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1 A Study on the Motion Control of a Stabilizer System Using an Adaptiv e F uzzy Controller
2 A bs tract
3 / A ppendix 61
4 A Study on the Motion Control of a Stabilizer Sy stem U sing an A daptiv e Fuzzy Controller Tae-H oon K im Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering, Graduate School, Korea Maritime University Abstract A tracking sy stem equipped on a fixed body needs the position al inform ation of the t arg et an d the control appar atu s to follow the azimuth angle and the elev ation angle of the moving object, when the tracking system is equipped on the moving v ehicle like a ship, it requires a st abilizin g sy stem t o flat the tracking system against the moving vehicle as w ell as the position al inform ation and the contr ol equipm ent. T he st abilizer sy stem compens ates the tr acking sy stem for the v ertical, horizont al an d direction al deviation s bet w een the tracking system and reference frame. T his st abilizer sy stem can be applied to a s atellite antenna on ships, a sun tracking sy stem on moving vehicles, and a camera
5 serv o control loop to t ake a st able im age ag ain st the vibr ation. In this paper, a stabilizer system using an active stabilization method is composed. An adaptive fuzzy controller is also sugg est ed, which is applicable t o sy st em s with structur al and parameter uncertainty. It is the 2nd/ 1st- type adaptive fuzzy control algorithm using adv antages of 1st - type and 2nd- type adaptiv e fuzzy alg orithm. Sev er al simulation s ar e ex ecut ed for v erifying the perform ance of the sugg est ed m ethod. T hrough experiments using a composed stabilizer system, tracking perform ances are ev aluated.
6 1, (Azimuth ) (Elevation ).,,. (Surge), (Sway), (Heave) (Roll), (Pitch ), (Yaw ) 6- (Six - degree of freedom movements).,., (Stabilizer system) [1-3]., T V,.,,,, [4,5]. (Active Stabilization method)
7 X, Y 2,. (Piezo- Electric Gyro Sensor ), DC [6]. (Adaptive fuzzy controller ) [7,8]. (Adaptive Law ) 1 (First - type Adaptive fuzzy algorithm ) (Fuzzy rule) 2 (Second- type Adaptive fuzzy algorithm ) 2/ 1 (Second/ fir st - type Adaptive fuzzy algorithm ) / 1, 4,
8 , X, Y, Z 3 X, Y, Z 3,, Figure 2.1 Component of six - degree of freedom movements - 3 -
9 6-.,,,.,.,. (Stabilization). (Stabilizer ),.. T V,.,,,. (Passive Stabilization Method) (Active Stabilization Method)
10 .., (Gimbal) 2, 2 DC. DC PWM (Pulse Width Modulation ) Figure 2.2 Structure of a two- axis stabilizer system - 5 -
11 X, Y 2,, 2 X, Y 2., X Y. 2.3 Figur e 2.3 Block diagr am of a st abilizer sy st em - 6 -
12 2.3 3.,,,. Murata. 2 X Y.. X, Y 2 2 DC ,,.. PWM DC.,, LCD [9,10]
13 2.1 Photo 2.1 Photograph of a stabilizer sy stem - 8 -
