What is the judgement like
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1 영어로복음전하기제 81 강 "The Image of Christ 설교전문 " By Revd. Billy Graham 나는우리모두머리숙여기도할것을요청하고자합니다. 모두머리를숙이시고모두눈을감아주십시오. 오늘여기수천명의사람들에게이시간은결단의시간이될것입니다. 여러분은오늘결코같지않을것입니다. I m going to ask that we all bow our heads in prayer. Every head bowed and every eye closed. For many thousands of people here today, this will be an hour of decision. And you will never be the same today. 심지어여러분이그리스도를거부한 다할지라도, 여러분은결코같지않 을것입니다. Even if you refuse Christ, You will never be the same. 여러분이일단그분을대면했다면, 여러분이일단복음을듣고그것을거절했다면, 여러분은결코같을수가없습니다. 부유한젊은통치자가그리스도를거부했을때, 그는몹시슬프고감정적으로불안한채돌아섰습니다. 왜냐하면여러분이그리스도의요구들을거부할때, 그것은아주심각한일이기때문입니다. Once you faced him, once you heard the gospel and rejected it, you can never be the same. When the rich young ruler rejected Christ, he turned away grieved, emotionally disturbed. Because when you reject the claims of Christ, that s a very serious thing.
2 4) 오늘그분을영접하는여러분중많은사람들에게그것은결단의시간이될것입니다. 여러분의삶은결코같지않을것입니다. 그러니하나님의말씀의메시지를주의깊고경건하게경청합시다. 기도하실까요? 우리아버지, 우리는온세계에두루미치고온인류를삼키는하나님의이사랑에대해당신께감사를드립니다. 당신이영국인, 미국인, 아프리카인을사랑하시는것만큼당신은러시아인, 중국인을사랑하십니다. 당신은온세상을사랑하십니다. 당신은온세상을위해죽도록당신의아들을보내셨습니다. 우리모두는당신의구원계획에포함되어있습니다. 우리는, 우리가이역사적인시간에일어서서하나님은사랑이시며, 하나님은기꺼이용서하신다는복음을선포할수있는것에대해당신께감사드립니다. It will be an hour of decision for many of you who receive him today. Your life will never be the same. So let s listen carefully and reverently to the message of the word of God. Shall we pray? Our Father, we thank thee for this love of God that reaches around the world and engulfs all of mankind. Thou doest love the Russians, the Chinese as much as thou doest love the British or the Americans or the African. Thou doest love the whole world. And Thou didst send thy son to die for the whole world. And we are all included in thy redemption plan. And we thank thee that at this hour of history, we can stand and proclaim good news that God is love, and that God is willing to forgive.
3 우리는, 오늘많은사람들이그메시지를받아들이고, 그것을수용하고, 그것에따라행동을하고, 그것에의해살도록기도합니다. 그분의이름으로그것을간구함으로써, 아멘. 자오늘, 저는여러분이저와함께누가복음 11장을펼치시길원합니다, 누가복음 11장, 29절부터시작합니다. 사람들이서로빽빽하게모였을때, 그분이말씀하기시작했습니다, 이세대는악한세대다 : 그들은표적을구한다 ; 선지자요나의표적외에는아무표적도그것에게주어지지않을것이다. 요나가니느웨에게표적이었던것같이, 인자도이세대에게또한그러할것이기때문이다. 남방여왕이심판때에이세대사람들과함께일어나그들을정죄할것이다 : 이는그녀가솔로몬의지혜를들으려고땅끝지역들로부터왔기때문이다 ; 그러면보아라, 솔로몬보다더큰이가여기있다. We pray that many this day will receive that message, accept it, and act on it, and live by it. For we ask it in his name, Amen. Now today, I want you to turn with me to Luke s Gospel, the eleventh chapter, the eleventh chapter of Luke s Gospel, beginning with verse twenty nine. And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, "This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonah the prophet. For as Jonah was a sign unto Nineveh, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation." The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.
4 14) 심판때에니느웨사람들이이세대와함께일어나서그것을정죄하리니 : 이는그들이요나의설교를듣고회개하였음이라, 그러면보아라, 요나보다더큰이가여기있다. 자, 옛이스라엘사람들은자신이정말로하나님의아들임을증명하기위해예수님이뭔가센세이셔널한것을하시길원했습니다. 그러나예수님은이구절에서말씀하시고계십니다, 너희는표적을구하고있다. 좋다. 내가너희에게표적을주겠다. 내가그표적이다. 내가그표적이다. 그리고예수님은말씀하고계셨습니다, 요나시대사람들은하나님의메시지를듣고회개했으며, 그들은그분을거부했던예수님시대의사람들에적대하는증인들로심판때일어날것이라고. 그분은남방의여왕이솔로몬의지혜를알아보았다고말씀하셨습니다. 하지만그분은 내안에솔로몬의모든지혜보다더큰한지혜가있다 고말씀하셨습니다. The men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and, behold, a greater than Jonah is here." Now Ancient Israel wanted Jesus to do something sensational, to prove that he was really the son of God. But Jesus is saying in this passage, "You are seeking for a sign. All right. I will give you a sign. All right. I will give you a sign. I am the sign. And Jesus was saying that the people of Jonah s day listened to the message of God and repented. And they are going to rise up at the judgment as witnesses against the people of Jesus day that rejected him. He said that the queen of the south recognized the wisdom of Solomon. But he said, In me, I have a greater wisdom than all the wisdom of Solomon.
5 그분은말씀하셨습니다, 너희는장 님이다. He said, "you are blind." 너희는진리를볼수없다. "You cannot see the truth." 너희는귀머거리다. "You are deaf." 그래서너희는진리를들을수없다. "And you cannot hear the truth." 그분은말씀하셨습니다, 나는진리 다. He said, "I am the truth." 나는세상의빛이다. "I am the light of the world." 나는표적이다. "I am the sign." 자여러분이예수님과대면할때, 여러분의반응은무엇입니까? 여러분이예수그리스도와직면할때, 여러분의반응은무엇입니까? 서기관과바리새인의반응은적대감중의하나였습니다. Now when you face Jesus, what is your reaction? When you are confronted with Jesus Christ, what is your reaction? The reaction of the scribes and the Pharisees was one of hostility. 니느웨시대사람들은그들이하나님을대면하고직면하였을때겸비하며회개하였습니다. 오늘우리모두가묻는질문은이질문입니다. 여러분은그리스도를어떻게생각하십니까? The people of Nineveh s day were humbled and repented when they faced and confronted God. And the question that we all ask today is this question. What think ye of Christ? 그분은누구십니까? Who is he? 이예수님은누구십니까? Who is this Jesus?
6 여러분은그리스도인들을박해하던사울이다마스커스로가고있던그날을기억합니다. 눈부신빛이나타났고그는쓰러졌습니다. 그리고그가했던첫질문은 주여, 당신은누구십니까? 였습니다. 그분은그저혁명적영웅입니까? 아니면그분은뭔가그이상입니까? 그분은단 33년만사셨습니다. 그분은결코백마일이상을다녀보신적이없습니다. 그분은결코어떠한정식교육도받으신적이없습니다. 하지만 2000년후에, 온통한세대가예수그리스도에관해얘기하고있습니다. 어떤사람들은그분이미치광이였다고말합니다. 그분시대사람들중몇몇은그분이미쳤다고말했습니다. 그분이혁명가였으며, 그분이혁명을주도하려고오셨다고말하는다른사람들이있었습니다. 그분이혁명가였습니까? You remember that day when Saul who was persecuting Christians was on the road to Damascus. And the blinding light came and he fell down. And the first question he asked was "Who art thou, Lord?" Is he just a revolutionary hero? Or is he something more? He only lived thirty three years. He never traveled more than a hundred miles. He never had any formal education. And yet two thousand years later, an entire generation is talking about Jesus Christ. Some say that he was a mad man. Some of the people of his day said he was mad. There were others that said he was a revolutionary. He came to lead a revolution. Was he a revolutionary?
