한수지 51(4), 426-434, 2018 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 51(4),426-434,2018 동해남부연안에서출현하는저어류군집구조의변화 박주면 백근욱 1 허성회 2 * 강릉원주대학교해양자원육성학과, 1 경상대학교해양식품생명의학과, 2 부경대학교해양학과 Variations in Demersal Fish Assemblage in the Southern Coast of East Sea, Korea Joo Myun Park, Gun Wook Baeck 1 and Sung-Hoi Huh 2 * Department of Marine Bioscience, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung 25457, Korea 1 Department of Seafood and Aquaculture Science, College of Marine Science, Gyeonsang National University, Tongyeong 53064, Korea 2 Department of Oceanography, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea We investigated temporal and depth-related variation in species composition and abundance of the fish assemblage in the southern East Sea. Fish samples were collected seasonally between 2007 and 2008 using a demersal trawl off the southern coast of Korea. We identified 59 fish species belonging to 41 families. The most frequently occurring species was Coelorinchus multispinulosus, followed by Lophius litulon, Acropoma japonicum and Apogon lineatus. The five most abundant species were A. lineatus, A. japonicum, Myctophum nitidulum, Engraulis japonicus and C. multispinulosus, accounting for 87.04% of the total number of individuals collected. The number of species, abundance and diversity fluctuated with sampling location and time. Permutational multivariate analyses of variance revealed that the assemblage structure was influenced by year, season and water depth, with season being the main indicator. These changes were visually emphasized using non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination plots. Fluctuations in assemblage structure were due to differential contributions of the dominant species. Key words: Fish assemblage, Temporal variation, Water depth, Trawl fisheries, East Sea 서론. (marginal sea) / (Naganuma, 2000; Lee et al., 2009)., (Kim and Kim, 1983),,. (Cleisthenes pinetorum), (Liparis tanakae) (juvenile) (Park, 2010)., (Kang et al., 2000; Tian et al., 2011; Park et al., 2017). (,, ) (Jo, 2001; Choo, 2007; Baeck et al., 2010; Park and Huh, 2015).,., ( ) (Jo, 2001; Choo, 2007).,. https://doi.org/10.5657/kfas.2018.0426 Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 51(4) 426-434, August 2018 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 3 May 2018; Revised 29 May 2018; Accepted 5 June 2018 *Corresponding author: Tel: +82. 51. 629. 6570 Fax: +82. 51. 629. 6568 E-mail address: shhuh@pknu.ac.kr Copyright 2018 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 426 pissn:0374-8111, eissn:2287-8815
동해남부연안해역저어류군집 427, (multivariate analysis).,,.. 재료및방법 30-70 m 2007 2008 (, 20 m;, 4 m;, 3 cm;, 1 cm) (Fig. 1). 30-40 m, 40-50 m, 50-60 m, 60-70 m 1. 2007 50-60 m 60-70 m 2, 2. 30 2 knot ( 3.7 km/h), 1 7,400 m 2. (10,000 m 2 ). (2 ), (5 ), (8 ), (11 ). (10, 20, 30, 50, 60 m) CTD (conductivity temperature depth; SBE19, Sea-Bird Electronics, USA). ice box, (0.1 g). Shannon and Wiener (H') (Shannon and Weaver, 1949). (log 10 [x+1]).,,,, (three-way ANOVAs), (fixed factor).,,, Bray-Curtis similarity, nmds (non-metric multidimensional scaling) ordination (Clarke et al., 2006). (,, ) 3, three-way PER- MANOVAs (permutational multivariate analyses of variance). PERMANOVA (non-parametric), permutation. PERMANOVA components of variation (COV). COV Fig. 1. Location of the study area in the southern coast of East Sea, Korea. Samples were collected along the four isobath contours (between 30-40 m, 40-50 m, 50-60 m and 60-70 m) within boxed area. (Anderson et al., 2008; Linke 2011). PERMANOVA (P<0.05), CAP (canonical analyses of principal coordinates),, (Anderson et al., 2008). (correlation coefficients) 0.5. SYSTAT software (Systat version 18, SPSS Inc., Chicago), PRIMER v7 multivariate statistics package (www.primer-e.com) PERMANOVA+add-on module (Anderson et al., 2008; Clarke and Gorley, 2015). 결과 수심별수온변동 12.7-22.8, 2007, 2008 (Fig. 2).,., 2007 30-60 m, 2008 10-20 m., 60 m