14 2.3. (Mechanical Gyros) (Optical Gyroscopes), (Coriolis Effect ) (Piezo- Electric Gyroscopes). (Drift Error ) Murata ENV - 05DB Gyrostar [deg/ sec], 2.5[V]. 2.4 Figur e 2.4 Output char acteristic curv e of a gyr o sen sor - 9 -
15 (Low Pass Filter ) A/ D.. X, Y Photo 2.2 Photogr aph of a gyr o sen sor mounted
16 2.4 2., X Y 2., DC. PWM.. A/ D. 2.5 Figur e 2.5 Structure of a m otion stabilizer
17 (a) Roll motion (b ) Pitch motion Photo 2.3 Phot ogr aph of a tw o- axis motion stabilizer
18 2.5 80C196KC,, LCD. A/ D..., DC PWM. A/ D [11-16]. 2.6 Figure 2.6 Block diagram of a data controller
19 Intel 16 80C196KC 8 A/ D DC PWM,. [17-19]. 20MHz 4 (HSO) 4 (HSI) 256 RAM 28 / s (16MHz) (Power down)/ (Idle Mode) 16 (W atchdog timer ) (Full duplex ) 8 / / / 8/ 10 A/ D PT S (Peripheral T ransaction Server ) 8 I/ O PWM
20 2.4 Photo 2.4 Phot ogr aph of a data contr oller
21 3 3.1 (Adaptive Fuzzy Controller ), [20]. (Fuzzy Logic System )., [7,8]. (Linguistic Information ) [2 1]..,.,. (Order ) (Bounds).. (Adaptive Law ).,. (Direct )
22 (Indirect )..,.. IF - T HEN. 1 (First- type) 2 (Second- type). (3.1) [22]. f (x ) = M l = 1 M l = 1 l [ [ n i = 1 F l i (x i) ] n i = 1 F l i (x i) ] (3.1), l, F l i (x i). l 1, l F l i (x i)
23 3.2, 3.1. (Fuzzy Basis Function) (Identification Model) Figure 3.1 Block diagram of the indirect adaptive fuzzy control sy stem
24 3.2.1 n x 1 = x 2, x 2 = x 3, x n = p(x 1,, x n ) + q(x 1,, x n ) u, y = x 1 (3.2) x ( n ) = p (x, x,, x ( n - 1) ) + q(x, x,,x ( n - 1) ) u, y = x (3.3), p(x), q(x ) :, u R, y R :, x = (x 1, x 2,, x n ) T = (x, x,,x ( n - 1) ) T R N. p (x ) q(x ) (3.4) (3.5). p ( x p ) = T p p ( x ) (3.4) T q( x q ) = q q ( x ) (3.5), = ( 1,, M ) T : l( x ) = M l = 1 [ n i = 1 F l i (x i) n i = 1 F l i (x i) ], ( x) = ( 1 ( x ),, M ( x )) T : [23]
25 3.2.2 y ( t) y m ( t). e = y m - y. h ( s) = s n + k 1 s ( n - k = ( k n,, k 1 ) T 1) + + k n R N. u = 1 q(x ) [ - p (x ) + y ( n ) m + k T e] (3.6) (3.6) (3.3) e = ( e, e,, e ( n - 1) ) T e ( n ) + k 1 e ( n - 1) + + k n e = 0 (3.7). lim t e( t) = 0. (3.6) p(x) q(x) p ( x p ) q( x q ) (Certainty Equivalent Control) u c. u c = 1 q( x q ) [ - p( x p ) + y ( n ) m + k T e] (3.8)
26 3.2.3 (3.3) (3.8). e ( n ) = - k T e + [ p( x p ) - p (x) ] + [ ( q( x q ) - q( x) ]u c (3.9) e = c e + b c [ ( p ( x p ) - p (x)) + ( q( x q ) - q(x )) u c ] (3.10), c = , b c = k n - k n k c Lyapunov (Positive Definite Symmetric Matrix ) P., Q [24]. T c P + P c = - Q (3.11) Lyapunov V e = 1 2 e T P e (3.12)
27 , (3.10) (3.12). V e = = e T P e e T P e (3.13) 1 2 e T Qe + e T P b c [ ( p ( x p ) - p(x )) + ( q( x q ) - q(x )) u c ] e 0 V e. V e 0 V e V. (3.13) V e 0 0. u c (Supervisory Control) u s V e > V, V e 0. u. u = u c + u s (3.14) (3.14). e = c e + b c [ ( p ( x p ) - p(x)) + ( q( x q ) - q(x )) u c - q(x ) u s ] (3.15) (3.15) (3.12)
