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3 Human Error Cost Increase Multiple Technologies, Networks, Products, Services Slow Provisioning,,? No E-t-E Management Complex Technology Revenue Low CapEx High OpEx High 3
4 Next Generation Networks? Generation Networks NGN / Hybrid Network?NGN?NGN?GN 4
6 (Unification of service) voice, data, messaging and video NGN streaming 6
7 e-service IP Bundled 7
8 NGN, Creation, Delivery 0 torch Provisioning (Order Handling, Activation, Provisioning, Inventory Management, Middle) Assurance (QoS/SLA ) (,, ) -,, elearning 8
9 RMON DEN(Directory-Enabled Networks) LADP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Security Policy based management DiffServ / RSVP-TE MPLS Parlay/OSA, JAIN EAI(Enterprise Applications Integration) BPM NGOSS. 9
10 1 2.. OSA. SCF SCF SCF Chargeing SCF UI SCF I10 SCF Kabira Infrasturctre I11 I12 Statistics I1 - IN I2 - I3 - I4 - IN SCS SCS SCS SCS 10
11 Policy Console LDAP Directory Policy Repository Service Domain QoSM QoSM LDAP Requests RequiredQoS Respond with available QoSlevel Policy Proxy CLI, SNMP Legacy Device Policy Server (PDP) Policy Server (PDP) PEP COPS Flow RPM Network Utilization Network cache Discovery RM RM Transport Domain QoSM: QoS Service manager RPM : Rosource Policy Manager RM : Resource Manager 11
12 e.g. CRM, Billing, Service Assurance, Provisioning WEB I/F Customer B2B COTS Business Applications Shared Data Model Communications Bus COTS Infrastructure Applications Business Process Policy Common Directory Service : CIM & LDAP Communication Infrastructure : CIB COTS(Commercial off the shelf software) Workflow Engine / Policy engine Process Definition Tool/Policy definition Tool SID / CDI 12
13 13
14 NGN OSS ( ) (Self-provisioning) (Future-proof ) (Best of Breed ) 14
16 NGN OSS QoS/SLA Provisioning & Service Activation Web Portal Directory Service IOM (BPM) Trouble Ticketing Message Bus(EAI) Fault Performance Inventory Policy Manager -QoS Service -App. Service User Interface XML/HTTP(S) NE/EMS/NMS 16
17 NGN OSS Customer Self-service - Electronic interface that will allow a customer to view, configure, and select a variety of NGN services. Integrated Order Manager - Order Acceptance - Order Decomposition - Order Process Management - Order Analysis & Tracking Service Delivery Plane (Messaging EAI) - Integrates end-to-end business processes across numerous disparate applications Inventory Manager - The Inventory Manager stores the service provider s current inventory of resources. It includes networking equipment, site information, network clouds, etc. 17
18 NGN OSS Design/ Assign (Provisioning Controller) - The function of Design/Assign is to reserve the necessary network resources (physical and logical) needed to provision/activate a service. Activation /Discovery - Activation/Discovery generates the actual commands required to put the service elements into production. Plan Service/Build Service - To support the service creation lifecycle you need the same toolsets as are need to provision a services. External B2B Interfaces - External B2B interfaces provide an interconnection mechanism for partners interaction. Enhancement Billing Customer Care (CRM) 18
19 NGN OSS 19
20 NGN OSS Policy Management Policy Transaction Protocol Directory Access Protocol Information Storage e.g. COPS, Leaf Device DIAMETER ( Access Router ) Policy Server e.g. LDAPv3 Directory Server with Policy-related Data Access Device Policy Server Directory Server Policy Enforcer Policy Interpreter Policy-related Data PT Client PT Server LDAP Client LDAP Server PT :Policy Transaction 20
21 NGN OSS 21
22 NGN OSS Policy Manager (rule) Dynamic Service Provisioning System Service Define & Activation Service(& Resource) Dynamic Provisioning Customer Self Service Management Personalization : ( ), Security : Single Sign-on One-Stop Security Policy-based Service Management Resource Re-Allocation (Service Re-activation) Policy Rule QoS & 22
