; Conversatlon 1 Describin Peo le I Listen to the following conversation. Then pra 다 ice it with your partner 숭짧훤 Scott Minsu Scott Minsu Scott m meet

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(016~037) Task1

2014 HSC Korean Continuers


철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York :

<C7D1B9CEC1B7BEEEB9AEC7D C3D6C1BE295F31392EB9E8C8A3B3B22E687770>

E F G H Contents The Elephant and the Eskimo The Flamingo and the Frog The Greyhound and the Grasshopper The Horse and the Hippo Review EFGH

<C5F0B0E8C7D032352D3030B8F1C2F C1FD292E687770>

새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의


E 뀔훨뭘톨 I look like -처럼보이다 wear 입다 height 신장, 높이 How tall are you? 너는키가몇이니? handsome 잘생긴 cute 귀여운 ugly 못생긴 above-average 평균이상의 below-average 평균이하의 bald 대머리의 a shaved head 삭발한머리 pigtails 앙갈래머리 has - on - 를입고있다 specific 명확한뚜렷한 undershirt 속셔츠, 내의 long-sleeved / short-sleeved 긴소매의 / 짧은소매의 khakis 카키색 ( 황갈색 ) 의 sundress 여름용드레스 sneakers 스니커즈, 운동화 accessones 액세서리, 장신구 I 셔쐐- - k 뼈뼈l l 띠웨매에맨랜펜젠 l What do they l ook like? What are they wearing? What does the man look like? 2 What is the man wearing? 3 What does the woman look like? 4 What is the woman wearing? Unit 07 What does she look like? 59

; Conversatlon 1 Describin Peo le I Listen to the following conversation. Then pra 다 ice it with your partner 숭짧훤 Scott Minsu Scott Minsu Scott m meeting Soohee at the airport. But I don t know her. I know her. We went to the same university. Well... What does she look like? She s very pretty. Okay. How tall is she? r Minsu Hmm... She s average-height. Scott Minsu And what kind of hair does she have? She has long, straight black hair. Here s a picture of her. 스갓공형에서수희씨를마중하려고하는데그녀를모르겠어 / 민수내가알아우리는같은대학을다녔거든 / 스갓글 쩨그녀는어떻게생겼니? / 민수그녀는꽤예뻐 / 스컷그래키는얼마나되니? / 민수흠보통키야 / 스갓어떤 스타일의머리야? / 민수길고검은샘의곧은머리야여기그녀의사진이있어 ; ~ 빼 A Read the following information. For looks, people usually talk about four things: looks, height, hair, and age. Look at the following questions: What do you look like? How tall are you? What kind of hair do you have? How old are you? What does he/she look like? How tall is he/she? What kind of hair does he/she have? How old is he/she? 60 Business English Communication 1

때ι4B Look at the pictures. E 섰 a b b 때떼E t 때e Jm A Q내띠빼 JW 1 e e L 때때Ln 뼈?그ι ιt j t He s short He s medium-height He s tal l. He s a short man. He s average-height. He s a tall man. i 훌쩍흩 r Ēxtra Hair Words ~ - Q - - '"' He has short She has medium-iength, She has long, black hair. wavy blond hair. curly brown hair. bald a shaved head shoulder- length hair a ponytail pigtails 껴파 ~ 緣 ;:~ r Extra Age Words =!!!9. -. in hi s tee ns in her thi rties in hi s fifties in her seve nties in hi s eig hti es He is in his twenties She is in her forties. She is in her sixties. He is young. She is middle-aged. She is elderly. C Complete the sentences. I am 2 lam 3 I have 4 lam. (Iooks) (height). (hair). (age) Unit 07 What does she look like? 61

,s.u@; 때 [.] &1 빠 ~ 빼 Listen to the following conve Sunmin Look at Mr. Kim over there. r I John Who is he? What is he wearing? Sunmin He s wearing a white button-down shirt and black suit pants. John Is he wearing a red tie? Sunmin No, that s Mr. Park. Mr. Kim has a blue tie on. r John Sunmin Ah, yes. I see him. He s wearing glasses and a watch, right? Exactly. That s Mr. Kim. John Okay. Let s go talk to him now. ~ ~ _/ 선민저기김선생님을봐 / 존그가누군데? 월입고있니 7/ 선민그는흰색버튼다운셔츠와검은색정장바지를입었어 / 존 : 빨간색넥타이를댔니 7/ 선민, 아니 l 그분은박선생님이야 김선생님은파란색넥타이를했어 / 존아, 그렇구나 그가 보인다안경과손목시계를차고있지, 그렇지 7/ 선만맞아그분이바로김선생님이야 / 존 알겠어지금가서그와이야기 를니누어뾰 } [ ~ 빼 A Read the following information. For clothes, people usually just ask one question: What are you wearing? " or What is he/she wearing?" BUT... You can also ask questions about specific clothes. Look at the following questions: What kind of shirt are you wearing? What kind of pants are you wearing? What kind of shoes are you wearing? What kind of sh 바 is he/she wearing? What kind of pants is he/she wearing? What kind of shoes is he/she wearing? 62 Business English Commun ication 1

