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1 대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 11 권제 2 호 2007 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 11. No. 2. pp , 2007 성균관대학교의과대학강북삼성병원정형외과학교실, 재활의학과교실 *, 방사선학과교실 최재열 신헌규 김유진 김종민 이용택 * 김승권 김종민 The Usefulness of Infrapopliteal Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in the Treatment of Diabetic Gangrene Jae-Yeol Choi, M.D., Hun-Kyu Shin, M.D., Eugene Kim, M.D., Jong-Min Kim, M.D., Yong-Taek Lee, M.D.*, Seung-Kwon Kim, M.D., Jong-Min Kim, M.D. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation*, Department of Radiology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea =Abstract= Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) below the knee as a treatment in diabetic foot gangrene. Materials and Methods: Between May 2003 and May 2006, angiography was performed in 35 diabetic foot gangrene classified as either Wagner grade IV or V. Infrapopliteal PTA was performed in 10 patients among them. Clinical success was defined as prevention of major amputation. Results: Among 25 patients who did not receive infrapopliteal PTA, the major amputation rate is 22% (in one arterial occlusion cases), 50% (in two arterial occlusion cases), 63% (in three arterial occlusion cases), respectively. Infrapopliteal PTA was successfully performed in 8 among 10 patients. Two patients were failed and undergone below-knee amputation. Toe amputation were performed in 2 patients with one arterial occlusion. Out of 6 patients with three arterial occlusions, toe amputations were performed in 4 patients and the other 2 patients were healed through debridement. Conclusion: As a first choice revascularization procedure for limb salvage in diabetic foot gangrene, infrapopliteal PTA can be one of treatment options. Key Words: Diabetic foot gangrene, Infrapopliteal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, Major amputation Address for correspondence Hun-Kyu Shin, M.D. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, 108, Pyung-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, , Korea Tel: Fax: coolhkshin@skku.edu * 본논문의요지는 2006년도대한족부족관절학회추계학술대회에서발표되었음. 서론당뇨병이점차증가하면서족부궤양등은주요한공중보건문제로대두되었다. 당뇨병성족부궤양은높은이환율과사망률및삶의질을저하시키며높은사회적비용의원인이되고있다
2 당뇨병환자는위험하지허혈 ( 휴식시통증, 허혈에의한괴저발생 ) 로발전할가능성이일반인보다약 5배정도더높다 18). Beach 등 1) 은제 2형당뇨병환자중남성은 42~48%, 여성은 28~35% 가허혈성혈관질환으로발달하며당뇨병성족부괴저가있는환자에서약 50% 까지하지절단을하게된다고하였으며, Netz 등 15) 은좀더높은위치에서의재절단, 사망등의합병증이 34% 까지이른다고하였다. 궤양의정도가심하거나감염이심하여보존적치료가불가능한경우에서는절단이적절한치료법으로고려되어왔으나항생제의발달, 진단및치료방법의개선등으로인하여절단부위가점차원위부로내려오게되면서환자의활동능력을향상시키게되었다. 혈류의이상이당뇨발의치료에미치는영향에대해서는아직까지논의중에있으나경피적경혈관혈관확장술은당뇨환자에서말초혈관의허혈상태와혈류개선을위한유용한치료법으로제안되고있다. Caseli 등 3) 은말초혈관질환이있는당뇨환자에서혈관확장술을시행한결과성공적인경피적경혈관혈관확장술은사지절단을원위부에서시행할수있었다고보고하였다. 