7 그분이사람들의인생을변화시켰다는점에서, 그분은그랬습니다. 하지만그분은결코로마에대항하는혁명을주도하지않으셨습니다. 그분은결코기존의권위에대항하는혁명을주도하지않으셨습니다. 그분은다른왕국을건설하고계셨습니다. 그분은영원한왕국을건설하고계셨습니다. 그다음, 그분은최초의히피였다고말하는어떤사람들이있습니다. 그분은머리가길었고그분의제자들과공동체를이루어돌아다니셨다고그들은말합니다. 사실여러분도아시다시피우리는그분이어떻게생겼었는지모릅니다. 우리는그분이긴턱수염을하고있었는지아닌지모릅니다. 그것들은그저화가들이그려놓은그림들일뿐입니다. 우리는그분이그랬을것이라고생각합니다. In the sense that he changed men s lives, he was. But he never led a revolution against Rome. He never led a revolution against the existing authorities. He s building another kingdom. He s building an eternal kingdom. And then there are some people that say that he was the first hippy. They said he had long hair, went around with his disciples in a commune. You know actually we don t know what he looked like. We don t know whether he had long beard or not. Those are just pictures that artist painted. We think he did. 우리는그분이긴머리를하고있었 는지, 아닌지모릅니다. We don t know whether he had long hair or not.
8 그분은아마도그랬을것입니다왜냐하면그당시의사람들은, 그것이스타일이었기때문입니다. 하지만우리는알수없습니다. 우리는예수님의사진이없습니다. 그리고하나님은우리가모습을경배하고있지않도록의도적으로그렇게하셨습니다. 왜냐하면하나님은영이시며영적으로경배받으셔야하기때문입니다. 그다음그분은의도적으로악했다고, 그분은악인이었다고, 그분은악마였다고말하는사람들이있었습니다. 그분은뭐하는사람이었습니까? 그것이의문입니다. 예수그리스도시여, 당신은누구십니까? 예수님은누구십니까? 우리는그분에게서벗어날수없습니다. 우리는그분에게서도망가려고애씁니다. 하지만그분은거기계십니다. He probably did because the people of that day, that was the style. But we don t know. We don t have a picture of Jesus. And God did that purposely so that we would not be worshiping an image. Because God is a spirit and must be worshiped in spirit. And then there were people that said that he was deliberately evil, that he was an evil man, that he was a devil. What was he? That s the question. Jesus Christ. Who are you? Who is Jesus? We can t escape him. We try to run from him. But there he is.
9 그분은사방에서계속불쑥불쑥나타나십니다. 우리의가장위대한철학자들이그분에관해씁니다. 우리의가장위대한역사학자들이그분에관해씁니다. 우리의가장위대한시들과연극들이그분에관한것입니다. 우리의가장위대한건축물들이그분에관한것입니다. 우리는그분에대해몇가지는알고있습니다. 우리는그분이남자였다는것을알고있습니다. 예수님은온전히인간이셨습니다. 그분은인간의대표셨습니다. 왜냐하면성경이말하기를그분이죄인들과동일시되고, 계수되었다고하기때문입니다. 우리는그분이배고프셨다는것을압니다. 우리는그분이목말라지셨음을압니다. 우리는그분이피곤해지셨음을압니다. He keeps popping up everywhere. Our greatest philosophers write about him. Our greatest historians write about him. Our greatest poems and plays are about him. Our greatest architectures are about him. Well, we know some things about him. We know he was a man. Jesus was completely human. He was a representative of man. Because the Bible says, he was identified, he was numbered with the transgressors. We know that he was hungry. We know he got thirsty. We know he got tired.
10 우리는그분이우정의기쁨들을가지고계셨음을알고있습니다. 우리는사랑하는한죽은이의무덤에서그분이우셨음을압니다. 우리는그분이인간의모든특성들을다가지고계셨다는것을압니다. 하지만아주흥미롭게도그분은결코죄를짓지않으셨다고성경은말합니다. 우리모두는죄인들입니다. 그러나예수님은우리처럼모든점에서유혹을받으셨습니다. 그분은당신이지금까지겪었던모든유혹을겪으셨습니다. 주님께서당신보다앞서겪지않으신시련이나시험이나유혹은하나도없습니다. 그분은그것들을대적하셨고그것들모두를이겨내셨습니다. 그분은당신과똑같은사람이셨습니다. 하지만그분은그이상이셨습니다. We know that he had the joys of friendship. We know that he wept at the tomb of a dead loved one. We know that he had all the characteristics of a man. And yet very interestingly the Bible says that he never committed a sin. All of us are sinners. But Jesus was tempted in every point like us. He went through every temptation you ve ever been through. There isn t a trial or a testing or a temptation that Jesus has not been through before you. And He resisted them and overcame them all. He was a man just like you. But he was more than that. 그분은유일하고, 단하나낳은, 육신 을가진하나님의아들이심을주장하 셨습니다. He claimed to be the unique, only begotten, incarnate son of God.
11 사실, 그분은미리존재하심을주장하셨습니다. 태초에말씀이계셨고, 그말씀은하나님과함께계셨느니라. 고성경은말합니다. 시간이시작되기전에, 그분은존재하셨습니다. 그분은말씀하셨습니다, 아브라함이있기전에내가있느니라. 나는영원한존재안에있느니라. 그분은서서말씀하셨습니다, 나는하나님이니라 그러했습니까? 그분은그분이주장하셨던바로그어떤분이셨습니까? 살아계신하나님의아들? 어느날그분은자신의제자들에게물었습니다, 사람들이나를누구라고말하느냐? 베드로가답하여말했습니다, 그들중더러는당신이돌아온세례요한이라고하고혹은당신이예레미야라고혹은당신이엘리야라고말합니다. 그분은말씀하셨습니다, 나는사람들이말하는것에진정관심이없느니라. In fact, he claimed pre-existence. The Scripture says, "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God." Before time began, he existed. He said, "Before Abraham was, I am. I am in eternal existence." He stood and said, "I am God." Was he? Was he who that he claimed to be? The son of the living God? One day he asked his disciples, "Who the men say that I am?" And Peter answered and said, "Well, some of them say you are John the Baptist come back or you are Jeremiah or you are Elijah. He said, "I m really not interested in what the people say.
12 베드로야, 나는네가말하는것에관심이있단다, 너는뭐라고말하느냐? 베드로는말했습니다, 당신은그리스도시요, 살아계신하나님의아들이시니이다. 예수님은말씀하셨습니다, 베드로야, 참잘했구나. 너는네시험을통과했다. 하지만베드로야, 그것들은너의생각들이아니다. 그생각들은하나님으로부터온것이다. 그것은하나님에의해너에게드러내졌느니라. 예수그리스도는살아계신하나님의아들이라고주장하셨습니다. 음... 그분의성육신혹은그분의출생, 그것은그분의탄생이아니었습니다. 그것은시작이아니었습니다. 그것은예수님의기원이아니었습니다. 그것은시작이었습니다. 그것은그분의성육신의시작이었습니다. I am interested, Peter, in what you say." What do you say? Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God." And Jesus said, "Peter, you ve done well. You passed your examination. But Peter, those are not your thoughts. Those thoughts came from God. It has been revealed to you by God." Jesus Christ claimed to be the son of the living God. you know at his incarnation or his birth, that was not his birth or that wasn t the beginning. That wasn t the origin of Jesus. That was the beginning. That was the beginning of his incarnation.
