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Glendale Unified School District Open Source Math Curriculum Grade 2 Parent Information Unit 3: Models and Strategies to Understand Addition What Your Child Will Learn: Unit 3 deepens the understanding of previously taught standards. Through ample experience with concrete manipulatives such as place value disks, students will internalize the meaning of each place in a three-digit number. Students will also continue to build fluency in two-digit addition and subtraction developing efficient, accurate, and flexible strategies for adding and subtracting within 100. In Unit 3, student will apply their computational fluency within 100 to one- and two-step word problems of varying types. The major focus of Unit 3 is developing students conceptual understanding of addition within 1000. Students will use both concrete models, such as manipulatives, or visual models, such as drawings, to add within 1000. Unit 3 has two minor areas of focus. Students will learn to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes and relate a.m. and p.m. to time. Students will also continue to work on identifying coins and determining the value of a combination of coins. MORE SPECIFICALLY, CHILDREN WILL LEARN HOW TO: Add and subtract two-digit numbers using a variety of strategies Solve one-and two-step addition and subtraction word problems in a variety of situations Develop a conceptual understanding of adding three-digit numbers Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes Relate time to a.m. or p.m. Find the value of a combination of coins UNIT 3 STANDARDS: 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.1, 2.NBT.2, 2.NBT.3, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.MD.7, 2.MD.8 For more information on the strategies, standards and explanations, visit the California Framework at: EXAMPLES FOR ADDING THREE-DIGIT NUMBERS CONCEPTUALLY Example: 26 + 35 = Student 1 First I made 26 and 35 with my place value disks. Then I combined the ones and the tens. I notice that I have ten ones. I traded the ten ones for one ten and regrouped my place value disks. My final answer is 61. Example: 354 + 287 = Student 2 I broke all of the numbers up by place using a place value chart. I first added the ones: 4 + 7 = 11. Then I added the tens: 50 + 80 = 130. Then I added the hundreds: 300 + 200 = 500. Then I combined my answers: 500 + 130 = 630; 630 + 11 = 641.

Example: 354 + 287 = Student 3 Glendale Unified School District Open Source Math Curriculum Grade 2 Parent Information Unit 3: Models and Strategies to Understand Addition I used place value blocks. I made a pile of 354. I then added 287. That gave me 5 hundreds, 13 tens and 11 ones. I noticed that I could trade some pieces. I had 11 ones, and I traded 10 ones for a ten. I then had 14 tens, so I traded 10 tens for a hundred. I ended up with 6 hundreds, 4 tens, and 1 ones. KEY VOCABULARY add to join two or more numbers together addend any number being added sum the total in an addition problem place value digit the value that a digit has depends on its location minute a measurement of time equal to 60 second the numeral within a multi-digit number hour a measurement of time equal to 60 minutes a.m. morning; between midnight and noon p.m. afternoon or evening; between noon and midnight quarter a coin worth 25 dime a coin worth 10 nickel a coin worth 5 penny a coin worth 1 Activities at Home Domino Addition/Subtraction: (Materials: Dominoes, pencils, paper) Show students how to use dominoes to form addition/subtraction problems. Have them add/subtract the dots on two or more dominoes. Students write their number sentences on a sheet of paper. Dice Game: (Materials: pencil, two dice, paper) This game needs at least two players. Each person takes turns to roll the dice. The player adds/subtracts the numbers on the dice. For example, if they roll a 3 and a 5, then they say 3 + 5 = 8. The winner could be the first to 100 adding or if subtracting, start from 100 and the winner would be the first to zero. Card Game: (Materials: deck of cards, pencil, and paper) Similar to the dice game except that a deck of cards is used. Math Games: Addition Telling Time Money Math Lesson/Videos 2 nd Grade Standards and Frameworks For more information on the strategies, standards and explanations, visit the California Framework at To see an electronic copy of this parent letter, with clickable links, please go to the common core pages at Follow the links to Mathematics, Grade 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Unit 2.

