이책의차례 CONTENTS 유형편 Chapter 01 글의목적 8 Chapter 02 필자의주장 글의요지 12 Chapter 03 글의주제 16 Chapter 04 글의제목 20 Chapter 05 심경 분위기 24 Chapter 06 실용문 28 Chapter 07

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장






이책의차례 CONTENTS 유형편 Chapter 01 글의목적 8 Chapter 02 필자의주장 글의요지 12 Chapter 03 글의주제 16 Chapter 04 글의제목 20 Chapter 05 심경 분위기 24 Chapter 06 실용문 28 Chapter 07 도표 32 Chapter 08 세부내용파악 36 Chapter 09 어법 40 Chapter 10 어휘 44 Chapter 11 지칭추론 48 Chapter 12 빈칸추론 ( 1 ) 52 Chapter 13 빈칸추론 ( 2 ) 56 Chapter 14 연결사추론 60 Chapter 15 문장삽입 64 Chapter 16 무관한문장파악 68 Chapter 17 글의순서파악 72 Chapter 18 요약문완성 76 Chapter 19 장문의이해 ( 1 ) - 1지문 2문항 80 Chapter 20 장문의이해 ( 2 ) - 1지문 3문항 84

실전편 실전모의고사 1회 90 실전모의고사 2회 107 실전모의고사 3회 124 실전모의고사 4회 141 실전모의고사 5회 158 정답과해설 EBS 스마트북활용안내 EBS 스마트북은스마트폰으로바로찍어해설영상을수강할수있고, 교재문제를파일 ( 한글, 이미지 ) 로다운로드하여쉽게활용할수있습니다. 학생 모르는문제, 찍어서해설강의수강 [ 7049-0001 ] 1. 윗글에대해이해한내용으로가장적절한것은? # 스마트폰문제촬영 # 문항코드입력도가능 100 80 # 해설강의수강 [ 7049-0001 ] 1 2 3 4 60 40 20 0 1. 윗글에대해이해한 100 80 60 40 20 0 찰칵! EBS 수능강의앱설치후이용하실수있습니다. 기존과같이문항코드입력으로도사용할수있습니다. 교재문항을한글 (HWP) 문서로저장 교사 [ 7049-0001 ] 1. 윗글에대해이해한내용으로가장적절한것은? EBS 교재문항을한글 (HWP) 파일로다운로드하여이용할수있습니다 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 다운로드 4 교사지원센터 (http://teacher.ebsi.co.kr) 접속후 교사인증 을통해이용가능

이책의구성과특징 STRUCTURE 유형편 약한유형은강화하고, 강한유형은놓치지말자최근대학수학능력시험및모의평가영어영역에출제된독해문제유형전부를수록하여 2018학년도수능을준비하는수험생들이각유형을점검하고연습할수있도록구성하였습니다. CHAPTER 01 글의목적 유형소개필자가글을쓴의도나목적을파악하는유형으로지문으로는편지글, 광고문, 기고문등이주로사용된다. 수능에서한문항정도출제될가능성이있다. 해결전략 글의도입부에서중심소재나화제를파악한다. 글이전개되는과정에서필자의의도나목적을파악한다. 글의후반부에제시된정보를통해파악된필자의의도나글의목적을다시확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. feature ❶ 유형편각강의 Let s Check It Out 과 Exercises 문제를풀기전, 지문에포함된핵심어휘와어구를알고있는지체크박스에표시하고우리말뜻을적어보면서반드시알아야할수능어휘를확인할수있다. state correction consultation heritage ecological eliminate restore endangered review ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 ( 특별히 ) 포함하다 ; 특징, 특집 2 쓰다, 진술하다 3 정정 [ 수정 ]( 한것 ) 4 상의, 협의 5 유산 6 생태계의 7 제거하다 distortion 8 복원하다 inspiration 9 멸종위기에처한 10 비평, 논평, 검토 laboratory 11 왜곡, 곡해 12 영감 extent specification 13 연구실 14 규모, 정도 15 설명서 8 EBS 수능완성영어 Let's Check It Out Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 2 쪽 각유형을대표하는문제를풀고자신이어떤유형에강하고약한지점검할수있다. 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 7049-0001 Dear Ms. Palay, While we appreciate the article you ran about our company, Boonton Bagel Bakers, on your website, we regret that the article featured a major error. Your writer stated that we are a not-for-profit company and that all of our profits go to endangered species organizations. Each of those facts is incorrect. We are neither a not-for-profit nor do our profits go to such organizations. We have no idea where your writer got the idea that either of these facts was true, but we request that you publish a correction to the article on your website as well as change the existing posted article. Thank you for your immediate attention to this issue. We trust that you will make the correction to your website as quickly as possible. 유형편 Sincerely, Peter Brown 1 잘못된기사의정정을요청하려고 2 기자선발과정에대해문의하려고 3 홍보기사기고방법을안내하려고 4 새로단장한웹사이트를홍보하려고 5 비영리단체의위법행위를고발하려고 Let s Solve It with Strategies Let s Check It Out 문제를해결하는 3 단계전략을통해자신의기존문제풀이전략을점검및보완하고각유형의해결전략을파악할수있다. Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의유형과글의중심소재를파악한다. Peter Brown이 Ms. Palay에게보내는편지글로, 웹사이트에실린기사에관한내용을언급하고있다. STEP 2 글의주된소재에대해필자의의도나목적을파악한다. 필자의회사에관한기사내용중두가지사실이틀렸으므로이것을정정할것을요청한다는언급을통해, 이글의목적은잘못된기사의정정을요청하는것임을알수있다. STEP 3 글의후반부정보를통해필자의의도나목적을다시확인한다. 가능한한빨리웹사이트를수정할것을믿는다는후반부의정보를통해, 필자가글을쓴목적이잘못된기사의정정요청임을다시한번확인할수있다. Chapter 01 글의목적 9

EBS 수능완성영어 Chapter 01 글의목적 11 본교재는대학수학능력시험을준비하는데도움을주고자제작되었으며, 교육과정에부합하는내용으로구성되었습니다. 특히학생들의듣기및읽기능력신장을목적으로다양한주제 소재 분야의글과정보를제시하고있으며, 교육과정상의어휘범주를고려하여개발되었습니다. 교과서로기본개념을익힌후본교재를활용하여실제응용력을키우게함으로써, 교육과정성취목표도달과함께대학수학능력시험대비에도움이되도록하였습니다. Exercises 앞페이지에서익힌해결전략을바탕으로각유형의연습문제들을풀어봄으로써유형하나하나를집중훈련할수있다. Exercises 01 7049-0002 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? Dear Councillors, We would like to express our concern about the removal of mangroves from alongside the canal at Rushcutters Bay Park, carried out without any community consultation. Mangroves are native to this area, and as such adapted to the soil and climate of the bay. They are part of the heritage of this park and serve important ecological functions; among them protection for a range of native birds, lizards and other wildlife. The mangroves, prior to their removal, provided shade, and served to hide the unsightly man-made drain channelling water into the bay. We ask that the mangroves be replanted where they were removed. Yours sincerely, Helen Crossing Convenor 2017 Residents Association www.ebsi.co.kr 02 7049-0003 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? If we re serious about greatly reducing water use, it s obvious that the only way to accomplish this is to reduce the size of or eliminate entirely green lawns. And now is the time for the state and the city to act. State and city building codes must be changed to require eliminating green lawns or reducing their size to a small percentage of a residential lot. Ideally, the lawns would be replaced by plant species native to the respective areas of the state, thereby restoring natural habitat and protecting endangered bird and insect species. Cities and towns should lead by example and replace lawns with native plants except where grass is required. We can wait until water rates rise sharply and cause people to just let their lawns go brown, or we can take action in advance. The time to do this is now, before the taps run dry. 1 친환경적인잔디밭관리방법을홍보하려고 2 과도한수자원절약정책의폐해를지적하려고 3 도심내녹지조성계획의실효성을비판하려고 4 외래종의토착생태계파괴의실태를보고하려고 5 잔디밭의제거나축소를위한건축법규개정을촉구하려고 03 7049-0004 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? I read the review of Social Distortion by Jack Churchill and couldn t have been more let down. It felt like a book report written by a child. Churchill made no attempt to describe parts of the set list, or the highs and lows of the show, but instead wrote, The songs all sound the same. He ignored the parts of the show where Mike Ness stopped to talk about the inspiration for some of his songs and opened up to the audience. The only reason I can think of that you would even print this uninspired review is to use the photos that were taken at the show. I can appreciate a negative review of a concert as long as it is well reasoned, but there is no explanation or reason here. It is just a lazy and tired excuse for an article. I ask that you please take more care in choosing what you print. 1 비평게재에신중을기해달라고당부하려고 set list ( 공연에서의 ) 연주목록 2 기사작성법과좋고나쁜기사의특징을설명하려고 3 공연준비과정의문제점에대한해결책을제안하려고 4 가수의무성의한공연과청중들의무질서를지적하려고 5 사실에근거하지않은비평을수정하여게재할것을요구 하려고 04 7049-0005 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? Maple University is going to automate all its activities including access controls to its all buildings through its gates and entry points. Gradually all classes, offices, laboratories and libraries will also be automated, i.e. access controls will be introduced. For this purpose detail quotations are being invited from competent and experienced providers/suppliers who can develop and maintain these access controls for two years which may be extended for further period. The firm should be experienced and should have technical manpower to handle the work and support. The interested firm may contact at Registrar s Office of Maple University to know the extent of work. They shall have to submit their offer explaining details of specification, working technique, origin of machineries, etc. in all respects. The necessary documents will be available in the Registrar s Office from 04-10-2017 to 18-10-2017. Sealed documents will be received in the Registrar s Office on the 19th October, 2017 between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 정답과해설 2 쪽 유형편 mangrove 맹그로브 ( 강가나늪지에서자라는열대나무 ) 1 토종나무심기행사를홍보하려고 2 외래종수목도입의위험성을알리려고 3 생태계를교란하는수목제거를요청하려고 4 지역주민을위한친환경공원조성을제안하려고 5 수로가에토종나무를다시심어줄것을요청하려고 1 제안서심사에필요한추가서류를요청하려고 2 건물출입자동화시스템사용법을안내하려고 3 자동화시스템으로인한불편사항을파악하려고 4 건물자동화시스템공사희망업체를모집하려고 5 자동화공사로인한건물사용제한기간을공지하려고 10 실전편 한회한회풀면서수능영어를완성하자실제수능영어영역시험지와동일한형태의모의고사 5회분을수록하여수험생들이실전감각을익히고자신의강점과약점을파악할수있는기회를제공하였습니다. 정답과해설 56쪽 실전모의고사 1 회 제한시간 70분 배점 100점 www.ebsi.co.kr 문항에따라배점이다릅니다. 3점문항에는점수가표시되어있습니다. 점수표시가없는문항은모두 2점입니다. 03 7049-0108 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 06 7049-0111 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 08 7049-0113 대화를듣고, 남자가이사를가고싶어하는이유를고르시오. 1 직장이너무멀어서 2 편의시설이부족해서 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 15번까지는한번만들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는두번들려줍니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 1 학부모대토론회개최를공지하려고 2 졸업식예행연습을위한협조를당부하려고 3 학부모들의학교봉사활동에대해감사하려고 2 3 아이들의교육을위해서 4 이웃과사이가안좋아서 5 혼잡한도시생활에지쳐서 01 7049-0106 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 4 졸업사진촬영일정이변경되었음을안내하려고 5 졸업식에사용할자녀의사진제출을부탁하려고 3 4 5 실전모의고사 1 회 1 Don t worry. You ll finish in time. 1 2 That d be nice. Let me get my coat. 3 Great. I ll meet you there tomorrow. 4 Sorry. I don t feel like staying in today. 5 That s OK. I ve already finished my part. 04 7049-0109 대화를듣고, 남자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 해외자원봉사에대한막연한기대감을갖는것은금물이다. 2 자원봉사자는끊임없이공부하며배우는자세를가져야한다. 3 자원봉사는순수한목적을가지고자발적으로참여해야한다. 4 학생이참여할수있는해외자원봉사프로그램을늘려야한다. 09 7049-0114 대화를듣고, 여자가지불할금액을고르시오. 3점 1 $50 2 $60 3 $65 4 $70 5 $75 5 해외자원봉사는남을도우면서새로운문화를접하는좋 은기회이다. 02 7049-0107 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 05 7049-0110 07 7049-0112 10 7049-0115 대화를듣고, 남자의인도여행에관해두사람이언급하지않은 1 No. I don t think it s hot and humid. 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 대화를듣고, 남자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 것을고르시오. 2 Well, I don t want to leave the room. 1 작곡가 - 가수 1 초청연사마중하기 1 기간 3 Good idea. Let s go get some plants. 2 악기점주인 - 고객 2 오디오장비점검하기 2 방문도시 4 Don t worry. Tomorrow morning it will be dry. 3 바이올린연주자 - 관객 3 명찰의철자수정하기 3 가장인상깊었던경험 5 Yes, the room is decorated with a variety of 4 지휘자 - 오케스트라단원 4 참석자명단작성하기 4 안전여부 plants. 5 음악방송진행자 - 초대손님 5 대기실정리정돈하기 5 총경비 90 EBS 수능완성영어 실전모의고사 1 회 91


EBS 수능완성영어영역영어 유형편 Chapter 01 글의목적 Chapter 02 필자의주장 글의요지 Chapter 03 글의주제 Chapter 04 글의제목 Chapter 05 심경 분위기 Chapter 06 실용문 Chapter 07 도표 Chapter 08 세부내용파악 Chapter 09 어법 Chapter 10 어휘 Chapter 11 지칭추론 Chapter 12 빈칸추론 ( 1 ) Chapter 13 빈칸추론 ( 2 ) Chapter 14 연결사추론 Chapter 15 문장삽입 Chapter 16 무관한문장파악 Chapter 17 글의순서파악 Chapter 18 요약문완성 Chapter 19 장문의이해 ( 1 ) - 1지문 2문항 Chapter 20 장문의이해 ( 2 ) - 1지문 3문항

CHAPTER 01 글의목적 유형소개 필자가글을쓴의도나목적을파악하는유형으로지문으로는편지글, 광고문, 기고문등이주로사용된다. 수능에서한문항정도출제될가능성이있다. 해결전략 글의도입부에서중심소재나화제를파악한다. 글이전개되는과정에서필자의의도나목적을파악한다. 글의후반부에제시된정보를통해파악된필자의의도나글의목적을다시확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. feature state correction consultation heritage ecological eliminate restore endangered review distortion inspiration laboratory extent specification ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 ( 특별히 ) 포함하다 ; 특징, 특집 2 쓰다, 진술하다 3 정정 [ 수정 ]( 한것 ) 4 상의, 협의 5 유산 6 생태계의 7 제거하다 8 복원하다 9 멸종위기에처한 10 비평, 논평, 검토 11 왜곡, 곡해 12 영감 13 실험실 14 규모, 정도 15 설명서 8 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 2 쪽 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 7049-0001 Dear Ms. Palay, While we appreciate the article you ran about our company, Boonton Bagel Bakers, on your website, we regret that the article featured a major error. Your writer stated that we are a not-for-profit company and that all of our profits go to endangered species organizations. Each of those facts is incorrect. We are neither a not-for-profit nor do our profits go to such organizations. We have no idea where your writer got the idea that either of these facts was true, but we request that you publish a correction to the article on your website as well as change the existing posted article. Thank you for your immediate attention to this issue. We trust that you will make the correction to your website as quickly as possible. 유형편 Sincerely, Peter Brown 1 잘못된기사의정정을요청하려고 2 기자선발과정에대해문의하려고 3 홍보기사기고방법을안내하려고 4 새로단장한웹사이트를홍보하려고 5 비영리단체의위법행위를고발하려고 Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의유형과글의중심소재를파악한다. Peter Brown 이 Ms. Palay 에게보내는편지글로, 웹사이트에실린기사에관한내용을언급하고있다. STEP 2 글의주된소재에대해필자의의도나목적을파악한다. 필자의회사에관한기사내용중두가지사실이틀렸으므로이것을정정할것을요청한다는언급을통해, 이글의목적은잘못된기사의정정을요청하는것임을알수있다. STEP 3 글의후반부정보를통해필자의의도나목적을다시확인한다. 가능한한빨리웹사이트를수정할것을믿는다는후반부의정보를통해, 필자가글을쓴목적이잘못된기사의정정요청임을다시한번확인할수있다. Chapter 01 글의목적 9

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0002 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? Dear Councillors, We would like to express our concern about the removal of mangroves from alongside the canal at Rushcutters Bay Park, carried out without any community consultation. Mangroves are native to this area, and as such adapted to the soil and climate of the bay. They are part of the heritage of this park and serve important ecological functions; among them protection for a range of native birds, lizards and other wildlife. The mangroves, prior to their removal, provided shade, and served to hide the unsightly man-made drain channelling water into the bay. We ask that the mangroves be replanted where they were removed. Yours sincerely, Helen Crossing Convenor 2017 Residents Association 02 7049-0003 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? If we re serious about greatly reducing water use, it s obvious that the only way to accomplish this is to reduce the size of or eliminate entirely green lawns. And now is the time for the state and the city to act. State and city building codes must be changed to require eliminating green lawns or reducing their size to a small percentage of a residential lot. Ideally, the lawns would be replaced by plant species native to the respective areas of the state, thereby restoring natural habitat and protecting endangered bird and insect species. Cities and towns should lead by example and replace lawns with native plants except where grass is required. We can wait until water rates rise sharply and cause people to just let their lawns go brown, or we can take action in advance. The time to do this is now, before the taps run dry. 1 친환경적인잔디밭관리방법을홍보하려고 2 과도한수자원절약정책의폐해를지적하려고 3 도심내녹지조성계획의실효성을비판하려고 4 외래종의토착생태계파괴의실태를보고하려고 5 잔디밭의제거나축소를위한건축법규개정을촉구하려고 mangrove 맹그로브 ( 강가나늪지에서자라는열대나무 ) 1 토종나무심기행사를홍보하려고 2 외래종수목도입의위험성을알리려고 3 생태계를교란하는수목제거를요청하려고 4 지역주민을위한친환경공원조성을제안하려고 5 수로가에토종나무를다시심어줄것을요청하려고 10 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 2 쪽 03 7049-0004 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0005 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? I read the review of Social Distortion by Jack Churchill and couldn t have been more let down. It felt like a book report written by a child. Churchill made no attempt to describe parts of the set list, or the highs and lows of the show, but instead wrote, The songs all sound the same. He ignored the parts of the show where Mike Ness stopped to talk about the inspiration for some of his songs and opened up to the audience. The only reason I can think of that you would even print this uninspired review is to use the photos that were taken at the show. I can appreciate a negative review of a concert as long as it is well reasoned, but there is no explanation or reason here. It is just a lazy and tired excuse for an article. I ask that you please take more care in choosing what you print. set list ( 공연에서의 ) 연주목록 1 비평게재에신중을기해달라고당부하려고 2 기사작성법과좋고나쁜기사의특징을설명하려고 3 공연준비과정의문제점에대한해결책을제안하려고 4 가수의무성의한공연과청중들의무질서를지적하려고 5 사실에근거하지않은비평을수정하여게재할것을요구하려고 Maple University is going to automate all its activities including access controls to its all buildings through its gates and entry points. Gradually all classes, offices, laboratories and libraries will also be automated, i.e. access controls will be introduced. For this purpose detail quotations are being invited from competent and experienced providers/suppliers who can develop and maintain these access controls for two years which may be extended for further period. The firm should be experienced and should have technical manpower to handle the work and support. The interested firm may contact at Registrar s Office of Maple University to know the extent of work. They shall have to submit their offer explaining details of specification, working technique, origin of machineries, etc. in all respects. The necessary documents will be available in the Registrar s Office from 04-10-2017 to 18-10-2017. Sealed documents will be received in the Registrar s Office on the 19th October, 2017 between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 제안서심사에필요한추가서류를요청하려고 2 건물출입자동화시스템사용법을안내하려고 3 자동화시스템으로인한불편사항을파악하려고 4 건물자동화시스템공사희망업체를모집하려고 5 자동화공사로인한건물사용제한기간을공지하려고 유형편 Chapter 01 글의목적 11

CHAPTER 02 필자의주장 글의요지 유형소개 글의대의를파악하는유형으로지문이담고있는핵심내용이무엇인지파악하는능력을측정한다. 주장은필자가말하고자하는핵심적인의견을나타내고, 요지는글에서전달하고있는사실적인중심생각을나타낸다. 해결전략 글의도입부에서글의소재를먼저예상해본다. 글을읽으며핵심어구를중심으로필자가전하고자하는핵심내용을이해한다. 글의중심생각혹은필자의핵심의견을나타낸선택지와연결한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. implementation effectiveness inaccurate assessment generate integration suitability crucial clarify encounter erosion exposure initial resistance disregard ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 이행, 실행 2 유효성 3 부정확한 4 평가 5 만들어내다 6 통합 7 적합성, 적절성 8 중대한, 결정적인 9 명확히하다 10 접하다, 마주치다 11 약화, 쇠퇴, 침식 12 직접적인체험, 노출, 폭로 13 초기의 14 저항 15 무시하다 12 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 4 쪽 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? 7049-0006 Researchers tend to measure whether or not teachers have learned the training content but have focused little on their use of this content in their classrooms. In order for successful implementation of training to occur, teachers must first learn the content, but this is only the first step and evaluating the effectiveness of training based on this step only would likely provide an inaccurate conclusion. In addition, many assessments of training effectiveness have focused on teacher attitudes toward the training experience, which can contribute to the body of knowledge on this topic but leaves out a crucial component: implementation. What a teacher expects to do with the content and what they actually do with it in practice may be very different. Evaluation of the effectiveness of training should include analysis of the outcomes in terms of classroom implementation. 유형편 1 교사들은정기적으로교수법에대한연수를받아야한다. 2 교사연수과목을정할때교사들의의견을반영해야한다. 3 교사연수는교실에서일어난사례중심으로진행되어야한다. 4 교사연수의유효성을평가할때연수내용의이행여부를고려해야한다. 5 학교에서는초임교사들을위한다양하고실질적인연수를마련해야한다. Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의소재를파악한다. successful implementation of training evaluating the effectiveness of training / many assessments of training effectiveness ( 교사 ) 연수의성공적인이행 + 연수의유효성평가 STEP 2 필자가말하고자하는핵심내용을파악한다. ~ but leaves out a crucial component: implementation. What a teacher expects to do with the content and what they actually do with it in practice may be very different. 중대한요소인이행을배제한다. 교사가연수내용을가지고작정하는것과그것의실행은다를수있다. STEP 3 필자의핵심적인생각을매듭짓는내용을파악하여정답과연결한다. ~ should include analysis of the outcomes in terms of classroom implementation. 교사가연수에서배운내용을교실에서실제로이행했는가를평가해야한다. Chapter 02 필자의주장 글의요지 13

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0007 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? One unspoken truth about creativity it isn t about wild talent so much as it is about productivity. To find a few ideas that work, you need to try a lot that don t. It s a pure numbers game. Geniuses don t necessarily have a higher success rate than other creators; they simply do more and they do a range of different things. They have more successes and more failures. That goes for teams and companies too. It s impossible to generate a lot of good ideas without also generating a lot of bad ideas. The thing about creativity is that at the outset, you can t tell which ideas will succeed and which will fail. So the only thing you can do is try to fail faster so that you can move onto the next idea. at the outset 처음에 1 실패에대한두려움이창의성을약화시킨다. 2 창의성교육은나이가어릴수록효과적이다. 3 창의성은노력보다는타고난재능으로얻어진다. 4 창의적인사람은실패율보다성공률이높은경향이있다. 5 창의성은좋은아이디어를얻으려는많은시도의결과이다. 02 7049-0008 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? Teachers who are new to the integration of social media into their teaching practice often make the mistake of focusing on a particular tool they want to use with their class instead of on the purposes or intended outcomes of a teaching and learning episode. For example, a teacher may become attracted to blogs and decide to use blogs for anything and everything, regardless of the suitability of the blogging format for what the teacher wants students to achieve. It is crucial that you determine the broader purpose of the teaching and learning episode first. Only when you have established what it is that you want students to achieve, do, or understand can you go about finding the best way for them to accomplish that. If you decide that using social media does best support your purposes, you then need to move on to planning your teaching and learning episode, supporting student learning, and writing up rubrics to clarify your expectations. teaching and learning episode 수업 rubric 평가척도, 기준 1 교사자신의소셜미디어를수업에이용하는것을피하라. 2 수업에한가지보다는여러가지소셜미디어를고루사용하라. 3 소셜미디어를수업에이용하기전수업의목표를우선결정하라. 4 수업의목표와성취기준을소셜미디어를통해학생과공유하라. 5 신규교사에게소셜미디어를활용하는수업방법에대해교육하라. 14 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 5 쪽 03 7049-0009 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0010 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? When individuals have had only limited or no contact at all with a particular culture, they commonly hold stereotypical, or broad and usually distorted behavioral generalizations about that culture and its members. In the absence of direct experience, stereotypes provide a set of guidelines that are used to indicate what can be expected when encountering members of that culture. It can be argued that direct contacts between tourists and residents dispel such stereotypes and allow the members of each group to perceive one another as individuals and, potentially, as friends. Tourism is thus seen as a potent force for cross-cultural understanding because huge numbers of people come into contact with members of other cultures both at home and abroad. In Australia, direct contacts with Japanese and other Asian tourists have undoubtedly contributed to the erosion of stereotypes held by some Australians, while the same effect has also occurred in reverse through the exposure of outbound Australians to Asia and other overseas destinations. dispel 없애다 potent 강한 One way to overcome our initial resistance or fear of writing is to accept the fact that there is no such thing as perfect writing, at least not in this world. Even if it should exist, there would be critics to find fault with it. Yet this does not mean we should assume a devil-may-care attitude or ignore the needs of the reader. Rather, we need, for the moment, to disregard all concerns of criticism and desires to impress and just start writing. The same way a 10-year-old first learning to swim waits to overcome the hesitation before jumping into the deep end of the pool, we as writers often hesitate to dive into the pool of ideas we want to express, which we should avoid doing. Just as you can t learn to skydive without leaving the plane, you can t learn to write without putting pen to paper. Therefore, in a way, we are always jumping out of a real plane, although a mental one, when scribbling our first draft. devil-may-care 될대로되라는식의 scribble 휘갈겨쓰다 1 글을빨리쓸수있도록연습하라. 2 좋은글감을메모하는습관을형성하라. 유형편 1 타문화에대한고정관념은사회통합을저해한다. 2 문화가관광자원으로상품화되는것은바람직하지않다. 3 관광산업이지역경제에미치는파급효과는매우크다. 4 관광자원개발시환경을우선적으로고려하는것이중요하다. 5 관광을통한직접적인교류는타문화에대한고정관념을깨뜨린다. 3 주저하지말고글쓰기를바로시작하라. 4 글쓰기를시작하기전에먼저많은글을읽어라. 5 다른사람의글에대하여비판적인태도를가져라. Chapter 02 필자의주장 글의요지 15

CHAPTER 03 글의주제 유형소개 필자가무엇에관해서이야기하고있는지를파악하는유형이다. 글의핵심소재및전체적인내용을파악한후그것을정확하게반영하고있는선택지를정답으로고른다. 해결전략 글의핵심소재를찾고글의전개방향을예측한다. 글의전개구조를파악하면서핵심적인내용을정리한다. 지엽적이거나지나치게광범위하지않으면서, 주제를가장잘포괄하고있는선택지를고른다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. consistent curriculum potential appreciate scale misconception sequence internalize demonstration biography continuity engagement on-the-job comprehensive specific ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 일관된 2 교육과정 3 잠재력 4 감상하다, 세심하게이해하다, 진가를알아보다 5 음계, 규모, 범위 6 오해 7 순서 8 내면화하다 9 시연 10 전기 11 지속성 12 참여 13 현장에서실제로배우는, 근무 [ 작업 ] 중의 14 종합적인, 포괄적인 15 구체적인 16 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 7 쪽 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? 7049-0011 A well-thought-out written educational plan helps parents and teachers ensure that a gifted child will receive consistent curriculum and school instruction that is geared to his academic ability and potential, rather than instruction directed to abilities and potentials of students who learn more slowly. Without an appropriate educational plan, gifted children often lose their excitement for learning because they must wait sometimes for many years so that others can learn what the children with advanced development already know. This is not appropriate education. Gifted children have the right to be given schoolwork that is motivating and challenging. Asking them to slow down while others catch up is not fair to them. Future Olympic swimmers aren t asked to sit idly on the side and wait while other swimmers practice the basic strokes. Yet too often, bright children are required to passively wait for others to finish the lesson before they are allowed to go on. 유형편 1 strengths and limitations of gifted children 2 danger of labeling very young children as gifted 3 differences between bright children and gifted children 4 necessity of a proper educational plan for gifted children 5 factors that influence educational planning for gifted children Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의핵심소재를찾은후글의전개방향을예측한다. 글의핵심소재는영재아동을위한교육이고이것이나아가야하는방향에대해글이전개될것임을예측할수있다. STEP 2 글의전개구조를파악하면서핵심적인내용을정리한다. Without, Yet 등의표현을통해적합한교육계획이없는경우와대비하여글이전개되면서, 영재아동을위한적합한교육계획의필요성을주된내용으로한다. STEP 3 주제를가장잘포괄하고있는선택지를고른다. 이글은영재아동에게적합한교육계획이있어야한다는내용이핵심을이루고있으므로, 이를가장잘나타내는선택지를정답으로고른다. Chapter 03 글의주제 17

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0012 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? We often hear the expression music is the universal language. By this people mean that even if two people do not speak each other s language, they can at least appreciate music together. But like so many popular sayings, this one is only partially true. Although all people do have the same physiological mechanisms for hearing, what a person actually hears is influenced by his or her culture. Westerners tend to miss much of the richness of Javanese and Sri Lankan music because they have not been conditioned to hear it. Whenever we encounter a piece of non-western music, we hear it (process it) in terms of our own culturally influenced set of musical categories involving scale, melody, pitch, harmony, and rhythm. And because those categories are defined differently from culture to culture, the appreciation of music across cultures is not always ensured. physiological 생리적 ( 生理的 ) 인, 생리학 ( 상 ) 의 1 universality of music across different cultures 2 influence of culture on the appreciation of music 3 importance of understanding culture in music composition 4 misconceptions about the relationship between language and music 5 difficulties in distinguishing between Western and non-western music 02 7049-0013 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? If your child is able to be responsible for his toys, you can slowly add to their responsibilities by getting them to care for themselves in various ways such as getting dressed, brushing their teeth on their own, and being responsible for their home environment such as cleaning up their dishes after their meals or making their bed. However, it is important that you show them how to do it by breaking it down into small manageable steps and keeping your instructions relatively short so that they are able to mentally organize the sequence of their tasks. To help them internalize the task, you can start with a hands-on demonstration or make a chart with a list of the steps by drawing (if your child can t read yet) a picture to symbolize each step, followed by a few trial runs or practice sessions or even role-play a task. 1 positive effects of strict rules on children 2 reasons not to compare children with others 3 meaning of moral responsibility for one s actions 4 importance of providing children with a clean environment 5 ways to help children internalize their responsibilities 18 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 7 쪽 03 7049-0014 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0015 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? A biography tells an account of a person s life written in the third person in a narrative structure. Biographies can be studied to learn about how people reacted to, shaped, and constructed opportunities during historical periods and the cultural contexts in which they lived. They provide nonfiction information and communicate why a person s legacy is so important that it is documented. Reading biographies can help students reflect about how they should feel about historical people and events in terms of a dynamic process of continuity and change. Moreover, people in history are humanized by biographies that allow students to be drawn close to the past as they experience specific personalities and realities. Through this, biographies offer students a richer context of history, providing more opportunities for engagement as they connect with the people as well as the events of the times. legacy 업적, 유산 1 historical origin of educational biographies 2 educational benefits of reading biographies 3 theoretical approaches to writing biographies 4 important considerations when writing biographies 5 differences between biography and autobiography A lower level of on-the-job work experience tends to result in a higher accident rate. Studies have shown a decrease in accidents over the period from the beginning of a new job to one and onehalf years later. In one study, new workers averaged seventy-seven minor accidents on their first day of work, but on the next six workdays the accident figure dropped to approximately thirteen. Thus, there is a need for comprehensive safety training before the worker actually begins the job. It is not enough to train new workers in the specific skills and abilities required for successful performance of their jobs. They must also learn safe work rules and proper attitudes toward safety. In comparing groups of workers that had received safety training with those given no such training, the first group experienced far fewer accidents in their early days on the job. 1 various causes of safety accidents occurring in the workplace 2 widespread safety ignorance and its extremely harmful effects 3 importance of workers having lots of exceptional skills and abilities 4 how to effectively communicate with other members of the organization 5 necessity of giving new workers safety training before their starting the actual work 유형편 Chapter 03 글의주제 19

CHAPTER 04 글의제목 유형소개 글의중심내용을가장잘표현하고있는제목을찾는유형이다. 제목은주제와달리글의중심내용을직접적으로표현하기보다는비유적이거나함축적으로제시하는경우가많다. 해결전략 글의중심소재를통해무엇에관한내용인지를대략적으로파악한다. 주로글의도입부에제시되는주제문이나글전체에반복되는어구를통해주제를추론한다. 너무구체적이거나일반적이지않으면서글전체의내용을포괄할수있는제목을고른다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. ecosystem nutrient conserve release relationship explore plagiarism legitimate controversial layout dimension distinctive statement innovative advocate ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 생태계 2 영양분 3 보존하다 4 방출하다 5 관계 6 탐구하다, 탐험하다 7 표절 8 정당한, 타당한, 합법적인 9 논란이되는 10 설계, 계획 11 규모 12 뚜렷이구별되는 13 진술, 성명 14 혁신적인 15 옹호자 20 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 10 쪽 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 7049-0016 In natural ecosystems, nutrients tend to be conserved in soil organic matter and plant and animal tissues. The nutrients are used over and over again by different organisms as they flow through a cycle that includes plant and animal growth which takes essential nutrients from the soil, uses them in growth and maintenance and returns them to the soil in waste products and through death and decomposition. The nutrients in plant and animal wastes cannot be reused until soil decomposition processes release them in a form available to plants. In natural systems, this cycling of nutrients between plants, animals and the soil is extremely conservative and few nutrients are lost; however, the very purpose of agroecosystems to produce harvested materials makes nutrient conservation more challenging, and essential nutrients are lost from the system through a number of pathways, both intentional and unintentional. 유형편 decomposition 부패, 분해 agroecosystem 농업생태계 1 Agriculture as a Mimic of Natural Ecosystems 2 Conservation Agriculture: Global Prospects and Challenges 3 Why Should We Abandon Nutrient Conservation Strategies? 4 Principles of Sustainable Soil Management in Agroecosystems 5 Nutrient Conservation: Natural Ecosystems Are Better Than Agroecosystems Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 중심소재를통해글의대략적인내용을파악한다. ecosystems, nutrients, natural systems, agroecosystems 등의표현으로보아생태계와영양분에관련된내용임을알수있다. STEP 2 주제문이나글전체에반복되는어구를통해주제를추론한다. 자연생태계에서는손실되는영양분이거의없는반면농업생태계에서는영양분이손실된다는것이글의주요한내용임을알수있다. STEP 3 글전체의내용을포괄할수있는제목을고른다. 제시된선택지들중이글의주제를가장잘포괄하는제목을고른다. Chapter 04 글의제목 21