28 V e = e T Qe + e T P b c [ ( p ( x p ) - p (x)) (3.16) + ( q( x q ) - q(x )) u c - q(x ) u s ] e T Qe + e T P b c [ p ( x p ) + p (x) + q( x q) u c + q(x )) u c ] - e T P b c q(x) u s, p U, q U, q L (Bounds). p U, q U, q L, (3.16) u s. u s = I * 1 sg n ( e T P b c ) 1 q L ( x ) [ p ( x p ) + p U ( x) + q( x q) u c + q U ( x) u c ] (3.17), V e > V I * 1 = 1, V e V I * 1 = 0. y 0 sg n (y ) = 1, y < 0 sg n (y ) = - 1. V e > V (3.17) (3.16) (3.18) V e 0. V e e T Qe 0 (3.18)
29 3.2.4 u u c u s..,. * p = arg min p p [ s up x U c p( x p ) - p(x) ] (3.19) * q = arg min q q [ s up x U c q( x q) - q(x) ] (3.20), p q p q (Constraint Set)., p q p q. p = { p : p M p } (3.21) q = { q : q M q, y l } (3.22), M p, M q,. (3.1) y l, y l > 0. (Minimum Approximation Error ) = ( p( x * p ) - p( x )) + ( q( x * q ) - q( x)) u c (3.23) (3.15)
30 e = c e - b c q(x) u s + b c [ ( p( x p ) - p ( x p * )) + ( q( x q ) - q( x q * )) u c + ] (3.24) p ( x p ) q( x q ) (3.4) (3.5), (3.24). e = c e - b c q(x) u s + b c + b c [ p T p ( x ) + T q q( x ) u c ] (3.25), p = p - * p, q = q - * q. Lyapunov V = 1 2 e T P e + 1 T p 2 1 p + 1 T q 2 2 q (3.26), 1, 2. (3.25) (3.26) V. V = e T Qe - q(x ) e T P b c u s + e T P b c p T [ p + 1 e T P b c p ( x) ] T q [ q + 2 e T P b c q ( x) u c ] (3.27)
31 , p = p, q = q. (3.27) (3.17) q(x) >0 q(x) e T P b c u s 0.. p = - 1 e T P b c p ( x ) (3.28) q = - 2 e T P b c q ( x ) u c (3.29) (3.27) (3.28) (3.29). V e T Qe + e T P b c (3.30) (3.30) Q 0. e T P b c = 0, p(x ), g (x ) p( x p ), q( x q ), V 0. (Universal Approximation T heorem )
32 p( x p ) q( x q ) IF., Figure Adjustable parameters of a fir st - type indirect adaptiv e fuzzy contr oller
33 U c.., 3.3 U c p ( x p ) q( x q )., U c p ( x p ) q( x q ) Figur e 3.3 Fuzzy rules for a 2nd- order sy stem
34 IF. 3.4 Figur e Adju stable param eter s of a second- type indirect adaptiv e fuzzy contr oller. p, l q F. i. p ( x p ) q( x q )
35 / 1 2/ IF / 1 Figur e 3.5 Adju st able parameter s of a second/fir st - type indirect adaptiv e fuzzy contr oller
36 2/ , 2 IF. 1.., 2/ 1 p, q. p (0) q (0)... 2/
37 ,.. p (0), q( 0). p (0), q (0),.. p, q. p, q. 1, 2. 0,
38 g g m e u c u s : ( ) [rad/ sec] : ( ) [rad] : ( ) [rad] : ( ) [rad] : : u :, u = u c + u s p (x), p (0), q(x ) : q(0) : p, q : : (1 :, 2 : ) 4.1 Figure 4.1 Block diagram of a designed indir ect adaptiv e fuzzy control sy st em for motion contr ol
39 4.2,, 3. s n + k 1 s n k n = 0 k 1,, k n. Q (3.11) Lyapunov P >0. M p, M q,, V. x ( t) u. k, M p, M q,, V. y m, y n m, p U ( x), q U ( x), q L ( x ). F l i. p( x p ) q( x q ). IF i = 1, 2,, n F l i i m 1 m 2 m n. p( x p ) q( x q )
40 R ( l p1,, l pn ) p : IF x 1 is F l p1 1 and and x n is F l pn n THE N p ( x p ) is G ( l p1,, l pn ) (4.1) R ( l q1,, l qn ) q : IF x 1 is F l q1 1 and and x n is F l qn n THE N q ( x q ) is H ( l q1,, l qn ) (4.2) (4.1) (4.2). (4.3). ( l 1,, l n ) ( x) = m 1 l 1 = 1 n i = 1 m n ( l n = 1 F l i (x i i ) n i = 1 F l i(x i i )) (4.3) p ( 0) q (0) p( x p ) q( x q ) (3.4) (3.5). u. u c (3.8) u s (3.17). p ( x p ) q( x q ) (3.4) (3.5).. 1 p q. p q (3.28) (3.29)