13 왜냐하면그분은영원부터영원까지항상존재해오고계시기때문입니다. 그분은하나님이시라고성경은말합니다. 말씀이육신으로만들어져우리가운데거하셨습니다. 다른말로하자면, 로고스, 하나님의말씀, 영원하신하나님께서육신이되셨습니다. 그분은그저또다른혁명가가아니었습니다. 그분은그저또다른히피가아니었습니다. 그분은그저또다른위대한사람이아니었습니다. 그분은육신을입으신하나님이셨습니다. 성경은그분이내면을심판하신다고말합니다. Because he has always existed from everlasting to everlasting. He is God, the Bible says. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. In other words, the Logos, the word of God, the eternal God became flesh. He wasn t just another revolutionary. He wasn t just another hippy. He was not just another great man. He was God in the flesh. The Scripture says that he judges the inside. 예수님께서는 마음으로부터악한생각들과, 살인, 간음, 도적질, 신성모독들이나오느니라 고말씀하셨습니다. 그분은말씀하셨습니다, 모세는십계명에서너희는간음하지말라고말하였다. Jesus said, "Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, and murders, and adulteries, and thefts, blasphemies. He said, "Moses said that in the Ten Commandments Thou shall not commit adultery.
14 그러나나는너희에게말하노니너희가정욕을품고여자를바라보기만해도너희는이미간음을저지른것이다. But I tell you that if you even look on a woman to lust after you ve already committed it." 그분은말씀하셨습니다, 너희는살인하지말라고모세는말하였다. 그러나나는너희에게말하노니만약이유없이네형제에대하여네마음속에미움을가지고있다면, 너는이 He said, "Moses said Thou shall not murder. But I tell you if you have hate in your heart against your brother without cause, you are already guilty." 미유죄인것이다. 세상의모든악은인간의마음으로부터나옵니다. 그것은변화되어져야만합니다. 그것이바로예수님께서 너는거듭나야만한다. 너는개종해야만한다. 너는새로운시작을해야만한다. 라고말씀하셨던이유입니다. 나는한가지알고있습니다. 그분은죄를사하셨습니다. 어떤선지자도지금까지그렇게한적이없습니다. 예수님께서직접죄를사하셨습니다. 나는그분이자연에대한권세를가지고계셨다는것을압니다. All the evil in the world comes from the human heart. That s got to be changed. And that s why Jesus said, "you must be born again." "You must be converted." "You must have a new beginning." I know one thing. He forgave sin. And no prophet ever did that. Jesus himself forgave sin. I know that he had authority over nature.
15 어느날밤그분은폭풍속에계셨습니다. 번개는번쩍거리고있었습니다. 천둥이우르릉거리고있었습니다. 바다는성나있었습니다. 바람은불고있었습니다. 제자들은두려웠습니다. 예수님은배안에서주무시고계셨습니다. 그분은배에서일어나셔서 조용히해라. 가만있어라 고말씀하셨습니다. 번개가번쩍거림을그쳤습니다. 그리고천둥이우르릉거림을그쳤습니다. 그리고비가내리기를멈추었습니다. 그리고바람이잠잠해졌습니다. 그리고바다가잠잠해졌습니다. 그리고자연이그분께복종했습니다. 그분은질병에대한권세를가지고계셨습니다. 예수님은장님을보게하셨습니다. 그분은귀머거리를듣게하셨습니다. 그분은벙어리를말하게하셨습니다. 그분은죽은자들을일으키셨습니다. One night he was in a storm. The lightning was flashing. The thunder was roaring. The sea was raging. The wind was blowing. The disciples were afraid. And Jesus was asleep in the boat. And he stood up in the boat and said, "Peace. Be still." The lightning quit its flashing. And the thunder quit its roaring. And the rain ceased to fall. And the wind quieted down. And the sea quieted down. And nature obeyed him. He had authority over disease. Jesus did make the blind see. He made the deaf hear. He made the dumb talk. He raised the dead.
16 그분은귀신들에대한권세를가지고계셨습니다. 예수님은몇번이고귀신들을대적하셨습니다. 그분은그것들을쫓아내실수있으셨습니다. 귀신들의힘에눌려정신이나갔던사람들이그들의제정신을회복하곤했습니다. 그럼그분께서죽으셨던죽음을보세요. 지금까지예수님처럼죽은사람이있었나요? 번개는번쩍거렸습니다. 천둥은우르릉거렸습니다. 땅은흔들리기시작했습니다. 심지어병사들조차이분은틀림없이하나님의아들이라고고백할정도였습니다. 그들은먼저그분의옷을벗겼습니다. He had authority over demons. Jesus confronted demons time after time. And he could cast them out. And people that were insane under the powers of demons would regain their sanity. And then look at the death he died. Did ever a man die like Jesus? The lightning flashed. And the thunder roared. And the earth began to shake. And even the soldiers confessed that this must be the son of God. They first took off his clothes. 그런다음그들은끝에강철발톱이나납발톱이달린긴가죽끈을집어들고그분이거의일어서실수없을때까지온등을때렸습니다. Then they took long leather thongs with steel pallets or lead pallets on the end and beat him across the back until he could hardly stand up.
17 그런다음그들은그분의이마에가시관을씌웠습니다. 그러자그분의얼굴에는피가흘렀습니다. 그리고그들은그분을비웃었습니다. 그리고그들은그분께침을뱉었습니다그리고그들은그분을조롱했습니다. 그분께서그십자가위에서돌아가실때그들은그분을못박았습니다. 그들은그분의손에못을박았습니다. 그분이뭐라고말씀하셨는지아십니까? Then they put a crown of thorns on his brow. And his face was bleeding. And they laughed at him. And they spit on him. And they mocked him. When he died on that cross, they nailed him. They put the nails in his hands. And you know what he said? 그들을용서하소서. "Forgive them. 그들은자신들이무슨짓을하는지알지못하나이다. 그들을용서하소서." 여러분은당신의손바닥에못을박고있는누군가를용서할수있겠습니까? 그분은꿈틀거리지않으셨습니다. 그분은고함치지않으셨습니다. 그분은비명지르지않으셨습니다. 그분은그저그것을받아들이셨습니다. They know not what they do. Forgive them." Could you forgive somebody that s putting nails in your hands? He didn t squirm. He didn t yell. He didn t scream. He just took it.
18 그리고말씀하셨습니다, 주님, 그들을용서하소서. 그들은자신들이무슨짓을하고있는지알지못하나이다. 그것이바로그분이그분시대의폭력에맞섰던방식입니다. And said, "Lord, forgive them. They don t know what they are doing." That s how he confronted the violence of his day. 그리고나서십자가위에서그분은말씀하셨습니다, 나의하나님, 어찌하여나를버리시나이까? 그런다음그분은고개를떨구시고 다이루었다 고말씀하셨습니다. 그분은무엇을의미하셨습니까? 그분은당신의구원계획이완료되었다는것을의미하셨습니다. And then on the cross he said, "My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" And then he dropped his head and said, "It s finished." What did he mean? He meant your plan of salvation was finished. 예수님께서당신의구원을위한하나님의계획을완료하셨기때문에하나님은지금당신의모든죄들을용서하실수있습니다. 하나님은마치당신이온우주안에단하나의사람인것처럼당신을바라보십니다. 그분은당신머리의머리카락까지다세어두십니다. 그분은당신, 당신만보십니다. God can now forgive you of all your sins because Jesus had finished God s plan for your salvation. God looks upon you as though you were the only person in the whole universe. He has the hairs of your head numbered. He sees you and you alone.
19 그십자가위에서, 예수님은당신을생각할능력이있었습니다. 그분은십자가위에남아있으실정도로당신을사랑하셨습니다. 그와같은그런사랑이지금까지있었나요? 만약여러분에게부활이없다면여러분에게는어떠한복음도없습니다. 예수그리스도는살아계십니다. 그분은여기계시지않습니다. 그분은일어나셨습니다. 그분은살아계십니다. 우리의삶속에는우리가많이생각하지않는다른요소가있습니다. 그것은믿음의요소입니다. And on that cross Jesus had the capacity to think of you. And he loved you enough to stay on the cross. Was there ever such love as that? If you don't have the resurrection, you don't have any gospel. Jesus Christ is alive. He is not here. He is risen. He is alive. There is another element in our lives we don t think much about. That s the element of faith. 당신은당신의아내가오늘아침당신의커피에독을넣지않았다는믿음을가져야합니다. 당신은그녀에대한믿음을가져야합니다. 그녀가그렇게하고싶었을지도모르지만, 그녀가하지않았다고. 당신은은행에대한믿음을가져야합니다. You have to have faith that your wife didn t put poison in your coffee this morning. You have to have faith in her. She might have felt like it, but she didn t. You have to have faith in the bank.
