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1 참고문헌의종류및작성법 Manuscript Editor 조혜민 학습목표 : NLM에서권하는참고문헌작성법에따라다양한참고자료를표기할수있어야하며대표적인참고문헌기술법을 3 가지이상나열할수있어야한다. 구체목표 : 1) 참고문헌의종류를 5 가지이상기술하고그작성법을각각설명할수있어야한다. 2) 참고문헌기술법중 Vancouver style, Harvard style 및 APA style의차이를기술할 수있어야한다. 3) NLM 에서권하는참고문헌작성법을설명할수있어야한다. 연구논문에서인용이란자기의이론전개에다른연구자의이론또는문헌을끌어들여자기의논리를정당화하는것이다. 즉, 타인의논문및저서중의문장일부를그대로또는그내용을다르게표현하여자신의논문속에삽입하여자신의논리를뒷받침하는것이라고할수있다. 최근출판윤리의문제가부각되면서많은학자들이표절문제로거론되고있다. 타인의자료를인용할경우에는본문에명확하게인용표시를하고참고문헌부분에서정확한서지사항을기술하는것이중요하다. 이것은한논문의질을평가할뿐아니라학술지전체의수준을평가하는중요한척도가되므로학술지출판에있어도상세하게점검해야할부분이다. 1. 참고문헌의종류및 NLM 기술법 참고문헌에는다양한종류가있는데, 의학논문에서많이사용되는 NLM 방식에따른작 성사례를함께보면다음과같다 Citing Published Print Documents Journals

2 Jun BC, Song SW, Park CS, Lee DH, Cho KJ, Cho JH. The analysis of maxillary sinus aeration according to aging process: volume assessment by 3-dimensional reconstruction by high-resolutional CT scanning. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Mar;132(3): 참고사항 1) 학술지명은학술지가출판할당시의이름을사용한다. 예를들어 2007년의 BMJ는 BMJ 로, 1987년이전자료는 Br Med J 로표기한다. 2) 직접읽은자료의 Version 을인용한다. 인터넷에있는학술지를사용한경우인쇄학 술지를인용하지않는다. 3) "news", "case report", "clinical study" 등을논문제목에포함시키지않는다. 4) 볼드체, 이탤릭체등의사용을최소화한다. 글자체의변형은참고문헌읽는것을오히 려어렵게만든다 Books Eyre HJ, Lange DP, Morris LB. Informed decisions: the complete book of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. 2nd ed. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; c p. 참고사항 1) 서명의첫글자나고유명사를제외하고는소문자로표시한다. 2) 동양권자료의경우영문서명을넣을경우는 [ ] 안에넣고, 그렇지않은경우는알 파벳표기법으로넣어준다. 일본어를영어로표시한경우 Katsunori K. [Euthanasia and criminal law]. Shohan. Tokyo: Seibundo; p. Japanese. 한글을영어알파벳표기법으로표시한경우 Han'guk yagop 100-yon. Seoul (Korea): Yakop Sinmun; vol. Korean. 3) 서명과부서명의구분은콜론(:) 으로통일한다. 4) 저자, 편자, 번역자등모든저자를넣어준다. Luzikov VN. Mitochondrial biogenesis and breakdown. Galkin AV, translator; Roodyn DB, editor. New York: Consultants Bureau; p 5) 기관저자의경우, 저자와출판사가동일한경우가많은데, The" 를사용하여표기하는것이일반적이다.

