2013 Korean Second Language Written examination

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Victorian Certificate of Education 2013 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Section Number of questions KOREAN SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 16 October 2013 Reading time: 2.00 pm to 2.15 pm (15 minutes) Writing time: 2.15 pm to 4.15 pm (2 hours) QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK Structure of book Number of questions to be answered 2 1 2 1 Number of marks 15 15 20 10 Suggested times (minutes) 1 Part A 2 Part B 1 30 2 Part A 2 Part B 1 40 3 5 1 15 50 Total 75 120 Letter Students are permitted to bring into the examination room: pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners, rulers and any printed monolingual and/or bilingual dictionary in one or two separate volumes. Dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time and also during the examination. Students are NOT permitted to bring into the examination room: blank sheets of paper and/or white out liquid/tape. No calculator is allowed in this examination. Materials supplied Question and answer book of 17 pages, including Assessment criteria on page 17. Instructions Write your student number in the space provided above on this page. Write all your answers in the spaces provided in this question and answer book. The spaces provided give you an idea of how much you should write. At the end of the examination Hand in this question and answer book at the end of the examination. Students are NOT permitted to bring mobile phones and/or any other unauthorised electronic devices into the examination room. VICTORIAN CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY 2013

2013 KORSL EXAM 2 SECTION 1 Listening and responding Instructions for Section 1 Part A Texts 1 and 2, Questions 1 and 2 (15 marks) You will hear two texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text. at any time. Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH. All answers must be based on the texts. TEXT 1 Answer the following questions in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Question 1 a. Tick ( ) the correct box. Which subject is not included in the selection examination for the exchange program? 1 mark English Korean History Korean Language Australian History b. Identify the key differences between Australian and Korean university cultures. 3 marks c. What challenges did the student experience during the program in Australia? 2 marks d. What did the student learn from his interaction with other Koreans in Australia? 2 marks SECTION 1 Part A continued

3 2013 KORSL EXAM TEXT 2 Answer the following questions in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Question 2 a. Tick ( ) the correct box. 1 mark The forum was organised by the International Energy Association. the World Environmental Committee. the Korean Environmental Foundation. the Korean Industrial Resource Department. b. Which particular economic crisis does Dr Kang mention? 1 mark c. How do the current sources of energy differ from those proposed? 2 marks d. Identify the challenges of developing the proposed future energy. 3 marks End of Part A SECTION 1 continued TURN OVER

2013 KORSL EXAM 4 Instructions for Section 1 Part B Text 3, Question 3 (15 marks) You will hear one text. The text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of the text. at any time. Listen carefully to the text and then answer the questions in full sentences in KOREAN. All answers must be based on the text. TEXT 3 Answer the following questions in full sentences in KOREAN. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Question 3 a. Explain how each member as well as the whole Korean family will benefit from this travel package. 이여행상품을선택하면한국인가족의각구성원들과가족전체에게어떤점이좋은지분석하시오. b. Name two things tour participants will need to prepare and explain why. 이여행의참가가들이준비해야하는것두가지와그이유들을각각설명하시오. SECTION 1 Part B continued

5 2013 KORSL EXAM c. Explain how this travel package specifically caters for foreigners. 이여행상품이외국인들에게특별히어떻게좋은지를설명하시오. END OF SECTION 1 TURN OVER

2013 KORSL EXAM 6 SECTION 2 Reading and responding Instructions for Section 2 Part A Texts 4 and 5, Questions 4 and 5 (20 marks) Read the texts and then answer the questions in ENGLISH. All answers must be based on the texts. TEXT 4 Answer the following questions in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. 한국떡전시회에스완고등학교학생여러분을초대합니다. 이번전시회는 한국의맛자랑 두번째순서입니다. 전통음식을통해한국의문화를널리알리기위한행사입니다. 이번에는떡이소개됩니다. 예로부터모임이나잔치가있을때다양한떡을준비해나누어먹었습니다. 떡은지방성분이적고, 많이달지않아서건강식품으로도알려져있습니다. 이번전시회는 4개의코너로나누어집니다. 첫코너에는떡의특징과재료에대한설명이전시됩니다. 다음에는떡이만들어지는과정을생생하게보여주는실제시범이이루어집니다. 그후에여러가지떡을맛볼수있는코너가마련됩니다. 마지막으로떡에대한질문을참가자들이알아맞히는순서가진행됩니다. 푸짐한상품도준비될것입니다. * 장소 : 스완고등학교강당 * 시간 : 오후 3 5시 * 입장 : 무료 SECTION 2 Part A continued

7 2013 KORSL EXAM Question 4 a. Tick ( ) the correct box. 1 mark The purpose of the event is to raise funds for the group. teach how to modify recipes. promote traditional Korean culture. choose the most healthy Korean food. b. Name two elements of this food that are indicated as being possibly harmful to health. 2 marks c. Complete the order of the four parts of the exhibition. 3 marks 1. information 2. 3. 4. d. Identify the missing information that readers would need in order to attend the event. 1 mark SECTION 2 Part A continued TURN OVER

2013 KORSL EXAM 8 TEXT 5 Answer the following questions in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. 서울특별시자하구고야동 589번지공원아파트 22동 340호김초롱앞 South Korea 초롱아안녕? 어제는시내구경을나갔어. 앞면에있는그림은유명한케잌가게진열장모습이야. 호주에서가장오래된케잌가게로 1903년에문을열었대. 예상했던것처럼들어가기위해줄을서서한참기다려야했어. 화려한케잌진열이대단하더라. 마치내가케잌박물관에있는것같았어. 관광객들에게왜그리인기가있는지알겠더라. 안에들어가니까어떤케잌을주문할지모르겠더라. 너무종류가많아서말이야. 결국지금까지본적이없는두가지케잌을주문해먹었지. 그리고전통실내장식앞에서사진도많이찍었어. 그가게의유명한실내장식은관광안내서에도실려있을정도야. 다음주에돌아가면 나의호주 2013 에넣어서다보여줄게. 2013 년 8 월 15 일성주가 Australian Postal Corporation 2011. This material has been reproduced with permission of the Australian Postal Corporation. SECTION 2 Part A continued

