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Clients Always Come First Gwangyang International Container Terminal Co., Ltd. 전남광양시도이동 775 번지 775, Doe-dong, Gwangyang City, Jeollanam-do, 545-020, Korea Tel : 82-61-797-6600 Fax : 82-61-797-6666 http://www.gict.co.kr Hanjin Shipping Bldg., 25-11, Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel : 82-2-3770-6114 Fax : 82-2-3770-6746 Sebang Bldg., 708-8, Yeoksam-2 dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel : 82-2-3469-0300 Fax : 82-2-555-6351

회사개요 COMPANY PROFILE 광양인터내셔널컨테이너터미널 (GICT: Gwangyang International Container Terminal) 은국내최고의종합물류회사인세방ㄜ와국내최대의해운기업인ㄜ한진해운이함께만든새로운컨테이너터미널회사입니다. 선박의대형화추세및심화되는항만산업의국제적경쟁에대처하고 1사 1선석운영에따른불합리한요소를극복하기위해세방과한진해운이별도운영하던광양터미널을 2005년 10 월 1일부로 2개의선석을통합운영함으로써고객에게보다효율적이고신속한물류서비스를제공하고있습니다. 효율적인인적자원, 정보의공유화및기존의운영노하우를최대한활용, GICT가동북아물류중심항으로발전해가는광양항의중추적인컨테이너터미널로고객과성장해나갈것입니다. Gwangyang International Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (GICT), established as of October 1, 2005, represents a strategic partnership between Sebang Co., Ltd., a leading Korean logistics firm, and Hanjin Shipping Co., Ltd., Korea s No. 1 commercial shipping line. In particular, GICT seeks to overcome various problems related to the previous operation of two separate container terminals, along with responding to the recent trends of larger-scale containerships and ever-intensifying competition in container handling services. As a consequence, GICT is ideally positioned to provide more efficient and timely container handling operations to clients. GICT will thus fully capitalize on its exceptional human resources, in addition to sharing valuable market information and the management expertise of Hanjin and Sebang. In this way, GICT intends to reinforce its status as the foremost container terminal operator of Gwangyang Port, which is on track to become a logistics super-hub of Northeast Asia. CONTENTS 01_ 회사개요 (COMPANY PROFILE ) 02_ 이용선사현황 (STATUS OF CARRIERS) 04_ 핵심역량 (COMPETITIVE STRENGTHS) 05_ 비전 (VISION OF GICT) 06_ 시설및위치 (TERMINAL FACILITY & LOCATION) 08_ 운영사소개 (TERMINAL OPERATORS) 09_ 장비현황 (STATUS OF EQUIPMENT) 10_GTOMS (GWANGYANG TERMINAL OPERATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) 12_CFS (CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION) 13_e-Business

이용선사현황 STATUS OF CARRIERS CARRIER CARRIER CARRIER CARRIER American President Line (APL) http://www.apl.com Heung-A Line (HAS) http://www.heung-a.co.kr Korea Marine Transport Co., Ltd (KMD) http://www.kmtc.co.kr STX Pan Ocean Co., Ltd (POL) http://www.stxpanocean.com Cheng Lie Navigation Co., Ltd (CNC) http://www.dongsue.com Hanjin Shipping (HJS) http://www.hanjin.com Maersk Sealand (MAE) http://www.maersk.co.kr Sinokor Merchant Marine Co., Ltd (SKR) http://www.sinokor.co.kr Cosco Container Lines (COS) http://www.coscon.com Islamic Republic of IRAN Shipping (IRI) http://irisl.net Mitsui O.S.K Lines, Ltd (MOL) http://www.molpower.com Sinotrans Jiangsu Co., Ltd (SNT) http://www.sinotrans.com Dongnama Line (DNA) http://www.dnal.com Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha., Ltd (KKL) http://www.kline.co.kr Pacific International Line (PIL) http://pilship.com Yang Ming Line (YML) http://www.yml.com I 02 I I 03 I

