효과적인도시시설물관리를위한 BIM 기반참조모델개발 시스템이개발할필요가있다. 본연구는이와같은필요성을바탕으로 BIM기반도시시설물관리시스템을효과적으로개발하는데지침과참조가될수있는 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델을제안한다. 2. 연구방법 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델을개발하기위해
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1 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 15, No. 3 pp , ISSN / eissn 효과적인도시시설물관리를위한 BIM 기반참조모델개발 강태욱 1, 윤준희 1, 김장욱 2, 최현상 1* 1 한국건설기술연구원, 2 웨이버스기술연구소 A Study on BIM-based Reference Model for Effective Tae-Wook Kang 1, Jun-Hee Youn 1, Jang-Wook Kim 2 and Hyun-Sang Choi 1* 1 Korea Institute of Construction Technology, 2 Wavus 요약본연구의목적은 BIM기반도시시설물관리시스템을효과적으로개발하는데지침이될수있는참조모델을제안하는것이다. 도시시설물관리의목적은건설된도시시설물이제기능을유지하기위해점검을통해이용자편의와안정을도모하는것이다. 최근효율적인시설물관리를위해 BIM기술이접목되고있다. 도시시설물관리시 BIM을고려한참조모델개발을위해먼저이와관련한연구및개발동향을조사해분석한다. 이를통해참조모델프레임웍구성요소와프로세스요소를도출한후 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델을제안한다. Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest BIM-based Reference Model(RM) for (UFM) System development efficiently. The urban facility management s objective is to take the user convenience and safety from checking the facility to maintain it s function. Recently, to manage the facilities effectively, the BIM technology is being applied to it. In this study, the research trend related to the UFM system is surveyed and analyzed to develop the BIM-based UFM RM. After developing the RM component and process, the BIM-based UFM RM is proposed. Key Words : BIM,,, Reference Model 1. 서론 도시시설물관리의주된목적은건설된시설물이제기능을유지하기위하여점검을통해사전에유해요인을제거하고, 손상된부분을원상복구하여시설물의상태를유지함과동시에경과시간에따라요구되는시설물의개량과추가시설을용이하게함으로써이용자의편의와안정을도모하기위함이다. 이러한목적에맞추어시설물관리시스템도발전해가고있으며기존의단순시설물관리에서벗어나주변상황및시대에맞는관리방법도입으로유지보수시간의단축, 비용절감, 인원의최소화 를이룰수있는형태로발전하고있다. 현재까지진화된도시시설물관리시스템은 GIS(Geographic Information System) 과 USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network) 을기반으로하고있다. USN은소 / 중형의센서를이용하여효율적으로시설물에대한정보를수집하고유지보수함으로써공공시설물의노후및이상으로인한사고를미연에방지할수있다. 최근들어서는 GIS와 USN기반도시시설물관리시스템에 BIM(Building Information Modeling) 을접목하려는시도가진행되고있다. 하지만, BIM은아직시설물관리산업에서는초기단계의기술이므로이기술을접목할때는시행착오를줄이는방향으로도시시설물관리 본연구는한국건설기술연구원 2014년주요사업 (BIM/GIS 플랫폼기반건설공간정보통합운영기술개발 ) 의연구비지원에의해수행되었음. * Corresponding Author : Hyun-Sang Choi(Korea Institute of Construction Technology) Tel: hyunsang@kict.re.kr Received January 27, 2014 Revised February 25, 2014 Accepted March 6,
2 효과적인도시시설물관리를위한 BIM 기반참조모델개발 시스템이개발할필요가있다. 본연구는이와같은필요성을바탕으로 BIM기반도시시설물관리시스템을효과적으로개발하는데지침과참조가될수있는 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델을제안한다. 2. 연구방법 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델을개발하기위해도시관리시스템프레임워크관련연구동향을분석하고지자체에서활용되고있는도시정보관리시스템을분석해 BIM기반 UFM의요구사항을조사한다. BIM 기반도시관리시스템실행시예상되는요구사항을분석하여시스템구성요소와프로세스를도출하고바탕으로참조모델에대한프레임웍을설계한다. 본연구의흐름은다음그림과같다. (UFM) System Research Trend Survey BIM-based UFM Requirement Survey BIM-based UFM Reference Model Component Development 터모니터링시 BIM을활용하고자노력하였으나, 실질적으로 BIM의정보를 GIS 및 USN와연계하는방안에대한제시가없었으며가능성에대해서만언급되어있다. 건물시설물관리관점에서 GIS기반 BIM 형상객체표현에관한연구가있었다 [2]. 이연구에서는도시시설물관리를위해 GIS에 BIM형상모델을연계하는방식에대해기술하고있다. 하지만, 도시시설물관리기능을포함한전체에대한참조모델이제시되지는않았다. 해외의경우 GIS, BIM 을 3D 도시모델서비스를위한관점에서통합하는것에대한연구가있었다 [3]. 이연구에서는 IFC에서 CityGML로변환해 CityGML 뷰어에 IFC의속성정보와형상정보를표현하는방법에대해제안하고있다. Jae wook[4] 은도시시설물관리시비상상황이발생하였을경우실시간으로관련정보를취득해분석할수있는방안을제안하고있다. 이연구에서는 USN을이용해상황인식모듈을이용한실시간공지방식을구현하고있다. Martin[5] 은가상도시모델프레임웍개발에대한연구를하였으며, 증강현실기술을통해도시시설물을가상으로표현하는프레임웍에대한연구를진행하였다. 해외관련연구는대부분도시시설물관리중 3D가시화나 IFC를 CityGML로변환하는등의특정기술에대한구현에치중하고있으며도시시설물관리차원에서전체적인프레임웍을포함한참조모델을제시하고있지는않다. 본연구에서는효과적인 BIM기반도시시설물관리를위한참조모델을제안한다. BIM-based UFM Process Development Conclusion and Suggestion [Fig. 1] Research Flow 3. 연구동향조사 효과적인시설물관리시스템개발을위해서는설계단계에서다양한건설정보모델링도구를통해생성된건설정보모델이유지단계까지고려되어재활용될필요가있다. 이러한관점에서 BIM기술이최근도시시설물관리에접목되고있는상황이다. 국내의경우실시간도로환경정보를모니터링하기위해 USN과 BIM을접목하기위한연구가있었다 [1]. 이연구에서는기존 GIS와 USN을기반으로한시설물데이 4. 스마트도시시설물관리시스템요구사항조사및분석 4.1 개요 본장에서는 BIM기반스마트도시시설물관리시스템의참조모델을개발하기위한요구사항을조사한다. 이를위해현재지자체에서개발해사용되고있는 UIS 시스템, 현재효율적인도시시설물관리를위한시스템개발관점에서진행되고있는 BIM on GIS 시스템및관련요구사항을조사하여참조모델개발을위한공통요구사항을도출한다. 4.2 도시시설물관리요소분석도시에서관리를해야할시설물의종류는다음표와같이도로, 상수도, 하수도, 가스, 전기, 통신, 공동구, 송유관, 지역난방, 지하철, 기타시설등이다. 이러한시설물 1787