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0017 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? I am often shocked at how fast musicians think relationships develop. In all my years of working with musicians, I ve rarely seen an A&R person or manager come out on the first night they see a musician and say they want to sign them. Despite what you may have seen in the movies, this isn t how it usually goes. There is no contract waiting to be signed inside a briefcase. But many musicians act like it s the end of the world if they don t get a contract the night they meet a potential team member. They don t understand that this is the beginning of a relationship. Just as someone isn t a fan after they hear your song one time, it also takes time to develop and explore a working relationship with potential team members. Slowly showing someone how enjoyable it would be to work together is the way to build a team... not asking for a contract on night one. A&R ( 음반회사의 ) 신인발굴팀 1 How Many Hours a Day Should Musicians Practice? 2 New Media for Musicians, What It Is and How to Use It 3 Team Members vs. Employees: What s the Difference? 4 Overview of How the Music Industry Has Changed over the Decades 5 Building Relationships for Musicians: Initially More Important Than Getting a Contract 02 7049-0018 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? Often, a lively discussion arises that raises important questions about authorial ownership and helps everyone better understand the frequently confusing line between plagiarism and the legitimate use of what others say and how they say it. Students are quick to see that no one person owns a conventional formula like on the one hand... on the other hand... Phrases like a controversial issue are so commonly used and recycled that they are generic community property that can be freely used without fear of committing plagiarism. It is plagiarism, however, if the words used to fill in the blanks of such formulas are borrowed from others without proper acknowledgement. In sum, then, while it is not plagiarism to recycle conventionally used formulas, it is a serious academic offense to take the substantive content from others texts without citing the author and giving him or her proper credit. 1 All Ideas Are Borrowed 2 The Scope of Plagiarism 3 How to Cite Sources Correctly 4 Do Formulas Restrain Creativity? 5 Intentional vs. Unintentional Plagiarism 22 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 10 쪽 03 7049-0019 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0020 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? A contribution to our sense of security is a good city layout that makes it easy for us to find our way around. It is a mark of good urban quality that we can directly find the destination we re looking for without hesitation and detours. Clear structure and organization do not require large dimensions and broad straight roads from point to point. It is fine for the streets to be winding and the street network varied. What is important is that the individual links in the network have clear visual characteristics, that space has a distinctive character and that important streets can be distinguished from less important ones. Signs and directions and good lighting at night are crucial elements of the relationship between city structure, sense of locality and feeling of security when walking in the city. We ve all heard time and again that we should eat more fruits and vegetables. The difference between that statement in the past versus today is that we now have exciting, delicious, and innovative ways to prepare fruits and vegetables, as evidenced by the skyrocketing popularity of raw food, which has emerged as a completely new cuisine all its own. Eating raw no longer refers to fruit plates and a few boring sticks of carrot or celery. Among thousands of chefs, healthful-eating advocates, foodies, and ordinary people from all walks of life, raw food now refers to an exciting, energetic way of eating and living that is not only far more healthy than anything that s come before, but is also amazingly delicious and satisfying. cuisine 요리, 조리법 유형편 detour 우회 ( 로 ) 1 What Makes a City Life Safe? 2 City Safety: A Long Way to Go 3 Are Cities Bad for the Environment? 4 How to Make Your City a Playground 5 First We Shape the Cities, Then They Shape Us 1 Are All Raw Foods Really Raw? 2 Raw Food: More Enjoyable Than Ever 3 Are You Eating Enough Healthy Food? 4 Not All Fruits and Vegetables Are Good! 5 Fruits and Vegetables: Overly Emphasized Foods Chapter 04 글의제목 23

CHAPTER 05 심경 분위기 유형소개 등장인물의심경또는글의분위기를이해 추론하는능력을측정하는유형이다. 심경에대한지문에서는주로등장인물이사건을겪으면서느끼게되는감정이묘사되어있고, 분위기에대한지문에서는어떤상황에관한묘사가주어지면서분위기를암시하는표현들이사용된다. 해결전략 등장인물에게어떤사건이일어났는지, 혹은어떤상황이묘사되었는지파악한다. 등장인물의심경이나글의분위기를암시하는어구나표현을찾는다. 지문속의사건이나상황에사용된표현을종합하여심경이나분위기를추론한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. contain enormous onboard gaze notice exclaim explode dazed destroy thrilled speechless crush tremble exhaustion tumble ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 ( 감정을 ) 억누르다, 참다 2 거대한 3 선상의 4 바라보다, 응시하다 5 알아차리다 6 소리치다, 외치다 7 폭발하다 8 멍한 9 파괴하다 10 ( 공포 흥분등으로 ) 부르르떠는 [ 떨고있는 ] 11 말이나오지않는, 말을못하는 12 ( 남의자신감이나행복을 ) 짓밟다, 으스러뜨리다 13 떨리다, 떨다 14 탈진, 기진맥진 15 넘어지다 24 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 13 쪽 다음글에드러난 I 의심경으로가장적절한것은? 7049-0021 Nearing the gangway of the S. S. Marnix, I could barely contain myself. I was so busy looking up at the enormous ship towering above me that I kept tripping over the uneven surface of the dock. Although I d often been onboard the ships that anchored in the port of Banyuwangi, it somehow felt different knowing that this time I would be one of the passengers. Mother was walking ahead with my little brother Frits in her arms, fast asleep as usual. Father was some way behind us making sure the porters had the correct details for delivering the luggage we d need while onboard. I was filled with joy between them; I was about to sail to the other side of the world. It was my first big adventure, and I couldn t wait! 유형편 gangway ( 부두에서배쪽갑판으로통하는 ) 승강용사다리 1 envious 2 excited 3 fearful 4 confused 5 anxious Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 등장인물이어떤상황에처했는지, 혹은어떤사건이일어났는지파악한다. 등장인물 I 는생애처음으로승객으로서배를타고세계의반대편으로떠나려고하고있으며, 그것은자신의첫큰모험이다. STEP 2 등장인물의심경을암시하는어구나표현을찾는다. ~, it somehow felt different knowing that this time I would be one of the passengers. 이번에는내가승객들중한명이될것이라는것을알고있어서어쩐지다르게느껴졌다. I was filled with joy between them; I was about to sail to the other side of the world. 나는그들사이에서기쁨에가득차있었다. 나는세계의반대편으로막항해하려는참이었다. ~, and I couldn t wait! 나는정말기다려졌다! STEP 3 등장인물이처한상황과심경을나타내는표현을종합하여등장인물의심경을추론한다. 처음으로승객으로서배를타고세계의반대편으로생애첫모험을떠나려고하면서설레고기쁨에가득찬등장인물의상황과심경을묘사하고있으므로, I 의심경으로가장적절한것은 들뜬 이다. Chapter 05 심경 분위기 25

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0022 다음글에드러난 I 의심경으로가장적절한것은? We ran out across the snow down to the river s edge, where there were no lights and we could see the sky more clearly. There were some clouds towards the west, lit up by the lights of the city of Kiruna. We found a large hill of snow and lay back against it, gazing out at the sky looking for the aurora. After a while, I decided that since we weren t seeing anything I might as well take a photo of Jim lying against a snow bank in the dark, and stood up in front of him. As I was adjusting the shot I noticed some thin clouds in the sky behind him. And then, without really thinking about it, I noticed that the wisps were gone. And then they were back. And then... they were gone again... Jim!! It s the aurora!! I exclaimed. He jumped up too, and we began jumping and dancing in the deep freshly fallen snow and hugging each other, as we realized that this very faint wispy-ness was really the Northern Lights. 1 calm and relieved 2 irritated and upset 3 excited and fascinated 4 regretful and ashamed 5 nervous and frightened wisp ( 구름의 ) 줄기 02 7049-0023 다음글의상황에나타난분위기로가장적절한것은? By the time Don realized anything was going on, the aluminum siding was being ripped away from the frame of his house like a banana peel. And then, the building literally exploded and flew away. Seconds later, you couldn t even tell that a house had ever been on that spot. It had been wiped clean. All that was left was Don Potash, sitting where his house used to be, dazed and confused, with the headphones still on his head. And then, after all that... nothing. The tornado had done the only thing it knew how to do destroy things indiscriminately. It suddenly dissipated, exhausted, like a car that had run out of gas. Just ten minutes after the tornado started, it was all over. siding ( 건물바깥벽의 ) 벽널 dissipate 소멸하다 1 calm and peaceful 2 shocking and terrifying 3 boring and monotonous 4 mysterious and romantic 5 exciting and suspenseful 26 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 13 쪽 03 7049-0024 다음글에드러난 I 의심경변화로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0025 다음글의상황에나타난분위기로가장적절한것은? It was about ten o clock when the great boxer Sugar Ray Robinson finally drove up. I was so thrilled that for the first time in my life, I was speechless. When I pulled myself together, I walked up to Mr. Robinson and told him how far I had come just to see him and how long I had been waiting to get his autograph. I told him that I was going to be the heavyweight champion of the whole world, and that he was my hero. But he never really looked at me. He gave me a quick pat on the shoulder and told me, Later, boy, I m busy right now. I was crushed. I couldn t believe he brushed me aside like that, especially after I had waited all day for him to show up. I felt as if my feet were made of cement. I couldn t move. I just stood there as I watched Sugar Ray Robinson turn his back to me and walk away. 1 relaxed worried 2 anxious relieved 3 jealous delighted 4 indifferent curious 5 excited frustrated Joanna tried not to listen to her inner voices and marched on. Though she was going as fast as she could, she could feel the cold threatening her. How long have I been walking? Twenty minutes? More? She didn t dare to check the time, knowing it would cool off her body even more if she took off her glove. Walk on. Don t think. Walk. Joanna forced herself to continue for what seemed an eternity. Don t look for the light. Just go on. Her throat became very dry, and her body started to tremble from exhaustion. When she couldn t resist anymore, she lifted her head once again and scanned the horizon. Nothing. The light is gone. I m all alone. I will die out here. At that moment, her foot hit nothing, and she tumbled headlong into the snow. She tried to protect her face by landing on her arms, but the impact sent a sharp pain through her injured shoulder, which made her cry out. Tears sprung from her eyes and froze on her cheeks. 1 noisy and busy 2 poetic and romantic 3 tense and mysterious 4 hopeless and desperate 5 festive and adventurous 유형편 Chapter 05 심경 분위기 27

CHAPTER 06 실용문 유형소개 다양한소재의실용문을읽고제시된정보를정확하게이해하는능력을측정하는유형이다. 선택지와지문내용의일치여부를파악하도록하며, 보통내용일치문항과내용불일치문항이각각한문항씩출제된다. 해결전략 실용문의소재와종류를파악한다. 선택지의내용을순서대로지문에서찾아본다. 선택지와지문내용의일치 불일치여부를꼼꼼히확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. offering certificate non-refundable exhibit entry submit donate refreshments registration fee admission approximate check-in display spot available ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 제공 2 자격증 3 환불이되지않는 4 전시하다 5 출품작, 참가 6 제출하다 7 기부하다 8 다과 9 등록비 10 입장료, 입장 11 대략의 12 탑승수속 13 전시하다 14 장소 15 이용할수있는 28 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 15 쪽 2017 First Aid Adult and Child CPR Training 에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? 7049-0026 2017 First Aid Adult and Child CPR Training Brooks State University s College of Education will hold one-day workshops on the first aid & CPR Training on two Saturdays during the fall semester and two Saturdays in the winter semester. The class will be held in room 169 and run from 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring your lunch as there is no campus food offering on Saturdays. Upon completion of the training, you will receive a Basic First Aid certificate and an Adult, Child and Infant CPR certificate. 유형편 You MUST be present for the entire time to receive the certificate. Your registration is not complete until we receive a completed registration form along with a check for $80.00. Place First Aid Certificate on the memo line of the check. Once your registration has been confirmed, the College of Education is committed to paying the Red Cross, so whether you show or not, the fee is non-refundable. Contact us at (398) 555-4100 for additional details. CPR 심폐소생술 (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 1 가을학기와겨울학기에각각두번의워크숍이있다. 2 점심은각자준비해야한다. 3 자격증을받으려면훈련에전시간참석해야한다. 4 등록비지불수표의메모난에 응급처치자격증 이라고써야한다. 5 불참하면등록비의일부가환불된다. Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 실용문의소재와종류를파악한다. 글의제목과내용으로보아이글은응급처치와심폐소생술워크숍에관한안내문이다. STEP 2 선택지의내용을순서대로지문에서찾아본다. 1 가을학기중두번의토요일과겨울학기중두번의토요일에워크숍을개최한다고하였다. 2 참가자에게점심을가져오라고하였다. 3 자격증을받기위해서는훈련에전시간참석해야한다고하였다. 4 등록비지불수표에 응급처치자격증 이라고쓰라고하였다. 5 참석하든불참하든간에등록비는환불되지않는다고하였다. STEP 3 선택지와지문내용의일치 불일치여부를꼼꼼히확인한다. 참석여부와관계없이등록비는환불되지않는다고하였으므로, 안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은 5이다. Chapter 06 실용문 29

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0027 Poster Contest에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? Poster Contest Be part of the 30 th Concord Film Festival Every year, a new professional panel of judges in the fields of design and marketing selects the winning poster for the annual Concord Film Festival. All artists designs are exhibited at the Poster Unveiling reception, where the winning design is announced late July 2017. The selected poster becomes the face of the Festival, as it will be on the cover of program books. WINNER RECEIVES $1,000 CASH PRIZE! GUIDELINES: - Contest is open to all artists. - Deadline: Monday, July 10, 2017 - No limit to number of entries submitted. - Include name, email address and phone number on the back of each entry. - Entries will be evaluated based on appeal, content and marketability. For more info: www.concordfilmfestival.org (603) 433-1330 1 아마추어심사위원단이평가한다. 2 우승디자인은 2017년 8월말에발표된다. 3 우승자에게는 1,000달러상당의백화점상품권을수여한다. 4 한사람이작품을두점까지제출할수있다. 5 각출품작뒷면에이름, 이메일주소, 전화번호를기재해야한다. 02 7049-0028 Spring Garden Tour에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? Spring Garden Tour Take a stroll to see what s blooming in our beautiful gardens and donate to Save the Nature Fund. All the money collected from selling tickets will be used to protect wildlife in desperate need. Date: Sunday, May 7, 2017 Time: 11:00 am 3:00 pm Tickets: - In advance, $5 - At the door, $10 - Kids under 8 admitted free Free refreshments served Together with the garden tour, there will be a bike tour. The ride will be roughly 30 rolling miles and the $25 registration fee for the bike tour includes admission to the gardens. For more information, please visit our website at www.springgardentour.com. 1 기부금은야생동식물보호에사용될것이다. 2 오전 11시부터 4시간동안진행된다. 3 현장에서 5달러에표를구입할수있다. 4 다과가무료로제공된다. 5 자전거투어등록비에공원입장료가포함되어있다. 30 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 15 쪽 03 7049-0029 2017 Bug Lighthouse Tours에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? 04 7049-0030 Advertising on Digital Screens에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? 2017 Bug Lighthouse Tours at East End Seaport Museum Saturday, June 17 Saturday, August 26 There are very few offshore lighthouses open to the public. You can tour one of them with us! Your admission ticket includes a guided tour and round-trip boat ride to the lighthouse. Location East End Seaport Museum Date & Time Every Saturday throughout the summer Approximate time: 2 hours Tours begin at 4 p.m. Cost Adults (ages 18+): $20 Children (ages 3 17): $17 Allow 30 minutes for check-in. For groups of 10+, please contact: cruises@eastendmuseum.org for reservation and save up to 10%. For more information, please visit our website: http://www.eastendmuseum.org. Advertising on Digital Screens Recreational Services maintains a number of digital screens located throughout our facilities. University of Iowa campus departments and student organizations providing events, activities, or services are eligible to request ads to be displayed on our systems. Outside (off-campus) businesses will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests will be handled on a first-come, firstserved basis. To request a spot on our digital screens, send us an email at rec-services@uiowa.edu with the dates you would like your ad to run. Advertising Guidelines Requests should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the start of your preferred week. Screen space can be used for a 2-week period. All ads are static slides currently no video/ audio options are available. eligible 자격이있는 static 정지상태의 유형편 1 8월 26일토요일부터시작된다. 2 입장권과별도로보트탑승료를내야한다. 3 오후 4시에투어가모두종료된다. 4 성인요금이어린이요금보다 5달러비싸다. 5 10명이상의단체에게최대 10% 할인을제공한다. 1 Iowa 대학캠퍼스부서와학생단체는광고를의뢰할수있다. 2 광고의뢰요청은선착순원칙에근거하여처리한다. 3 광고의뢰시원하는광고날짜를적은전자우편을보내야한다. 4 광고스크린공간은 2주의기간동안사용할수있다. 5 슬라이드형식뿐만아니라비디오나오디오형식의광고도가능하다. Chapter 06 실용문 31

CHAPTER 07 도표 유형소개 다양한형태의도표를제시한다음, 이를설명하는글과의일치여부를확인하는사실적이해유형이다. 해결전략 도표의제목, 단위, 항목등을통해도표를전체적으로파악한다. 도표를보면서선택지와의일치여부를하나하나확인한다. 최고 / 최저, 증가 / 감소, 비율의차이, 배수등자주쓰이는표현과구문을정확히이해할수있도록익혀둔다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. medium full-size foreigner share proportion purchase identical sickness overall decline absence investment otherwise comparison emission ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 중형의 ; 중간, 매체 2 일반치수의, 실물크기의 3 외국인 4 점유율, 몫, 지분 5 비율, 부분 6 구매 ; 구매하다 7 동일한 8 질병 9 전반적으로 10 감소 11 결근, 결석 12 투자 13 다르게, 그렇지않으면 14 비교 15 배출 ( 물 ), 배출가스 32 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 18 쪽 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? 7049-0031 Active Users by Mobile Form Factor 2015 2014 2% 59% 20% 7% 12% 4% 68% 6% 7% 15% 유형편 2013 7% 72% 3% 5% 13% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Small Phones Medium Phones Phablets Small Tablets Full -size Tablets form factor ( 전자기기의디자인및구성을포함한 ) 형태요인 phablet 패블릿 (phone 과 tablet 을합친말 ) The above graph shows the percentage of active users by mobile form factor from 2013 to 2015. 1 During the three years, both the percentage of small phones and the percentage of medium phones decreased while the percentage of phablets increased. 2 Active users who had medium phones recorded the greatest percentage throughout the three years, accounting for more than 50 percent of the total users. 3 The percentage of full-size tablets in 2013 was higher than that in 2015 and lower than that in 2014. 4 The percentage of active users who had small tablets in 2014 was the same as that of active users who had small tablets in 2015. 5 The percentage of full-size tablets was more than twice that of small tablets throughout the three years. Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 도표의제목, 종류및내용을파악한다. 제목 : Active Users by Mobile Form Factor 모바일형태요인에의한실제사용자 종류및형태 : 2013년, 2014년, 2015년 3년간의비율을나타낸막대그래프 STEP 2 도표와대조해가며읽다가정답가능성이있는선택지에주목한다. 5 The percentage of full-size tablets was more than twice that of small tablets throughout the three years. 일반치수태블릿과소형태블릿의 3년간비율비교 일반치수태블릿의비율이소형태블릿의비율보다 3년내내두배가넘었다고진술함 STEP 3 정답가능성이있는선택지와도표내용과의일치여부를확인한다. 일반치수태블릿의 3년간비율 : 각각 13%, 15%, 12% 소형태블릿의 3년간비율 : 각각 5%, 7%, 7% 2015년에는두배를넘지못함 Chapter 07 도표 33

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0032 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? 02 7049-0033 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? US Home Sales to Foreigners % share by country of buyer, selected countries Canada China Mexico Britain India France Brazil 2007 2012 (%) 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Percentage of Working Hours Lost to Sickness by Age Group: 1993 and 2013 in the UK 2.6 1993 2013 1.2 2.7 1.5 3.0 2.0 4.4 2.8 2.7 2.3 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.0 16-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 65+ The graph above shows the US home sales to foreigners in 2007 and 2012. 1 Compared to 2007, in 2012 the percentage shares of buyers from three countries Canada, China, and Brazil increased whereas those of buyers from Mexico and Britain decreased. 2 India and France showed no change in their proportion of purchases. 3 In 2012, Canadians accounted for 24% of the US home sales to foreigners, triple the proportion five years earlier. 4 In second place in 2012 were the Chinese; their percentage share increased to 11% from 5% in 2007. 5 The next largest buyers in 2012 were Mexicans, followed by the British and Indians with each of them taking up an identical percentage share of 6%. The graph above shows the percentage of working hours lost to sickness by age group in 1993 and 2013 in the UK. 1 Overall, each group showed a decline in their sickness absence rates between 1993 and 2013. 2 Those workers aged between 50 and 64 had the greatest fall at 1.6 percentage points, followed by those aged between 16 and 24 at 1.4 percentage points. 3 Older workers, aged 65 and over, had the smallest fall at 0.4 percentage points between 1993 and 2013. 4 The workers aged between 50 and 64 had the highest sickness absence rate in 1993 and 2013, while those aged between 16 and 24 had the lowest. 5 In 1993, the second highest age group in sickness absence rates was those aged 35 to 49, but in 2013 it was those aged 25 to 34. 34 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 18 쪽 03 7049-0034 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? 04 7049-0035 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? Views about the Space Station (2014) % of U.S. adults who say the space station has been a good investment for the country or not a good investment Age Not a good investment 18-29 26 30-49 23 50-64 35 65+ 32 College grad + 20 Some college 29 High school or less 35 Good investment 57 59 58 64 69 70 72 International Comparisons for per Capita Emissions in 2012 Tonnes per person 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 New Zealand Australia United Kingdom CO 2 only All greenhouse gases Japan United States 유형편 The above graph shows the percentage of U.S. adults who said the space station was a good investment or not a good investment for the country in 2014. 1 In all age groups, the percentage of people who said the space station was a good investment was higher than that of those who said otherwise. 2 The percentage of people who said the space station was a good investment was the highest in the 30-49 age group. 3 Among the four age groups, the greatest difference between the percentages of people who said the space station was a good investment and those who disagreed was shown in the age group 65 and over. 4 Meanwhile, people with higher levels of education represented a higher percentage of those who said the space station was a good investment. 5 Less than 60 percent of people with no college education said the space station was a good investment. The graph above shows the amount of per capita CO 2 and all greenhouse gas emissions in five selected countries in 2012. 1 Of the five selected countries, Australia emitted the most amount of all greenhouse gases per person, followed by the United States. 2 The amount of CO 2 produced per person in the five countries was under 20 tonnes, respectively. 3 The amount of CO 2 emitted per person in New Zealand was almost as much as that of CO 2 emitted per person in the United Kingdom. 4 Japan recorded the smallest difference between the amount of per capita CO 2 emissions and the amount of per capita greenhouse gas emissions. 5 The amount of all greenhouse gases produced per person in the United States was less than twice as much as that of all greenhouse gases produced per person in the United Kingdom. per capita 1 인당 Chapter 07 도표 35

CHAPTER 08 세부내용파악 유형소개 글의내용을토대로선택지의정보진위를판단하는능력을측정하는유형이다. 인물, 사물, 동물, 식물등다양한소재를다룬글이제시된다. 해결전략 글의소재를파악하여무엇에관한내용인지확인한다. 각선택지의내용을순서대로글에서확인한다. 글의내용과선택지의서술이서로일치하는지를판단한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. underpart hatch seabed lyrics akin to intangible cabin maintain territory timid subsequent possess astronomy hydrogen dedication ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 하부 2 부화하다 3 해저 4 노랫말, 가사 5 ~ 과같은, 유사한 6 무형의 7 객실 8 유지하다 9 지역, 영토 10 겁많은 11 그다음의, 차후의 12 소유하다 13 천문학 14 수소 15 헌신 36 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 20 쪽 Pacific electric ray 에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? 7049-0036 The Pacific electric ray, sometimes called a torpedo, is a smooth-skinned, disk-shaped fish. Its upper body is in various shades of gray, and the underparts are lighter colored. Females are larger than males and can reach 4 / 1 2 feet in length and weigh up to 90 pounds. This species is ovoviviparous, meaning that the young hatch from eggs inside the mother s body before they are born. Litter size is 17 20 young, with females giving birth every 2 years. This ray often buries itself in the sand on the seabed. It uses a powerful electric shock to discourage its enemies and to paralyze its prey. It eats halibut, herring, shellfish, and other fish. 유형편 litter size 한배새끼수 1 피부가매끄럽고형태가원반모양이다. 2 몸의상부는다양한회색색조를띤다. 3 태어나기전에어미물고기의몸안에서부화한다. 4 암컷은매년새끼를낳는다. 5 먹이를마비시키기위해강력한전기충격을사용한다. Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의소재를파악한다. 태평양전기가오리 (Pacific electric ray) 의생태에관한글이다. STEP 2 선택지의내용을순서대로글에서확인하고글의내용을예측한다. 1 매끄러운피부와원반모양의형태 2 몸의상부에회색색조가있음 3 어미물고기의몸안에서부화 4 암컷은매년새끼를낳음 5 먹이를마비시키기위해전기충격사용 STEP 3 글의내용과선택지의일치여부를판단한다. 1 ~ a smooth-skinned, disk-shaped fish. 일치 2 Its upper body is in various shades of gray ~. 일치 3 ~ the young hatch from eggs inside the mother s body before they are born. 일치 4 ~ with females giving birth every 2 years. 불일치 5 It uses a powerful electric shock to discourage its enemies and to paralyze its prey. 일치 Chapter 08 세부내용파악 37

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0037 Ca Tru에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Although the song tradition known as Ca Tru, or Hat A Dao, dates back centuries, it became all the rage in the fifteenth century when the Vietnamese regained their independence from China. According to legend, a beautiful young female singer, A Dao, charmed the enemy with her songs of the verdant countryside and the way of life in the villages. Fascinated by her voice, the soldiers were encouraged to drink until they became incapacitated and could be pushed into the river and drowned. The lyrics of Ca Tru are often taken from famous poems and are traditionally sung by a woman. The singer has to master a whole range of singing styles, each differentiated by its particular rhythm, such as Hat noi (similar to speech) and Gui thu (a more formal style, akin to a written letter). This attractive genre has undergone a strong revival in Hanoi in recent years, and was recognized by UNESCO as a form of Intangible World Heritage in 2009. rage 대유행 verdant 신록의 incapacitated 무력해진 1 베트남이중국으로부터독립했을때대유행했다. 2 젊은여성가수와관련된전설을갖고있다. 3 흔히유명한시에서노랫말을가져오곤한다. 4 가수는 Hat noi와 Gui thu라는리듬을익혀야한다. 5 UNESCO에서세계무형유산지정을위해심사중이다. 02 7049-0038 Huaorani eco-lodge에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? The Huaorani eco-lodge opened in 2007 and provides accommodation for ten people in a style harmonious with the surrounding environment and Huaorani culture. It is situated in rainforest an hour s walk from the community of Quehueri ono in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. Five comfortable palm-thatched cabins are constructed of local wood within which are fitted mosquito nets. All of the cabins have twin beds, a private bathroom with a shower and a flush toilet, and supplies of environmentally friendly soaps and shampoos. Most of the employees are local Huaorani and they were fully involved in the lodge s construction. Solar panels power the lighting, fridge and water pump. The lodge is a way for the Huaorani people to receive an income from tourism while maintaining the integrity of their culture and conserving their rainforest territory. thatch ( 지붕을 ) 잎 [ 짚, 이엉 ] 으로이다 1 주변환경과조화를이루는방식으로지어진 10명이묵을수있는숙소를제공한다. 2 Quehueri ono 마을에서걸어서한시간걸리는열대우림지역에있다. 3 모든객실에는샤워기와수세식변기가있는개인화장실이있다. 4 직원대부분은 Huaorani 지역주민들로서숙박시설건설에관여하지않았다. 5 태양전지판이조명, 냉장고, 양수기에동력을제공한다. 38 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 20 쪽 03 7049-0039 Warhol 에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? 04 7049-0040 Cecilia Payne에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Warhol graduated from Schenley High School in 1945 and obtained a place at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, majoring in Pictorial Design. He suffered from the need to establish his artistic personality. Very frequently the timid, malleable boy would produce work that was obviously designed to appeal to his teachers rather than express his own view of things. Consequently, at the end of his first year (and also as a result of the need to make space for returning war veterans who wanted to study art under the G. I. Bill of Rights) Warhol was threatened with exclusion from the course. This had a shocking effect on him and during the subsequent vacation he worked exceptionally hard at making drawings of daily life. By the time college reconvened in the autumn Warhol possessed an excellent body of work that regained him a place on the Pictorial Design course and obtained him a show in the art department. To the end of his life Warhol had a fear of failure, and it is easy to pinpoint the youthful event that gave rise to it. malleable 유순한 pinpoint 정확히집어내다 When Cecilia Payne was a student at Cambridge University, England, in 1919, scientists believed that the sun and stars were made of the same stuff as the Earth. Moving to the U.S., she became the first person to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College. In her doctoral thesis, Payne determined the actual temperatures of the spectral classes of stars and showed that they are mostly made of hydrogen and helium. This conclusion was radical in 1925, but astronomers later called her work undoubtedly the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy. In spite of her brilliance, the field of astronomy was still dominated by men, and Payne spent 11 years as a technical assistant at Harvard. In 1938, she was given the title of Astronomer. In 1956, she became the first woman in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to be promoted to full professor and later became the first woman to head a department at Harvard. Through years of quiet dedication, she paved the way for many women astronomers and scientists after her. thesis 학위논문 spectral class ( 자연과학 ) 분광형 유형편 1 고등학교졸업후 Carnegie Institute of Technology 에입학했다. 2 교수의관심을끌기위한작품을만들곤했다. 3 1학년말에수업에서쫓겨날위기에처했다. 4 1학년이끝나고이어진방학동안그림을그리지않았다. 5 삶이끝날때까지실패에대한두려움을갖고있었다. 1 영국에서미국으로이주했다. 2 별이대부분수소와헬륨으로이루어져있음을밝혔다. 3 박사학위논문이형편없다는비난을받았다. 4 11년동안하버드대학교기술보조로일했다. 5 하버드대학교의첫여성학과장이되었다. Chapter 08 세부내용파악 39

CHAPTER 09 어법 유형소개 다섯개의밑줄친부분중에서어법상틀린것을찾아내는유형과, 네모안에제시된세쌍의표현중에서올바른것을찾아내는유형이있으며, 매년두개의유형중한문항이출제되고있다. 단순어법지식을평가하기보다는주로문맥상올바른어법을판단하는능력을평가한다. 해결전략 전체글의내용이해에초점을맞추어글을읽으면서동시에문장의구조를파악한다. 글전체의흐름과문법적지식에비춰밑줄이나네모로제시된항목의적절성을확인한다. 문장의기본구조파악, 수의일치, 태, 분사, 동명사, 대등한연결, 관계사, 형용사, 부사등자주출제되는문법항목을숙지해둔다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. fascination end up consequence variety ingredient agriculture represent claim speculate principle characterize reject aspect make use of phenomenon ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 매료, 매혹 2 결국 ( 어떤처지에 ) 처하게되다 3 결과 4 종류, 다양성 5 ( 요리등의 ) 재료 6 농업 7 나타내다, 대표하다 8 권리 ; 주장하다 9 추측하다, 짐작하다 10 원칙 11 ~ 의특색을이루다 12 거절하다 13 측면, 양상 14 ~ 을이용하다 15 현상 40 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 22 쪽 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? 7049-0041 A friend of mine tells her two boys not very good idea stories about her childhood. One story was about her fascination with her dad s lawn mower. At nine years of age, she decided to try her hand at operating it and 1 ended up breaking it into pieces. The way she tells this story is full of suspense, laughter, and silliness. It opens up a wider reality for her boys 2 that includes both wanting to have fun and thinking about the consequences. She doesn t depend on mindless rules to keep her boys 3 safe. She uses story to keep them thinking for 4 themselves, both in terms of having fun, and outside the box in terms of the consequences of their choices. If you want someone to see facts that are outside their current reality, use story to take them on a tour of the big wide world and help them stay 5 interesting long enough for it to become real to them. 유형편 Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의전반적인내용을개략적으로파악한다. 필자의친구가자녀들에게어린시절의일화를들려줌으로써자녀들이스스로생각하고깨우치도록함. 이야기를활용하면원하는메시지를효율적으로전달할수있음. STEP 2 밑줄친부분이어떤문법항목에관한것인지판단한다. 1 and를중심으로한대등한연결 2 관계절을이끄는 that 3 목적격보어로사용되는형용사 4 재귀대명사 5 분사 ( 현재분사, 과거분사 ) STEP 3 문맥과문장구조를고려하여어법상잘못된것을파악한다. 1 she의술어동사인 decided와대등하게연결되어야하므로동사의과거시제형태인 ended는적절하다. 2 a wider reality를수식하는관계절을이끄는관계사 that은적절하다. 3 keep+ 목적어 + 목적격보어 의구조에서목적격보어로형용사 safe를사용한것은적절하다. 4 술어의주체와대상이같은경우에는재귀대명사를사용해야하므로 themselves는적절하다. 5 interest(~ 을흥미롭게하다 ) 의의미상의주어 them은 interest의주체가아니라대상이므로 interested 로쓰는것이적절하다. 따라서 interesting은틀린표현이다. Chapter 09 어법 41

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0042 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? Pet food used to be about selecting a small, medium, or large bag of (A) wherever / whatever your local feed or grocery store stocked. Today, choosing pet food from among the hundreds of varieties in the $17 billion United States market can be a complicated task. Beef, duck, vegetables, and salmon are part of today s pet diets. Once (B) created / creating to profit from human food manufacturing waste, the pet food industry now makes products with human-grade ingredients that sell well because people want something better for their family members who happen to be pets. The number of people purchasing pet food with humangrade ingredients (C) is / are on the increase. As a result, pets truly do increase the burden on agriculture, because they are no longer eating the leftover products. 02 7049-0043 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? A common stock (typically just called a stock) represents a share of ownership in a corporation. It is a security that is a claim on the earnings and assets of the corporation. Issuing stock and selling it to the public is a way for corporations 1 to raise funds to finance their activities. The stock market, 2 which claims on the earnings of corporations (shares of stock) are traded, is the most widely followed financial market in America. A big swing in the prices of shares 3 is always a big story on the evening news. People often speculate on 4 where the market is heading and get very excited when they can brag about their latest big killing, but they become depressed when they suffer a big loss. The attention the market receives can probably be best explained by one simple fact: It is a place where people can get rich or poor 5 quickly. security 유가증권 big killing 횡재 (A) (B) (C) 1 wherever creating is 2 wherever creating are 3 whatever created is 4 whatever creating is 5 whatever created are 42 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 23 쪽 03 7049-0044 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? The principle of nonintervention in the affairs of other nations is a product of the negative and purely critical spirit of the last century. It was originally a useful and righteous protest against the lust of conquest and the appetite for war, (A) that / which had until then characterized the activity of Europe. As such, it was a step forward; a real step in the intellectual progress of the human race. First put forward by thinkers of the European liberal movement, it would have been capable, had it been actually followed, of serving that movement in a most effective manner. Had it been observed in the case of the French Revolution, France would have (B) been left / left to her own free and spontaneous development. But the instinct of the Absolutist party was to reject a principle that threatened to destroy the widespread system; so what followed (C) being / was the war of the Royal Allies, and France had to call forth a Napoleon to repel intervention by intervention on a grander scale. lust 욕망 repel 쫓아버리다 04 7049-0045 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? Science is done by performing repeatable experiments. An experiment is repeatable if everyone who does the same experiment 1 obtains the same result. It then means that the aspect of the world just 2 studied is in fact an aspect of the world and not just a figment of our wishful imagination. In addition to the reward that comes from understanding the world, this will then mean that a machine or a medicine can be built 3 what makes use of this repeatable aspect of nature. It used to take decades before a machine might be based on a new understanding. Today there are business persons who are more quick to make machines that are based on each 4 newly understood phenomenon. Whenever you hear the word science you should think of facts and understandings learned from repeatable experiments. When you see scientists explaining a fact or a phenomenon that they think they learned from doing experiments you should decide 5 if others can repeat those experiments and come to the same conclusion. figment ( 상상의 ) 산물, 꾸며낸일 유형편 (A) (B) (C) 1 that been left being 2 that left was 3 which been left being 4 which left was 5 which been left was Chapter 09 어법 43

