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1 Q 01 Let s check it out witnesscharacter Witnesses include a sidewalk spectator and a driver [who was passing by the scene]. Witnesses include a sidewalk spectator and a driver a driver who Exercise 1. A plot s structure is the way in which the story elements are arranged fresh as a daisygay as a larkpoor as a church mousecool as a cucumber fresh as a daisy gay as a lark poor as a church mouse cool as a cucumber fresh as a daisy gay as a lark poor as a church mouse cool as a cucumber 1 Q (A) plot no none (B) The plot draws helps 3 -s (C) the story elements are arranged in the way which in A plot s structure is the way in which the story elements are arranged. 2

2 The plot draws the reader into the characters lives and helps the reader understand the choices [that the characters make].help the choices that It depicted the turbulence at the turn of the 20th century when Koreans were struggling against Japanese imperialism. 20 The novel was recognized for its significant literary artistry style, native folk language and diverse character portrayals.be recognized for ~ its significant literary artistry style, native folk language, diverse character portrayals for 3 as like Q (A) increased decrease (B) comparisons competition (C) as like recognizable regrettable It is important that readers understand how the poet puts new meanings into words. It that how the poet puts understand Example 300 3

3 6 9 the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country People [who have never visited England], or [who have visited only one part of it], often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. People make who People range climate midland pleasant retire prefer to mild A Diana Haruki Murakami 8. B 1. grief happiness 2. advice device 3. recognize reorganize 1. prefer to 2. pass away 3. James 10 be familiar with 4. depend on Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. masterpiece 2. fiction 3. theme 4. letters 5. dangerous 6. poem 7. author 8. contest B 1. grief 2. device 3. recognized 1. preferred to 2. passed away 3. was familiar with 4. depended on 02 Let s check it out 4

4 That They are from outside sources, such as books, other web sites, etc., that are not under our responsibility. We just play a role of connecting the information to you. Our web site offers information for free to anyone [who is interested in finding online samples of documents related to business processes]. anyone who related documents Exercise 1. loss release release release Virginia Lynchburg Q (A) For example (B) Eventually For example, a math professor at Lynchburg College in Virginia, [who found an error in Intel s microprocessor chip in 1994], contacted Intel. a math professor who contacted 2 Bill Sweetman Miramax Scream 2 scream2.com screamtwo.com Miramax Sweetman Scream 1 Miramax 300 Sweetman 5

5 Miramax dimensionfilms.com/scream2 Miramax Bill Sweetman he wanted to prove how blind some major companies can be to the importance of the Internet in their marketing strategy (Being) Delighted, Sweetman replied that he wanted a fair price. Being While he was delighted ~ he wanted to prove how blind some major companies can be to the importance of the Internet in their marketing strategy. how blind be how prove 3 Q ~ for marketing purposes, such as attracting advertisers or ing you news of special sales. such as attracting ing or In many cases, you can release what you are comfortable with releasing and leave some questions blank. you can release leave Example 11,980,

6 ~ you should first narrow your search request as much as possible, by being as specific as possible. specific being Also, spending ten minutes or so to read the search engine s search tips will save you time, ~. spending will save to read to search for tens of millions of prevent narrow request symphony recipe reduce frustration B 1. connect confess 2. release relieve 3. extent content 1. sign up for 2. search for 3. rely on 4. due to Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. reduce 2. reject 3. prevent 4. attach 5. post 6. save 7. component 8. process B 1. connect 2. release 3. content 1. sign up for 2. Search for 3. rely on 4. due to A Let s check it out medicine 7

7 Q medicine The skin starts the process by preventing most germs from entering the body in the first place. prevent from -ing prevent stophinder keepprohibit Exercise 1 1. (a) produced (b) are 2. religion Religion 3. Obesity is on the rise Obesity is on the rise Obesity is on the rise been on the rise Groucho Marx (a) chemicals produce produce produced (b) there be plenty of people are Whatever the truth may be, there are plenty of people ~. Whatever Whatever No matter what 2 heal healing alternative therapies lowerimprovereduce to people -s have has been religion Meditation is a safe and easy way [to balance a 8

8 person s physical, emotional, and mental states]. to balance ~ states way tophysicalemotionalmental states 3 Q (A) contribute distribute (B) accumulation simulation (C) abundant scarce More than half of Americans are overweight including at least 1 in 5 children. half Americans be are including Example that which 1700 that through which the beak through which the wearer breathed the beak which the wearer breathed through the beak that the wearer breathed through French physicians made carefully designed costumes to help protect themselves from the plague.protect A from B A B French physicians themselves protect help to plague flea evil vapor physician costume headpiece beak deadly 9