3 한국산학기술학회논문지제 15 권제 3 호, 2014 에서지자체에서직접적으로관리하는주요시설물은도로, 상수, 하수, 공동구이다. [Table 1] Facilities Category Ground Facilities Underground Facilities General Facilities Items Road, Crosswalk, Overpass, Tunnel, Bridge, Grade Facilities, Common Duct, Curb, Water Grate Inlet, Street light, Retain-wall, Noise Barrier, Roadside Barriers, Road Cut Slope, Green Buffer Zone, Bikeway, Crash cushions, Bus/Tax Facilities, Railway Facilities etc. Underpass, Underground passageways, Water-supply, Sewerage, Electrical Installations, Communication Installations, Gas Utility, Pipeline, Manhole, Electric Ditch etc. Public Building, Electric Facilities, Signboards, Park Facilities etc. 이중에서도로는도시에서관리해야할중요한시설물로써도심지의다른시설물에직접적인영향을미치는요소이다. Table 1에정의한도시시설물은객체로다음과같이 DBMS에일반화되어체계적으로저장될수있다. UFO = {GUID, T, S*, PSet} GUID = Globally unique identifier T = {N, R, PSet, RSet}, S = {UCS, E*} N = Name String R = {Derivation, Association, Dependency, Composition} PSet = {P*}, P = {N, D, V} D = Description, V = Property Value RSet = {R*}, R = {N, PT, RU} PT = {Integer, Real, String, List, Table} RU = Property Value Validation Rule UCS = User Coordination System E = Geometry Entity 여기서 * 기호는다음과같이동일한요소를반복적으로표현한다는의미이다. S* = {S, S, S,...} 도시시설물객체는 GIS와 BIM 데이터베이스에서효과적으로관리될수있는데도로, 상하수도및공원과같은선형및지형에기반한시설물은 GIS객체로관리하는것이효과적이며, 부피를가진 3D형상을기반으로시설물을관리해야하는경우 BIM 데이터베이스로관리 하는것이효과적이다. 4.3 현재도시시설물관리시스템분석 현재도시시설물관리시스템은다음표와같이대부분 GIS와 USN을기반으로연구및개발되어왔다. [Table 2] System Platform U-Eco City Integration Platform[6] U-Bridge Safety System[7] Description Objective The integration platform for Improving the developing the urban service quality as integrated operation center integrating which can manage the the existed facilities as controlling the urban service. central U-service. The service which can transfer the information such as the structure strain, Aged bridge stress etc to the facility maintenance for manager and connect it to the urban citizen the urban integrated control safety. center for U-City SOC facility management effectively. The moving route trace technology The intelligent integrated development with Intelligent control service based on 3D the intruder CCTV technology with the image behavior pattern Integrated analysis for operating the analysis and the [8] existed security works face recognition effectively. etc for the security. U-service to improve the The citizen satisfaction of citizen and p h y s i c a l support the urban landscape interactive Digital Artifact management by using i n t e r f a c e [9] media digital technology considering the such as LED, Sensor, urban recycling Sound etc. business. 하지만, 시설물유지관리에필요한속성정보는이미시설물설계시모델링된정보를재활용하지못하고데이터베이스구축사업을통해별도로개발해입력하고있는상황이다. 이러한이중작업의문제점을개선하고자시설안전공단은사회간접자본전체시설물을유지관리하는데 BIM을적용하기로계획하고있다. 4.4 도시시설물정보관리시스템요구사항 현재각도시및지자체에서개발해운영하고있는 UIS ( Information System) 을분석해보면다음과같은구조를가지고있다. 1788