B Look at the pictures. πlen practice clothes words. a SUlt a tuxedo Men's Clothes Words a vest a tie / a necktie a three-piece suit a bowtie Men 5 Shirts Words an undershirt a long -sleeved shirt a short-sleeved sh irt a dress shirt a butlon-down shirt a shirt / a polo shirt Pants Words slacks khakis shorts dress pants / suit pants jeans pants Women's Clothes Words a miniskirt a SU lt a sundress a dress a ski rt / a mini skirt a blouse Shoes Words loafers sandals sneakers dress shoes hee ls / high heels shoes o 11\ 파펴밟돼 m 짧뤘 C Answer the questions. What are you wearing now? 2 What kind of shiη are you wearing? 3 What kind of pants are you wearing? 4 What kind of shoes are you wearing? D Talk to your group members. Write each person s answers. 繼 iií!m찢"" 씨쩡 ;ι11., 默 r 짤 111댔1?ι 이.. I섯앓 ιr끼e 했샤!mIB했짧않셈11펴, ι αιι.. 잠 싫 r:umr:m_1 r;nmr:mø [;llii;l'?'l"ijié] kind of shirt kind of pants kind of shoes Unit 07 What does she look like? 63

E Read the following information. Always say the color of the clothes. Look at the following examples: I am wearing a white buuon-down shirt. She is wearing a red blouse. John is wearing a green and blue polo shirt Minsu is wearing black dress shoes Also, many people wear accessories. Look at the pictures: \/ 짧짧 j a watch glasses / spectacles a necklace earnngs a bracelet a belt a hat cufflinks F Answer the questions. What accessories are you wearing? 2 What accessories is your partner wearing? 3 What color shirt are you wearing? 4 What color shirt is your partner wearing? 5 What color pants are you wearing? 6 What color pants is your partner wearing? 7 What color shoes are you wearing? 8 What color shoes is your partner wearing? 64 Business English Communication 1

톰꽤 m 멘 l A Look at the picture. Then answer the questions. John Marcia Sunmin Minsu 1 What does John look like? 2 What is John wearing? 3 What does Marcia look like? 4 What is Marcia wearing? 5 What does Sunmin look like? 6 What is Sunmin wearing? 7 What does Minsu look like? 8 What is Minsu wearing? B Practice the conversation. Use the information in the box below. 게 ny 00 you know Rick Oysinger? Sunmin Yes, 1 do. Amy What does he look like? Sunmin He is tall. And he has brown hair. Amy Is that him over there? Sunmin Yes, it is. He s wearing ~ blue suit and a red necktie. Amy He looks very nice. Iimmill very tall short medium height imij short, straight black hair curly brown hair blond hair ~ a white button-down shirt a black vest a polo shirt and khaki pants Unit 07 What does she look like? 65

많꿇뭘펼필. A Re때 a dt따 he 바라f 삐뻐 o이에110 뼈w 떼in 명1 핑gon너 W, N싸뻐 Te 냄빠않stern 안얹때뼈blu 많떠떼 l엽않 S밍 in 없le 않짧 s앓 scαm 띠비때 ul 괴1 In Korean cαωu 비j 씨싸 Itu 마jπre, people often ask very personal questions. However, in many Western cultures, people often do NOT ask very personal questions. In Western cultures, there are many bad questions. Asking a person about his or her age, height, weight, and other personal information is bad. Here are some examples of bad questions: H ow old are you? H ow tall are you? How much do you weigh? At a first meeting, NEVER ask these questions. Of course, in Korea, age is very important. But most Westerners do not care about age. It is NOT important to them. Also, Koreans sometimes ask about a person s blood type. Most Koreans know their blood type. Most Westerners do NOT know their blood type. To them, the question is a little strange. B Are the fo11owing questìons okay (0) or not okay (NO) in Western culture? What does he look like? 2 How much do you weigh? 3 What is your height? 4 What kind of hair does she have? 5 Are you 45 years old? 6 How old is she? 7 What s your blood type? 8 What are you wearing? ~ 66 Business 'Ehglish Communioation 1