9 A B Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. swallow 2. store 3. physical 4. faint 5. operation B 1. globe 2. peak 3. costume 1. rather than 2. fight off 3. at least 4. lead to 1. globe glove 2. beak peak 3. costume custom 1. rather than 2. fight off 3. at least 4. lead to Q 1 7 how much produce to If your family is like many in the United States, the week s groceries include ~. like similar to many families Imagine a water bottle filled with oil by a quarter. filled a water bottle which is filled which is be Exercise 04 Let s check it out much oil was needed to is hard enough to support the trucks is hard enough to support the trucks 10

10 1 Calvaria Mauritius 19 Calvaria Calvaria Q they Calvaria ~ the seeds of the Calvaria Tree to sprout, they needed to first be digested by the Dodo bird. In some cases two species are so dependent upon each other that if one becomes extinct, ~.so that They once roamed Mauritius, a tropical island located in the Indian Ocean. Mauritius a tropical island located be which is 2 is hard enough to support the trucks / The boy was honest enough to tell the truth. Q our buy-and-throw-away culture is putting a heavy burden on the environment All of this buying is affecting the world (that) we live in ~. ~ everything (that) we buy comes from the Earth and returns to it one form or another. the world we everythin we that which Buy stuff that is better for the planet, and you ll make a difference. and you ll ~ 3 3, Green Green Q sunlight bounces off the light-colored surface, so it stays cool on hot days The material is hard enough to support the trucks 11

11 that use the alleys to collect trash. enough to But permeable pavement has openings that let water pass through the surface ~. let let Example (1) (3) They sell at prices ranging from US $100 to US $150. ranging which range cease recently come up with creation garbage dump so to speak peculiar protect especially attractive He makes sweaters from used plastic bottles. they re not cheap He makes sweaters from used plastic bottles. used plastic bottles plastic bottles which have been used A B Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. waste 2. campaign 3. flood 4. dump 5. effect B 1. spilt 2. ceased 3. roam 1. make a difference 2. are dependent upon 3. come up with 4. so to speak 1. spill spilt spilled spilt spilled split -split-split 12

12 2. cause cease 3. foam roam 1. make a difference 2. be dependent upon 3. come up with 4. so to speak 05 Let s check it out (a) freely (b) fair (a) make freely (b) call fair The rights of minorities do not depend upon the goodwill of the majority and cannot be eliminated by majority vote. The rights of minorities do not depend upon cannot be eliminated Exercise 1. voting vote a majority of parliament members vote to remove the prime minister from office a majority of parliament members vote to remove the prime minister from office a majority of parliament members vote to remove the prime minister from office

13 their opportunity to express themselves voting vote Their decision not to take part in the election process is individual, but many [(that) I ve spoken to] feel that voting is a waste of time. Their decision is not to take not to but manyfeel I ve spoken to many many that whom 2 say be said do agree many themselves seem that feel Rather than proving themselves the best candidate based on the political issues and personal character, many seem more intent on proving their opponents are the worst. negative political campaign While there is considerable controversy among researchers on the effectiveness of negative political advertising, they do agree on one area that political candidates are relying more and more on negative attack campaign strategies. While rely on ~ 3 14

14 Even though the president does not hold the same power as a president in a presidential system, the president functions as the head of state. Even though ~ presidential system function as that be good at -ing good better than riot crowd awkward ungrammatical publish stamp postage stamp chatter chew Example Q They would rather spend $200 on telephone calls than $2 on stamps It s an interesting fact that many people are much better at speaking than at writing. It Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. conservative 2. candidate 3. president 4. legislator 5. issue 6. cabinet 7. progressive 8. party B 1. crowd 2. majority 3. positive 1. are based on 2. take part in 3. are able to 4. instead of A B 1. cloud crowd majority minority 3. positive negative 15

15 1. be based on 2. take part in 3. be able to 4. instead of 06 Let s check it out sold out TV Q (be) sold out The big formal meeting may have been canceled or the guest with a reservation may not have shown up.may have Exercise 1 1. contract 2. (a) (b) 3. the ticket agent the ticket agent While As the ticket agent was trying to calm him down Q contract This business is so big that the government has declared that a package may not be advertised ~. so ~ that... 16

16 that declared 2 remembering heating think remember make itself greenhouse to save a way to (a) that it was not a moneysaver (b) For many years my mother kept careful accounts of the costs and the value of the produce [(that) she grew ~]. the produce that 3 Trying to calm him down, the ticket agent said, ~. Trying While As he(the ticket agent) was trying ~ (Being) Angry with his answer, the man responded, ~. Angry Being While he was angry ~ Example harmonize Q 17

