Nature has always been the source for new 1). 2), birds 3) the design of airplanes. 4) is the field that 5) the design and 6) of products that are inspired by nature. Scientists are studying the 7) found in nature. The following shows some examples of how nature 8) various products. 자연은항상새로운발명의원천이었다. 예를들어, 새들은비행기의디자인에영감을주었다. 생체모방은자연에의해영감을받은상품들의디자인과개발을다루는분야이다. 과학자들은자연에서발견되는복잡한구조들을연구하고있다. 다음은인간이다양한상품들을만드는데어떻게자연이영감을불어넣어주었는지의예를보여준다. Lotus Paint 9) are unable to 10) the leaves of the 11) and 12) with any raindrops that fall on the plant. This is called the 13). 14) the lotus effect, a paint was developed by a German professor. It does not 15) dirt and water. Also, the paint has self-cleaning 16) and excellent 17) weather. 18) this, it 19) clean even for 20). 연페인트먼지입자들은연잎에달라붙어있지못하고연잎위에떨어진물방울과함께떨어져나간다. 이것은연효과라고불린다. 이러한연효과에기반을두어한독일인교수에의해페인트가개발되었다. 이페인트에는먼지와물이달라붙지않는다. 또한, 이페인트는자기정화의속성과날씨에대한탁월한내성을지닌다. 이러한점때문에, 이페인트는수십년동안깨끗한상태를유지한다. Gecko Tape Gecko tape is a glueless tape designed by Manchester University scientists. It was inspired by the gecko 21) ability to climb walls and walk on 22). The gecko foot has tiny 23) structures that help it 24). The new design of the tape 25) be used in many fields. In 26), 27), if gecko tape is fixed to robots, they can reach the top of a 28) or mountains more easily. 도마뱀붙이접착테이프도마뱀붙이접착테이프는맨체스터대학교의과학자들에의해고안된풀없는접착테이프이다. 그것은벽을오르고천장을걸어다닐수있는도마뱀붙이의능력에영감을받았다. 도마뱀붙이의발은발이표면에달라붙을수있도록도와주는미세한털모양의구조를가지고있다. 이접착테이프의새로운디자인은많은분야에서사용될것으로기대된다. 예를들어, 로봇공학에서이도마뱀붙이접착테이프가로봇들에부착되면이로봇들은절벽이나산정상에좀더쉽게도달할수있을것이다.
Velcro Velcro is a 29) that was designed by a Swiss engineer in 1940. He designed it after he 30) how the 31) of a plant 32) in the fur of his dog and to his pants. When he 33) a burr under a 34), he saw the many tiny " 35) " that 36) it. Because Velcro is easy to use, it is especially popular in clothes or shoes for children. 벨크로벨크로는 1940년에한스위스공학자에의해고안된떼고붙이는잠금쇠이다. 그는한식물의씨앗이개의털과자신의바지에어떻게붙게되었는지를관찰한후에이것을고안했다. 그가현미경으로이씨앗을관찰했을때, 그는그것에붙어있는많은미세한 갈고리 들을발견했다. 벨크로는사용하기쉽기때문에아동용옷이나신발에특히인기가있다. Mussel Glue How do 37) 38) to rocks 39) the 40) force of the sea? They produce their own self-sticking glue. It 41) itself when the mussels 42) waves and sand. Scientists still do not 43) understand how the natural glue 44). 45), they 46) 47) this 48) in a man-made version. It can be used for 49) things, 50) coating for underwater 51) or a 52) glue. 홍합접착제홍합은바닷물의강력한위력에도불구하고어떻게바위에달라붙어있을수있을까? 그것들은스스로자기흡착접착물질을분비한다. 그것은홍합이파도와모래에의해쓸려나갈때자가복원이된다. 과학자들은그천연접착제가어떻게작용하는지를아직도완전히이해하지못하고있다. 하지만, 그들은그물질을모방해서인조접착제로만드는방법을알게되었다. 그것은수중기계류의피복물이나의학용접착제와같은수많은것들에사용될수있다. Shark Skin Swimsuit It 53) that the ability of sharks to swim fast 54) the design of their 55). 56) this 57), the shark swimsuit was designed to help swimmers to swim faster 58) water 59). The newest shark swimsuits 60) in the recent games and 61) swimmers to improve their record. 상어비늘수영복빠르게헤엄칠수있는상어의능력은상어비늘의디자인때문이라는점이관찰되어져왔다. 이러한관찰에바탕을두어, 수영하는사람들이물의저항력을감소시켜서더빠르게수영할수있도록돕기위해상어수영복이고안되었다. 가장최신의상어수영복은최근경기에등장해서수영선수들이그들의기록을향상시키는데도움을준것처럼보인다.
Engineers and designers believe that we can 62) biomimicry 63) nature as our model. The idea is that nature 64) 65) 66) designs and processes over its 3.8 billion years of research and development, 67) it can give solutions to many problems today. 68), nature has already provided many solutions to the problems that 69) in 70), 71), and energy. The 72) of biomimicry across many areas shows great 73) for future inventions. 공학자들과디자이너들은우리가자연을우리의모델로삼음으로써생체모방을잘이용할수있으리라믿고있다. 그것은자연이 38억년이상의연구와발달을통해매우효율적인디자인과과정들로진화되어왔고, 따라서오늘날많은문제들에대한해결책을가져다줄수있을것이라는생각이다. 예를들어, 자연은이미교통과주택, 그리고에너지에존재하는문제들에대한많은해결책들을제공해왔다. 많은분야들에생체모방을적용하는것은미래발명에있어서의커다란잠재력을보여준다. "Every 74), Mother Nature teaches us we don't know 75)." - James Drinkwater - 이따금씩대자연은강한것이무엇인지모르고있다는것을우리에게가르쳐준다. - James Drinkwater -
본문빈칸연습 1) inventions 2) For example 3) inspired 4) Biomimicry 5) deals with 6) development 7) complex structures 8) has inspired people to make 9) Dirt particles 10) hold onto 11) lotus 12) flow off 13) lotus effect 14) Based on 15) attract 16) properties 17) resistance to 18) Because of 19) remains 20) decades 21) lizard's 22) ceilings 23) hairlike 24) stick to surfaces 25) is expected to 26) robotics 27) for example 28) cliff 29) hook-and-loop fastener 30) observed 31) burrs 32) stuck 33) observed 34) microscope 35) hooks 36) belonged to 37) mussels 38) stay attached 39) despite 40) extreme 41) repairs 42) are washed away by 43) entirely 44) works 45) However 46) have figured out 47) how to copy 48) substance 49) a number of 50) such as 51) machinery 52) medical 53) has been observed 54) is due to 55) scales 56) Based on 57) observation 58) by reducing 59) friction
60) have appeared 61) may have helped 62) take advantage of 63) by treating 64) has evolved 65) highly 66) efficient 67) so that 68) For instance 69) exist 70) transportation 71) housing 72) application 73) potential 74) now and then 75) what strong is