Picture Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives 가족구성원의이름을배우기 집안구조와명칭을익히기 Main Sentences Where is everybody? -- is not in the --. Words mom, dad,

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< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

6. Separate HDD by pulling in the arrow direction. * Cautions Avoid lifting HDD excessively, because Connector can be damaged ODD Remove



iloom STUDY 2012(<B300><C6A9><B7C9>).pdf

Unit 6 Let s Talk Doing Things 학생용교재레벨 6, Unit 6, 페이지 우리아이가배운내용은 대화문 : I m sorry I m late. That s OK. Have you already bought your ticket? Yes,

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Microsoft Word - Lessonplan_10

- 2 -

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Picture Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 1 Objectives 가족구성원의이름을배우기 집안구조와명칭을익히기 Main Sentences Where is everybody? -- is not in the --. Words mom, dad, big brother, baby sister, grandpa, grandma, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room Materials 동화 cut 자료, 가족구성원그림 (mom, dad, big brother, baby sister, grandpa, grandma), 집구조그림 (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, crib, living room), 문열수있는집게임판 Greeting Contents - Good morning. / Good afternoon. Hello, everyone. How are you? 도 입 Daily Song 1 : Congratulations - 일상노래 1을부르며축하할때의표현을익힌다. Congratulations, Congratulations. Today is your birthday. 2 Oh, how lovely you are! Oh, how wonderful you are! Today is your day. Today is your day. Happy birthday to you. Before Reading 본 활 동 Prior Knowledge - 집안구조와기능에대해이야기를나눈다. 유아들이말한내용을교사는영어로확장표현해준다. Where do you sleep in your house? Yes, you sleep in the bedroom. Where does your mom or dad cook? Yes, she/he cooks in the kitchen. Where do you wash your hands and take a shower? Yes, you take a shower in the bathroom. Where does your family members watch TV or read books? Yes, in the living room. Oh, some houses have a front yard/backyard(garden) so you can run and play or plant some flowers in the front yard/backyard(garden). What s this place? Sometimes, we can hang up our laundry to air-dry. It is a balcony.

Word Preview : mom, dad, big brother, baby sister, grandma, grandpa, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room 1) 가족그림카드를한장씩보여주고익숙한가족이름이므로영어단어로바로말할수있도록한다. This is --. (mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa...) 2) 집의각장소의구조와구성된물건, 기능에대해이야기를나눈다. (optional) Look! What's in the picture? A bed, a pillow, a blanket, a desk, a chair and a closet are in the room. What do we call this room? Yes, it's a bedroom. What do you do in your bedroom? You sleep, study, change your clothes and take a rest in your bedroom. Look at the picture. What's in this picture? A sink, a stove, a kitchen table, chairs and a refrigerator are in this picture. We call this place "kitchen". A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation. Who usually works in the kitchen? Yes, mom and dad usually cooks in the kitchen for us. What do you call this picture? Yes, it's a bathroom. There is a towel, soap, toilet and a shower. You take a shower, wash your hands and brush your teeth in the bathroom. This is a living room. We watch TV, take a rest on the couch, and have a conversation with family in the living room. Storytelling (Optional) - 그림책을그대로읽어주기보다는 narration 처럼교사가내용을덧붙이거나주요표현만강조하며들려준다. - cut 자료를융판이나칠판에붙이며이야기를들려주어도좋다. (George 그림붙이며 ) This is George. He woke up in the morning. Today is George's birthday. He is very excited about his birthday party. (living room 그림붙이며 ) So George gets dressed and goes to the living room to see his family. But nobody is in the living room. Where is everybody? (kitchen 그림붙이며 ) George goes to the kitchen to look for his mom. Is mom in the kitchen? No. Where is mom? Where is everybody? (bathroom 그림붙이며 ) George goes to the bathroom to look for his dad But dad is not in the bathroom either. (bedroom 그림붙이며 ) Now George is in the bedroom to look for his big brother. Big brother is not in the bedroom. So strange! Where is everybody? (crib 그림붙이며 ) George's baby sister is usually in the crib but she is not in the crib either. (George 거실에앉아있는그림붙이며 ) George is in the living room alone. George is getting bored. ( This way" note 씌여진쪽지를붙이며 ) George found a note. The note said "This way." George follows the notes. Will George find his family? Can you guess where everybody went?

Presentation Cover Talk / Picture Walking - 제목을읽어주고표지를보고이야기나눈다. The title is "Where is everybody?". This is George. Where is George now? Yes, he is behind the door. He just opened the door and he is looking for something. Does he look happy? I think he looks worried about something. - 그림책내지그림을보며그림에대해이야기나눈다. 글자를읽지않고그림에대해서만이야기하고모든추측과이야기는그림을기준으로한다. George just woke up and he is yawning and stretching his arms. Can you guess what is he going to do after he wakes up? What do you do after you wake up in the morning? Oh, you walk to the living room or to your parent's bedroom. Yes, so George walks to the living room. Is someone in the living room? No, nobody is in the living room. Then where is everybody? Now, George goes to another room. Where is George now? Yes, he is in the kitchen and looking for mom. He must have called "Mom!" Mom is usually in the kitchen in the morning to get ready for breakfast. Can you see George's mom? Can you see George's dad in the bathroom? George's dad is not in the bathroom. Where is dad? George is looking for his big brother in the room. There is a bag, a soccer ball and a notebook, but his big brother is not in his room. Look at this crib, the baby sister is supposed to be in the crib. Where is she? George looks sad. What happened to his family? Where is everybody? Hmm... Look at George. What is he doing? He is playing alone. He is behind the curtain, he is sitting on the drawers and waiting for someone. He is lying beside the bed and he looks bored. He is jumping on the sofa alone. Have you ever been at home alone? Have you ever been bored? Look, George found a note. What does it say? Yes, it says "This way." and there is an arrow. What does "This way" mean? Yes, it means he needs to follow the arrows. Now, he is following the arrows. He found the first note in the living room so he went to the bedroom. He found another note in the bedroom so he went to the bathroom. He is following the arrows, he needs to go outside. He opens the door... Wow, everybody is here. Geroge found his family. Finally he found mom, dad, big brother, baby sister, grandpa and grandma. What are they doing now? They are waiting for George. What did they say? Yes, "Surprise!". They all look happy. Look at George's face? How does he feel now? He is surprised but he must be happy now. Today is George's birthday. They all congratulate George on his birthday. What a wonderful family!