20 당신이수표를쓰고그것에서명할때, 당신은은행에돈을가지고있으며, 당신은은행이그것을지불할것이라는믿음을가져야합니다. When you write a check and sign it, you have money in the bank, you have to have a faith that the bank s gonna pay it. 당신이그의자에앉았을때, 제가장담컨대그것이당신을지탱할수있을지보려고당신은그것을집어들고조사하고당신의손들을그위에놓아보지않았을것입니다. 믿음으로, 당신은그저그위에앉았습니다. 당신은당신을지탱하지않을의자를사람들이만들지않을것이라는믿음이있습니다. 믿음! 믿음! 믿음! 모든것. 좋습니다. 바로그꼭같은믿음을집어서, 당신의주와구원자로써예수그리스도안에집어넣으십시오. 그러면당신은예수님이누구신지알게될것입니다. 당신은믿음으로그분을영접하십시오. 자여러분중몇몇은비웃을수있습니다. When you sat in that chair, I bet you didn t pick it up and examine it and put your hands on it to see if it would hold you. By faith, you just sat on it. You have faith that people wouldn t build a chair that wouldn t hold you. Faith! Faith! Faith! Everything. All right. Take the same faith, put it in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And you will know who Jesus is. You accept him by faith. Now some of you can ridicule.
21 여러분중몇몇은그분을거부할수있습니다. 어떤이들은그것을그저미루고 다음때까지나는기다릴거야 라고말할수있습니다. Some of you can reject him. Some can just put it off and say, I m gonna wait till another time. 또는여러분은그분을당신의주님이며당신의구원자이시며, 당신의주인이시며, 하나님의아들로그분을받아들일수있습니다. 그러면그분은당신의가슴속으로들어와당신의죄를용서하시고, 당신의삶을변화시키실것입니다. 하나님의아들. 당신은그분을영접하라고오늘요청받습니다. 실제로, 당신이천국에가려고한다면, 당신은그분을영접해야한다고성경은가르칩니다. 만약당신이당신의죄를용서받으려한다면, 당신은그분을영접해야합니다. 나는당신이오늘그것을하도록요청할것입니다. 나는당신이공개적으로그것을하도록요청할것입니다. Or you can accept him as your Lord and your Savior and your Master, and the son of God. And he will come into your heart and forgive your sin, and change your life. The son of God. And you are asked today to receive him. In fact, if you are going to go to heaven, the Bible teaches you have to receive him. If you are going to have your sins forgiven, you have to receive him. And I m going to ask you to do it today. And I m going to ask you to do it publicly.
22 그리고말씀하십시오, 나는내가슴 속에그리스도를원합니다. 나는그분께서내죄를용서해주시길원합니다. 나는그분께서내삶을변화시켜주시길원합니다. 나는그분을나의주와구세주로영 and say, "I want Christ in my heart." "I want him to forgive my sin." "I want him to change my life." "I receive him as my Lord and Savior." 접합니다. 라고 당신은신교도일지도모릅니다. 당신은카톨릭일지도모릅니다. 당신은유대인일지도모릅니다. 당신은동방정교회일지도모릅니다혹은당신은아무런종교도없을지도모릅니다. 그러나하나님께서오늘당신에게말씀하셨습니다. 당신은당신이그리스도를필요로한다는것을알고있습니다. 여러분오십시오. 바로지금확실히하십시오. 오늘이하나님과함께하는당신의마지막순간일지도모릅니다. You may be Protestant. You may be Catholic. You may be Jewish. You may be Orthodox or you may not have any religion. But God has spoken to you today. You know that you need Christ. You come. And make sure right now. This may be your last moment with God. 당신은이와같은또다른시간을결 코갖지못할지도모릅니다. 여러분오십시오. You may never have another hour like this. You come.
23 이제저는나온모든사람들이여러분의머리를숙이고잠시멈추기를요청하려합니다. 머리를숙이고이기도를큰소리로저를따라기도하십시오. 큰소리로기도하세요. 오! 하나님. 저는죄인입니다. 저의죄에대하여애통해하고있습니다. 저의죄로부터기꺼이돌이키겠습니다. 저는그리스도를구주로영접합니다. 저는그분을주님으로고백합니다. 지금이순간부터계속그분을따르고그분의교회와함께그분을섬기기원합니다. 그리스도의이름으로기도합니다, 아멘. Now I m going to ask everyone that has come to bow your head, stop a moment. Bow your head and pray this prayer out loud after me. Pray it out loud. Oh! God. I am a sinner. I m sorry for my sin. I m willing to turn from my sin. I receive Christ as Savior. I confess him as Lord. From this moment on, I want to follow him and serve him in the fellowship of his church. In Christ s name, Amen. I m going to ask / that we all bow our heads / in prayer. 나는요청하고자합니다 / 우리모두머리를숙일것을 / 기도시에 Every head bowed / and every eye closed. 모두머리를숙이시고 / 모두눈을감아주십시오 For many thousands of people / here today, 수천명의사람들에게 / 여기오늘 this will be an hour of decision. 이시간은결단의시간이될것입니다
24 And you will never be the same today. 여러분은오늘결코같지않을것입니다 Even if you refuse Christ, / You will never be the same. 심지어여러분이그리스도를거부한다할지라도, / 여러분이결코같지않을것입니다 Once you faced him, / once you heard the gospel 여러분이일단그분을대면했다면, / 여러분이일단복음을듣고 and rejected it, / you can never be the same. 그것을거절했다면, / 여러분은결코같을수가없습니다 When the rich young ruler rejected Christ, 부유한젊은통치자가그리스도를거부했을때, he turned away / grieved, / emotionally disturbed. 그는돌아섰습니다 / 몹시슬퍼하며, / 감정적으로불안한채 Because when you reject the claims of Christ, 왜냐하면여러분이그리스도의요구를거부할때 that s a very serious thing. 그것은아주심각한일이기때문입니다 It will be an hour of decision 그것은결단의시간이될것입니다 for many of you / who receive him today. 여러분중많은사람들에게 / 오늘그분을영접하는 Your life will never be the same. 여러분의삶은결코같지않을것입니다 So let s listen / carefully and reverently 그러니경청합시다 / 주의깊고경건하게 to the message of the word of God. 하나님의말씀의메시지를 Shall we pray? 기도하실까요?