3 Virginia Law Foundation, Committee on Continuing Legal Education. The medical and legal implications of AIDS. Charlottesville (VA): The Foundation; p. 6) 출판사가국가기관일경우 ISO 국가코드를함께적어준다. National Cancer Institute (KR) 7) 여러 Volume 으로이루어진자료의경우편저자가같은경우, 다른경우는각각다음과같이표기한다. 편저자가같은경우 Cicchetti D, Cohen DJ, editors. Developmental psychopathology. Vol. 1, Theory and methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; c p 편저자가다른경우 Ollendick T, editor. Children & adolescents: clinical formulation and treatment. Amsterdam (Netherlands): Elsevier Science; p. (Bellack AS, Hersen M, editors. Comprehensive clinical psychology; vol. 5). 8) 책의일부분일경우다음과같이표기한다. 특정 Chapter Riffenburgh RH. Statistics in medicine. 2nd ed. Amsterdam (Netherlands): Elsevier Academic Press; c2006. Chapter 24, Regression and correlation methods; p 특정 Figure Lashley FR. Clinical genetics in nursing practice. 3rd ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; c2005. Figure 2.5, Meiosis with two autosomal chromosome pairs; p Conference Publications van Pelt J, Kamermans M, Levelt CN, van Ooyen A, Ramakers GJA, Roelfsema PR, editors. Development, dynamics, and pathology of neuronal networks: from molecules to functional circuits. Proceedings of the 23rd International Summer School of Brain Research; 2003 Aug 25-29; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier; p. (Progress in brain research; vol. 147). Dittmar A, Beebe D, editors. 1st Annual International IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine & Biology; 2000 Oct 12-14; Palais des Congres, Lyon, France. Piscataway (NJ): IEEE; c p.

4 참고사항 1) 회의날짜는 " 2005 Mar 의형식으로넣어준다. 2) 회의개최도시명을반드시기재한다. 도시명만으로구분이어려운경우국가명이나 ISO 국가코드명을함께넣어주는것이좋다. Seoul, Korea or Seoul, KR Scientific and Technical Reports Page E, Harney JM. Health hazard evaluation report. Cincinnati (OH): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US); 2001 Feb. Report No.: HETA p Dissertations and Theses Jones DL. The role of physical activity on the need for revision total knee arthroplasty in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee [dissertation]. [Pittsburgh (PA)]: University of Pittsburgh; p 기타 -. Bibliographies -. Patents -. Newspaper Articles -. Maps -. Legal Documents 1.2. Citing Unpublished Material -. Forthcoming ("in press") Laking G, Lord J, Fischer A. The economics of diagnosis. Health Econ. Forthcoming Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings Patrias K. Computer-compatible writing and editing. Paper presented at: Interacting with the digital environment: modern scientific publishing. 46th Annual Meeting of the Council of Science Editors; 2003 May 3-6; Pittsburgh, PA.

5 Chasman J, Kaplan RF. The effects of occupation on preserved cognitive functioning in dementia. Poster session presented at: Excellence in clinical practice. 4th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology; 2006 Jun 15-17; Philadelphia, PA. -. Letters and Other Personal Communication -. Manuscripts 1.3. Citing Audio and Visual Media (audiocassettes, videocassettes, slides, photographs, etc.) -. Books and Other Individual Titles in Audiovisual Formats -. Journals in Audiovisual Formats -. Prints and Photographs 1.4. Citing Material on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk -. Books and Other Individual Titles on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk -. Journals on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk -. Databases on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk -. Computer Programs on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk 1.5. Citing Material on the Internet -. Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet Collins SR, Kriss JL, Davis K, Doty MM, Holmgren AL. Squeezed: why rising exposure to health care costs threatens the health and financial well-being of American families [Internet]. New York: Commonwealth Fund; 2006 Sep [cited 2006 Nov 2]. 34 p. Available from: -. Journals on the Internet Polgreen PM, Diekema DJ, Vandeberg J, Wiblin RT, Chen YY, David S, Rasmus D, Gerdts N, Ross A, Katz L, Herwaldt LA. Risk factors for groin wound infection after