현재까지경피적경혈관혈관확장술은슬관절상부에서주로시행했으며슬관절이하에서는혈전등의가능성때문에대부분시행되지않고있다 7). 본저자들은당뇨성족부괴저환자에서절단술을시행하기전에초기치료로서슬하부이하에서경피적경혈관혈관확장술을시행하였으며그결과를바탕으로절단술을요하는환자에있어서초기치료로서의유용성에대해문헌고찰과함께보고하고자하였다. 대상및방법 Table 1. Wagner Classification Stage Classification Pressure area on foot aggrevated by footwear Open but superficial ulceration Full thickness ulceration Full thickness ulceration with secondary infection Local gangrene Extensive gangrene, entire foot 1. 연구대상및방법 당뇨발의분류는 Wagner 분류 (Table 1) 를사용하여제 4형및제 5형인환자를대상으로하였다. 본원에서최소 1 년이상추시가능하고혈관조영술을시행받은환자중슬하부이하의동맥폐색이관찰된환자를대상으로후향적으로분석하였다. 이를두군으로구분하였는데 2003년 1월부터 2005 년 5월까지 3년간혈관조영술을시행하고경피적경혈관혈관확장술을받지않은군을대조군으로하였으며 2005 년 5월부터 2006 년 5월까지본원에서경피적경혈관혈관확장술을시행받은환자군들을대상으로하여후향적으로비교분석하였다. 혈관조영술을시행받고경피적경혈관혈관확장술을시행받지않은대조군은총 25예였으며 12예는 Wagner 분류 4형이었으며 13예는 5형이었다. 평균연령은 66.4 세였고남자가 12예, 여자가 13예였다. 경피적경혈관혈관확장술을시행받은환자는총 10예였으며 8예는 Wagner 분류 4형이었으며 5형은 2예였다. 평균연령은 62세였고남자가 7예, 여자가 3예이었다. 혈관확장술을시행받은환자군은시술후이전에막혔던혈류가직접관통되었으며협착이혈관직경의 50% 이상남아있지않았고임상적으로통증감소가이루어진환자를 (A) (B) (C ) (D) Fi g ur e 1. (A, B) Before percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, there were occlusions of mid portion of right anterior tibial artery, mid portion of right peroneal artery and proximal portion of right posterior tibial artery. (C, D) Percutaneous transluminal balloon angiop las t y w as performed in right anteior tibial artery, peroneal artery. We could see the patent dorsalis pedis artery and peroneal artery after angioplasty
3 최재열 신헌규 김유진 김종민 이용택 김승권 김종민 혈관확장술이성공하였다고보았다. 혈관확장술의유용성에대해서는마지막으로추시가능하였던시기를기준으로절단부위범위에대하여비교분석하였다. 소절단및대절단으로나누었으며소절단은절단후발바닥입각이가능한상태로정의하였으며대절단은발바닥입각이불가능한 Syme 절단의근위부로정의하였다. 2. 시술방법및시술후초기치료 혈관확장술을시행하지않은군에서는 1개의동맥의폐색이있는경우대절단율은 22% 였고 2개의동맥의폐색이있는경우대절단율이 50% 까지상승하였고 3개의동맥이폐색된경우 63% 였다. 혈관확장술을시행한군에서는확장술을시행하기전 1개의동맥폐색이있는경우족지절단이 2예, 3개의동맥폐색이있는경우족지절단술이 4예, 변연절제술로치료한경우는 2예였다. 혈관확장술이실패한 2예에서는슬하부절단을시행하였다. 혈관조영술은신장상태가양호한환자들에게서시행하였다. 무릎밑경피적경혈관혈관확장술의적응증은혈관직경의 50% 이상협착이있을때이며, 석회화로인한폐색이있을때시행하였다. 술식은대퇴동맥을전방향으로천자한후 4-6F 도관을슬와동맥에위치한후혈관조영술을시행하여혈관조영술에서협착이있는동맥을찾아 혹은 미세철사를이용하여협착이있는부위에서 3 mm 4 cm SAVY 혈관성형풍선으로 8-10 기압으로 5-10 초간풍선확장을시행하였다. 술식을시행한후시행한혈관조영술에서막혀있던동맥은혈관이개통되고혈류가호전된것을확인하였다 (Fig. 1). 술후관리는 ticlopidine 500 mg과아스피린 10 mg을 30일동안복용하면서보행이가능한환자는체중부하보행을허용하였다. 1. 치료결과 Table 2. Results of Percutaneous Transluminal Angiography (Infr apopliteal Area) Occlusions Location Numbers % Anterior tibia a. Peroneal a. Posterior tibia a. 결 과 혈관조영술을시행한총 35예의당뇨병성족부괴저환자에서슬와동맥상부의혈관폐색은장골가지에서 11%, 심부대퇴동맥 9%, 천부대퇴동맥은 37% 에서폐색이관찰되었다. 슬와동맥하부의혈관폐색은후경골동맥이 75%, 전경골동맥은 49% 의환자에서관찰되었으며비골동맥은 54% 의환자에서폐색이있었다 (Table 2). 동맥 1개가폐색된경우는 31%, 동맥 2개가폐색된경우는 29%, 동맥 3개가폐색된경우는 40% 였다. 49 (17/35) 54 (19/35) 75 (29/35) 2. 합병증총 2예에서합병증이관찰되었다. 천자부위의혈종이 1 예였으며보존적인치료를시행하여특별한문제없이치료되었다. 