17 harmonize ~ the fact that all of us need some time for ourselves to relax, enjoy life and do nothing. that the fact relaxenjoy do to The unused cells in our brains become worse much faster than those that are continually used. those cells disagree relax explore observation anchor harbor rot continually shine B 1. mental physical 2. decline declare claim climb 1. deal with 2. show up 3. give up 4. be sold out Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. extreme 2. attend 3. tension 4. cancel 5. pastime 6. explore 7. trend 8. available B 1. mental 2. declare 3. claims 1. deal with 2. show up 3. give up 4. sold out 07 Let s check it out hamsters, pets A Aharoni Aharoni 1931 Aharoni 18

18 Aharoni Q Aharoni the mice special mice Hamsters are such common pets that it s hard to imagine that they were virtually unknown until about 70 years ago.such ~ that... that it to imagine Exercise 1. zoos 2. known as 3. (But) it is really a request to lazy birds to hold the formation. 1 TV We could, for example, take ~ safari parks. Animals can at least wander ~ in a larger area, there in safari parks. which there where encourage 5 to bebeing as zoos The fact is that there are, nowadays, a number of more humane alternatives to zoos.the fact is that ~ a number of ~many 2 known as 19

19 They are sometimes said to breathe and spit fire or poison. beto It is sometimes said that they breathe and spit fire or poison. People sometimes say that they breathe and spit fire or poison. 3 V (C) V (A) (B) Q (C) These and other mysteries of bird migration These (C) (C) V (A) V (B) They reported that as each goose flaps its wings in the V-formation, it creates an updraft ~. reported flaps creates Example attraction attraction Others thought that it may have existed in some other cultures, but only among the rich and privileged. may have existedmay have the rich and privilegedthe rich and privileged people 20

20 anthropologist origin characteristic the Middle Ages intense spread privileged A Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. habitat 2. companion 3. conserve 4. captive 5. instinct 6. wildlife 7. pet 8. veterinarian B 1. split 2. numerous 3. locate 1. in front of 2. carry out 3. pass through 4. take advantage of B 1. spit split 2. numerous numerical 3. locate rotate 1. in front of 2. carry out 3. pass through 4. take advantage of 08 Let s check it out (a) What Whether (d) involving involved (a) 21

21 A or BA or not whether (d) involved ~ is that you don t control the entire relationship yourself. that is yourself you To make a relationship work, each person should think of the other person s needs and wants. To make to make work Exercise 1 1. last forever 2. Discipline discipline 3. to turn to drugs and alcohol to help them relax socially Carole King You ve Got a Friend Q (A) However (B) Also ~ all (that) you ve got to do is (to) call... all that have got to have to be to to They expect friendship to last forever. expect to to adviseallowaskcauseencourage forceteachwant 2 Q discipline ~ and the ability to deal with frustrations, large and small. large and small whether they frustrations are whether 22

22 whether whether be They help their sons understand what it means to be a husband and a father and a man.help to what understand it to be 3 Q Most of us feel shy from time to time, ~. feellooktastesmellsound seemappear It can stop people from leaving the house, and make a person feel terrified around everyone, ~. a person feel terrified a person is terrified surpriseembarrass satisfydisappointscareterrify Of course, this can be helpful if not excessive, ~. be if this is not excessive this is Example make your own music Your parents and teachers want you to march to theirs theirs their your parents and teachers tunes In fact, it might be what you want to do anyway. what the thing(s) which that 23

23 tune march in fact anyway classmate else towards goal figure out priority 1. lead to 2. fade away 3. turn to 4. figure out Practice for Words & Expressions A A 1. connection 2. precious 3. conflict 4. respond 5. intimate 6. acquaintance B 1. drifted 2. relax 3. literally 4. last 1. lead to 2. faded away 3. turn to 4. figure out Linda B 1. 6 drift draft 2. relax relay 3. literarily literally 4. last lost gulf gulf cove bay 09 Let s check it out gulf, bay, cove Q (A) area that it it and (B) a bay 3is (C) water little less few fewer baycovegulf gulf bay cove 24

24 Exercise destination 3. Water and chemicals get into the rocks and break them up through mechanical and chemical forces. Water and chemicals get into the rocks and break them up through mechanical and chemical forces. 1 Anansi Anansi the spider, who uses his cleverness to outsmart bigger opponents, is famous in Jamaican folklore. Anansi Anansi Anansi the spider, [who uses his cleverness to outsmart bigger opponents], is famous in Jamaican folklore. Anansi the spider is 2 2 Great Salt Lake destination They help geographers understand, in a visual way, important things about the surface of the Earth.help to 3 25