4 효과적인도시시설물관리를위한 BIM 기반참조모델개발 Utility DB Road Water Gas Sewage Heat Electronic Communication Edit System Object Creation Edit Field Support UFM Application Smart Device GIS-based Integration USN [Fig. 2] UIS system architecture Local Government Integrated UIS Link Integrated UIS GIS Object DB Inquiry & system Search Statistics Analysis Operation USN Sensing 4.5 BIM on GIS 시스템요구사항최근도시시설물관리를위한새로운기술로 BIM과 GIS 상호운용플랫폼기술이연구되고있다 [10]. BIM/GIS 플랫폼기술은상호운용성을고려하기위해아래와같은핵심요구사항을고려한다. 1. 데이터통합쿼리기능 : BIM과 GIS객체에서사용자가필요한정보를통합적으로쿼리할수있어야함 2. 3D가시화기능 : 객체를신속하게렌더링하고검색할수있어야함 3. 플랫폼기능 : 플랫폼기반어플리케이션을개발할수있어야함 4. 세션관리 : 다중사용자가동시에이용할수있어야함 5. 데이터통합 : 이기종시스템간데이터교환이지원되어야함 도시시설물들은공간적인특성을기반으로분류하게되는데, Table 1과같이도시의지상과지하시설물로구분할수있으며이들시설물들은공간적인특성뿐만아니라기능적, 관리적측면에서도큰차이가있다. 먼저기능적인측면에서는, 도로, 건물, 교량등의지상시설물들이거주민의주된활동공간에서의역할을담당하는반면상수도, 전기선, 통신선등과같은지하시설물들은지상시설물들의정상적인기능수행을지원하는기반시설물로서활용된다. GIS 만의시스템일경우에는이미구축되어있거나구축되어질지형 / 도로 / 건물등의데이터를기초로시스템에맞게가공하여 DB에넣게된다. 하지만 BIM과의연계를위해서는상호운용성을확보하기위해 BIM 프로세스의일부분을고려하여 DB 구축시반영할필요가있다. 이와관련해 BIM을기반으로도시시설물객체를체계적으로관리하기위해서는건축모델의객체별분류체계를지원할필요가있다. 또한 BIM 기반시설물관리객체를 DB에생성하고편집할수있어야하기때문에 GIS와같은이기종시스템과절차적인결합및운용상의통합작업지침이필요하다. GIS, BIM, 그리고 FM( ) 데이터는통합되어관리되는것이수월하므로시스템의필요상황에맞게데이터의 LOD(Level Of Detail) 를조정하여데이터를생성하고유지보수데이터를관리하는방식이효과적이다. 이를바탕으로핵심컴포넌트를정리하면다음과같다. [Table 3] BIM,-GIS Core Component Function Effective 3D Visualization Description Extracting the light-weight model from IFC BIM file and linking the properties with it. Query Querying the needed data from BIM and GIS DBMS. Adaptive Supporting the adaptive LOD to rendering LOD (Level Of many objects related to the shape and the Detail) property data. Geographic IFC-CityGML Convert ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Various geo-information service based on GIS. Converting IFC to CityGML. Supporting the interoperability between the heterogeneous systems by using ETL concept. BIM/GIS 상호운용성은건설과정에서생산된건설도면정보를공간정보분야까지연계하여활용할수있도록사용자를지원해야한다. 이를통해 BIM의장점과 GIS 의장점을동시에활용할수있어차세대첨단시설물관리에서부터도시계획 / 관리, 소방방재등의공공분야에까지활용할수있으며위치기반의실내외 Seamless 공간정보서비스에기반한모바일앱등다양한분야에서도차세대서비스플랫폼으로활용할수있다. BIM/GIS 상호운용성을확보방안으로는 IFC와같은 1789
5 한국산학기술학회논문지제 15 권제 3 호, 2014 BIM 표준에근거한건설정보모델과 CityGML이나 IndoorGML 등과같은 3차원공간정보모델을상호연계할수있도록하여, 건설과정에서 BIM 정보로활용하고건설이후단계에서는 GIS 정보로활용할수있도록정보체계를융합할수있는프레임웍을개발할필요가있다. 4.6 BIM/GIS/FM 데이터통합요구사항 IFC 같은표준파일포맷은이기종솔루션에대한지원을하지않는반면 ETL과같은방식은이기종데이터교환을위한드라이버를제공하여보다더유연한데이터통합방법이될수있다. BIM-GIS 간의데이터연계방식에있어각분야의데이터포맷이존재하므로각각의객체생성시데이터를 GUID를부여하여서로연계할수있도록미리정의해놓도록해야한다. Fig. 3은이를표현한 BIM기반 FM 데이터통합데이터베이스개념도이다. BIM Objects DB Heterogeneous DB Source-1 Source-n Integrated FM base GUID Geometry #F02 Shapes GUID #F02 Properties base Connection Driver-1 base Connection Driver-1 Ex) Text File, Excel, MS-Access, Oracle, MS-SQL, HADOOP etc Extract Transform Load [Fig. 3] BIM-based FM Integrated base 4.7 도시시설물관리컴포넌트구성 도시시설물관리를위해서는센더데이터취득을포함해 Fig. 3에서생성된 BIM기반 FM 통합데이터베이스에서필요한정보를쿼리하고그정보를사용자에게시각화하며다양한응용목적에맞게활용할수있는기능을지원해야한다. 이를위해 Fig. 4와같이도시시설물관리를위한컴포넌트를개발할필요가있다. 최종사용자는 GIS 도면기반통합관리시스템을통해 GIS 데이터나센싱데이터를모니터링하며센서이상등의정보는메시지서비스를통해알람으로처리하고모든데이터가 DB 에저장되어이력으로관리되어야한다. 웹서비스는서버연결관리모듈을통해인증을하고웹서비스페이지와모바일서비스페이지를구분하여서비스를제공할수있도록해야한다. 미들웨어는 GIS 렌더링과공간연산을위한질의, 센싱데이터또는시설물의대장정보조회, 알람을위한메시지서비스등의미들웨어와센서들부터데이터를수신받는센서서버로구성된다. 데이터공급자는공간 DBMS와속성 DBMS의연결을위한역활을지원해야하며 BIM-GIS 플랫폼에서의데이터송수신을책임진다. End User System Web Middleware HW Provider Platform Raster Message Sensing Vector USER Profile Spatial Query Map Rendering Spatial Provider Spatial DBMS Connection Web/Mobile Sensor Windows/Linux Multi-Core Platform Message Provider DBMS [Fig. 4] Framework Component 5. BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델개발 5.1 참조모델의프레임웍개발고려사항프레임워크는어플리케이션의구조와틀을제공하는하부의구조이다. 시스템개발시특정문제해결을쉽게할수있는기능과절차를미리개발해놓아필요할때재활용할수있도록한것이다. 현재는많은프로젝트개발에서공통기능의구현에있어프레임워크를사용하는사례가증가하고있다. 프레임워크의사용은일관성있는개발방법으로인해불필요한인터페이스개발시간을줄이고향후프로그램의호환성을높여지속적인유지보수를가능하게하며개발사용자의수가늘어남에따라기능구현시타프로그램의참조가용이하게만들어준다. 도시시설물관리의참조모델프레임웍은아래표와 1790