41 4.2 Figur e 4.2 Flow chart of a indirect adaptiv e fuzzy contr ol pr ogram
42 DC. e a ( t) = R a i a ( t) + L a i a ( t) + e b ( t) (4.4) T m ( t) = K i i a ( t) (4.5) e b ( t) = K b m ( t) (4.6) T m ( t) = J m m ( t) + B m m ( t) + T L ( t) (4.7) m ( t) = m ( t) (4.8) m ( t) = - K i K b + R a B m R a J m m ( t) + K i R a J m e a ( t) - 1 J m T L ( t) (4.9), R a :, L a :, J m :, B m :, K i :, K b :, e a ( t) :, i a ( t) :, e b ( t) :,
43 m ( t) :, m ( t) :, T m ( t) :, T L ( t) :.. 4.1, (4.8) (4.9). x 1 ( t) = x 2 ( t) (4.10) x 2 ( t) = x 2 ( t) u ( t) - 50 T L ( t) (4.11) y ( t) = x 1 ( t) (4.12), x 1 ( t), x 2 ( t), u ( t), y ( t), T L ( t). 4.1 DC T able 4.1 Parameter s of the DC motor Parameter Value Unit R a 4 ohm L a 0 hen ry J m 0.02 kg m 2 B m 0.01 N m / rad/ sec K i 0.5 N m / A K b 0.5 V/ rad/ sec
44 4.3.2 (4.11) T L ( t). x ( 2) ( t) = p (x) + q(x ) u (4.13) p (x) = x sin (x 1 ) cos (x 2 ) + a 1 ( t) x 1 x 2 (4.14) q(x) = a 2 ( t) (4.15). - 6 x 1 6, x 2 49, 0 u 25 p(x ) x sin (x 1 ) cos (x 2 ) + a 1 ( t) x 1 x q(x ) a 2 ( t) 8.25 q(x ) a 2 ( t) k 1 = 4, k 2 = 4 Q (3.11) P. Q = [ ], P = 36 4 [ 4 5]
45 m 1 = 5, m 2 = 5 m = m 1 m 2 = Figur e 4.3 Member ship function s of a fir st - type fuzzy logic sy stem p (0) [- 5 5], q (0) [5 7.5]
46 2.. (4.16) (4.17) m = 15.,. R ( l m ) p : IF x 1 is F l pm 1 and x 2 is F l pm 2 THE N p ( x p ) is G ( l pm ) (4.16) R ( l m ) q : IF x 1 is F l qm 1 and x 2 is F l qm 2 THE N q ( x q ) is H ( l qm ) (4.17) 15 1, 1. 2/ , 2 1 (4.16) (4.17) /
47 4.4 1 Figur e 4.4 Step respon se of the fir st - type adaptiv e fuzzy contr ol sy stem
48 4.5 1 Figure 4.5 Sinusoidal response of the first- type adaptiv e fuzzy contr ol sy stem
49 4.6 2 Figure 4.6 Step r esponse of the second- type adaptiv e fuzzy contr ol sy stem
50 4.7 2 Figur e 4.7 Sinu soidal respon se of the second- type adaptiv e fuzzy contr ol sy stem
51 4.8 2/ 1 Figure 4.8 Step respon se of the second/fir st - type adaptiv e fuzzy contr ol sy stem
52 4.9 2/ 1 Figur e 4.9 Sinu soidal respon se of the second/fir st - type adaptiv e fuzzy contr ol sy stem
53 5 5.1 Murata ENV - 05DB Gyrostar, DC SPECT ROL 10K., 80C196KC 10bit A/ D., [degree], [degree/ sec].,.,, A/ D.,
54 5.1 Figure 5.1 Output angle and err or of gyro sen sor and potentiomet er
55 5.2 X, Y,., m 1 = 3, m 2 = ( m = m 1 m 2 = 6 ), 5.4 m 1 = 2, m 2 = ( m = m 1 m 2 = 6). p(x ) g (x ) p (0) [- 3 3], q ( 0) [3.5 5] 6 1. A/ D.,, 20[ms] 80C196KC