25 Louisiana Q (A) Water and chemicals break (B) As erodes as (C) collected Water and chemicals get into the rocks and break them up through mechanical and chemical forces. Water and chemicals get break compare ~ with... be satisfied with ~ It is with great pleasure that we send you our new fashion collection brochure, [in which you will find details of our latest offers]. which brochure and you will find details of our latest offers in the brochure brochure represent unbeatable at once refund Practice for Words & Expressions Example Q with A 1. territory 2. region 3. dialect 4. continent 5. tropical 6. swamp 7. range 8. peninsula B 1. quality 2. collected 3. vacation 1. is satisfied with 2. all year round 3. is surrounded by 4. is likely to A B 1. 26

26 quality quantity 2. collect correct 3. vacation vocation 1. be satisfied with 2. all year round 3. be surrounded by 4. be likely to 10 Let s check it out feelings, judgments 50 4 Q After the test, half of the students were told (by the researcher) they had excellent personalities. were told by the researcher be told ~ the former group, [who were happy], made positive judgments and spent little time reading negative details. the former group made spent spend -ing Exercise 1 1. had begun 2. when they(= most animals) are isolated 3. expect expect expect yourself 27

27 would have dreaded had had begun I think we could change a few things. could If I had begun scolding myself with You made this and that mistake, then I would have dreaded my second lecture.if had p.p. ~, would should, could, might have p.p Q when isolated be Without them we would lose the sense of stability in our life. Without If it were not for But for 3 Q (A) the fact is (B) keeping ready mentally (C) waste -ing complaining There are so many things you can never control, so why (do you) waste time and energy complaining about it? why do you Example health, helping Big Brothers Big Sisters Allan Luks Allan Luks 95 28

28 Q (A) process excess (B) peer pear peers (C) increases decrease Allan Luks also found that ninety-five percent of those (that) he surveyed indicated that helping others on a regular basis gives them good feelings ~. that found indicated those that whom according to share miserable executive regularly volunteer work survey indicate on a regular basis satisfaction Jacob 5. B 1. latter ladder 2. singular regular 3. survey survive 1. dwell on 2. pay off 3. be involved in 4. live up to Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. control 2. assume 3. stable 4. approach 5. criticize B 1. latter 2. regular 3. survey 1. dwell on 2. pay off 3. be involved in 4. live up to 11 Let s check it out (a) exciting (b) told A 1. Dorando 29

29 1908 Dorando 26 2 Dorando Alexandra Q Dorando 1 2 (a) excite exciting excited event exciting (b) he he Dorando told When he was told of his mistake he was He still crossed the line, but only with help, which eliminated him from the event. which and it 1 Tuareg Q they national borders Tuareg because They were well known for their great skill in finding their way across the open desert, ~.be known for ~ be famous for in findingin -ing Georges de Mestral Exercise consisted of 3. the first person to operate successfully on the human heart de Mestral 30

30 Q an unsuccessful start be made up of consist of be composed of In 1950, while out hunting, Georges de Mestral noticed ~. be In 1950, while he was out hunting, Georges de Mestral noticed ~. 3 Daniel Hale Williams Daniel Hale Williams Williams 1893 Williams Williams Williams If he failed, he knew that his reputation would be damaged for having tried such a daring operation.if... such a daring operation such Example 10 in front of behind stiff Slowly twist your trunk and head to the right with the right arm behind you. with spinal flexibility firmly grasp trunk stiff 31

31 chin soothe tension posture 4. stick to Practice for Words & Expressions A A 1. adversity 2. pioneer 3. remarkable 4. fame 5. accomplishment 6. respectable 7. bravery 8. factual B 1. desert 2. stretch 3. patents 1. in addition to 2. consist of 3. turn around 4. stick to William B 1. desert dessert 2. scratch stretch 3. patent patient 1. in addition to 2. consist of 3. turn around Q (A) not only A but also B but (B) one the other another (C) produce does does produces the protein such cases one or even both copies of the gene are defective or missing 12 Let s check it out ~ they also carry out all the different jobs that cells do. that allevery anyno the onlythe samethe very In such cases, a person may produce far less of 32

32 the protein than the average person does. evenfarmuchstilla lot very Exercise 1 1. (a) the water vapor (b) the rocket Comet 17P/Holmes suddenly grew 400,000 times brighter than normal. 17P/Holmes 40 17P/Holmes (a) its high speed it the water vapor it (b) the rocket As the fuel burns, it expands in a high speed stream of water vapor. As When ~ the momentum of the gas gives the rocket an equal momentum in the opposite direction, pushing it upward (the reaction). give the rocket an equal momentum pushing and pushes 2 Q This practice They can do this by abusing drugs called steroids to build extra muscle. be called which are That s why most professional sports test for it. the placethe timethe reasonthe way 33