6 효과적인도시시설물관리를위한 BIM 기반참조모델개발 같이정보수집, 정보통합 / 가공, 정보활용으로구분할수있다. [Table 4] Integrated Platform Framework Function Category UFM Aquisition UFM Integration / Modification UFM Operating Description Collecting the data related to the facility management information including BIM data to make a decision considering the context awareness. Executing the activities such as the transformation, integration from the collected data for UFM Offering the UFM service to users such as the damaged facility query, the UFM history data recording and reporting, UFM budget estimation etc. data 5.2 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델구성요소도출 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델은정보수집통합연계서비스를통해다양한도시정보를수집하고수집된정보를내부시스템과연계함으로서통합시설물관리에필요한서비스는물론분야별정보를융합한통합운영서비스가 Open API로제공되어야한다. Agency Field USN /CCTV FM Integrated Control Center Information Control Information Collation Integration Linkage Open Integrated Platform Context Processing DB Information Spatial FM System Drawing Information Maintenance Edit UFM DB Real-time Remote Monitoring FM Applications Energy Open API Interface Web Component (Security, Log, Session, Exception, Message) Query Engine 3D Visualization Adaptive LOD IFC-CityGML Converter Context Awareness Linkage Component (Neutral File Format, Converter, ETL) BIM on GIS system BIM-GIS integration BIM Model GIS Model GIS DB Real-time Context Indoor/Outdoor Navigation BIM DB [Fig. 5] BIM-based UFM Integration Framework Reference Model 또한, 도로및지하시설물은물론 BIM을통한건축물까지포함된종합적인도시시설물을통합하여관리하고센서, 현장데이터등시설물유지관리를위한데이터를수집하여도시시설물통합관제가가능하도록구성되어야한다. Open API로제공되는인터페이스는웹기반의표준인터페이스를준수하여모바일등다양한환경에서도동일한데이터가제공될수있다. 통합플랫폼구성에대한상세정의는다음과같다. [Table 5] Integrated Platform Reference Model Component FM Integrated Control Center (ICC) FM Application (UFMA) Open Integrated FM Platform Category Information Control (UIC) Real-time Remote Monitoring (RRM) Real-time Context (RCM) (UFM) Energy (UEM) Indoor/Outdoor Navigation (ION) Open API Interface Web Component Query Engine Adaptive LOD 3D Visualization Description Controling the Information for the facility management. FM data monitoring related to FM such as CCTV, Field data, USN data etc. management by using the context awareness. facility management application to support UIC. management application considering energy optimization. The navigation application for FM operating activities. The application program interface to support the UFMA's functions. The component which supports the Open API Interface. The query engine for searching the needed FM data which is similar to SQL(Structured Query Language). The LOD generation technology for the geometry and property representation performance about the large volume BIM and GIS objects. BIM and GIS 3D object representation function. 1791
7 한국산학기술학회논문지제 15 권제 3 호, 2014 FM System BIM on GIS System IFC-CityGML Converter Context Awareness BIM-GIS-FM Linkage Component Context Processing DB UFM Integrated DB Spatial DB Collection Integrated Linkage Information FM Reporting System FM Decision Supporting System(DSS) FM DB BIM-GIS integration BIM Model GIS Model GIS DB BIM DB The converting functions to represent the BIM objects on GIS. The function for operating FM activities considering the FM context effectively. The needed data integration function between BIM, GIS and FM. DB for managing the context awareness rule about FM. The integrated DB from BIM, GIS and FM. BIM and GIS spatial object such as the polyline, 3D solid DB. The linkage service to extract the data related to FM from the various