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03 Contents May LOTTE Focus 04 클로즈업 02 포커스 롯데 HR 포럼 기획 06 롯데월드몰을 가다 마케팅 어워드 시리즈 5 10 롯데백화점 06 인사이드 롯데 12 롯데멤버스 특집 14 롯데월드타워 첨단 기술 현장스케치




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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습


12 공익 과 수익 을 동시에 추구해야 하는 사회적 기업이라는 모순된 모델을 가장 성공시킬 수 있는 선수들은 창의력과 상상력을 갖춘 예술가와 기획자들이 아닐까? 44 사진전은 전시실에 선뜻 들어서기 어려운 매력이 있다. 사진기라는 기계로 작품을 만들어서일까, 어쩐지 전

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아바타 캐릭터 패션의 컬 러마케팅 전략 형성에 관한 연구 (pp ) - 김영식 임미라 Contents 논문요약 Abstract 1. 서론 n 본론 1. 웹의 발달과아바타의 개념 및활용현황 2. 실제와사이버상의 아바타 패션 트랜드 경향 3. 색채의 연상, 상징

석사 학 위 청 구논 문 지도 교 수 김 기 덕 한국오락프로그램의 중국 현지화 사례연구 - <아 빠 어 디 가 >를 중 심 으 로 년 8월 건국대학교 대학원 문 화 정 보 콘 텐 츠학 과 황 비

004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

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Art History Name: Assignments /10 The Arnolfini Portrait /10 The Ambassadors /10 La Grande Jatte /10 Guernica Current mark:

Ancient Art History Unknown, The Death Mask of Tutankhamun, c. 1320 BC Gold & inlaid glass and gemstones, 54 39.3 49cm, Egyptian Museum, Cairo Unknown, The Death Mask of Tutankhamun, c. 1320 BC Gold & inlaid glass and gemstones, 54 39.3 49cm, Egyptian Museum, Cairo Unknown, The Terracotta Army, 210-209 BC Life-size terracotta, Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, China Unknown, The Terracotta Army, 210-209 BC Life-size terracotta, Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, China

Ancient Art History Myron Discus-thrower (discobolus) Roman copy of 5th C original Marble copy of bronze original 155cm tall Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome Unknown, Colossus of Constantine, c. 312 315 White marble, brick, wood, and gilded bronze, Musei Capitolini, Rome

Medieval Art History Unknown, Christ Pantocrator, c. 1180-1194 Mosaic, cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, Italy Unknown, Christ Pantocrator, c. 1180-1194 Mosaic, cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, Italy Unknown, The Wilton Diptych, c. 1395 99 Tempera on oak, two panels of 53 x 37cm, National Gallery, London Unknown, The Wilton Diptych, c. 1395 99 Tempera on oak, two panels of 53 x 37cm, National Gallery, London

Italian Renaissance Art History Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1494 1498 Tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic, 460 cm 880 cm, Milan da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503-1519 Michelangelo Buonarroti, The Sistine Chapel Raphael, The School of Athens, 1511. Fresco, Apostolic Palace, Vatican City Sandro Botticelli, La Primavera, c. 1482 Tempera on panel, 202 cm 314 cm, Uffizi Gallery, Florence Andrea Mantegna, The Lamentation of Christ, c. 1480 Tempera on canvas, 68 cm 81 cm, Milan

Northern Renaissance Art History Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Wedding, 1434. Albrecht Dürer, Self-portrait, 1500. Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, c 1500. Oil on wooden panels, 220 x 389 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid. Hans Holbein, The Ambassadors, 1533. Oil on canvas, 207 x 209 cm, National Gallery, London. Matthias Grünewald, Isenheim Altarpiece, c. 1510-15. Oil on wood, 336 589 cm, Colmar, Alsace, France. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Hunters in the Snow, 1565. Oil on panel, 117 162 cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.