25 Our Father, / we thank thee / for this love of God 우리아버지, / 우리는당신께감사드립니다 / 하나님의이사랑에 that reaches around the world / and engulfs all of mankind. 온세계에두루미치고 / 온인류를삼키는 Thou doest love / the Russians, the Chinese 당신은사랑하십니다 / 러시아인, 중국인을 as much as thou doest love / the British or the Americans or the African. 당신이사랑하시는것만큼 / 영국인, 미국인, 아프리카인을 Thou doest love the whole world. 당신은온세상을사랑하십니다 And Thou didst send thy son / to die / for the whole world. 당신은당신의아들을보내셨습니다 / 죽도록 / 온세상을위해 And we are all included / in thy redemption plan. 우리모두는포함되어있습니다 / 당신의구원계획에 And we thank thee / that at this hour of history, 우리는당신께감사드립니다 / 이역사적인시간에, we can stand / and proclaim good news / that God is love, 우리가서서 / 복음을선포할수있는것에대해 / 하나님은사랑이시며, and that God is willing to forgive. 하나님은기꺼이용서하신다는 We pray / that many this day will receive that message, 우리는기도합니다 / 오늘많은이들이그메시지를받아들이고, accept it, / and act on it, / and live by it. 그것을수용하고, / 그것에따라행동을하고, / 그것에의해살도록 For we ask it / in his name, Amen. 그것을간구함으로써 / 그분의이름으로, 아멘 Now today, / I want you to turn with me / to Luke s Gospel, 자오늘, / 저는여러분이저와함께펼치시길원합니다 / 누가복음
26 the eleventh chapter, / the eleventh chapter of Luke s Gospel, 11 장, / 누가복음 11 장 beginning with verse twenty nine. 29 절부터시작합니다 And when the people were gathered / thick together, 사람들이모였을때 / 서로빽빽하게 he began to say, / "This is an evil generation: 그분은말씀하기시작하셨습니다, / 이세대는악한세대이다 : they seek a sign; / and there shall no sign be given it, 그들은표적을구한다 ; / 아무표적도그것에게주어지지않을것이다, but the sign of Jonah the prophet. 선지자요나의표적외에는 For as Jonah was a sign unto Nineveh, 요나가니느웨에게표적이었던것같이 so shall also the Son of man be / to this generation." 인자도또한그러할것이기때문이다 / 이세대에게 " The queen of the south shall rise up / in the judgment 남방여왕이일어날것이다 / 심판때에 with the men of this generation, / and condemn them: 이세대사람들과함께, / 그들을정죄할것이다 : for she came / from the utmost parts of the earth 이는그녀가왔기때문이다 / 땅끝지역들로부터 to hear the wisdom of Solomon; / and, behold, 솔로몬의지혜를듣기위하여 ; / 그러면보아라, a greater than Solomon is here." 솔로몬보다더큰이가여기있다 The men of Nineveh shall rise up / in the judgment 니느웨사람들이일어날것이다 / 심판때에
27 with this generation, / and shall condemn it: 이세대와함께, / 그리고그것을정죄할것이다 : for they repented / at the preaching of Jonah; / and, behold, 이는그들이회개하였음이라 / 요나의설교를듣고 ; / 그러면보아라, a greater than Jonah is here." 요나보다더큰이가여기있다 " Now Ancient Israel wanted Jesus / to do something sensational, 자옛이스라엘사람들은예수님을원했습니다 / 뭔가센세이셔널한것을 to prove / that he was really the son of God. 증명하기위해 / 자신이정말로하나님의아들임을 But Jesus is saying / in this passage, 그러나예수님은말씀하시고계십니다 / 이구절에서, "You are seeking for a sign. " 너희는표적을구하고있다 All right. / I will give you a sign. 좋다 / 내가너희에게표적을주겠다 I am the sign." 내가그표적이다 " And Jesus was saying / that the people of Jonah s day 예수님은말씀하고계셨습니다 / 요나시대의사람들은 listened to the message of God / and repented. 하나님의메시지를듣고 / 회개하였다고 And they are going to rise up / at the judgment / as witnesses 그들은일어날것이라고 / 심판때 / 증인들로 against the people of Jesus day / that rejected him. 예수님시대의사람들에대해적대하는 / 그분을거부했던 He said / that the queen of the south 그분은말씀하셨다 / 남방의여왕이
28 recognized the wisdom of Solomon. 솔로몬의지혜를알아보았다고 But he said, / In me, / I have a greater wisdom 하지만그분은말씀하셨습니다, / 내안에 / 나는더큰지혜를가지고있다 than all the wisdom of Solomon. 솔로몬의모든지혜보다 He said, / "you are blind." 그분은말씀하셨습니다, / 너희는장님이다 "You cannot see the truth." 너희는진리를볼수없다 "You are deaf." 너희는귀머거리다 "And you cannot hear the truth." 너희는진리를볼수없다 He said, / "I am the truth." 그분은말씀하셨습니다, / 나는진리이다 "I am the light of the world." 나는세상의빛이다 "I am the sign." 나는표적이다 Now when you face Jesus, / what is your reaction? 자여러분이예수님을대면할때, / 당신의반응은무엇입니까? When you are confronted with Jesus Christ, 여러분이예수님과직면할때 what is your reaction? 여러분의반응은무엇입니까? The reaction of the scribes and the Pharisees/ was one of hostility. 서기관과바리새인의반응은 / 적대감중의하나였습니다
29 The people of Nineveh s day / were humbled and repented 니느웨시대의사람들은 / 겸비하여회개했습니다 when they faced and confronted God. 그들이하나님을대면하고직면했을때 And the question that we all ask today / is this question. 오늘우리모두가묻는질문은 / 이질문입니다 What think ye of Christ? " 여러분은그리스도에대해어떻게생각하십니까?" Who is he? " 그분은누구십니까?" Who is this Jesus? " 이예수님은누구십니까?" You remember that day/when Saul who was persecuting Christians 당신은그날을기억합니다 / 그리스도인들을박해하였던사울이 was on the road to Damascus. 다마스커스로가고있던 And the blinding light came / and he fell down. 눈부신빛이나타났고 / 그는쓰러졌습니다 And the first question he asked / was "Who art thou, Lord?" 그가했던첫질문은 / " 주여, 당신은누구십니까?" 였습니다 Is he just a revolutionary hero? 그분은그저혁명적영웅입니까? Or is he something more? 아니면그분은뭔가그이상입니까? He only lived thirty three years. 그분은단 33 년만사셨습니다 He never traveled / more than a hundred miles. 그분은결코다녀보신적이없습니다 / 백마일이상을
30 He never had any formal education. 그분은결코어떠한정식교육도받으신적이없습니다 And yet two thousand years later, / an entire generation 하지만 2천년후에, / 온통한세대가 is talking about Jesus Christ. 예수그리스도에관해얘기하고있습니다 Some say / that he was a mad man. 어떤사람들은말합니다 / 그분이미치광이였다고 Some of the people of his day said / he was mad. 그분시대사람들중몇몇은말했습니다 / 그분은미쳤다고 There were others / that said / he was a revolutionary. 다른사람들이있었습니다 / 말했던 / 그분은혁명가였다고 He came to lead a revolution. 그분은혁명을주도하러오셨다고 Was he a revolutionary? 그분이혁명가였습니까? In the sense that he changed men s lives, / he was. 그분이사람들의인생을변화시켰다는점에서 / 그분은그랬습니다 But he never led a revolution / against Rome. 하지만그분은결코혁명을주도하지않으셨습니다 / 로마에대항하는 He never led a revolution / against the existing authorities. 그분은결코혁명을주도하지않으셨습니다 / 기존의권위에대항하는 He s building another kingdom. 그분은다른왕국을건설하고계셨습니다 He s building an eternal kingdom. 그분은영원한왕국을건설하고계셨습니다 And then / there are some people 그다음 / 사람들이있었습니다
31 that say / that he was the first hippy. 말하는 / 그분이최초의히피였다고 They said / he had long hair, 그들은말했습니다 / 그분은머리가기셨고 went around / with his disciples / in a commune. 돌아다니셨다고 / 그의제자들과 / 공동체를이루어 You know actually / we don t know / what he looked like. 사실여러분도아시다시피 / 우리는모릅니다 / 그분이어떻게생겼었는지 We don t know / whether he had long beard or not. 우리는모릅니다 / 그분이긴턱수염을가지고있었는지아닌지 Those are just pictures / that artist painted. 그것들은그저그림들일뿐입니다 / 화가들이그려놓은 We think / he did. 우리는생각합니다 / 그분이그랬을것이라고 We don t know / whether he had long hair or not. 우리는모릅니다 / 그분이긴머리를하고있었는지아닌지 He probably did 그분은아마도그랬을것입니다 because the people of that day, / that was the style. 왜냐하면그당시의사람들은, / 그것이스타일이었기때문입니다 But we don t know. 하지만우리는알수없습니다 We don t have a picture of Jesus. 우리는예수님의사진이없습니다 And God did that / purposely 그리고하나님은그렇게하셨습니다 / 의도적으로 so that we would not be worshiping an image. 우리가모습을경배하지않도록
