Criteria: - Korean language class grade (based on Fall 2015/Spring 2016) - Essay (Korean or English) - A recommendation letter from Korean teacher Additional points for the number of years of Korean language education 6. Required Documents - Application form: inquire your Korean teacher, or download from KECLA website (http://www.kecla.org) - A recommendation letter from Korean language teacher (must use the form provided) - An essay: it must be double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, and MAX. 2 pages * Incomplete application will be excluded* Guidelines for the Essay 1) Either in Korean or English 2) Choose one from following topics: - How would the studying experience from Korean language class influence/affect my future? - In your opinion, why and how important is it to understand different races and cultures for your personal growth?
7. Deadlines and Submissions - Must be submitted via email or mail post marked by April 29 th, 2016 - Submit to: Korean Education Centers in your area * Excluding Washington, New York, Chicago, and Houston, please submit to Korean Education Center in LA Korea Education Center in LA: 680 Wilshire Place Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90005 (213)386-3112 www.kecla.org E-mail: mcha.kecla@gmail.com 8. Scholarship Award Announcement The scholarship awardees will be announced in mid-may, 2016 and will be notified via mail or email. 9. Scholarship Award Ceremony Scholarship award ceremony will be held at the end of May or the beginning of June in Los Angeles. * Scholarship Application submission: Korean Education Centers in your area KECLA: (213) 386-3112, Fax: 213-386-3138, www.kecla.org mcha.kecla@gmail.com
<Attachment 2> Scholarship Application Form The Korean Language Scholarship Award Application Applicant s Name: First Middle Last Home Address: Street Address Phone: ( ) City Zip Code Date of Birth: / / Area code month date year E-mail Address (required): Parent or Guardian s Name*: School Name: Grade: Level of Current Korean Language Class: Korean Class Teacher s Name: Essay Topics (select one): 1) How would the studying experience from Korean language class influence/affect my future? ( 한국어반에서공부한경험이나의미래에어떤영향을미칠수있을까요?) 2) In your opinion, why and how important is it to understand different races and cultures for your personal growth? ( 자신과다른인종과문화들을이해하는것이자신의성장을위해얼마나중요하다고생각합니까? 본인의생각으로이유를설명하시오 ) Student Print Signature Date Parent/Guardian Print Signature Date * Please note that parent or guardian will be verified before issuing an award to the student.
<Attachment 3> Teacher s Recommendation Letter 한국어반장학금지원학생추천서 ( 교사작성 ) 1. 지원학생정보 I-1. 지원학생성명 (Last Name 먼저 ), I-2. 출신초등학교명 ( 졸업연도 ) ( ) I-3. 중고등학교한국어반등록기간 I-4. 학생의 2015년가을학기부터현재까지의결석및지각일수 결석일수 : 일, 지각횟수 : 회 I-5. 2015년가을학기부터현재까지의지원학생한국어반평균학점및 2015년가을학기전체성적평점한국어반평균학점 : : A+ A A- B+ B 전체성적평균평점 : ( ) 2. 지원학생에대한평가 (O 로표기 ) 항목 1. 한국어를배우는동기및관심도 (Levels of Motivation & Interest) 2. 한국어선생님에대한태도및존경심 (Attitude and Respect) 3. 한국어반수업참여도및학습태도 (Participation & Overall Work Habit) 점수 3. 추가평가 (Additional Comments) 의견 : ** 학교별추천순위 ( / total number of students recommended)** 선생님이름 : 서명 : ( / /2016) 선생님연락처 ( 전화 / 이메일 ) : 학교이름 : 현재학교근무기간 : 년 개월