Read Aloud / Think Aloud (Focus on Picture Reading) * While Reading - 책을읽을때는글자가아니라그림을가리키며읽는다. - 목소리나표정으로 George 의느낌이나행동을함께표현해주면읽는다. * After Reading - 그림책을읽은느낌을말해본다. Do you like the story? Why? Why not? How did you feel when George could not find his family? How did you feel when George found the note? How did you feel when George found his family? Song : Where Is Everybody? - 주인공 cut 자료를활용하여노래를들려주어도좋다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Where Is It? ] 활동목표 : 집안구조명칭알기준비물 : 집안구조그림 ( 거실, 부엌, 침실, 화장실 ) 집안물건그림 / 사진활동방법 : 1) 큰사이즈의집안구조그림을준비하고각물건들은뒤집어놓는다. 2) 유아가한명씩나와서엎어놓은그림카드를뒤집는다. 3) 유아한명앞으로나오게하여물건을고르게한다. 4) 물건의이름을영어로알려주고해당하는장소를영어로말하게한후해당장소에물건을붙이게한다. 예 ) kitchen" - These pictures are part of George's house. What are these? Yes, it's a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living room. One of you will come up and pick one card. Can you say what it is? Yes, it's a (towel). Where should I put this (towel)? Yes, in the (bathroom). Now, let's put this card in the (bathroom.) Good job! Game Activity 2 [ Where Are You? ] 활동목표 : 가족이름알기준비물 : 문열고닫을수있는집게임판, 가족그림활동방법 : 1) 문을열고각방이름을소개한다. 2) 가족을소개하고각방에붙인후위치를기억하게한다. 3) 교사가가족의이름을말하면있는장소를말하게한다. This is mommy. Mommy is in the living room. [ 참고게임판모습 ] This is daddy. Daddy is in the kitchen... Remember where the family is. I will say a family member name and then tell me where they are in. Where is mommy? Bathroom? Do you think mommy is in the bathroom? Let's open the door and find out. 마 무 리 Review & Song - 스토리송을율동과함께부르기 - Good bye 송을부르고끝인사를한다. Round up

Picture Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 1 Day 2 Objectives Main Sentences Words Materials 가족구성원의이름을배우기집안구조와명칭을익히기 Where is everybody? -- is not in the --. mom, dad, big brother, baby sister, grandpa, grandma, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, garden George, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, crib, living room, This way, garden 그림카드또는글자카드 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하고날씨나일상대화나누기 Daily Song 1 : Congratulations - 일상노래 1을부르며오늘날씨와요일에대한표현을익힌다. Before Reading Word Review - 단어카드또는 Cut 자료를활용하여단어를말해본다. Song : Where Is Everybody? - 율동과함께그림책노래를부른다. Presentation Shared Reading (Focus on Picture Reading) - 제목을읽어준다. - 그림책을읽으면서반복되는문장이나단어는유아들이읽도록유도하거나참여를독려한다. 본 활 동 Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Let s Draw My Family ] 활동목표 : 가족구성원의이름을익힐수있다. 준비물 : 가족그림 ( 사진 ) 카드, 은박접시 ( 종이접시 ), 매직 ( 여러개 ) 활동방법 : 1) 우리가족중에는누가있는지발표한다. There are four in my family. Mom, dad, grandma, and me. 2) 가족들의얼굴하나하나먼저머릿속으로생각해본다. 3) 은박접시 ( 종이접시 ) 를나눠주고매직을그룹별로나눠주어서가족구성원을그릴수있게한다. Let s draw a picture of our family members. 4) 다그린친구들은가족구성원의밑에있는가족구성원의이름을쓰고소개를해볼수있다. This is my grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, brother, sister and me! ( 모루와눈알, 뿅뿅이, 털실등을이용해직접얼굴꾸미기를해도좋다.)

Game Activity 2 [ Family Tree ] 활동목표 : 가족구성원의이름을익힐수있다. 준비물 : 가족나무, 가족그림 (7개) 활동방법 : 1) 나무에서열리는과일로만든가족나무를만들고각과일을열어서그림을뒤에부착할수있도록한다. 2) 가족을소개할때는미리과일뒤에가족그림을붙여놓고위에서부터연령대로순서대로소개하며이름을복습한다. 3) 소개를마친후에는가족카드를서로위치를바꾸어배치한다. 유아들은서로바꾸는위치를잘보고바꾼위치를기억해야한다. 4) 위치를다바꾼후에는유아를한명나오게한후찾을가족을말하게한다. 5) 앉아있는유아들은해당가족이있는곳을과일이름을말하며가족을찾는다. I will introduce you to a family tree. Let's flip the peach up. Who is this? This is grandpa. Let's flip the apple up. Who is this? This is grandma... I will switch the family. Look very carefully where the family members go. Remember what fruit the family members are behind. Did you all look carefully? Where is big brother? Big brother is behind the lemon. * 가족을물어보는대신에과일이름을말하고해당과일뒤에누가있는지말하게할수있다. Who is behind the plum? What fruit is it? Do you remember who is here? Round up 마 무 리 Review & Song - 스토리송을율동과함께부르기 - 타이틀송을부르고끝인사를한다. Good bye. See you next time. See you on --day.