33 3 (C) 17P Holmes 40 (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) (A) (B) But a normally small, faint comet recently did something really odd. -thing -body -thing ~ Comet 17P/Holmes suddenly grew 400,000 times brighter than normal. than A A The biggest problem In addition Some popular magazines believe (that) nowadays women buy more magazines, ~. believe that In addition, magazines have been badly hurt by the rise of mailing costs. industry competition share rise publisher Example Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. combine 2. compound 3. measure 4. modify 5. equipment 6. liquid 7. produce 8. predictable B 1. principle 2. competition 3. defective 1. was accused of 2. resort to 3. depending on 4. shot out A

34 B 1. principal principle 2. repetition competition 3. CD defective detective 1. be accused of 2. resort to 3. depending on 4. shoot out 13 Let s check it out rite 18 Q African societies masks ceremony rite Eighteenth century Europeans had masked balls [where the masks were elaborately decorated with beads and feathers]. where masked ballswhere and the masks were elaborately decorated with beads and feathers in the masked balls Exercise 1 1. raised 2. is believed, are residing 3. These children are often overlooked when a brother or sister gets sick and can also go through the common feelings of helplessness. whai whai whai whai whai 35

35 whai raise raised How high the hands are raised is an indication of the importance of the person [to whom the whai is made]. How high the hands are raised is whom the person to whom 2 Nagapanchami Day Karnataka Lord Mahavira Nagapanchami Day It is believed that ~ that to On Nagapanchami Day, the day of the serpent festival, people offer eggs and milk to snakes. Nagapanchami Day the day of the serpent festival offer ~ to... 3 Do not forget to ask about siblings that may be there also.forget to forget -ing Example headline(s) 36

36 1 headline This makes your heart work harder, and can lead to headaches, sickness, and dizziness. This makes can lead makes work mobile phone radiation headline mislead panic cancer exposure temperature headache sickness dizziness A B 1. site sight 2. level label 3. mobile stationary 1. be decorated with 2. go through 3. take the place of 4. Tom be called Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. custom 2. passage 3. cause 4. culture 5. bear B 1. site 2. level 3. mobile 1. was decorated with 2. go through 3. take the place of 4. is called 14 Let s check it out (a) Compared (b) needed 37

37 Q (a) students who participate in them compare (b) are need the skills and motivation ~ students [who participate in them] are less likely to be later placed in special education or to repeat grades,... students areto be to repeat are likely Participants are also more likely to graduate from high school and to acquire ~. to graduate to acquire and Exercise 1 1. handle, complaints 2. symptom 3. Should School Be Responsible for Should School Be Responsible for Should School Be Responsible for Q One mother bought each of her children a notebook to write thoughts in when they were mad at each other. to write a notebook to 2 Q 38

38 symptom A research shows that even one harsh experience can cause a child to experience a variety of stress symptoms.cause to 3 Louisiana Illinois Q ( A) In contrast (B) regardless of A Louisiana court held a school partly responsible for gunshot wound [suffered by a student].hold suffered wound A school security guard had warned the student of danger but failed to escort him to his car. warned failed had Example TV (C) 10 TV (A) (B) TV TV (C) (A) (B) bill bill I tried to talk him out of it, but he refused to listen.talk out of In less than ten seconds he had the problem diagnosed.have bill charge refuse nasty lose one s temper diagnose 39

39 tap idiot 15 A Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. submit 2. term 3. admit 4. enroll 5. mature 6. treat 7. attendance 8. inspire B 1. humane 2. charge 3. privilege 1. participate in 2. be entitled to 3. graduate from 4. lose his temper Mary B 1. humane humid 2. charity charge 3. privilege prejudice 1. participate in 2. be entitled to 3. graduate from 4. lose one s temper Let s check it out Q (A) for wine bottles to to be sealed with corks it (B) corks Using (C) stick to to buying wineries should change to screw tops Other experts, however, suggest that wineries should change to screw tops. suggest that should should Exercise 1. (a) bone health (b) acid 40

40 1 1,035 Q (a) decreases it improve bone health it bone health (b) acid This occurs mainly because animal products contain high amounts of acid, which, as a woman gets older, is difficult to expel from the body ~. which acid is to expel difficult to 2 2. (a) or (b) and 3. native native native This flower is native to India. Hi-Five Shakes 300 Hi-Five Shakes 500 Q Hi- Five Shakes (a) Either A or B A B or (b) and... or... and Either they skip breakfast entirely or they eat a breakfast that lacks the carbohydrates that provide energy fast.either A or B A B they skip ~ they eat ~ that a breakfast that the carbohydrates

