An Introduction of the NY STATE Seal of Biliteracy Presented at the Korean Teacher Workshop Series #8 Dr. Hyunjoo Kwon Resource Specialist New York St

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2 An Introduction of the NY STATE Seal of Biliteracy Presented at the Korean Teacher Workshop Series #8 Dr. Hyunjoo Kwon Resource Specialist New York Statewide LANGUAGE RBE-RN At New York University January 7, 2017 이중언어인증 (The Seal of Biliteracy) 현황 Text 채택 : 뉴욕주를포함한 21 개주와워싱톤 D.C. 이중언어인증 (NYSSB) : 뉴욕주의회통과 (2012 년 7 월 31 일, 주지사서명 ) 3

3 이중언어인증의목적 (The NYS Seal of Biliteracy) Text Txt Text 언어학습장려, 고용주에게이중언어능력을가진고등학교졸업생임을증명, 대학진학자격요건의하나의정보가되고, Text Text 21 세기학생들에게필요한기술을습득시키며, 외국어와모국어수업의중요성을알려주고 다언어사회에서의다양성의중요성을인식시키기위함. (Slentz, 2012)* *The New York State Seal of Bilintaracy Handbook, NYS Education Department, June, 2016 뉴욕시이중언어인증채택과정 뉴욕주의회통과 교육법제정 뉴욕주의회에서통과 ; 2012 년 7 월 31 일뉴욕주지사가법으로서명 언어이외의하나 Text 이상의언어듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기에높은구사능력을가진고등학교졸업생을인정하게되었음 교육법 section 815 로이중언어인증 (NYSSB) 이제정됨 인증조건을만족시키는학생의졸업장과Text 성적표에이중언어인증 (NYSSB) 이부착됨 4

4 이중언어인증지침 2014 년 1 월 2016 년 1 월 뉴욕주리전트의회에서시험적프로그램 (Pilot program) 실시를승인함 뉴욕주이중언어와세계언어국 (OBEWL) 에서뉴욕주리전트의회에건의안을제출하여승인됨 2016 년 5 월 이중언어인증프로그램내용을각학군에통보함 이중언어인증지침 Appendix 1 and 2 참조 5

5 이중언어인증지침 Appendix 1 이중언어인증을받을수있는조건 학생은 ; 뉴욕주리전트졸업장을받을수있는조건을갖추어야한다. 다음영어기준과세계언어기준에각각 3 점이상받아야한다. 이중언어인증지침 Appendix 1 영어능숙도기준 Point Value 세계언어능숙도기준 Point Value 영어학과목리전트시험 75 점이상 ( 공통기준 *); 또는 1 세계언어체크포인트 C 급학습과정을 85 점이상, 또는 1 영어학습자는영어학과목외에두과목리전트시험을번역도움없이 75점이상받음 학군에서정하여뉴욕주교육부장관의인가를받은체크포인트 C 학습과정과 학생은 ; 뉴욕주리전트졸업장을받을수있는조건을갖추어야한다. 학기말시험에서 85 점이상을받음 다음영어기준과세계언어기준에각각 3점이상받아야한다. 영어학습자영어능력고사 (NYSESLAT) 에서듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기중 2 항목에최고급등급 (Commanding Level) 을받아야함. 1 외국에서 8학년이상의학습을최소한 3년이상, 학생의가정언어 / 모국어로받고 B학점을이수하였음을증명하는성적표가있는학생 1 6

6 이중언어인증지침 Appendix 1 ( 계속 ) 영어능숙도기준 Point Value 세계언어능숙도기준 Point Value 11, 12 학년영어학과목을 85 점이상을받거나, 또는 학군에서정하여뉴욕주교육부장관의승인을받은영어평가시험에서 85점이상을받아야함. 1 가정언어필수괴목을이수하고학군에서정한가정언어과목시험을 85 점이상얻은학생, 또는 학생은 ; 뉴욕주리전트졸업장을받을수있는조건을갖추어야한다. 학군에서정하여교육부장관의인가를얻은평가시험에서동등한성적을얻은학생 다음영어기준과세계언어기준에각각 3점이상받아야한다. -영어나영문학 AP 시험에서 3 이상받거나, TOEFL 시험에서 80 이상을받아야함. 1 세계언어체크포인트 C 로인정받은평가기준에능숙도점수를얻은학생 ( 참조 : 체크포인트 C 와커트라인점수 : 다음장 ) 1 1 이중언어인증지침 Appendix 1 ( 계속 ) 영어능숙도기준 Point Value 세계언어능숙도기준 Point Value -이중언어인증학군규정에 1 뉴욕주체크포인트 C 에 따르는듣기, 말하기, 의거한이중언어인증학군 읽기, 쓰기등을포함한규정에따르는듣기, 말하기, 학생은 ; 읽기, 쓰기등을포함한종합적인프로젝트, 종합적인프로젝트, 학문적인학문적인 에세이나뉴욕주리전트졸업장을받을수있는에세이나포트폴리오등을포트폴리오조건을등을갖추어야영어가한다. 목표언어 (target Language) 에 능숙한채점관들에게능숙한채점관들에게제시함 다음영어기준과세계언어제시한다기준에. 각각 3점이상받아야한다. 1 수험편의도움 : 개별교육프로그램또는 Section 504, 뉴욕주와학군규정에따라장애학생들에게수험편의를제공해야한다. 장애학생들에게도가능한한세계언어체크포인트 C 급평가를제공해야한다. * 뉴욕주교육부장관이승인한대체졸업코스를택하고있는학생들도학교의기준을따라야한다. 7

7 이중언어인증지침 Appendix 2 Appendix 1 and 2 참조 세계언어평가기준체크포인트 C 와커트라인점수 Checkpoint C World Language Assessments and Minimum Scores (ACTFL 중상급기준 ) Completing one or one group of these examinations will yield one point towards the three total points necessary on the criteria point system for demonstrating world language proficiency. ASSESSMENT MIN SCORE AP Advanced Placement Examination Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, Spanish Literature 4 IB - International Baccalaureate 5 STAMP4S - Standard Based Measurement of Proficiency Arabic, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), English, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Spanish, German, and Italian DELE (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language) through Cervantes Institute NYC AAPPL -The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and ESL 8 6 B1 I-5

8 세계언어평가기준체크포인트 C 와커트라인점수 ( 계속 ) Checkpoint C World Language Assessments and Minimum Scores ASSESSMENT OPI The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview Afrikaans, Akan-Twi, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Baluchi, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cambodian, Cantonese, Cebuano, Czech, Dari, Dutch, English, French, Ga, Georgian, German, Greek (Modern), Gujarati, Haitian, Creole, Hausa, Hebrew, Hiligaynon, Hindi, Hmong-Mong, Hungarian, Igbo, Ilocano, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Kikongo-Kongo, Korean, Krio, Kurdish, Lao, Malay, Malayalam, Mandarin, Mandingo- Bambara, Nepali, Norwegian, Pashto, Persian- Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian/Croatian, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Slovak, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tausug, Telugu, Thai, Tigrinya, Turkish, Turkmen, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Wolof, Wu, and Yoruba OPIc - The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview by Computer Arabic, English, French, German, Italian*, Korean, Mandarin, Pashto, Persian, Farsi, *Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. (*Limitations apply) MIN SCORE Intermediate High In this section, Students must take exams in all four modalities (speaking, listening, reading and writing) to qualify for Checkpoint C credit (When applicable) 세계언어평가기준체크포인트 C 와커트라인점수 ( 계속 ) Checkpoint C World Language Assessments and Minimum Scores ASSESSMENT WPT/BWT The ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test/Business Writing Test Paper & Pen: Albanian, Arabic, Chinese-Cantonese, Chinese-Mandarin, English, French, German, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian/Croatian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, and Vietnamese Internet: Arabic, Chinese-Cantonese, Chinese-Mandarin, Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese RPT The ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish MIN SCORE Intermediate High In this section, Students must take exams in all four modalities (speaking,listening, reading and writing) to qualify for Checkpoint C credit (When applicable) LPT The ACTFL Listening Proficiency Test English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and German. ALIRA The ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment I-4 SLPI: ASL American Sign Language Proficiency Interview Intermediate Plus 9

9 세계언어평가기준체크포인트 C 와커트라인점수 ( 계속 ) NOTE: Some exams do not give results until after June, so students/advisors may need to plan accordingly. Other nationally recognized examinations may be used if approved by the district s NYS Seal of Biliteracy Text 10

10 How Teachers and Parents can Assist Korean Children's Language Development Through Mathematics and Science Korean American Teachers Association of New York January 7, 2017 Okhee Lee New York University New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards were adopted at the New York State Board of Regents December

11 Topics Topic 1: English language proficiency (ELP) standards are aligned with content standards (including math and science) Topic 2: Science standards and ELP standards: Light box investigation Topic 3: Case study of English learners Topic 1: English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards 12

12 ELP Standards at National Level Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 Each State plan shall demonstrate that the State has adopted English language proficiency standards that (i) are derived from the 4 recognized domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing; (ii) address the different proficiency levels of English learners; and (iii) are aligned with the challenging State academic standards (1111(b)(1)(F)). ELP Standards & Content Standards ELP standards are aligned with content standards The focus for alignment centers on disciplinary practices and language use Students use language while engaging in disciplinary practices in ELA, math, and science, for example, using language while doing science 13

13 Disciplinary Practices in ELA, Math, & Science Topic 2: Science Standards & ELP Standards: Light Box Investigation Developed in Collaboration with Rita Januszyk Former Elementary School Teacher NGSS Writer and NGSS Diversity and Equity Team Member 14

14 Science Instructional Shifts 4 th Grade, Physical Science 4-PS4-2 Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen. NGSS Instructional Shift #1: Phenomenon and Question Phenomenon: When you go to your bedroom at night, it is dark and you cannot see anything. Question: How do you see an object? 15

15 NGSS Instructional Shift #2: 3-Dimensional Learning Develop a model that shows (i.e., explains) how you see an object Models include components Models show relationships Models specify cause and effect relationships Components in the model include: Object Eye Light Open space NGSS Instructional Shift #2: 3-Dimensional Learning Group Investigation Develop a model that shows (i.e., explains) how you see an object Step 1: Look into the box with the flap closed Step 2: Look into the box with the flap open Step 3: Look into the box with flashlight shining through the flap Make sure your group s model shows relationships between (1) object, (2) eye, (3) light, and (4) open space 16

16 Initial Model NGSS Instructional Shift #3: Learning Progression Instruction helps students develop an understanding... (learning progression) 17

17 Revised Model Language Instructional Shifts Shift #1: English learners use language for purposeful communication (do things with language). Shift #2: English learners can participate meaningfully with less than perfect English. Shift #3: Language use in the science classroom involves modalities and registers. 18

18 Modalities and Registers Modalities Drawings of physical objects Symbols (arrows, equations, etc.) Text (labels, sentences, discourse) Registers Precise Explicit Modalities and Registers Across Proficiency Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Modalities Increasingly strategic use of multiple modalities specific to the discipline (e.g., science) Registers Increasingly precise and explicit use of registers specific to the discipline (e.g., science) 19

19 4-PS4-2 Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen. Object Eye Light Open space Modalities Registers 20

20 Modalities Registers Modalities Registers The light bounces of tuck to different directions of the box, which lights the box up so when a person looks in the box they can see tuck. 21

21 Modalities Registers Light travels in through the flap and reflects off Tuck into our eye so we can see." Assessment of Language Use Modalities Does your group s model use multiple modalities strategically? Registers Does your group s model use precise and explicit registers? 22

22 Science Learning Progressions Over K-12 1-PS4-2 (Grade 1) Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that objects in darkness can be seen only when illuminated. 1-PS4-3 (Grade 1) Plan and conduct investigations to determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the path of a beam of light. 4-PS4-2 (Grade 4) Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen. MS-PS4-2 (Middle School) HS-PS4-3 (High School) Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind the idea that electromagnetic radiation can be described either by a wave model or a particle model, and that for some situations one model is more useful than the other. Language Learning Progressions Over K-12 Over K-12 Modalities Increasingly strategic use of multiple modalities specific to the discipline (e.g., science) Registers Increasingly precise and explicit use of registers specific to the discipline (e.g., science) 23

23 Topic 3: Case Study of English Learners English Language Learners: Grade 2 Earth Science Developing and Using Models to Represent Earth s Surface Systems Emily Miller, NGSS Diversity and Equity Team Member Small Group Discussion Form a group of 2-4 participants Discuss the following ideas in the case study 1) Science 2) Language arts 3) Mathematics 4) Science and language integration with English learners Share your group s discussion with the whole group 24

24 ELL Case Study: Is All Soil the Same? The investigation is carried out by a class of 2 nd grade students with 80% English learners. While observing the soil in the school yard, they ask if all soil is the same. They discuss how they would be able to find out. 25 Observing the Soil 30 in the School Yard

25 ELL Case Study: Is All Soil the Same? 2) The students ask their families the driving question in an interview for a homework assignment. They share the answers with their peers. They discuss the soil in different parts of the country and home countries where students come from. A grandmother from Laos visits the class and, through a school translator, describes the rich soil in the rice field and wonders how corn grows in the sandy soil in Wisconsin. Making Home Language and Culture Connections 26

26 ELL Case Study: Is All Soil the Same? 3) Based on the evidence that soil is different around the world, the students wonder if it is different in the neighborhood. After choosing three different locations using an aerial map and a topographic map, they investigate whether soil within walking distance of the school is the same. Using an Aerial Map and a Topographical Map in the Community 27

27 35 Taking Field Notes Field Notes School Yard Coniferous Hill Urban Marsh 28

28 ELL Case Study: Is All Soil the Same? 4) The students develop expert groups, and each group works on a soil profile model of one area in the neighborhood. Each group investigates (a) what makes up the soil (sand, silt, clay, and organic materials) in the area and (b) how quickly the soil filters water. The groups present their models to the whole class. They talk about patterns they observe across maps. Modeling Soil Profiles to Explain Patterns Urban Marsh Coniferous Hill School Yard 29

29 ELL Case Study: Is All Soil the Same? 5) The students are given three unidentified soil samples that came from sites within walking distance of the school. They use the models to develop claims, based on evidence, as to where the soil came from. Reasoning to Identify Soil Types 30

30 Using Evidence to Support Claims Writing Claims and Evidence on the White board 31

31 ELL Case Study: Is All Soil the Same? 6) One of the locations the students investigate is the mucky and smelly soil under a highway (urban marsh). It has a lot of trash and sand in it. They argue that the trash ends up in the soil because of the wind blowing the trash there and the sand is washed into the soil from the highways. The students care about this soil because it is right next to the apartments where many students live. This finding leads the students to consider solutions to this problem, which is engineering. Engineering Solutions to Trash Problem 32

32 Sharing with the Whole Group Share your group s discussion with the whole group 1)Science 2)Language arts 3)Mathematics 4)Science and language integration with English learners Thank you! 33

33 Korean Teacher Education Program Jiwon Hwang, PhD Center for Korean Studies Department of Asian and Asian American Studies Stony Brook University Why become a Korean Language Teacher? Korean as a world language A sign of the growing influence of the immigrant community Globalization of Korean culture Geopolitical importance of Korean peninsula A huge gap between K-12 and college-level offerings; high demand for online courses 34

34 Korean Teacher Certification - Program Overview Undergraduate degree (B.A.) program in Asian and Asian American Studies (Adolescent Education in Korean, 7-12 Grades) The first official BA program to satisfy the New York State s requirements for initial certification for teaching Korean at the secondary level (grades 7-12) Established with a grant from the Korean Education Center in New York; approved by NYS in May, 2014 Collaboration between PEP and Korean Studies Professional Education Program Stony Brook University Nationally accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Coordinates six Teacher Education Programs (in English, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and TESOL) and the Educational Leadership Program for future school administrators Foreign Languages: (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean) All programs (except TESOL) lead to certification in secondary education (grades 7-12) 35

35 Admission to Stony Brook University Freshman Transfer International Second Degree Admission to the TE program To be admitted to the program, applicants must meet the Professional Education Program (PEP) Admission Requirements, including: Application form m.pdf A major declaration form A minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 Transcript (with a minimum grade) An Application Essay ( words) 36

36 Overview of the Program AAAS PEP Content Core Courses Pedagogical Core Courses Field work The institutional recommendation NYS licensure tests B.A. degree in Asian and Asian American Studies: Adolescent Education Korean, Grades 7 12 NYS Initial Certification for Teaching Languages Other Than English (LOTE), Korean, Grades 7-12 Course Requirements 1. Completion of a B.A. in Asian and Asian American Studies (39 credits) - Completion of Content Core (Korean lang & content courses: (36 credits, which count for the required 39 credits for the BA) 2. Completion of Professional Educational Requirements (35 credits) 37

37 Course Requirements - #1 Completion of a B.A. in Asian and Asian American Studies (39 credits) Korean Language Courses 30 credits Core Courses in Korean Studies In KOR courses Independent study courses/tutoring courses Three courses in Korean Studies, Religious Studies, Asian American Studies, Chinese Studies or Japanese Studies. 9 credits in other AAS courses You might wonder.. I am a Korean native speaker. Do I need to take all required Korean language courses? Challenge Exam ams/challenge_exam.html Up to 21 credits can be earned through Challenge Exam. 38

38 Program Requirements - #2 Completion of professional educational requirements (35 credits) PSY 327 Human Growth and Development in the Educational Context SSE 350 Foundations of American Education CEF 347 Introduction to Special Education LIN 344 Language Acquisition and Literacy Development Core Education courses FLA 339 Methods and Materials in the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Field Experience I FLA 340 Curriculum Development and Micro-Teaching and Field Experience Methods II Courses FLA 449 Field Experience I FLA 450 Field Experience II FLA 451 Supervised Teaching--Foreign Language, Grades 7-9 FLA 452 Supervised Teaching--Foreign Language, Grades FLA 454 Student Teaching Seminar Contact Prof. Sarah Jourdain for more information ( Student Teaching Pathways to NYS Teacher Licensure The Academic Literacy Skills Test (ALST) Educating All Students (EAS) Content Specialty Test (CST) Korean edtpa (multiple measure assessment of teaching) 39

39 Pathways to NYS Teacher Licensure Certification and Licensing Workshops NCE600 Training in Identifying and Reporting Suspected Cases of Child Abuses & Maltreatment NCE601 Identification and Referral of Substance Abuse NCE602 Prevention & Identification of School Violence NCE604 Training in Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention Fingerprinting 40

40 I will be certified in Korean. Can I be certified in another subject additionally? Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate (Individual path) Hold a valid NYS Teaching Certificate First Methods course and field experience (4 credits) if the grade levels for the two certifications are different Content Core Subject courses 30 credits (If it is another language such as Chinese or Japanese, you can take OPI/WPT by ACTFL for 24 credits) New York State the Content Specialty Test (CST-Subject) ml#seven I am certified in another subject. How can I be certified in Korean additionally? Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate (Individual path) Hold a valid NYS Teaching Certificate FLA 339/449 (4 credits) Content Core Korean 30 credits New York State the Content Specialty Test (CST-Korean) ay.html#seven 41

41 Useful links Program Description ianlang/program_asianlang_and_teachereduc.html Challenge Exam xams/challenge_exam.html AAAS Major checklist 15%20AAAS%20Majors%20checklist.pdf PEP ion%20(ug&grad)%20april% pdf Contact for more information: Heejeong Sohn Jiwon Hwang Sarah Jourdain 42

42 Fun Activities in Korean Language Class with Technology Tools That Transform Language Learning 테크놀로지도구를이용한재미있는한국어수업활동 조 ( 황 ) 정숙 (Jane Cho) Palisades Park High School 한국어교사, 사랑한국학교교감 I. 변화를시도하는한국어교실변화하는시대의흐름에맞추어한국어학습현장인교실도바뀌어야한다. 한국어교사들이효과적이고다양한접근방법을시도하며재미있는수업을이끌어나가야한다. 그러므로학습자의상태를올바로파악하여한국어수업 ( 언어교육 ) 에능동적으로대처하는교사의역할은매우중요하다하겠다. 본고에서는 28년간의한국어교사경험을바탕으로, 재미있고효과적인수업을이끌어나갈몇가지방법을제안하고자한다. (* 강의시간에 PPT와 worksheet 자료제공예정 ) II. 테크놀로지도구를이용한재미있는한국어수업 1) -Korean 1, 2, 3 단어카드와게임과퀴즈학습 -컴퓨터, 휴대전화, 태블릿, 아이패드에서도게임형식단어공부가능 -본인의발음을녹음하거나각단어관련그림을덧붙일수있음. 2) Toondoo Digital Story Book 만들기 - 한글과그림으로재미있는온라인이야기책만들기 3) -학생들이조별발표를할때유용하게사용가능 -시각적인효과와함께학생들의흥미를유발할수있음. 4) (https// -Kahoot 배운단어중심개인별, 팀별퀴즈가능, 게임가능 43

43 -단어장을만들어한국어반수업활용, K-Pop, 한국드라마관련게임등 5) and - Voki (Voice recording). Voice thread. 음성메시지를이용한말하기듣기 6) ( -한국어반블로그운영 (Example- - Sharing class materials using Korean Class Blog 7) -한국어반사이트운영 ( 자료공유및 PPT 및 Research paper 등의한국어반숙제물모으기, 한국반사진공유, 매일의숙제공지및특별공고공지 ) 8) - Google doc. Google classroom 공동수업활동, 표작성, 숙제제출 ( 예 : PPHS) 9) 비디오를통한수업가능 Edpuzzle 10) and - Korean Keyboard 연습 : 11) - Using PowerPoint to teach grammar - Using authentic materials and technology to enhance learning of grammar - 한국어수업관련 PPT 자료공유가능, 한국어수업에서사용 12) - IKEN 온라인한국어교육사이트이용, 본문과 worksheet 사용 13) - 속담, 쉬운한자, 관용표현, 고유어, 사자성어, 신조어, 시사용어등 14) - 국립국어원두근두근한국어사이트이용 15) 한국어수업에활용가능한유용한웹도구소개 Tagcrowd ( Newsela ( Instagrok ( 44

44 Canva ( ( Capzles ( Popplet ( Coggle ( Vibby ( Speek ( Jitsi ( ( Freeconference ( Realtimeboard ( 16) 알아두면도움되는추가웹도구소개 Bonus! additional useful tools 1. Store, organize and share scholarly papers/links with others Collection of Rubrics Fancy Presentation Monitor noise levels Real-time assessment data (w/d student devices) Word sift ( III. 기타재미있는한국어수업활동방법제시 1) My childhood mini book 본인자서전미니북, 실제자신의사진들과글로만들기 2) 재미있는단편소설을번역하며한국어공부하기 ( 고급반 ) Mini book 만들기 3) 교정 (revision) 과피드백 (feedback) - Correction paper 숙제로추가점수주기.4) 내용례사전만들기 단어를쉬운말로풀이해서용례사전 ( 수첩 ) 에적어두기 45

45 5) 속담과한자공부하기 - 재미있는속담, 쉬운한자로접근 ( 6) Newspaper, Research paper and brochure 가족 / 학급신문, 개별 / 팀별주제발표 7) 연극을통한수업 (skits) - 협력학습활동 ( 대본을직접써서연습하고녹화하기 ) 8) OHP 를통한문법교정 - 반복적오류교정 (OHP 를통해시간절약가능 ) 9) 학습자들을개별적으로파악하기및문제아받아주기 ( 협력학습및개별학습도입 ) 10) 있어요 / 없어요 공부를위한 My house 를그려자기집과가구들소개하기 - 있어요, 없어요, 한개, 두마리, 옆에, 아래, 위에, etc. (Position words 와함께 ) 11) 숫자공부를위한차트, 숫자공부를위한콩줍기게임등 - 숫자차트 12) 학기말 내친구를칭찬해요 종이를돌리며상대의장점을찾아내서적어주기 13) 팝콘읽기 (popcorn reading) 을통한읽기수업지도 순서없이일어나크게읽기 14) 추석이나설날에전통한국놀이하기 윷놀이, 공기, 투호, 다도, 부채만들기등 15) 한국음식페스티벌 친구초대해한국어반한국음식잔치 ( 음식만드는법소개 ) 16) My monster 그리기 Numbers and Counting units 공부하기 17) 한국신문을이용한읽기와쓰기수업 신문스크랩북만들고요약하기 18) 개인쓰기공책, 개인일기공책관리를통한쓰기지도 다독, 다작, 다상량 19) 말하기지도 Oral Exam I, II, III ( 학기별구두시험실시 ) 예 : ACTFL OPI 시험 20) 읽기지도 - 교과본문을읽다가아무때나학생을시켜다음을연결해읽게하기 21) 한국어반현장체험수업 (Korean class trip) 을통한현장학습 22) 단어카드게임 : 가 ) Flash card game, Jeopardy game, word puzzle 23) 흥미위주게임응용 : 예 ) 끝말잇기, 가위바위보, 묵찌빠, 단어빙고게임등 24) 최신유행한국가요로듣기, 말하기, 쓰기수업 - 노래듣고, 부르고, 가사써보기 25) 한국영화나드라마를이용한듣기와말하기수업 엄선한영화와드라마보기 26) 텔레비전 / 라디오프로그램도입, 슬라이드사용 ( 예 : 올림픽경기등관련내용녹화 ) 27) 매해 Korean Speech contest, Writing Contest 실시 IV. 기타다양한수업활동 ( 게임 ) 의응용및개발학습자활동중심의수업을지향하는 Curtain 과 Dahlberg 공저 Language & Children Making the Match (Grade K-8) 의책에서소개한몇가지수업활동을아래에제시해본다. 1 ) ( 현재미국학교의외국어수업시간에서많이사용되는게임들인데 1) Curtain and Dahlberg(2004), Language & Children Making the Match(Grade K-8), Pearson 5 C's : Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, Communities 중본고에서는 Communication (oral/ aural/ visual/written) 에초점을맞추어설명한다. 46