다른 1예는시술후 BUN/Cr 상승과함께급성신부전이관찰되었으며내과적치료로회복되었다. 절단술시행후창상감염은 5예에서관찰되었으나변연절제술등을통하여문제없이치료되었다. 고찰당뇨성족부궤양에대한원인을아는것은적절한치료를결정하는데도움을준다. 많은임상의사들은당뇨성족부궤양을원인별로말초신경장애와혈관질환그리고말초신경장애와혈관질환이복합된것으로분류하였다 6). 이중말초신경병증이궤양을일으키는가장중요한요인으로알려져왔다 9). 그러나말초신경병증에의한감각소실은회복시키기어려우며치료또한당뇨족의예방목적으로증상이나타나기전에이루어져야한다. 최근 Brodsky 2) 는당뇨발의원인으로혈관질환의중요성을강조하였고, Wagner 분류중 4,5 등급은혈관이상에의한괴저로서그이하의등급과같이가역적인병변도아니므로연속적인분류체계보다는허혈의정도를나타내는별개의군으로분류할것을주장하였다. LoGerfo 등 11) 은허혈성당뇨족환자에서성공적인혈류의재개통은대절단율을낮춘다는보고를하였으나슬하부이하의경피적경혈관혈관성형술은낮은혈류속도로인한혈전가능성때문에그유용성에대해서는논의중에있다 6). 그러나 Dorros 등 10) 은경비골동맥폐쇄에서 65% 에서혈관확장술이성공하였다고보고하였으며 Caseli 등 3) 은허혈성당뇨성궤양환자를대상으로슬하부이하에서풍선성형술을대부분시행하였으며성공적인혈류의재개통은중족골아래절단으로정의한사지구제율을 100% 에가깝게올릴수있다고보고하였다. 본원에서시행한혈관확장
4 술또한슬하부이하에서시행하였으며성공적인재개통이이루어진경우대절단율이낮아지는것을관찰할수있었고총 8예중혈전이나재협착으로인한증상악화등은관찰되지않았다. 경피적경혈관혈관확장술이성공한경우시술후대부분환자에서통증의감소를관찰할수있었으며환자대부분이절단을요하지않기때문에정신적인위안감과함께환자의만족도또한높일수있었다. 폐쇄된부위가길거나여러군데에서관찰되는경우에도성공적으로시행할수있었다. 또한국소마취로시술이가능하다는것과수술상처가필요치않다는점, 부작용이적으며실패한경우혈관이식과같은수술적치료를고려할수있다는장점이있다 4,12). 당뇨성궤양환자에서수술적변연절제술은필수적인요소이다. 이는괴사되어있는조직을제거하고육아조직을재생시키기위해충분히시행하여야한다. 그러나위험사지허혈이있는경우적극적인변연절제술을시행하는것이더많은조직에해를입히고조직괴사를증가시킨다는보고도있다 14). 그러므로적극적인수술적변연절제술은적절한혈류의회복후에시행하는것이더좋은결과를얻을수있을것으로생각된다. 경피적경혈관혈관확장술시행후의가장큰문제점은재협착의가능성이며대부분치료후 1년이내에발생한다 5). 본원에서는추시기간동안 2예에서상처부위의궤양과함께재협착이있었으나단순변연절제술로치료가가능하였다. 본원의증례수가많지않고혈관확장술후치료가종결된모든환자에서재조영술을시행하지는않았기에재협착의정도에대해서는알수없었다. 둘째로조영제에의한문제인데기존의신장질환이조영제에의해악화될수있다는점이다. 본연구에서는 1예에서 BUN/Cr 상승에의한급성신부전이관찰되었기에최소한의조영제사용과시술전환자의신장질환에대한검사를충분히해야할것으로생각된다. 본연구의단점으로는환자수가많지않고, 술전도플러혈류검사, 경피산소분압측정등의검사를이용해서경피적경혈관혈관확장술전, 후연관성에대해분석하지못한점이며이는추후연구에서해결해야할것으로생각된다. 혈관이상에의한괴저와관련있는 Wagner 4,5 등급은어떤원인으로부종이나염증이생기면조직이짧은시간내에괴사를일으킬가능성이있고치유를지연시키는요인으로작용할수있으므로초기치료로서경피적경혈관혈관확장술이유용하다고생각된다. 하지만증상이없는환자에서예방적인차원으로혈관에대한시술을해야할것인지 에대하여는당뇨발환자는고령의환자가많고, 8년추시결과 76% 에서절단하지않고지낼수있었다는보고 17) 도있는것을보면허혈의정도와전신상태등을고려해서신중히결정해야할것으로생각한다. 결 론 당뇨병성족부괴저환자중 Wagner 4,5등급에서절단술을시행하기전에초기치료로슬하부이하에서경피적경혈관혈관확장술을시행하는것은대절단율을줄이고예후에영향을미치며혈류를개선하여상처치유를돕는효과적인시술법중의하나로생각된다. REFERENCES 1. Beach KW, Brunzell JD, Conquest LL and Strandness DE: The correlation of arteriosclerosis obliterans with lipoproteins in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Diabetes, 28: , Brodsky JW: Evaluation of the diabetic Foot. Instr Course Lect, 48: , Caselli A, Latini V, Lapenna A, et al: Transcutaneous oxygen tension monitoring after successful revascularization in diabetic patients with ischaemic foot ulcers. Diabet Med, 22: , Dorros G, Lewin RF, Jamnadas P and Mathiak ML: Belowthe-knee angioplasty tibioperoneal vessels, the acute outcome. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn, 19: , Dyet JF, Nicholson AA and Ettles DF: Vascular imaging and intervention in peripheral arteries in the diabetic patient. Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 16 Suppl 1: S16-22, Edmonds ME: Progress in care of the diabetic foot. Lancet, 354: , Fraser SC, al-kutoubi MA and Wolfe JH: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the infrapopliteal vessels: the evidence. Radiology, 200: 33-36, Hanna GP, Fujise K, Kjellgren O, et al: Infrapopliteal transcatheter interventions for limb salvage in diabetic patients: importance of aggressive interventional approach and role of transcutaneous oximetry. J Am Coll Cardiol, 30: , Holstein P, Larsen K and Sager P: Decompression with the aid of insoles in the treatment of diabetic neuropathic ulcers. Acta Orthop Scand, 47: , Kumpe DA and Rutherford RB: Vascular Surgery. 3rd ed. WB Saunders: , LoGerfo FW, Gibbons GW, Pomposelli FB Jr, et al: Trends in the care of the diabetic foot. Expanded role of arterial reconstruction. Arch Surg, 127: ,
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Advanced Course: 순환기 Ⅰ DM foot ulcer management 1 충남대학교의과대학내과학교실, 2 울산대학교의과대학내과학교실 이재환 1, 이승환 2 Introduction 65세이상에서하지만성궤양의빈도는 3-5% 에이른다. 그중 45-60% 는정맥성궤양 (venous insufficiency) 이차지하고 10-20% 는동맥성궤양 (arterial
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대한혈관외과학회지 : 제 25 권제 2 호 Vol. 25, No. 2, November 2009 혈관투시하의혈전제거술 한양대학교의과대학외과학교실 이홍기 Fluoroscopy-Assisted Thromboembolectomy Hong Gi Lee, M.D. Department of Surgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine,
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Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
Original Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2016;20(3): 당뇨병성족부궤양환자의
Original Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2016;20(3):121-125 http://dx.doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2016.20.3.121 당뇨병성족부궤양환자의진단 1 년내의절단율및위험인자의분석 천동일, 전민철, 최성우, 김용범, 노재휘, 원성훈 순천향대학교서울병원정형외과
하지동맥검사 1. 적응증하지동맥초음파검사의적응증은다음과같은임상증상이나질환이의심될때시행되어야하며, 진료현장에서검사가필요하다고판단된경우아래적응에국한되지않고시행할수있다. 1) 임상증상 - 하지의간헐적파행증 - 하지의휴식기통증 - 동맥성하지궤양및괴사 2) 의심질환 - 말초동맥질환 ( 협착및폐색, 동맥류 ) - 하지동맥색전증 - 하지동정맥루 - 하지가성동맥류 - 외상
대한혈관외과학회지 : 제 24 권제 2 호 Vol. 24, No. 2, November, 2008 당뇨병성족부궤양의치료와절단에말초동맥질환이미치는영향 서울대학교의과대학 1 외과학교실, 2 내과학교실, 3 정형외과학교실, 4 성형외과학교실, 5 영상의학교실, 6 분당서울대학교병원당뇨족연구회 강미주 1 ㆍ최성희 2,6 ㆍ임수 2,6 ㆍ공현식 3,6 ㆍ박문석 3,6
Original Article pissn / eissn J Korean Soc Radiol 2016;74(3): Prevalence and
Original Article pissn 1738-2637 / eissn 2288-2928 J Korean Soc Radiol 2016;74(3):169-176 http://dx.doi.org/10.3348/jksr.2016.74.3.169 Prevalence and Current Status of Treatment of Diabetic Foot in South
Original Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2019;23(1): 단일족지절단환자의상처치유위험인
Original Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2019;23(1):18-23 https://doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2019.23.1.18 단일족지절단환자의상처치유위험인자에대한통계적분석 정형진, 배서영, 신우진 a, 이준호 인제대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 Statistical