CHAPTER 10 어휘 유형소개 글의흐름에알맞은어휘를선택하도록하는문항유형으로, 세개의네모안에어휘를두개씩제시하고적절한어휘의배합을선택하는유형과, 문맥상부적절하게사용된어휘를밑줄친부분중에서선택하는유형이있다. 적절한어휘와그것의반의어나무관한어휘를네모안에오답으로제시하거나, 적절한어휘대신반의어나무관한어휘를밑줄로제시하는형태로출제된다. 해결전략 글의소재와주제를파악한다. 각네모의전후문맥을살펴서문맥에맞는어휘를고른다. 네모나밑줄답의근거가되는부분을찾아글의흐름이자연스러운지확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. toxin deficit intake monoculture fertilizer intensive second-rate indulgence enlightening spontaneous deliberately courteous gauge demonstrate infer ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 독소 2 부족 3 섭취 4 단일경작 5 비료 6 집약적인 7 이류의, 뒤떨어진 8 빠짐, 탐닉 9 깨우침을주는 10 마음에서우러난, 즉흥적인, 자연스러운 11 의도 [ 계획 ] 적으로, 신중하게 12 정중한, 공손한 13 측정하다, 판단하다 14 입증하다 15 추론하다 44 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 25 쪽 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? 7049-0046 Have humans evolved food preferences? Both humans and rats have evolved (A) taste / nutrient preferences for sweet foods, which provide rich sources of calories. A study of food preferences among the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania found that honey was the most highly preferred food item, an item that has the highest caloric value. Human newborn infants also show a strong preference for sweet liquids. Both humans and rats dislike bitter and sour foods, which tend to contain toxins. They also adaptively adjust their eating behavior in response to deficits in water, calories, and salt. Experiments show that rats display an immediate (B) liking / disliking for salt the first time they experience a salt deficiency. They likewise increase their intake of sweets and water when their energy and fluids become depleted. These appear to be specific evolved mechanisms, designed to deal with the adaptive problem of food selection, and (C) coordinate / confuse consumption patterns with physical needs. 유형편 (A) (B) (C) 1 taste liking coordinate 2 taste disliking coordinate 3 taste liking confuse 4 nutrient liking confuse 5 nutrient disliking confuse Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의소재와주제를파악한다. 글의소재는맛선호이며, 주제는인간이신체적욕구에따라특정맛에대한선호를발달시켜왔다는것이다. STEP 2 각네모의전후문맥을살펴서문맥에맞는어휘를고른다. 사람과쥐는소금결핍을경험하면소금에대한선호를보이고, 열량이부족할때단음식섭취를늘리는등특정맛에대한선호를보였으며, 이는음식섭취를신체적욕구와조화시키는적응기제로여겨진다. STEP 3 네모나밑줄답의근거가되는부분을찾아글의흐름이자연스러운지확인한다. 단음식, 꿀, 단음료의내용으로보아 (A) 에는 맛 (taste) 이, 실험에서는쥐가에너지와체액이부족하면단것과물섭취를늘리는것과마찬가지로소금이부족하면소금에대한애호를증가시켜섭취를늘리므로, (B) 에는 선호 (liking) 가, 신체적으로필요한것에대한음식섭취가늘어나므로 (C) 에는이둘을 조화시키다 (coordinate) 가각각자연스럽다. Chapter 10 어휘 45

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0047 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? Over the last several decades, farmers have turned increasingly to monoculture growing only one crop in a field, often on a very extensive scale. Monoculture 1 allows more efficient use of farm machinery for cultivation, sowing, weed control, and harvest, and can create economies of scale with regard to purchase of seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides. Monoculture is a natural outgrowth of an 2 industrial approach to agriculture, where labor inputs are minimized and technologybased inputs are maximized in order to increase productive efficiency. In many parts of the world, monocultural production of export crops has largely 3 replaced traditional polycultural subsistence agriculture. Monoculture techniques harmonize well with the other practices of modern agriculture; monoculture tends to 4 limit intensive cultivation, application of inorganic fertilizer, chemical control of pests, and specialized plant varieties. The link with chemical pesticides is particularly 5 strong; vast fields of the same plant are more susceptible to devastating attack by specific pests and require protection by pesticides. polycultural 여러작물을동시에재배하는, 혼작의 subsistence 생계 02 7049-0048 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? It is not necessary that all museums satisfy the same interests. Even second-rate museums have their place in the world, as does bad art. They give us instances for (A) admiration / comparison and sharpen our sensibility. There is a pleasure in assessing them that is unlike the reverential bow to the masterpiece. Indulgence in (B) approval / disapproval also has its comforts, and trying to figure out what is wrong or why something fails to work is every bit as rewarding as, and sometimes more enlightening than, affirming the good and successful. Museums offer a safe environment in which downsides and other sides of things can be explored and exposed without devastating consequences. With few exceptions, inferior museums are relatively (C) harmful / harmless and may be left to collapse of their own weight. reverential 경건한 (A) (B) (C) 1 admiration approval harmful 2 admiration disapproval harmless 3 comparison approval harmless 4 comparison disapproval harmful 5 comparison disapproval harmless 46 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 26 쪽 03 7049-0049 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? 04 7049-0050 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? Understanding facial expressions requires much more than knowing the emotional content of a particular face. While many of our expressions are 1 spontaneous and thus symptomatic of our emotional state, perhaps many more are posed or intentionally shown to others for some purpose. This 2 difference reflects our need to learn the many display rules that literally shape the face we choose to show in social situations. We learn at a young age what kind of behavior is appropriate or inappropriate, and this 3 includes facial expressions. Although these rules are unwritten, they are well understood. Perhaps the best example of this is smiling. Think of how many times you 4 deliberately smile in a single day. Most of us will smile nearly every time we think it is the polite or courteous thing to do (for example, when greeting someone). Many people smile just to be friendly. Clearly, a smile may reflect our desire to do what we think is appropriate 5 less often than it will express how we actually feel. An interesting question related to processing fluency in organizations concerns how organizations (A) control / gauge their employees and customers opinions. Consider the following example. A manager consistently gets requests from one employee that a company policy be changed. From those requests, the manager must decide how the other people in the organization feel about the issue in question. Will the vocal employee s frequent requests (B) bias / overcome the manager s sense of how the rest of the people in the organization feel about the policy? Research by Weaver, Garcia, Schwartz, and Miller suggests the answer is yes. In a series of six experiments, they demonstrated that people have a tendency to infer that a familiar opinion is a prevalent one, even if the perceived familiarity is the result of one particularly vocal group member. Thus, this research indicates that opinions that feel familiar are believed to be (C) neglectful / representative of the group s opinion, even when the source of the familiarity is irrelevant. 유형편 prevalent 일반적인, 널리퍼진 (A) (B) (C) 1 control bias neglectful 2 gauge overcome neglectful 3 gauge bias representative 4 control overcome representative 5 gauge bias neglectful Chapter 10 어휘 47

CHAPTER 11 지칭추론 유형소개 문맥을통해밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이다른하나를찾게함으로써, 글의흐름을올바르게파악하고있는지를확인하는유형이다. 과거에는주로밑줄친부분이거의대명사인문항으로출제되었으나, 최근에는대명사와명사구가혼합된형태로출제되기도한다. 해결전략 문맥을통해글에등장하는대상간의관계를파악한다. 가리키는대상이문맥속에서지칭하는것을확인한다. 문맥을고려하여가리키는대상이다른하나를찾는다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. suffer figure appear arrange abandon rescue bounce proceed to frown collection famine comfort possession manufacturer decline ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 고통받다 2 (~ 일거라고 ) 생각하다, 판단하다 3 등장하다, 나타나다 4 정리하다, 배열 [ 정렬 ] 하다 5 버리다 6 구하다 7 깡충깡충뛰다 8 ( 이어서 ) ~ 을시작하다 9 찌푸림 10 수집품, 수집 11 기아, 기근, 굶주림 12 위안을주다, 위로하다 13 소유물, 소유 14 제조업자 15 거절하다 48 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 28 쪽 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 7049-0051 Music photographer Jim Marshall could be abrasive, but he had many, many friends. In 1983, Steve Goodman was playing in a concert. Mr. Goodman, who is famous for writing the song The City of New Orleans, was suffering from leukemia, had lost his hair, and knew that 1 he had little time left to live. Mr. Marshall avoided photographing his friend because of his lack of hair, figuring that 2 his friend would not want his photograph taken. But after the concert, Mr. Goodman said to him, Hey, Jimmy, I know that you re not taking pictures of 3 me because of the way I look, but it s OK, man. I d like to be in your book someday. Mr. Marshall promised him that he would be in the book, and a photograph that Mr. Marshall took appears in 4 his first major book, Not Fade Away: The Rock & Roll Photography of Jim Marshall. Mr. Marshall writes about Mr. Goodman, 5 He was one of the real good guys and a good friend. 유형편 abrasive ( 태도가 ) 거친 leukemia 백혈병 Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의도입부에등장하는두대상간의관계를파악한다. 두친구의우정에관한내용으로, 아픈친구의사진을찍지않으려는음악사진작가 Jim Marshall과친구가찍어준사진으로그친구의책속에등장하고싶어하는음악가 Steve Goodman이등장한다. STEP 2 밑줄친항목이지칭하는대상을각각확인한다. 1은백혈병으로고통받고있는사람이므로 Steve Goodman을지칭한다. 2는투병으로머리카락이빠진사람이므로 Steve Goodman을지칭한다. 3은 Jim Marshall이사진찍기를원하지않는사람이므로 Steve Goodman을지칭한다. 4는 Steve Goodman의사진이실린책의저자이므로 Jim Marshall을지칭한다. 5는 Jim Marshall이좋은친구였다고말한사람이므로 Steve Goodman을지칭한다. STEP 3 문맥을고려하여가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른하나를찾는다. 4는백혈병에걸린음악가 Steve Goodman의사진을자신의책에실은 Jim Marshall을가리키고, 나머지는그의친구 Steve Goodman을가리키므로가리키는대상이다른하나가 4라는것을알수있다. Chapter 11 지칭추론 49

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0052 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? In the spring of 1819 John Keats was staying with 1 his friend Charles Armitage Brown and found great pleasure in listening to the song of a nightingale that had built its nest near Brown s house. One morning 2 he took his chair out into the garden for two or three hours. When he returned, Brown noticed that he had some scraps of paper in 3 his hand that he was quietly tucking behind some books. Knowing Keats s habits of composition, Brown got his friend to show 4 him the almost unreadable scraps and together they arranged the stanzas. The poem was Ode to a Nightingale, and at once Brown began searching for other scraps of paper tucked into books or carelessly abandoned, and in that way rescued a number of poems. After that Keats agreed that Brown should make fair copies of everything 5 he wrote. tuck 끼워넣다 stanza ( 시에서의 ) 연 ( 聯 ) 02 7049-0053 밑줄친 she[her] 가가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? The teacher, Mrs. Cline, begins a discussion of the story Ira Stays Over by asking, Who has a favorite stuffed animal they sleep with? Lindsay bounces around on 1 her chair with her hand raised and fingers wiggling for added attention. Mrs. Cline calls on Lindsay and comments on her quick response to the question. Lindsay smiles and proceeds to describe 2 her pet, Blue Bunny, in great detail. When Lindsay has finished with her description, 3 she reminds the other children about how good the teacher thought it was; they ignore her. When Mrs. Cline asks for other responses, Lindsay s hand shoots up again. This time 4 she ignores it; there is soft laughter that seems to spread around the classroom. Lindsay s smile becomes a frown; 5 she groans and immediately begins to sulk and withdraw. groan 끙앓는소리를내다 sulk 실쭉거리다 50 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 29 쪽 03 7049-0054 밑줄친 he[him] 가가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 04 7049-0055 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? When Ryan was five or six years old, he had a coin collection. He loved this coin collection very much. One day, he and his father were watching the news reporting on a famine in Ethiopia. Ryan stared at the TV screen, scared because of the starving children 1 he was seeing. His father tried to comfort 2 him: You know, Ryan, I have a doctor friend who is helping those children in Africa. Ryan replied, That s good. However, he did not feel much better. He went to his room and looked at all his possessions. Then 3 he took his coin collection to his father, saying, Daddy, would you send these to your friend in Africa so 4 he can help those kids and buy some food for them? His father asked, Are you sure, Ryan? I know how much you love those. Ryan replied, I m sure, Daddy. When Ryan was growing up, and even on the day that he was born, his parents told 5 him, Share and care. Captain William Jones was extremely valuable to steel manufacturer Andrew Carnegie. Among other services, 1 he invented a mixer that made liquid iron uniform in quality. As a manager, 2 he made sure the steelworkers could eat breakfast at the steel mills and that water was always available for them to drink. 3 He also made competition between teams working at different blast furnaces fun. For example, whichever team produced the most steel each week could raise on its furnace s smoke stack a huge steel broom as a badge of honor. Because of Captain Jones value, Mr. Carnegie offered to make 4 him a partner. However, Captain Jones declined the offer, saying, I don t know much about business, and I don t want to be bothered by it. But you can give me a big salary. Mr. Carnegie was willing, and 5 he said to him, You shall have the salary of the President of the United States twenty-five thousand dollars. blast furnace 용광로 유형편 Chapter 11 지칭추론 51

CHAPTER 12 빈칸추론 (1) 유형소개 필자가말하고자하는핵심내용의중심이되는단어나짧은어구를추론하는유형으로, 글의요지또는주제와깊은연관성을지닌다. 글의핵심내용을압축할수있는표현에빈칸이있으므로, 글의전체내용을아우를수있는선택지를정답으로골라야한다. 해결전략 글의전반부를읽고글의소재및전반적인내용을파악한다. 핵심적인어구나문장에밑줄을그으면서빈칸에들어갈말을뒷받침하는단서를찾는다. 찾은단서를종합하여빈칸에들어갈알맞은선택지를정답으로고른다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. composition elevation varied landscape maximum concrete mixture approximately chill stir cultivate permanent outdoors extracurricular facility ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 구성 2 고도 3 다양한 4 지형, 풍경 5 최대한의 6 구체적인 7 혼합물 8 대략 9 냉각시키다 10 휘젓다 11 경작하다 12 영구적인 13 야외에서 14 과외의 15 기관, 시설 52 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 31 쪽 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 7049-0056 There is no doubt that mountainous areas with low valleys among them tend to have higher species richness than surrounding areas of flat land. This is partly because there are more different environments, each with its own characteristic set of species. For one thing there are different climate zones on a mountain, but only one climate in a flat lowland area. For example, in the Santa Catalina Mountains of Arizona, many different plant species occur in the same mountains but at distinct altitudes, each species at its own climatic optimum. A similar of species composition with elevation is found in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon, and in fact on almost any set of high mountains, simply because there is a wide range of climates there. Even on a very local scale, a varied landscape can have microclimatic differences adding to species richness. 유형편 optimum 최적조건 ; 최적의 1 illusion 2 conflict 3 diversity 4 inactivity 5 uncertainty Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의전반부를빠르게읽고글의소재를파악한다. 소재는산악지역의종의다양성으로, 글의내용을뒷받침하는내용이예시로제시되어있다. STEP 2 빈칸에들어갈말을뒷받침하는단서를찾는다. 산에는다양한기후대가있고, 그기후에맞는종이각각존재한다. 예시1: Arizona 주의 Santa Catalina 산맥에는고도에따라다양한식물종이존재한다. 예시2: Oregon 주의 Siskiyou 산맥과사실상거의모든높은산에도고도에따라식물종이다양하게존재한다. STEP 3 찾은단서를종합하여빈칸에들어갈알맞은선택지를고른다. 두가지예시를통해산악지역에는고도에따라기후가달라지고그기후에맞는각각의종이존재한다는내용이므로, 이런내용을종합하는선택지를정답으로고른다. Chapter 12 빈칸추론 (1) 53

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0057 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Successful scientists have learned how to for maximum creativity. They shift from one project to another based on what they do most effectively at a given time of day. Original, new, and conceptual work, problem-finding work, is best done first thing in the morning. Many scientists also schedule their writing in the morning, because this involves creative conceptualization. Scientists tend to schedule the concrete, hands-on laboratory work for late morning and after lunch. Finally, many scientists report that they schedule some idle time in the late afternoon, after the concrete phase of hard work, perhaps taking a walk around campus or going for a cup of coffee. They ve learned from experience that valuable insights often emerge when they get some distance from the work. Scientists then close the day by returning to writing and conceptual work, often continuing to work long after dinner. 1 break with conventions 2 structure their workday 3 keep track of others schedules 4 harmonize their body and mind 5 concentrate on long-term goals 02 7049-0058 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? The obvious role of sugar in ice cream is to sweeten the product. However, sugar also plays a role in determining the of the frozen ice cream, because sugar causes the freezing temperature of the mixture to drop. In fact, a cup of sugar in a quart of the ice cream mixture will decrease the freezing point approximately 2 F. This means that the ice cream must be chilled below the normal freezing temperature of water if ice crystals are to form. The greater the content of sugar in an ice cream, the lower the freezing point. This delayed freezing temperature helps to keep the size of crystals in the ice cream very small because a reasonable amount of stirring can be done during the freezing process to help break up any ice crystal aggregates as they slowly form. 1 aromatic flavor 2 nutritional value 3 preservation period 4 artificial food coloring 5 textural characteristics aggregate 집합체 54 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 31 쪽 03 7049-0059 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0060 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? When Norman Myers, a noted environmentalist, first brought the destruction of tropical rainforests to the world s attention during the late 1970s and early 1980s, he identified as the driving force behind forest destruction. As the number of people grew who cleared small plots of forest (0.25 to 0.5 hectares) each year to cultivate crops, forest cover declined. After 2, 3, or 4 years, smallholders moved on to another plot of land, planting pasture on the old fields or allowing regrowth to occur on the now fallowed lands. When cultivators allowed fields to go into fallow, they intended to reuse the fields after resting them for a period of time. With more mouths to feed, smallholders reduced the amount of time that the land lay fallow, so secondary forests did not become fully established before smallholders cleared the land again. Under these circumstances, forests gradually became permanent fields as a growing population filled a once forested landscape with fields. fallow ( 땅을 ) 묵혀두다, ( 땅을 ) 놀리고있다 ; 휴경 1 irregularity in the population growth 2 development in agricultural technology 3 loss of fields driven by population growth 4 commercial agriculture of local populations 5 expanding populations of shifting cultivators The ancient Greeks, living long ago, in an age before the treadmill, did their walking outdoors. They did everything outdoors. A house was less a home than a dormitory. They spent only about thirty waking minutes there every day. They spent the rest of their day in the agora, the marketplace, working out at the gymnasium or the palaistra, the wrestling grounds, or perhaps strolling along the rolling hills that surround the city. None of these outings were deemed extracurricular because, unlike us, the Greeks. Plato s famous Academy, progenitor of the modern university, was as much an athletic facility as an intellectual one. The Greeks viewed body and mind as two inseparable parts of a whole. A fit mind not attached to a fit body rendered both somehow incomplete. Picture Rodin s Thinker and you have the Greek ideal: a muscular man lost in thought. treadmill 트레드밀 ( 벨트위를걷거나달리는운동기구 ) progenitor 원조, 창시자 1 didn t seem to be concerned about health and fitness 2 didn t differentiate between physical and mental activity 3 considered physical activity important in socializing 4 hardly thought of physical activities as part of their daily life 5 made a clear distinction between sports and entertainment 유형편 Chapter 12 빈칸추론 (1) 55

CHAPTER 13 빈칸추론 (2) 유형소개 글의논리적맥락을파악하여빈칸에적절한말을추론하는능력을측정하는유형으로수능에서출제비중이크고난이도가높은편이다. 글의중심생각과관련된부분을빈칸으로제시하고추론하게하는경우가대부분이므로글의주제와요지를정확하게파악하는것이문제해결에필수적이다. 해결전략 글을전체적으로훑어읽으면서글의중심생각이무엇인지파악한다. 빈칸을포함한문장과다른문장들간의논리적관계를살피면서글의중심생각과어울리는선택지를고른다. 최종선택한선택지를빈칸에넣어자연스럽게의미가잘통하는지확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. cognitive inconsistent convince maintain reveal there is more to ~ than... appeal to point out coordinate provision heighten interfere assume inadequate account ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 인지의, 인식력이있는 2 모순된, 불일치하는 3 납득시키다, 설득시키다 4 유지하다 5 드러내다 6 이 ~ 의전부는아니다 7 ~ 에호소하다 8 지적하다 9 조정하다 10 공급, 제공 11 고조되다, 고조시키다 12 방해하다, 간섭하다 13 추정하다, 상정하다 14 부적절한 15 해석, 설명 56 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 34 쪽 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 7049-0061 People regularly do a kind of backwards thinking, and really believe it. One of the most famous examples in psychological research is cognitive dissonance. This is the idea that people don t like to hold two inconsistent ideas to be true at the same time. Studies conducted more than half a century ago find that when people are induced into behaviour that is inconsistent with their beliefs, they simply change their beliefs to match. It s like when someone ends up spending too much on a new car. Instead of feeling bad about the clash between their original plan and what they ve actually done, they prefer to convince themselves that the car. This is a result of our natural desire to maintain consistency between our thoughts and actions. We all want to be right, and one thing we should all be able to be right about is ourselves. Backwards thinking allows us to do just that. 유형편 dissonance 부조화 1 needs to be returned 2 is meant for rich people 3 is worth the extra money 4 becomes less expensive later 5 would be a huge burden for them Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글을빠르게훑어읽으면서중심생각을파악한다. 이글의중심생각은사람이자신의생각과행동이일치하지않을경우역행적사고를통해이들을일치시키는경향이있다는것이다. STEP 2 문장들간의논리적관계를파악하여빈칸에적절한내용을추론한다. 세번째문장의... people don t like to hold two inconsistent ideas ~ 와네번째문장의... when people are induced into behaviour ~ 의내용을빈칸을포함한부분이구체적인예시를들어설명하고있다. 또한빈칸의내용은바로다음문장에서다시한번설명하고있다. STEP 3 빈칸에선택지를넣어글의중심생각과자연스럽게연결되는지확인한다. 자신의원래계획과다르게새차를너무비싸게산경우, 자신의생각과행동을일치시키기위해역행적사고를한다는예시가제시되어있으므로, 빈칸에 3을넣으면빈칸문장의내용이전체적인글의중심생각에부합한다. Chapter 13 빈칸추론 (2) 57

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0062 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? It has been said that eye movements are windows into the mind, because where people look reveals what environmental information they are attending to. However, there is more to attention than just moving the eyes to look at objects. We can pay attention to things that are not directly in our line of vision, as evidenced by the basketball player who dribbles down court while paying attention to a teammate off to the side, just before she throws a dead-on pass without looking. We can also look directly at something without paying attention to it. You may have had this experience if you have been reading a book and then suddenly become aware that although you were moving your eyes across the page and reading the words, you had no idea what you had just read. Even though you were looking at the words, you apparently were not paying attention. There is a mental aspect of attention that involves processing that. 1 is often distracted by eye movements 2 facilitates visual recognition of objects 3 may excite human senses other than vision 4 can occur independently of eye movements 5 enables you to do multiple activities simultaneously 02 7049-0063 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Some people think that the democratisation of knowledge made possible by the Internet means that we no longer need to rely on experts and can appeal directly to the collective intelligence of amateurs. As evidence for this, they point to the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia which is written largely by amateurs. Its science articles, in particular, are said to be remarkably accurate. However, it is important to note that Wikipedia is not in the business of content creation, but of summarising content that has been created elsewhere usually by experts. Moreover, the much-vaunted accuracy of its articles can itself only be judged by experts. This is not to criticise Wikipedia, but to point out that. The broad spectrum of topics covered by Wikipedia is in many ways to be welcomed, and it is sometimes a good place to begin your research. It is, however, a bad place to end it. democratisation 민주화 vaunted 칭찬받는 1 we can control the quality of information 2 experts have a limited range of competence 3 there is no escape from appealing to experts 4 the benefits from the Internet cannot be ignored 5 the speed of knowledge creation has really increased 58 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 34 쪽 03 7049-0064 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0065 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Our modern equivalent to the use of music in coordinating agricultural labour is the provision of music in factories. Opinion is divided as to its effects. Judging from its use in agriculture, one might expect that music would improve the performance of the routine operations which are common in factory work. Repetitive movements are less tedious when synchronized with musical rhythms. The provision of music is certainly popular amongst factory workers. However, the heightening of morale. Whilst music probably enhances the performance of routine tasks, especially those in which repetitive physical actions prevail, it tends to interfere with the performance of non-repetitive actions which need thinking about. For example, there is evidence suggesting that music increases the number of errors in typing. synchronize 동시에일어나게하다 1 can be accomplished only by better wages 2 is not necessarily accompanied by increase in output 3 hardly impacts the workers ability to work together 4 normally remains a low priority in many factories 5 is never enough to make the workplace more enjoyable In my teaching of multiple texts in history, I first ask students what it is that historians do. My research suggests that students begin to answer that question in a way that assumes historians to be nothing more than documenters. They believe historians write down exactly what happened. In the discussion, however, they soon come to realize that that is an inadequate description because historians search for many different accounts of what happened, and they begin to view them as synthesizers. Some subsequently start to shift their opinions to note that historians need to judge the accuracy of accounts thus they believe historians act as arbiters. If they keep on discussing the issue, some will even come to recognize that historians have their own viewpoints and biases that influence their final interpretation. These emerging notions of the historian s role in interpreting historical events are key. To read and write like historians, students need to understand that they when they read historical text. synthesizer 종합하는사람 arbiter 결정자 1 are facing the proven facts only 2 should throw away their own biases 3 are reading arguments rather than truth 4 are standing in the present, not in the past 5 should be aware of the historical background 유형편 Chapter 13 빈칸추론 (2) 59

CHAPTER 14 연결사추론 유형소개 글의자연스러운흐름을파악하는능력을측정하는유형이다. 글의내용을논리적으로연결해서글의응집성을높이는글의논리적구성능력과관련되는데, 두개의연결사를중심으로한앞뒤문장의관계파악과함께글의전체적인내용전개도함께살펴야한다. 해결전략 글의주제와중심내용을먼저파악한다. 빈칸의앞뒤내용을보고역접 대조 인과 첨가 요약 재진술등가장적절한연결사를찾는다. 정답으로선택한말을빈칸에넣어빈칸의앞뒤내용이매끄럽게연결되는지재차확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. slavery permissible constitution evaluate uniformly loosely optimal chronic misconception prohibit thrive ruling claim adequate superficial ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 노예제도 2 허용되는 3 헌법 4 평가하다 5 균일하게 6 엉성하게 7 최적의, 가장바람직한 8 만성적인 9 잘못된생각 10 금지하다, ~ 하지못하게하다 11 잘되다, 번창하다 12 결정, 판결 13 주장하다 14 충분한, 적절한 15 피상적인 60 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 36 쪽 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 7049-0066 Throughout the centuries, the idea of natural rights has been discussed by many thinkers and rulers. Many civilizations were built on the idea that slavery was permissible and that certain classes of people were lower than others. (A), lower classes of people did not have the same rights as others. Gradually, societies changed, and more human rights were recognized. In 1215, the Magna Carta was signed in England. This document put limits on the powers of the king and stated that individuals have certain rights. (B), the Magna Carta stated that people are free and that no free person can be imprisoned unless they are convicted in a fair trial. In generations to come, other governments would base their constitutions on the ideas set out in the Magna Carta. 유형편 Magna Carta ( 영국의 ) 대헌장 (A) (B) 1 Therefore For instance 2 Therefore Instead 3 Similarly Instead 4 Similarly In contrast 5 Nevertheless For instance Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 전반적인글의내용을파악한다. 글의주제 : the idea of natural rights 자연권의개념 글의흐름 : 노예제도및계급간차이의허용 인권의인식 STEP 2 빈칸 (A) 가있는문장과바로앞문장의관계를파악한다. 앞문장 : 노예제도허용 + 계급간차이의존재 빈칸 (A) 가있는문장 : 하층계급사람들의권리에대한차별이있었음 인과관계에해당하므로 Therefore가적절함 STEP 3 빈칸 (B) 가있는문장과바로앞문장의관계를파악한다. 앞문장 : 왕의권력을제한하고개인의권리를명시한대헌장의내용 빈칸 (B) 가있는문장 : 사람들에게자유가있고공정한재판없이개인의자유를구금할수없음 구체적사례에해당하므로 For instance가적절함 Chapter 14 연결사추론 61

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0067 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? One of the hallmarks of evaluating the quality of a black tea is by assessing how tightly the leaves are rolled. Generally, higher-graded teas are teas with leaves that are tightly and uniformly rolled. Lowergraded teas, (A), are teas with leaves that are loosely and inconsistently rolled. With that said, the tightness of the roll has more to do with the steepability of a leaf than it does with the taste of a tea. (B), one should not evaluate the tea s drinkability or taste merely because its leaves are not tightly rolled. It is common to find that people prefer the taste of looser rolled black teas over more expensive or more highly graded black teas that have been tightly rolled. hallmark 특징, 특질 steepability ( 차를 ) 우려낼수있음 (A) (B) 1 nevertheless Otherwise 2 for example Therefore 3 for example Additionally 4 on the other hand Therefore 5 on the other hand Additionally 02 7049-0068 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? We think of the word normal in many different ways usual, expected, average, mean, common, regular, optimal. Operating normally usually means without a problem. The trouble starts when we associate normal with common or expected, as in the case of age-related changes. Many of the negative changes associated with increasing age, (A), are considered normal because they are so common. The same is true for a chronic disease at older ages. Most elderly people have multiple diagnoses and are on several prescriptions. This is often seen as normal simply because it is so common. Doctors often perpetuate the misconception by explaining diagnoses as: It s just part of aging, the price we pay for living so long. We expect older folks to have these diseases. (B), by definition, disease is not normal in the sense that it represents a disconnect from proper functioning. Normal may actually be worse than aging in how it is used. perpetuate 영속시키다 (A) (B) 1 by contrast However 2 by contrast Similarly 3 furthermore Therefore 4 for example However 5 for example Therefore 62 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 37 쪽 03 7049-0069 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0070 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Traditionally, owning more than one media organization within one market was prohibited on the theory that diverse sources produced a diversity of voices whose opinions could be heard. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration relaxed restrictions on horizontal integration in the belief that the role of government should be reduced so that competition could thrive. (A), major newspaper group owners have steadily acquired more newspapers. For example, the largest newspaper group in the United States, Gannett, now owns 84 daily newspapers and about 850 non-daily publications, in addition to its other media. (B), in 1992, rules against cross-ownership, owning different media outlets (for example, radio and TV) in the same market, were relaxed. In 2008, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided to allow companies to own different media in the same market, as long as the company would be able to show that local news coverage would improve as a result. The FCC s ruling was finally put into effect in 2010. (A) (B) 1 Nevertheless For instance 2 Nevertheless Furthermore 3 Likewise However 4 As a result Furthermore 5 As a result However It is surprising to find how many countries claim that between 76 and 100 percent of their urban and rural population have adequate water supplies when detailed studies from these same countries suggest much lower percentages. (A), official statistics for India suggest that 87 percent of its urban and its rural population had adequate provision for safe water in 1991, while those for Pakistan suggest a coverage of some 80 percent for both rural and urban areas. Burundi, Ethiopia and Ghana are among a number of African countries claiming that more than 90 percent of their urban and rural population had access to safe water on this same date. Even a superficial examination of conditions in low-income, urban settlements and in rural settlements in these countries suggests that these figures are greatly inflated. (B), the proportion of the urban and rural population in Africa, Asia and Latin America that is said to have access to safe water supplies is certainly much larger than the actual proportion that has a regular, sufficient and convenient supply of good quality water at a cost they can afford. (A) (B) 1 Similarly However 2 By contrast Instead 3 By contrast Thus 4 For instance However 5 For instance Thus 유형편 Chapter 14 연결사추론 63

CHAPTER 15 문장삽입 유형소개 글의논리적인흐름을파악하는유형으로, 주어진문장이들어갈적절한위치를글의전체적인맥락속에서찾는것이중요하다. 해결전략 주어진문장을읽고, 무엇에관한내용인지파악하고단서를점검한다. 글을읽으면서논리적비약이나단절이있는곳을찾는다. 주어진문장을단절이있는곳에넣고글이자연스러운지확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. perceive athletic prompt potential contemporary sophisticated worn out favor decline lick nurturing alter reproduction capture predation ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 인식하다, 인지하다 2 건장한, 탄탄한 3 촉발하다 4 잠재적인 5 현대의, 동시대의 6 세련된, 정교한 7 진부한 8 찬성하다 9 줄어들다 10 핥다 11 양육 12 바꾸다, 고치다 13 번식 14 잡다 15 포식 64 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 39 쪽 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? 7049-0071 But to some women and elderly men the same devices signified personal danger. One important influence on a technology s functions and effects is the minds and culture of people. ( 1 ) Nineteenth-century high-wheeler bicycles were perceived by athletic young men as strong, high-speed devices. ( 2 ) Indeed, conflicting perceptions of the high-wheeler proved consequential to its subsequent technological development. ( 3 ) Its perception as a macho machine prompted new bicycle designs with ever higher front wheels. ( 4 ) The competing perception of the high-wheeler as an unsafe machine prompted designs with smaller front wheels, different seat placement, or higher rear wheels. ( 5 ) Thus to understand the social function, meaning, and evolution of the high-wheeler, it is essential to explore its psychological and cultural context. 유형편 macho 남자다움을과시하는 Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 주어진문장의의미를파악하고단서를점검한다. 일부여성들과나이든남성들이어떤똑같은장치에대해위험한것으로여겼다는주어진문장의내용으로보아주어진문장앞에는어떤똑같은장치가언급되어야하고, 주어진문장의접속사 But을통해역접관계가이어지고있음을알수있다. STEP 2 논리적비약이나단절이있는곳을찾는다. 2 앞문장에는 19세기의높은바퀴를가진자전거를젊은남성들은고속장치로인식했다는말이나오고 2 뒤문장에는높은바퀴를가진자전거에대한상충된인식을언급하고있으므로, 2 앞에는자전거에대한한가지견해만나오는데 2 뒤에상충된인식이라고언급되므로논리적단절이있다. STEP 3 주어진문장을단절이있는곳에넣고글이자연스러운지확인한다. 주어진문장의똑같은장치는 2 앞문장의높은바퀴를가진자전거를의미하고, 주어진문장의내용이일부여성들과나이든남성들이똑같은장치를위험한것으로여긴다는내용이므로 2 앞문장의내용과상충된다. 따라서주어진문장이 2에들어가는것이자연스럽다. Chapter 15 문장삽입 65

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0072 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한 곳은? 02 7049-0073 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? But there is a potential problem with these exciting electronic platforms. In another study, students were told they were to judge the sound quality of audiocassettes. Contemporary artists have presented their views in lectures, interviews, essays, and a variety of novel formats. E-mails, text and voice messages, and other virtual public forums have all but replaced letters and journals. ( 1 ) Many artists have sophisticated websites with blogs, chats and, nowadays, some social media accounts. ( 2 ) These new possibilities allow the audience, not just specialists, to be informed and to engage in meaningful dialogues with artists. ( 3 ) Unlike tangible documents, e-mails and other electronic textual, visual, and audio materials may be, and often are, deleted. ( 4 ) Even when they are saved, digital media s endurance over time is still unknown. ( 5 ) This raises important questions about how many contemporary art records might be available in the future. tangible 유형의 When you repeat something, keep it to no more than three times. If you present your message less than three times, it will not have a very strong effect. ( 1 ) If you present your message more than three times, it becomes worn out and loses its potency. ( 2 ) For example, in a study where children were shown the same ice cream commercial over and over while watching a cartoon, the children who saw the commercial three times actually wanted the ice cream more than those who had seen the commercial five times. ( 3 ) What the researchers were really searching for, however, was the varying responses after having heard the recorded message one, three, or five times. ( 4 ) The message discussed support of an increase in university spending via visitor luxury tax or increased student tuition. ( 5 ) Students actually favored the argument for the luxury tax with up to three repetitions, but at five repetitions, their favor for this argument declined. luxury tax 사치세 66 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 40 쪽 03 7049-0074 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? 04 7049-0075 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한 곳은? Exposed to stress, baby rats who ve received a lot of licking and grooming from their mothers later produce fewer stress hormones than rats who receive less care. Animals have separately invented most of these tools, and they must create them from everyday materials (or be born with them preinstalled as specialized body parts). 유형편 The need to feel cared for and secure has its origins at the earliest stages of our development, which makes biological sense. ( 1 ) Without being cared for, we wouldn t survive. ( 2 ) In a fascinating series of studies, Michael Meaney, a professor at McGill University, found that the quality of nurturing a mother rat gives to her offspring literally alters the way the DNA in the offspring s genes is expressed. ( 3 ) The more nurtured rats also grow up to be more alert, confident, and bold in their behaviors and more likely to nurture their own offspring. ( 4 ) The same pattern is true, Meaney believes, of all species. ( 5 ) More than any species, however, human beings carry this need for nurturing forward throughout their lives, at home and at work, the intensity of the need influenced by the degree to which it was met early in their lives. From a biological point of view, life is about survival and reproduction. This means finding and capturing food; avoiding an early death from predation, exposure to the elements, or chance catastrophe; finding and attracting mates; and, for some species, protecting and caring for the young. ( 1 ) Where the ability to build has evolved, it should be in aid of these needs. ( 2 ) Spears, guns, knives, traps, nets, and fish hooks are some of the many weapons humans have fashioned for the killing or collecting of food. ( 3 ) We ve devised baskets and bags for transporting, containers for storing, pans for cooking, and implements for eating. ( 4 ) With no tools or other artifacts, with only our hands, how could we survive? ( 5 ) But no species has managed anything like the diversity of tools seen in humans. the elements 악천후 Chapter 15 문장삽입 67

CHAPTER 16 무관한문장파악 유형소개 글의흐름에서벗어나는문장을고르는유형으로, 매년한두문항씩출제된다. 직간접적으로주제에서벗어나는문장이제시되므로, 글의통일성을저해하는선택지를찾는다. 해결전략 글의소재와주제를파악한다. 글의논리적흐름을파악하면서전체흐름과관계없는문장을표시한다. 표시한문장을뺀나머지글의흐름이자연스러운지를점검한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. stable evolution oppress transition soothing recount sibling identification inconsistent shallowness heritage assessment competence integrity conform to ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 안정적인 2 진화 3 억압하다 4 변화 5 위로하는, 진정하는 6 ( 자기가경험한것에대해 ) 말하다, 이야기하다 7 형제자매 8 동일시, 공감 9 일관성이없는 10 천박함, 얕음 11 유산 12 평가 13 능력, 재능 14 온전함, 진실성 15 ~ 을따르다, ~ 에순응하다 68 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 42 쪽 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? 7049-0076 Stable communities in the early stages of social evolution tend to have mild rates of population growth. 1 They do tend to grow, but not nearly as quickly as the current growth rate in the Third World. 2 When these societies are invaded and their people oppressed, birth rates and population tend to rise much more rapidly. 3 This is perhaps because their stable cultural patterns have been disrupted, and the conquerors and their local agents have little incentive to hold down the population. 4 To make a transition from high birth rates to low, it is required that the nation truly develop a prosperous and numerous middle class, which benefits from the market economy. 5 The conquered people are often used for the power of their labor in the agricultural projects of the rulers, so they may even have an incentive to increase the indigenous population. 유형편 indigenous 토착의 Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의앞부분에서소재와주제를파악한다. 첫번째문장 (Stable communities ~ have mild rates of population growth.) 및세번째문장 (When these societies are invaded ~ to rise much more rapidly.) 을통해이글의주제는안정된사회보다침입을받고억압받는사회에서인구증가율이높다는것임을알수있다. STEP 2 글의논리적흐름을파악하면서글의주제와논리적으로연결되어있는지확인한다. 1 사회진화의초기단계에있는안정적인공동체의인구증가율은제3세계의현재인구증가율만큼빠르지않다. () 2 사회가침입을받고억압을받으면, 출생률과인구는훨씬더빠르게증가하는경향이있다. () 3 그이유는안정된문화적패턴이붕괴되고, 정복자와지방관리는인구를억제할동기가없기때문이다. () 4 높은출생률에서낮은출생률로변화하기위해서는부유하고다수인중산층을발달시킬필요가있다. ( ) 5 지배자들은정복당한사람들의노동력을이용하려고하기에, 그들의인구를증가시키려는동기를갖고있을수있다. () STEP 3 글의흐름에서벗어난문장을제외한나머지문장들의흐름이자연스러운지확인한다. 문장 4를제외하면, 나머지문장들은모두안정된사회보다침입을받고억압받는사회에서인구증가율이높다는내용과연관있으므로글의흐름이자연스럽다. Chapter 16 무관한문장파악 69

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0077 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? We seem to particularly need stories during times of great sorrow and loss. 1 I remember how my parents, brother, and I kept telling each other the story of my grandmother s illness and death both during and after the event. 2 There was something immensely soothing in that process: the way we repeated each important detail, the sense that we were containing our loss through the ordered recounting of the experience. 3 Current research about how memory works proves that we remember things better when we tell stories about them. 4 The telling and re-telling of that story also served as catharsis we could cry, laugh, get angry, get mad, feel sad over and over again. 5 Telling sorrowful stories is a necessary part of the healing process. catharsis 카타르시스, 정화 02 7049-0078 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? An only child may differ from another only child. This depends, among other things, upon the sibling position of his same-sex parent. 1 If the father of a male only child is an oldest brother of brothers, through identification with his father the son may assume features, attitudes, and preferences of an oldest brother of brothers. 2 The father considers his son as too independent, whereas the son feels his father is inconsistent and irrational at times. 3 If the mother of a female only child is a youngest sister of brothers, the daughter will become a mixture of an only child and a youngest sister of brothers. 4 She may be less egotistical and moody than other female single children. 5 If the same-sex parent of an only child was an only child himself, then the child tends to show the characteristics and social behavior of an only child to a marked degree. egotistical 자기중심적인 70 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 42 쪽 03 7049-0079 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? 04 7049-0080 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? People who dress more stylishly than their coworkers tend not to get along well in the workplace. 1 They are not seen as team players, and are often thought to be egotistical or antiauthority. 2 Extremely fashionable clothes when out of place in an environment also project an image of shallowness. 3 For most of us, our image is the natural by-product of the family in which we were raised, our cultural heritage, our regional origins, and other life experiences. 4 People assume that those who spend a substantial amount of time, money and energy reading fashion magazines or shopping at the trendiest stores to put together just the right outfit reflect their true priorities style over substance. 5 This can affect others assessment of your intelligence, competence and professionalism. In the study of harmony, artists have looked for millennia to nature to build on a thread of knowledge. 1 Ancient Greek architects related each element of their buildings to one another in much the same way the human body is designed. 2 Each part has an individual integrity that nevertheless relates perfectly to the whole. 3 Artists such as Albrecht Dürer, Filippo Brunelleschi, and Piero della Francesca studied the natural world so intensely that they pushed the boundaries of knowledge and advanced many fields. 4 These artists focused on drawing fine details of each element but failed to see the bigger picture it could make since they considered the characteristics of the natural world trivial. 5 Through close study of the natural world, artists throughout history have discovered that nature conforms to certain rules and patterns that can be translated into methods useful for art, science, and design. millennia 수천년 유형편 Chapter 16 무관한문장파악 71

CHAPTER 17 글의순서파악 유형소개 주어진글다음에이어지는세개의글의순서를문맥에맞게재구성하는유형으로, 글의유기적인흐름이나논리적관계를통해서순서를파악하는것이중요하다. 해결전략 주어진글을포함하여글전체를빠르게읽고글의소재와글의전반적인내용을파악한다. 글과글의연결고리역할을하는표현들, 즉지시어나대명사, 연결어 ( 구 ), 관사, 부사등의단서를찾는다. 글의흐름과찾은단서를종합하여유기적인글의순서를정한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. validity reasoning advocate tentative additive toxin eliminate transfer portrait internalize incentive equipment humidity instrumental intentional ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 타당성 2 추론 3 옹호자 4 잠정적인 5 첨가제 6 독소 7 제거하다 8 전이, 이동 9 인물사진, 초상화 10 내면화하다 11 동기 12 장비, 설비 13 습기, 습도 14 도구적인, 도구의 15 의도적인 72 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 45 쪽 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? 7049-0081 Validity in reasoning is the measure to which the claim or conclusion forwarded by its advocates is indeed supported by the evidence and reasoning offered for it. (A) By applying the tests of reasoning, they can anticipate the probable lines of refutation by their opponents and prepare their counter refutation. These tests of reasoning should also be applied outside the debate situation. 유형편 (B) In the construction of a case, advocates will discover much reasoning advanced by others and will develop tentative lines of reasoning of their own. Before incorporating any of this reasoning into their cases, they must apply the tests of reasoning so that they may reject invalid reasoning and include only what will stand up under scrutiny. (C) For example, as college students weigh the propositions that they should enter law school, or medical school, or a certain field, their future happiness and success require that they carefully apply the tests of reasoning to the arguments supporting these propositions. refutation 논박, 반박 scrutiny 면밀한조사 proposition 명제, 진술 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 주어진글을읽고글의소재와글의전반적인내용을파악한다. 글의소재는추론에서의타당성 (validity in reasoning) 이고, 추론이타당성을얻으려면어떤과정이필요한지에대한내용이설명되고있다. STEP 2 글과글의연결고리역할을하는표현들, 즉지시어나대명사, 연결어 ( 구 ), 관사, 부사등의단서를찾는다. (A) By applying the tests of reasoning, they can anticipate ~ ( 반복되는표현 / 대명사 ) These tests of reasoning should also be applied ~ ( 지시어 / 부사 ) (B) In the construction of a case, advocates will ~ ( 글의전개시작 ) ~, they must apply the tests of reasoning ~ ( 반복되는표현 ) (C) For example, ~ ( 예시의연결어구 ) STEP 3 글의흐름과찾은단서를종합하여유기적인글의순서를정한다. 추론에서의타당성은 ( 주장또는결론이 ) 증거와추론에의해뒷받침되는척도임. (B) 어떤논거를구성할때옹호자들은추론의검증을적용해야함. (A) 추론의검증을통해상대방이펼칠논박의방법을예상하고자신의반대논박을준비할수있음. 추론의검증은또한논쟁상황밖에서도적용되어야함. (C) 추론의검증이논쟁상황밖에서적용되는예시제시. Chapter 17 글의순서파악 73

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0082 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? 02 7049-0083 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? What we put onto our skin affects our health just as much as what we put in our body. In fact, what we put onto our skin could affect our body more. (A) When we consume something, we digest it, and then our liver helps us to filter the nutrients to figure out if what we ve consumed is usable for our body s good or not. When our liver wants to get rid of an unusable nutrient or chemical, the main method of getting rid of it is through our stool, urine, and skin. (B) However, what we put onto our skin directly enters our bloodstream. The chemicals and additives that are in body products that are applied on the skin do not go to the liver first. They enter your bloodstream and can immediately add toxins to your body. This is scary! (C) Those nutrients that our liver is in favor of using for the betterment of our health are released into the bloodstream and can travel to the cells throughout our body, helping us to stay alive and well. So we have the help of the liver as a gatekeeper, managing what nutrients enter our bloodstream and what chemicals we eliminate from our body. stool 대변 urine 소변 Mood transfer via facial expressions and body language is so powerful that people doing it on a daily basis literally start to look alike. (A) For the set taken at an older age, they had no trouble deciding who was married to whom. But for the pictures taken at a younger age, subjects flunked the task. Married couples resemble each other, therefore, not because they pick partners who look like them, but because their features converge over the years. (B) This has been tested with portraits of longtime couples: One set of pictures was taken on their wedding day and another set twenty-five years later. Presented with separate portraits of these men and women, human subjects were asked to match them on similarity. (C) The similarity was strongest for couples who reported the greatest happiness in the study. Daily sharing of emotions apparently leads one partner to internalize the other, and vice versa, to the point that anyone can see how much they belong together. flunk 실패하다, 낙제하다 converge 점점비슷해지다, 수렴하다 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 74 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 45 쪽 03 7049-0084 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0085 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? An obvious desirable characteristic for the development of a business is a fast growth in demand. If a population is growing or becoming richer, it will provide an incentive for entrepreneurs to invest in new plants and innovative products. (A) An example of this can be seen in the development of businesses making air conditioning equipment. The first successful enterprises were in the eastern United States in the early 1900s, and, yes, the prosperity of Americans was a key factor as they could afford the luxury of air conditioning. (B) But equally important was the desire of people to escape the heat and humidity. The environment determines what people value and what products they buy. Pointing allows babies to exchange information with those around them. It is a social and communicative behavior. Babies never point when they are alone. (A) This form of pointing is called instrumental pointing and represents a very specific and intentional means-to-an-end action. The resulting response from the parent to pick up the toy and hand it to the baby is predicted and confirmed. Within a few months, however, you may be perplexed by a new reaction from your baby. (B) Indeed, they will first actively attract your attention before they point, to ensure that their action will be noticed. At around six months, babies begin pointing to objects out of their reach in order to convey specific desires. 유형편 (C) However, it is not just the wealth of local consumers that is important. Other characteristics of demand play a role. The problems that customers face can open business opportunities. entrepreneur 기업인 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) (C) When you hand him the toy he was pointing at, he may look displeased or push it away. Your frustrated little one is feeling cross because this time you didn t understand his behavior. In this case, he was sharing an experience by showing it to you, not asking for something to be given to him. 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) Chapter 17 글의순서파악 75

CHAPTER 18 요약문완성 유형소개 글의내용을한문장으로정리, 요약한문장을완성하는유형으로, 요약문의빈칸에는주로글의핵심내용을담은단어나어구가들어간다. 해결전략 글의도입부에서소재와주제를파악한다. 글의전개를통해글에제시된핵심내용이무엇인지를알아낸다. 선택지를요약문의빈칸에넣어글의주제와주된내용에부합하는지를확인한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. argument criticize insight regulate bond tolerate nutrition suppress absorption indicate properties in response to stimulus retailer vulnerable ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 주장, 논증 2 비판하다 3 통찰 ( 력 ) 4 조절하다 5 결속을이루다 6 참다 7 영양 8 억제하다 9 흡수, 몰입 10 가리키다, 나타내다 11 속성, 성질 12 ~ 에반응하여 13 자극 14 소매상 15 취약한 76 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 48 쪽 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 7049-0086 Plato advanced an argument that a written text is no substitute for a spoken dialogue, in the Seventh Letter. Every man of worth, when dealing with matters of worth, will be far from exposing them to ill feeling and misunderstanding among men by committing them to writing, he declared. He was criticizing his pupil Dionysius, the ruler of Syracuse, who had written a philosophical treatise. Mere written words, Plato argued, cannot convey the flashes of insight through which philosophical truths come to be understood. Instead, like Socrates, Plato preferred the dialectic approach of arriving at truth through dialogue: In the course of scrutiny and kindly testing by men who proceed by question and answer without ill will, with a sudden flash there shines forth understanding about every problem. His pupil Aristotle believed that spoken words are the symbols of mental experience and written words are the symbols of spoken words, another expression of the Greek view of the superiority of speech over writing. 유형편 treatise 논문 According to Plato, the written word is (A) to its spoken counterpart because the former is (B) of leading to true understanding. (A) (B) 1 inferior incapable 2 inferior capable 3 superior incapable 4 superior capable 5 identical incapable Let s Solve It with Strategies STEP 1 글의도입부에서소재와주제를파악한다. 소재는글과말이며, 주제는글보다말이우월하다는플라톤의견해이다. STEP 2 글의전개를통해글에제시된핵심내용이무엇인지를알아낸다. 플라톤에따르면철학적진실에이르도록번득이는통찰력을전달할수있는매개는글이아니라말 ( 대화 ) 이다. STEP 3 선택지의단어나어구를요약문빈칸에넣어글의주제와주요내용에부합하는지확인한다. 플라톤은한낱글을통해서는진실한이해에도달할수없으므로글보다말이우월하다고주장했다. 글은그것과대응하는말해비해열등한데 (inferior), 이는전자가진실한이해로이어지지못하기 (incapable) 때문이다. Chapter 18 요약문완성 77

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr 01 7049-0087 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? The social lives of numerous animals are strongly shaped by affiliative and cooperative behavior. Consider wolves. For a long time researchers thought that pack size was regulated by available food resources. Wolves typically feed on animals such as elk and moose, both of which are bigger than an individual wolf. Successfully hunting such large animals usually takes more than one wolf, so it makes sense to suppose that wolf packs evolved because of the size of wolves food. However, longterm research by David Mech shows that pack size in wolves is regulated by social and not foodrelated factors. Mech discovered that the number of wolves who can live together in a coordinated pack is governed by the number of wolves with whom individuals can closely bond balanced against the number of individuals from whom an individual can tolerate competition. Packs and their codes of conduct break down when there are too many wolves. affiliative 연합하는 elk 엘크 ( 유럽 아시아의큰사슴 ) moose 무스 ( 캐나다 미국북부의큰사슴 ) For a long time, it was thought that the pack size of wolves was related to their available (A), but David Mech s research found that their pack size is controlled by (B) factors. (A) (B) 1 prey social 2 prey environmental 3 fellowship social 4 fellowship dietary 5 habitat environmental 02 7049-0088 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Nutrition affects the hormonal system. Fasting, feeding, and exercise alter hormonal balances. In people who become very thin, for example, altered hormonal balance causes their bones to lose minerals and weaken. Hormones also affect nutrition. Along with the nervous system, hormones regulate hunger and affect appetite. They carry messages to regulate the digestive system, telling the digestive organs what kinds of foods have been eaten and how much of each digestive juice to secrete in response. A hormone produced by the fat tissue informs the brain about the degree of body fatness and helps to regulate appetite. An altered hormonal state is thought to be at least partially responsible, too, for the loss of appetite that sick people experience. Hormones also regulate the body s reaction to stress, suppressing hunger and the digestion and absorption of nutrients. When there are questions about a person s nutrition or health, the state of that person s hormonal system is often part of the answer. secrete 분비하다 Working (A) with nutrition, hormones (B) physiological mechanisms including hunger, appetite, and the digestive system of the body. (A) (B) 1 exclusively characterize 2 exclusively impair 3 alternately control 4 interdependently control 5 interdependently impair 78 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 48 쪽 03 7049-0089 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 04 7049-0090 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Studies have indicated that a great many species have some capacity to track the mathematical properties of objects in their environment. In one experiment, the psychologists Russell Church and Warren Meck exposed rats to both tones and flashes of light. The rats were initially trained to press the left lever when they heard two tones and the right lever when they heard four tones. The rats were also taught to press the left lever in response to two flashes of light and the right lever in response to four flashes of light. What would the rats do when presented with one tone and one flash of light? They immediately pressed the left lever, indicating that they had coded the stimulus as two events, and they immediately pressed the right lever in response to two tones and two flashes of light, indicating that they had coded that stimulus as four events. The research by Russell Church and Warren Meck showed that rats can figure out the total (A) of different types of (B) stimuli. Gift giving is one of the most mysterious areas of shopping. Irrational behavior is almost the norm in this area of consumer spending and it is tolerated, expected, and even encouraged. Gift giving is less about shopping and more about the emotions of the shopper. This helps to explain the extreme nature of gift shopping and the illogical nature of the whole process. From the consumer s point of view, shopping for gifts is an emotional process that one gets caught up in. It is an area where the laws of supply, demand, and price go out the window as anxious shoppers do their utmost to bring pleasure to another person, and thereby, to themselves. The shopper shopping for gifts is the most susceptible of all shoppers. Smart retailers are ready to take advantage of the defenseless and emotionally vulnerable gift buyer. Meanwhile, the shopper knows he is vulnerable, but he is also unwilling to defend himself. Pleasing the recipient and conveying the intended emotional message are often more important than the price. susceptible 쉽게영향을받는 유형편 (A) (B) 1 number sensory 2 number verbal 3 length verbal 4 length emotional 5 intensity sensory When shopping for gifts, consumers exhibit a(n) (A) consumption pattern because they are driven usually by (B). (A) (B) 1 strategic supply 2 strategic demand 3 defensive emotion 4 unreasonable supply 5 unreasonable emotion Chapter 18 요약문완성 79

CHAPTER 19 장문의이해 (1)-1 지문 2 문항 유형소개 두문단이상의비교적긴지문을읽고, 글전체의중심내용을잘표현한제목을고르고, 글전체의내용을파악한후빈칸에들어갈적절한말을추론하는두개의문항으로구성된유형이다. 해결전략 글의소재와주제를파악한다. 글전체의중심내용을잘표현한제목을찾는다. 글의흐름을자연스럽게연결하는말을찾아빈칸을완성한다. Vocabulary Check before you read 이번강에나오는지문의핵심어휘와어구입니다. 알고있는것에체크표시하고우리말뜻을적어확인해봅시다. voluntary overloaded tempt appreciation committee implication compromise extend accommodate contract license breakthrough reverse discrimination disfavor ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ Answer 1 자발적인 2 일이과중한 3 유혹하다 4 고마움, 이해 5 위원회 6 함축, 암시 7 타협, 절충 ; 손상시키다 8 연장하다 9 수용하다 10 계약 11 허가하다, 인가하다 12 혁신적인, 획기적인 13 역의, 반대의 14 차별 15 냉대하다 80 EBS 수능완성영어

Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 51 쪽 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. Many no situations involve someone asking you to accept a voluntary task or project. When you are overloaded, you want to decline, but you hate to disappoint a colleague or a friend. As a result, you find yourself either taking on the assignment and doing less than your best, taking on the assignment and resenting the requester for asking, or accepting the assignment but not following through. All these weak choices tempt us when we can t find a polite way to phrase a no response to a friend or colleague. Instead, express appreciation that your colleague considered you or thought of you for the project: I feel honored that you even considered me to speak to your group on such an important occasion, or, I m so pleased that you considered me capable of serving on this committee; I know this work is critical to the overall success of the event. Unfortunately, however, my schedule just won t allow it. The implication of your phrasing is that your friend has honored you by asking. When you thank him for that honor but are firm in your, he typically understands your sincere regret that you cannot take on the assignment. 유형편 01 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 7049-0091 1 Regret Is a By-Product of Inactivity 2 Have the Courage to Show Kindness 3 Say No to a Request, Expressing Appreciation 4 Let Your Friend Feel Appreciated When You Ask 5 Ask for Help, and You ll Get More Than You Expect 02 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 7049-0092 1 silence 2 turndown 3 invitation 4 resentment 5 commitment Chapter 19 장문의이해 (1) - 1 지문 2 문항 81

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr [01~02] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. It is not unusual to find technically superior products that failed or sold poorly relative to technically inferior competing products. Some failed because they used closed standards that limited external innovation and, as counterintuitive as it may sound, some failed because product development managers failed to make technological compromises that help satisfy customer needs. How can making sacrifices in features or performance help satisfy customer needs? Don t customers want the best products that money can buy? Not necessarily. The Betamax tape is a classic example. Introduced in 1975, Betamax tapes were smaller and provided better definition than the competing VHS format introduced the following year. When a camera company sought a video format for its new home-movie cameras, it initially approached the company which produced Betamax tapes. However, its engineers were unwilling to extend the recording time of Betamax tapes because it would compromise video quality. The camera company then turned to the company which owned the VHS format. It knew that VHS was inferior, but because the company which owned the VHS format was willing to accommodate the request for longer recording times, it won the contract. The camera company realized that consumers valued the convenience of not having to carry around spare tapes more than higher picture quality. The company which owned the VHS format then went on to license its technology to other thirdparty manufacturers who significantly undercut Betamax s price. In 1988, the company which produced Betamax tapes abandoned the format and began manufacturing VHS players. Designers and engineers are often energized by breakthrough technologies that allow them to accomplish tasks that they only dreamed were possible. In the process, they often lose sight of the real goal fulfilling a customer need. They succumb to what we call the performance trap. In Betamax s case, consumers valued more than video performance. counterintuitive 직관에반하는 succumb 굴복하다 01 7049-0093 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 Betamax Tapes: The Most Revolutionary Innovation 2 What Breakthrough Technology Really Means to Engineers 3 Why Technologically Superior Products Don t Always Win 4 What Is More Important: Good Product Quality or the Lowest Price 5 Conflicts Between Product Engineers and Marketing Managers 02 7049-0094 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 1 brand awareness 2 a reasonable price 3 innovative designs 4 the range of warranty 5 longer playback times 82 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 51 쪽 [03~04] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. Historian Andrew Achenbaum says that we may go too far in giving preferred treatment to older people. This amounts to a reverse form of discrimination. It gives one group access to special programs and services based on their age. In an age-irrelevant society, should older people get special benefits? Achenbaum says we need to look at whether age should serve as the basis for a policy or practice. Mandatory retirement, for example, discriminates against older people because age alone cannot predict ability on the job. On the other hand, he says, shelter allowances should be based not on age, but on need. Many age groups need help with housing costs. This logic could apply to seniors discounts as well. A young family of four may have as much need for a discount at a restaurant as a senior couple. A review of age-based policies would sometimes benefit older people and other times not. Programs that unduly favor or disfavor people because they happen to be old, Achenbaum says, should be reconsidered, and then either scrapped or reformulated. The cry of ageism can play on our guilt about our negative feelings toward aging. Achenbaum asks us to. unduly 지나치게, 과도하게 scrap 폐기하다 ageism 노인차별 03 7049-0095 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 Show More Respect to Seniors 2 Toward a Fair Age-Irrelevant Society 3 Your Golden Age Doesn t Come Overnight! 4 Why Does Getting Older Mean Getting Wiser? 5 Do We Have Enough Senior Welfare Programs? 04 7049-0096 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 1 prepare well for the future of uncertainty 2 respect older people as they have contributed to society 3 increase more welfare programs for the seniors in need 4 use a rational basis for deciding how we treat all people 5 build a society in which older people feel mentally secure 유형편 Chapter 19 장문의이해 (1) - 1 지문 2 문항 83

CHAPTER 20 장문의이해 (2) -1 지문 3 문항 유형소개 장문의글을읽고, 단락의순서배열, 지칭대상파악, 심경이나글의분위기파악, 세부내용파악등의문제해결을통해종합적사고력을측정하는유형이다. Let s Check It Out 정답과해설 53 쪽 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. For some odd reason, my daughter has always shortened her sentences with initials. For instance, SFSG stands for so far so good and LY means love you. I could go on and on. When she was growing up, this practice used to drive me crazy. It kept me on my toes, however, as I would find myself standing in the house trying to figure out what in the world the last initials she had yelled to me stood for. When my granddaughter was born, my daughter named me G.T., for Grandma Thomas (Thomas is my last name). I didn t like the initials, so I took it upon myself to change the spelling to GeeTee. Of course, my granddaughter began calling me GeeTee. One day, when (a) she was seven years old, I was reading to her from the Shel Silverstein book called The Giving Tree. The story is about how a tree gave all that she had to a young boy so that he could be happy. After we read the story, I noticed that my granddaughter sat pondering what (b) she had just heard. GeeTee, you always keep me when my mom and dad need a babysitter, right? Right, I said. And you sometimes pick (c) me up from school, and come eat lunch with me, and talk to me when I have had a bad day, right? Right, I again responded, wondering where in the world her little mind was going. Whatever I needed, (d) you would do for me, wouldn t you? she asked. You d better believe it! I answered. Well, in that case, GeeTee can mean that you are my giving tree. Just like the book, right? I swallowed hard. What is it in the minds of children that can pull at your heart when you least expect it? I would love for GeeTee to mean giving tree if (e) you want it to, I said to her. Then that s what it is! she said. Then she hugged me and ran off to play. I cried. How special my granddaughter is to me! ponder 곰곰이생각하다 84 EBS 수능완성영어

해결전략 평소수필이나소설등긴글을읽으면서주어진시간안에글의전체적인내용을정확하게이해하는연습을한다. 단락의순서를배열하는유형의경우등장인물, 중심사건, 시간적흐름등에유의하여글을읽으면서순서를파악한다. 지문에따라등장인물의심경이나분위기를묻는유형이출제될수도있다. 세부내용파악유형은선택지와관련된내용이주로본문의순서대로제시된다. 본문의여러부분이종합적으로제시될수도있으므로글을차분히읽어나가면서적절한내용인지를가려낸다. 유형편 01 7049-0097 윗글의마지막부분에드러난 I 의심경으로가장적절한것은? 1 sad and sorry 2 moved and happy 3 envious and jealous 4 indifferent and bored 5 relieved and sympathetic 02 7049-0098 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 03 7049-0099 윗글의 I 에관한내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 머리글자를이용해문장을줄여쓰곤하는딸이있었다. 2 딸이만들어준 G.T. 라는이름을처음부터좋아했다. 3 일곱살된손녀에게 The Giving Tree라는책을읽어주었다. 4 GeeTee의의미에대한손녀의해석을기꺼이받아들였다. 5 손녀와의대화가끝난후손녀와포옹을했다. Chapter 20 장문의이해 (2) - 1 지문 3 문항 85

Exercises www.ebsi.co.kr [01~03] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) Bill Barry is an Olympic silver medalist, ex-ceo of an international advertising agency and coach to many Olympic rowers. He has been there and done it. One summer evening he was invited to his local Tideway Scullers rowing club in London to watch a raw, young talent rowing on the Thames. Alan Campbell was that raw talent and, back in those days, (a) he was an overweight, uncoordinated 18-year-old. (B) Their coaching journey began that day and ended 10 years later on 3 August 2012 when Alan won the bronze medal in the single scull final of the London Olympics the first single scull medal Team Great Britain had achieved in that event for 84 years. Bill believed in Alan at a time when many others would not have done. That belief empowered Alan and inspired (b) him to commit 110 percent to his goal. single scull 싱글스컬 ( 조정에서한명의선수가양손으로두개의노를젓는종목 ) (C) In business terms, it was similar to a teenage apprentice marching into the global CEO s office and demanding a place on the board. However, after Alan had come out with (c) his ridiculous ambition that evening, Bill recalled that he saw a strange determination in Alan s eyes so he took him at his word and said, Well, if you want to win an Olympic medal, I ll be your coach and I need you to lose 15 kg in weight in the next four months. apprentice 견습생, 도제 (D) Once the training session had been completed, Alan bounded up the riverbank to Bill and introduced himself. What is your goal? Bill asked (d) him. To win an Olympic medal was the impulsive reply. At this point Bill would have been quite within (e) his rights to laugh off the suggestion and dismiss the green young man back to his native Northern Ireland. 01 7049-0100 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(D)-(C) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 2 (C)-(B)-(D) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 02 7049-0101 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 03 7049-0102 윗글의내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 Bill은 Tideway Scullers 조정클럽에초청받았다. 2 Alan은 2012년런던올림픽에서동메달을땄다. 3 Bill은많은다른사람들과달리 Alan을믿었다. 4 Bill은 Alan의눈에서남다른결의를보았다. 5 Alan은심사숙고끝에올림픽메달을따는것이목표라고 Bill에게답했다. 86 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 54 쪽 [04~06] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) In the late 1650s, when Isaac was in his midteens, his mother called him home from Grantham. Hannah thought that Isaac had learned quite enough at the King s School and was ready to manage her land. There were sheep and cattle to raise, hay to rake, buildings and fences to mend, and servants to manage. All of this was a big responsibility, and Hannah Newton firmly believed that it was time for him to take on his duties as a future landowner. have been looking after his animals. When he and a servant went to the market in Grantham, Isaac spent the day with his books in his old room at Mr. Clark s home while the servant did Isaac s work. One day, as Isaac returned home on horseback, he dismounted to lead the horse up a hill. Somehow the horse slipped out of its bridle. But Isaac never noticed. (e) He continued on home, dragging the horseless bridle behind him. bridle 고삐 유형편 (B) Both men agreed that Isaac was destined for more learning; with a few more months of preparation, Isaac would be ready to enter Cambridge University. Uncle William Ayscough had a particular college at Cambridge in mind: his nephew would enter Trinity College, the same Cambridge college (a) he had attended. Isaac returned to the Clark household in Grantham and moved back into his old room. Mr. Stokes taught Isaac everything he could to prepare Isaac for his entrance examinations for Trinity College. (C) Indeed, Isaac was miserable at farming, and (b) he was miserable while farming, too. To Isaac s good fortune, two men in his life intervened with his mother. Hannah s brother, Isaac s uncle William Ayscough, and his schoolmaster, Mr. Stokes, visited Hannah to plead for Isaac to return to the King s School. Mr. Stokes even agreed to drop Isaac s fees in order to persuade Isaac s tightfisted mother to let (c) him go back. (D) tightfisted 인색한 It didn t take long for the servants to see that Isaac Newton was no sheep farmer. (d) He sat under hedges and read books when he should 04 7049-0103 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(D)-(C) 2 (C)-(B)-(D) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 05 7049-0104 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 06 7049-0105 윗글의 Isaac에관한내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 어머니가부르기전까지 King s School에서공부했다. 2 어머니는 Isaac이 Cambridge 대학에진학하길소원했다. 3 삼촌은 Isaac이 King s School로돌아가기를바랐다. 4 King s School의교장은 Isaac의수업료를낮춰주기로했다. 5 시장에갔을때일은하지않고방에서책을읽었다. Chapter 20 장문의이해 (2) - 1 지문 3 문항 87


EBS 수능완성영어영역영어 실전편 실전모의고사 1 회 실전모의고사 2 회 실전모의고사 3 회 실전모의고사 4 회 실전모의고사 5 회

정답과해설 56 쪽실전모의고사 1 회제한시간 70 분 배점 100 점 문항에따라배점이다릅니다. 3점문항에는점수가표시되어있습니다. 점수표시가없는문항은모두 2점입니다. 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 15번까지는한번만들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는두번들려줍니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 01 7049-0106 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Don t worry. You ll finish in time. 2 That d be nice. Let me get my coat. 3 Great. I ll meet you there tomorrow. 4 Sorry. I don t feel like staying in today. 5 That s OK. I ve already finished my part. 03 7049-0108 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 학부모대토론회개최를공지하려고 2 졸업식예행연습을위한협조를당부하려고 3 학부모들의학교봉사활동에대해감사하려고 4 졸업사진촬영일정이변경되었음을안내하려고 5 졸업식에사용할자녀의사진제출을부탁하려고 04 7049-0109 대화를듣고, 남자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 해외자원봉사에대한막연한기대감을갖는것은금물이다. 2 자원봉사자는끊임없이공부하며배우는자세를가져야한다. 3 자원봉사는순수한목적을가지고자발적으로참여해야한다. 4 학생이참여할수있는해외자원봉사프로그램을늘려야한다. 5 해외자원봉사는남을도우면서새로운문화를접하는좋은기회이다. 02 7049-0107 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 No. I don t think it s hot and humid. 2 Well, I don t want to leave the room. 3 Good idea. Let s go get some plants. 4 Don t worry. Tomorrow morning it will be dry. 5 Yes, the room is decorated with a variety of plants. 05 7049-0110 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 작곡가 - 가수 2 악기점주인 - 고객 3 바이올린연주자 - 관객 4 지휘자 - 오케스트라단원 5 음악방송진행자 - 초대손님 90 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 06 7049-0111 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 2 08 7049-0113 대화를듣고, 남자가이사를가고싶어하는이유를고르시오. 1 직장이너무멀어서 2 편의시설이부족해서 3 아이들의교육을위해서 4 이웃과사이가안좋아서 5 혼잡한도시생활에지쳐서 3 4 5 실전모의고사 1 회 1 09 7049-0114 대화를듣고, 여자가지불할금액을고르시오. 3점 1 $50 2 $60 3 $65 4 $70 5 $75 07 7049-0112 대화를듣고, 남자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 초청연사마중하기 2 오디오장비점검하기 3 명찰의철자수정하기 4 참석자명단작성하기 5 대기실정리정돈하기 10 7049-0115 대화를듣고, 남자의인도여행에관해두사람이언급하지않은것을고르시오. 1 기간 2 방문도시 3 가장인상깊었던경험 4 안전여부 5 총경비 실전모의고사 1 회 91