56 5.2 Figure 5.2 Membership functions of a fuzzy logic system for a roll plant R 1 rolling : IF x 1 is F 1 1 and x 2 is F 1 2 THEN p is G 1 11 and q is H 1 11 R 2 rolling : IF x 1 is F 1 1 and x 2 is F 2 2 THEN p is G 2 12 and q is H 2 12 R 3 rolling : IF x 1 is F 2 1 and x 2 is F 1 2 THEN p is G and q is H R 4 rolling : IF x 1 is F 2 1 and x 2 is F 2 2 THEN p is G 4 22 and q is H 4 22 R 5 rolling : IF x 1 is F 3 1 and x 2 is F 1 2 THEN p is G and q is H R 6 rolling : IF x 1 is F 3 1 and x 2 is F 2 2 THEN p is G 6 32 and q is H Figur e 5.3 Fuzzy rules for a roll plant
57 5.4 Figure 5.4 Membership functions of a fuzzy logic system for a pitch plant R 1 tch in g : IF x 1 is F 1 1 and x 2 is F 1 2 THE N p is G 1 11 and q is H 1 11 R 2 tch in g : IF x 1 is F 1 1 and x 2 is F 2 2 THE N p is G 2 12 and q is H 2 12 R 3 tch in g : IF x 1 is F 1 1 and x 2 is F 3 2 THE N p is G 3 13 and q is H 3 13 R 4 tch in g : IF x 1 is F 2 1 and x 2 is F 1 2 THE N p is G 4 21 and q is H 4 21 R 5 tch in g : IF x 1 is F 2 1 and x 2 is F 2 2 THE N p is G 5 22 and q is H 5 22 R 6 tch in g : IF x 1 is F 2 1 and x 2 is F 3 2 THE N p is G 6 23 and q is H Figur e 5.5 Fuzzy rules for a pitch plant
58 5.6 Figure 5.6 Roll respon se of a plant
59 5.7 Figure 5.7 Roll respon se of a adaptive fuzzy control sy stem
60 5.8 Figure 5.8 Pit ch r espon se of a plant
61 5.9 Figur e 5.9 Pitch respon se of a adaptiv e fuzzy control sy st em
62 [degree]... 15[m s].. 2[degree] ,..., 5.5[degree] 2.5[degree]
63 6,...,.,, 2/ 1.,
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PLC전기공압제어 강의 노트 제 7 회차 PLC 하드웨어의 구조 - 1 - 학습목표 1. PLC 하드웨어의 4가지 구성요소를 설명할 수 있다. 2. PLC 형명을 보고 PLC를 구분할 수 있다. 3. PLC 배선형태에 따라 입력기기와 출력기기를 구분할 수 있다. Lesson. PLC 하드웨어의 구조 PLC 하드웨어에 대한 이해의 필요성 PLC 하드웨어의 구성
OPERATION MANUAL AC Servo Drive FDA6000COP [OPERATION UNIT] Ver 1.0 (Soft. Ver. 8.00 ~) FDA6000C Series Servo Drive OTIS LG 1. 1.1 OPERATION UNIT FDA6000COP. UNIT, FDA6000COP,,,. 1.1.1 UP DOWN ENTER 1.1.2
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The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics (2013) 26(1), 201 208 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5351/kjas.2013.26.1.201 A Note on Model Selection in Mixture Experiments with Process Variables Jung Il Kim a,1
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
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example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
08원재호( )
30 2 20124 pp. 173~180 Non-Metric Digital Camera Lens Calibration Using Ground Control Points 1) 2) 3) Abstract The most recent, 80 mega pixels digital camera appeared through the development of digital
양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
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(SELSI) : 1 1) ( ). (SELSI) :., 2002, 7, 2, 1-23. 3 (SELSI). SELSI 1090.,.. Cronbach.98.. 14.996,.998. :, SELSI,,,.,., 3.. 1 BK.,,. 1 3,. (babbling ),.. (joint attention ),., 3.., 3, (Bzoch, Kemker & Wood,
