9 박천만ㆍ김기혁ㆍ문혜나ㆍ여인규 UV, (Mtsung et l., ; Li et l., ; Mrtinez-Huiltle nd Enri, ).. (Stoner et l., 9; Rhmn et l., ). mixed oxidnt (MO). 재료및방법 실험균 rin hert

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48 남현주 박경일 최민순 도한약제의빈번한사용은약제내성균의확산으로치료에어려움을증가시킬뿐만아니라, 어체내에약제의잔류로인해서공중보건학적으로도매우심각한문제로지적되고있다 (Brton nd Iwm, 1991; Iwm et l., 1997; Kim et l., 26; Kim et



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한수지 (), 9-9, Originl Artile Koren J Fish Aqut Si (),9-9, 제주도양식넙치 (Prlihthys oliveus) 에서분리한병원균 종에대한 Mixed Oxidnt 및차아염소산나트륨살균효과 박천만 김기혁 문혜나 여인규 * 제주대학교해양생명과학과 Effet of Mixed Oxidnts nd Sodium Hypohlorite on Pthogeni Miroorgnisms in Olive flounder Prlihthys oliveus Aquulture on Jeju Islnd Cheonmn Prk, Ki-hyuk Kim, Hye-n Moon nd In-Kyu Yeo* Deprtment of Mrine Life Siene, Jeju Ntionl University, Jeju, Kore Mrine pthogeni teri, suh s Streptoous prueris, Edwrdsiell trd nd Virio hrveyi, n use lethl infetions in frmed fish, ozone nd ntiiotis, re employed to sterilize wters used for rering fish to mitigte this thret. The most widely used method is tretment with sodium hypohlorite solution. However, the mintenne of onstnt onentrtion of hlorine in rering wters n e diffiult. We investigted the potentil of mixed oxidnt (MO) solution generted y eletrolysis of se wter to improve wter qulity. We mesured the survivl rtes of fish pthogeni teri exposed to different onentrtions of MO (.,.,. nd. MO) nd sodium hypohlorite (.,.,. nd. ppm) for vrious lengths of time (,,,,, nd min). We found time-dependent derese in the survivl rtes of the tested pthogeni miroorgnisms. The steriliztion effet of the MO solution on pthogeni orgnisms ws greter thn tht of sodium hypohlorite for grm-negtive nd grm-positive teri. We onlude tht MO solution produed y eletrolysis ould e used to mintin onstnt hlorine onentrtion in quulture systems. Key words: Eletrolysis, Mixed oxidnt, Sodium hypohlorite, Steriliztion effet, Pthogeni teri 서론,,,9.,9. 9 9 9.9 (MOMAF, 99; NFRDI, ; Sttistis Kore, )., (Kim et l., ).,, (Letux nd Meyer, 9; Rphel et l., 9; Fox et l., 9; Spere et l., 99).,, (Brton nd Iwm, 99; Pikering, 99).,,. https://doi.org/./kfas..9 Koren J Fish Aqut Si () 9-9, August This is n Open Aess rtile distriuted under the terms of the Cretive Commons Attriution Non-Commeril Liens (http://retiveommons.org/lienses/y-n/./) whih permits unrestrited non-ommeril use, distriution, nd reprodution in ny medium, provided the originl work is properly ited. Reeived April ; Revised My ; Aepted 9 June *Corresponding uthor: Tel: +... Fx: +... 9 E-mil ddress: ikyeo99@jejunu..kr Copyright The Koren Soiety of Fisheries nd Aquti Siene 9 pissn:-, eissn:-