sensor such as USN, CCTV, Field device etc. objects CRUD function support. reporting function to support the decision making. FM DSS function by using the data mining. base BIM-GIS integration function such as BIM-GIS coordination and topology mapping. BIM model management including the object(building, Wall, Slab, Door etc). GIS model management including the object(road, Sewage, Pipe, Site, Railway etc). GIS base BIM base 5.3 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델프로세스도출앞서분석한내용을바탕으로 BIM기반 UFM 참조모델의핵심프로세스를정의하면다음과같다. [Table 6] Integrated Platform Reference Model Process Process Description Actor Access control and Account FM Objects CRUD FM Work Activity FM Work Scope Report Query Report Generation FM History Query FM History Update FM Object Property Report Schema BIM-based FM Object Creation Spatial Information Searching FM Property Searching Maintenance Period Estimation FM Operating strategy Estimation Managing the access and account. FM Objects CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) process. FM work activities definition using WBS. the Scope definition related to FM work. Report query related to FM operation and management. Report file generation for FM. FM history data query about the facility maintenance. FM history data input and update such as the facility inspection etc. Object properties definition about the facilities. Report schama definition with color-code and report style. BIM-based facility object creation including the object type, relationships and properties. searching by using the spatial query such as the region selection. searching by using the property value. Estimating the facility maintenance period. FM Operating strategy to estimate maintenance period. User Engineer Subcontrac tor Subcont-ra ctor Engineer Owner Owner Asset Asset 1792
8 효과적인도시시설물관리를위한 BIM 기반참조모델개발 6. 결론 본연구는 BIM기반도시시설물관리시스템을효과적으로개발하는데지침이될수있는참조모델을제안하였다. 이를위해도시관리시스템프레임워크관련연구동향을분석한후, 지자체에서활용되고있는도시정보관리시스템을분석해 BIM기반 UFM의요구사항을조사하였다. BIM기반도시관리시스템실행시예상되는요구사항을분석하여시스템구성요소와프로세스를도출하고바탕으로참조모델에대한프레임웍을설계하였다. 제안된참조모델은아직은초기개발단계인 BIM기반도시시설물관리시스템개발이나공공차원의시설물관리시스템개발시효과적으로활용될수있다. 예를들어제안된 BIM기반 UFM 참조모델은도시시설물관리에 BIM기술을접목할때필요한핵심구성요소와기능, 그리고프로세스가무엇인지확인하고유사한시스템을개발할때참고를할수있으며, 이와관련된시행착오를줄이는데효과적으로활용될수있다. 향후연구계획은개발된 BIM기반도시시설물관리참조모델을바탕으로프로토타입을개발하고이를통한효과및실제활용시문제점을도출할계획이다. References [1] J. A. Kang, T. H. Kim, H. N. Bae, J. Y. Na, C. H. Hong, An USN "Test Bed Construction for Real Time Monitoring of Road Environment Information", Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies, Vol.16, No.3, pp , 2013 DOI: [2] T. W. Kang, C. H. Hong, "A Study on the Lightweight BIM Shape Format(LBSF) Structure Development to Represent the Large Volume BIM Geometry Objects based on GIS as the Viewpoint of the Building ", Korea Spatial Information Society, Vol.21, No.3, pp.79-87, 2013 [3] J. Dollner, B. Hagedorn, "Integrating urban GIS, CAD, and BIM data by service-based virtual 3D city models", and Regional, pp , 2008 [4] J. W. Lee, Y. W. Jeong, Y. S. Oh, J. C. Lee, N. S. Ahn, J. H. Lee, S. H. Yoon, "An integrated approach to intelligent urban facilities management for real-time emergency response", Automation in Construction, Vol.30, pp , 2013 DOI: [5] M. Podevyn, "Developing an Organizational Framework for Sustaining Virtual City Models", Doctor degree paper, Northumbria University, 2012 [6] Korea Land & Housing corporation, U-Eco City project team planning research report, 2008 [7] D. Y. Roh, K. H. Park, W. S. Jang, "A Study on the Process of U-City Based Facilities for : Case of Bridge", The Korean Society for