32 Because God is a spirit / and must be worshiped / in spirit. 왜냐하면하나님은영이시며 / 경배받으셔야하기때문입니다 / 영적으로 And then there were people / that said 사람들이있었습니다 / 말하는 that he was deliberately evil, 그분은의도적으로악했다고, that he was an evil man, 그분은악인이었다고, that he was a devil. 그분은악마였다고 What was he? 그분은뭐하는사람이었습니까? That s the question. 그것이의문입니다 Jesus Christ. / Who are you? 예수그리스도시여, / 당신은누구십니까? Who is Jesus? 예수님은누구십니까? We can t escape him. 우리는그분에게서벗어날수없습니다 We try to run from him. 우리는그분에게서도망가려고애씁니다 But there he is. 하지만그분은거기계십니다 He keeps popping up / everywhere. 그분은계속불쑥불쑥나타십니다 / 사방에서 Our greatest philosophers write / about him. 우리의가장위대한철학자들이씁니다 / 그분에관하여
33 Our greatest historians write / about him. 우리의가장위대한역사학자들이씁니다 / 그분에관하여 Our greatest poems and plays / are about him. 우리의가장위대한시들과연극들은 / 그분에관한것입니다. Our greatest architectures / are about him. 우리의가장위대한건축물들은 / 그분에관한것입니다 Well, we know some things / about him. 우리는몇가지는알고있습니다 / 그분에관하여 We know / he was a man. 우리는알고있습니다 / 그분이남자였다는것을 Jesus was completely human. 예수님은온전히인간이셨습니다 He was a representative of man. 그분은인간의대표셨습니다 Because the Bible says, / he was identified, 왜냐하면성경은말하고있기때문입니다 / 그분은동일시되며 he was numbered / with the transgressors. 그분은계수되었다고 / 죄인들과 We know / he got thirsty. 우리는압니다 / 그분이배고프셨다는것을 We know / he got tired. 우리는압니다 / 그분이피곤해지셨음을 We know / that he had the joys of friendship. 우리는압니다 / 그분이우정의기쁨들을가지고계셨음을 We know / that he wept / at the tomb of a dead loved one. 우리는압니다 / 그분이우셨음을 / 사랑하는한죽은이의무덤에서 We know / that he had all the characteristics of a man. 우리는압니다 / 그분이인간의모든특성들을다가지고계셨다는것을
34 And yet very interestingly / the Bible says 하지만아주흥미롭게도 / 성경은말합니다 that he never committed a sin. 그분은결코죄를짓지않으셨다고 All of us are sinners. 우리모두는죄인들입니다 But Jesus was tempted / in every point / like us. 그러나예수님은유혹을받으셨습니다 / 모든점에서 / 우리처럼 He went through every temptation 그분은모든유혹을겪으셨습니다 you ve ever been through. 당신이지금까지겪었던 There isn t a trial or a testing or a temptation 시련이나시험이나유혹은하나도없습니다 that Jesus has not been through / before you. 예수님이겪지않으신 / 당신보다앞서 And He resisted them / and overcame them all. 그분께서는그것들을대적하셨고 / 그것들모두를이겨내셨습니다 He was a man / just like you. 그분은사람이셨습니다 / 당신과똑같은 But he was more than that. 하지만그분은그이상이셨습니다 He claimed / to be the unique, / only begotten, / incarnate son of God. 그분은주장하셨습니다 / 유일하고, / 단하나낳은, / 육신을가지신하나님의아들이심을 In fact, / he claimed pre-existence. 사실, / 그분은미리존재하심을주장하셨습니다 The Scripture says, / In the beginning / was the word, 성경은말합니다, / " 태초에 / 말씀이계셨다 and the word was with God. 그말씀은하나님과함께계셨느니라 "
35 Before time began, / he existed. 시간이시작되기전에, / 그분은존재하셨습니다 He said, / Before Abraham was, / I am. 그분은말씀하셨습니다, / " 아브라함이있기전에, / 내가있느니라 I am in eternal existence. 나는영원한존재안에있느니라 " He stood / and said, / I am God. 그분은서서 / 말씀하셨습니다, / " 나는하나님이니라 " Was he? / Was he who / that he claimed to be? 그러했습니까? / 바로그분입니까? / 그분이주장하셨던 The son of the living God? 살아계신하나님의아들? One day / he asked his disciples, 어느날 / 그분은자신의제자들에게물었습니다 Who the men say / that I am? 사람들이누구라고말하느냐 / 나를? And Peter answered / and said, / "Well, some of them say 베드로가답하여 / 말했다, / " 그들중더러는말합니다 you are John the Baptist / come back 당신이세례요한이라고 / 돌아온 or you are Jeremiah / or you are Elijah. 혹은당신이예레미야라고 / 혹은당신이엘리야라고 He said, / I m really not interested / in what the people say. 그분은말씀하셨습니다, / " 나는진정관심이없느니라 / 사람들이말하는것에 I am interested, Peter, / in what you say. 나는관심이있단다, 베드로야 / 네가말하는것에 What do you say? 너는뭐라고말하느냐?
36 Peter said, /"Thou art the Christ, / the son of the living God." 베드로는말했습니다, / " 당신은그리스도시요, / 살아계신하나님의아들이시니이다 " And Jesus said, / Peter, you ve done well. 예수님께서말씀하셨습니다, / 베드로야, 너는참잘했구나 You passed your examination. 너는네시험을통과했다 but Peter, / those are not your thoughts. 하지만베드로야, / 그것들은너의생각들이아니다 Those thoughts came / from God. 그생각들은온것이다 / 하나님으로부터 It has been revealed / to you / by God. 그것은드러내졌다 / 너에게 / 하나님에의해 Jesus Christ claimed / to be the son of the living God. 예수그리스도는주장하셨습니다 / 살아계신하나님의아들이라고 you know / at his incarnation / or his birth, 음 / 그분의성육신, / 그분의출생 that was not his birth. 그것은그분의탄생이아니었습니다 Or that wasn t the beginning. 혹은그것은시작이아니었습니다 That wasn t the origin of Jesus. 그것은예수님의기원이아니었습니다 That was the beginning. 그것은시작이었습니다 That was the beginning of his incarnation. 그것은그분의성육신의시작이었습니다 Because he has always existed 왜냐하면그분은항상존재해오고계시기때문입니다
37 from everlasting to everlasting. 영원부터영원까지 He is God, / the Bible says. 그는하나님이시라고 / 성경은말합니다 And the word was made flesh / and dwelt among us. 말씀이육신으로만들어져 / 우리가운데거하셨습니다 In other words, / the Logos, / the word of God, 다른말로하자면, / 로고스, / 하나님의말씀, the eternal God became flesh. 영원하신하나님께서육신이되셨습니다 He wasn t just another revolutionary. 그분은그저또다른혁명가가아니었습니다 He wasn t just another hippy. 그분은그저또다른히피가아니었습니다 He was not just another great man. 그분은그저또다른위대한사람이아니었습니다 He was God / in the flesh. 그분은하나님이셨습니다 / 육신을입으신 The Scripture says / that he judges the inside. 성경은말하고있습니다 / 그분은내면을심판하신다고 Jesus said, "Out of the heart / proceed / evil thoughts, 예수님은말씀하셨습니다, / " 마음으로부터 / 나온다 / 악한생각들과 and murders, and adulteries, and thefts, blasphemies. 살인, 간음, 도적질, 신성모독들이 He said, / "Moses said / that in the Ten Commandments 그분은말씀하셨습니다, / 모세는말하였다 / 십계명에서 Thou shall not commit adultery. 너희는간음하지말라고
38 But I tell you / that if you even look on a woman / to lust after 그러나나는너희에게말하노니 / 여자를바라보기만해도 / 정욕을품고 you ve already committed it." 너희는이미간음을저지른것이다." He said, / "Moses said / Thou shall not murder. 그분은말씀하셨습니다, / " 모세는말하였다 / 너희는간음하지말라고 But I tell you / If you have hate / in your heart 그러나나는너희에게말하노니 / 만약미움을가지고있다면 / 네마음속에 against your brother / without cause, 네형제에대하여 / 이유없이 you are already guilty." 너는이미유죄인것이다." All the evil in the world / comes from the human heart. 세상의모든악은 / 인간의마음으로부터나옵니다. That s got to be changed. 그것은변화되어져야만합니다. And that s why Jesus said, 그것이바로예수님께서말씀하셨던이유입니다 "you must be born again." " 너는거듭나야만한다." "You must be converted." " 너는개종해야만한다." "You must have a new beginning." " 너는새로운시작을해야만한다." I know one thing. 나는한가지를알고있습니다. He forgave sin. 그분은죄를사하셨습니다.