핵심역량 비전 COMPETITIVE STRENGTHS VISION OF GICT 고객을위한최대한의시너지창출을위해노력하는 GICT GICT가위치한광양항은국제기간항로인동아시아의중심에위치하고있으며, 특히중국항만과의거리가짧아북중국환적화물유치에유리한최적의항만으로써세계제일의광양제철소와대규모산업단지가산업벨트로형성되어있습니다. GICT는 2005년 10월한진해운과세방의터미널사업부문의전략적인통합으로설립된회사로서두회사가지닌경영노하우와정보를공유함으로써변화하는고객의요구에적극부응할수있도록최대한의시너지창출을위해노력하고있습니다. 통합에따른운영의효율성과비용절감을통해인적, 물적자원을효율적으로운영 관리하여신속하고정확한작업처리를통한생산성극대화를추구하고있습니다. 또한 GICT는지속적인투자를통해시설과장비를개선하고업무혁신을통해고객의만족과기업가치증진을위해노력하겠습니다. GICT strives to generate significant synergies for the benefit of customers Gwangyang Port, where Gwangyang International Container Terminal is situated, is at the center of the dynamic Asian region, along major international shipping routes. Of significant note, Gwangyang Port is strategically located for the handling of transshipment cargo due to its close proximity to major Chinese ports. Furthermore, Gwangyang Steelworks, a world-class steelmaker, and large-scale industrial complexes are situated in the surrounding vicinity of Gwangyang Port. By combining their terminal operations, the GICT partnership of Hanjin Shipping and Sebang will strive to generate substantial synergy benefits through an integration of their management expertise and business experiences accumulated over the years. With the consolidation of terminal operations, GICT can now better focus on bolstering operational efficiency and passing on related cost-savings to customers. In addition, GICT is committed to optimizing the productivity gains, resulting from more efficient application of its human resources and facilities, so that it can offer the most timely and reliable logistics services possible. Moreover, GICT intends to continuously invest heavily in the most advanced facilities and equipment, together with aggressively pursuing new innovations, in an effort to enhance our service and corporate value. Future-oriented logistics services 미래지향적물류시스템 Total logistics services for the individual needs of customers 고객의니즈를만족시키는토털물류시스템 Fully integrated maritime transport solutions 종합해양수송솔루션 Priority access to strategic Asian terminals 아시아의전략적터미널접근용이 세계적인컨테이너터미널 최고의고객서비스 State-of-the-art terminal operation system 최첨단운영시스템 Fast and efficient operations 신속, 효율적인운영시스템 Competitive rates and high quality service 합리적인요금과높은서비스 Constant application of latest technology innovations 부단한혁신기술응용 광양만의눈부신성장에발맞춰 GICT는지속적인투자와경영혁신을통해 World-Class 컨테이너터미널로성장해나갈것입니다. 광양항은항만시설의지속적인확충으로 2011 년에는컨테이너부두 33선석을갖추게되어연간컨테이너 9,330,000 TEU를처리하는항만으로성장, 세계 10위권컨테이너항만으로발돋움할것입니다. 이미확보된 200만평의넓은배후단지를개발하여광양항을동북아 Super-Hub 항만으로육성하고국제종합물류단지로개발하여효율적인국내외물류네트워크를구축할계획입니다. 이에따라 GICT는광양항의성장과더불어토털물류서비스를통해고객에게최상의서비스를제공하겠습니다. To keep pace with the rapid growth of Gwangyang Port, GICT will do its utmost to establish itself as a world-class container terminal through constant business investment and management innovation. By 2011, Gwangyang Port aspires to rank among the world s 10-largest container ports with a total of 33 berths, which will be able to handle up to 9.3 million TEUs annually. In conjunction with this rapid expansion of Gwangyang Port, GICT strives to offer the highest quality customer services on the back of its comprehensive and future-oriented automated logistics system. I 04 I I 05 I