정답과해설 61 쪽 11 7049-0116 Triton River Photo Contest에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 비전문가와전문가모두참가할수있다. 2 참가자는네부문중최대두부문에출품할수있다. 3 출품작제출마감기한은 9월 3일자정까지이다. 4 3위까지의수상자들이받는총상금은 800달러이다. 5 참가작은온라인이나우편으로접수를받는다. 14 7049-0119 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Man: 1 The yoga center is right across the street. 2 You will find yoga is effective in reducing stress. 3 You shouldn t eat at least two hours before the lesson. 4 You should start doing hot yoga as soon as possible. 5 These yoga poses will enhance your joint flexibility. 12 7049-0117 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이주문할유모차를고르시오. Strollers for Sale Model Reversible Handle Footrest Color Price 1 SL-B11 Red $280 2 SL-B22 Pink $330 3 SL-B33 Gray $350 4 PR-C11 Gray $260 5 PR-C22 Pink $300 13 7049-0118 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Woman: 1 You don t need to print out the record for me. 2 I want to buy two tickets with this credit card. 3 Here s the confirmation message on my phone. 4 Let me show you how to get to the ticket booth. 5 They issued my tickets as soon as I arrived here. 15 7049-0120 다음상황설명을듣고, Mrs. Hamilton이 Cindy에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. Mrs. Hamilton: 1 You should have warmed up first. 2 Don t be afraid. I m sure you can learn to swim. 3 Let s go get a bite to eat. You must be hungry now. 4 Why don t you swim in the pool before it gets cold? 5 Change into your dry clothes and take a rest in the sun. 92 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [16~17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. 18 7049-0123 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 16 7049-0121 여자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 1 energy efficiency of home appliances 2 common causes of high electricity bills 3 economic benefits of energy storage systems 4 tips on maintaining electrical safety at home 5 ways to prevent power outages in hot summers Dear Sir, Would you be nice enough in doing me a favour by keeping your dog chained? Yesterday it ventured into our kitchen garden and destroyed so many plants and flower beds. You know how we labour over and prize our plants and flowers. Your dog is not ferocious but even then it scares our children when let loose. The other day it scratched a passerby with its sharp nails and scared a babysitter into screaming. I hope you understand and appreciate the nuisance caused sometimes by your pet. It is in the interest of our good neighbourly relations that we cooperate in every possible way. 실전모의고사 1 회 17 7049-0122 언급된가전제품이아닌것은? 1 TVs 2 computers 3 blenders 4 dishwashers 5 ceiling fans Yours sincerely, S. Mazumdar ferocious 사나운 1 개를입양하기로한결정을알리려고 2 이웃의개짖는소리에대해항의하려고 3 애완동물돌봄서비스에대해문의하려고 4 이웃집개로인한피해보상을요구하려고 5 개를계속묶어둘것을이웃에게부탁하려고 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제지의지시에따 라답을하시기바랍니다. 실전모의고사 1 회 93

정답과해설 65 쪽 19 7049-0124 다음글에드러난 I 의심경으로가장적절한것은? All that night I held onto the broken mast, until I was so exhausted that I finally went to sleep. The next morning I sat on the mast and looked around. There was nothing around as far as the eye could see. It was calm and the sea was like glass. A single seagull which came out of nowhere landed on the mast, looked at me questioningly, and then flew off into the distance. I wished that I could fly like that. If I could, I would fly over the ocean and find our ship, and Grandpa, Grandma, and all the others would be happy to see me. But there was no use in dreaming about things that were impossible. I sat on the mast, dangling my feet in the water. I thought about my friends on the ship and how they must think that I drowned in that storm. I thought about our island, and wondered if I would ever see another island again. 1 angry and upset 2 excited and delighted 3 relieved and satisfied 4 hopeless and desperate 5 sympathetic and regretful mast 돛대 20 7049-0125 다음글에서과학논문에관하여필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? The title of a scientific article should be chosen with care because it provides the first basis on which a prospective reader can decide whether or not to go further in reading the article. It therefore should provide as much information as possible about the nature of the paper, without, however, exceeding the length limitations. In practice it will be the chief source on which indexers will rely. Therefore, it is desirable, if possible, to get index words into the title, i.e., words under which the paper should be listed in the subject index. For example, if a small number of chemical compounds were studied in some way, such that the article should be indexed under the names of the compounds, try to get the names in the title. 1 색인단어의수를줄여야한다. 2 제목에색인단어를넣어야한다. 3 제목은전체내용을함축해야한다. 4 증거가뒷받침되는정보를제공해야한다. 5 시류에맞는적절한주제를선정해야한다. 94 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 21 7049-0126 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? 22 7049-0127 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? Before long, every library system will need to have on staff at least some librarians who are well versed in the development and deployment of the most promising digital technologies. Ideally, most library systems will have librarians who are involved in the creation of the new digital environment through which many of the library users are meeting their information needs. Most libraries, whether in the United States or elsewhere in the world, have few, if any, staff members who are up to speed on the most current technologies. And too few libraries have committed to helping to build the open, networked library platforms of the future. There are vibrant, growing communities of librarians doing so, especially as part of the opensource development and open-content worlds, but the total number of participants in these edge communities of librarians, compared to the total number of people working in libraries, is disproportionately tiny. That s where the problem lies. versed in ~ 에정통한 vibrant 왕성한 1 도서관당사서수배치기준의개선이요구된다. 2 첨단디지털기술을갖춘사서들의수가부족하다. 3 보다편리한온라인도서대출시스템이필요하다. 4 도서관활용디지털교육은여러측면에서유용하다. 5 도서관의온라인정보제공을위한서비스개선이필요하다. One important factor in the origin of the music festival was the popularity of oratorio performances, both during Handel s lifetime (1685 1759) and immediately after his death. These oratorio performances frequently had a charitable function. Handel himself had conducted numerous performances of Messiah at London s Foundling Hospital, with proceeds going to the orphanage, and during the 1760s oratorio concerts in aid of local charities proved increasingly popular in the provinces. When combined with an additional performance of secular music in the evening, these oratorio concerts became indistinguishable from traditional music festivals. The close ties between festivals and philanthropy which existed for most of the nineteenth century clearly had their origins in this practice. oratorio 성가극 philanthropy 박애 1 the use of music as a tool for moral education 2 the roots of music festivals charitable function 3 the musical and cultural tradition of Handel s work 4 the influence of music on psychology and healing 5 the roles of music as an integral part of traditional festivals 실전모의고사 1 회 실전모의고사 1 회 95

정답과해설 66 쪽 23 7049-0128 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? Some individuals may perceive applied science as useful and basic science as useless. A question these people might pose to a scientist supporting knowledge acquisition would be, What for? A careful look at the history of science, however, reveals that basic knowledge has resulted in many remarkable applications of great value. Many scientists think that a basic understanding of science is necessary before an application is developed; therefore, applied science relies on the results generated through basic science. Other scientists think that it is time to move on from basic science and instead to find solutions to actual problems. Both approaches are valid. It is true that there are problems that demand immediate attention; however, few solutions would be found without the help of the wide knowledge foundation generated through basic science. pose ( 질문을 ) 제기하다 1 Basic Science: Foundation for Practical Solutions 2 The History of Science as the History of Technology 3 What Is the Difference Between Basic and Applied Science? 4 Why Do People Prefer Applied Science to Basic Science? 5 Unpopular Science: Public Distrust of Science and Technology 24 7049-0129 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? Average Daily Internet Usage Time by Device (hour) 2.8 2.6 2.3 1.6 0.8 0.4 2.4 0.4 2.6 0.3 2.5 0.3 2.3 0.3 2.4 0.3 2.4 0.4 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Other Desktop/Laptop Mobile The graph above shows the average daily Internet usage time by device in the U.S. from 2010 to 2015. 1 Looking at the graph, we can see that average daily Internet usage time for the Desktop/Laptop and Other categories stayed fairly flat during the given period. 2 There was a gradual increase in average daily Internet usage time for the Mobile category from 2010, when the time spent on Internet usage via the Mobile category was the same as that of the Other category. 3 Total Internet usage time doubled itself from 2010 to 2015, but the Desktop/Laptop and Other categories didn t contribute to the increase. 4 From 2010 to 2011 and from 2011 to 2012 respectively, the time spent for Internet usage via the Mobile category doubled. 5 In 2014, U.S. users spent 5.3 hours a day on the Internet, about half of which was spent via the Mobile category. 96 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 25 7049-0130 Mildred Babe Didrikson에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? 26 7049-0131 Loudoun County Spring Farm Tour에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? In the 1920s and 30s women just weren t athletes. The idea of a muscular woman running, jumping, and competing like her male counterparts was frowned upon. However, Mildred Babe Didrikson didn t care. Athletics was her life. At the age of 21, she competed in three events at the 1932 Olympics the 80-meter hurdles, the javelin, and the high jump. She would have competed in more, but at the time women were limited to competing in up to three individual events. She easily won the javelin, the first Olympic javelin event ever available to women. Then she broke the world record in the first women s Olympic 80-meter hurdles. She actually tied for the gold in the high jump with Jean Shiley, but was only awarded the silver after it was determined that her jumping style was illegal. Always ahead of her time, Babe s head crossed the bar before her body, much like the Fosbury Flop that is the popular style today. javelin 창던지기 2017 Loudoun County Spring Farm Tour Saturday, May 20 & Sunday, May 21 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Loudoun County Spring Farm Tour is a part of the 5th Annual Small Business Week scheduled for May 15 21, 2017. Come out and enjoy the animals, people, and products of Loudoun County s agricultural lands. The farm tour is free and self-guided; no tickets required! Look for tour brochures of participating locations at local libraries. You may also access tour information online via: Our online tour map PDF of the brochure Text only brochure file 실전모의고사 1 회 1 21세에올림픽세개종목에출전했다. 2 여성이참가할수있었던최초의올림픽창던지기경기에서우승을차지했다. 3 올림픽여자 80미터허들종목에서세계신기록을세웠다. 4 올림픽높이뛰기에서 Shiley와금메달을공동으로수상했다. 5 머리가몸보다먼저가로대를지나는방식으로높이뛰기를했다. Please note two important updates: BLE Farm will not be on the tour this weekend. Cerritos Farm: Be advised that poultry processing on-demand occurs in the farm; you may see evidence of this process if you visit. poultry 가금 ( 닭 오리 거위등 ) 1 5월한달동안매일개최된다. 2 Small Business Week가끝난직후진행된다. 3 전문교육을받은가이드가동행한다. 4 견학정보가온라인지도로도제공된다. 5 Loudoun County의모든농장의견학이가능하다. 실전모의고사 1 회 97

정답과해설 68 쪽 27 7049-0132 Alaska Learning Labs에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? Alaska Learning Labs Alaska Learning Labs is an after-school tutoring program for your child. We help your child do better in school. The program is offered free of charge for all participants who reside in Dock Village. When: Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. Where: Community Center Time: 3:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. NOTE Your child s individually designed program will be provided based on test scores. The program will include reading, writing, and math lessons using an award-winning computer program. Your child will also have lots of opportunities to read books including fiction and non-fiction. On bad weather days, tutoring will be cancelled and students will be notified. For more information, visit our website: www.dockvillagecc.org. Dock Village Community Center 28 7049-0133 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? 3점 Politics and economics are inseparably linked. Economic conditions affect political choice, and political decision making influences the course of the economy. An economy in recession a condition 1 in which the real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) declines for two successive quarters affects both government revenues and spending. Personal income declines and as total personal income falls, so 2 is total consumption, and this lowered demand translates into reduced corporate profits. Personal and corporate income tax revenues decline as a result of their diminishing tax bases. The federal government is hit the hardest, given its heavy reliance on income taxes. Although states also see their income tax revenues 3 fall, they suffer an even bigger loss of sales tax revenues because the sales tax remains their primary revenue source. Local governments that make sizable use of these tax instruments 4 feel similar effects. Those that depend primarily on property taxes are less immediately 5 affected, though a continued recession can drive down property values and correspondingly reduce the property tax base. gross domestic product 국내총생산 (GDP) tax base 과세기준 1 Dock Village에거주하는모든참가자에게무료로제공된다. 2 일주일에 4일진행된다. 3 평가점수에따른개인별프로그램이제공된다. 4 읽기, 쓰기, 수학수업을받을수있다. 5 날씨와상관없이진행된다. 98 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 29 7049-0134 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? Digital communication provides users with instant access to others on an unprecedented level. Many businesses prefer using email over a phone call because email provides a record of the message. But there are (A) benefits / consequences to this built-in record-keeping feature. Users forget that even though they may delete a message, it is usually stored on a server or is backed up for future review. This means users need to think about what they say when using email. This is the same for many other communication methods like texting and social networking sites: even after the information is deleted it continues to live on in cyberspace. Any of these technologies can be used (B) appropriately / inappropriately. Too often, people send emails, texts, or posts without considering who might see them or how they might be interpreted. It is easy to write the first thing that comes to mind and then send it before considering the long-term consequences. In some situations speaking to someone face-to-face can (C) solve / worsen a situation faster than multiple emails or other communication methods. unprecedented 전례없는 30 7049-0135 밑줄친 She[she] 가가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? On the morning of the interview, Myra was ready to leave home two hours before the interviews would start. She wanted to get to Glencoe in time to stop by Angie s to cool off and rest from the walk before 1 she went to the post office. 2 She hoped to be the first one at the door when it opened. Angie wouldn t know why 3 she had come to town, and Myra didn t want to tell her about the appointment. She knew Angie was such a gossip and 4 she would have it all over town as soon as Myra left, and Myra would rather that folks didn t know until she actually got the job. She wasn t going to lie to Angie, but 5 she also didn t have to bring up the subject of why she was in town. 실전모의고사 1 회 (A) (B) (C) 1 benefits inappropriately solve 2 benefits appropriately worsen 3 consequences inappropriately solve 4 consequences appropriately solve 5 consequences inappropriately worsen 실전모의고사 1 회 99

정답과해설 70 쪽 [31~34] 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 31 7049-0136 Naturally, people eat many different kinds of meals and choose them with the intention of communicating the right message to the right audience. One would not reheat half-eaten leftovers when trying to impress a potential lover, just as one would not spend a fortune on extravagant ingredients for a hurried everyday meal eaten in solitude. Every meal has, in a sense, its own coded message. This is not to say, however, that it is always readily perceived or interpreted correctly by others. What may be intended as cozy informality to someone preparing a meal might be interpreted as laziness by an invited guest. Equally, a meal of roast beef offered to a vegetarian might be construed as a calculated insult. As with all language, there can be. Despite this, an outsider observing or commenting on an eating event can usually decode the intended message without too much difficulty. 3점 1 usefulness 2 borrowing 3 appreciation 4 correspondence 5 miscommunication construe 해석하다 decode 해독하다 32 7049-0137 Friendship provides the ways to social and cognitive development. Through gossip with friends about other children, for example, children learn about peer norms, including how, why, and when to display or control the expression of emotions and other behaviors. As Piaget pointed out, friends are more likely than nonfriends to criticize and elaborate on one another s ideas and to elaborate and clarify their own ideas. This kind of openness. One demonstration of this was provided by a study in which teams of 10-year-olds, half of them made up of friends and the other half made up of nonfriends, were assigned to write a story about rain forests. The teams consisting of friends engaged in more constructive conversations (e.g., they posed alternative approaches and provided elaborations more frequently) and were more focused on the task than were teams of nonfriends. In addition, the stories written by friends were of higher quality than those written by nonfriends. 3점 pose 제기하다 1 promotes cognitive skills and enhances performance on creative tasks 2 encourages children to spend time away from their social groups 3 teaches children when and how to control their emotional expression 4 helps children create a clear understanding of social norms and values 5 contributes to one s moral education in a way that parental love cannot 100 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 33 7049-0138 Risk factors are conditions or characteristics that help us predict events, such as a diagnosis of a heart attack. They. We all know that high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are risk factors for heart disease. This means only that people with these conditions are more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease. It does not mean that high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels trigger heart disease. Consider another risk factor for heart disease family history. If your father had a heart attack at age 47, your risk for having a heart attack is increased, but this says nothing about what would actually trigger the heart attack. It could be a defective gene you inherited, a diet you learned from your father, a psychological trait, or any number of other factors that you and your father have in common. 3점 1 mean that you won t get the disease 2 help us predict when diseases will be healed 3 show us which characteristics can be controlled 4 have changed the way we reduce risky conditions 5 tell us nothing about what caused the event to occur 34 7049-0139 After you have read a poem that you really like, you may find that after many readings you have memorized or almost memorized all of it. After we have memorized a poem, we can say with confidence that we know the poem or, child-like, we say: I know it by heart. That is an interesting little phrase; it not only implies that we can recite the poem without looking at the printed words, but that we have also. The poem has become ours. When we begin to study the musical setting of a song that we sing, the words are already a part of our spirit. When we memorize poetry, the words undergo a personal transformation; they become part of our stored feelings and experiences. 3점 1 identified our culture s sign systems 2 internalized the poem s emotional content 3 learned auditory and visual elements of poetry 4 acquired the poetic competence to compose new poetry 5 envisioned the common mechanism in fine arts and poetry 실전모의고사 1 회 실전모의고사 1 회 101

정답과해설 72 쪽 [35~36] 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오. 36 7049-0141 35 7049-0140 According to a new and controversial hypothesis, agriculture may have affected climate. Around eight thousand years ago, it seems, the concentration of carbon dioxide (the chief greenhouse gas) in the Earth s atmosphere began to climb slowly. (A) This may have forestalled the next ice age. Ruddiman also thinks the advent of irrigated rice farming, around five thousand years ago, resulted in extra doses of methane in the atmosphere. (B) How could this happen? William Ruddiman, an environmental scientist and climate historian, thinks it happened because agriculture spread far and wide. Farmers cut and burned enough forest to send about two hundred billion tons of CO 2 into the atmosphere. (C) This came after about two thousand years of declining CO 2 and when, according to climate models based on earlier alternations of ice ages and interglacials, the CO 2 levels should have continued to fall. 3점 forestall 미연에방지하다 advent 출현 Around 1900, the physicist Paul Ehrenfest was trying to understand how molecules bounce around in a gas. He constructed a simple model, now called the Ehrenfest urn model. (A) Initially, balls tend to move from the full urn to the empty urn. As the initially empty urn fills up, balls start to move back to the other urn as well. Eventually, each urn has approximately the same number of balls. (B) This final state is called equilibrium. In the Ehrenfest urn model, equilibrium is stable: once the number of balls in the two urns becomes approximately equal, it stays that way, with small fluctuations due to the random nature of the process. (C) Take two urns and a bunch of balls. Initially all the balls are in one of the urns. Number each of the balls, and then pick a number at random and move the ball labeled with that number to the other urn. What happens? urn 항아리, 단지 equilibrium 평형상태 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 102 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [37~38] 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. 38 7049-0143 37 7049-0142 Yet there was a symbol for the color orange. At the Yerkes Primate Research Center at Emory University, a chimp named Lana participated in a computer-controlled language training program. She learned to press keys imprinted with geometric symbols that represented words in an artificial language called Yerkish. ( 1 ) Researcher Sue Savage-Rumbaugh and a colleague varied the location, color, and brightness of the keys, so Lana had to learn which symbols to use no matter where they were located. ( 2 ) One day her trainer Tim had an orange that she wanted. ( 3 ) Lana had available symbols for many fruits apple, banana, and so on but none for orange. ( 4 ) So Lana improvised and signaled, Tim give apple which is orange. ( 5 ) Impressive! You are looking for such things as the halfway marker of an object or how many units high or wide something appears. Artists employ many self-correction methods. ( 1 ) A process that I use in my own studio involves a knitting needle (or skewer or pencil) the thinner and the straighter, the better. ( 2 ) Hold your arm outstretched, elbow straight, close one eye, and place your thumb against your needle to mark off your unit of measure. ( 3 ) Then, while maintaining your body position and your measure on the needle, either rotate the needle to check for widths or move it vertically to check for heights. ( 4 ) For example, the distance from one shoulder to another in a figure viewed straight on is typically about two head lengths. ( 5 ) This technique can be especially useful for long horizontal subjects when it is difficult to guess accurately. skewer 꼬치, 꼬챙이 실전모의고사 1 회 실전모의고사 1 회 103

정답과해설 74 쪽 39 7049-0144 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? If you want to provide environmental support for older adults, taking their vision changes into account, you need to think through your intervention strategies carefully. 1 For example, simply making the environment brighter may not be the answer. 2 For increased illumination to be beneficial, surrounding surfaces must not increase glare. 3 Using flat latex paint rather than polished enamel and avoiding highly polished floors are two ways to make environments older adult-friendly. 4 Much information and many resources are available to help older adults and their families plan for potential disasters and gain confidence that they have done everything they can do. 5 There should be high contrast between the background and operational information on dials and controls, such as on stoves and radios. illumination 조도 glare 눈부심 40 7049-0145 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? The sharpest blades in history were not made of steel. They were crafted thousands of years ago from a naturally occurring material called obsidian. This jet-black mineral forms in the lava flow of active volcanoes. The rapid cooling of this material means it solidifies with very few crystals. It is hard and breakable and therefore breaks into very sharp pieces. In fact, well-crafted obsidian blades are said to be many times sharper than modern surgical scalpels. I know what you re thinking, If obsidian s so great, how come doctors don t make scalpels out of it? Even though the edge it produces is second to none, obsidian isn t the most durable substance. It chips and loses its edge much more easily than any metal, so it has to be replaced frequently. It s also difficult to mass-produce, unlike metal items that are made from a mold. obsidian 흑요석 lava 용암 scalpel ( 수술용 ) 메스 Even though obsidian blades are known to be the (A), obsidian is not used to make scalpels because it is (B). (A) (B) 1 sharpest very expensive 2 sharpest easily broken 3 sharpest extremely rare 4 most affordable hard to craft 5 most affordable easy to deform 104 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [41~42] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. We interact with each other and with our physical environments. We are biological creatures who depend on the living landscape to sustain us. Plants and animals are affected by our actions, and our existence is impacted by plants and animals. We exist within complex sets of interactions that is, we live in an ecological world. Learning to perceive the world as a neverending system of interactions that is, to think about our surroundings and our relationships with our environments and each other ecologically is. Such thinking forces us to rethink our views of economics, politics, and business. It suggests different ways to plan and design. In economics, for example, an ecological view suggests a much more complex set of relationships than supply and demand: supply of what and where from and at what cost, not only in dollars but to other species and other generations. Ecological understanding can also confront our values and religious beliefs, although most faiths address human connections to the natural world and stewardship responsibilities for future generations. The ecologist Paul Sears, in 1964, was the first to call ecology a radical subject. He speculated that if ecology were taken seriously as an instrument for the long-run welfare of mankind, then it would endanger the assumptions and practices accepted by modern societies, whatever their doctrinal commitments. stewardship 책무 41 7049-0146 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 How Can We Keep Our Traditional Values? 2 Similar Mechanisms in Economics and Ecology 3 Hidden Connections Between Plants and Animals 4 What Stops Humans from Connecting with Each Other? 5 Ecological Perspective in Understanding the World 42 7049-0147 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 3점 1 essential 2 universal 3 deceptive 4 reassuring 5 challenging 실전모의고사 1 회 실전모의고사 1 회 105

정답과해설 75 쪽 [43~45] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) By the time she was a junior in high school, Kayla was exhausted all the time. She would sleep from the time she got home from school until dinner. She would do her schoolwork until bedtime and then spend the next few hours catching up with friends by phone or instant messaging. Typically, she did not mean to stay up as late as she did, but time just seemed to get away from her. (B) But a strange thing happened. Without all the nighttime distractions, Kayla discovered that it was easier to quiet her thoughts, and (a) she actually began to fall asleep at about 11:00 p.m. rather than at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. Kayla could stay awake in class. She was not nearly as sleepy after school, so she did her homework instead of taking an afternoon nap. She even began to feel less emotional and managed to make peace with her mom. Best of all, Kayla s grades improved. (C) On school mornings, she could hardly get out of bed. She was frequently tearful and usually unhappy, and (b) her grades had shown a dramatic decline. Her mom became so concerned about Kayla s condition that one day she took Kayla to see a doctor who ran all sorts of tests to rule out horrible-sounding things such as thyroid problems and leukemia. In a few days, all the tests came back normal, which reassured Kayla s mom. However, Kayla continued to worry, because it was so hard for (c) her to stay awake during the day. thyroid 갑상선 leukemia 백혈병 (D) Everything changed when Kayla s mom saw (d) her final grades for the first semester of her junior year. They were bad, even in Kayla s opinion. The biggest problem was that Kayla slept in class most of the time. Kayla s mom was so mad that she forbade her daughter to go out of the house. (e) She also did not allow her to stay up late talking on the phone. She even supervised her while she did her homework and would not let her have the phone or computer in her room at night. 43 7049-0148 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(C)-(D) 2 (B)-(D)-(C) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 44 7049-0149 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 45 7049-0150 윗글의 Kayla에관한내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 자기전에친구들과전화나메시지를주고받으며시간을보냈다. 2 몇시간일찍자기시작하면서방과후에낮잠을자는대신숙제를했다. 3 감정적으로행동하는일이줄어들었고마침내엄마와도화해했다. 4 병원에서검사를한결과, 건강에심각한문제가있다는것을알게되었다. 5 학기말성적이매우좋지않아서엄마로부터감시를받게되었다. 106 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 77 쪽실전모의고사 2 회제한시간 70 분 배점 100 점 문항에따라배점이다릅니다. 3점문항에는점수가표시되어있습니다. 점수표시가없는문항은모두 2점입니다. 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 15번까지는한번만들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는두번들려줍니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 01 7049-0151 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 03 7049-0153 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 자선바자회자원봉사자를모집하려고 2 학교행사의성공적인마무리를자축하려고 3 봉사활동증명서수령방법에대해설명하려고 4 양로원기금모금행사의지연에대해사과하려고 5 자선바자회판매자로참여하는방법을안내하려고 1 I m sorry, but I want to stay in the car. 2 Okay. I ll lend you my spare battery today. 3 Right. It could explode in this summer weather. 4 Sure. You can charge your cell phone in the car. 5 Don t worry. I made a reservation for the resort. 실전모의고사 2 회 04 7049-0154 대화를듣고, 여자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 누구와여행하느냐가여행의성공을좌우한다. 2 혼자여행하는것은자기성찰에많은도움이된다. 3 여행후기행문을작성하는것은여러모로유익하다. 4 여행계획수립시전문가의의견을참고하는것이좋다. 5 여행지를선택할때는안전을최우선으로고려해야한다. 02 7049-0152 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Yes. It s open to even beginners. 2 No, thanks. I m not good at sports. 3 Yes. It was a fantastic performance. 4 I m sorry, but the club is closed today. 5 I think you re wrong. Tennis is so demanding. 05 7049-0155 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 교사 - 학부모 2 의류수선원 - 고객 3 옷가게주인 - 직원 4 의상디자이너 - 모델 5 헬스트레이너 - 운동선수 실전모의고사 2 회 107

정답과해설 79 쪽 06 7049-0156 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 08 7049-0158 대화를듣고, 남자가 Miller 교수를찾아가는이유를고르시오. 1 감사인사를드리려고 2 성적에대해서문의하려고 3 선택한강의를취소하려고 4 전공선택에대해상담하려고 5 자신의성적표를가져다드리려고 2 3 4 5 09 7049-0159 대화를듣고, 남자가지불할입장료를고르시오. 1 $270 2 $300 3 $360 4 $400 5 $420 07 7049-0157 대화를듣고, 남자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 복사기수리하기 2 발표자료제출하기 3 학생회의에참석하기 4 서비스센터에전화하기 5 자료복사하여갖다주기 10 7049-0160 대화를듣고, 여름체스캠프에관해언급되지않은것을고르시오. 1 강사이름 2 일정 3 수업료 4 장소 5 준비물 108 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 11 7049-0161 Tulum National Park에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 마야인들이살았던마지막도시중하나이다. 2 걸어서둘러보는데두시간정도걸린다. 3 매표소근처에서가이드를구할수있다. 4 유적바로아래에해변이있다. 5 탈의실이마련되어있다. 14 7049-0164 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Woman: 1 I can show you how to get to the zoo. 2 Sorry, I don t want to work at the store. 3 Right. It s time for us to buy a new one. 4 Oh, I know that place so I ll get some there. 5 Well, we spent too much money on buying prizes. 12 7049-0162 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 여자가등록할프로그램을고르시오. Giselle Ballet Studio Program Course Day Time Class Size 실전모의고사 2 회 1 A Beginner Mon & Wed 7 A.M. 8 persons 2 B Beginner Mon & Wed 10 A.M. 4 persons 3 C Beginner Tue & Thu 7 P.M. 4 persons 4 D Intermediate Mon & Wed 10 A.M. 4 persons 5 E Intermediate Tue & Thu 7 P.M. 8 persons 13 7049-0163 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Man: 1 Would you mind rescheduling it for Wednesday? 2 I d appreciate it if you could find a good topic for me. 3 Then could you help me choose photos for the slides? 4 Please announce the change on the school website then. 5 Beginning with a general comment was especially helpful. 15 7049-0165 다음상황설명을듣고, Amy가 Daniel에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Amy: 1 We should take more photos for good memories. 2 Why don t you apply for the professional photo contest? 3 Would you teach me how to post my pictures on the blog? 4 Let s go to the newly-opened shopping mall tomorrow. 5 Can you help me order and pay for the camera on this website? 실전모의고사 2 회 109

정답과해설 84 쪽 [16~17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. 16 7049-0166 남자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 1 the role colors play in maps 2 basic skills needed to read a map 3 various information contained in maps 4 influences a map has on our daily lives 5 key differences between maps and charts 17 7049-0167 언급된지형이아닌것은? 1 plains 2 a river 3 a valley 4 mountains 5 a seashore 18 7049-0168 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? To Whom It May Concern: My mother gave me her blender when I was married in 1999. While I have no record of a serial number, I would venture to say that she purchased it around 1984. The fact that this appliance never once failed either of us, and did not require any service whatsoever throughout all of those years of use, is one that deserves to be brought to your attention. You truly make fine kitchen equipment. The problem is that during our recent move to Florida the movers lost my blender. After inquiring at several retail outlets as to where I could locate an older model as a replacement, I am following their suggestion that I write to you. While I know your current model has many advantages, I would prefer to purchase an older blender. Can you help? I am looking forward to your reply. Very truly yours, Joan Smith 1 구형제품구입이가능한지문의하려고 2 이삿짐분실및훼손에대해항의하려고 3 하자가있는주방용품의교환을요구하려고 4 지역소매점의활성화방안마련을촉구하려고 5 주방용전자제품의보증기간연장을요청하려고 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제지의지시에따 라답을하시기바랍니다. 110 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 19 7049-0169 다음글의상황에나타난분위기로가장적절한것은? 20 7049-0170 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? Now it was springtime. All that long, long winter, the only hope had been that sometime winter must end, sometime snowstorms must stop, and the sun would shine warm again. The Dakota prairie lay so warm and bright under the shining sun that it did not seem possible that it had ever been swept by the winds and snows of that hard winter. Laura wanted nothing more than just being outdoors. She felt she never could get enough sunshine soaked into her bones. In the dawns when she went to the well at the edge of the wetland to get the morning pail of fresh water, the sun was rising in a glory of colors. Meadowlarks were flying, singing, up from the dew-wet grass. Jack rabbits hopped beside the path, their bright eyes watching and their long ears twitching as they ate their breakfast of tender grass tips. prairie ( 북미 캐나다의 ) 대초원 twitch 씰룩거리다 1 sad and gloomy 2 tense and urgent 3 peaceful and lively 4 mysterious and weird 5 festive and adventurous We ve lost trust in the body s ability to heal itself. Instead, we use frequent rounds of Tylenol, ibuprofen, and antibiotics at the first hint of symptoms because we are afraid the body won t know what to do. Paradoxically, each time we unnecessarily interfere with our bodies natural survival mechanisms even out of a desire to protect the body becomes less able to recover on its own. A body that is constantly shielded from fighting and recovering from small illnesses may not respond effectively when bigger challenges inevitably arise. How could it? If you want your child to learn to play the violin, you can t bring someone else in to practice the violin for him. Likewise, if you want your child s immune system to be strengthened, allow him to overcome small illnesses without interfering. It also provides opportunities for the body to evaluate whether challenges are benign or dangerous, when to live and let live, and when to pick a fight. These are skills critical for your child s lifelong health. ibuprofen 소염진통제 benign 건강에좋은 1 신체의이상증상이아닌병의근본적인원인에집중하라. 2 병에자주걸리는아이를위해위생적인환경을조성하라. 3 아이가아플경우반드시의사의진료를받은후에약을먹여라. 실전모의고사 2 회 4 아이의면역체계가강화되도록사소한질병에는개입하지마라. 5 규칙적인운동과올바른식습관을통해서아이의면역력을증가시켜라. 실전모의고사 2 회 111

정답과해설 86 쪽 21 7049-0171 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? An instrument is useless if you can t make a good connection between it and your soul. The music that we play on our musical instruments comes from our souls, our experience and our feelings. There are numerous ways to work on this. In most music institutes, people are attending the eartraining classes. Students learn to sight-read the written notes using their voices and their brain and not their instrument. This is a very convenient way to create a strong bond between you and your instrument, but not the only one. Guess what the best way is. Playing with a band and interacting with real musicians is the point. No matter how many exercises you do or how many ear-training sessions you are taking, you are never going to see any significant progress if you keep playing in your room. sight-read ( 악보를 ) 처음보고연주하다 1 악기를연주하는것이두뇌발달에긍정적인영향을끼친다. 2 똑같은곡도악기를연주하는사람에따라다르게해석된다. 3 악보를읽는능력이있으면악기를다루는능력이탁월해진다. 4 다른음악가들과함께연주를하려면오랜준비와연습이필요하다. 5 악기와의연대감을만드는최선의방법은음악가들과합주하면서교류하는것이다. 22 7049-0172 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? Offers of advice and practical assistance are the most concrete expressions of being helpful. Ironically, such offers may thus be unwelcome for some recipients, as the experience can reinforce feelings of dependency and inadequacy, particularly in individualistic cultures that place high value on achievement through personal effort. Many people seem to be comforted by knowing that support is available to them but are less happy about being the actual recipients of support. Less-sophisticated support messages that pay little attention to the needs and feelings of the recipient but are strongly related to the needs of the giver to put their view across are likely to leave both parties feeling dissatisfied with each other. So giving advice is something to be approached with caution unless that advice has been sought; even then, how that advice is given should be carefully considered. recipient ( 어떤것을 ) 받는사람, 수령인 1 cultural differences of self-expression 2 potential risk of offering uninvited support 3 types of solutions for interpersonal conflicts 4 effective strategies for the control of emotions 5 positive influence of giving advice on relationships 112 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 23 7049-0173 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 24 7049-0174 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? The reluctance to follow official healthy eating recommendations might be because benefits of diet change are not seen as outweighing the barriers for behavioural change. Except for health professionals, who have knowledge about the vital role that nutrition plays in supporting a healthy body, most people prioritise other aspects of food over its importance to health. Eating habits are very difficult to influence on an enduring basis, as they augment complex patterns of feelings, values and traditions established already in the early childhood years and remaining at a subconscious level throughout people s life. Abstract knowledge imparted by official agencies is rarely sufficient in itself to motivate a change in eating habits. A favourable response would be more likely if the new knowledge were presented within the framework of the individual s milieu, along with social, cultural and religious considerations, but this is rarely the case. augment 증가시키다 milieu 환경 1 What Makes It Tough to Change Eating Habits? 2 What s in That? How Food Affects Your Behaviour 3 Improving Emotional Health Through Healthy Eating 4 Does Your Subconsciousness Influence Your Appetite? 5 The Nonsense of Official Healthy Eating Recommendations Spend million 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 UK Trend in Sales of Ethical Produce Others Vegetarian meat alternatives Fairtrade Rainforest Alliance Organic 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 *Others include free range eggs and poultry, freedom foods and sustainable fish. The above graph shows the UK trend in sales of ethical produce from 2004 to 2013. 1 The total sales of ethical produce have increased year after year since 2004, rising to over eight thousand million pounds in 2013. 2 Among the types of ethical produce, Organic produce sales decreased yearly between 2008 and 2011. 3 Rainforest Alliance produce sales increased from 2007 to 2009, and overtook the Organic produce sales in 2012 and 2013. 4 Sales in Fairtrade produce showed continuous decline starting in 2005, with Fairtrade produce being the least sold type of ethical produce in 2013. 5 Sales in Vegetarian meat alternatives had taken up a relatively stable portion, accounting for less than one thousand million pounds each year. ethical produce 윤리적농산물 실전모의고사 2 회 실전모의고사 2 회 113