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Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
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Sang Jun Kim, MD, PhD Application of 3D Printing in the Orthotic Fields Hallux Valgus, Charcot Marie Tooth, ADL Kit, Foot Insole, Wrist Pain, Foot Drop Development of Automated Program for Ankle Foot Orthosis
Review on Conservative Treatment of Spinal Scoliosis Moon-kyu Lee, O.M.D., Gil-jae Lee, O.M.D., Yun-kyung Song, O.M.D., Hyung-ho Lim, O.M.D. Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine College of Oriental
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: * A Analysis of
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: jhkim@dsmc.or.kr 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
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Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
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Does Real-time Compound Imaging Improve Evaluation of reast Cancer Compared to Conventional Sonography? o Kyoung Seo, M.D., Yu Whan Oh, M.D., Kyu Ran Cho, M.D., Young Hen Lee, M.D., Hyung Joon Noh, M.D.,
Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
Review Article Randomization, What is the Proper Method? Jin Ho Hong, M.D., Jae Chul Yoo, M.D. Shoulder & Sports medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center Purpose: Among the numerous
ORIGINAL ARTICLE 대한족부족관절학회지제 17 권제 3 호 2013 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 17. No. 3. pp.209-214, 2013 당뇨발절단에있어원인감염균과치료결과와의관계 동아대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 이명진 이규열 김성수 김철홍 왕 립 김현준 김기웅 Corelation between the Treatment
Analysis of Outcomes after Resection of Sarcomatous Hepatocellular Carcinoma Purpose: Sarcomatous hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is rare. Therefore, the clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis
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서울대학교병원정형외과학교실이동연, 김일영 Surgical Treatment of Diabetic Foot Disease Dong Yeon Lee, Il Young Kim Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul National Univesity Hospital, Seoul, Korea Abstract 88 Diabetic foot
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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
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200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
533 Fig. 1. Dead zone. Nine echoes are positioned 2-10 mm below the scan surface with 1 mm distance. All nine echoes are clearly visualized. 534 Fig. 2. Vertical and horizontal measurement. 10 cm distance
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