41 Q The beans are set out in the sun each day, and wrapped and put in boxes by night. be are setwrappedput Example it is no use -ing If a writer cannot do that, he might as well put his manuscripts away in a safe, ~.might as well ~ might as well ~ as... sympathy is no use being tendency opposition contemporary safe generation come alive A Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. tendency 2. ingredient 3. appetite 4. stirred 5. indicate 6. generation 7. seal 8. skip B 1. Experts 2. flavor 3. expel 1. in sympathy with 2. may as well 3. stick to 4. look for B 1. expert export 2. flavor flour 3. excel expel 1. in sympathy with 2. may as well 3. 42

42 stick to 4. look for 2 27 Q results 16 Let s check it out results For example, a study was done [that involved second graders and math]. that involved a study One group used newly-designed math software to improve their mathematical skills. math software Exercise 1 Q mediums between the human world and the spiritual world a means of communication among members of a community A particular cultural repertoire of melodies and rhythms is expressed through musical instruments. A particular cultural repertoire History can be a pretty dry subject. Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Satchmo 1901 New Orleans Armstrong 43

43 Armstrong Armstrong Q Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. his mouth looked like a large bag Satchmo Born in 1901 in New Orleans, he grew up poor, but lived among great musicians. be bornborn ~ Orleans he Armstrong showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the cornet at a boy s home. was taught to play ~ taught him (how) to play But explore it through music, and it comes alive.and... It s one thing to read about the Depression; it s another thing entirely to hear the music of the Depression ~.A is one thing ~ B is another (thing) A B It it Example (b) how does the program work how the program works (d) is using are using CD CD 500 Q 44

44 (b) (d) 500 parents are using The computer file is copied onto a CD, which is given to the parents to take home. andbutforthough which and it Parents can even use the CD to print flyers to help find their child. to print to to help flyers to help to free valuable look for take a picture of save copy missing flyer flier system B 1. successful successive 2. impress express 3. involve revolve 4. deplore explore 1. be likely to 2. be associated with 3. take a picture of 4. be used to Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. orchestra 2. tuning 3. strings 4. conductor 5. choir 6. scores B 1. successful 2. express 3. involves 4. explored 1. are likely to 2. are associated with 3. took a picture of 4. are used to 17 Let s check it out 10 3,000 1,000 A Gordon Moore 18 45

45 10 3,000 1,000 Q This trend For example For example, personal computers [that retailed for more than $3,000 a decade ago] now can be bought for less than $1,000. personal computers that can be bought Exercise 1 1. introduced 2. delete, dump 3. viruses viruses viruses Power Book 5300C Q introduce the original IBM personal computer introduced Today the idea of measuring the value of computers [based on weight] would not be considered reasonable. the idea would not be considered based the value of computers A birthday greeting card with a microchip has more computer power than existed in the whole world in than computer power 2 25 they researchers found Old computers being obtained bought which the parts (stored) in the parts could have 46

46 They took out the hard drives, [the parts in which the information is stored], and were surprised by how much personal information they found. took were surprised which the parts the parts ~ stored hard drives 3 Some biologists consider viruses (to be) nonliving as they do not meet all the criteria [used in the common definitions of life].consider to be as used the criteria Another way is for it to be secretely downloaded and installed with other software (that) you ve chosen to install in your computer. for it to be secretely downloaded and installed it spyware that you ve Example 70 Q That s the main reason you should stop eating at your desk. That to multi-task with your work, chat with friends, play some games different activities Despite the fact that there are designated areas to eat, ~. that the fact Of course it allows you to multi-task with your work, chat with friends, and play some games. allow to to multi-task(to) chat(to) play 47

47 despite designate lead to occasional stomachache focus be absorbed in lead to 3. focus on 4. be absorbed in A B Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. drag 2. sort 3. drawback 4. consent 5. paste 6. upgrade 7. retail 8. delete B 1. extend 2. predicted 3. storage 1. a matter of 2. lead to 3. focus on 4. is absorbed in 1. extend expend 2. present predict 3. storage coverage 1. 3 a matter of 2. Q without if it were was not for 18 Let s check it out were was not for ~ there are so many choices that picking a specific style of teen fashion is nearly impossible.so ~ that... 48

48 Exercise 1 (B) (C) (A) (B) They those (B) (C) (A) let blow off steam There are those who consider the recent increase in youth crime to be due to a lack of effective discipline at home and at school.those who ~ consider to have, whose have haswhose who have haswhose who John John John John things promotes promote my locker the other have has been -ing that I feel less nervous After being bullied for months by some boys at school, John could no longer endure it. After being bulliedbeing 3 49