정답과해설 88 쪽 25 7049-0175 Claudius Galenus에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Claudius Galenus, better known as Galen of Pergamon (now Bergama in Turkey) was a Roman physician, surgeon, and philosopher. His father, Aelius Nicon, was a wealthy Greek architect who provided him with a good education and opportunities to travel. Galen settled in Rome and served emperors, including Marcus Aurelius, as principal physician. He learned about trauma care while treating professional gladiators, and wrote more than 500 books on medicine. He believed the best way to learn was through dissecting animals and studying anatomy. However, although Galen discovered the functions of many internal organs, he made mistakes because he assumed that the bodies of animals (such as monkeys and pigs) were exactly like those of humans. There is debate over the date of his death, but Galen was at least 70 when he died. gladiator 검투사 anatomy 해부학적구조 1 아버지가그리스의부유한건축가였다. 2 Marcus Aurelius 황제의주치의로활동했다. 3 500권이넘는의학서적을집필했다. 4 동물의몸과인간의몸이다르다고생각했다. 5 사망날짜에대해서는논란이있다. 26 7049-0176 Citrus Valley 7th Annual Bike / Walk-a-Thon에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? Citrus Valley 7th Annual Bike / Walk-a-Thon This Bike / Walk-a-Thon event is annually held to support patients with chronic lung diseases. Ride so others can breathe, and walk because we care! Date: Saturday, July 22, 2017 Check in: 8:30 a.m. Start time & place: 9 a.m., Savina Park Bike distance: 10 miles maximum Walk distance: 2-mile sidewalk route around Savina Park No registration or entry fee Five new bikes donated by Bisco Bikes of Glendora will be given as prizes. Winners are chosen by lot. We want to make it easy for you to join us for a fun morning of biking or walking. Instead of raising money on a per lap or per mile basis, we are asking that riders or walkers simply request sponsorship to ride / walk or make a donation themselves. Profits derived from this event will be used to treat patients with chronic lung diseases. For more information, call Citrus Valley Health Foundation at (123) 456-2411. 1 Savina Park에서오전 8시 30분에출발한다. 2 자전거를타는거리는최소 10마일이다. 3 새자전거다섯대가경품으로주어진다. 4 한바퀴나 1마일을기준으로기부금이모아진다. 5 수익금은만성우울증연구기금으로쓰인다. 114 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 27 7049-0177 Anderson Health Business Luncheon at the Bloom에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? 28 7049-0178 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? 3점 Anderson Health Business Luncheon at the Bloom Wednesday, May 3, 2017 @ 12:00 pm 2:00 pm This dynamic business luncheon, provided by Carrabba s Italian Grill, is designed to motivate, entertain, and inspire. This luncheon offers the opportunity to network with others in the business community. Individual tickets are $25 per person for general admission seating. A corporate rate of $325 will reserve a table of 8 with preferred placement, two passes to the Business Leaders Reception, and listing in the event program. NOTE: Online ticket sales end on May 1, 2017. All tickets can be purchased at the Official Festival Store, or at the event (if available). 1 2017년 5월 3일에두시간동안열린다. 2 Carrabba s Italian Grill에서오찬을준비한다. 3 개인이일반석을구매할경우한명당 25달러이다. 4 법인요금을내면 8명좌석의테이블을예약할수있다. 5 행사하루전까지온라인상으로입장권을구매할수있다. Our environment has a strong effect on our food and beverage choices. When looking for a beverage, you tend to drink what is available. The environment serves up a menu, and you make a choice. One of the reasons that Americans consume so many soft drinks (A) are / is that they are available everywhere. Convenience stores, gas stations, dorms, schools, worksites, and most campus buildings will have at least one drink machine. Everywhere you turn you have the opportunity to purchase sugar-sweetened beverages, usually in large quantities for a low price. Health educators (B) work / working in the area of healthy eating suggest offering healthy options along with the not so healthy ones or, better yet, offering only healthy options. You see this theory in action with the replacement of sugarsweetened beverages in many schools. Some worksites have replaced some or all of the sugarsweetened beverages with low- or no-calorie options to support employee wellness. To make a positive change in beverage choices, (C) it / they must be easy or at least possible to make a healthy choice. (A) (B) (C) 1 are work it 2 are working they 3 is work it 4 is working it 5 is working they 실전모의고사 2 회 실전모의고사 2 회 115

정답과해설 90 쪽 29 7049-0179 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? The one area in which the Internet could be considered an aid to thinking is the rapid acquisition of new information. But even this is more 1 illusory than real. Yes, the simple act of typing a few words into a search engine will virtually instantaneously 2 produce links related to the topic at hand. But the examination of the accuracy of information obtained in this manner is not a simple matter. What one often gets is no more than 3 abstract summaries of lengthy articles. As a consequence, I suspect that the number of downloads of any given scientific paper has 4 much relevance to the number of times the entire article has been read from beginning to end. My advice is that if you want to do some serious thinking, then you d better 5 disconnect the Internet, phone, and television set and try spending twenty-four hours in absolute solitude. 30 7049-0180 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? De Seversky was visiting a fellow aviator in the hospital. The young man had just had 1 his leg amputated; de Seversky, who had been walking on an artificial limb for some time, tried to cheer 2 him up. The loss of a leg is not so great a disaster, he said. Look at me. I dance, I fly, I drive a car, I go everywhere. And another thing: if you get hit on a wooden leg, it doesn t hurt a bit! Try it! 3 The patient raised his walking-stick and brought it down on de Seversky s leg with considerable force. You see, said de Seversky cheerfully. If you hit an ordinary man like that, he d be in bed for five days! With these words he took his leave of 4 the young man and limped out into the corridor, where he collapsed in unbearable pain. The aviator had struck him on 5 his good leg. aviator 비행사 amputated 절단된 116 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [31~33] 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 31 7049-0181 The greatest artists tend to be part of great. This fact was abundantly demonstrated in an empirical study of 772 Western artists who were active between the Renaissance and the twentieth century. The artists were first reliably assessed on differential eminence using a large number of reference works. Then an inventory was compiled of the relationships they had with contemporary artists who were also in the sample. These relationships were rivals, collaborators, associates, friends, co-pupils, and siblings. With one exception, the number of relationships was positively correlated with eminence. Famous artists had more rivals, collaborators, associates, friends, and co-pupils. The sole exception was siblings a relationship that showed a slight negative relation. Furthermore, an artist was also more eminent to the extent that the artists with whom he or she had these relationships were also very famous. The two strongest relationships were rivals and associates. It would be easy to think of illustrations from the career of any great artist from Michelangelo to 32 7049-0182 The drongos use their mimicry abilities to engage in false alarm calling. The false alarm calls startle other species into dropping prey, which the crafty drongo then snatches up. Drongos can mimic the sounds of eagles and hawks (aerial predators), magpies and monkeys (potential nest predators), and the alarm calls of at least two bird and one squirrel species. And they imitate the different mobbing calls other birds use for terrestrial predators (e.g., snake, mongoose) versus aerial enemies. It may seem that the other birds are being manipulated. Perhaps, but they benefit, too. The drongos serve as guards, giving reliable alarm signals when they detect potential predators. Thus, while other birds in the vicinity may occasionally lose an insect to a drongo, the loss. 3 점 drongo 바람까마귀 vicinity 인근, 부근 1 is replaced by finding a new prey source 2 is compensated by an enhanced security system 3 gives them opportunities to attract their enemies 4 builds the confidence to fight with their predators 5 strengthens an ability to imitate the sounds of predators 실전모의고사 2 회 Picasso. 3 점 eminence 명성 1 images 2 records 3 networks 4 traditions 5 discoveries 실전모의고사 2 회 117

정답과해설 92 쪽 33 7049-0183 Bruce Chatwin, in his fascinating book The Songlines, demonstrates how songs served to divide up the land, and constituted title deeds to territory. Each totemic ancestor was believed to have sung as he walked, and to have defined the features of the landscape in so doing. Song was the means by which the different aspects of the world were brought into consciousness, and therefore remembered. As Chatwin observed, aboriginals used songs in the same way as birds to affirm territorial boundaries. Each individual inherited some verses of the ancestor s song, which also. The contour of the melody of the song described the contour of the land with which it was associated. As Chatwin s informant told him: Music is a memory bank for finding one s way about the world. 3점 title deed ( 부동산의 ) 권리증 ( 서 ) totemic 신성한상징물 ( 토템 ) 을믿는신앙의 contour 음조곡선, 윤곽 1 reflected his status in the society 2 determined the limits of a particular area 3 taught the aboriginals how to avoid dangers 4 improved the living standard of the community 5 described the agricultural traditions of the aboriginals 34 7049-0184 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 3점 Although the well-being of societies has hitherto been judged according to economic measures, economic indicators alone are not enough to reveal the quality of life within nations. While income has steadily climbed over the past 50 years, and the gross domestic product (GDP) has tripled, happiness has remained virtually flat. (A), a recent study utilizing the Gallup World Poll found that life satisfaction increased when national wealth increased, but enjoyment of life experienced little change. This discrepancy between happiness and economic growth is important when one considers that people rank happiness ahead of money as a life goal. However, it is even more significant when one examines the large body of research suggesting that high levels of subjective well-being are not only good in and of themselves, but that they actually produce beneficial societal outcomes. (B), while monetary considerations are currently dominant in policy debates, other goals should be kept in mind. hitherto 지금까지 monetary 금전적인, 화폐의 (A) (B) 1 Instead Therefore 2 Furthermore Therefore 3 Furthermore Similarly 4 For instance Similarly 5 For instance However 118 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [35~36] 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오. 36 7049-0186 35 7049-0185 Scientists still do not agree on how the first musical instruments looked and when they were developed. (A) If this is the case, music may date as far back as 2 million years ago! It is hard to pinpoint a time because many instruments may not have been preserved. Also, many of the first musical instruments probably also had other uses. (B) Some scientists believe that the first true musical instruments were a fairly recent development, dating back to around 60,000 years ago. Others believe that early humans were using some form of instrument as long as they had been using simple tools. (C) This would make them hard to recognize as musical instruments. Scientists working on an ancient archaeological site today would have a difficult time figuring out if certain objects were used for their sound, or were used only as tools. 3점 pinpoint ( 위치 시간을 ) 정확히찾아내다 Naturalistic studies are important within psychology because many studies are conducted under the controlled conditions of a laboratory or through asking people about their behavior. Then, when a study takes place in the wild, psychologists sometimes observe that people s behavior in real settings differs. (A) On the other hand, it can be difficult to avoid bias when conducting naturalistic studies. For example, in the study of parking space territory, the observers always knew whether a car was waiting or not. (B) For example, more than 97% of people in Michigan reported that they wear seat belts. However, a naturalistic study in which observers watched drivers found seat belt use ranged from 52 to 90%. So naturalistic studies provide an important check on the generalizability and validity of research findings. (C) They may have been subtly biased by that knowledge when recording the time it took for cars to exit. Objectivity is sometimes difficult to achieve in naturalistic settings. 실전모의고사 2 회 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 실전모의고사 2 회 119

정답과해설 94 쪽 [37~38] 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. 38 7049-0188 37 7049-0187 But what is a negative effect in the presentation of fiction can be a positive one in the presentation of fact. Children recognize books as fiction sooner than television. ( 1 ) Apparently, the fact that print does not physically resemble the things and events it symbolizes makes it easier to separate its content from the real world. ( 2 ) Thus, as many have feared, television, with its presentation of live action, is a more tempting medium in transforming fantasy into reality. ( 3 ) Television can be an extremely compelling medium for teaching children about the real world. ( 4 ) In Scandinavia it was found that if eleven-year-olds learn of the same news event from television, parents, teachers, and the newspaper, the majority will rely primarily on television. ( 5 ) They consider television the bestinformed medium, and they say that on television you can see for yourself what is happening. Although brain tumors are quite rare (approximately 0.2% in the population), 25% of sites that resulted from a search for headache gave brain tumor as a potential cause. While the practice of self-diagnosis online may have a positive outcome, such as locating a therapist who specializes in the disorder, it may also encourage Cyberchondria, a term coined by White and Horvitz. ( 1 ) This condition occurs when symptoms are interpreted to be evidence of a disorder when in fact they are common symptoms that may not indicate a disorder at all. ( 2 ) An analogy in physical medicine is the self-diagnosis of a brain tumor based on a headache. ( 3 ) Such information is likely to provoke unnecessary alarm. ( 4 ) In mental health, most people experience anxiety at times, but it is also a symptom of serious disorders. ( 5 ) Without contextual information, for example a complete history, it is unwise to form a diagnostic opinion based on limited information. cyberchondria 사이버건강염려증 120 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 39 7049-0189 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? Demarketing in a tourism context is the process of discouraging all or certain tourists from visiting a particular destination. 1 General demarketing occurs when all visitors are temporarily discouraged from visiting a location, usually due to perceived carrying capacity problems. 2 A notable example is Venice, where intensive summer crowding occasionally prompts local authorities to run ads depicting unpleasant scenes of litter, polluted water, dead pigeons and the like. 3 The assumption is that the brand image of Venice is so strong that such imagery will not cause any permanent damage to the tourism industry. 4 Since the tourism industry provides a lot of benefits to the country, it is imperative for the public and private sectors to improve the satisfaction of the tourists. 5 Most other destinations, however, do not have such a powerful brand and hence are generally reluctant to countermand brand-building efforts with demarketing. countermand 철회하다, 취소하다 40 7049-0190 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Psychologists who study giving behavior have noticed that some people give substantial amounts to one or two charities, while others give small amounts to many charities. Those who donate to one or two charities seek evidence about what the charity is doing and whether it is really having a positive impact. If the evidence indicates that the charity is really helping others, they make a substantial donation. Those who give small amounts to many charities are not so interested in whether what they are doing helps others psychologists call them warm glow givers. Knowing that they are giving makes them feel good, regardless of the impact of their donation. In many cases the donation is so small $10 or less that if they stopped to think, they would realize that the cost of processing the donation is likely to exceed any benefit it brings to the charity. 실전모의고사 2 회 People who give substantial amounts to one or two charities care about the (A) of their donation, while people who give small amounts to many charities regard (B) as more important. (A) (B) 1 consequence self-satisfaction 2 consequence self-regulation 3 acceptability self-regulation 4 acceptability self-satisfaction 5 motive self-awareness 실전모의고사 2 회 121

정답과해설 96 쪽 [41~42] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. Average basketball players are aware that other players are better than them. However, they all have the ability to correctly execute plays. If given the opportunity to practice those plays, athletes will improve more and more over time. Rotating every athlete is beneficial to the entire team, in that this strategy will provide star players with muchneeded rest time to conserve energy and, in turn, play more effectively. Each player being aware that his/her playing time is coming around to them will naturally motivate them to be ready to play when their time comes around. The teams that consistently use this playing strategy will outplay their opponents. This strategy can be carried over to the professional level as well. Recently, I was watching an interview with a professional player. The player told the interviewer that, due to an injury sustained by their star player that prevented him from playing, the team had lost their last two games. A team must never rely on one person alone to win a game. Rather, every player must participate and be willing to win for themselves and the team. Every star player should at a moment s notice. If this strategy is not followed, as noted when watching that professional interview, when a player gets injured, his or her substitute will be unprepared to fill his shoes and may commit unnecessary and possibly damaging penalties. If the substitute had been prepared, appropriate momentum and timing could have been maintained and mistakes eliminated. momentum 탄력, 가속도 41 7049-0191 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 Get Every Player to Participate 2 Become a Person Every Team Wants 3 A Great Coach, A Great Communicator 4 What Do You Need to Be a Star Player? 5 Transforming Our Lives Through Team Sports 42 7049-0192 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 3점 1 be ready to attend all practices and games 2 display a high level of commitment and effort 3 openly spread the word to help each other succeed 4 have a backup who is fully prepared to take his or her place 5 be allowed to take whatever medications their doctors prescribe 122 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [43~45] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) There was a homeless woman who used to hang around on the street I walked down on my way to the market; to be honest, she always made me very nervous. It wasn t just that she was dirty, but it seemed to me that (a) she was looking at me in an odd way every time I walked by. I would hurry my steps and keep my eyes glued to the pavement as I went past. (B) She said, I m sorry, honey, I didn t mean to upset you, and then jumped up to fish a photograph out of the big plastic bag she always carried with her. The photo was pretty crumpled, but the image was clear as day and looked like it could have been a twin sister I never had. (b) She pointed at the picture and said, That s my sister Claire, she died ten years ago and I miss her something terrible. I don t mean to stare, but you look so much like (c) her it lets me imagine her alive for a few minutes. crumpled 구겨진 (C) One evening as I was wrapping up leftovers from dinner, I decided on an impulse to take a warm plate down the street to see if the woman was there. When I saw her she was already staring at me; my heart started to race, but I forced myself to look (d) her in the eyes as I walked over to sit by her and offer her the dinner. She gave me a huge smile, thanked me, and praised my cooking to the sky. While she ate we talked a little, and to my own surprise I found myself asking her why she stared at me so much. (D) But as time went by I began to feel ashamed of my behavior. When I really looked into my heart I knew I was treating her as if she didn t exist, whereas if I really wanted to live what I told myself I believed in, I should at the very least treat (e) her with the same respect that any of us deserves. 43 7049-0193 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(D)-(C) 2 (C)-(B)-(D) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 44 7049-0194 밑줄친 (a) (e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 45 7049-0195 윗글의 I 에관한내용과일치하지않는것은? 1 빠른걸음으로노숙인을지나치곤했다. 2 노숙인에게동생의사진을보여주었다. 3 노숙인에게음식을갖다주었다. 4 노숙인에게자신을빤히쳐다보는이유를물었다. 5 스스로의행동을부끄러워하기시작했다. 실전모의고사 2 회 실전모의고사 2 회 123

정답과해설 98 쪽실전모의고사 3 회제한시간 70 분 배점 100 점 문항에따라배점이다릅니다. 3점문항에는점수가표시되어있습니다. 점수표시가없는문항은모두 2점입니다. 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 15번까지는한번만들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는두번들려줍니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 01 7049-0196 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 It recommends great places to dine. 2 It is very easy to download and use. 3 I usually take pictures of good restaurants. 4 It ll give you information about table manners. 5 That was the greatest restaurant I ve ever been to. 03 7049-0198 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 스트레스관리의중요성 2 일찍일어나는것의장점 3 하루를잘시작하는방법 4 아침운동을해야하는이유 5 구체적인학습계획의필요성 04 7049-0199 대화를듣고, 여자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 스스로할수있는일을남에게미루는것은옳지않다. 2 의사결정시다른사람의입장을충분히배려해야한다. 3 감정을부정적인방식으로표출하는습관을고쳐야한다. 4 갈등을피하기보다는솔직한대화를통해해결해야한다. 5 그룹과제는개별과제보다학습효과면에서더효율적이다. 02 7049-0197 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Well, the bus driver should ve told us. 2 Me, too. We d better take a taxi, then. 3 Sure. You know how much I hated the movie. 4 Are you sure? Maybe the bus has already left. 5 As you know, the movie started 20 minutes ago. 05 7049-0200 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 요리사 - 손님 2 건물관리인 - 세입자 3 인테리어업자 - 고객 4 부동산중개인 - 집주인 5 주방가구디자이너 - 기자 124 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 06 7049-0201 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 PARADISE TOURS 5 2 08 7049-0203 대화를듣고, 여자가식당개업일에갈수없는이유를고르시오. 1 이사를해야해서 2 출장을가야해서 3 자원봉사를해야해서 4 구직면접을봐야해서 5 친구가게일을도와야해서 3 4 09 7049-0204 대화를듣고, 남자가지불할금액을고르시오. 1 $122 2 $130 3 $180 4 $182 5 $192 실전모의고사 3 회 07 7049-0202 대화를듣고, 남자가여자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 연극홍보하기 2 도서반납하기 3 영화표예매하기 4 DVD 대출하기 5 시나리오제출하기 10 7049-0205 대화를듣고, Canal Tour 회사의보트투어에관해언급되지않은것을고르시오. 1 출발지 2 소요시간 3 최소출발인원 4 예매방법 5 할인혜택 실전모의고사 3 회 125

정답과해설 103 쪽 11 7049-0206 Caribbean Sea Swim에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 모든참가비는지역자선단체에기부될것이다. 2 올림픽수영선수들도참가할것이다. 3 모든참가자들은행사기념티셔츠를받는다. 4 경품에는하와이항공권과호텔숙박권이포함된다. 5 참가인원에는제한이없다. 12 7049-0207 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 여자가선택할활동량측정기를고르시오. 14 7049-0209 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Woman: 1 Calm down. Let s wait for the mayor s response. 2 It s too late. The art gallery will be torn down today. 3 Hmm. Give me some time to think over your request. 4 You re right. The gallery s admission fee is too expensive. 5 Then I ll make some copies of it. Let s ask people to sign it. Activity Tracker Comparisons Model Price Waterproof Sleep Monitor Device Type 1 A $182 Wristband 2 B $189 Armband 3 C $193 Wristband 4 D $197 Armband 5 E $213 Wristband 13 7049-0208 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Man: 1 Okay. Then I ll take over your class after three o clock. 2 Sorry, but I m not available for the meeting this afternoon. 3 Don t worry. The other judges already agreed on the criteria. 4 Good, then let s talk about the criteria at the meeting together. 5 All right. I ll submit the application for the competition by four. 15 7049-0210 다음상황설명을듣고, Mr. Jackson이버스운전사에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Mr. Jackson: 1 How much is the bus fare to the hotel? 2 Where can I rent bicycles around here? 3 Could you help my wife get on the bus? 4 Can we take our bikes with us on the bus? 5 How long does it take to get to the hotel by bike? 126 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [16~17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. 18 7049-0213 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 16 7049-0211 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것은? 1 to advertise a new eyewear shop 2 to explain how to relieve tired eyes 3 to give tips on how to choose eyeglasses 4 to show the effects of the sun on eye health 5 to encourage listeners to get regular eye exams 17 7049-0212 언급된물건이아닌것은? 1 spoons 2 tea bags 3 sunglasses 4 bottles 5 pillows To: Conference Exhibitors From: John Reber Fax 352-888-9900 Phone 352-243-0099 The 2017 National Sales Conference will be here before we know it and we are excited to report that more than 180 exhibitors have already registered. In an effort to increase attendance, we will be holding drawings in which attendees can win generous prizes donated by you, the exhibitors. This provides you with an additional opportunity to promote your organization. Therefore, please donate T-shirts, textbooks, gift certificates, or any item of your choice. Please let me know what you are willing to donate by completing the attached form and faxing it back to me by July 1st, 2017. 1 추첨경품의변경을알리려고 2 추첨경품의후원을요청하려고 3 전시물품과회사를소개하려고 4 콘퍼런스등록마감을공지하려고 5 경품추첨행사의진행을의뢰하려고 실전모의고사 3 회 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제지의지시에따 라답을하시기바랍니다. 실전모의고사 3 회 127

정답과해설 107 쪽 19 7049-0214 다음글에드러난 I 의심경변화로가장적절한것은? We continued on for almost forty-five minutes until we came to a very large hill with steps cut into its side. Each step was almost knee high and about half way up, I became dizzy. It became very painful to take a breath, and I could hardly lift my feet off the ground. This is it, I thought. The mountain won. I sat down and told Lenin I could go no further. Lenin stopped for a few minutes to let me catch my breath and then simply informed me that we were almost there and he knew I could do this. I silently asked my body if I could make it to the falls, heard a quiet yes, and found the strength to climb to the top of the hill. 1 scared angry 2 bored delighted 3 anxious confused 4 amused frustrated 5 frustrated hopeful 20 7049-0215 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? A quick web search will yield many dozens of methods, tips and techniques for discovering your life purpose some in as little as 20 minutes. While it s unlikely that you ll find a quick-fix way to discover your life purpose, the abundance of search results reflects the struggle so many people have with finding a deeper purpose to their lives, and even more so in their work. German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, He who has a why can endure any how. Knowing your why is the first step to figuring out your how: how you will achieve the success you want. Without a clear why, it is harder to figure out your how, and tougher still to go on when the going gets tough. In John F. Kennedy s words: Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. You must start with a clear sense of purpose and direction. 1 인생의명확한목적과방향성을가져야한다. 2 다른사람의조언에귀기울일줄알아야한다. 3 인내심을가지고어려운문제를해결해나가야한다. 4 정확한정보를찾아내는능력이문제해결의출발점이다. 5 다수의사람들이선택한대로자신의목표를정해서는안된다. 128 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 21 7049-0216 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? [22~23] 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Early labor markets, in which employees switched from job to job frequently with little stability for either the employee or the employer, are thought to have given way to the modern labor market sometime in the 1940s and 1950s. The pre-world War II market is often characterized as chaotic. Within this labor market structure, workers had little job security, received few or menial wage increases over their lifetimes, held no rights as aging workers, and were often disciplined through fines or firing. In contrast, in the modern labor market, workers have obtained more longterm contracts for work with their employers. In addition, they receive more substantial wage increases over time, have more job security, are afforded rights as they get older, enjoy benefits from their employers, and are more often disciplined through the awarding or withholding of incentives. menial 변변치않은 1 contribution of large employers to job creation 2 economic impact of employment-based immigration 3 effects of the labor market structure on job shift patterns 4 differences between the product market and the labor market 5 features of the modern labor market contrasted with its earlier version 22 7049-0217 Aristotle, in the Nichomachean Ethics, talks about friendships based on pleasure and friendships based on utility, neither of which, he believed, qualified as friendship of the highest order. When the pleasure was gone, when the usefulness had run its course, the friendship was finished. Yet surely everyone has had, and still has, friendships begun in the strictest utility where one person might even have been paid to give a service to the other that happily developed into richer friendships. Why shouldn t some of one s closest friends also be friends made in the line of work? Not for nothing are many physicians most friendly with fellow physicians, painters with painters, accountants with accountants, poets with poets. not for nothing 충분한이유가있는 1 How Many Friends Do You Need? 2 Do Not Think Friends Are Everything 3 Secrets of Maintaining Stable Friendships 4 A Close Friendship Can Be Developed Through Utility 5 Building Your Success Network Through Friendship 실전모의고사 3 회 실전모의고사 3 회 129

정답과해설 109 쪽 23 7049-0218 You may resist the notion that music, which you think should be free to express emotion, is best thought of as rule-governed behavior. But rules govern all meaningful human cultural behavior in just this way. The point is not that musical performance is predetermined by rules, but that it proceeds according to them. In this view, music is like a game or a conversation: Without rules we could not have a game, and without agreement about what words are, what they mean, and how they are used, we could not hold a meaningful conversation. Nonetheless, just as meaningful conversations can express emotion, so meaningful music can express it as well, though not, of course, in exactly the same way. Further, if a listener does not understand the rules, he or she can understand neither the intention of the composer or musician nor the music s structure. 1 A Guide to Musical Analysis 2 Musical Rules: Purely Private 3 Music as a Tool for Influencing Behaviors 4 Music: Meaningful Behavior That Follows Rules 5 Sound and Silence: Creative Resources of Music 24 7049-0219 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? Units 1,500 1,000 500 The Number of Multipurpose Industrial Robots per 10,000 Employees in 2011 0 automotive industries all other industries Japan Italy Germany USA Spain South Korea The above graph shows the number of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees in 2011. 1 All the six countries had more than 800 units of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees in automotive industries, while the number of units they had in all other industries was less than 300. 2 While South Korea had the largest number of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees in all other industries, Japan had the largest number in automotive industries. 3 Germany had the third largest number of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees both in automotive industries and in all other industries. 4 USA and Spain had less than 100 units of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees in all other industries. 5 The gap in the number of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees between automotive industries and all other industries was largest in Italy and smallest in South Korea. 130 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 25 7049-0220 great horned owl에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? The great horned owl occurs throughout North America south of tree line to Central America and parts of South America. The most distinctive feature of the great horned owl is its cat-like ear tufts or horns that are neither ears nor horns. The breast is distinctively dark barred or dotted. The large yellow-orange eyes are fixed and therefore unable to move from side to side or up and down. Instead, the owl has to move its entire head to see in different directions. Contrary to popular belief its head does not, however, spin completely around, but can rotate through 270 degrees because of extra vertebrae in the neck. Its large feet are feathered to the tips of its four toes. These too are rather unique in that the outer one is reversible so two point forwards and two point backwards as opposed to the typical three forwards and one backwards. This feature results in a greater ability to grip prey. ear tuft 귀뿔깃 vertebra 척추뼈 (pl. vertebrae) 1 가슴부분에어두운색의무늬가있다. 2 눈은노란빛이도는오렌지색이다. 3 고개는 270도까지돌아간다. 4 발가락에는깃털이없다. 5 바깥쪽발가락이뒤로돌아간다. 26 7049-0221 National Automobile Museum에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? National Automobile Museum We invite you to explore our collection of more than 200 exceptional vehicles. You ll see classic and special-interest automobiles, one-of-a-kind wonders and dynamic race cars! OPENING HOURS Monday Saturday, 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. 4 p.m. ADMISSION FEE Adults: $10 Seniors: $8 (62 and older) Juniors: $4 (6 to 18 years old) Children: Free (5 and younger) Members: Free GUIDED TOUR Guided tours are offered daily at 2:00 p.m. and are approximately 90 minutes in length. GROUP TOURS The Museum welcomes groups and offers special discounted rates for groups of 20 or more. DON T FORGET YOUR CAMERA Photography for personal use is allowed with hand-held cameras and with available light or electronic flash attachments. However, reproduction or sale of photographs is not allowed without Museum permission. Plan Your Visit Today! 실전모의고사 3 회 1 요일에상관없이개장시간이동일하다. 2 회원에게는입장료를일부할인해준다. 3 안내원이인솔하는견학은 2시간정도걸린다. 4 10명이상의단체에할인요금을제공한다. 5 개인적사용목적의사진촬영이허용된다. 실전모의고사 3 회 131

정답과해설 111 쪽 27 7049-0222 Ontario Fish Art Contest에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? Ontario Fish Art Contest Each fall, Ontario students are invited to enter the Ontario Fish Art Contest. This free annual contest lets you show off your artistic talents and learn about Ontario s native fish and their habitats. Topic This year s fish species are the Lake Sturgeon and Brook Trout. Requirements & Submission Guidelines The contest is open to all the elementary students who are residents of Ontario. Only one entry per student is accepted. Computer-generated artworks and photographs are not allowed. Prizes Contest winners and their classrooms receive great prizes. This year s prizes include classroom art supplies and a fishing trip. 28 7049-0223 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? 3점 Some patients with a change in body appearance or function are extremely sensitive to the verbal and nonverbal responses of the health care team. A positive, matter-of-fact approach to care provides a model for the patient and family 1 to follow. For example, when you observe a positive change in a patient s behavior, note it and allow the patient to establish 2 its meaning. Nurses have a significant effect on patients by conveying genuine interest and acceptance. Including self-concept issues in the planning and delivery of care can positively influence patient outcomes. Building a trusting nurse-patient relationship that incorporates both the patient and family in the decision-making process 3 enhances self-concept. Nurses individualize their approach by highlighting a patient s unique needs and 4 incorporating alternative health care practices or methods of spiritual expression into the plan of care. It is important that health care providers understand the degree 5 which self-esteem affects patient outcomes. Mail us your entry, postmarked no later than October 2. The address will be posted on our website later. For more information, please visit our website, www.fishartcontest.com. 1 매년열리는대회로무료로참가할수있다. 2 온타리오에거주하는초등학생들을대상으로한다. 3 학생 1인당하나의작품만받는다. 4 컴퓨터로만든미술작품과사진이허용된다. 5 수상자및수상자의학급에상이주어진다. 132 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 29 7049-0224 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? There were practical and symbolic differences between exchanging dry food and wet food. In contrast to dry food, which a receiver can pick up without a giver touching it, wet food is hard to (A) prepare / share without the other person contaminating it with his or her mouth, hand, or with eating utensils (fork or chopsticks) with his or her saliva attached. In my observation, kids often showed disgust for food that another person had touched with his or her hands. Because a physical substance of a giver is (B) attached / detached, the exchange of these foods seemed to engender the notion of pollution in kids minds, and threaten their body and self-integrity. By preadolescent age, kids have developed the notion of homo clausus, the sense of self that is encapsulated in one s body and is clearly cut off from others. (C) Violation / Devotion to this bodily boundary would arouse in them fear and disgust. saliva 침, 타액 encapsulate 소중히보호하다 30 7049-0225 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? When Katharine awoke the following morning, the memory of what she had done came back with terrifying force. She lay on her bed for a long time, shocked and ashamed at what she had done. How could she face Jane again? 1 She listened for her. But beyond her bedroom door all was quiet. Too quiet. She was afraid to get up, much less leave 2 her room. But she also knew that she couldn t hide forever. Getting up, 3 she dressed and headed for the kitchen. But no sooner had she entered the doorway than 4 she stopped up short, startled as by a ghost. Jane was already sitting at the table, reading her French grammar. She briefly glanced up at Katharine and lowered 5 her eyes, as if she were a perfect stranger. Certainly not the friend with whom she had shared both good and bad times. 실전모의고사 3 회 (A) (B) (C) 1 prepare attached Violation 2 prepare detached Devotion 3 share attached Devotion 4 share detached Violation 5 share attached Violation 실전모의고사 3 회 133