428 박주면ㆍ백근욱ㆍ허성회 Fig. 2. Seasonal and depth-related variations in water temperature in the southern coast of East Sea, Korea. 2007 2008 (11.0-10.4 ). 2008 2007, 30 m 20, 50 m. 어류군집의종조성 41 59, 35,880, 505,468.1 g (Table 1). 34 (Coelorinchus multispinulosus) (88.2%), (Lophius litulon) (85.3%), (Acropoma japonicum) (82.4%), (Apogon lineatus) (82.4%) (Table 1). 50% (17 ) 7, 12 1 (2.9%). 34.51%. (Myctophum nitidulum) 26.89% 18.03%. (Engraulis japonicus), 5 700 /10,000 m 2 87.04%. 29.21%, 16.64%., (Chelidonichthys kumu),, 5 72.06%. 어류군집의변화 : 연도, 계절, 수심의영향,, Fig. 3. Variations in mean number of species (A), abundance (B) and diversity (C) of fish assemblages with respect to year, season and depth. Bars represent standard deviations. n.s, no significance; *, significant at P=0.05.,, (Fig. 3).,,. 2008, 60-70 m.,,. Three-way ANOVAs, (P<0.05),,,. 2 (two-way) 3 (three-way)
동해남부연안해역저어류군집 429 Table 1. Species composition of fish assemblage by frequency of occurrence (F), total number (N) and weight (W) and their percentage collected seasonally between 2007 and 2008 in the southern coast of East Sea, Korea Family Scientific name F %F N %N W %W Acropomatidae Acropoma japonicum 28 82.4 9,647 26.89 50,438.2 9.98 Doederleinia berycoides 12 35.3 77 0.21 2,384.4 0.47 Malakichthys wakiyae 4 11.8 11 0.03 34.6 <0.01 Aploactinidae Erisphex pottii 4 11.8 7 0.02 20.9 <0.01 Apogonidae Apogon lineatus 28 82.4 12,381 34.51 33,761.6 6.68 Ostorhinchus semilineatus 2 5.9 12 0.03 28.0 <0.01 Argentinidae Glossanodon semifasciatus 1 2.9 1 <0.01 56.1 0.01 Bothidae Laeops kitaharae 2 5.9 3 <0.01 9.5 <0.01 Callionymidae Callionymus lunatus 16 47.1 89 0.25 1,269.3 0.25 Callionymus sp.a 3 8.8 18 0.05 243.6 0.05 Callionymus sp.b 1 2.9 8 0.02 99.8 0.02 Callionymus valenciennei 8 23.5 35 0.10 372.1 0.07 Carangidae Trachurus japonicus 14 41.2 128 0.36 1,059.2 0.21 Centrolophidae Psenopsis anomala 11 32.4 135 0.38 8,999.2 1.78 Champsodontidae Champsodon snyderi 4 11.8 8 0.02 25.3 <0.01 Clupeidae Clupea pallasii 13 38.2 659 1.84 3,845.7 0.76 Sardinella zunasi 1 2.9 1 <0.01 24.6 <0.01 Congridae Conger myriaster 25 73.5 112 0.31 6,201.6 1.23 Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus joyneri 10 29.4 42 0.12 1,752.2 0.35 Cynoglossus robustus 9 26.5 23 0.06 800.2 0.16 Engraulidae Coilia nasus 8 23.5 66 0.18 2,306.1 0.46 Engraulis japonicus 15 44.1 2,001 5.58 13,280.2 2.63 Gadidae Gadus macrocephalus 7 20.6 312 0.87 810.3 0.16 Gobiidae Amblychaeturichthys hexanema 6 17.6 24 0.07 211.0 0.04 Chaeturichthys sciistius 4 11.8 26 0.07 82.2 0.02 Hemitripteridae Hemitripterus villosus 1 2.9 1 <0.01 256.9 0.05 Leiognathidae Nuchequula nuchalis 6 17.6 26 0.07 394.0 0.08 Liparidae Liparis agassizii 1 2.9 1 <0.01 46.6 <0.01 Liparis tanakae 13 38.2 662 1.85 84,129.2 16.64 Lophiidae Lophius litulon 29 85.3 428 1.19 147,643.0 29.21 Macrouridae Coelorinchus multispinulosus 30 88.2 731 2.04 7,671.0 1.52 Mullidae Upeneus japonicus 2 5.9 4 0.01 42.6 <0.01 Myctophidae Myctophum nitidulum 9 26.5 6,469 18.03 11,461.1 2.27 Nemipteridae Parascolopsis inermis 1 2.9 1 <0.01 38.5 <0.01 Ophidiidae Neobythites sivicola 2 5.9 4 0.01 18.6 <0.01 Paralichthyidae Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus 20 58.8 195 0.54 17,270.0 3.42 Pholidae Pholis nebulosa 1 2.9 1 <0.01 67.2 0.01 Pleuronectidae Cleisthenes pinetorum 14 41.2 339 0.95 11,730.9 2.32 Eopsetta grigorjewi 9 26.5 74 0.21 2,675.5 0.53 Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae 13 38.2 31 0.09 3,718.2 0.74 Rajidae Okamejei kenojei 3 8.8 14 0.04 537.4 0.11