Baroque Art History Carravaggio, The Conversion on the Way to Damascus, Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, 1611-12 Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus, 1601 Oil on canvas, 141 cm 196.2 cm, National Gallery, London Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Frans Hals, Laughing Cavalier, 1624 Oil on canvas, 83 cm 67.3 cm, Wallace Collection, London

Diego Velázquez, Las Meninas, 1656 Johannes Vermeer, The Art of Painting, 1666 Rembrandt, Self-portrait, 1669 Oil on canvas, 86x 70.5 cm, National Gallery, London Diego Velázquez, Portrait of Pope Innocent X, c. 1650 Oil on canvas, 141 cm 119 cm, Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Rome

Neoclassical Art History Jacques-Louis David, The Oath of the Horatii, 1784 Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat, 1793 Oil on canvas, 165 cm 128 cm, Brussels Canova, Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, 1757-1822 Marble, 1.55m x 1.68m x 1.01m, The Louvre, Paris Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Princesse de Broglie, 1851 53 Oil on canvas, 121.3 x 90.8 cm, The Metropoitan Museum of Art

Romantic Art History Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830 Oil on canvas, 2.6 x 3.25m, Musée du Louvre, Paris Francisco Goya, The Third of May 1808, 1814 Oil on canvas, 268 cm 347 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid John Constable, The Hay Wain, 1821 Oil on canvas, 130 cm 185 cm, National Gallery, London Caspar David Friedrich, Das Eismeer (The Sea of Ice), 1823-24 Oil on canvas, 50x38, Kunsthalle Hamburg Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Théodore Géricault, Raft of the Medusa, 1818-19 Oil on canvas, 193 x 282 inches, Musée du Louvre, Paris

Impressionism & Post-Impressionism Art History Seurat, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884 1886 Oil on canvas, 207.6 cm 308 cm, Art Institute of Chicago Claude Monet, Water Lilies, 1916 Oil on canvas, 200.5 201 cm, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo Édouard Manet, Olympia, 1863 Oil on canvas, 130.5 cm 190 cm, Musée d'orsay, Paris Edouard Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, 1881-82 Oil on canvas, 96 x 130 cm, Courtauld Gallery, London Paul Cezanne, Mont Sainte Victoire, 1898

Katsushika Hokusai, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, c. 1829 32 Color woodcut, 25.7 cm 37.8 cm Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889 Oil on canvas, 73.7 cm 92.1 cm, Museum of Modern Art, New York Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Mary Cassatt, The Child's Bath, 1893 Oil on canvas, 100 x 66 cm, Art Institute of Chicago Edgar Degas, The Dancing Class, 1873-86 Oil on canvas, 85 x 75 cm, Musee D'Orsay, Paris

Expressionism Art History Gustav Klimt, The Kiss, 1907 1908 Käthe Kollwitz, Woman with Dead Child, 1903 Etching, 39 48 cm, Kunsthalle, Bremen James Ensor, Christ's Entry into Brussels in 1889, 1888 Oil on canvas, 252.7 x 430.5 cm, J. Paul Getty Museum

Max Beckmann, The Night (Die Nacht), 1918-19 Oil on canvas, 133 x 153 cm, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf Edvard Munch, Der Schrei der Natur (The Scream of Nature), 1893 John Heartfield, Hitler Salute, 1932 Photomontage, cover of the Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung Otto Dix, Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia Von Harden, 1926 Oil on canvas, 89 x 121 cm, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Abstract Art History Wassily Kandinsky, Composition IV, 1911 dorf Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Piet Mondrian, Composition No. 10, 1939-42 Oil on canvas, 80 73 cm, Private collection Barnett Newman, Voice of Fire, 1967 Acrylic on canvas, 540 cm 240 cm, National Gallery of Canada Georgia O Keeffe, Blue and Green Music, 1919-21 Oil on canvas, 23 x 19, Art Institute of Chicago Jackson Pollock, One: Number 31, 1950 Oil and enamel on canvas, 269.5 x 530.8 cm, MOMA, NY

Surrealism Art History Salvador Dalí, The Persistence of Memory, 1931 Oil on canvas, 24 x 33 cm, Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), New York Joseph Cornell, Hotel Eden Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Rene Magritte, The False Mirror, 1928 Oil on canvas, 54 x 81 cm, Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), NY Meret Oppenheim, Object (Fur Cup), 1936 Frida Kahlo, The Two Fridas, 1939 Oil on canvas, 67 x 67, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City

Modernist Art History Edward Hopper, Nighthawks, 1942 Oil on canvas, 33 x 60, Art Institute of Chicago Pablo Picasso, Three Musicians, 1921 Oil on canvas, 200.7 x 222.9 cm, MOMA NY Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Henri Matisse, The Dessert: Harmony in Red (The Red Room), 1908 Oil on canvas, 180 x 220 cm, Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 2), 1912 Oil on canvas, 147 x 89.2 cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art

Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937 Oil on canvas, 349 x 776 cm, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid Charles Demuth, I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold, 1928 Oil on cardboard, 90.2 x 76.2 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY Chagall, I and the Village, 1911 Oil on canvas, 192.1 cm 151.4 cm, Museum of Modern Art, NY

Dada Art History René Magritte, The Treachery of Images, 1928 29 Oil on canvas, 63.5 cm 93.98 cm, Los Angeles County Museum of Art Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917 Found object and oil paint, 61 x 31 x 48 cm Tate Modern, Philadelphia Museum of Art, National Gallery of Canada,... Hannah Höch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany, 1919-1920 Kurt Schwitters, The Merzbau, Hanover, 1933

Pop Art History Roy Lichtenstein, In the Car, 1963 Oil and Magna on canvas, 172 cm 203.5 cm, Scottish Nat. Gal. of Modern Art Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, 1962 Silk screen Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Jeff Koons, Rabbit, 1986 Stainless steel, 41 x 19 x 12, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago Richard Hamilton, 1956, Collage, 10 ¼ x 9 ¾, Kunsthalle Tübingen, Tübingen

Contemporary Art History Louise Bourgeois, Maman, 1995 Bronze with marble eggs, 30 x 33, National Gallery of Art, Ottawa Banksy, Maid in London, 2007 Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Damien Hirst, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 1991 Tiger shark, glass, steel, formalin, 84 x 204, private collection Christian Boltanski, Monument, 1986

Ron Mueck, Mask II, 2001-2 Pratt, Smears of Jam Lights of Jelly, 2007 Oil on canvas, 16" x 20" Andy Goldsworthy, Carefully Broken Pebbles Scratched White with Another Stone, 1985

Canada s Group of Seven Art History Arthur Lismer, Olympic with Returned Soldiers, 1919 Oil on canvas, 123 x 163 cm, Canadian War Museum Look online for close up colour versions of each artwork, a copy of the slide presentation, and links to other resources. Lawren Harris, Baffin Island, c 1931 Art Gallery of Ontario Emily Carr, Eagle Totem, c 1930 Oil on canvas, 61 x 46cm, private collection Tom Thompson, The Jack Pine, 1915-17 Oil on canvas, 127.9 139.8 cm, National Gallery of Canada

Name: Art History 미술사 Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434. Please list what you see, including their location and appearance. 자신의위치와외형을포함하여표시내용을나열하십시오. Looking at artworks begins with observation. Think of it as approaching each artwork as a mystery to be solved. What is going on? Why did the artist make this? What is it about? Like a detective, you will be looking for clues that will help you answer these kinds of questions this semester. Let s start by practicing our observational skills. 작품을보는것은관찰로시작됩니다. 그것을해결할신비로각작품에접근하는것으로생각하십시오. 무슨일이니? 왜작가는이것을만들었습니까? 그것에대해무엇입니까? 형사와마찬가지로이번학기에이러한질문에답하는데도움이되는단서를찾을수있습니다. 우리의관측기술을연습함으로써시작합시다. For example: There are a pair of light brown wooden shoes in the bottom left corner. 예 : 왼쪽아래모서리에밝은갈색나무로만든신발한켤레가있습니다. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Art Analysis The Ambassadors Name: /10 a Hans Holbein, The Ambassadors, 1533 You are allowed to use phone or computer-based translation for this assignment. If you do, please send the results to: 이과제에대해전화또는컴퓨터기반번역을사용할수있습니다. 그럴경우결과를 로보내주십시오. Observe: Please list six things that you see: 관찰하다 : 다음과같은여섯가지사항을나열하십시오. / 3 ½ pt for each thing observed. 관찰된각일에대해 ½ 포인트