정답과해설 112 쪽 [31~33] 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 31 7049-0226 A remarkable feature of sugar is the ways in which, over the course of time, it has been employed. When thoroughly mixed together, sugar and ground almonds with a bit of oil becomes a kind of modeling clay. When heated, refined white sugar liquefies. Properly handled as it dries, it can be dyed, spun, blown, artistically cast, or painted. Its uses in these ways have long existed in China, India, and the Middle East. Once sugar spread from the Old World to the New, its production expanded explosively, and it was put to such uses in many other places. Hence, there is no single center of origin for the artistic uses of sugar, even though the baker-sculptors of Egypt, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom, and the candy makers of Mexico and Indonesia, among others, are justly famous. Spun and sculpted sugar figures some classic, some comical seem to have become popular wherever artistic individuals happened to work in or near kitchens. 3점 1 medically 2 collectively 3 aesthetically 4 competitively 5 diplomatically liquefy 액화되다 32 7049-0227 To be certain that the children have the material they learned yesterday under control and ready to take its place with what they are to learn today, you will need to devote some time to review at the beginning of each class meeting. Your technique in conducting this review will determine whether or not. A particularly poor technique, one that you will want to avoid, is to call on a good student to summarise yesterday s work. Certainly this saves time, but it accomplishes even less than if you were to give the summary yourself. As soon as you have announced which child is to recite, the review ceases to be a problem for the other children. Once they discover that only the most capable students are always called on, they simply retire from the review session. As a result, only the students who have already proved their ability actually profit from the reviews. 3점 1 students prepare a question to ask 2 each child is to participate actively in it 3 each child improves their reading skills 4 children are willing to obey classroom rules 5 children feel overwhelmed by review sessions 134 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 33 7049-0228 Contrary to popular opinion,. The phrase nature red in tooth and claw has been widely misunderstood. Its only possible reference is to predatory behaviour, where the killer may well have blood-soaked weapons as it settles down to gorge on the body of its prey. But it has frequently been applied to fighting between rivals of the same species, with the assumption that, in the wild, animals are constantly fighting to the death to establish themselves in a dominant role. Nothing could be further from the truth. The overwhelming impression one gets from watching animal disputes is of remarkable patience and self-control. The spilling of blood is not the norm it is a rare event. 3점 gorge on ~ 을게걸스럽게먹다 1 animals can show empathy for others 2 animal aggression is not an inborn trait 3 animals go to great lengths to avoid fighting 4 aggression is never cured through aggression 5 dominance is not something that can be learned 34 7049-0229 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Humankind s preference for lower elevations is especially true for the middle and higher latitudes. Most mountain ranges in those latitudes stand out as thinly populated regions. (A), inhabitants of the tropics often prefer to live at higher elevations, concentrating in dense clusters in mountain valleys and basins. For example, in tropical portions of South America, more people live in the Andes Mountains than in the nearby Amazon lowlands. The capital cities of many tropical and subtropical nations lie in mountain areas above 3,000 feet (900 meters) in elevation. Living at higher elevations allows residents to escape the humid, hot climate and diseases of the tropic lowlands. (B), these areas were settled because the fertile volcanic soils of these mountain valleys and basins were able to support larger populations in agricultural societies. elevation 고도, 해발 latitude 위도 (A) (B) 1 Consequently In other words 2 Consequently Nevertheless 3 In the same way In addition 4 By contrast Nevertheless 5 By contrast In addition 실전모의고사 3 회 실전모의고사 3 회 135

정답과해설 115 쪽 35 7049-0230 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? According to Keita Fodeba, unlike other forms of dance, African dance is not separated from the lives of the people, but is a spontaneous emanation of the people. 1 African dance translates everyday experiences into movement. 2 In an interview with Maurice Sonar Senghor, this theory was supported when he revealed that before a dance can be created, an event or happening must occur. 3 Therefore, one can conclude that Africans dance about everyday experiences or happenings or events in their lives which they choose to remember. 4 Most of the Africans dance events were primarily religious in nature while other occasions were basically recreational. 5 The event could be of great historical significance, such as war, hunger or the independence of African nations, or of everyday significance, such as birth, puberty or the pounding of corn to make a meal. emanation 표현, 발산 puberty 사춘기 [36~37] 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오. 36 7049-0231 When average tennis players are served the ball, their eyes tend to fix on the ball. Conversely, when expert players are served the ball, their eyes fix on the body parts of their opponents. (A) Their training set up a feedback loop that helped them develop and hone strategies that resulted in the most success. An average tennis player has not acquired the many hours of deliberate practice needed to learn to read and use bodily cues, and thus telling average players to act like experts does little to improve their skills. (B) But what happens when average tennis players are told to do what experts do and focus their attention on their opponent s body parts? There is no improvement in their ability. This is because experts developed the ability to automatically interpret what these cues mean only after hundreds of hours of training. (C) Expert players subconsciously use body cues from their opponent to foresee where the ball will be directed, and this awareness enables them to react swiftly and accurately to return it. hone 연마하다 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 136 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 37 7049-0232 [38~39] 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. While many would agree that the teaching of mathematics at all levels can be enriched by historical reflection, perhaps that consensus is even stronger when directed at the secondary school level. (A) It is in this latter instance, particularly, that the history of mathematics can supply a structure of understanding relating reasons with results. History can provide a logic between the definition of a mathematical concept and its application or, more historically correct, between the application and the definitiontheory of a concept. (B) At this level, historical enrichment can have a profound effect! For it is at the secondary level that students first experience the power of mathematics and begin to realize the wide scope of its applications and possibilities. (C) Hopefully, this cognitive impact can be stimulating, resulting in an anticipation and enthusiasm for a deepening of mathematical knowledge, but confusingly, it can also be frightening, especially for a student who has lacked obvious structure in his or her 38 7049-0233 However, among professional philosophers there is an unfortunate tendency to use specialist terms for their own sake; many of them use Latin phrases even though there are perfectly good English equivalents. Philosophers are not always good writers. Many of them are extremely poor communicators of their ideas. ( 1 ) Sometimes this is because they are only interested in reaching a very small audience of specialist readers; sometimes it is because they use unnecessarily complicated terms which simply confuse those unfamiliar with them. ( 2 ) Specialist terms can be helpful, to avoid having to explain particular concepts every time they are used. ( 3 ) A paragraph full of unfamiliar words and familiar words used in unfamiliar ways can be frightening. ( 4 ) Some philosophers seem to speak and write in a language they have invented themselves. ( 5 ) This can make philosophy appear to be a much more difficult subject than it really is. equivalent 상응하는것 실전모의고사 3 회 mathematical learning. 3 점 consensus 합의, 의견일치 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 실전모의고사 3 회 137

정답과해설 117 쪽 39 7049-0234 Yet, if they have no choice, as many of us don t, the warning goes unheeded and we have to pay the price of denial. In many public places and most offices and homes, synthetic perfume deodorisers can be found to dominate the air. ( 1 ) They are applied to surfaces and textiles and may emit gases for many weeks or even months. ( 2 ) They do not seem to bother those who have lost their sensitive level of smell due to air pollution. ( 3 ) The others often feel offended as their body is warning them to not breathe this air. ( 4 ) In fact, synthetic perfumes have been found to be a suspected carcinogen similar to cigarette smoke and consequently more and more public places in Europe have been classified as perfume-free, similar to the recently accepted smoke-free ruling. ( 5 ) This applies not only to the air and surfaces of public places but also to individuals, including their clothing, visiting those places. 3점 deodoriser 냄새제거제 carcinogen 발암인자 40 7049-0235 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? For fruit- or nut-bearing crops, pollination can be thought of as a grower s last chance to increase yield. It is the degree and extent of pollination that dictates the maximum possible number of fruits. All post-pollination inputs, whether growth regulators, herbicides (chemicals that are used to destroy weeds), or insecticides, are generally designed not to increase yield but to conserve losses. Because of its yield-optimizing benefits, bee pollination can play an important role in maintaining a sustainable and profitable agriculture with minimized disruptions to the environment. Alterations in agricultural practices that significantly reduce yield rates have the danger of encouraging more wild lands to be converted into farmland to make up for reduced yields. Good bee pollination and optimized crop yields are thus part of a sound environmental management policy. pollination 수분 optimize 최적화하다 Bee pollination, which increases the (A) of crops, also provides (B) benefits. (A) (B) 1 harvest environmental 2 harvest nutritional 3 diversity nutritional 4 diversity environmental 5 quality commercial 138 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [41~42] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. Creating seems to be natural to our species, involving a spontaneous impulse, if not an actual need. Making marks comes so easily in fact to infants and toddlers, that we were not terribly surprised to learn from anthropologists like Desmond Morris that our closest animal relatives apes and chimpanzees also love to draw and paint, sometimes enough to postpone food while engaged in creating. Those that have learned sign language even name their scribbles, just like toddlers. I once had the good fortune to accompany art therapist David Henley on a visit to the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, where he had been going for weekly art sessions with the animals. Though his chimp friend made it clear that she didn t feel like painting that day, I did get to watch a mother elephant and child painting side by side, brushes held in trunks, both rhythmically swishing colors back and forth on the paper. I had the further pleasure of observing a gorilla named June create a crayon drawing, which I treasure as a memento of the visit. June s drawing itself was unremarkable, like a child s scribble. But watching her concentrate on the activity for a full five minutes in a large cage full of noisily playing apes was astonishing. Although I have often seen people similarly absorbed in drawing, I felt like I was witnessing firsthand the primal pleasure of in the creative process. swish 휙소리를내며움직이다 41 7049-0236 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 Art as an Imitation of Nature 2 Creating Art: A Personal Outlet 3 Some Exciting Applications of Animal Behavior 4 Creating: Equally Natural to Our Animal Relatives 5 Animal-made Art: Challenging Human Monopoly on Creativity 42 7049-0237 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 3점 1 high confidence 2 emotional release 3 fast internalization 4 a deep engagement 5 harmless resistance 실전모의고사 3 회 실전모의고사 3 회 139

정답과해설 119 쪽 [43~45] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) Not long after I started my career, I got a lesson about arrogance from my first job. The job was drawing the electrical engineering plans for a boat building company. The drawings had to be perfect because if the wires were not accurately placed before the fiberglass form was poured, a mistake might cost a million dollars. At twenty-five, I already had two master s degrees. I had been on boats all my life and frankly, I found drawing these plans a bit mindless. (B) (a) He sat looking at my plans with his head cocked to one side. With exaggerated patience I began to explain the drawing. But after a few words my voice got weaker and my head started to cock to the side as well. It seems that I had (being left-handed) transposed starboard and port so that the drawing was an exact mirror image of what it should have been. Thank God (b) this $6-an-hour worker had caught my mistake before it was too late. cock 기울이다 transpose 뒤바꾸다 starboard and port 우현과좌현 (C) The next day I found a shoe box on my desk. (c) The man who spotted my mistake first bought me a remedial pair of tennis shoes for future reference. Just in case I got mixed up again a red left shoe for port, and a green right one for starboard. The shoes don t just help me remember port and starboard. They help me remember to listen even when I think I know what s going on. (D) One morning I got a call at home from a $6-anhour worker asking me, are you sure this is right? I got upset. Of course I was sure just pour it. His supervisor called me an hour later and woke me up again. When (d) he asked the same question, are you sure this is right? I had even less patience. I said I was sure an hour ago and I m still sure. It was the phone call from the president of the company that finally got me out of bed and down to the site. If I had to hold these guys by the hand, so be it. I sought out (e) the worker who had called me first. 43 7049-0238 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(D)-(C) 2 (C)-(B)-(D) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 44 7049-0239 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 45 7049-0240 윗글의 I 에관한내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 스물다섯살때두개의석사학위를갖고있었다. 2 전기공학도면을그릴때실수를했다. 3 양쪽의색깔이다른테니스화를다른직원에게서받았다. 4 시급 6달러를받는직원으로부터전화를받았다. 5 회사사장의전화를받고도현장에가지않았다. 140 EBS 수능완성영어

정답과해설 120 쪽 실전모의고사 4 회 제한시간 70 분 배점 100 점 문항에따라배점이다릅니다. 3점문항에는점수가표시되어있습니다. 점수표시가없는문항은모두 2점입니다. 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 15번까지는한번만들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는두번들려줍니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 01 7049-0241 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 03 7049-0243 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 현장학습일정을설명하려고 2 스쿨버스기사를모집하려고 3 스쿨버스노선변경을안내하려고 4 직업교육의중요성을강조하려고 5 직업체험프로그램을소개하려고 1 I can share mine with you. 2 I m avoiding it to stay healthy. 3 I don t want to drink anything now. 4 I have something to drink in my bag. 5 I bought juice because soda was sold out. 04 7049-0244 대화를듣고, 두사람이하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 식품부패의주요원인 2 올바른식품보관방법 3 양파와감자의건강상효과 4 음식물쓰레기를줄이는요령 5 주기적인냉장고청소의필요성 실전모의고사 4 회 02 7049-0242 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 I ll consider joining if that s the case. 2 Well, let s choose the right sport for us. 3 Then, I ll show you how to play badminton. 4 I think badminton is a great spectator sport. 5 Sorry, but we have to cancel our game today. 05 7049-0245 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 미술강사 - 수강생 2 미술관직원 - 화가 3 영화평론가 - 영화배우 4 잡지기자 - 특수분장사 5 영화감독 - 시나리오작가 실전모의고사 4 회 141

정답과해설 122 쪽 06 7049-0246 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 2 5 4 3 1 08 7049-0248 대화를듣고, 남자가댄스경연대회에참가하지못하는이유를고르시오. 1 연습을충분히하지못해서 2 함께할팀원을구하지못해서 3 양로원에봉사활동을가야해서 4 심사용동영상촬영을할수없어서 5 우주과학강연과최종라운드날짜가겹쳐서 09 7049-0249 대화를듣고, 남자가지불할금액을고르시오. 3점 1 $90 2 $150 3 $180 4 $270 5 $330 07 7049-0247 대화를듣고, 남자가여자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 to buy the silicone 2 to bring a folding ladder 3 to catch the weather report 4 to print out an email notice 5 to check tomorrow s schedule 10 7049-0250 대화를듣고, Kartchner Caverns에관해언급되지않은것을고르시오. 1 소재지 2 발견연도 3 깊이 4 이름의유래 5 서식동물 142 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 11 7049-0251 Goldfields Bike Tour에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 하루에평균 46마일을이동한다. 2 호주의금채광마을이었던 Bendigo에서출발한다. 3 참가비는 4,000 호주달러이다. 4 티셔츠와지도가여행가격에포함되어있다. 5 올해가을에는총 4회에걸쳐출발한다. 12 7049-0252 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 여자가선택한깔개를고르시오. 14 7049-0254 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Man: 1 Thanks. I m glad that you liked the lyrics. 2 You re right. I d better major in music instead. 3 I doubt it. I think foreign language learning is important. 4 Sounds good. Maybe I ll sign up for a Spanish course, too. 5 Well, I don t think so. I think learning online is good for me. Bestselling Rugs in King s Home Deco Model Size Price Material Color 1 A small $90 Sheepskin Ivory 2 B medium $100 Cotton Grey 3 C medium $170 Silk Blue 4 D large $190 Wool White 5 E large $212 Velvet Red 실전모의고사 4 회 13 7049-0253 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Woman: 1 I usually eat three meals with snacks in between per day. 2 Well, I don t think so. I m sure it s the worst to skip breakfast. 3 Well, I have enough time to spend on making a wholesome breakfast. 4 That s why I advise you to look at the nutrition label before buying food. 5 I usually have whole-grain cereal and fruit. They are good for a quick and healthy breakfast. 15 7049-0255 다음상황설명을듣고, Kate가 Grace에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Kate: 1 You need to follow the guidelines carefully. 2 I think you should learn from your mistakes. 3 Cheer up! I ll help you study for the next test. 4 Then, let s find the best research topic together. 5 Visit the teacher first and find out what he s thinking. 실전모의고사 4 회 143

정답과해설 127 쪽 [16~17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. 16 7049-0256 남자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 1 how to plan a healthy diet 2 how to cook nutritious meals 3 foods to avoid when depressed 4 healthy foods for improving mood 5 ideal foods to prepare for social events 17 7049-0257 언급된음식이아닌것은? 1 fish 2 seaweed 3 green tea 4 dark chocolate 5 whole grain bread 18 7049-0258 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? The human compulsion towards the community and communal life is revealed in institutions whose forms we do not need to understand fully; for example in religion, where group worship creates a bond between members of the congregation. Just as the conditions of our lives are determined in the first place by the facts of the universe, further conditions arise through the social and communal life of human beings and the laws and regulations springing from it. The needs of the community govern all human relationships. Communal life predates the individual life of humanity. In the history of human civilization no way of life has emerged of which the foundations were not laid communally; human beings developed not singly but in communities. This is very easily explained. The whole animal kingdom demonstrates the fundamental law that species whose members are individually incapable of facing the battle for self-preservation gain additional strength through herd life. 1 공동생활은개인적욕구와만족을제한하기도한다. 2 구성원의태도와생활방식이공동체의성공을결정한다. 3 인류는생존하고발전하기위해서공동체를필요로했다. 4 공동생활의질서를유지하기위해법과도덕이만들어졌다. 5 공동생활을통한농업과축산업의시작이문명을발전시켰다. 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제지의지시에따 라답을하시기바랍니다. 144 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 19 7049-0259 다음글에드러난 Julie 의심경변화로가장적절한것은? [20~21] 다음글의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. The interviewer was polite and asked Julie what she could do and told her what the job entailed and what the salary would be. Julie s hopes started to rise and she began to think that he viewed her as the right person for the job, so she was not prepared for the shock that came at the end of the interview: he rose from his chair, extended his hand and thanked her for coming, but regretted that he did not feel that she was suitable for the job he had in mind. Julie felt deflated. She could only just manage Thank you and Goodbye in return. She hardly looked to the left or to the right as she walked through the reception on the way out, though she did manage to smile in response to the receptionist s Goodbye. The disappointment made her feel close to tears. 1 lonely joyful 2 nervous relieved 3 worried confident 4 hopeful frustrated 5 delighted frightened 20 7049-0260 Native bird species on the island of Guam have been devastated by Australian brown tree snakes, which are up to 12 feet (3.7 m) long. The snakes arrived sometime after World War II and for decades were barely noticed. But with a favorable environment and no predators, Guam turned out to be the snakes island paradise. There are now more brown tree snakes (up to 13,000) per square mile (2.6 square km) on Guam than any type of snake on any square mile in the world. The snakes have essentially eliminated 9 of the 13 native bird species; even Guam s national bird, the flightless Koko, survives only in a compound behind an electric fence. Brown tree snakes have a venomous bite, which they use on about 200 people a year. The snakes are everywhere on the island, including inside the transformers on power poles, resulting in electrical problems that cost about $1 million a year. venomous 독이있는 1 increasing diversity of alien species on Guam 2 native species strategies against alien species 3 the process of introducing alien species to Guam 4 the severe harm to Guam by Australian brown tree snakes 5 causes of population reduction of Australian brown tree snakes 실전모의고사 4 회 실전모의고사 4 회 145

정답과해설 129 쪽 21 7049-0261 During the eighteenth century instrumental music was generally considered to be less important than vocal music, largely because of the role of words in ascribing meaning to musical sound. Kant, as late as 1790, in his Critique of Judgement, argued that instrumental music was a mere divertissement of no serious consequence. However, the new concept of musical expression emerging at the turn of the century elevated instrumental music as most capable of expressing feelings beyond the limits of rational knowledge. In fact music s new status constituted a complete inversion of its lowly ranking among the arts during the Enlightenment period. More importantly, what had previously been seen as a disadvantage that music without words could not convey definite meanings now came to be perceived as its greatest advantage over all other forms of art. ascribe ~ to... 에 ~ 을부여하다 divertissement 여흥, 오락 1 change in the components of instrumental music 2 role of music in understanding and handling emotions 3 superiority of vocals and lyrics to instrumental sounds 4 reevaluation of instrumental music s expressive capability 5 strengths of instrumental music in conveying exact meaning [22~23] 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 22 7049-0262 With the rising costs of new technology, some companies have found ways to improve productivity and maintain quality without investing in newer high-tech machinery and tools. Whitestones of Temple, Texas, a marble fabricator, is an example. Marty Janczak, president, states that the aim of Whitestones is to offer a better quality of service and products than its competitors. To fulfill its aim and to meet the demands of Whitestones s growing business, Janczak is using worker empowerment in the production plant. By giving his workers the authority to make decisions about their work and to solve problems on the spot, Janczak has found that his workers are more committed to their work and they take a greater pride in the finished product. The time required to complete their jobs has decreased, while the quality of their finished products has improved, creating more satisfied customers. fabricator 제작사 1 Achieve the Subtle Balance of Labor Supply and Demand 2 Introduction of New Technology and Customer Satisfaction 3 The Higher Expectations for Employees, The Higher Productivity 4 Why Technology Doesn t Always Guarantee Quality Improvement 5 Improve Productivity and Maintain Quality Through Empowerment, Not Investment in High Technology 146 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 23 7049-0263 Species face ever-changing environments, be they climatic changes, pollution or the introduction of novel competitors, diseases or pests. Species must evolve to cope with these changes, or become extinct. Genetic diversity in a population reflects its evolutionary potential. Short-term evolution cannot occur in populations lacking genetic diversity, while populations with extensive genetic diversity can evolve relatively rapidly in response to environmental change. For example, plants with genetic diversity for heavy-metal tolerance were able to colonize soils polluted with copper and cadmium on mine wastes in Wales, UK by evolving tolerant forms. Plant species without the appropriate genetic diversity failed to colonize. Similarly, the American chestnut was driven almost to extinction by an introduced disease to which it had no genetic diversity for resistance. Industrial melanism has evolved in about 200 genetically diverse species of moths in areas subject to industrial pollution. Many pest species have evolved resistance to antibiotics and other biocontrol agents. industrial melanism 공업흑화 ( 黑化 )[ 암화 ( 暗化 )] ( 오염물질이원인이되어나방등에나타나는흑색변이의증가 ) 1 Genetic Diversity Enables Evolutionary Change 2 The Evolution and Genetics of Innate Immunity 3 How Does an Endangered Species Affect Humans? 4 Cooperation, Not Struggle for Survival, Drives Evolution 5 Climate Change: Primary Cause for Loss of Genetic Diversity 24 7049-0264 Benjamin Banneker에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? On November 9, 1731, Benjamin Banneker was born to a black freeman and his wife on a farm in Maryland. Young Benjamin was a quick and eager learner. When he was given some crude astrological instruments and some books on astronomy, he taught himself how to use the devices. During his reading, Benjamin discovered errors in the books. Between 1792 and 1802, he published Benjamin Banneker s Almanack. It was the second most popular book in America at the time the Bible was first and it was nicknamed the poor man s encyclopedia. Benjamin also used his math skills to help plan the city of Washington, D.C. His many accomplishments lay dormant for some years after his death in 1806, when scholars unearthed and read his letters, almanacs, and journals. Only then was the scope of his diverse achievements fully realized. Banneker was indeed a man ahead of his time. astrological 점성술의 dormant 묻혀있는 almanac 책력 1 점성술장치사용법을독학으로익혔다. 2 점성술에관한책을읽으면서책속의오류를발견했다. 3 출판한책은당시에인기가없었다. 4 수학실력을도시계획을돕는데사용했다. 5 사망후수년간많은업적이묻혀있었다. 실전모의고사 4 회 실전모의고사 4 회 147

정답과해설 132 쪽 25 7049-0265 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? Share of American Women Ages 40 to 44 by Children Ever Born CHILDLESS 1 CHILD 2 3 4+ 35 36 22 23 18 20 15% 12 10% 10 1976 2014 1976 2014 1976 2014 1976 2014 1976 2014 Because of rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The above graph shows the share of American women ages 40 to 44 by children ever born in 1976 and in 2014. 1 Between 1976 and 2014, the percentage of the smaller American families such as childless, one-child or two-children families increased, whereas the percentage of the larger families such as three-children or four or more children families decreased. 2 Four or more children families took up the largest proportion in 1976 and two-children families took up the largest proportion in 2014. 3 The combined percentage of childless and one-child families was lower than the percentage of two-children families both in 1976 and in 2014. 4 Both in 1976 and in 2014 the percentage of two-children families was more than twice higher than that of one-child families. 5 The percentage point gap between the two years was smallest in the families with three children and second smallest in the families with no child. 26 7049-0266 Art on A4 에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? Art on A4 Breakfast Workshop and Private View This workshop will draw inspiration from the Hockney portraits exhibition and play with their 2D form on A4 paper. We will use a variety of mixed media, from felt to foam, to build up colourful reliefs that embody the idea of going off the page. Date & Time: Friday, 18 August 2017 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Place: Burlington House Price: 50 (includes workshop, breakfast and private view of exhibitions) A4 sheets and all artistic materials will be provided, as well as a light, child-friendly breakfast buffet. Continue your morning with access to the David Hockney exhibition from 9 a.m. before it opens to the public. Participants are invited to submit their work to the Art on A4 competition. Five winners will receive an official Hockney portraits prize package. All entries will be judged in September by a panel from the Royal Academy. For more information about the competition, please visit www.royalacademy.org/artona4. 1 여러매체를혼합해사용하는것은금지된다. 2 금요일오전에두시간동안열린다. 3 미술재료는참가자가직접준비해야한다. 4 일반인공개전특별관람은오전 9 시에종료된다. 5 5 명의경연대회입상자에게공식상품패키지를수여한다. 148 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 27 7049-0267 GO AHEAD: MAKE US LAUGH에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? 28 7049-0268 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? 3점 GO AHEAD: MAKE US LAUGH Everyone has a funny story. Just send us yours, and if we publish it in Reading Pleasure magazine, you ll be laughing all the way to the bank. Here s how it works. WE PAY $100 $300 for the material we print in various sections in our magazine. THE RULES - Please include your name, address and phone number with all submissions. - Items must be less than 100 words. - If we select and pay for your item, we will own its rights. - All contributions may be edited and cannot be acknowledged or returned. We may run your item in any section of our magazine, or elsewhere. HOW TO SUBMIT JOKES AND ANECDOTES - Go to www.rdpleasure.com or mail to: Humor, Reading Pleasure, Box 100, Pleasantville, New York 10033-9000. As a kid I used to watch Mets games in my parents bedroom and spin my dad s globe to see where my finger would land. Not only did I learn a good deal about geography, but it also led me to wonder what these places with such exoticsounding names (A) to be / were really like. Once I became of age to travel about the globe freely, I took great pleasure in transforming these names on a map to a real image in my head. For example, I no longer see Italy, but I relive the musty scent (B) that / what permeates old buildings and I smell fresh basil in the terraced gardens. Similarly, I can no longer see a map of India without hearing the constant beeping of horns and peering through the mist that makes everything appear as if (C) seen / seeing through gauze. That s a sense of place, and that s what I am always looking for. (A) (B) (C) 1 to be that seen 2 to be what seeing 3 were that seeing 4 were what seeing 5 were that seen musty 곰팡내나는 permeate 스며들다 basil 바질 ( 향신료의일종 ) 실전모의고사 4 회 1 잡지에인쇄된이야기에대해최대 300달러가지급된다. 2 모든제출물에는이름, 주소, 전화번호를표기해야한다. 3 100단어미만으로이야기를작성해야한다. 4 선정된이야기의저작권은원저자에게있다. 5 웹사이트나우편을통해제출가능하다. 실전모의고사 4 회 149

정답과해설 133 쪽 29 7049-0269 밑줄친 He[he] 가가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? That summer when school was out and little league started, we were surprised to see Mrs. Farff show up with her disabled child, Darble, in tow. Sure enough, 1 he got assigned to my team. Our coach, Mr. Adkin, tried to let all the kids play and he didn t make an exception with Darble. Of course he soon learned that Darble was really clumsy. 2 He could hardly run, and fielding was out of the question. But that didn t matter too much because all Darble wanted to do was bat. Whenever the coach sent him out to play right field 3 he would stay there for a minute or two, then amble back and sit on the bench. So the coach made the proper adjustments. 4 He d let the boy sit on the bench till near the end of the game; then put him in to pinch hit. Darble nearly always struck out, but when 5 he did hit the ball it usually went a long way. in tow ( 사람을 ) 뒤에데리고 amble 느긋하게걷다 30 7049-0270 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? According to Ramachandran, pain, like the body image, is created by the brain and projected onto the body. This assertion is (A) contrary / identical to common sense and the traditional neurological view of pain that says that when we are hurt, our pain receptors send a one-way signal to the brain s pain center and that the intensity of pain perceived is proportional to the seriousness of the injury. We assume that pain always files an accurate damage report. This traditional view dates back to the philosopher Descartes, who saw the brain as a passive recipient of pain. But that view was (B) supported / overturned in 1965, when neuroscientists Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall wrote the most important article in the history of pain. Wall and Melzack s theory asserted that the pain system is spread throughout the brain and spinal cord, and far from being a passive recipient of pain, the brain always (C) controls / absorbs the pain signals we feel. spinal cord 척수 (A) (B) (C) 1 contrary supported controls 2 contrary overturned controls 3 contrary supported absorbs 4 identical overturned absorbs 5 identical supported controls 150 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [31~33] 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 31 7049-0271 Security should be thought of as an art; it cannot be accomplished through the old tools and techies model. An organization should not believe itself to be secure simply because it spends millions on security devices every year. The fact is that having an infinite budget and a large variety of security resources can often be more of a detriment than a benefit in many organizations. Organizations with vast resources at their command are very likely to try to solve security problems by implementing new security toys. I use the word toy because a security device, no matter how expensive or complex, is nothing more than a toy if it does not function within a greater security framework. Security cannot be handled exclusively through expensive equipment, as many of us have been led to believe. Security is not a technology; it is a thought process and a methodology. Security within our technologies is nothing until security is. 3점 detriment 손해 methodology 방법론 1 in danger 2 made simple 3 up to standard 4 given for costs 5 within our minds 32 7049-0272 To some extent, a parallel process works to sustain positive reputations. We usually want to believe that the person we ve labeled as trustworthy will continue to meet our expectations. Life is easier that way. And so, once the halo is attached, we do our best to ignore and explain away mistakes that might compromise our impression. However,. Studies show that it requires many more good behaviors to alter a bad image than it does bad behaviors to alter a good image. Then again, studies also show that it takes fewer bad behaviors to establish a bad reputation in the first place. In other words, good reputations are difficult to acquire but easy to lose. Bad reputations are easy to acquire and difficult to lose. 3점 halo 후광 1 trust is like a mirror 2 respect is earned by little things 3 we are labeled by those outside of our circle 4 a good reputation is less durable than a bad one 5 good behaviors are better recognized than bad ones 실전모의고사 4 회 실전모의고사 4 회 151

정답과해설 135 쪽 33 7049-0273 In scientific research, limit possibilities for discovery. In 1913, archeologist Hans Reck discovered the first human skeleton at Olduvai, in Africa. He also reported, surprisingly, that there were no stone tools in the area. Years later, Reck returned to Olduvai with fellow archeologist Louis Leakey. This was Leakey s first visit to Olduvai. Before leaving, Leakey bet Reck that they would find stone tools within 24 hours of arrival. Leakey won. Olduvai Gorge contained thousands of tools. Different rocks were available for making tools in Europe and East Africa. Reck had been looking for European-style Stone Age tools. On his previous trip to Olduvai, he had seen the rocks but did not notice them as tools. 3점 gorge 협곡 1 efforts to control experimental findings 2 difficulties in finding proper research tools 3 expectations about how data should appear 4 restrictions on access to diverse research locations 5 conflicts between researchers with different interests 34 7049-0274 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Most consumer magazines depend on subscriptions and advertising. Subscriptions account for almost 90 percent of total magazine circulation. Single-copy, or newsstand, sales account for the rest. However, single-copy sales are important: they bring in more revenue per magazine, because subscription prices are typically at least 50 percent less than the price of buying single issues. (A), potential readers explore a new magazine by buying a single issue; all those insert cards with subscription offers are included in magazines to encourage you to subscribe. Some magazines are distributed only by subscription. Professional or trade magazines are specialized magazines and are often published by professional associations. They usually feature highly targeted advertising. (B), the Columbia Journalism Review is marketed toward professional journalists and its few advertisements are news organizations, book publishers, and others. A few magazines, like Consumer Reports, strive for objectivity and therefore contain no advertising. (A) (B) 1 Further Therefore 2 Further For example 3 Likewise Therefore 4 However For example 5 However Similarly 152 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 35 7049-0275 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? [36~37] 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오. Invasions by alien plant species are one of many unintended consequences of economic activity that impose real costs on society. 1 The globalization of the world economy and trade liberalization have facilitated invasions because many alien species are used in economic activities, especially agriculture and forestry. 2 Economic activities generally result in the large-scale transformation of natural vegetation, the promotion of trade in goods, and modern transportation systems to move them rapidly across the globe. 3 Human behavior is one of the primary determinants and facilitators of the establishment and the spread of invasive alien plants. 4 If landowners are going to keep alien species, they should have sufficient fencing to prevent the movement of those species from their properties. 5 The problem of invasions, therefore, has as much to do with economics as with ecology, and proposed solutions to these problems must, therefore, be grounded in both of these sciences. 36 7049-0276 Consider the year 1989, which symbolized the rise of the globalization paradox. In 1989, the Chinese government used its military strength to put down a protest in Tiananmen Square. (A) The Berlin Wall, which had separated West Germany from East Germany, was knocked down, laying to rest a tangible symbol of the Cold War. David Hasselhoff, standing on the Berlin Wall, performed his popular song Looking for Freedom. The two 1989 events are paradoxical events. (B) A series of pro-democracy demonstrations led by students, intellectuals, and labor activists resulted in a military crackdown that left between 400 and 800 civilians dead and between 7,000 and 10,000 injured. In the same year in Europe, another historical event occurred. (C) The Tiananmen Square event marked the fall of the pro-democracy movement in China, which halted movement toward freedom, while the dismantling of the Berlin Wall represented the beginning of a new world of freedom and democracy. Globalization liberates but at the same time puts pressure on nations and people 실전모의고사 4 회 around the world. 3 점 crackdown 강력한탄압 dismantle 제거하다 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 실전모의고사 4 회 153

정답과해설 137 쪽 37 7049-0277 [38~39] 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. What we call things the names and labels we use is important. Our perceptions are shaped by the dialogue we use to describe what s happening in our world. Our reality is created in conversations. (A) Imagine that a few minutes later, two five-yearold girls come upon the wooden pedestal and decide that it is a table that would be perfect to use for their tea party. (B) Here s an example. If I see a round wooden pedestal that is twenty-four inches high and twelve inches in diameter, I might sit on it and call this thing a stool. It is a stool to me and this is my reality. (C) Their reality is that it is a table because this is what they have named it and how they use it. Is it a stool or a table? Who is right? Both and neither. This is a simple example, but the same dynamic plays out in our everyday lives. pedestal 받침대 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) stool ( 등받이와팔걸이가없는 ) 의자 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 38 7049-0278 The study then compared how the historians and students made sense of historical documents; the result revealed dramatic differences on virtually any criterion. Differences between how experts and nonexperts organize knowledge have been demonstrated in such fields as history. A group of history experts and a group of gifted, high-achieving high school seniors enrolled in an advanced placement course in history were first given a test of facts about the American Revolution. ( 1 ) The historians with backgrounds in American history knew most of the items. ( 2 ) However, many of the historians had specialties that lay elsewhere and they knew only one-third of the facts on the tests. ( 3 ) Several of the students outscored several of the historians on the factual test. ( 4 ) The historians excelled in the elaborateness of understandings they developed in their ability to pose alternative explanations for events and in their use of additional evidence. ( 5 ) This depth of understanding was as true for the Asian specialists and the medievalists as it was for the Americanists. 3점 154 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 39 7049-0279 At other times thinking is engaged in something else that we might characterize as imagination. Thinking sometimes is described as the process that makes symbolic representations of our external environment. ( 1 ) It ordinarily is thought of as occurring in the brain and it is about a world existing outside the brain. ( 2 ) It reorganizes the symbolic stuff (images, concepts, ideas, and words) in the internal landscapes of the mind. ( 3 ) These imaginative reorderings eventually may enable us to predict new situations in our environment and thus make adaptive responses. ( 4 ) They can lead us to create scientific conceptions of the universe, to compose symphonies, to write novels, or to make no particular response at all. ( 5 ) Having a mind means that an organism forms neural representations which can become images, be manipulated in a process called thought, and eventually influence behavior by helping predict the future, plan accordingly, and choose the next action. 40 7049-0280 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Why does the pure acting of the movies not seem unnatural to the audience, who, after all, are accustomed in real life to people whose expression is more or less indistinct? Most people s perception in these matters is not very sharp. They are not in the habit of observing closely the play of features of their fellow men either in real life or at the movies. They are satisfied with grasping the meaning of what they see. Thus, they often take in the overemphasized expression of film actors more easily than any that is too naturalistic. And as far as lovers of art are concerned, they do not look at the movies for imitations of nature but for art. They know that artistic representation is always explaining, refining, making clear the object depicted. Things that in real life are imperfectly realized, merely hinted at, and entangled with other things appear in a work of art complete, entire and free from irrelevant matters. This is also true of acting in film. entangled 뒤엉킨 실전모의고사 4 회 Audiences do not find the acting of the movies to be unnatural because they only focus on (A) the meaning and they expect artistic representation to be (B). (A) (B) 1 conveying imitative 2 conveying distinct 3 criticizing abstract 4 comprehending imitative 5 comprehending distinct 실전모의고사 4 회 155