시설및위치 TERMINAL FACILITY & LOCATION GICT는신속정확한서비스로고객의요구에적극부응할수있는완벽한서비스체제를갖추고있습니다. GICT is fully prepared to assure timely and customized transport solutions to meet the requirements of our liner customers. 최신의설비와장비를통한최상의서비스를위해노력하는 GICT 국가물류체계개선및국토균형발전을위한계획형항만으로부산항과함께동북아물류중심항만의두축을이루고있는광양항에위치하고있는광양인터내셔널컨테이너터미널은총면적 420,000m2 ( 약127천평 ), 부두길이 700m, 접안수심 15m 규모의컨테이너전용부두입니다. 18 열까지작업할수있는 Post-Panamax형컨테이너크레인 4기및 22 열까지작업할수있는 Super Post-Panamax형크레인 1기등각종현대식장비를갖추고있습니다. 또한 Gate 무인자동화시스템등최첨단자동화시스템을갖추고, 연간 800,000 TEU의물량처리가가능한초현대식컨테이너터미널입니다. Gwangyang International Container Terminal Gwangyang I.C. Gwangyang City Lead-in railway Golyak I.C. Gwangyang Container Terminal GICT, equipped with ultramodern facilities, works to provide premier solutions Along with Busan Port, Gwangyang Port is a leading provider of integrated logistics services in Northeast Asia. The port s Gwangyang International Container Terminal embraces a total area of 420,000 sq. meters, along with a berthing space of 700 meters and channel depth of 15 meters. Gate Complex Major operating equipment includes four Post-Panamax-class container cranes with an outreach capability for working 18 rows of containers, and one Super Post-Panamax-class container crane, with a 22-row outreach capability. GICT currently maintains an annual cargo-handling capacity of more than 800,000 TEUs, backed by its ultramodern facilities and equipment, including a fully automated gate operating system. 시설현황 TERMINAL FACILITY AND CAPACITY 구분 (DESCRIPTION) 내용 (SPECIFICATIONS) 연간처리물량 (ANNUAL HANDLING CAP.) 800,000 TEU 운영인원 ( 명 ) (MANPOWER (PERSON)) 247 총면적 (TOTAL LAND SPACE) 420,000m 2 접안시설 (BERTH FACILITY) 50,000 DWT x 2 구분 (DESCRIPTION) 내용 (SPECIFICATIONS) 선석길이 (BERTH LENGTH) 700m 접안수심 (BERTH DEPTH) 15m 게이트 (GATE) 6 lanes (Incoming : 3 lanes, Outgoing : 3 lanes) CFS 9,600m 2 냉동콘센트 (REEFER PLUGS) 456 POINTS I 06 I I 07 I

운영사소개 TERMINAL OPERATORS 장비현황 STATUS OF EQUIPMENT 1977년창립한ㄜ한진해운은글로벌서비스네트워크를구축하여연간 1억톤이상의화물을수송하는세계해운업계의리더로성장했으며, 1965년설립한세방ㄜ는명실상부한종합물류회사로발돋움했습니다. ㄜ한진해운광양컨테이너터미널과세방ㄜ의광양컨테이너터미널의통합으로 2005년 10 월설립된 GICT는각사가지닌경영노하우를최대한이용, 고객에게최상의서비스를제공할완벽한시스템을갖추고있습니다. Since its founding in 1977, Hanjin Shipping Co., Ltd. has rapidly expanded its global services network, thus establishing itself as a key player in international shipping that now annually handles more than 100 million tons of maritime cargo. As for Sebang Co., Ltd., which commenced its operations in 1965, it has developed into a leading provider of integrated logistics services. GICT was launched on October 1, 2005 as a partnership between Hanjin Shipping and Sebang, which enabled the two partners to consolidate their terminal operations at Gwangyang Port. With the combined management expertise and invaluable experiences of the two partners, GICT is uniquely equipped with an optimized service system for satisfying the diverse needs of individual clients. 갠트리크레인 GANTRY CRANE Type 1 : Post-Panamax type Numbers : 4 units Rated capacity : 40.6 ton (Under spreader), 54 ton (Under hook block) Hoist speed : Loaded - 60m/min, Unloaded - 130m/min Trolley speed : Max 180m/min Outreach : 48.5m Backreach : 15m Rail span : 30.5m Management capacitty : 5 Stairs 18 Lines (On deck) Type 2 : Super Post-Panamax type Numbers : 1 unit Rated capacity : 50 ton(under spreader), 80 ton(under hook block ) Hoist speed : Loaded - 70m/min, Unloaded - 170m/min Trolley speed : Max 210m/min Outreach : 61m Backreach : 20m Lifting height : 40m (On rail), 18m (Under rail) Rail span : 30.5m Management capacitty : 7 Stairs 22 Lines (On deck) 리치스택커 REACH STACKER 트랜스퍼크레인 TRANSFER CRANE Type 1 : HHIC (4 Stairs 6 Lines) Numbers : 4 units Engine type : Cummins (NTA855-GP3) Engine power : 535 HP Loading capacity : 40.6 ton (4 Stairs 6 Lines) Service weight : 128.4 ton Dimension : Length x High x Width (26.1m x 21.8m x 12.3m) Type 2 : ZPMC (5 Stairs 6 Lines) Numbers : 3 units Engine type : Cummins (KTA19-G4) Engine power : 755 HP Loading capacity : 40.6 ton (5 Stairs 6 Lines) Service weight : 145 ton Dimension : Length x High x Width (26.1m x 25.3m x 12.3m) Type 3 : KHIC (4 Stairs 6 Lines) Numbers : 5 units Engine type : Cummins (KTA19-G2) Engine power : 525 HP Loading capacity : 40.6 ton (4 Stairs 6 Lines) Service weight : 132 ton Dimension : Length x High x Width (25.5m x 24.4m x 12.2m) 탑핸들러 TOP HANDLER 4 units 40.5 ton 1 units 8 ton (for MTY) 야드트랙터 & 야드샷시 YARD TRACTOR & YARD CHASSIS YARD TRACTOR 52 units 10 (175 HP), 13 (177 HP) YARD CHASSIS 23 units 44 (40 feet), 8 (45 feet) I 08 I I 09 I

GTOMS GWANGYANG TERMINAL OPERATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 최첨단운영시스템을통해생산성을극대화하는 GICT GICT는정시작업, 신속한반출입처리, 적은 Rehandling으로최대의생산성을지향하는자동화운영시스템을운영함으로써선사, 화주와고객모두에게최대의만족감을주기위해노력하고있습니다. 또한 Berthing, Ship Planning, Yard Planning을효율적으로관리하여터미널생산성을극대화하는시스템을운영하고있습니다. 모니터링시스템을통하여각각의작업을 Real time으로관리 / 운영함으로써터미널의효율성을극대화하고있으며, GICT 홈페이지 (http://www.gict.co.kr) 를통해터미널의제반작업진행사항 ( 선박의작업사항, Yard 상황, 화주컨테이너의위치등 ) 을제공함으로써고객의편의를도모하고있습니다. GICT strives to optimize productivity through its stateof-the-art terminal operation system GICT maintains a state-of-the-art system to assure maximum efficiency in terminal and yard operations through such efforts as on-time operations, quick loading and unloading, and minimized need for re-handling. Consequently, we strive to ensure optimal satisfaction for maritime carriers, shippers, and all involved parties. Furthermore, GICT constantly endeavors to enhance the effectiveness of its Berthing, Vessel Scheduling, and Yard Utilization Systems to ensure the smoothest possible operations of Gwangyang International Container Terminal. To optimize operational efficiency, GICT maintains a comprehensive monitoring system, which constantly monitors, controls, and coordinates all terminal operating processes in real time, including cargo loading/unloading, yard utilization, and location of containers. GTOMS 시스템 (Terminal Operation System) PLANNING SYSTEM Ship Planning: 선박화물의양하, 적하계획이체계적이고효율성있게진행되도록하는시스템 Yard Planning: 각모선항차별, In/Out bound별로최적의 Position 배정할수있도록하는시스템 Berth Planning: 입항예정선박에대한관리, 적정선석점유율유지, 선석배정계획수립을지원하는시스템 OPERATION SYSTEM Operation Management: 터미널의전반적인운영업무수행시스템 EDI Management: 터미널관련각종전자문서송수신시스템 Monitoring System: 본선작업, 야드작업관리가능한조회시스템 Gate Management: 터미널반출입컨테이너, 차량관리시스템 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Billing system: 하역비용청구시스템 PMS(Prevention Maintenance System): 예방정비시스템 Statistics Management : 기초자료근거로분석 / 예측가능토록지원하는시스템 BOND Cargo Management : 보세화물관리시스템 EIS : 의사결정수립에필요한자료제공시스템 Reefer Management : 냉동컨테이너관리시스템 Equipment Working Management : 장비운행관리시스템 CFS(Container Freight Station) Management : CFS 화물관리시스템 Ship Planning System formulates systematic and efficient loading and discharge activities through optimal equipment utilization. Yard Planning System regulates loading and discharge activities according to key ports to which cargo is being shipped and in/out bound traffic. Berth Planning System oversees management of containership scheduling for port entry, proper maintenance of berthing levels, and allocation of berthing space. Operation Management System constantly monitors and controls all operational processes of the terminal. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) transmits/receives electronic documents, based on EDI Standard Format, related to terminal operations. Monitoring System monitors loading and discharge activities and yard utilization. Gate Management System oversees all containers and vehicles that enter and exit the terminal. Billing System automatically records container handling charges. PMS develops programs to prevent accidents. Statistics Management System provides analyses and forecasts based on latest data. Bonded Cargo Management System tracks bonded cargo. EIS provides data necessary for more effective decision making. Reefer Management System manages refrigerated containers. Equipment Working Management coordinates operation of various types of equipment. CFS Management System manages small cargo. I 10 I I 11 I

CFS e-business CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION e-business 고객의다양한니즈를만족시키는 CFS 최신설비를구비한 CFS (Container Freight Station) 는소량화물 (LCL: Less than container load) 의적입 (stuffing), 적출 (devanning), 창고보관등을완벽하게수행하여고객의다양한니즈를만족시키는최적의서비스를제공함으로써고객과함께지속적인발전을도모하고있는최첨단시설입니다. 시설및장비 FACILITY & EQUIPMENT 구분 내용 용량 비고 (DESCRIPTION) (SPECIFICATIONS) (CAPACITY) (REMARKS) CFS STORAGE 8,160m 2 Total area: 9,240m 2 CIS STORAGE 719.4m 2 시설 (FACILITY) OFFICES 313.5m 2 STACKING CAP 4,200 ton Filed 2m high 변화하는비즈니스환경에대처하고다양한고객의니즈를만족시키기위해홈페이지를통한다양한서비스를제공선석배정현황, 본선작업활동, COPINO 전송조회, 미반출현황, 미반입현황, 컨테이너조회, 장치현황, 반출입현황, 선적취소조회, 코드조회. 또한홈페이지 ( 한글 ) 는 GICT의전반적인운영프로세스 (Operation process) 와 Real time으로최근물류업계의소식과물류용어그리고환율과날씨에대한다양한정보등을제공하고있습니다. CFS aims to satisfy the diverse needs of our clients CFS (Container Freight Station), equipped with the most advanced equipment, handles small-size cargo items, 설비 (EQUIPMENT) HANDLING CAP/PER YEAR FOLK LIFT REACH STACKER 212,000 ton 3/5/7/10/15 ton 42 ton On the basis of five days Utilizes terminal equipment To help bolster customer satisfaction amidst today s fastevolving business environment, GICT offers the following webbased services Berth allocation, loading/unloading, COPINO electronic monitoring, status related to such activities as packing/unpacking less than PALLET (unit) 400 1,800 X 1,130 of containers (stored, scheduled to enter the terminal, empty), status of yard full-container loads, in an effort to satisfy the diverse utilization, schedule for containers entering/departing the terminal, needs of customers. monitoring of containers for which loading has been canceled, and code monitoring. 취급화물 CARGO HANDLING In addition, GICT s website provides a wealth of current information, 수출과수입화물중위험화물과냉동화물을제외한모든소형화물을 including the terminal s operations (video), latest news about the logistics 취급합니다. 즉냉동화물를제외한 Dry 화물과 Awkward 화물을 services industry, logistics glossary, foreign exchange rates, and weather 취급합니다. conditions. (Available only in Korean at this time.) CFS handles small-size cargo that is less than a fullcontainer load. In addition, CFS accepts awkward ± cargo items, which do not fit standard containers due to irregular configuration. However, CFS prohibits access of any frozen or hazardous items. Web-based Service Contact us Operating & Control Team Manager H. Y. Lim 775, Doe-dong, Gwangyang City Jeollanam-do, 545-020, Korea Tel : 82-61-797-6640 Fax : 82-61-797-6666 e-mail : hylim@gict.co.kr website : www.gict.co.kr I 12 I I 13 I