430 박주면ㆍ백근욱ㆍ허성회 Table 1. Continued Family Scientific name F %F N %N W %W Sciaenidae Pennahia argentata 6 17.6 11 0.03 206.6 0.04 Scombropidae Scombrops boops 1 2.9 54 0.15 174.8 0.03 Sebastidae Sebastiscus tertius 2 5.9 7 0.02 532.6 0.11 Helicolenus hilgendorfii 3 8.8 35 0.10 2,025.7 0.40 Sillaginidae Sillago japonica 3 8.8 18 0.05 597.7 0.12 Sphyraenidae Sphyraena pinguis 4 11.8 7 0.02 397.3 0.08 Stromateidae Pampus echinogaster 1 2.9 1 <0.01 161.9 0.03 Synodontidae Saurida tumbil 2 5.9 3 <0.01 123.8 0.02 Tetrarogidae Paracentropogon rubripinnis 2 5.9 34 0.09 145.1 0.03 Trichiuridae Trichiurus lepturus 13 38.2 224 0.63 12,225.5 2.42 Triglidae Chelidonichthys kumu 17 50.0 574 1.60 48,281.2 9.55 Lepidotrigla guentheri 7 20.6 14 0.04 565.2 0.11 Lepidotrigla microptera 1 2.9 1 <0.01 254.9 0.05 Uranoscopidae Uranoscopus japonicus 1 2.9 1 <0.01 352.2 0.07 Xenocephalus elongatus 1 122.9 1 <0.01 163.7 0.03 Zeidae Zeus faber 12 35.3 57 0.16 20,889.3 4.13 Zenopsis nebulosa 2 5.9 5 0.02 1,785.8 0.35 Zoarcidae Zoarces gillii 5 14.7 22 0.06 768.2 0.15.,, nmds ordination plot (Fig. 4). 2007 nmds plot, 2008.,, Fig. 4. nmds ordination of fish assemblages constructed from Bray-Curtis similarity matrices of the four depths and four seasons. open symbols=2007, grey symbols=2008; triangle=winter, cycle=spring, square=summer, diamond=autumn; a =30-40 m, b =40-50 m, c =50-60 m, d =60-70m..,, 2007, 2008. nmds plot. Three-way PERMANOVAs,, (Table 2).,,, 3,. COV,. PERMANOVA, -, CAP (Fig. 5). CAP (tr=5.730; P=0.001; 999 permutations). CAP plot, 10 correlation vector 0.5, (Fig. 5).,, (Cynoglossus joyneri),, 2007,,, 2008. (Cynoglossus robustus) (Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus), (Psenopsis anomala) 2008
동해남부연안해역저어류군집 431. 2007 correlation 0.5. 우점종의출현량변동, 9, (Fig. 6). 2007, 300-400 /10,000 m 2, (Fig. 6a). 2008,, (Fig. 6b, 6c). (Clupea pallasii) 2007 (Fig. 6d, 6g), (Fig. 6f)., (Fig. 6e, 6i)., (Fig. 6h). 고찰 8 59., 1 12 73-99 (Jo, 2001; Choo, 2007), 59 (Baeck et al., 2010), 4 16 32 (Park and Huh, Table 2. Mean squares (MS), pseudo-f ratios, significance levels (P) and component of variable (COV) for a series of PERMANO- VA tests, employing Bray-Curtis similarity matrices derived from the abundance of fish assemblages for differences in response to year, season, depth and interactions of three factors. Bold values indicated statistical significance (P<0.05) Source df MS Pseudo-F P COV Main test Year 1 4731.2 8.395 0.009 15.885 Season 3 10732.0 19.042 0.001 35.052 Depth 3 1685.4 2.990 0.048 11.651 Interaction Year Season 3 6423.0 11.397 0.001 37.630 Year Depth 3 1405.0 2.493 0.116 14.270 Season Depth 9 893.5 1.585 0.141 12.611 Year Season Depth 9 1229.5 2.182 0.035 25.339 Residuals 2 563.6 df, degree of freedom; MS, mean square; P, statistical significance; COV, component of variation. Fig. 5. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP) ordination plots of fish assemblages to assess differences among terms of year-season interaction. Species correlations with each canonical axis are represented as vectors for species with correlations greater than 0.5. Vectors represent Pearson correlations and the circle indicates a correlation of 1. open symbols=2007, grey symbols=2008; triangle=winter, cycle=spring, square=summer, diamond=autumn. Species abbreviations: Acja, Acropoma japonicum; Apli, Apogon lineatus; Calu, Callionymus lunatus; Cyjo, Cynoglossus joyneri; Cyro, Cynoglossus robustus; Lita, Liparis tanakae; Loli, Lophius litulon; Myni, Myctophum nitidulum; Psan, Psenopsis anomala; Pspe, Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus. 2015).,,. (Shin and Lee, 1990).,,, (,, ) (An, 2002)., 1,. 60% (Table 1). (Conger myriaster) (Park and Huh, 2015), (Trachurus japonicus) (Mugil cephalus)
432 박주면ㆍ백근욱ㆍ허성회 Fig. 6. Seasonal variations in mean abundance (±SD) of nine common fish species (a-i) during 2007 and 2008. (Baeck et al., 2010).,., (benthic fish), (pelagic fish), (semi-benthic fish). ( ) (e.g. Huh and An, 2000; Jeong et al., 2014)., ( ), (, 15-30 m) (Callionymus lunatus), (Tridentiger trigonocephalus), ( 20-50 m) (Liparis tessellatus), (Glyptocephalus stelleri), (Lee, 1999; Lee, 2011). ( vs ) ( vs )., 2007 2008.,, 2008, 2007.,,, 2007 50 m, 2008 20 m. (Kim and Kim, 1983). 2008,
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