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관리번호 Ⅰ 사업개요 1. 사업목적 산업 분야에 디바이스, 콘텐츠 개발 를 지원하여 사업성과 확산 과 새로운 BM 개발 2. 지원분야 지정과제 과제 번호 과제명 지원금 16-001 모션플랫폼(6DOF)을 활용한 VR 시제품 개발 8천만원 이내 16-002 인터랙티브 가능한 360도 홀로그램 쇼케이스 시제품 개발 4천만원 이내 16-003 HMD와 트레드밀을
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THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2015 Jan.; 26(1), 6370. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2015.26.1.63 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) 900 MHz
제 9 도는 6제어항목의 세팅목표의 보기가 표시된 레이더 챠트(radar chart). 제 10 도는 제 6 도의 함수블럭(1C)에서 사용되는 각종 개성화 함수의 보기를 표시하는 테이블. 제 11a 도 제 11c 도까지는 각종 조건에 따라 제공되는 개성화함수의 변화의
(19) 대한민국특허청(KR) (12) 특허공보(B1) (51) Int. Cl. 5 B66B 1/18 (45) 공고일자 1993년09월28일 (11) 공고번호 특1993-0009339 (21) 출원번호 특1989-0002580 (65) 공개번호 특1989-0014358 (22) 출원일자 1989년03월02일 (43) 공개일자 1989년10월23일 (30) 우선권주장
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2014 Mar.; 25(3), 304310. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2014.25.3.304 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Analysis
산선생의 집입니다. 환영해요
Biped Walking Robot Biped Walking Robot Simulation Program Down(Visual Studio 6.0 ) ). Version.,. Biped Walking Robot - Project Degree of Freedom : 12(,,, 12) :,, : Link. Kinematics. 1. Z (~ Diablo Set
韓國電磁波學會論文誌第 21 卷第 12 號 2010 年 12 月論文 2010-21-12-09 Dual-Band Compact Broad Band-Pass Filter with Parallel Coupled Line 최영구 윤기철 이정훈 홍태의 Young-Gu ChoiBhanu Shrestha*Ki-Cheol Yn**Jeong-Hun Lee** Tae-Ui Hong***
한국지능시스템학회 논문지 2010, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 375-379 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 강인한 Support vector machine 설계 Design of Robust Support Vector Machine Using Genetic Algorithm 이희성 홍성준 이병윤 김은태 * Heesung Lee, Sungjun Hong,
ISSN 1975-8359(Print) / ISSN 2287-4364(Online) The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 297~303, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.5370/kiee.2015.64.2.297 전기 유압 서보 시스템의
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THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 216 Jan.; 27(1), 17. http://dx.doi.org/1.5515/kjkiees. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Switch 1.5 GHz
I C- 2800H. ( ).. ( ) (0 2 ) 3443-8844 (HITOP) : (02)704-9104 : : HITOP ICOM IN C. ( ) 1 VHF [VOL] VHF VHF [S QL] VHF Set, [SQL] 12, RF. VHF [DIAL] [DIAL],, / [CHG/ L] [CHG/ L] 2 ON/ OFF. [POWER] 2 ON/
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CARDMATIC CMD INSTALLATION MANUAL 씨앤에이씨스템(C&A SYSTEM Co., Ltd.) 본사 : 서울특별시 용산구 신계동 24-1(금양빌딩 2층) TEL. (02)718-2386( 代 ) FAX. (02) 701-2966 공장/연구소 : 경기도 고양시 일산동구 백석동 1141-2 유니테크빌 324호 TEL. (031)907-1386
,, e- mail : noori@mythos.yonsei.ac.kr 1999 9 : +82-2- 361-2717 F a x : +82-2- 365-2579 :,,,,. (t errain height field dat a ) (greedy in sertion algorithm )[1,4,5].,. (trian gulation ),.,.,, 4 20,., 4.,.