9 박천만ㆍ김기혁ㆍ문혜나ㆍ여인규 UV, (Mtsung et l., ; Li et l., ; Mrtinez-Huiltle nd Enri, ).. (Stoner et l., 9; Rhmn et l., ). mixed oxidnt (MO). 재료및방법 실험균 rin hert infusion (BHI, Difo, USA), slmonell-shigell (SS, Difo, USA) thiosulfte itrte ile slts surose (TCBS, Difo, USA),, ml,., rpm.. genomi DNA Prep Kit (SolGent, Kore) DNA. S rrna F; -AGAGTTTGATCMTG- GCTCAG-, 9R; -GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT- Polymerse hin retion (PCR) (Lne, 99; Ludwing, ). PCR 9, 9,, yle, PCR (US/MYgein, MJ RESERCH, USA). S rdna SolGent. NCBI (ntionl enter for iotehnology informtion) BLAST (si lol lignment serh tool) serh progrm Gennk dtse Ez Txon-e (http://eztxon-e.ezioloud.net/) dtse. dtse lustl W softwre multiple lignment. MO 및차아염소산나트륨희석액제조 sodium hyphlorite solution.-.99% (Sigm ldrih, USA).,.,.. ppm. MO ( LF),, MO.,.,.. MO. MO 및차아염소산나트륨농도별어류병원세균살균능및유효농도측정 MO (,,,,, ) gr plting. phosphte uffer sline (PBS) BHI gr L olony ml. MO hlorine poket photometer (Hh in., USA).,. MO 의적정중화반응평가 MO.% NCl PBS, % sodium thiosulfte. hlorine poket photometer (Hh in., USA). 통계처리 MO SPSS version (SPSS In., USA) One-wy ANOVA-test. Dunn s multiple test, P<..

병원균에대한 MO 및차아염소산나트륨살균효과 9 V. hrveyi (log CFU/ml) V. hrveyi (log CFU/ml) Treted time (min). ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm E.trd (log CFU/ml) E. trd (log CFU/ml) Treted time (min). ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm Treted time (min) Treted time (min) Fig.. Growth urves of Virio hrveyi with different exposure times of mixed oxidnt (MO) nd sodium hypohlorite. Eh point represents the men of optil density determintions. Different supersript letters (,, ) indite signifint differene etween the vlues (P<.). Error rs re omitted. 결과 실험균의동정 Virio sp. V. hrveyi 99%, Edwrdsiell sp. E. trd % Streptoous sp. S. prueris % (dt not shown). MO. 병원균에대한살균효과 MO. Log CFU/mL (Fig. -). V. hrveyi. ppm,. ppm. ppm MO. MO,. MO Fig.. Growth urves of Edwrdsiell trd with different exposure times of mixed oxidnt (MO) nd sodium hypohlorite. Eh point represents the men of optil density determintions. Different supersript letters (,, ) indite signifint differene etween the vlues (P<.). Error rs re omitted.. MO (Fig. ). E. trd. ppm,. ppm. ppm, MO. MO,. MO. MO (Fig. ). S. prueris. ppm,. ppm. ppm MO. MO,. MO. MO (Fig. ). 병원균살균시 MO 및차아염소산나트륨의경시적농도변화 MO., MO,, MO S. prueris (Log CFU/ml)

9 박천만ㆍ김기혁ㆍ문혜나ㆍ여인규 S. prueris (Log CFU/ml) S. prueris (log CFU/ml) Treted time (min) Fig.. Growth urves of Streptoous prueris with different exposure times of mixed oxidnt (MO) nd sodium hypohlorite. Eh point represents the men of optil density determintions. Different supersript letters (,, ) indite signifint differene etween the vlues (P<.). Error rs re omitted. (Fig., ). V. hrveyi MO (Fig. )., (Dt not shown). MO. MO 의적정중화반응평가. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm Treted time (min) MO Tle..% NCl MO, PBS. % sodium thiosulfte MO. Residul Chlorine (ppm) Residul Chlorine (ppm) (C) Residul Chlorine (ppm)...... Fig.. Effetive hlorine onentrtion of Virio hrveyi, Edwrdsiell trd nd Streptoous prueris (C) with different exposure times of mixed oxidnt (MO). Eh point represents the men of optil density determintions. Error rs re omitted. Tle. Redution effet of mixed oxidnt (MO) ording to ddition of different neutrlizing gent,.% NCl, % sodium thiosulfte nd phosphte uffered sline (PBS) Neutrlizing gent Treted time (min).% NCl.9...... % Sodium thiosulfte....... PBS....