Geo-Spatial Information System, Vol.17, No.2, pp , 2009 [8] H. Song, H. S. Shin, S. Y. Kwak, J. S. Yoo, B. H. Choi, "Development of online/realtime intelligent video analytic system for CCTV retrieval system", the institute of electronics engineers of Korea, Vol.2013, No.7, pp , 2013 [9] Ministry of Land, U- master plan report, 2011 [10] H. J. Cho, S. G, Hong, "The interoperability issues for GIS and BIM standardization", The BIM, 2012 강태욱 (Tae-Wook Kang) [ 정회원 ] 2005 년 2 월 : 숭실대학교소프트웨어공학 ( 공학석사 ) 2009 년 3 월 : 중앙대학교건설환경공학 ( 공학박사 ) 2010 년 6 월 ~ 2011 년 5 월 : 중앙대겸임교수 2011 년 6 월 ~ 2012 년 6 월 : 한길아이티 BIM 본부장 2012 년 7 월 ~ 현재 : 한국건설기술연구원수석연구원 < 관심분야 > CAD, CAM, BIM, GIS, Computer Graphics, SW 공학 윤준희 (Jun-Hee Youn) [ 정회원 ] 1998년 8월 : 연세대학교토목공학과 ( 공학석사 ) 2006년 8월 : Purdue University, Dept of Civil Eng. (Engineering Ph.D) 2007년 5월 ~ 2012년 1월 : 삼성SDS 수석컨설턴트 2012년 2월 ~ 현재 : 한국건설기술연구원수석연구원 < 관심분야 > GIS, 원격탐사, 3D가시화 1793
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박건수 *, 서태영 **, 김종욱 *** ". 요약 Abstract The induction melting furnace using electric generator has been introduced since 1920s, and it began to be widely applied to industrial applications due to increasing
A Study of GIS Service of Weather Information* Chung-Weon Oh**,..,., Web 2.0 GIS.,.,, Web 2.0 GIS, Abstract : Due to social and economic value of Weather Information such as urban flooding, demand of Weather
논문 10-35-03-03 한국통신학회논문지 '10-03 Vol. 35 No. 3 원활한 채널 변경을 지원하는 효율적인 IPTV 채널 관리 알고리즘 준회원 주 현 철*, 정회원 송 황 준* Effective IPTV Channel Control Algorithm Supporting Smooth Channel Zapping HyunChul Joo* Associate
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.461-487 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.28.4.201812.461 * - 2008 2018 - A Study on the Change of Issues with Adolescent Problem
, thcho@kisaorkr IPAK (Information Protection Assessment Kit) IAM (INFOSEC Assessment Methodology) 4 VAF (Vulnerability Assessment Framework) 5 OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability
세종대 요람
Sejong University 2016 2016 Sejong University 4 SEJONG UNIVERSITY www.sejong.ac.kr 5 8 SEJONG UNIVERSITY 2016 Sejong University 10 SEJONG UNIVERSITY www.sejong.ac.kr 11 12 SEJONG UNIVERSITY www.sejong.ac.kr
이도경, 최덕재 Dokyeong Lee, Deokjai Choi 1. 서론
이도경, 최덕재 Dokyeong Lee, Deokjai Choi 1. 서론 2. 관련연구 2.1 MQTT 프로토콜 Fig. 1. Topic-based Publish/Subscribe Communication Model. Table 1. Delivery and Guarantee by MQTT QoS Level 2.1 MQTT-SN 프로토콜 Fig. 2. MQTT-SN
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2015 Nov.; 26(11), 985991. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2015.26.11.985 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Analysis
Interoperability :,, Reusability: : Manageability : Accessibility :, LMS Durability : (Specifications), AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) : 1988, /, LMS IMS : 1997EduCom NLII,,,,, ARIADNE (Alliance
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... 수시연구 2009-18.. 고속도로 휴게타운 도입구상 연구 A Study on the Concept of Service Town at the Expressway Service Area... 권영인 임재경 이창운... 서 문 우리나라는 경제성장과 함께 도시화가 지속적으로 진행되어 지방 지역의 인구감소와 경기의 침체가 계속되고 있습니다. 정부의 다각 적인
무선 센서 네트워크 환경에서 링크 품질에 기반한 라우팅에 대한 효과적인 싱크홀 공격 탐지 기법 901 무선 센서 네트워크 환경에서 링크 품질에 기반한 라우팅에 대한 효과적인 싱크홀 공격 탐지 기법 (A Effective Sinkhole Attack Detection Mechanism for LQI based Routing in WSN) 최병구 조응준 (Byung
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G Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 531~539, August, 2008 š x y w m š gj p { sƒ z 1) * 1) w w Evaluation of Flexural Strength for Normal and High Strength Concrete with Hooked