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2018 Oct.; 29(10), 799 804. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2018.29.10.799 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Method
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
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제 5 장 신호의 검출 측정하고자 하는 신호원에서 발생하는 신호를 검출(detect)하는 것은 물리측정의 시작이자 가장 중요한 일이라고 할 수가 있습니다. 그 이유로는 신호의 검출여부가 측정의 성패와 동의어가 될 정도로 밀접한 관계가 있기 때문입니다. 물론 신호를 검출한 경우라도 제대로 검출을 해야만 바른 측정을 할 수가 있습니다. 여기서 신호의 검출을 제대로
무선 센서 네트워크 환경에서 링크 품질에 기반한 라우팅에 대한 효과적인 싱크홀 공격 탐지 기법 901 무선 센서 네트워크 환경에서 링크 품질에 기반한 라우팅에 대한 효과적인 싱크홀 공격 탐지 기법 (A Effective Sinkhole Attack Detection Mechanism for LQI based Routing in WSN) 최병구 조응준 (Byung
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A Study on the Automation of Classification of Volume Reconstruction for CT Images S.M. Park 1, I.S. Hong 2, D.S. Kim 1, D.Y. Kim 1 1 Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, 2 Dept. of Radiology,
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차 례 Ⅰ. 에너지관리 1. 홈에너지닥터를 이용해 연 1회 에너지진단을 받자 1 2. 에너지 가계부를 쓰자 1 3. 에너지효율 1등급 가전제품을 사용하자 6 4. 대기전력 마크가 부착된 가전제품을 사용하자 8 확인학습 9 Ⅱ. 신재생 에너지 5. 소형 풍력발전시스템을 설치하자 13 6. 태양열 시스템을 설치하자 16 7. 태양광 시스템을 설치하자 19 8.