Glendale Unified School District Open Source Math Curriculum 2-rd dasaran& no[i t;[;kouj\oun 3-rd bavin. Mod;ln;r strat;gian;r faskanalou goumaroum Inc ksowori ];r ;r;.an& 3-rd bavnoum.orazwoum h na.øroq sowora standardn;ri faskazouj\oune! A,ak;rtn;re 'or]a ouj\an jwa\in arv;qn;ri,r=anakn;ri øgnouj\amb k\ourazn;n ; ani, jw;ri arv;qn;ri faskazouj\oune! A,ak;rtn;re k,arounak;n ard\ounaw;t% y,tgrit ykoun strat;giann;r xargazn;l goumarman ou fanman gor o[ouj\ounn;r katar;l 100 jwi safmann;roum! A,ak;rtn;re kira ;low ir;nz fa,wo[akan safounouj\oune% m;k kam ;rkou gor o[ouj\amb^ minc 100% tarb;r ba azi.ndirn;r klou ;n! 3-rd bavnoum% fimnakan k;ntronazoum drwoum h a,ak;rtn;ri goumarman gor o[ouj\oun katar;lou ounakoujan xargazmane% 1000-i safmann;roum! A,ak;rtn;re køgtagor ;n konkr;t mod;ln;r% incpisin^.a[ani,;rn ;n kam t;so[akan mod;ln;re% g agrouj\ounn;re 1000-i safmanoum goumarman gor o[ouj\oun katar;lou! 3-rd bavine ouni ;rkou 'oqr olortn;ri k;ntronazoum! A,ak;rtn;re ksowor;n vame yanac;l% motawor 5 rop;i safmanoum% ktarb;r;n a.m. p.m. (k;søriz a a= k;søriz f;to) faskazouj\oune! A,ak;rtn;re k,arounak;n a,.at;l m;ta[adramn;re yanac;l dranz goumare oro,;l! AW:LI Y<TGRIT% :R:>AN:RE KSOWOR:N^ :rkni, jw;row goumarman fanman gor o[ouj\ounn;r katar;l% øgtagor ;low tarb;r strat;gian;r! M;k gor o[ouj\amb goumarman fanman ba azi.ndirn;r lou ;l% tarb;r irawiyakn;roum! : ani, jw;row goumarman gor o[ouj\oun;r katar;l! Vamanakn yanac;l motawor 5 rop;i safmanoum! a.m. kam p.m. vami faskazouj\oun ]; qb;r;l! Gtn;l tarb;r arv;qn;ri m;ta[adramn;ri endfanour goumare! 3-rd bavni standartn;r 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.1, 2.NBT.2, 2.NBT.3, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.MD.7, 2.MD.8 Strat;gian;ri% standartn;ri bazatrouj\ounn;ri famar a\z;l;q California Framework ka\qh=e f;t \al fasz;ow^ ØRINAK :ÂANI< JW:RI GOUMARMAN FASKAZOUJ AN W:RAB:R AL Ørinak& A,ak;rt 1 26 + 35 = :s skxboum patrast;zi 26 35 jwa\in arv;qi,rvanakn;r! Apa miazr;zi miaworn;re tasnaworn;re! :s nkat;zi% or tase miawor oun;m! :s tase miaworn;re 'o.anak;zi m;k tasnawori f;t w;ra.mbawor;zi jw;ri jwa\in arv;qi,rvanakn;r! Im w;r=nakan patas.ane 61 h! Ørinak& 354 + 287 = A,ak;rt :s masnat;zi bolor jw;re est jwa\in arv;qi,rvanakn;ri% øgtagor ;low jwa\in a[\ousake! far\ourawor tasawor miawor :s skxboum goumar;zi miaworn;re 4 + 7 = 11 Apa goumar;zi tasnaworn;re 50 + 80 = 130 Apa goumar;zi far\ouraworn;re 300 + 200 = 500 F;to miazr;zi;re 500 + 130 = 630, 630 + 11 = 641

Example: 354 + 287 = Glendale Unified School District Open Source Math Curriculum 2-rd dasaran& no[i t;[;kouj\oun 3-rd bavin. Mod;ln;r strat;gian;r faskanalou goumaroum A,ak;rt 3: :s gor a ;zi jwa\in arv;qi,rvanakn;r koubikn;re! :s patrast;zi 354 koubikn;ri kou\t! Apa goumar;zi 287! Da in] tw;z 5 far\ourawor, 13 tasawor 11 miawor! :s nkat;zi% or oro,i t;[;re karo[ ;m 'o.;l! :s oun;i 1 miawor, 10 miawore 'o.arin;zi m;k tasnaworow! Apa% im oun;za 14 tasnaworn;riz 10 'o.arin;zi far\ourow! In] mnaz 6 far\ourawor, 4 tasnawor m;k