3~4회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Pass the Words ] 활동목표 : 방이름듣고말하기준비물 : kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, garden 그림또는단어카드활동방법 : 1) 유아들을두그룹으로나누어바닥에앉힌다. 2) 바닥에앉을때에는한줄로앉지않고, 지그재그로앉는다. 3) 교사는각팀에서맨앞의유아들만볼수있도록그림카드를보여준다. 4) 맨앞의유아는그림카드단어를다음유아에게귓속말로전달한다. 5) 마지막유아까지전달되면, 마지막유아는교사에게달려와귓속말로전한다. I am going to show one card to the first person. Look at the picture and say the name of the picture to the next person. Try not to say the name too loud so the others can hear what you say. The last person sitting at the end will come up to the front and tell us the name of the picture. Extra Activity 2 [ Tell & Tail ] 활동목표 : 가족이름과가족이있는집안장소이름말하기준비물 : 주사위 (mom 2면, dad2면, big brother, baby sister), 집안구조배경그림, 장소에해당하는물건그림카드또는실물활동방법 : 1) 집안구조배경그림은융판에붙여놓고각장소에가족도붙여놓는다. ( 예엄마는부엌, 아빠는욕실...) 2) 각장소에해당하는물건의그림카드는종류별로구분하여펼쳐놓는다. 3) 유아한명이나와주사위를던져 mom" 이나오면 Mom is in the kitchen." 하고말한후부엌에있는물건을골라부엌그림에붙인다. 4) 두팀으로나누어서진행할때에는, 각그룹이원하는장소를 2군데씩고른다. 5) 각팀이정한장소가나오면해당하는물건그림을붙인다. 6) 물건그림카드가먼저없어지는팀이이기게된다. Look at the pictures on the board. Mom is in the kitchen. Dad is in the bathroom... Let's roll the dice. It's "mom". Where is mom? Mom is in the kitchen. Find any item which belongs to the kitchen and put it on the kitchen. Role Play 등장인물 : George, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, crib, living room, note, garden George : Aham~ ( 기지개를켜며침대에서일어나밖으로나간다 ) George : Where is everybody? Mom! Where are you? kitchen : ( 엄마목소리로 ) Mom is not in the kitchen. George : Oh, mom is not in the kitchen. Dad! Where are you? bathroom : ( 아빠목소리로 ) Dad is not in the bathroom. George : Oh, dad is not in the bathroom. Big brother! Where are you? bedroom : ( 형목소리로 ) Big brother is not in the bedroom. Geroge : Big brother is not in the bedroom. Baby sister! Where are you? crib : ( 아기목소리로 ) Baby sister is not in the crib. George : Baby sister is not in the crib. Where is everybody? living room : Where is everybody? George : (This way 역할을맡은친구를보며 ) Oh, what is it? note : ( 기계적인목소리로 ) This way. (George는각방을지날때마다 This way" 를말하며지나간다.) Garden : (garden 앞에서멈추면 ) Surprise! Family : Happy birthday, Geroge. Congratulations! George : Thank you.

Phonics Readers Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 2 Day 1 Objectives Main Sentences Words 단모음 i 배우기단모음 i 가가운데들어가는단어배우기 Pig on a dig. The pig got a wig. pig, big, dig, wig, pin, fin Materials 파닉스단어카드 12~18 장, 찍찍이를붙인삽모형, basket, 폭탄모양의공 1 개 Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 1 : Congratulations - 일상노래 1을부르며생일축하하는표현을배운다. Review Word Preview - 배운집안구조그림카드와가족구성원그림카드를보면서이름을말해본다. Picture Book - Oral Reading (Focus on Picture Reading & Chunking) - 그림책을소리내어읽는다. 그림과문장의매칭, 문장의의미이해에초점을두고읽는다. - 율동과함께그림책의노래 Where Is Everybody? 를부른다. Before Reading Word Preview (Sound Learning) - 파닉스주요단어의단어카드를준비하여각단어의이름을알아본다. (pig, big, dig, wig, pin, fin) - 각단어의첫소리를아는지물어볼수있다. - 각단어의이름을익힐때는각 letter의사운드를지속적으로언급한다. /p/ /i/ /g/ pig 의형태로.. 본 활 동 Presentation Cover Talk / Picture Walking - Think Aloud - 표지를보고이야기를나눈다. What do you see on the cover? What animal is this? What is pig holding? Yes, the pig has a shovel and a bucket. Why is the pig holding a shovel and a bucket? Can you guess? - 각페이지의그림에대해이야기나눈다. Where is the pig? What is the pig doing now? What has he found in the ground? Yes, he found a wig. The pig tries on the wig and looks in the mirror. How does he look? Oh, he found something else in the ground. It's a pin. He tries on the pin, too. Where is the pig now? What does he have in the water? He has a fish. The fish looks big and he tries to hold onto the fish. Oh, no. The pig lost the fish. The fish dove into the water and got away. Poor pig!