39 And no prophet ever did that. 어떤선지자도지금까지그렇게한적이없습니다. Jesus himself forgave sin. 예수님께서직접죄를사하셨습니다. I know / that he had authority / over nature. 나는압니다 / 그분이권세를가지셨다는것을 / 자연에대한 One night / he was in a storm. 어느날밤 / 그분은폭풍속에계셨습니다. The lightning was flashing. 번개는번쩍이고있었습니다. The thunder was roaring. 천둥이우르릉거리고있었습니다. The sea was raging. 바다는성나있었습니다. The wind was blowing. 바람은불고있었습니다. The disciples were afraid. 제자들은두려웠습니다. And Jesus was asleep / in the boat. 예수님은주무시고계셨습니다 / 배에서. And he stood up / in the boat 그분은일어나셔서 / 배에서 and said, / "Peace. / Be still." 말씀하셨습니다, / " 조용히해라. / 가만있어라." 고 The lightning quit its flashing. 번개가번쩍거림을그쳤습니다. And the thunder quit its roaring. 그리고천둥이우르릉거림을그쳤습니다.
40 And the rain ceased to fall. 그리고비가내리기를멈추었습니다. And the wind quieted down. 그리고바람이잠잠해졌습니다. And the sea quieted down. 그리고바다가잠잠해졌습니다. And nature obeyed him. 그리고자연이그분께복종했습니다. He had authority / over disease. 그분은권세를가지고계셨습니다 / 질병에대한 Jesus did make the blind see. 예수님은장님을보게하셨습니다. He made the deaf hear. 그분은귀머거리를듣게하셨습니다 He made the dumb talk. 그분은벙어리를말하게하셨습니다 He raised the dead. 그분은죽은자들을일으키셨습니다. He had authority / over demons. 그분은권세를가지셨습니다 / 귀신들에대한 Jesus confronted demons / time after time. 예수님은귀신들을대적하셨습니다 / 몇번이고 And he could cast them out. 그분은그것들을쫓아내실수있으셨습니다. And people that were insane / under the powers of demons 정신이나갔던사람들이 / 귀신의힘에눌려 would regain their sanity. 그들의제정신을회복하곤했습니다.
41 And then look at the death / he died. 그럼죽음을보세요 / 그분께서죽으셨던 Did ever a man die / like Jesus? 지금까지죽은사람이있었나요 / 예수님처럼? The lightning flashed. 번개는번쩍거렸습니다. And the thunder roared. 천둥은우르릉거렸습니다. And the earth began to shake. 땅은흔들리기시작했습니다. And even the soldiers confessed 심지어병사들조차도고백했습니다 that this must be the son of God. 이분은틀림없이하나님의아들이라고 They first took off his clothes. 그들은먼저그분의옷을벗겼습니다. Then they took long leather thongs 그런다음그들은긴가죽끈을집어들고 with steel pallets / or lead pallets / on the end 강철발톱이나 / 납발톱이달린 / 끝에 and beat him / across the back / until he could hardly stand up. 때렸습니다 / 온등을 / 그분이거의일어서실수없을때까지 Then / they put a crown of thorns / on his brow. 그런다음 / 그들은가시관을씌웠습니다 / 그분의이마위에 And his face was bleeding. 그러자그분의얼굴에는피가흘렀습니다. And they laughed at him. 그들은그분을비웃었습니다.
42 And they spit on him. 그들은그분께침을뱉었습니다. And they mocked him. 그들은그분을조롱했습니다. When he died / on that cross, / they nailed him. 그분이돌아가실때 / 그십자가위에서, / 그들은그분을못박았습니다. They put the nails / in his hands. 그들은못을박았습니다 / 그분의손에 And you know / what he said? 당신이아십니까 / 그분이뭐라고말씀하셨는지? "Forgive them. " 그들을용서하소서. They know not / what they do. 그들은알지못하나이다 / 자신들이무슨짓을하는지 Forgive them." 그들을용서하소서." Could you forgive somebody / that s putting nails / in your hands? 여러분은용서할수있겠습니까 / 못을박는 / 당신의손에? He didn t squirm. 그분은꿈틀거리지않으셨습니다. He didn t yell. 그분은고함치지않으셨습니다. He didn t scream. 그분은비명지르지않으셨습니다. He just took it. 그분은그저그것을받아들이셨습니다. And said, / "Lord, forgive them. 그리고말씀하셨습니다, / " 주님, 그들을용서하소서.
43 They don t know / what they are doing." 그들은알지못하나이다 / 자신들이무슨짓을하고있는지 " That s how he confronted / the violence of his day. 그것이그분이맞섰던방식입니다 / 그분시대의폭력에 And then on the cross 그십자가위에서 He said, / "My God, / why hast thou forsaken me?" 그분은말씀하셨습니다, / " 나의하나님, / 왜나를버리시나이까?" And then / he dropped his head / and said, / "It s finished." 그런다음 / 그분은그분의고개를떨구시고 / 말씀하셨습니다, / " 다이루었다 " 고 What did he mean? 그분은무엇을의미하셨습니까? He meant / your plan of salvation was finished. 그분은의미하셨습니다 / 당신의구원계획이완료되었다는것을 God can now forgive you / of all your sins 하나님은지금당신을용서하실수있습니다 / 당신의모든죄를 because Jesus had finished God s plan / for your salvation. 왜냐하면예수님께서하나님의계획을완료하셨기때문입니다 / 당신의구원에대한 God looks upon you 하나님은당신을바라보십니다 as though you were the only person / in the whole universe. 당신이단하나의사람인것처럼 / 온우주안에 He has the hairs of your head numbered. 그분은당신머리의머리카락까지다세어두십니다. He sees you / and you alone. 그분은당신을바라보십니다 / 당신만 And on that cross / Jesus had the capacity / to think of you. 그십자가위해서 / 예수님은능력이있으셨습니다 / 당신을생각할
44 And he loved you / enough to stay on the cross. 그분은당신을사랑하셨습니다 / 십자가위에서남아있으실정도로 Was there ever such love / as that? 그런사랑이지금까지있었나요 / 그와같은 If you don't have the resurrection, 만약여러분에게부활이없다면 you don't have any gospel. 여러분에게는어떠한복음도없습니다. Jesus Christ is alive. 예수그리스도는살아계십니다. He is not here. 그분은여기계시지않습니다. He is risen. 그분은일어나셨습니다. He is alive. 그분은살아계십니다. There is another element / in our lives 다른요소가있습니다 / 우리의삶속에는 we don t think much about. 우리가많이생각하지않는 That s the element of faith. 그것은믿음의요소입니다 You have to have faith / that your wife didn t put poison 당신은믿음을가져야합니다 / 당신의아내가독을넣지않았다는
45 in your coffee / this morning. 당신의커피에 / 오늘아침에 You have to have faith / in her. 당신은믿음을가져야합니다 / 그녀에대한 She might have felt like it, 그녀는그렇게하고싶었을지모르지만 but she didn t. 그녀가하지않았다고 You have to have faith / in the bank. 당신은믿음을가져야합니다 / 은행에대해 When you write a check / and sign it, 당신이수표를쓰고 / 그것에서명할때, you have money / in the bank, 당신은돈을가지고있으며 / 은행에, you have to have a faith 당신은믿음을가져야합니다 that the bank s gonna pay it. 은행이그것을지불할것이라는것을 When you sat / in that chair, 당신이앉았을때 / 그의자에 I bet / you didn t pick it up / and examine it 장담컨대 / 당신은그것을집어들고 / 그것을조사하고 and put your hands / on it 당신의손들을놓아보지않았을것입니다 / 그위에 to see / if it would hold you. 보려고 / 그것이당신을지탱할수있을지