miawor! Fimnakan t;rminn;r goumar;l irar aw;lazn;l ;rkou kam aw;li jw;r goumar goumarman.ndri endfanour goumare jwarv;q jwi arv;qe% ore ka.wa h ir t;[i arv;qiz rop; vamaca'% ore fawasar h 60 wark\ani k;søriz a awot\an% k;sgi,;riz minc a a= (a.m.) k;sør goumar;li or h jiw% orin goumaroum ;s miawor miawor% baxamiawor jiwi m;= vam vamaca'% ore fawasar h 60 rop;i k;søriz f;to k;sørin kam ;r;ko\an% k;søriz minc k;sgi,;r enka vamanakafatwa e qa ord 25 -i arvo[ouj\amb m;ta[adram (dime) m;ta[adram 10 arvo[ouj\amb (nickel) 5 arvo[ouj\amb m;ta[adram (penny) m;ta[adram 1 arvo[ouj\amb Tna\in a,.atanq Domino\ow Goumaroum/Fanoum: (Mat;rialn;r^ domino\i qar;r, matitn;r, jou[j)! Zou\z tw;q ;r;.an;rin incp;s øgtagor ;l domino\i qar;re% goumarman/fanman.ndirn;r lou ;lis! Dranz k;t;ri mi=ozow goumarman/fanman warvouj\ounn;r fan]narar;q! A,ak;rtn;rn ir;nz kaxma.ndir;re karo[ ;n gr;l j[ji wra! Xa ow.a[! (Ir;r^ xa ;r, matitn;r, jou[j) A\s.a[i famar pafan=woum h ;rkou.a[azo[! Am;n m;kn ir f;rjin n;toum h xa e! >a[azo[n;re goumaroum/fanoum ;n xa i jw;re! Ørinaki famar^ ;j; xa e pttwoum h ou 3 5 talis, apa nranq asoum ;n 3 + 5 = 8. >a[azo[e yi,t patas.ani famar,afoum h miawor! <afo[e klini a a=ine 100-ow fan;lou! Sks;l 100-iz pakas;zn;l fasn;lou minc 0_i! Kartow.a[& (Ir;r^ >a[aj[j;r, matitn;r, jou[j) Nman h xa ;ri.a[in% ba\z a\s paraga\oum.a[aj[j;r ;n øgtagor woum)! Maj;matikakan.a[;r: Goumaroum Telling Time Money Math Lesson/Videos 2-rd dasarani standartn;r fimounqn;r Strat;gian;ri% standartn;ri bazatrouj\ounn;ri famar a\z;l;q California Framework fasz;ow! To see an electronic copy of this parent letter, with clickable links, please go to the common core pages at Follow the links to Mathematics, Grade 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Unit 2. Translated By: GUSD Intercultural Office Unit 3, Grade 2 Armenian 10/5/16 12:47 PM Models and Stategies to Understand Addition

글렌데일통합교육구수학교과과정공개자료 2 학년학부모정보단원 3: 덧셈을이해하기위한모델과방법귀자녀는무엇을배울것인가 : 단원 3 은이전에배운표준에대한이해를깊게한다. 자리값디스크와같은실질적인조작기와함께풍부한경험을통해, 학생들은세자리숫자의각자리의미를체득할것이다. 학생들은또한 100 안에서덧셈및뺄셈을위해두자리덧셈및뺄셈을효과적이고정확하게그리고유연한방법을개발하여계속해서능숙하게구축할것이다. 단원 3 에서, 학생은다양한종류의일단계및이단계문장문제를위해 100 안에서그들의능숙한계산력을적용할것이다. 단원 3 의주요중점은 1000 안에서덧셈에관한학생의개념적이해를개발한다. 학생들은 1000 내에서덧셈을위한조작기또는그림의시각적모델과같은실질적모델을사용할것이다. 단원 3 은두가지덜중요한중점을갖고있다. 학생들은시간에서오전과오후에관련되고가장가까운 5 분단위시간을말하는것을배울것이다. 또한학생들은동전조합의값어치결정과동전식별에대해계속공부할것이다. 좀더구체적으로아동들은다음의것들을배운다 : 다양한방법을사용하여두자리수덧셈및뺄셈 다양한상황에서일단계및이단계덧셈및뺄셈문장문제풀기 세자리수덧셈에대한개념적이해개발하기 가장가까운 5 분단위로시간말하기 오전과오후에대한시간관계 동전의조합값어치찾기 단원 3 표준 : 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.1, 2.NBT.2, 2.NBT.3, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.MD.7, 2.MD.8 방법, 표준및설명에관한더상세한정보는, California Framework 방문하세요 : 세자리수더하기개념에관한예 예 : 26 + 35 = 학생 1 처음으로나는자리값디스크로 26 과 35 를만들었다. 그후에나는일의자리와십자리를합하였고내가 10 개의일자리가있음을알아차렸다. 나는하나의십자리와 10 개의일자리를교환하고내자리값디스크를다시묶었다. 내최종닶은 61 이다. 예 : 354 + 287 = 학생 2 나는자리값차트를사용하여모든숫자를자리수단위로나누었다. 나는먼저 1 단위를더하였다 : 4 + 7 = 11. 그후 10 단위을더하였다 : 50 + 80 = 130. 그후 100 단위를더하였다 : 300 + 200 = 500. 그리고나서나는모든답들을합하였다 : 500 + 130 = 630; 630 + 11 = 641.