Read Aloud - (Focus on Sounds and Pictures) - 교사가각페이지의문장을읽어준다. 이때 phonics 단어는천천히강조하며읽는다. - 해당단어는그림을가리키며읽어준다. Let s Chant - 파닉스북을보면서문장챈트를따라서부른다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Dig the Bucket ] 활동목표 : 파닉스단어 6개이름익히기 (dig, pig, big, wig, pin, fin) 준비물 : 찍찍이를붙인삽, bucket, 보들이를붙인파닉스카드활동방법 : 1) bucket 안에주요그림카드를 3장씩넣어놓는다. 2) 교사가시범으로삽을들고 bucket 안을파는흉내를내며 Let's dig." 이라고말한다. 3) 삽끝에그림카드가붙어나오면단어를말해보고카드는융판에붙여놓는다. 4) 융판에는단어카드를미리붙여놓고, 해당하는단어옆에단어카드를붙인다. 5) 유아가집어낸카드를유아가말하게하고융판에붙이게한다. Let's dig the bucket with a shovel. Then you will find something in the bucket. "Let's dig, let's dig." Oh, you've got something on the shovel. What is it? Let's say the name of the picture and put the card on the board beside the word. Game Activity 2 [ Pass the Bomb ] 활동목표 : 파닉스단어 6개이름익히기 (dig, pig, big, wig, pin, fin) 준비물 : 폭탄모양의공 1개또는카드, 파닉스단어카드 (6개) 각 2~3장 ( 총 12~18장 ) 폭탄그림이그려진단어카드 2~3개활동방법 : 1) 교사는주요그림카드 (6개) 를 2~3개씩만들어골고루섞고중간중간에 Bomb 카드를 2-3개넣는다. 2) 맨앞의유아에게폭탄을주고교사는단어카드를보여준다. 3) 그림의이름을말한유아는다음유아에게폭탄을넘기고교사는다음단어를보여준다. 4) 보여주는단어를말하지못하면다음단어를보여준다. 폭탄은단어를말할때까지계속가지고있는다. 5) 이렇게진행하다가교사가보여주는카드가 Bomb; 카드가나오면폭탄을가지고있는유아는춤을추거나원숭이흉내를내기등재미있는벌칙을준다. ( 벌칙은사전에미리알려주는것이좋다.) * 혼자만벌칙을하기싫어할수있으므로폭탄을든유아가 It's a bomb!' 하고소리지른후어떤동작을하면전체가 It's a bomb.' 하고그동작을따라하는것도재미있다. * 탁상달력을이용해삼각스프링책또는돌림판, 주머니에서카드를한장씩꺼내기등으로변형해도좋다.) This is a bomb. When you hold this bomb, say the word that I show you. If you can say the word, you can pass the bomb to the next person. If you can say the word, I will show you another card. You have hold the bomb until you say the word. If I show you a bomb card and you have a bomb on your hand, you have to dance or sing. 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - Word Chant Ii : 교재의맨뒷면에제시된 6개의단어로구성된챈트를익힌다. * 단어카드를제시하여단어카드를보면서챈트를하면좋다. - 헤어지는노래를부르고끝인사를한다. Good bye. See you next time. See you on --day.

Phonics Readers Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 2 Day 2 Objectives 단모음 i 배우기 단모음 i 가가운데들어가는단어배우기 Main Sentences Pig on a dig. The pig got a wig. Words pig, big, dig, wig, pin, fin Materials 그림 & 단어카드 6 장, 돌림판, 피자판, Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 1: Congratulations - 일상노래 1을부르며생일축하하는표현을배운다. Review Picture Book - Oral Reading (Focus on Picture Reading and Chunking) - 그림책을보며책을빠르게읽는다. - 율동을하며노래를불러보아도좋다. Word Review - phonics 단어카드를복습한다. 글자에계속노출을시키면서단어의이름을말하게한다. - 단어를말할때교사는 /p/ /i/ /g/ 이렇게각글자의사운드를계속말하면서단어이름을말한다. Presentation 본 활 동 Shared Reading (Focus on Letters) - 그림에대해이야기한후문장을보면서같이책읽기를한다. - 책읽기를할때주요단어글자를가리고글자위에그림을붙인후그림을보고단어를추측하게하게할수있다. 추측한후에는맞는지그림을떼어내고글자를보여준후글자를보면서다시읽어본다. Echo Chant - 에코문장챈트를따라서부른다. Word Family - 교재에나오면 word family를소개해주고글자를읽어보는연습을한다. - 모든 word family를연습하면좋으나일부만연습하여도된다. - 연습시파닉스캘린더또는파닉스빌더를활용하며연습을하면좋다. - 또는삽모형게임으로응용하여연습해도좋다. p i g Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ That s the Right Picture ] 활동목표 : 본문문장읽기연습 준비물 : 교재각페이지의문장, 교재각페이지의그림, 주요단어그림 ( 글자는작게적힌것 )