49 Q (A) prevent protect (B) rarely frequently (C) excess access They rush to prevent any harm or failure from happening to them and will not let them learn form their own mistakes, ~.prevent from -ing let 5 As a result (B) Kong However Kong Mountains They seemed to be an important feature of the continental geography.seem to It seemed that they were an important feature of the continental geography. continent enormous incredible explorer feature geography existence prove Example Kong Mountains Kong 1700 Mali Kong Kong Q (A) Kong Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. ambitious 2. suspended 3. peers 4. identity 5. assigned B 1. aggression 2. promote 3. intuition 1. based on 2. take out 3. Contrary to 4. hand out A 1. Tom

50 5. B aggression regression 2. remote promote 3. institution intuition 1. based on 2. take out 3. contrary to 4. hand out 19 Let s check it out Q such people Some people have the view that sometimes in life we have to take chances in order to make progress. that the view to to in order so as I also admit that my lifestyle is not as colorful or exciting as other people s, ~. my lifestyle other people s lifestyle Exercise 1 1. (a) because (b) with 2. (a) (b) 3. I rarely went to bed before midnight, and I would almost always sleep in late

51 4 (a) because (b) with ~ Congress passed a law to lengthen daylight saving time by four weeks to save even more energy. to lengthen a law to to save to Any device that has an internal clock could be a problem with the old daylight time. with if there were 2 (a) regarded They(The people of Ancient Egypt) them (b) They But the wealthy and the noble had slaves and servants that helped take care of the children s daily needs.the the wealthy wealthy people the noble noble people help to In case (that) a couple still could not conceive a child, adoption was also an option. In case that If Q I usually didn t start doing anything well until late in the afternoon.not A until till B B 52

52 A On those rare occasions when I did get up early, I noticed that my productivity was almost always higher. On when Example hopeful disappointed hopeful disappointed discouraged With a large jug of milk on top of her head, she began to dream of all the things she could buy. With with No more dreaming now, she sat down and cried. As she dreamed no more now no more not ~ any more Not dreaming any more now milkmaid on one s way to jug rear close by skip trip spill A B Practice for Words & Expressions A 1. repair 2. grateful 3. allowance 4. occasion 5. discomfort 6. tidy B 1. ignored 2. tripped 3. adoption 4. noble 1. out of trouble 2. in order to 3. at least 4. On my way to 1. notice ignore 2. James trip trap 53

53 3. put ~ up for adoption adaptation 4. novel noble 1. out of trouble 2. in order to at least 4. on one s way to Review Test cursor starslight pollution done employed hired objective 12. We find all kinds of jobs in this part of the newspaper cloth, clothes Mrs. Wilson said, It is time for me to go home. 1-2 Douglas Engelbart mouse 2. cursor This is a small device [that you move around on a flat surface in front of a computer]. device that device surface pointer cursor expert carve wire (A) Like 54

54 Alike (B) one it (C) somethinganythingnothing -thing important 4. When we lose the ability to connect visually with the vastness of the universe by looking up at the night sky, we lose our connection with something profoundly important to the human spirit, our sense of wonder. When important profoundly something profoundly important to the human spirit our sense of wonder light pollution degrade twinkling inky little more than glare urban sky-glow vastness profoundly simplifies the flow ~ often boosts productivity. The need for careful management comes from the fact that messages are usually appropriate only for conveying concise and simple messages. come from ~ that the fact that ~ appropriate for -ing electronic widespread decade 10 simplify eliminate boost productivity convey concise address manage inappropriate appropriate

55 7. 8. done Whether you can accomplish a specific goal or meet a specific deadline depends first on how much time you need to get the job done. Whether depends depend on ~ accomplish deadline exceed seemingly unrealistic reasonable 9 (A) (C) (B) (A) (C), (B) According to most people, reporters supposedly spend most of their time interviewing famous people and doing other interesting things. spend -ing interviewing doing and fascinating according to reporter supposedly interview adventure rewrite experienced occasionally boss cover routine average ksa 10. (A) applicants appliance (B) external extreme 56

56 (C) objective subjective 11. The competitive civil-service system is designed to give candidates fair and equal treatment and to ensure that federal applicants are hired based on objective criteria.be designed to ~ to give to ensure is designed ensure that ~ competitive candidate treatment federal criterion pl. criteria abbreviate sector justify evidence qualified We are found find All kinds of jobs find 13. Not all newspaper ads are for selling things. not all ~ ad advertisement secretary electrician professor leisure time awareness

57 15. School uniforms make everyone equal. ~ Most importantly, some studies show that school uniforms make students perform better. School uniforms make everyone equal. make equal school uniform equal choice perform freedom benefit drawback mandatory clothclothes Today women do not always wear dresses with long skirts.not always ~ dress cloth cotton linen manmade nylon rayon polyester material Mrs. Wilson (A) Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Smith Mrs. Wilson Duncan Mrs. Smith Victoria Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Smith Sammy (C) Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Duncan Mrs. Smith (B) 5 Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Smith Sammy Mrs. Wilson (D) (A) Mrs. Smith 58