6 femoral artery catheterization: a case-control study. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol [Internet] Jan [cited 2007 Jan 5];27(1):34-7. Available from: -. Databases/Retrieval Systems on the Internet Online Archive of American Folk Medicine [Internet]. Los Angeles: Regents ofthe University of California [cited 2007 Feb 1]. Available from: -. Web Sites AMA: helping doctors help patients [Internet]. Chicago: American Medical Association; c [cited 2007 Feb 22]. Available from: -. Electronic Mail and Discussion Forums 2. 참고문헌을본문에표기하는방식 참고문헌을본문에표기하는방식은크게저자- 연도방식과번호방식, 각주방식으로나눌수있다 저자- 연도방식: 미국심리학회(American Psychological Assocciation) 의출판양식에따른것으로 APA 스타일이라고불린다. 이양식은주로사회과학분야와생물학, 식물학, 지구과학등의분야에서주로사용하고있다. 이방식은논문의끝부분에저자의알파벳순으로참고문헌목록을정리하고본문에서는인용한출처의저자와연도를기입함으로써목록에서필요한문헌의출처를찾도록하는방법이다 번호방식 : 번호방식은응용과학분야와의학분야에서많이사용되는방법으로본문에번호를붙여본문상의인용번호와참고문헌목록의번호를일치시켜참조하도록하는방법이며이때번호는괄호안에넣거나위첨자로표기한다 각주방식 각주방식은역사, 철학, 종교및신학등의인문과학분야와예술분야에서많이사용하

7 며시카고스타일이라고도불린다. 이방식은본문에위첨자로번호를붙인다음, 페이지하단에인용출처를밝히는방법으로별도의참고문헌목록을작성할필요가없는것이대부분이다. 3. 참고문헌목록을작성하는방법 참고문헌의목록을작성하는방법에는 MLA style, APA style, Chicago style, Harvard style와 Vancouver style 등여러가지가있다. 이중의학부분에서채택하고있는가장대표적인방법은 Harvard style과 Vancouver style 이다 Harvard style Harvard style은 1881년하바드대학의해부학교실 Edward Laurens Mark교수가 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 에달팽이(Limax campestris) 의태생에대한 논문을쓰면서본문에저자-연도방식으로괄호안에참고문헌을표기한것이시초이 다. 본문에서는저자의성과출판년도를괄호안에적고, 참고문헌목록은논문의마지막 에저자알파벳순으로나열한다. 본문에여러참고문헌을함께인용하는경우에는출판연 도가빠른순서대로나열하고인용문헌사이에세미콜론으로구분한다. 같은저자가같은 연도에출판한문헌을둘이상인용할때는연도뒤에 2005a, 2005b 와같이알파벳을 추가하여구별한다. 1) 장점 1 어느분야에서익숙한인명과연도가나오면참고문헌을굳이점검하지않아도그참고문헌이무엇인지파악할수있다. 2 하나의참고문헌이여러번나오면독자가저자명을기억하기쉽다. 3 본문에서참고문헌의인용순서가바뀌어도참고문헌목록을수정할필요가없다. 4 각주(footnote) 와혼용하여쓰기에편하다. 본문에참고문헌인용하면서 Vancouver style 에서처럼번호를붙이면각주와혼동이올수있다. 2) 단점 1 지면을더많이차지한다. 2 저자가인명이아닌경우표기가어렵다. 예를들어건강관리협회및복지부발간한자료를표기하려면괄호안에매우길게표기하여야하며저자가없는경우는더욱표기가어렵다. 3 인용한문헌하나를삭제하면다른곳에혹인용한문헌이남아있는지점검을하여