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전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울
271 부산지역 구비설화 이야기꾼의 현황과 특징 정 규 식* 1) - 목 차 - Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 부산지역 구비설화 이야기꾼의 전반적 현황 1. 이야기꾼의 여성 편중성 2. 구연 자료의 민요 편중성 3. 이야기꾼의 가변적 구연력 4. 이야기 유형의 제한성 5. 이야기꾼 출생지의 비부산권 강세 Ⅲ. 부산지역 구비설화 이야기꾼의 특징 Ⅳ. 결론 개 요 본고의 목적은
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사 용 설 명 서 SRA Series Professional Power Amplifier MODEL No : SRA-500, SRA-900, SRA-1300 차 례 차 례 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 안전지침 / 주의사항 -----------------------------------------------------------
, ( ) 1) *.. I. (batch). (production planning). (downstream stage) (stockout).... (endangered). (utilization). *
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한국마린엔지니어링학회지 제37권 제4호, pp. 391 398, 2013. 5 (ISSN 2234-8352 Online) / (ISSN 2234-7925 Print) Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering http://dx.doi.org/10.5916/jkosme.2013.37.4.391 작업자 편의를 반영한
Chapter 1 05 Chapter 2 51 Chapter 3 99 Chapter 4 151 Chapter 1 Chapter 6 7 Chapter 8 9 Chapter 10 11 Chapter 12 13 Chapter 14 15 Chapter 16 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 21 Chapter 22 23 Chapter
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 Jun.; 27(6), 495 503. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2016.27.6.495 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Design
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Digital Hot Plate & Stirrer GLHPS-D 글로벌랩의 제품을 구입하여 주셔서 감사드립니다. 제품을 사용하시기 전에 안전을 위한 준비사항 을 읽고 올바르게 사용해 주십시오. 이 사용설명서는 제품을 직접 사용하시는 분에게 보내어지도록 하여 주십시오. 사용 전 주의 사항 제품을 올바르게 사용하여 위험이나 재산상의 피해를 막기 위한 내용으로 반드시
01 국내생산 헬스싸이클 용접, 도장, 조립까지 본사에서 직접 운영하여 소음 및 진동 등 QC까지 확실하게 책임지고 생산합니다. 손쉬운 조그셔틀 계기판 손끝 하나로 조절이 가능하여 수치 입력시 쉽고 편하게 조절 할 수 있습니다. 미끄럼 방지 클럽용 폐달 미끄럼 방지와
UPRIGHT BIKE MADE IN KOREA V-301 사용설명서 반드시 사용설명서를 숙지하시고 사용해 주십시오. 본 제품은 가정용으로 제작되었으므로 공공장소에서 사용을 절대 금합니다. 본 제품은 실내용으로 제작되었으므로 야외에서 이용 시 제품 성능이 급격히 저하될 수 있어 사용을 절대 금합니다. 제품을 임의로 분해 또는 변형을 절대 금합니다. 제품의 성능
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2017 Mar.; 28(3), 163 169. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2017.28.3.163 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) PCB
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
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* Source : Pass 2000, Mc Kinsey - * Source : PSA PEUGEO CITROËN RF Navigation System Inteligent Transport System(Telematics) Electronic Toll Collection Dedicated Short Range Communication Keyless Entry
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 Jul.; 27(7), 625634. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2016.27.7.625 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Near-Field
MCM Series 주요특징 MaxiFlo TM (맥시플로) 코리올리스 (Coriolis) 질량유량계 MCM 시리즈는 최고의 정밀도를 자랑하며 슬러리를 포함한 액체, 혼합 액체등의 질량 유량, 밀도, 온도, 보정된 부피 유량을 측정할 수 있는 질량 유량계 이다. 단일 액체 또는 2가지 혼합액체를 측정할 수 있으며, 강한 노이즈 에도 견디는 면역성, 높은 정밀도,
감각형 증강현실을 이용한
대한산업공학회/한국경영과학회 2012년 춘계공동학술대회 감각형 증강현실을 이용한 전자제품의 디자인 품평 문희철, 박상진, 박형준 * 조선대학교 산업공학과 * 교신저자, hzpark@chosun.ac.kr 002660 ABSTRACT We present the recent status of our research on design evaluation of digital
OR MS와 응용-03장
o R M s graphical solution algebraic method ellipsoid algorithm Karmarkar 97 George B Dantzig 979 Khachian Karmarkar 98 Karmarkar interior-point algorithm o R 08 gallon 000 000 00 60 g 0g X : : X : : Ms
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2014 Dec.; 25(12), 12751283. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2014.25.12.1275 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online)
2 : 3 (Myeongah Cho et al.: Three-Dimensional Rotation Angle Preprocessing and Weighted Blending for Fast Panoramic Image Method) (Special Paper) 23 2
(Special Paper) 232, 2018 3 (JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2018.23.2.235 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) 3 a), a), a) Three-Dimensional Rotation Angle Preprocessing