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1. KT 올레스퀘어 미디어파사드 콘텐츠 개발.hwp
Journal of Next-generation Convergence Information Services Technology Vol.4, No.1, June (2015), pp. 1-8 차세대컨버전스정보서비스기술논문지 KT 올레스퀘어 미디어파사드 콘텐츠 개발 Media Fasade Contents Development of KT Olleh Square 김동조
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Business Agility () Dynamic ebusiness, RTE (Real-Time Enterprise) IT Web Services c c WE-SDS (Web Services Enabled SDS) SDS SDS Service-riented Architecture Web Services ( ) ( ) ( ) / c IT / Service- Service-
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[ CRM Fair 2004 ] CRM 1. CRM Trend 2. Customer Single View 3. Marketing Automation 4. ROI Management 5. Conclusion 1. CRM Trend 1. CRM Trend Operational CRM Analytical CRM Sales Mgt. &Prcs. Legacy System
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 15, No. 2 pp. 1051-1058, 2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.5762/kais.2014.15.2.1051 멤리스터의 전기적 특성 분석을 위한 PSPICE 회로 해석 김부강 1, 박호종 2, 박용수 3, 송한정 1*
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목 차 회사현황 1. 회사개요 2. 회사연혁 3. 회사업무영역/업무현황 4. 등록면허보유현황 5. 상훈현황 6. 기술자보유현황 7. 시스템보유현황 주요기술자별 약력 1. 대표이사 2. 임원짂 조직 및 용도별 수행실적 1. 조직 2. 용도별 수행실적
用 役 指 名 願 금번 貴 社 에서 실시하고자 하는 用 役 에 참여하고자 當 社 의 指 名 願 을 提 出 하오니 審 査 하시고 指 名 하여 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 2014년 (주)하우드 엔지니어링 종합건축사사무소 대표이사 문 홍 길 대표이사 채 희 대표이사 이 재 규 대표이사 김 성 우 SUBMISSION We are submitting our brochure
88 / 한국전산유체공학회지 제15권, 제1호, pp.88-94, 2010. 3 관내 유동 해석을 위한 웹기반 자바 프로그램 개발 김 경 성, 1 박 종 천 *2 DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-BASED JAVA PROGRAM FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF PIPE FLOW K.S. Kim 1 and J.C. Park *2 In general,
농업생명과학연구 49(4) pp.31-37 Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 49(4) pp.31-37 Print ISSN 1598-5504 Online ISSN 2383-8272 http://dx.doi.org/10.14397/jals.2015.49.4.31 국가산림자원조사 자료를 적용한 충남지역 사유림경영율 추정 서연옥
Introduction to UML Team. 5 2014/03/14 원스타 200611494 김성원 200810047 허태경 200811466 - Index - 1. UML이란? - 3 2. UML Diagram - 4 3. UML 표기법 - 17 4. GRAPPLE에 따른 UML 작성 과정 - 21 5. UML Tool Star UML - 32 6. 참조문헌
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2018 Jun.; 29(6), 457463. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2018.29.6.457 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Sigma-Delta
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,, Even the short history of the Web system, the techniques related to the Web system have b een developed rapidly. Yet, the quality of the Webbased application software has not improved. For this reason,
한국패션디자인학회지 제9권1호 The Korean Society of Fashion Design Vol. 9 No. 1 (2009) pp.1~17 모듈과 웨어넷을 이용한 유비쿼터스 패셔너블 컴퓨터 디자인 연구 - 탈ㆍ부착을 이용한 모듈러 시스템을 중심으로 - A Study on Ubiquitous Fashionable Computer Design Using
I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, ( 96, 98, 99) - : : 354 (19993 ~ , 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : ) CM 9 (CM), CM , 2 CM, -
[ B-4] - 322 - I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, 1997 3 ( 96, 98, 99) - : 1942-1999 : 354 (19993 ~ 20002 20, 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : 22-11 2) CM 9 (CM), CM 2000 9, 2 CM, - : 210 - : (, 2000 9), - 323 - - : -
102 103 R&D closed innovation strategy open innovation strategy spin-off Chesbrough technology marketing IBM Intel P&G IBM Dell Apple Nintendo Acer http //www ibm com/ibm/licensing MIT 1) 104 Bucher et
