Passive Voice
1. C o n c e p-a 1. Passive Voice: 공식과기본시제 (1). 수동태의기본공식 - The audience applauded him.( 관중들은그에게박수갈채를보냈다 ) He was applauded by he audience. ( 그는청중들에게박수갈채를받았다.) < 수동태를만드는과정 > The audience applauded him. The audience( 주어 ) applauded( 동사 ) him.( 목적어 ) by 목적격 be+ pp 주어 4. 수동태 He was applauded by he audience. (2) 수동태를쓸수없는 3 형식동사들 : resemble, cos, become ( 어울리다 ) - He resembles his faher. (O) / His faher is resembled by him. (X) (3) 수동태의평서문 - Picasso drew his picure. ( 능동태 ) This picure was drawn by Picasso.( 수동태 ) - People speak English all over he world. English is spoken all over he world (by people). by 이하가불특정한 사람들, 그들 /hem, 우리들 /us 일때는생략한다. 수동태의현재시제와과거시제 현재시제 am pp are pp (4) 수동태의부정과의문 - A posman doesn deliver such hings. Such hings are no delivered by a posman. 과거시제 is pp was pp were pp - Did he ake his umbrella o his office? Was his umbrella aken o his office? - Who drew he picure? ( 의문사가있는능동태 + 과거시제의문문 ) By whom was he picure drawn?( 원래는 by 목적격이문장제일뒤에가지만의문사이기때문에문장앞에있다. Who(m) was he picure drawn by?( 의문사를문장앞에두고 by 를문장제일뒤에놓아도된다.) 1
1. C o n c e p-b 2. Passive Voice: 진행, 완료, 미래시제 (1) 수동태의미래시제 - will be pp - They will award him omorrow. He will be awarded by hem omorrow. < 조동사가있는문장과수동태 > mus 동사원형 mus be pp may 동사원형 may be pp - They are going o award him. can 동사원형 can be pp He is going o be awarded by hem. migh 동사원형 migh be pp could 동사원형 could be pp (2) 수동태의진행시제 - be being pp should 동사원형 should be pp - He is wriing a scenario.( 현재진행시제 ) A scenario is being wrien by him. - The ciy was repairing he road.( 과거진행시제 ) The road was being repaired by he ciy. ( 도로가시에의해수리되고있었다.) < 진행시제 > be + ing( 현재진행시제 ) am being pp are being pp is being pp - Is my broher washing he dishes?( 과거진행시제 ) be + ing( 과거진행시제 ) was being pp Are he dishes being washed by my broher? were being pp (3) 수동태의완료시제-have been pp - She has ranslaed many books. Many books have been ranslaed by her. - I have finished he repor. The repor has been finished by me. < 이어동사들의수동태변화 > ake care of be aken care of look a be looked a pu off be pu off - Has somebody cleaned my desk? pu ou be pu ou Has my desk been cleaned (by somebody)? pu up wih be pu up wih carry ou be carried ou (4) 이어동사 - I ook care of hese geese. These geese were aken care of by me. - They pu off he meeing. The meeing was pu off (by hem). 2