9 2013 KORSL EXAM Question 5 a. Complete the following sentences. 4 marks The Customers would The writer finally of the letter lives in South Korea. to queue. to try two different cakes. The writer has been preparing a trip. during the b. Give three reasons why the shop has become a tourist attraction. 3 marks c. Analyse the differences between Text 4 and Text 5 in terms of their text type, purpose and style. 6 marks End of Part A SECTION 2 continued TURN OVER

2013 KORSL EXAM 10 Instructions for Section 2 Part B Text 6, Question 6 (10 marks) Read the text and then answer the question in full sentences in KOREAN. All answers must be based on the text. TEXT 6 Answer the following question in full sentences in KOREAN. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. 2013 년 9 월 21 일날씨 : 맑음 오늘은정말신나는날이었다. 한국문화센터에서열리는도자기교실에가서도자기그릇을만들었다. 호주에살면서한국문화를직접체험해보는좋은기회였다. 먼저고운흙으로반죽을했다. 부드러운흙을만지니까마음이평안하게가라앉는것같았다. 그런다음빙글빙글돌아가는물레판에반죽을올려서그릇모양을만들었다. 손가락에힘을세게주면모양이변해버려서아주조심스럽게만져야했다. 평소에보기어려운물레를사용해본아주귀한체험이었다. 그후에살짝말린그릇에그림을그리고내이름을써넣었다. 하나의작품을완성했다는성취감에기분이좋았다. 이렇게만든그릇을온도가아주높은가마속에넣어구워야한다고해서맡기고왔다. 두번이나구울거라고한다. 아마지금쯤내그릇이가마속에서구워지고있겠지. 도자기는만드는사람의개성이담겨있는그릇이라는생각이든다. 독특한내그릇을내가원하는디자인으로만들수있다는점이맘에들었다. 빨리일주일이지나서내그릇을받았으면좋겠다. SECTION 2 Part B continued

11 2013 KORSL EXAM Question 6 You are the student who wrote the diary entry. Now write a message recommending pottery making to be posted on the internet. Include five positive points. 여러분은위의일기를쓴학생입니다. 이제웹사이트에올리기위한, 도자기만들기를추천하는내용의후기를쓰시오. 다섯가지좋은점을포함하시오. END OF SECTION 2 TURN OVER

2013 KORSL EXAM 12 SECTION 3 Writing in Korean Instructions for Section 3 Questions 7 11 (15 marks) Answer one question in 500 650 cha in KOREAN. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Space is provided on the following page to make notes. Question 7 You have received a letter from the principal of your cousin s school in Korea asking about Australian public holidays. Write a formal letter of reply providing information about two Australian public holidays, focusing on their significance and related activities. 여러분은한국에사는사촌의교장선생님으로부터호주의공휴일에대해서묻는편지를받았습니다. 두가지호주의공휴일에대해의미와관련행사등을알려주는정중한답장을쓰시오. OR Question 8 You have been asked to submit an article for your school s Technology Newsletter. Write an article evaluating the positive and negative effects of using smart phones on the academic performance of high-school students. 여러분은학교과학정보지에기사를보내고자합니다. 스마트폰이고등학생들의학업에영향을끼치는긍정적인면과부정적인면을평가하는글을쓰시오. OR Question 9 Write a short story for a student fiction competition, beginning with the following sentence: The friendship between the two of them began with an unexpected situation. 학생창작글대회를위해다음문장으로시작되는한편의이야기를쓰시오. 그두사람의우정은예상치못한일로시작되었다. Question 10 In the month of May, family month, you are going to enter a public-speaking contest at school. Write the script for a persuasive speech encouraging students to use the honorific form with their parents. 가정의달 5월을맞아, 여러분은학교에서열리는웅변대회에참가하려고합니다. 학생들에게집에서부모님께존대말을사용하도록설득하는내용의원고를쓰시오. Question 11 You were chosen as the most improved student in the Korean Language class this year. Write an informal letter thanking your teacher and reflecting on your experience. 당신은올해한국어과목의최고성적향상자로뽑혔습니다. 선생님께감사를표하면서자신의경험을돌이켜보는개인적인편지를쓰시오. OR OR SECTION 3 continued

13 2013 KORSL EXAM Write your response on the following pages. SECTION 3 continued TURN OVER

2013 KORSL EXAM 14 Question No. SECTION 3 continued

15 2013 KORSL EXAM SECTION 3 continued TURN OVER

2013 KORSL EXAM 16 A script book is available from the supervisor if you need extra paper to complete your answer. Please ensure you write your student number in the space provided on the front cover of the script book. At the end of the examination, place the script book inside the front cover of this question and answer book. END OF SECTION 3

17 2013 KORSL EXAM Assessment criteria Section 1: Listening and responding Part A the capacity to understand and convey general and specific aspects of texts Part B the capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts the capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Section 2: Reading and responding Part A the capacity to understand and convey general and specific aspects of texts Part B the capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts the capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Section 3: Writing in Korean relevance, breadth and depth of content appropriateness of structure and sequence accuracy, range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar END OF QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK