T.H. Ha, et al 강박증상과공존인격병리 연구대상 - - 평가도구 Table 1. Clinical variables of 130 patients male89, female41 with OCD Variables Minimum Maximum Mean SD Age O
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1 KISEP Original Article J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 43, No 1 강박장애의증상차원과공존인격병리의관련성에관한연구 서울대학교의과대학정신과학교실, 1 축령복음병원, 2 성신여자대학교심리학과 3 하태현 1 윤탁 2 노규식 1 김명선 3 권준수 1 Symptom Dimensions of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Their Relation to Comorbid Personality Pathology Tae Hyon Ha, MD 1, Tak Youn, MD 2, Kyu Sik Rho, MD 1, Myung-Sun Kim, PhD 3 and Jun Soo Kwon, MD, PhD 1 Department of Psychiatry, 1 Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Chook Ryoung Evangelical Hospital, 2 Namyangju, Department of Psychology, 3 Sungshin Women s University, Seoul, Korea Objectives:A great deal of attention has been paid to comorbid personality disorders in obsessive-compulsive disorder not only from the theoretical perspectives but also from the clinical aspects related to the prediction of the treatment response. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relations of the symptoms dimensions in OCD to the comorbid personality pathology. Methods:One-hundred thirty subjects with OCD completed Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) and Personality Disorder Questionnaire-4+ (PDQ-4+). Factor scores of symptom dimensions yielded from a factor analysis of 13 categories in YBOCS symptom checklist were inspected how to be related with the presence of any personality disorder and the PDQ scores for cluster A, B, and C personality pathology. Results:The PDQ total score was significantly correlated with aggressive/sexual/religious obsessions, hoarding, and symmetry/ordering dimensions. The hoarding and repeating/counting dimensions were correlated with cluter A pathology, the symmetry/ordering dimension was with cluster B pathology, while the obsessions dimension was globally related to personality disorders of all the clusters. Conclusion:These findings add the evidence of the heterogeneity of OCD. The presence of pure obsessions, hoarding, and symmetry/ordering dimensions may need a close screening for comorbid personality disorders and individualized therapeutic strategies. (J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 2004;43(1):46-53) KEY WORDS:Obsessive-compulsive disorder Personality disorders Symptom dimensions. 46 서 - 론 -
2 T.H. Ha, et al 강박증상과공존인격병리 연구대상 - - 평가도구 Table 1. Clinical variables of 130 patients male89, female41 with OCD Variables Minimum Maximum Mean SD Age Onset age Illness duration YBOCS score Obsessions Compulsions Total score YBOCSyale-brown obsessive compulsive scale 방 법 47
3 강박증상과공존인격병리 T.H. Ha, et al - - 통계분석 결과 강박증상의빈도및요인분석결과 - Table 2. Frequencies of the major symptom categories of the yale-brown obsessive compulsive scale symptom checklist Men n89 Women n41 All patients n130 Symptom category Major symptom Present symptom* Major symptom Present symptom* Major symptom Present symptom* N N N N N % N % Obsessions Aggressive Contamination Sexual Hoarding Religious Symmetry Somatic Compulsions Cleaning Checking Repeating Counting Ordering Hoarding Including major symptom 48
4 T.H. Ha, et al 강박증상과공존인격병리 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Aggressive 0.71 Obsessions loadings Contamination 0.93 Symmetry 0.81 Sexual 0.78 Hoarding 0.86 Compulsions loadings Cleaning 0.89 Ordering 0.84 Religious 0.52 Hoarding 0.86 Counting 0.83 Repeating 0.79 Fig. 1. Five factors identified by principal component analysis with varimax rotation of 13 major symptom categories from 130 patients with OCD. Table 3. Distribution of comorbid personality disorders in 130 patients with OCD No. of patients Percent % Any Cluster A Paranoid Schizoid Schizotypal Cluster B Histrionic Narcissistic Borderline Antisocial Cluster C Avoidant Dependent Obsessive-compulsive Other Negativistic Depressive None 공존인격장애의빈도및인구학적특성 - 공존인격병리와강박증상간의상관성 49
5 강박증상과공존인격병리 T.H. Ha, et al - - Personality disorders F1 Symptom dimensions and symptom severity F2 F3 F4 F5 YBOCS Paranoid A Schizoid Schizotypal Histrionic B Narcissistic Borderline Antisocial Avoidant C Dependent Obsessivecompulsive Negativistic Depressive Significant difference in the factor scores or YBOCS scores between groups with and without a specific personality disorder in a Mann- Whitney U test p0.05 Significant correlation between the factor scores or YBOCS scores and the presence of a specific personality disorder or PDQ scores in a logistic or multiple regression analysis p0.05 Fig. 2. The relation of symptom dimensions and symptom severity to the comorbid personality pathology in OCD. F 1-5Factor scores of symptom dimensions. YBOCS total score of Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. 50
6 T.H. Ha, et al 강박증상과공존인격병리 고찰
7 강박증상과공존인격병리 T.H. Ha, et al - - 결론 52
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KISEP Original Articles 39 3 2000 J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 39, No 3 국문초국문 연구목적 : 한국판성격장애검사 (Personality Disorder Questionnaire-4+:PDQ-4+) 의신뢰도와 타당도에관한예비적연구 김동인 * 최말례 * 조은정 ** The Preliminary Study
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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 한국 중년 여성의 라이프스타일이 메이크업 추구이미지와 화장품 구매행동에 미치는 영향 주영주 1 *, 이순희 2 1 서경대학교대학원미용예술학과, 2 신성대학교 미용예술계열 The Effects of The Life Style for Korean Middle Aged Women on
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KISEP Review Article J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 42, No 3 치료저항성강박장애의약물학적치료및통합적치료모형의제안 서울대학교의과대학정신과학교실 권준수 하태현 Pharmacotherapy and the Proposal of the Integrative Therapy Model for Treatment Resistant
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Objective: This paper reviews the existing Korean medical and public health, and nursing academy articles on disease-specific and domain-specific quality of life, and provides recommendations for the universally
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Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
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기혼 여성이 사이버대학에서 상담을 전공하면서 겪는 경험 방기연 (고려사이버대학교 상담심리학과 부교수) * 요 약 본 연구는 기혼 여성의 사이버대학 상담전공 학과 입학에서 졸업까지의 경험을 이해하는 것을 목적으로 한 다. 이를 위해 연구참여자 10명을 대상으로 심층면접을 하고, 합의적 질적 분석 방법으로 분석하였다. 입학 전 에 연구참여자들은 고등교육의 기회를
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할
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Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : ycell2@yahoo.co.kr Abstract
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