8 야한다. 4 일반독자가읽을때괄호안에무슨의미가있는지궁금해하고친숙하지않다. 5 읽을때문장의괄호가읽은흐름을막는다. Harvard style 의사례를보면다음과같다. 본문...related finding is that respondants, at least when reflecting on pain, tend to rely on a "peak-end" rule, giving more weight to the peak levels and to the most recent levels of experience rather than equally weighting each instance (Stone et al. 2000) or day (Redelmeier & Kahneman. 1996). Shiffman et al. (1997) demonstrated that subjective 참고문헌 Redelmeier DA, Kahneman D Patients' memories of painful medical treatments: real-time and retrospective evaluations of two minimally invasive procedures. Pain 66: 3-8 Stone AA, Broderick JE, Kaell AT, DelesPaul PAEG, Porter LE Does the peakend phenomenon observed in laboratory pain studies apply to real-world pain in rheumatoid arthritics? J Pain 1: Vancouver Style 1978년캐나다브리티쉬컬럼비아주밴쿠버에서종합의학학술지편집인몇사람이비공식모임을갖고생의학학술지에투고하려는원고가갖추기를권장하는이상적인형식과지침을만들었다. 이모임을 " 밴쿠버그룹" 이라고부른다. 밴쿠버그룹은미국국립의학도서관 (National Library of Medicine) 의명의로제안한참고문헌형식을포함한소위 통일양식 을작성하였고이를 1979 년에출판공표하였다. 그이후밴쿠버그룹은참여인원을확대하여정식기구인국제의학학술지편집인위원회 (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE) 로발전하였으며, 매년모임을가지면서점차그관심영역을넓혀가고있다. Vancouver style 의사례를보면다음과같다. 본문 Previous studies of the reliability of cardiorespiratory fitness assessments in patients with TBI have included the 20-m shuttle walk-run test (1,2) and the 6-min walk test (3). Both of these rather simple methods demonstrated high reliability coefficients. A recent study by Bhambhani et al. (4) examined the reliability of peak cardiorespiratory responses to bicycle ergometry in patients with

9 TBI. 참고문헌 1. Rossi C, Sullivan S. Motor fitness in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabbil 1996;77: Vitale A, Janki L, Sullivan S, Rowland G, Farag M, et al. Reliability of a walk/run test to estimate aerobic capacity in a brain-injured population. Brain Inj 1997;11: Mossberg K. Reliability of a timed walk test in persons with acquired brain injury. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2003;82: Bhambhani Y, Rowland G, Farag M. Reliability of peak cardiorespiratory responses in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003;84: 본문에서올바른인용방법 1) 인용위치: 본문에서식별을용이하게하기위해인용문은본문에서사고의흐름을자연스럽게할수있는위치에제시되어야한다. 가장좋은위치는해당본문이끝나는구두점바로앞에인용문을위치시키는것이다. These complications can be reduced to 4% to 7% by a well trained performer (6, 14). 2) 구두점바로앞의위치가비현실적이거나혼란을줄수있는경우에는문장의논리적위치에인용문을삽입한다. Some investigators (2-5) have... 3) 다른연구자의의견을인용할경우에는연구결과를중심으로하는경우와연구자를중심으로하는두가지방법이있다. 참고문헌을인용할경우에연구자의이름을쓰지않는쪽을권장하며, 한문단에서는혼용하지않도록한다. 4) 한가지내용에대해여러문헌을인용할경우에는가능하면먼저발표된순서로표시한다. 5) 한국어나한자로기재하는동양인명은성과이름을완전명으로기재하는것이좋다. 백용환(1) 은... 곽미선과함기백(2) 은...

10 참고문헌 1. Patrias, Karen. Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers [Internet]. 2nd ed. Wendling, Daniel L., technical editor. Bethesda Maryland, U.S.A.: National Library of Medicine U.S.A.; 2007 Feb 11. Available from: 2. 김남석편저. APA Sytle - 주 참고문헌 -. 대구: 계명대학교출판부, 김남석편저. Chicago Sytle - 주 참고문헌 -. 대구: 계명대학교출판부, 김남석편저. MLA Sytle - 주 참고문헌 -. 대구: 계명대학교출판부, 김남석, 이영철편저. Vancouver Sytle - 주 참고문헌 -. 대구: 계명대학교출판부, 민양기. 영문의학논문작성매뉴얼. 서울: 범문사, 연세대학교연구처. 새논문작성법. 서울: 연세대학교출판부, 임인재, 김신영. 논문작성법. 서울: 서울대학교출판부, 2006.

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