활동방법 : 1) 교사는각페이지의그림과문장을융판에붙여놓는다. 이때, 주요단어부분은빈칸으로남겨놓는다. 2) 교사가문장을말해주면유아가나와빈칸에해당하는그림을붙인다. 3) 완성된문장을유아가말해본다. 4) 그림을붙이면서해당되는문장을교사와함께말해본다 Game Activity 2 [ Phonics Pizza ] 활동목표 : Word Family 단어읽기연습준비물 : Word Family 돌림판, 융판으로된피자모양판 2개, 다양한피자 topping 그림 30개활동방법 : 1) 두팀으로나누어각팀에피자모양판을한개씩나누어준다. 2) Word Family 가적힌돌림판은융판으로준비한다. 3) 돌림판의각단어칸에 topping 을두개씩붙여놓는다. 4) 돌림판을돌려서걸린단어를말해보고붙여진 topping을가져와서자신들의피자판에붙인다. 5) topping 이모두없어진단어에걸리면다음팀으로순서가넘어간다. 6) 피자에더이상붙일곳이없도록멋지게완성한팀이이긴다. * 토핑과피자판에보들이와까슬이를붙여움직이지않도록하는것이좋다. 7) 유아들의인원, 시간에따라 topping 의개수를조절한다. < 돌림판 > < 피자판 > < 토핑 > X 2 개 Each team will have their own pizza dough. Spin the wheel. When the wheel stops, say the word. If you can say the word, take off one topping and put it on your pizza. Get as many toppings as you can. The team which has more toppings on the pizza will be the winning team. 파닉스북 Sticker 활동 - 파닉스북뒷표지를보여주고각단어를읽어본후해당하는그림을알려준다. - 유아들이워크북에서 sticker 를떼어서파닉스북에붙이면서단어이름을말하게한다. 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - 파닉스에코챈트부르기 - 타이틀송을부르고끝인사를한다. Good bye. See you next time. See you on --day.

3~4 회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Throw the Dice ] 활동목표 : 파닉스단어글자읽기연습준비물 : 주사위 2개, 글자카드, 단어그림카드활동방법 : 1) 주사위한개는첫글자를붙이고다른주사위에는나머지글자카드를붙인다. 교재에나오는단어를위주로써도되고읽기연습을위해 word family에나오는글자까지써도된다. 2) 팀을나누고각팀의유아가차례로나와서주사위를두개동시에굴리도록한다. 3) 나온글자를보고읽으면점수를얻게되고더많은점수를받은팀이이기게된다. Roll the dice together. Put the letters together and read the word. If you read the word, your team will get a point. Extra Activity 2 [ Plate Wheel ] 활동목표 : 소리를듣고글자만들기준비물 : 종이접시 2개, 할핀활동방법 : 1) word family가되는글자를만들수있도록접시한개에는첫글자 1개를쓰고접시다른한개에는공통되는나머지글자를쓰거나붙인다. 예 ) p / ig, w / ig, b/ ig, f / ig... 2) 공통글자가들어가는접시의한쪽을글자 1개정도보일크기의작은네모로자르고그아래에종이접시를놓고할핀으로고정한다. 3) 교사가단어를말하면서해당하는단어를접시를돌려서완성하도록한다. 4) 익숙해지면유아가단어를말하고다른유아가접시를돌려서글자를만들도록한다. There is a plate wheel. Let's practice to read the word together first. Listen carefully to what I say and turn the plate to make the word match with the sound. Extra Activity 3 [ Hopscotch ] 활동목표 : 주요단어읽기준비물 : 글자 hopscotch 1개또는 2개활동방법 : 1) 오른쪽형태의 hopscotch를글자카드로크게만든다. 2) 교사가먼저글자를읽으면서글자를밟고지나가는것을시범보인다. 3) 유아들을한줄로만들어서 (hopscotch를 2개만들었으면 2줄로 ) 글자를말하면서밟고지나가도록한다. 4) hopscotch를두개만들면전체를두팀으로나누어서팀별로빨리말하고지나가는게임활동을할수있다. This is a game of hopscotch. Do you know how to do it? I will show you first how to do it. When you step on the word, you have to say the word. Let's split into two teams and see which team is faster.

Nonfiction Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 3 Day 1 Objectives Main Sentences Words 가족구성원이름익히기여러형태의가족구성에대해알기 Who is in my family? grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, aunt, uncle, me, big brother, big sister, little brother, little sister, baby brother, baby sister Materials 그림카드, Family Tree 만들재료 (8 절종이, 싸인펜, 크레파스 ) Greeting - 인사하기 Contents 도 입 Daily Song 2 : Let's Play Outside - 일상노래 2를부르며재미있는율동을한다. Come on everybody. Let s go. It s time to play outside. 1. Let s play in the playground. Let s play outside. Yeah! 2. Let s swing. Let s slide. Let s play seesaw. Yeah! Review Picture Book Review - Oral Reading (Focus on Text & Fluency) - 그림책을보며빠르게읽기를한다. - 그림책노래를율동과함께불러본다. Phonics Readers - Oral Reading (Focus on Sound) - 파닉스북을보면서빠르게읽기를한다. - 단어챈트를율동과함께부른다. Before Reading 본 활 동 Word Preview : grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, brother, sister - 주요단어를그림과함께소개한다. Prior Knowledge 1) 가족구성원에관해이야기를나눈다. 가족구성원은다양하며여러형태의가족이있음을알려준다. Who do you live with? Yes, you live with your family. Who is in the family? Usually, there is a mom, a dad, a brother, and a sister. Do you live with your grandpa or grandma? A family that lives with a grandpa or a grandma is a big family. Some families have only one child. Some families have more than one child. A brother is a boy and a sister is a girl. We call our siblings who are older than us big brother and big sister. We call our siblings who are younger than us little brother and little sister. Some families have only a few people in them: like two or three. Some children live with just mom, or with just dad. Some children live with just their grandpa or grandma. There are many different types of families.