46 한국어수업의활동과게임으로전환해사용이가능함 ) 1) Teaching for Interpretive Communication - demo TPR / Origami / Simon says / Magic box / Bingo game / Living statues/ Flyswatter / Pictionary / Draw on command / Gouin series 2) Teaching for Meaningful Interpersonal Communication - pair activities Human lottery / Information gap / Interviewing / Group activities/ Jigsaw game/ Role playing / ing / Letter writing / Telephone conversations/ Jigsaw Playing games / / Role playing / Debates / Go fish / Battle ship/ Guessing games 3) Teaching for Presentational Communication presentation / Reading Action Chain Storytelling / Playing / Skits / Songs / Small groups / Puppet show / PPT. V. 외국어로서의한국어교사미국에서의한국어교육은외국어교육이다. 그러므로외국어로서의한국어를가르치는한국어교사는우선학습자를잘이해하고, 한국어를보다쉽고재미있게가르칠수있어야한다. 그러므로한국어교사는다양한교수법과새로운기술을배우고익히고연구하며새로운시청각자료들과교육용웹사이트도다양하게사용해야한다고생각한다. 본고에서는한국어수업에적용할수있는다양한테크놀로지도구와수업활동들을대략소개해보았다. 각자의수업현장에맞추어선별해사용하면서재미있고신나는한국어교육현장을구축해나가는한국어교사들이되시기를바란다. < 참조부록 > * Youtube 동영상다운로드받아수업에사용하기 - RealPlayer cloud, etc. 1) Youtube 동영상다운받는방법 1 -Youtube 사이트에서받고자하는동영상의주소 (link) 를복사 에서복사한주소를붙이고다운로드 (download) 2) Youtube 동영상다운받는방법 2 (Google Chrome 사용경우 ) -Youtube 주소창에 ss 를넣으면유튜브동영상다운로드가능 - https: // 와같이 ss 를주소앞에넣은후 enter 치면화면에 download 나오고그것을누르면동영상이컴퓨터 downloads 폴더에저장됨. 새폴더를만들어저장한후사용함.. 47

47 How to apply Workshop model in Korean class By Ji Eun Lee I.S. 25 Adrien Block Learning target 학습목표 I can write simple sentences using subject particles/be-verbs like 은, 는 / 이에요, 예요 to introduce a person including his/her name, job, gender and nationality. 48

48 Opening 흥미유발 Video Clip: How to introduce yourself. Watch a video and then talk to your partner what you saw/learned in the video.(turn and Talk) Do Now 주요학습내용소개또는복습 Each person in your group will translate one of the following sentences in the notebook. Then,write the sentences on the group board. This person is Jane( 제인 ). Jane is a teacher. Jane is female. Jane is Chinese American. 49

49 Work Time 학습활동 Choose a person in the magazine and write the following information on a post-it. (You may use a dictionary.) Name: Gender: Job: Nationality: work time 학습활동 Make a presentation board to introduce the person you chose from the magazine. Write four complete sentences on your presentation paper. 이사람은 ( 이름 ) 이에요 / 예요. ( 이름 ) 은 / 는남자 / 여자예요. ( 이름 ) 은 / 는 ( 직업 ) 이에요 / 예요. ( 이름 ) 은 / 는 (Nationality) 이에요 / 예요. 50

50 closing: 질문하기또는복습 Option 1: Do you have any questions about today's lesson? What is still lingering in your mind? Option 2: What is different between 은 and 는? What is different between 이에요 and 예요? plickers : assessment Tool 이해도평가하기 Let s Try! 51



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