46 By faith, / you just sat / on it. 믿음으로 / 당신은그저앉았습니다 / 그위에 You have faith 당신은믿음이있습니다 that people wouldn t build a chair 사람들이의자를만들지않았을것이라는 that wouldn t hold you. 당신을지탱하지않을 Faith! / Faith! / Faith! 믿음 / 믿음 / 믿음 Everything. 모든것 Everything we do / is by faith. 우리가하는모든것이 / 믿음에의한것입니다 All right. / Take the same faith, 좋습니다 / 바로꼭같은믿음을집어서 put it / in Jesus Christ / as your Lord and Savior. 그것을넣으십시오 / 예수그리스도안에 / 당신의주와구원자로써 And you will know / who Jesus is. 그러면당신은알게될것입니다 / 예수님이누구신지 You accept him / by faith. 당신은그분을영접하십시오 / 믿음으로 Now some of you can ridicule. 자여러분중몇몇은비웃을수있습니다 Some of you can reject him. 여러분중몇몇은그분을거부할수있습니다
47 Some can just put it off 어떤이들은그저그것을미루고 and say, / "I m gonna wait / till another time." 말할수있습니다, /" 나는기다릴거야 / 다음때까지 " 라고 Or you can accept him / as your Lord / and your Savior 또는여러분은그분을받아들일수있습니다 / 당신의주님, / 당신의구원자 and your Master, / and the son of God. 당신의주인, / 하나님의아들로 And he will come / into your heart 그러면그분은들어올것입니다 / 당신의마음속으로 and forgive your sin, 그리고당신의죄를용서하시고 and change your life. 당신의삶을변화시킬것입니다 The son of God. 하나님의아들 And you are asked / today / to receive him. 당신은오늘요청받습니다 / 오늘 / 그분을영접하라고 In fact, / if you are going to go / to heaven, 실제로, / 당신이가려고한다면 / 천국에 the Bible teaches / you have to receive him. 성경은가르칩니다 / 당신은그분을영접해야한다고 If you are going to have your sins forgiven, 만약당신이당신의죄를용서받으려고한다면 you have to receive him. 당신은그분을영접해야합니다
48 And I m going to ask you / to do it / today. 나는당신에게요청할것입니다 / 그것을하도록 / 오늘 And I m going to ask you / to do it / publicly. 나는당신에게요청할것입니다 / 그것을하도록 / 공개적으로 and say, / "I want Christ / in my heart." 그리고말씀하십시오, / " 나는그리스도를원합니다 / 내가슴속에 " "I want him to forgive my sin." " 나는그분께서나의죄를용서해주시길원합니다." I want him to change my life. 나는그분께서나의삶을변화시켜주시길원합니다 I receive him / as my Lord and Savior. 나는그분을영접합니다 / 나의주님과구세주로 You may be Protestant. 당신은신교도일지도모릅니다. You may be Catholic. 당신은카톨릭일지도모릅니다 You may be Jewish. 당신은유대인일지도모릅니다. You may be Orthodox 당신은동방정교회일지모릅니다 or you may not have any religion. 혹은당신은아무런종교도없을지도모릅니다. But God has spoken to you / today. 그러나하나님께서당신에게말씀하셨습니다 / 오늘
49 You know / that you need Christ. 당신은알고있습니다 / 당신이그리스도를필요로하다는것을 You come. 여러분오십시오. And make sure / right now. 확실히하십시오 / 바로지금 This may be your last moment / with God. 오늘이당신의마지막순간일지모릅니다 / 하나님과함께하는 You may never have another hour / like this. 당신은또다른시간을결코갖지못할지도모릅니다 / 이와같은 You come. 여러분오십시오. Now I m going to ask / everyone that has come 이제저는요청하려고합니다 / 나온모든사람들에게 to bow your head, / stop a moment. 여러분의머리를숙이고 / 잠시멈추기를 Bow your head / and pray this prayer / out loud / after me. 여러분의머리를숙이고 / 이기도를하세요 / 큰소리로 / 저를따라 Pray it out loud. 큰소리로기도하세요 Oh! God. / I am a sinner. 오! 하나님 / 저는죄인입니다 I m sorry / for my sin. 저는애통하고있습니다 / 저의죄에대하여 I m willing to turn / from my sin. 저는기꺼이돌이키겠습니다 / 나의죄로부터
50 I receive Christ / as Savior. 나는그리스도를영접합니다 / 구세주로서 I confess him / as Lord. 나는그분을고백합니다 / 주님으로 From this moment on, 지금이순간부터계속 I want to follow him / and serve him 저는그분을따르고 / 그분을섬기기원합니다 in the fellowship of his church. 그분의교회의교제속에서 In Christ s name, Amen. 예수그리스도의이름으로기도합니다, 아멘.
51 Jen's CCM English 제 81 강 "O Come, All Ye Faithful " O come, / all ye faithful, 오, 오라 / 너희모든신실한자들아 joyful and triumphant 기쁨과승리에찬 O come ye, / O come ye / to Bethlehem 오, 모두오라 / 오, 모두오라 / 베들레헴으로 Come / and behold Him 와서 / 그분을바라보라 born the King of angels 탄생하신천사들의왕을 O come, / let us adore Him 오, 오라 / 그분을경배하세 O come, / let us adore Him 오, 오라 / 그분을경배하세 O come, / let us adore Him 오, 오라 / 그분을경배하세 Christ the Lord 그리스도주를 Sing, / choirs of angels 찬양하라 / 천사들의합창단이여
52 sing, / in exaltation 찬양하라 / 기쁨으로 Oh sing, 오, 찬양하라 all ye citizens of heaven above 너희위에있는천국의모든시민들이여 Glory to God, / all glory / in the highest 하나님께영광을, / 모든영광을 / 가장높은곳에 O come, / let us adore Him 오, 오라 / 그분을경배하세 O come, / let us adore Him 오, 오라 / 그분을경배하세 O come, / let us adore Him 오, 오라 / 그분을경배하세 Christ the Lord 그리스도주를
What is the judgement like
영어로복음전하기제 73 강 "The Image of Christ" By Revd. Billy Graham 태초에말씀이계셨고, 그말씀은하나님과함께계셨느니라. 고성경은말합니다. 시간이시작되기전에, 그분은존재하셨습니다. 그분은말씀하셨습니다, 아브라함이있기전에내가있느니라. 나는영원한존재안에있느니라. 그분은서서말씀하셨습니다, 나는하나님이니라 그러했습니까? 그분은그분이주장하셨던바로그어떤분이셨습니까?
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새벽이슬 2 0 1 3 a u g u s t 내가 이스라엘에게 이슬과 같으리니 그가 백합화같이 피 겠고 레바논 백향목같이 뿌리가 박힐것이라. Vol 5 Number 3 호세아 14:5 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한
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오늘의말씀 Scripture reading 고전 15:1-11 1 Cor. 15:1-11 고전 15:1-11 1 Cor. 15:1-11 1 형제자매여러분, 내가여러분에게전한복음을일깨워드립니다. 여러분은그복음을전해받았으며, 또한그안에서있습니다. 1 Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to
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Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
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1 ( 1:1) (Introduction to the Song of Solomon) Page 1 I. A.,, ( ). B. 900, ( ), 8 ( ) ( 11:3-4). C.. 1-4, 5-8. 1. 4,, ( ),,. 2. 4, ( ).,. ( 12:30). ( : 4:16-5:1). D. 8. 8. 8 : ( 1:8), ( 1:12-2:6), ( 2:8-9),
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