Picture Walking / Think Aloud - 표지에있는그림을보며가족구성원에관해이야기를나눈다. Look, the title is "Who is in the family?" There is a family. Who do you see in this family? Yes, grandma, dad, sister, brother, mom and grandpa. It's a big family. There are six in this family. - 각페이지의사진을보며사진에대해자세히이야기를나눈다. p.1 Who is in the family?" There is a family. How many people are in this family? Yes, four people are here. Mom, dad, brother and sister. p.2 Her name is Ann. There are three in Ann's family. Mom, little brother and Ann. p.3 Look at Brad's family. He lives with dad and a big brother. There are three in Brad's family. Ann and Brad have small families. p.4 Look at this boy. His name is Max. Max lives with his dad, mom, big sister and Max. p.5 This is Susie's family. Who is in Susie's family? Grandpa, grandma, little sister and Susie. They all look happy. p.6-7 Look at this family. This is Andy's family. He is Andy. Andy has a big family. Let's count together. One, two...eight. There are eight in Andy's family. It's a big family. Let's take at look who is in his family. Grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, baby sister and Andy. Andy has an uncle and an aunt. p.7 Let's see these pictures. There are different types of families. Some people live with grandpa and grandma. Some people live with mom and dad. Some people live with mom and a brother or a sister. Some people live with dad and a brother or a sister. Some family members are from different countries so they use different languages. Their skin, language and hair might be different but they are still a family. Family is very precious. Family members love each other and help each other. Read Aloud / Think Aloud - 제목을읽고각페이지의문장을천천히읽어준다. - 유아들의생각을읽을수있는질문을한다. Echo Reading - 책을보며문장챈트를따라서부른다. Presentation

Song - 교재를보여주면서노래를들려준다. - 동작과함께노래를다시불러본다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Pick a Card ] 활동목표 : 주요가족단어익히기준비물 : 주요가족단어카드여러개교실가로또는세로에걸쳐걸수있는긴줄빨래집게활동방법 : 1) 교사는긴줄을교실가로또는세로에걸쳐걸어놓는다. 빨래줄의높이는유아의가슴높이에맞춘다. 2) 긴줄에주요단어카드를빨래집게를이용하여집어놓는다. 3) 유아들을두팀으로나눈다. 4) 각팀에서두명씩유아가한팀이되도록정한다. 5) 교사가말하는단어또는그림을보고각팀에서짝이된유아두명이카드로달려가가슴또는어깨로카드를빼온다. ( 손으로사용하지않는규칙을정한다.) 6) 먼저교사에게카드를가져가단어의이름을동시에말하면이긴다. There are cards on the string. Two people will be on one team. Go to the string and get the card with your partner. You can't use your hands. Use your elbows or shoulder with your partner. As soon as you get the card, come back to me and say the word. Game Activity 2 [ Family Tree ] 활동목표 : 가족구성원의 Family Tree 알아보기준비물 : 가족그림또는명칭이적힌 Family Tree 활동방법 : 1) Me and My Family Tree 동화책을활용하여 Family Tree를만들어본다. 2) 사다리게임으로가족구성원의그림을한장씩떼어, Family Tree에붙인다. 이때, 사다리게임에서 grandpa를선택하면 grandpa 사진에도착할수있도록꾸민다. 3) 유아들이개인별로만들수있는 Family Tree 그림을한장씩주고, 자신만의 Family Tree를만들어보게한다. (http://www.kizclub.com/topics/myself/familytree.pdf 에서자료다운가능 ) 마 무 리 Review & Song - 율동과함께논픽션노래부르기 - 헤어지는노래를부르고끝인사를한다. Round up

Nonfiction Book 3 Lesson Plan : Week 3 Day 2 Objectives Main Sentences Words Materials 가족구성원이름익히기여러형태의가족구성에대해알기 Who is in my family? grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, aunt, uncle, big brother, big sister little brother, little sister, baby brother, baby sister, me 가족구성원그림카드, 집의방그림 Contents 도 입 Greeting Good morning. Good afternoon. Hello, everyone. Hi, kids. How are you? Daily Song 2 : Let's Play Outside - 일상노래 2를부르며재미있는율동도해본다. Review Picture Book Oral Reading & 노래부르기 (Focus on Text & Fluency) - Picture Book 책을보며빠르게읽기 - Picture Book 노래율동하며부르기 Phonics Readers - Oral Reading (Focus on Letters) - 파닉스북을보면서빠르게읽기를한다. - 단어챈트를율동과함께부른다. Nonfiction Book 노래율동과함께부르기 - 율동을함께익히며노래를불러본다. 본 활 동 Presentation Shared Reading - Picture Reading - 반복되거나추측가능한문장은따라서말하도록하면읽는다. Echo Chant - 책을보며문장챈트를따라서말한다. Practice & Production Game Activity 1 [ Who Is There? ] 활동목표 : 가족구성원의이름을말하기준비물 : 가족구성원그림카드, 그림카드를붙일수있는 Family Tree 또는보드판활동방법 : 1) 보드판에가족구성원을미리붙여둔다. 2) 가족구성원의이름을말하는연습을여러번한후보드판을잠시보여준다. 3) 유아들은구성원이몇명인지, 누가있었는지기억해야한다. 기억하기쉽도록보드판에붙일때는가족나무형태로붙여주면좋다.