글렌데일통합교육구수학교과과정공개자료 2 학년학부모정보단원 3: 덧셈을이해하기위한모델과방법 예 : 354 + 287 = 학생 3 나는자리값블록을사용하였다. 나는 354 파일을쌓은후거기에 287 을더하였다. 이것은나에게 5 개의 100 자리, 13 개의 10 자리및 11 개의 1 자리를주었다. 나는일부를교환할수있다는것을알았다. 나는 11 개의 1 자리를갖고있으며 10 개의 1 자리를 1 개의 10 자리로교환한다. 그래서나는 14 개의 10 자리를갖고있어서 10 개의 10 자리를 1 개의 100 자리와교환하였다. 나는 6 개의 100 자리, 4 개의 10 자리및 1 개의 1 자리를갖는것으로마쳤다. 주요어휘더하다 두개또는더많은숫자를합친다 가수 더해진숫자 합계 덧셈문제에서전체 자리값 숫자의값은위치에따라결정됨 자리수 여러자리숫자내의숫자 분 60 초와동일한시간으로측정 시 60 분과동일한시간으로측정 오전 아침 ; 자정과정오사이 오후 낮또는저녁 ; 정오와자정사이 커터 25 전가치의동전 다임 10 전가치의동전 니클 5 전가치의동전 페니 1 전가치의동전 가정에서의활동 도미노덧셈 / 뺄셈 : ( 교재 : 도미노, 연필, 종이 ) 학생에게덧셈 / 뺄셈문제를만들기위해도미노 사용법을보여준다. 학생에게둘또는그이상의도미노의점을더하기 / 빼기를하도록한다. 학생들은종이에자신의숫자를적는다. 주사위게임 : ( 교재 : 연필, 두개의주사위, 종이 ) 이게임은최소 2 명의게임자가필요하다. 각 사람은차례대로주사위를굴린다. 게임자는주사위의숫자로더하기 / 빼기를한다. 예를 들어, 게임자들이 3 과 5 로주사위를굴리면, 그후에그들은 3 + 5 = 8 라고말한다. 승자는 100 까지먼저더한사람이거나만약빼기이면, 100 에서시작해서첫번째로 0 을 만들면승자가된다. 카드게임 : ( 교재 : 카드한벌, 연필및종이 ) 카드한벌이사용되는것을제외한곤주사위 게임과비슷하다. 수학게임 : Addition Telling Time Money Math Lesson/Videos 2 학년표준및프레임워크방법, 표준및설명에관한더상세한정보는, California Framework 방문하세요 본학부모서한의전자복사본을 눌러서 보기위해서, 커먼코어페이지 를가십시오. Grade 2 링크를따라가셔서페이지를하단으로내리고 Unit 3 를클릭하십시오. Translated by: GUSD, Intercultural Department Professional Development Parent Letter, Grade 2 Unit 3 Korean 10/14/2016

Glendale Unified School District Currículo de Matemáticas Grado 2 Información a Padres Unidad 3: Modelos y estrategias para entender la Adición Lo que su hijo/a aprenderá: La Unidad 3 profundiza la comprensión de las normas enseñadas previamente. A través de una amplia experiencia con manipulativos concretos, tales como discos de valor posicional, los estudiantes comprenderán el significado de cada lugar en un número de tres dígitos. Los estudiantes también continuarán a mejorar la fluidez, además de dos dígitos y la resta del desarrollo de estrategias eficaces, precisas y flexibles para sumar y restar hasta 100. En la Unidad 3, el estudiante aplicará su fluidez computacional hasta 100 unidades y resolverá problemas de palabras de dos pasos de diversos tipos. El enfoque principal de la unidad 3 será desarrollando la comprensión conceptual de los estudiantes a la adición en 1000. Los estudiantes utilizarán ambos modelos concretos, tales como manipulativos o modelos visuales, tales como dibujos y añadir dentro de 1000. La Unidad 3 tiene dos áreas menores de enfoque. Los estudiantes aprenderán a decir la hora a los 5 minutos más cercanos y relacionarán a.m. y p.m. Los estudiantes también continuarán trabajando en la identificación de monedas y determinarán el valor de una combinación de monedas Específicamente su hijo/a aprenderá: Adicionar y Sustraer números de 2 dígitos usando diferentes estrategias. Resolver usando palabras adiciones y sustracciones de 1 o 2 pasos s Desarrollar una comprensión conceptual de la suma de números de tres dígitos Decir la hora al los 5 minutos más cercanos. Relacionar la hora en a.m. o p.m. Encontrar el valor en una combinación de monedas. UNIDAD 3 ESTANDARES: 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.1, 