논문접수일 : 2014.12.20 심사일 : 2015.01.06 게재확정일 : 2015.01.27 청각 장애자들을 위한 보급형 휴대폰 액세서리 디자인 프로토타입 개발 Development Prototype of Low-end Mobile Phone Accessory Design for Hearing-impaired Person 주저자 : 윤수인 서경대학교 예술대학
Problem New Case RETRIEVE Learned Case Retrieved Cases New Case RETAIN Tested/ Repaired Case Case-Base REVISE Solved Case REUSE Aamodt, A. and Plaza, E. (1994). Case-based reasoning; Foundational
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2015.11.20 Index 연구개요 BIM on GIS platform 개요 BIM on GIS platform 주요 요소기술 BIM on GIS platform 활용사례 향후 진행방향 결 론 연구개요 BIM on GIS platform 개요 BIM on GIS platform 주요 요소기술 BIM on GIS platform 활용사례 향후 진행방향 결
02 1 1 22 36 38 46 5 1 54 61 65 77 81 2 _ 3 4 _ 5 6 _7 8 _ 9 1 0 _ 11 1 2 _ 13 1 4 _ 15 1 6 _ 17 1 8 _ 19 2 0 _ 21 2 2 www.kats.go.kr www.kats.go.kr _ 23 Scope of TC/223 Societal security International
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 13, No. 4 pp. 1525-1531, 2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.5762/kais.2012.13.4.1525 저예산 독립영화의 구전 마케팅을 위한 스마트폰 모바일 애플리케이션 모델 개발 연구 김혜원 1* 1 청운대학교
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3 IBM WebSphere User Conference ESB (e-mail : ljm@kr.ibm.com) Infrastructure Solution, IGS 2005. 9.13 ESB 를통한어플리케이션통합구축 2 IT 40%. IT,,.,, (Real Time Enterprise), End to End Access Processes bounded by
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:21~34 Received: 2016/12/04, Accepted: 2016/12/27 Revised: 2016/12/19, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] With the development of the Internet,
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easycrm Workbench ( ) 2004.04.02 I. CRM 1. CRM 2. CRM 3. II. easybi(business Intelligence) Framework 1. 2. - easydataflow Workbench - easycampaign Workbench - easypivot Reporter. 1. CRM 1.?! 1.. a. & b.
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
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cwseo@netsgo.com Si-Hong Lee duckling@sktelecom.com SK Telecom Platform - 1 - 1. Digital AMPS CDMA (IS-95 A/B) CDMA (cdma2000-1x) IMT-2000 (IS-95 C) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - 2 - 2. QoS Market QoS Coverage C/D
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45-51 ¹Ú¼ø¸¸
A Study on the Automation of Classification of Volume Reconstruction for CT Images S.M. Park 1, I.S. Hong 2, D.S. Kim 1, D.Y. Kim 1 1 Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, 2 Dept. of Radiology,
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정보화사회와 법 강의지침서 1. 교과목 정보 교과목명 학점 이론 시간 실습 학점(등급제, P/NP) 비고 (예:팀티칭) 국문 정보화사회와 법 영문 Information Society and Law 3 3 등급제 구분 대학 및 기관 학부(과) 전공 성명 작성 책임교수 법학전문대학원 법학과 최우용 2. 교과목 개요 구분 교과목 개요 국문 - 정보의 디지털화와 PC,
자연과학연구 제27권 Bulletin of the Natural Sciences Vol. 27. 2013.12.(33-44) 교통DB를 이용한 교통정책 발굴을 위한 통계분석 시스템 설계 및 활용 Statistical analytic system design and utilization for transport policy excavation by transport
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2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Security Surveillance Ubiquitous Infra Internet Infra Telematics Security Surveillance Telematics Internet Infra Solutions Camera Site (NETWORK) Monitoring & Control
원고스타일 정의
논문접수일 : 2015.01.05 심사일 : 2015.01.13 게재확정일 : 2015.01.26 유니컨셉 디자인을 활용한 보행환경 개선방안 연구 A Study on Improvement of Pedestrian Environment on to Uniconcept Design 주저자 : 김동호 디지털서울문화예술대학교 인테리어실용미술학과 교수 Kim dong-ho
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세종대학교요람 Sejong University 2017 2017 Sejong University 4 SEJONG UNIVERSITY www.sejong.ac.kr 5 2017 Sejong University 8 SEJONG UNIVERSITY 10 SEJONG UNIVERSITY www.sejong.ac.kr 11 12 SEJONG UNIVERSITY www.sejong.ac.kr