4) 팀을나누어서할경우한팀별로한명의가족구성원을말할수있게한다. 맞게말하면서점수를얻거나카드를가져간다. 더많은점수를얻거나카드를떼어간팀이이기게된다. 5) 구성원을다르게하여여러번진행한다. Look at the board carefully and remember how many there are and who are there. I will show you in a short moment so you have to look at the board very carefully. How many are there? Who was on the board? Game Activity 2 [ Matching Family ] 활동목표 : 가족구성원의이름말하기준비물 : 가족구성원그림카드 12개활동방법 : 1) 교사는짝이되는카드를알려준다. 예 ) 할아버지와할머니, 엄마와아빠, 이모와삼촌누나와형, 여동생과남동생... 2) 카드를뒤집어놓고 2개씩카드를뒤집어서서로짝이되는카드를뒤집어서한상을찾아야한다. 3) 카드를뒤집은후에는꼭카드의이름을말해야한다. I will show which cards are pairs. Grandma and grandpa are a pair. Mom and dad are a pair. Aunt and uncle are a pair... I will put all the cards upside down. Each person can flip two cards. When you flip the card, you need to say the name of the card. If you find a pair, you can get a point. 논픽션북 Sticker 활동 - 논픽션북마지막페이지에워크북에있는나오는가족 sticker를붙이는활동을한다. - 교사는그림카드를보여준다. - 유아들은그림에해당하는단어를말해보고 sticker를붙인다. - sticker를모두붙이고단어를모두말해본다. 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - 율동과함께논픽션노래부르기 - 헤어지는노래를부르고끝인사를한다. Have a nice day!

3~4 회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Twister Game] 활동목표 : 가족구성원이름말하기준비물 : 큰 Twister 게임판 2개또는단어카드, 주사위활동방법 : 1) Twister 게임과동일한방법으로게임을진행하되색깔대신가족카드로게임을진행한다. Twister 게임판을만들지않고카드를바닥에붙여놓아도좋다. 2) 주사위를던지면나오는가족카드에손이나다리를올려놓는다. 3) 손이나다리를올려놓지못하거나넘어지면지게된다. 4) 팀을나누어서한명은주사위를던지고한명은카드에손이나다리를올리도록한다. Do you know what it is? This is a game called Twister. Roll the dice and put your hand or foot on the same card as the dice. You can only use your hand or foot. You can not use any other part of your body. If you fall or you can't put your hand or foot down, you lose. Extra Activity 2 [ Throw and Say ] 활동목표 : 가족구성원이름단어를보고말해보기준비물 : 단어카드, 큰바구니 (6개), 신문지활동방법 : 1) 교사는큰바구니앞에가족구성원단어카드를붙인다. (grandpa, grandma, mom, dad, brother, sister) 2) 유아들은신문지한장을구겨서공처럼만든다. ( 유아들의인원보다많은개수를만든다 ) Extra Activity 3 [ This Is My Family ] 활동목표 : 나의가족을친구들에게소개하기준비물 : 가족사진 ( 일주일전에가족사진을준비하도록말하거나, 자신의가족그림을그린후활동해도좋다.) 활동방법 : 1) 가족사진또는그림을들고앞에나와친구들에게소개한다. 2) 가족구성원의이름을말할때교사의도움이필요하면도와준다. 3) This is my ~ 라고말하는연습을한다. Today, you have your family photo or picture you drew. It's time to introduce your family to the class. Let's start with 'This is my family. This is my --.' You can say the number of people in your family with 'There are ( 숫자 ) people in my family.' Now, let's start. OO, could you show your family picture to us?

Workbook 3 Lesson Plan : Week 4 Day 1 Objectives 그림책, 논픽션북, 파닉스북복습하기 Materials Workbook(with stickers), 색연필 ( 또는연필 ) Contents 도 입 Greetings - 인사나누기 Daily Song 2: Let's Play Outside - 일상노래 2를부르며재미있는율동도해본다. Review Review - 스토리율동과함께노래부르기 - 파닉스문장챈트부르기 - 논픽션문장챈트부르기 Workbook 본 활 동 Unit. 1 < 각방에알맞은가구스티커붙이기 > There are four rooms. Can you say the names of the rooms? There is an empty place to put a sticker. What does the bathroom need? Yes, it needs a bathtub and a toilet. What does the living room need? A couch should be in the living room. < 각방에알맞은가족스티커붙이기 > Do you remember the storybook? George was looking for his family. He looked for his family in their rooms. Do you remember who is in George's family? Yes, mom was there. Where does George look for his mom? Yes, in the kitchen. Let's put the mom sticker in the kitchen. You have now completed the page. Good job!

Unit. 2 < 각가족구성원에알맞은물건연결하기 > Let's say the family names on this page. What do they need to go out? They need their hats and shoes. Let's find their hats and shoes. Which hat and shoes are for the big brother? Connect the cap and sneakers to the big brother. Connect the pink hat and high heels to mom. Dad is wearing a soft hat and dress shoes. Baby sister needs a lacey hat and little shoes. < 가족명수가같은가족끼리연결하기 > The children are holding their family pictures. Some have 3 or 4 or 5 people in their family. Let's connect the families that have the same number of people. Who has 3 people on the right side? The third child on the right has 3 people in her family. Unit. 3 < 그림에알맞은단어동그라미하기 > Now. let's see the pictures. What is the first picture? Yes, it's a pin. Pin starts with /p/. Can you find the correct word? Let's circle the correct word. < 문장과알맞은그림연결하기 > Do you know what the pig is doing? Can you match the sentences with the pictures? Let's connect the sentence and the picture. Review < 문장을읽고그림에서적합한장소에색칠하기 > Can you read the sentence? Do you understand what it means? Yes, it's "Mom is in the living room." Can you find the living room on the right? The couch is usually in the living room. Let's color the living room. Hybrid 활동 - Hybrid CD를이용하여복습하기 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - Phonics Readers 단어챈트부르기 - Word Chant Ii: 교재의맨뒷면에제시된 5개의단어로구성된챈트를익히고헤어지는인사노래를한다.