Analyse: How would you describe the kinds of colours, shapes, style, and techniques used in this artwork? What clues and hints about the meaning has the artist included in this artwork? 분석 : 이작품에사용된색상, 모양, 스타일및기법의종류를어떻게설명하시겠습니까? 의미에대한단서와힌트는예술가에게이작품에포함되어있습니까? For example: The means. 예 : " 은 을의미합니다." / 2 1 pt per visual characteristic or clue 시각적특성또는단서 1 점당 Interpret: In full, what do you think the artist is trying to communicate? Please give a specific reason why you think this is so. 새기다 : 전체적으로, 작가는의사소통을위해무엇을생각하고있습니까? 이것이그렇게생각하는특별한이유를제시하십시오. / 3 Full meaning + 1 reason 1½ 포인트의의미와 1½ 포인트의이유 Evaluate: Did this artist did a good job of communicating it? Yes or no? (In other words, Is this a good artwork?) Please give a solid and thoughtful reason why this is so. 평가하다 : 이아티스트가훌륭한의사소통을했나요? 예혹은아니오? ( 다른말로하면, 이것은훌륭한작품입니까?) 이것이왜그렇게강하고신중한이유를제공하십시오. /2 1pt for opinion, 1pt for reason 1pt 는귀하의의견이며 1pt 는귀하의사유입니다.

Art Analysis: La Grande Jatte Name: /10 a Georges-Pierre Seurat, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884 1886 You are allowed to use phone or computer-based translation for this assignment. If you do, please send the results to: 이과제에대해전화또는컴퓨터기반번역을사용할수있습니다. 그럴경우결과를 로보내주십시오. Observe: Please list six things that you see: 관찰하다 : 다음과같은여섯가지사항을나열하십시오. / 3 ½ pt for each thing observed. 관찰된각일에대해 ½ 포인트

Analyse: How would you describe the kinds of colours, shapes, style, and techniques used in this artwork? What clues and hints about the meaning has the artist included in this artwork? 분석 : 이작품에사용된색상, 모양, 스타일및기법의종류를어떻게설명하시겠습니까? 의미에대한단서와힌트는예술가에게이작품에포함되어있습니까? For example: The means. 예 : " 은 을의미합니다." / 2 1 pt per visual characteristic or clue 시각적특성또는단서 1 점당 Interpret: In full, what do you think the artist is trying to communicate? Please give a specific reason why you think this is so. 새기다 : 전체적으로, 작가는의사소통을위해무엇을생각하고있습니까? 이것이그렇게생각하는특별한이유를제시하십시오. / 3 Full meaning + 1 reason 1½ 포인트의의미와 1½ 포인트의이유 Evaluate: Did this artist did a good job of communicating it? Yes or no? (In other words, Is this a good artwork?) Please give a solid and thoughtful reason why this is so. 평가하다 : 이아티스트가훌륭한의사소통을했나요? 예혹은아니오? ( 다른말로하면, 이것은훌륭한작품입니까?) 이것이왜그렇게강하고신중한이유를제공하십시오. /2 1pt for opinion, 1pt for reason 1pt 는귀하의의견이며 1pt 는귀하의사유입니다.

Art Analysis: Guernica Name: /10 a Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937 When this painting was made, most people would have been aware that the small Spanish village of Guernica was bombed by Italian and German warplanes. The Pro-Fascist Spanish government believed the village contained anti-fascist rebels, and asked Italy and Germany to help fight. 이그림이만들어졌을때, 대부분의사람들은게르니카의작은스페인마을이이탈리아와독일의전투기에의해폭격을당했다는것을알고있었을것입니다. 프로파시스트스페인정부는마을에반파시스트반란군이포함되어있다고믿었고이탈리아와독일에전투지원을요청했다. You are allowed to use phone or computer-based translation for this assignment. If you do, please send the results to: 이과제에대해전화또는컴퓨터기반번역을사용할수있습니다. 그럴경우결과를 로보내주십시오. Observe: Please list six things that you see: 관찰하다 : 다음과같은여섯가지사항을나열하십시오. / 3 ½ pt for each thing observed. 관찰된각일에대해 ½ 포인트

Analyse: How would you describe the kinds of colours, shapes, style, and techniques used in this artwork? What clues and hints about the meaning has the artist included in this artwork? 분석 : 이작품에사용된색상, 모양, 스타일및기법의종류를어떻게설명하시겠습니까? 의미에대한단서와힌트는예술가에게이작품에포함되어있습니까? For example: The means. 예 : " 은 을의미합니다." / 2 1 pt per visual characteristic or clue 시각적특성또는단서 1 점당 Interpret: In full, what do you think the artist is trying to communicate? Please give a specific reason why you think this is so. 새기다 : 전체적으로, 작가는의사소통을위해무엇을생각하고있습니까? 이것이그렇게생각하는특별한이유를제시하십시오. / 3 Full meaning + 1 reason 1½ 포인트의의미와 1½ 포인트의이유 Evaluate: Did this artist did a good job of communicating it? Yes or no? (In other words, Is this a good artwork?) Please give a solid and thoughtful reason why this is so. 평가하다 : 이아티스트가훌륭한의사소통을했나요? 예혹은아니오? ( 다른말로하면, 이것은훌륭한작품입니까?) 이것이왜그렇게강하고신중한이유를제공하십시오. /2 1pt for opinion, 1pt for reason 1pt 는귀하의의견이며 1pt 는귀하의사유입니다.