병원균에대한 MO 및차아염소산나트륨살균효과 9 Sodium thiosulfte, Sodium thiosulfte V. hrveyi, E. trd S. prueris (dt not shown). 고찰 9, (Nguyen nd Kni, 999; Lee et l., ; Kng et l., ; Kim et l., ). S. prueris S. prueris,, (Bek et l., ; Kng et l., ). (Hwng et l., )., E. trd, V. hrveyi (Alvrez et l., 99; Ann nd Rimstd, )., (Mtsungg et l., 99; Nkyme et l., 99; Mtsungg et l., ).., MO (Kerwik et l., ). MO MO (Fig. -). MO (NCl) (Cl - ), (H ) (H ) (OH - ) (OH - ) (N + ) (NOH). (Cl ) (NOH) MO (Ptermrkis nd Fountoukidis, Residul Chlorine (ppm) Residul Chlorine (ppm) (C) Residul Chlorine (ppm)....... ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm. ppm Fig.. Effetive hlorine onentrtion of Virio hrveyi, Edwrdsiell trd nd Streptoous prueris (C) with different exposure times of sodium hypohlorite. Eh point represents the men of optil density determintions. Error rs re omitted. 99). MO (Boyln et l., ; Tk nd Prk, 9; Joshi et l., ), Ltoous grviee V. lginolytius, E. trd V. nruillrum MO (Tnk et l., ). V. hrveyi E. trd S. prueris MO

9 박천만ㆍ김기혁ㆍ문혜나ㆍ여인규 (Fig. -)..,, Clostridium otulinum, Cmpyloter jejun (Smiert, 9; Merrell et l., 9; Buk et l., 9; Blser et l., 9). (Lee et l., ; Dio et l., ), (Prk et l., ). MO (Fig.. ). MO MO (Rhmn et l., )., (Onhorhynhus mykiss), (Mugil ephlus) (Miropterus slmoides) (Brungs, 9; Dress et l., ; Kerwik et l., ; Fng et l., ). (Ptinopeten yessoensis) UV (Jorquer et l., )..% NCl BHI (Prk et l., ), % sodium thiosulfte Cl + H O + N S O HCl + H SO + N SO MO., MO.% NCl % sodium thiosulfte., MO, MO, V. hrveyi E. trd S. prueris. MO. 사사. Referenes Alvrez JJ, Austin B, Alvrze AM nd Reyes H. 99. Virio hrveyi: A pthogen of peneid shirimps nd fish in Venezuel. J Fish Dis, -. https://doi.org/./j.-.99..x. Ann k nd Rimstd E.. Intivtion of infetious slmon virus, virl hemorrhgi septiemin virus nd infetious pnreti nerosis virus in wter using UVC irrdition. Dis Aqu Org, -. https://doi.org/./do. Bek GW, Kim JH, Gomez DK nd Prk SC.. Isoltion nd hrteriztion of Streptoous sp. from disesed flounder (Prlihthys oliveus) in Jeju islnd. J Vet Si, -. https://doi.org/./jvs... Brton BA nd Iwm GK. 99. Physiologil hnges in fish from stress in quulture with emphsis on the response nd effets of ortiosteroids. Annu Rev Fish Dis, -. https://doi.org/./99-(9)99-g. Blser MJ, Smith PF, Wng WLL nd Hoff JC. 9. Intivition of mpyloter jejuni y hlorine nd monohlormine. Appl Environ Miroiol, -. Boyln JA, Lwrene KA, Downey JS nd Gherrdini FC.. Borreli urgdorferi memrnes re the primry trgets of retive oxygen speies. Mol Miroiol, -99. https://doi.org/./j.-9...x. Brungs WA. 9. Effets of residul hlorine on quti life. J Wter Pollut Control Fed, -9. Buk GE, Prshll KA nd Dvis CP. 9. Eletron mirosopy of the ooid form of Cmpyloter jejuni. J Clin Miroiol, -. Dio HF, Li XY, Gu JD, Shi HC nd Xie ZM.. Eletron mirosopi investigtion of the teriidl tion of eletrohemil disinfetion in omprison with hlorintion, ozontion nd fenton retion. Proess Biohem 9, -. https://doi.org/./s-99()-. Drees KP, Aszdegn M nd Mier RM,. Comprtive eletrohemil intivtion of teri nd teriophge. Wter Res, 9-. https://doi.org/./s- ()9-. Fng Q, Shng C nd Chen G.. MS intivtion y

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