58 (C) Mrs. Wilson (B) Mrs. Wilson (D) Mrs. Wilson 19. (a)(b)(c)(d) Mrs. Smith (e) Mrs. Wilson 20. Mrs. Wilson said, It is time for me to go home. Mrs. Smith said, My cat Sammy died last night and I have no place to bury him. My cat Sammy to bury to place condominium bury glove garden arrive get off leave Review Test which company made the product halfwon longer day hours (a) those trees (b) many animal species (a) what that (d) beautifully beautiful bar code 2. which which the product made This is smaller than a matchbox, but is probably seen the most in our daily lives. than the Look at the back cover of your textbook and you ll see it. and you ll ~ If you you ll ~ notice matchbox at this moment a series of width represent product have nothing to do with indicate 3-4 Cinco de Mayo Cinco de Mayo

59 Puebla Cinco de Mayo 3. In Mexico and in the southwestern part of the United States, people celebrate Cinco de Mayo 4. half the number of win the battle ~ people celebrate Cinco de Mayo with parades, carnivals, street fairs, and festivals with food, fun and dancing. with with celebrate invasion defeat southwestern parade carnival firework make-believe He was terrified and could hear all kinds of noise. this experience 6. youth s rite of passage His dad would take him into the forest blindfolded, and leave him there alone. would blindfolded while he was blindfolded being He was required to sit on a stump the whole night and not to take off the blindfold until a ray of sun shone through the forest.require A to A is required to not A until B B A legend rite passage blindfold require ray terrify frighten cry out horrific survive lad youth 60

60 (A) -thing (B) see or not whether whether A or Bwhether A or not (C) whenbefore ifunless This district is having their kindergarteners stay for five hours each day. have Teachers want their kindergarteners to be able to read and do simple math problems ~. read do able to kindergarten school district for a while work extra grade (a) them those trees (b) they many animal species They want this oil so that they can sell it to make a lot of money.so that can maywill ~ all the animals [that lived in those trees or depended on them for food] are suddenly homeless. all the animals that ~ food are rainforest make earn money drilling cut down pipeline machinery destroy depend on A for B A B homeless face extinction forever 61

61 (a) that (d) look beautiful very beautiful It almost seemed to jump out at me. It Mount Everest It almost seemed that it Mount Everest jumped out at me. It was just one of those sights [that would be forever burned into my brain]. that those sights happen to flight path dawn take a photograph sight burn (C) (B) (A) (C) (B) (B) (A) The cold water [that is used to make electricity] becomes hot as it runs through the plant. The cold water becomes that ~ electricity as when while When large amounts of warm water are dumped into a river, the river itself is heated. itself the river power plant electricity cause oxygen no longer degree amount dump DNA 4 62

62 But If one of your parents has a heart attack, your risk of being affected may double. your risk of being affected being affected Family matters [including living habits and even the way we speak] have a big effect on our health. Family matters including which include have gene heart attack affect up to include ignore be likely to quarrel result in well When there is limited income, the parents will usually direct the little money (which) they have towards the education of their male children. direct the little money they have they which poverty factor tend to attitude limited income direct in addition support provide reduce access schooling region Johnny Babe Ruth (A) 11 Johnny Sylvester 63

63 Babe Ruth (D) Babe Ruth Babe Ruth Johnny Johnny (C) 24Babe Ruth Johnny Babe Johnny Sylvester (B) Johnny Sylvester Babe Ruth 18. Johnny Babe Ruth (A) Johnny Babe Ruth (D) 24 Babe Ruth Johnny (C) Babe Ruth (B) 19. (a)(b)(c)(e) Babe Ruth (d) 20. (B) (C) Babe Ruth Johnny Johnny Babe Ruth walked in ~. Sylvester just stayed there, saying nothing, and his eyes were shining in awe at the great man. saying nothing Babe Ruth was as important a man in America as the president himself, ~.as ~ as himself the president get well give up medicine on one s own bedside shine awe manage to He seems to have given up hope. seem appear to have It seems that he gave has given up hope. ~ in walked Babe Ruth. 64

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을 제68호 다문화가족신문 발행 편집 인쇄인 : 매일신문사 사장 여창환 발 행 처 : 대구광역시 중구 서성로 20 매일신문사 무지개세상 편집팀 TEL(053)251-1422~3 FAX (053)256-4537 http://rainbow.imaeil.com 등 록 : 2008년 9월 2일 대구라01212호 구독문의 : (053)251-1422~3 무료로 보내드립니다

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