1. C o n c e p-c 3. Passive Voice: 다양한주어의형태 (1) 목적어가 ha 절일때 - They say ha she is very kind. I is said ha she is very kind (by hem). She is said o be very kind. (by hem) They say (ha) she is very kind. They( 주어 ) say( 동사 ) ha she is very kind.( 목적절 ) by 목적격 be+ pp 주어 4. 수동태어순 Tha she is very kind is said by hem. 5. 주어변화 I is said ha she is very kind. (6. 위치변화 ) She is said o be very kind. (2) 4 형식의수동태 - 목적어가 2 개인문장이수동태가되면? My uncle gave me a lap-op compuer. 주어동사목적어 1( 간접목적어 ) 목적어 2( 직접목적어 ) 2 문장의수동태문장이생긴다. 간접목적어가주어 : I was given a lap-op compuer by my uncle. 4 형식문장을만드는수여동사와전치사 직접목적어가주어 : A lap-op compuer was given o me by my uncle. a. give, lend, send, each, ell, wrie, pay, bring: 3 형식만들때 o b. make, buy, cook, find, ge: 3 형식만들때 for c. ask: 3 형식만들때 of 전치사 for 를사용하는동사는직접목적어만주어로해서수동태를쓴다. 직접목적어가수동태문장의주어가되면간접목적어에전치사 o, for, of 를쓴다. 단, 전치사 o 는생략될수있다. (3) 5 형식의수동태 - 목적어를따라다니는보어는어떻게? - He makes her happy. She is made happy by him. He makes her happy. He( 주어 ) makes( 동사 ) her( 목적어 ) happy( 목적격보어 ) by 목적격 be+ pp 주어 ( 주격 ) 보어, 그대로.. 4. 수동태 X She (Her happy) is made X happy by him. 3
1. C o n c e p-d 4. 5 형식의수동태 2- 사역동사또는지각동사가있는문장일때 We made her smile. She was made o smile (by us). We made her smile. We( 주어 ) made( 사역동사 ) her( 목적어 ) smile( 목적격보어 - 원형부정사 ) by 목적격 be+ pp 주어 o 부정사 4. 수동태 She was made X o smile by us. - I saw him dance and sing. He was seen o dance and (o) sing by me. 병치를이루며반복되는 o는생략할수있다. - She made me clean my room. I was made o clean my room by her. - I saw him dancing and singing. He was seen dancing and singing.( 현재분사나과거분사를쓴경우에는그대로쓴다.) 5. 수동태의관용적표현 (by를쓰지않음 ) a. be surprised a -에놀라다 b. be ineresed in 에관심이있다 c. be covered wih 로덮여있다 d. be known o 에게알려지다 e. be known for 로유명하다 f. be known as 로서알려지다 g. be made of 로만들어지다 h. be saisfied wih 에만족하다 i. be filled wih 로가득차다 j. be disappoined wih 에실망하다 k. be worried abou 에대해걱정하다 l. be pleased wih 때문에기쁘다 (1) 예문들 - I was pleased wih he resul. (The resul pleased me.) - His room is filled wih smoke. (Smoke fills his room.) - She is known as Queen of Figure-skae. ( 그녀는피겨스케이트의여왕으로알려져있다.) - She is known o many Canadians. (Many Canadians know her.) - Their chairs are covered wih linen. (Linen covers heir chairs.) - I was born in 1990. - 항상과거시제로만쓰인다 - She s married o a singer. ( 그녀는가수와결혼한상태이다.) 4
1. C o n c e p-e 6. 명령문 (1) 명령문 동사원형 + 목적어 = Le + 목적어 + be pp - Do i now. Le i be done now. Don 동사원형 + 목적어 = Don le + 목적어 + be pp = Le 목적어 + no + be pp < 부정명령문 > - Don forge hem. Don le hem be forgoen. Le hem no be forgoen. 7. 준동사의수동태 능동태 수동태 o 부정사 o V o be pp ing ( 동명사 ) V ing being pp - I don wan people o blame me. I don wan o be blamed. - Nobody likes people making fun of hem. Nobody likes being made fun of. 8. have(ge) + 목적어 + pp : 5형식문장이기도한이표현은넓게보면수동태의한부분이라고할수있다. - I had my mp3 player solen. ( 나는내 mp3 player를도둑맞았다.) (=My mp3 player was solen.) - I had my hair cu.( 나는머리를깎았다.) (=My hair was cu.) - He almos go his pocke picked. ( 그는소매치기를당할뻔하였다.) 9. 수동태로쓸수없는동사들 - seem( 하는것처럼보이다 ), appear( 나타나다 /~ 처럼보이다 ), occur( 발생하다 ), consis of(~ 으로구성되다 ) 5