Art Vocabulary Analogous colours 유사색상 Background 배경 Blending 혼합 Blurring details 세부사항을흐리게하기 Brainstorming 브레인스토밍 Brushstroke 칫솔질 Central composition 중심구성 Colour composition 색채조성 Colour scheme 색체배합 Colour mixing 혼색 Colour wheel 컬러휠 Complementary colours 보색 Composition 구성 Contour drawing 윤곽그리기 Contrast 대조 Cool colours 차가운색 Creativity 독창성 Cropping 자르기 groups of colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel the part of an artwork that is far away mixing from light to dark making small things have less detail so they seem far away coming up with a large number of ideas the mark made by the bristles of a brush in painting an arrangement where the most important thing is in the middle the arrangement of colours in an artwork the choice of colours in an artwork adding two or more colours together a circle of coloured sections that shows the relationships between colours colours that are opposites on the colour wheel the arrangement of things in an artwork drawing the edges and outlines the difference between the lights and darks colours that are calm and soothing, such as blues and greens ideas that are useful, unique, and insightful cutting off part of a picture

Cross-hatching 교차해칭 Cyan 시안색 Decreasing contrast 대비감소 Depth 깊이 Detail 세부묘사 Dry brush painting 드라이브러쉬페인팅 Dull colours 둔한색 Foreground 전경 Hatching 부화 Idea development 아이디어개발 Increasing contrast 대비증가 Insightful 통찰력있는 Intense colours 강렬한색채 Magenta 마젠타 Modelling 모델링 Negative space 음의공간 Non-central composition 비중앙구성 Positive space 긍정적인공간 drawing using close parallel lines that that cross each other at an angle a greenish-blue colour that is one of the colour primaries making the range between the lights and darks smaller so that things look muddier and far away the sense that some things are near and others are far away small, important parts of a drawing creating scratchy brushstrokes using a brush that is mostly dry colours that are weak, and not very vivid the part of an artwork that is biggest and closest drawing using close parallel lines a process that is used to create useful, insightful, and unique ideas making the range between the lights and darks bigger so that things look more intense and close up something that shows deep thinking colours that are strong and very vivid a reddish purple (hot pink) that is one of the colour primaries making things 3D using blending the shape of the space between the things you would normally look at (the positive space) an arrangement where the most important thing is NOT in the middle the contour of the things you would normally look at

Primary colour 원색 Reference images 참조이미지 a colour that cannot be mixed using other colours: cyan, yellow, and magenta photographs used to look at so you can make a better artwork Rotating 회전하는 turning a picture to a new angle Secondary colour 2 차색상 a colour that is created by mixing two primary colours: red, green, and blue Shading 농담 drawing with white, black, and greys Sharpening details 선명하게하는세부사항 Smoothness 부드러운 Split complement colour scheme 분할보색구조 Square colour scheme 정사각형 Stippling 점감기 Texture 조직 Thumbnail drawings 미리보기그림 Triad colour scheme 트라이어드색구성표 Unique 독특한 Warm colours 따뜻한색 Web-mapping 웹매핑 Wet-on-wet painting 젖은온습식도장 Zooming in/zooming out 확대 / 축소 making small things have more detail so they seem close up drawing cleanly, with no bumps a colour scheme using one base colour, and two colours on either side of the complementary a colour scheme in which colours are balanced around the colour wheel in the shape of a square drawing using small dots drawing that looks the same as what it feels like small drawings that are used to develop the composition of an artwork a colour scheme in which colours are balanced around the colour wheel in the shape of a triangle something that is rare, or one-of-a-kind colours that are suggestive of heat or passion: yellows, oranges, and reds linking together ideas into a web adding paint to an already wet painting surface making a picture seem closer (zoom in) or further away (zoom out)