2.NBT.2, 2.NBT.3, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.MD.7, 2.MD.8 Para más información sobre estrategias, estándares y explicaciones, visite California Framework en: Ejemplos conceptuales de sumas de números de 3 dígitos Ejemplo: 26 + 35 = Estudiante 1 Primero hice26 y 35 con mis discos de valor posicional. Luego, combiné las unidades y las decenas. Noté que tengo 10 unidades. Cambié 10 unidades por 1 decenas y reagrupe mi disco de valor posicional. Mi respuesta es 61.

Example: 354 + 287 = Estudiante 2 Glendale Unified School District Currículo de Matemáticas Grado 2 Información a Padres Unidad 3: Modelos y estrategias para entender la Adición Separé los números usando mi tabla de valor posicional. Primero sumé las unidades: 4 + 7 = 11. Luego, sumé las decenas: 50 + 80 = 130. Luego, sumé las centenas: 300 + 200 = 500. Luego, combine mis respuestas: 500 + 130 = 630; 630 + 11 = 641. Example: 354 + 287 = Estudiante 3 Usé bloques de valor posicional. Hice una pila de 354. De ahi, le sumé 287. Eso me dio 5 centenas, 12 decenas y 11 unidades. Noté que pude cambiar algunas piezas más. Tengo 11 unidades que cambié10 unidades por 1 decenas. Luego, tenia 14 decenas, cambié decenas por 1 centena. Terminé con 5 centenas, 4 decenas y 1 unidad. VOCABULARIO CLAVE añadir Juntar 2 o más números Sumando Cualquier número añadido sumar El total en un problema de adición Valor El valor de un dígito depende de su Dígito posicional ubicación minuto Medida de tiempo equivalente a 60 segundos a.m. Mañana, entre medianoche y medio día Numeral dentro de un número de varios dígitos Hora Medida de tiempo equivalente a 60 minutos p.m. Pasado medio día,o tarde. Entre medio día y media noche quarter Moneda con valor a 25 dime Moneda con valor a 10 nickel Moneda con valor a 5 penny Moneda con valor a 1 Actividades para la casa Domino de suma / resta: (Materiales: Dominó, lápices, papel) mostrar a los estudiantes cómo utilizar fichas de dominó para formar problemas de suma / resta. Después pueden sumar / restar los puntos con dos o más fichas de dominó. Los estudiantes escriben sus oraciones de números en una hoja de papel. Juego de dados: (Materiales: lápiz, dos dados, papel) Este juego necesita al menos dos jugadores. Cada persona toma su turno para tirar los dados. El jugador suma / resta los números en los dados. Por ejemplo, si se tiran un 3 y un 5, entonces dicen 3 + 5 = 8. El ganador podría ser el primero en 100 añadiendo o restando si, empezar desde 100 y el ganador sería el primero en cero. Cartas de juego: (Materiales: baraja de cartas, lápiz y papel) similar al juego de dados, excepto que se utiliza una baraja de cartas. Juegos de Matemáticas: Adiciones Telling Time

Glendale Unified School District Currículo de Matemáticas Grado 2 Información a Padres Unidad 3: Modelos y estrategias para entender la Adición Monedas Lecciones de Matemáticas 2 nd Grado Estandares y marcos Para más información visite a California Framework en