정답과해설 140 쪽 [41~42] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. It is well known that emotional states affect food consumption, in terms of both what we choose to eat and its quantity. For example, we eat more when we are feeling emotional when compared with feeling neutral. We also tend to be drawn to sugary or fatty foods when we are feeling low, presumably because the taste feels good and perhaps also because of memories associated with such treats. However, the sight, smell and taste of food is only half the explanation as to why we comfort-eat; research has shown that, even when these factors are eliminated (by feeding volunteers through a tube directly into their stomachs), fatty foods can make us feel happier than non-fatty. Thus, the effects of food on our emotions are not necessarily due to the pleasant associations and stimulation of the tasty food, but could operate on a more biological level. On an evolutionary basis, it made sense for us to desire foods that would help us survive famine that is, fatty foods. It thus makes sense for the body to evolve some system whereby the stomach can send signals to the brain on receipt of such fatty foods, in order to encourage us to keep eating such foodstuffs. Eating calorie-laden food has been made as rewarding as possible for us so that our ancestors would have been motivated to undertake the huge effort to obtain such food. Of course, now that very survival mechanism has become somewhat counter-productive, because we are still desiring foods that, in times of plenty, are bad, not good, for our health. 41 7049-0281 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 Why Do We Desire Fatty Foods? 2 Ways to Eat for Emotional Health 3 Is Nutrition Really a Key to Health? 4 Fatty Foods Affecting Memory and Exercise 5 How to Trick Your Brain Not to Want Fatty Foods 42 7049-0282 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 3점 1 disease-warning 2 hunger-relieving 3 mood-enhancing 4 nutrition-dependent 5 appetite-suppressing 156 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [43~45] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, one of the most successful comic strips of all time, says that two personal letters launched his career and dramatically changed his life. Being a professional cartoonist had been a dream of his for quite some time, but (a) he had no idea about how to get started. Then one night he watched a PBS-TV program about cartooning, and he got some ideas. He wrote to the host of the show, Jack Cassady, and asked for his advice. (B) Adams says he was profoundly touched by this gesture, especially since Cassady had nothing to gain by writing either letter. He acted again on Cassady s encouragement, but this time (b) he stuck with it and obviously hit it big. Adams says, I wouldn t have tried cartooning again if Cassady hadn t sent the second letter. (d) his questions. Cassady encouraged Adams to give it a go and advised him to not be discouraged if (e) he received early rejections. Adams got inspired and submitted cartoons to two national magazines. He was quickly rejected by both with form letters. Not following Cassady s advice, he got discouraged, put his materials away, and decided to forget cartooning as a career. 43 7049-0283 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(C)-(D) 2 (B)-(D)-(C) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) (C) About fifteen months later, he was surprised to receive yet another letter from Cassady, especially since he hadn t thanked him for (c) his original advice. In this second letter, Cassady wrote: I m dropping you this note to again encourage you to submit your ideas to various publications. I hope you have already done so and are making a few bucks and having some fun, too. Sometimes encouragement in the funny business of graphic humor is hard to come by. That s why I am encouraging you to hang in there and keep drawing. (D) Much to his surprise, he heard back from Cassady within a few weeks in the form of a handwritten letter. In it, Cassady provided answers to all of 44 7049-0284 밑줄친 (a) ~ (e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 45 7049-0285 윗글의 Scott Adams에관한내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 TV 프로그램의사회자에게편지를보냈다. 2 Cassady의행동에의해깊은감명을받았다. 3 다양한출판물에아이디어를보내라는격려를받았다. 4 자신의독자로부터손으로쓴편지를받았다. 5 잡지사에원고를보냈으나거절당한적이있다. 실전모의고사 4 회 실전모의고사 4 회 157

정답과해설 142 쪽실전모의고사 5 회제한시간 70 분 배점 100 점 문항에따라배점이다릅니다. 3점문항에는점수가표시되어있습니다. 점수표시가없는문항은모두 2점입니다. 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 15번까지는한번만들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는두번들려줍니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 01 7049-0286 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 03 7049-0288 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 시의정책을홍보하려고 2 응급처치법을교육하려고 3 탄원서에서명을요청하려고 4 예산삭감의필요성을설명하려고 5 화재예방캠페인에참여를부탁하려고 1 I think I ll need at least ten more pages. 2 Just a couple of extra days will be enough. 3 Actually I d like to submit a report instead. 4 I d like to have my report back by Wednesday. 5 Extend the deadline to tomorrow and I ll be fine. 04 7049-0289 대화를듣고, 두사람이하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 아동대상요리실습시유의점 2 자녀와함께요리하는것의장점 3 요리에있어정확한계량의중요성 4 건강에좋은식재료를고르는기준 5 가정에서만들기쉬운요리의종류 02 7049-0287 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Oh, I see. Then I ll turn down the light. 2 Well, this pair of eyeglasses is too strong. 3 Right. It s not good to read in a dark room. 4 I think you should go see an eye doctor first. 5 I need a desk lamp that gives off a lot of light. 05 7049-0290 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 신문기자 - 모델 2 백화점고객 - 직원 3 전시회관람객 - 화가 4 TV 쇼진행자 - 사진작가 5 잡지기자 - 의상디자이너 158 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 06 7049-0291 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 08 7049-0293 대화를듣고, 남자가동아리모임에참석하지못한이유를고르시오. 2 1 5 1 독일어수업이있어서 2 건축캠프일정이변경되어서 3 사촌을공항에서배웅해야해서 4 도서관아르바이트를해야해서 5 사촌의시내관광을안내해야해서 3 4 09 7049-0294 대화를듣고, 남자가지불할금액을고르시오. 3점 1 $40 2 $45 3 $50 4 $54 5 $60 실전모의고사 5 회 07 7049-0292 대화를듣고, 여자가남자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 to look after Jenny at home 2 to pick Jenny up from the hospital 3 to register Jenny for a ballet class 4 to call Jenny s kindergarten teacher 5 to recommend a new doctor for Jenny 10 7049-0295 대화를듣고, SkyHead Lighthouse에관해두사람이언급하지않은것을고르시오. 1 설계자 2 색깔 3 높이 4 건축비 5 방문객수 실전모의고사 5 회 159

정답과해설 146 쪽 11 7049-0296 Hope College Poetry Competition에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 Hope College에현재등록된학생만참가할수있다. 2 출간되지않은시만출품할수있다. 3 원고에이름이표시되어있으면안된다. 4 참가비는무료이다. 5 수상자 10명은모두학교대표로전국대회에참가한다. 12 7049-0297 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 여자가선택할진공청소기를고르시오. 14 7049-0299 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 Man: 1 No way. Stop bothering me while I m trying to study. 2 Then you can always make time for health and strength. 3 My handwriting is poor, so I take notes on the computer. 4 Perfect. That way, we can teach each other what we missed. 5 Sure. You really have to concentrate to do well on the exam. Vacuum Cleaners for Sale Model Size Cord Bag Full Indicator Price 1 A Medium with cord $150 2 B Medium cordless $180 3 C Large cordless $200 4 D Medium cordless $190 5 E Large with cord $230 15 7049-0300 다음상황설명을듣고, Lily가 Mike에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 3점 13 7049-0298 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Woman: 1 Yes. I can help you choose a nice cushion. 2 I can t. I m going to reuse those old clothes. 3 No. I don t want to throw my old clothes away. 4 No problem. I ll go buy a nice cushion for you. 5 Sure. Bring me your clothes you don t need any longer. Lily: 1 If you re happy with the offer, you don t have to keep looking. 2 You re definitely good enough to get a job in the food industry. 3 Allow yourself every chance until you have actually secured a job. 4 I would advise you to look for another job and quit as soon as possible. 5 I think you should send a polite note telling them that you re not going. 160 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [16~17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. 18 7049-0303 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? 16 7049-0301 여자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 1 how to write a good fairy tale 2 universal themes of fairy tales 3 why fairy tales are essential to children 4 fairy tales and critical thinking abilities 5 language acquisition through fairy tales 17 7049-0302 동화로언급되지않은것은? 1 Pinocchio 2 The Bad Mother and the Dragon 3 Jack and the Beanstalk 4 Cinderella 5 The Little Mermaid Dear Commissioner: My wife and I have lived in Smalltown for more than sixty years and have enjoyed Freer Park for all that time. When we were young and didn t have the money to go anywhere else we would walk there almost every day. Our children grew up going to family picnics and Fourth of July fireworks there. Now we are seniors, and my wife must use a wheelchair for any extended walk. We find that the beautiful walking paths through the park are all but impassable to her. The paths are cracked and littered with rocks and debris that make it impossible to roll her chair from place to place. More so than any other public facility, outdoor parks should be completely accessible to the handicapped. We hope you will devote resources to restoring the walking paths in Freer Park for all visitors. Sincerely, Ron Miller debris 부스러기 1 공원보행로의수리를요청하려고 2 공원환경개선에대해감사하려고 3 민원처리시스템의개선을촉구하려고 4 공원보수공사사업참여를신청하려고 5 불꽃놀이로인한소음에대해항의하려고 실전모의고사 5 회 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제지의지시에따 라답을하시기바랍니다. 실전모의고사 5 회 161

정답과해설 150 쪽 19 7049-0304 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? Seeds are one of the most important inputs in vegetable production. High quality seed is a prerequisite for a successful crop. Cutting production costs by using lower quality seeds is usually counterproductive. While modern seeds may seem expensive, they are a relatively small production cost and an ever smaller portion of the gross returns. For example, a seedsman who produces hybrid tomato seeds could expect to receive about US$12 for 10 g of seed, while a commercial seed company would sell these seeds for about 3 cents each or 3,300 seeds for US$100. The seed retailer would sell the same 3,300 seeds for US$200, while the commercial tomato grower could produce US$60,000 of tomato fruits from these same 3,300 seeds. A grocery store would sell these same tomato fruits for US$110,000. So in this example, the tomato seeds yield a massive return on investment. So sacrificing seed quality to save on production costs is not a wise business practice. 1 종자개량에대한정부의투자를줄이지말아야한다. 2 생산비절감을위해종자의질을낮추지말아야한다. 3 농산물유통에서불필요한중간단계를축소해야한다. 4 소득증대를위해고부가가치농산물을개발해야한다. 5 친환경농업발전을위한정부의지원을확대해야한다. 20 7049-0305 다음글에드러난 I 의심경으로가장적절한것은? When I made my debut at the Metropolitan Opera, I had a temperature of 103 degrees, white as a sheet with the flu but I didn t even care. I was just so happy to be there! Nothing was going to keep me from singing. When I walked out for my first entrance, the place exploded into applause. The people had been waiting for me! I was filled with joy, happiness and gratitude and you sing your heart out. They had a special party afterwards just for me, and my debut. It was the start of a long and mutually beneficial relationship with a company at which I had always dreamed of singing and finally did. All the friends from childhood who said they d come when I sang at the Met did. My parents and family members were there to witness my success and I was extremely excited! 1 jealous and anxious 2 thrilled and grateful 3 indifferent and bored 4 frustrated and terrified 5 puzzled and disappointed 162 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 21 7049-0306 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? Science has a language of its own that has nothing to do with the scientist s native tongue. It is the language of logic in which reasoned arguments are developed from well-presented evidence and lead to sound and consistent conclusions. That language is the same regardless of the origin and preferred tongue of the person who writes it and good scientific writing depends primarily on expressing the science precisely and clearly. Subsequent editing by a native speaker to tidy up English expressions and comply with modern vernacular is relatively easy and the article will be a good one. If the expression of the science is poor, no amount of correction of the English can turn it into a satisfactory paper. In other words, a limited fluency in English is not a valid reason for putting off writing an article to announce a good piece of research. vernacular 일상적표현 22 7049-0307 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? Is bird song music? The thrush s song has some of the characteristics of music. It has rhythm, melody, repetition, and variation. It also has a function: Scientists believe that birds sing to announce their presence in a particular territory to other birds of the same kind, and that they sing to attract a mate. In some species one bird s song can tell another bird which bird is singing and how that bird is feeling. Bird song has inspired Western classical music composers. Some composers have taken down bird songs in musical notation, and some have incorporated, imitated, or transformed bird song phrases in their compositions. Bird song is also found in Chinese classical music. In Chinese compositions such as The Court of the Phoenix, for suona (oboe) and ensemble, extended passages are a virtual catalog of bird calls and songs imitated by instruments. thrush 개똥지빠귀 musical notation 기보법 1 학술지에실리는과학논문은사전검증절차를거쳐야한다. 2 과학자는연구를수행할때사회적책임의식을지녀야한다. 3 과학자는학계의주요언어로쓰이는영어를학습할필요가있다. 4 대중이이해하기쉬운언어로과학연구논문을작성할필요가있다. 5 모국어보다는과학언어의명확한표현이과학연구저술에중요하다. 1 bird songs mainly used to identify birds 2 use of songs to develop conversational skills 3 impact of bird song as music on classical music 4 calming effects of classical music and nature sounds 5 music composition as globalized human expression 실전모의고사 5 회 실전모의고사 5 회 163

정답과해설 152 쪽 23 7049-0308 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? Regarding desired outcomes of fire management policies, scientists and managers proposed that the principal aim of National Park Service resource management in natural areas is the unimpeded interaction of native ecosystem processes and structural elements. They asserted that this should be done by restoring fire as a natural process rather than using fire to restore particular ecosystem states or structures. Bonnicksen and Stone challenged this approach, arguing that naturalness cannot be restored by allowing fires to burn in forests with tree densities and other structural and compositional attributes that have been altered by years of fire suppression. According to these critics, active intervention is needed to restore ecosystem structure (thinning and perhaps even planting trees) before processes such as fire are restored. In larger parks, they noted, it may be possible to largely allow nature to take its course; however, in many parks ongoing active interventions, such as thinning forests and igniting prescribed burns, are likely to be necessary. unimpeded 방해받지않는 ignite 불을붙이다 1 Natural Disasters by Fire in Forest 2 Benefits and Uses of Urban Forests and Trees 3 Forests and Humans: The Unappreciated Link 4 Effects of Biodiversity on Ecosystem Stability 5 Active Intervention: Isn t It the Road to Reviving Forest Ecosystems? 24 7049-0309 Sand Sculpture Contest에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? Sand Sculpture Contest Point Reyes National Seashore invites you to the 35th Annual Sand Sculpture Contest at Drakes Beach. The date for the contest in 2017 has yet to be decided (usually on the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend). 9 am 3:30 pm Free to participants and spectators. Registration begins at 9 am at the Ken Patrick Visitor Center. Judging begins at 12 pm. Prizes awarded at 3:30 pm. Note Categories include: Children (14 and under), Families, Adult Individuals, and Adult Groups. Three prizes will be awarded in each of those categories, along with prizes for the sculpture with the most recycled plastic included. This event is family based, but please remember no dogs are allowed on this designated swimming beach and that no lifeguard is on duty. For more information, call 415-464-5140. Prizes donated by the Point Reyes National Seashore Association. 1 35년동안격년마다개최되었다. 2 참가비는유료이나관람료는무료이다. 3 심사는오후 3시 30분에시작한다. 4 세개의부문으로나누어시상한다. 5 지정된해수욕장에애완견의출입이허락되지않는다. 164 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 25 7049-0310 Stop-Motion Video Workshop 에관한다음안내문의내용과 일치하지않는것은? 26 7049-0311 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? Shifts in Public Priorities: % who say each is a top priority... Stop-Motion Video Workshop with Steven Paul Working with the renowned filmmaker Steven Paul, transform action figures, Legos and cardboard creations into cutting-edge stop-motion videos. Your smartphone is the key to being a movie director, producer, and editor. If you don t have a smartphone, invite a friend who does to join you! When: Saturday, July 22, 2017, 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Where: Computer Room 402 in Arizona State Museum Note All participants receive a free ticket to the Arizona Film Festival. Open to middle and high school, community college, and university students. Pre-Registration Required. Email to lisa@ asmuseum.org or call 520-626-2553. Admission is free (lunch provided). Special thanks to the Tucson Arts Council for support of this workshop. Arizona State Museum (%) 85 82 76 53 2009 86 79 72 71 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 75 64 56 Economy Jobs Terrorism Budget deficit The graph above shows the shift in public perception from 2009 to 2016 in the United States on issues such as the economy, terrorism, jobs, and the budget deficit and the degree to which each should be given top priority. 1 While still at the top of the list, the percentage of those who cited the economy as a top priority declined from 85% in 2009 to 75% in 2016. 2 Similarly, the percentage of those citing jobs as a top policy priority also decreased from 82% in 2009 to 64% in 2016. 3 In 2009, terrorism ranked third in perceived importance after the economy and jobs, and the concern over terrorism overtook that over jobs in 2013. 4 In 2016, 56% of respondents said that reducing the budget deficit should be a top priority. 5 Also in 2016, both strengthening the nation s economy and defending the country from future terrorist attacks ranked highest at 75%. 실전모의고사 5 회 1 스마트폰을이용해작업한다. 2 오전 10시부터오후 2시까지진행된다. 3 모든참석자에게 Arizona 영화축제무료표를준다. 4 고등학교재학생만참가할수있다. 5 참가비는무료이며점심이제공된다. 실전모의고사 5 회 165

정답과해설 154 쪽 27 7049-0312 leptospirosis에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that you can get from contact with water contaminated by animal urine (for example dogs and rats). It occurs throughout the Latin American region. You re probably at greatest risk of this if you re an adventure traveller, especially if you re swimming or doing water sports (canoeing, rafting or caving) in affected water. It s more common after a period of heavy rainfall or flooding. The bacteria enter your body through breaks in your skin or through your nose or eyes. You can get just mild flulike symptoms, about 10 days after infection, but sometimes a more severe illness results, with high fever, vomiting, diarrhoea and red, irritated eyes. The illness can occasionally progress to jaundice and severe liver failure, and even death in about one in 100 affected people. You should seek medical help as soon as possible if you think you may have leptospirosis. diarrhoea 설사 jaundice 황달 28 7049-0313 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? 3점 Darwin himself could scarcely have found a better example of the operation of natural selection than is provided by the way the mechanism of resistance operates. Out of an original population, the members of 1 which vary greatly in qualities of structure, behavior, or physiology, it is the tough insects that survive chemical attack. Spraying kills off the weaklings. The only survivors are insects that have some inherent quality that allows 2 them to escape harm. These are the parents of the new generation, which, by simple inheritance, possesses all the qualities of toughness 3 inherent in its forebears. Inevitably it follows that intensive spraying with powerful chemicals only 4 make worse the problem it is designed to solve. After a few generations, instead of a mixed population of strong and weak insects, there results a population 5 consisting entirely of tough, resistant strains. resistance 내성, 저항력 strain 종, 종족, 품종 1 라틴아메리카전역에서발생한다. 2 많은비가오거나홍수가난후더흔하다. 3 피부의틈, 코, 또는눈을통해세균이침투해발생한다. 4 때로는고열, 구토, 충혈된눈과같은증상을유발한다. 5 감염자의약 10% 가사망에이른다. 166 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 29 7049-0314 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? Paradoxically, learning to be obedient advances a child s ability to function independently of his or her parents. Obedient children have parents who effectively describe and enforce limits. Within that (A) clear / unclear framework, obedient children are free to be curious, to explore, to invent; in short, to be as independent as their maturity allows. Contrast this type of respect with the respect demanded by the (B) authoritarian / tolerant parent, who usually equates respect with fear. Children who fear their parents don t obey; they submit. On the other hand, children who are truly obedient are not fearful. They are self-confident and secure. They are even secure enough to indulge in a certain amount of disobedience. Children who fear their parents often become (C) deceptive / sincere. They learn to lie in order to avoid consequences and slip through the net of restrictions their parents try to enforce. Children who are obedient are more likely to be honest and forthright, especially when they do wrong things, because they have been treated honestly and in accord with what they truly need. 30 7049-0315 밑줄친 she[her] 가가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? Relaxing in her dressing room after a concert one evening, Galli-Curci heard a knock at the door. Quite accustomed to receiving visits from aspiring young singers seeking free advice and encouragement, 1 she sighed wearily and opened the door. There stood a rather timid young girl clutching a small bunch of roses. Galli-Curci invited 2 her in, taking the flowers from her admirer s trembling hand. Do you sing? 3 she asked. Oh, no! exclaimed the girl, a little taken aback by the question. Well then, do you play? asked the soprano, gesturing toward the piano. No, replied 4 her visitor, adding somewhat apologetically, I just listen. Galli-Curci smiled and impulsively embraced the girl. I had quite forgotten, 5 she said, that there were people left who only listen. (A) (B) (C) 1 clear authoritarian deceptive 2 clear tolerant deceptive 3 clear authoritarian sincere 4 unclear tolerant sincere 5 unclear authoritarian deceptive 실전모의고사 5 회 실전모의고사 5 회 167

정답과해설 156 쪽 [31~34] 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 31 7049-0316 Chimpanzees generally use both visual and tactile gestures the former when others are already paying attention, and the latter regardless of the attentive state of the recipient. In a study of visual gesturing, a pair of caged chimps saw a banana that was placed out of their reach in a laboratory, and they tried to explain to the human experimenter how to retrieve it for them. When a human entered the room, each chimp held a hand out palm up in the classical begging gesture, and they pointed toward the fruit with their whole hand or an index finger. They also used gaze alternation looking back and forth from human to banana. The apes utilized the same types of referential communication whether the banana was visible or hidden from view. These findings illustrate chimps capacity to, and in this case, a member of another species. Chimpanzees clearly possess a theory of mind, for they are consciously aware of the conscious awareness of others. 3점 tactile 촉각의 retrieve 회수하다 1 use gaze alternation to share enjoyment 2 search for connections and break them up faster 3 distinguish between visual gestures and tactile gestures 4 try to influence the state of knowledge of an observer 5 recognize emotions from facial and vocal expressions 32 7049-0317 Almost immediately after birth, infants display a critical cognitive skill. It is their ability to focus their attention on the features of their environment, especially to voices and sounds. By the last half of the first year, children begin to take part in a new type of interaction with their caretakers. They share attention given to objects with another person by following that individual s gaze or pointing, responding to the individual s emotional reaction to an event, and imitating that person s object-directed actions. This gives adults who notice this behavior a chance to pair words with objects, actions, events, and people. First words or sounds are usually simple associates of objects or situations. The infant simply voices a shared reference. It is noted that requires the child to integrate skills with communicative patterns and conceptual knowledge. The child is then standing on a first communicative step. 3점 1 the establishment of emotional bond with others 2 the mastery of non-verbal communication strategy 3 the appropriate presentation of emotions toward others 4 the understanding of the objects or situations in his environment 5 the leap from shared reference associations to meaningful language 168 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 33 7049-0318 On a cross-country flight, I once found myself sitting next to a successful lawyer who remembered attending a lecture I had given on brain research about ten years earlier at a private club in San Francisco. During our conversation, he asked me if I was still trying to figure out how the brain works. When I indicated that I was still doing research in this field, he seemed surprised because he thought that after ten years of effort this would now be all figured out. At that moment, it struck me that this highly educated man had no understanding of how science works. He was scientifically ignorant, and the degree he had received at a leading research university before entering law school failed to educate him in the most basic principle of the scientific process that. 3 점 1 research is a never-ending quest 2 scientific inquiry starts with ignorance 3 science is based on observation and reason 4 researchers need to improve their communication skills 5 all science is generally made up of unproven hypotheses 34 7049-0319 When it comes to statistical significance, matters. For instance, a poll of ten athletic friends and ten couch potato friends could give you some insight into whether knee problems were associated with participation in sports. However, if five of the athletes and two of the couch potatoes complained of knee pain, would this be good evidence that knee pain is related to participation in sports? Not really, because with such small group sizes, the difference easily could have arisen by chance. On the other hand, if 1,000 athletes and 1,000 couch potatoes were randomly selected and polled, and 500 of the athletes and 200 of the nonathletes had knee pain, this would be much stronger evidence that a correlation existed between knee pain and participation in sports. With such a large sample size, the 50 percent/20 percent statistic could not be due to a few unusual people throwing off the result, as could have been the case with the smaller group. 3 점 1 the tool for statistical data analysis 2 the size of the groups being compared 3 the range within which a measurement falls 4 the underlying cause of the observed difference 5 the observed difference between sets of samples 실전모의고사 5 회 실전모의고사 5 회 169

정답과해설 158 쪽 35 7049-0320 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? 3점 [36~37] 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. Geerat Vermeij, an evolutionary biologist at the University of California at Davis, has shown that over evolutionary time, life inevitably becomes more dangerous and competitive, as organisms become more effective at competition and predation, and acquire better defenses. (A) In response, some insects escaped bird predation by an evolutionary change in their daily activity schedules, resting during the day and becoming active only at night, when birds, which hunt using vision, could not see them. (B) For example, flight in insects likely evolved in response to a world made increasingly dangerous by insect-eating animals. Then a descendant group of the dinosaurs, the birds, evolved flight, and insects became the main menu item for many bird species. (C) As a result, a huge potential advantage appeared for any animal group that could evolve to exploit the insect-filled nighttime air. Into this huge vacant niche stepped a group of tiny mammals: the bats. niche 틈새 36 7049-0321 How odd it would be for a rock band to perform without moving in response to their music, in ways that let the audience know they were feeling it. A whole range of physical activity accompanies music. ( 1 ) Playing a musical instrument, alone or in a group, not only creates sound but also literally moves people that is, they sway, dance, walk, work in response. ( 2 ) Even if we cannot see them move very much, their brains and bodies are responding as they hear and process the music. ( 3 ) This was demonstrated many years ago by the new-wave rock band Devo when its members acted like robots. ( 4 ) In one way or another movement and music connect in the repertory of every culture. ( 5 ) Sometimes the movement is quite loose, suggesting freedom and abandon, and at other times, as in Balinese dance, it is highly controlled, suggesting that in this culture controlling oneself is beautiful and admirable. 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 170 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr 37 7049-0322 [38~39] 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장을고르시오. The difference between realism and fantasy lies in the laws of our universe. Realistic fiction and fantastic fiction have much in common. ( 1 ) Both are invented stories, often with invented characters, and they may take place in invented settings. ( 2 ) Even when the setting is real, such as Boston or Berlin, the exact neighborhood is often imagined. ( 3 ) If an invented story takes place in the world exactly as we know it where dogs bark, trees are green, and gravity is everywhere it is realistic fiction. ( 4 ) If a story has one or more elements not found in our world if animals speak, magic is present, or time travel is involved it is called fantasy. ( 5 ) The rest of the story might be absolutely realistic, but it is called fantasy if it contains any deviation from natural physical law. deviation 일탈 38 7049-0323 No people on earth have advanced the art of food preparation and consumption more than the French. 1 Curiously, although many French foods appear to be spectacularly rich in calories, the pandemic of obesity and diet-related diseases that is troubling much of the Western World has only in recent years begun to affect the French. 2 This is in part because the French, at least until recently, have followed the Mediterranean diet in which there is a predominance of healthy plant foods. 3 Large family gatherings and dinner parties involve more elaborate food preparation and more courses than daily family meals. 4 Also important is the fact that the French have a tradition of eating moderately, eating substantially less than, for example, Americans. 5 Clearly, it is possible to eat wonderful food without becoming overweight and (or) unhealthy, but it needs to be done wisely. pandemic 세계적으로유행하는병 obesity 비만 predominance 우월, 우세 실전모의고사 5 회 실전모의고사 5 회 171

정답과해설 160 쪽 39 7049-0324 Climate change has a multitude of indirect effects on crop and livestock production. 1 These are the effects that changing patterns of temperature and precipitation have on the non-crop species found on farms and ranches, such as insects, weeds, disease-causing organisms and invasive species. 2 Climate change effects influence the behavior and productivity of these non-crop species, which, in turn, changes the nature of their relationships with each other and with crops and livestock. 3 The species richness and the vegetation cover of non-crop species were significantly higher in organic fields compared to conventional fields. 4 Because the relationships between species in agricultural systems are dynamic and the behavior of the system is complex, it is difficult to project how the indirect effects of climate change may influence the performance of the agricultural production system as a whole. 5 The limited information available about how these non-crop species respond to climatic effects may provide some insight on potential impacts. precipitation 강우, 강수량 40 7049-0325 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Some of the most stable and healthy ecosystems can be found in the local forest. The main reason they are so healthy is because they include a diverse selection of native plants that work together and provide benefits to one another along with wildlife. In a sustainable garden, even though it s not necessarily all native, our goal is to diversify the ecosystem by incorporating a wide variety of plant types and species, because by nature, diversity leads to a healthier ecosystem. A lawn is totally contradictory to this theory and practice. If a disease or an insect is specifically targeting a lawn, often the entire lawn is in jeopardy, because its plantings are not diverse enough to handle the pressure from the pests. In a more diverse planting, such as a mixed border or evergreen screen composed of five or six unrelated species, if a pest problem arises, it is unlikely to wipe out the entire planting. incorporate 혼합하다 in jeopardy 위험에빠진 Increasing the (A) of plantings in a sustainable garden can (B) the risk of the entire planting being wiped out by pests. (A) 1 diversity 2 diversity 3 number 4 density 5 density (B) elevate reduce predict reduce elevate 172 EBS 수능완성영어

www.ebsi.co.kr [41~42] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. If finding the whole truth about what happened in the past is nearly impossible and if interpretations of the past are constantly being changed or revised, then how can we make any definitive statements about what really happened in the past? In other words, is historical knowledge possible? For several decades, postmodernists have harshly criticized the narratives that historians tell about the past. A narrative, they argue, is ultimately shaped by a narrator who brings his or her biases to the story, exercises power over the story, and chooses which voices to include in the story and which voices to exclude. Take, for example, a college history textbook. Many undergraduates assume that the textbook they have been assigned for their United States or World Civilization survey course simply provides them with a narrative of what happened in the past, without realizing that the authors of that textbook have made interpretive choices either consciously or subconsciously in how they have chosen the story. The authors have made choices about how much space to devote to certain historical actors, how the various pieces of the past are organized and presented, and where to begin and end the story. As a result, many postmodernists argue that no single narrative is capable of actually capturing the past because it will always be the product of the biases and interpretive choices (often based on those biases) that the narrator brings to the story. Narratives will thus be forever and do not offer us any reliable guide to what happened in the past. 41 7049-0326 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 The Past Reminds Us of Who We Are 2 Link to the Past, Bridge to the Future 3 The Impact of Civilization on Human History 4 Can Subjectivity Be Excluded from Historical Narratives? 5 History Awareness: The Driving Force of Development 42 7049-0327 윗글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 3점 1 removed 2 improved 3 contested 4 introduced 5 demonstrated 실전모의고사 5 회 실전모의고사 5 회 173

정답과해설 162 쪽 [43~45] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) During World War I, the Russians were advancing against East Prussia, and an East Prussian named Mr. Siebert thought it would be a while before they arrived. Therefore, he stayed longer in his house with his two children, Lena and Gustav, than he should have. The children were doing their homework. Lena was attempting unsuccessfully to solve a difficult math problem, and Gustav was writing an essay in German. Actually, the title of the essay was a quotation from Horace in Latin. Gustav began his essay by translating the Latin and then writing about the Russians: Yes, it is sweet and glorious to die for one s country. And when the hateful Russians come... (B) Mr. Siebert even found his children s homework! A Russian soldier had solved the math problem for his daughter, and had finished the German composition for his son. The son had started the essay with And when the hateful Russians come..., and the Russian soldier had continued the essay with... they come only because their Emperor wishes and it is their duty, and for some, my dear German boy, it is very hard. The Russian soldier then wrote about his own home and his own son and daughter. (C) He wrote that his daughter wished to study in Germany, then he wrote, That is impossible now, but let us hope, not forever. When you are grown up, people will, I hope, have remembered again that they are human beings and what a good thing that is. As for the quotation from Horace, the Russian soldier felt that it was right enough, but it is still more sweet and glorious to live for your country and to work for its peace, no matter whether it is your German fatherland or that of us hateful Russians. The composition was signed, Your enemy friend, Dr. Paul Fedor Heidenkamp, Lieut. (D) Just then, word arrived that the Russians were very near and that the family should leave immediately. They did, and they left most of their possessions and all of the children s homework behind. Time passed, and eventually it was time to return and see if anything was left of their house and possessions. Mr. Siebert was prepared to see that their house had been destroyed, and he was happy to see that it was still standing. 43 7049-0328 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(D)-(C) 2 (C)-(B)-(D) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 44 7049-0329 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 Life, That Is the Matter of Choice 2 Living in a Foreign Country Is Hard Enough 3 Return to Your Family, and You ll Be Welcomed 4 Nothing Is More Important Than Finding the Truth 5 Peace, a Greater Value Than Dying for Your Country 45 7049-0330 윗글의내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 Siebert 씨는두자녀와함께예정보다더오래집에머물렀다. 2 Gustav는독일어로에세이를쓰는중이었다. 3 러시아병사는 Siebert 씨의딸의수학문제를해결하지못했다. 4 Gustav의작문숙제에러시아병사의서명이있었다. 5 Siebert 씨가돌아왔을때그의집은파괴되어있지않았다. 174 EBS 수능완성영어


EBS 스마트북활용안내 EBS 스마트북은스마트폰으로바로찍어해설영상을수강할수있고, 교재문제를파일 ( 한글, 이미지 ) 로다운로드하여쉽게활용할수있습니다. 학생들을위한스마트북활용법 EBS 문항해설동영상을빠르고쉽게확인할수있는서비스입니다. 1 문항해설동영상불러오기 방법 1. EBS 수능강의앱의카메라실행후문항촬영 모르는문제, 찍어서해설강의수강 [ 7049-0001 ] 1. 윗글에대해이해한내용으로가장적절한것은? # 스마트폰문제촬영 # 문항코드입력도가능 # 해설강의수강 1 2 3 4 100 80 60 40 20 0 [ 7049-0001 ] 1. 윗글에대해이해한 100 80 60 40 20 0 찰칵! [ 7049-0001 ] 1. 윗글에대해이해한내용으로가장적절한것은? 100 80 60 40 20 0 방법 2. PC, 모바일의검색창에서문항코드입력 7049 0001 [ 7049-0001 ] 1. 윗글에대해이해한 100 80 60 40 20 0 찰칵! # 스마트폰문제촬영 # 문항코드입력도가능 # 해설강의수강 2 해설강의수강 [ 7049-0001 ] 1. 윗글에대해이해한내용으로가장적절한것은? EBS 수능강의앱설치후이용하실수있습니다. 기존과같이문항코드입력으로도사용할수있습니다. 100 80 60 40 20 0 교사들을위한스마트북활용법 수업에활용하실수있도록 EBS 교재별수업지원자료를무료로제공해드립니다. 1 교재문항을 한글파일 (HWP) 로제공 [ 7049-0001 ] 교재문항을한글문서로저장 1. 윗글에대해이해한내용으로가장적절한것은? EBS 교재문항을한글 (HWP) 파일로다운로드하여이용할수있습니다 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 교재이미지자료제공 1 2 3 4 다운로드 3 양질의강의 CG, 동영상클립, 강의자료등제공 교사지원센터 (http://teacher.ebsi.co.kr) 접속후 교사인증 을통해이용가능