Arts & Crafts 3 Lesson Plan : Week 4 Day 2 Objectives Pop-up book 만들기를통해 Picture Book 의내용을재미있게복습한다. Main Sentences Words Where is (everybody)? (Mom) is not in the (kitchen.) bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room

Contents 도 입 Greeting - 인사하기 Daily Song 2 : Let's Go Outside - 일상노래 2를부르며재미있는율동도해본다. Review Review - 스토리율동과함께노래부르기 - 파닉스문장챈트부르기 - 논픽션문장챈트부르기 Arts & Crafts 작품소개하기작품명 : George's House - 만들기전집안장소에대해이야기나누며이름을기억해본다. - George의집에는어느방이있었는지말해본다. T: Today we're going to make a pop up book. Here is the book. This book can stand on your desk after you make it. Open it and you can see the different rooms in George's house. ( 완성된책을넘기면서간단히보여준다.) 본 활 동 재료와과정소개하기 T: Let's check what we have. We have 4 papers. Some have pictures, and some do not. The papers with no pictures are for the glue. The papers with pictures should be stuck onto the papers that are for the glue. Before you make it, it's important to put the pictures in order. The first paper is for the door and it says "George's House". The inward one is for the kitchen. The second paper is for the bedroom. The third paper is for the bathroom. The fourth paper is for the living room. And the backward one with a cat and flowers on it is for the backyard Let's put these papers in order on your desk. ( 학생들의재료가빠짐없이준비되어있는지확인하고순서대로쌓아두었는지도확인한다.) 시범보이기 T: I'm going to show you how to make the book. It's easy to make but you have to be very careful. ( 종이를접고 pop up book 을만들어책상위에세워놓는다.) 함께만들기 T: Now it's time to make your own book. Are you ready? Watch me carefully and follow my lead. 1) 표지에자기이름쓰기

Let's look at the first paper. There is a line under the window and it says "by~" Let's write your name on this line. 2) 첫번째종이를점선따라접는다. The first paper is for the front door. Fold the paper along the fold lines 3) 두번째종이를점선따라접는다. The second paper is for the kitchen. Fold the paper along the fold lines, too. 4) 첫번째종이와두번째종이를붙이고다시접는다. Now, put glue on the white side of the first and second papers, and stick them together. After you stick them together, fold the paper again along the fold lines. * 풀붙이기와접기가서툰유아에게는교사의도움을준다. 5) 세번째종이부터네번째종이도같은방법으로붙인다. 6) 네번째종이와첫번째종이를번호를맞춰붙인다. Do you see the number on the opposite side of the picture? Let's put them in order. There are two for each numbers. So number 1 goes to number 1 and glue them together. Number 2(3) goes to number 2(3) and glue them together. 5) Pop-up book 완성하기 Now, let's fold each of the papers along the fold lines again. After you fold them up, you will see a book that has a house form. Let's open it up and stand it up on your desk. 작품을이용하여복습하기 T: Now, let's go to the inside of George's house. Open the door. What is the first room? Yes, it's a kitchen. What do you see in the kitchen? Who was there in George's house? Yes, mom was there and George looked for mom. Now, let's open the next page. What do you see? Yes, you can see a bed, a closet, a window and pretty bags. This room must be for George's sister. What is the next room? It's a bathroom. Do you see a shower? What else can you see? Yes, you see a bathtub, a toilet, a towel and a laundry machine, a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap. Now, let's go to the last room. There is a sofa, TV, books, a desk, a lamp, a clock and a telephone. What is this room for? Maybe the family members get together in this living room and have a pleasant time, watch TV and read books. This is George's House. Hybrid 활동 - Hybrid CD 를이용하여복습하기 마 무 리 Round up Review & Song - Phonics Readers 단어챈트부르기 - Word Chant Ii: 교재의맨뒷면에제시된 5개의단어로구성된챈트를익히고헤어지는인사를한다.

3~4 회차수업추가활동 Extra Activity 1 [ Five Fingers ] 활동목표 : 단어듣고알맞은가족그림고르기준비물 : 피라미드모양가족그림이복사된종이 ( 유아들의인원수만큼준비 ) 활동방법 : 1) 교사는가족그림을피라미드모양으로융판에붙여놓는다. 2) 준비된종이는유아들에게한장씩나누어준다. 3) 종이는책상위에올려놓고, 교사가말하는가족을손가락으로 point 한다. 4) 교사는다섯명의가족을차례차례부르고유아는다섯손가락을이용해모두 point 해본다. * 처음에는교사가호명하고, 두번째부터는유아들이차례차례돌아가면불러도된다. * 유아들에게개별종이를주어도되고, 교사가융판에그림을붙여유아한명씩나와서해도된다. There are families members on your paper. Put your paper on your desk. I'm going to say the name of one of the family members and then you point to it with your finger. I'm going to say the names of five people. Use your five fingers and point to the family members. When you point to all of the fiver members, hold it and say the words. Extra Activity 2 [ Bowling Game ] 활동목표 : 가족단어말하기또는파닉스단어말하기준비물 : 가족단어또는파닉스단어, 볼링핀여러개, 공 1~2개활동방법 : 1) 종이컵을볼링핀으로사용해서앞에카드를붙인다. 2) 볼링핀은겹치지않게한줄로세운다. 3) 공을굴려서넘어진단어의이름을말해야한다. 유의 ) * 공이종이컵보다좀크게해서컵을맞추기쉽게한다. * 종이컵의간격을약간벌려서공에여러개의컵이넘어지지않도록한다. We are going to bowl today. Try to hit the cup with the ball. If you hit the cup, say the name of the card.