23 NGN OSS BSS Order handling Order handling PBM Web Service PBM Integration Module NE NE NE QoS NMS (EMS/NMS) IP-VPN Web Hosting Other Service Application Directory Service Manager Policy & Transaction Manager Service Application 23
24 NGN OSS TT Manager - TT - TT Service Activator - Activation - Inventory Manager -Inventory QoS Manager -CustomerQoS - SQM, N M&R, NDM, SPM Trouble Ticket Manager Service Activator Inventory Manager QoS Manager Portal Server Application Server Presentation Tier - Personalization -Customization - Identity Control -Security J2EE 1.3 Container -JMS Interface -LDAP Repository - - PBM Manager Service Manager Policy Manager EAI Server -MOM -BPM - Workflow Engine EAI Server Directory Server JMS : Java Message Service LDAP : SQM : Service Quality Manager N M&R : Network Maintenance & Restoration NDM : Network Data Management SPM : Service Problem Management J2EE 1.3 Container -JMS Interface -LDAP Repository
25 NGN OSS PBM Service Manager User Profile Policy & Transaction Manager Command Data Communication Transaction 25
26 NGN OSS Service Manager User Profile 26
27 NGN OSS Policy & Transaction Manager Command Data Communication Transaction 27
28 NGN OSS 28
29 NGN OSS 29
30 NGN OSS 30
31 NGN OSS 31
32 multi-service platform NGN OSS Integrated Order Manger Bundle NGN Order E2E Order Service Provisioning Controllor,, NGN provision Inventory Manager,, Service Activation Manager NE, activate 32
33 multi-service platform NGN OSS Integrated Order Manager Provisioning Controller 1 Provisioning Provisioning Controller 2 Provisioning Controller 3 Testing Activation Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 33
34 NGN OSS Order Analysis & Tracking Order Order Entry Entry Order Order Order Order Acceptance Acceptance Decomposition Decomposition Order Interfaces Order Process Order Process Management Management Order entry Order acceptance Order decomposition order order bundled Access order validation SLA,, order Order process management Order analysis & Tracking 34
35 NGN OSS Business Rules / Workflow / Escalation Order Order Decomposition / Order Routing / Dependency Coordination Order Tracking Exception Handling Task generation Task generation / distribution (Provisioning) / distribution Task generation Task / distribution generation (Workforce / distribution Mgmt System) SLA Reporting 35
36 NGN OSS 36
37 NGN OSS Order Manager New Order Verify Order Setup Order Control Access Network New Capacity Provision Access Provision Network Activate Access Activate Network Cross Domain Provisioning Manager Design Service Provision Access Provision Network Activate Access Activate Network Cross Domain Design & Assign Design & Assign Inventory Manager Domain Manager Doamin3 Provisioning Doamin3 Activation Domain Manager Domain2 Provisioning Doamin2 Activation Domain Manager Domain1 Provisioning Domain1 Activation Provisioning Provisioning Controller Design & Assign Review Design Network Inventory E2E - Provisions(design & assign) - cross layer e2e,, NE interaction 37
38 NGN OSS Service Actication Service Delivery Service Sales & Order Entry Service Activation Service Design & Assign Service Request Confirm Service Charging & Billing Network Planning Core Inventory Network Network Design & Construction Engineering Capacity Provisioning Service Assurance Reactive Maintenance Analysis & Filtering Capacity Management Test & Put Into Service Proactive Maintenance Trouble Resolution Work Management Material Logistics Financial Asset Management Resource Management Inventory Manager equipment, site info, n/w Provisioning Manager work orders inventory activation provisioning provisioning activity Activation TL1, CMIP, CORBA, SNMP, SQL COPS 38
39 CIM, SID NGN OSS - (Router, Softswitch, Gateway, Interface), (Link) - Tunnel, Trail, LSR, LDP, Connection Points 39
40 NGN OSS VPN#1 Physical Port Customer _A Connection Trail (LSP) MPLS CORE Routers MPLS EDGE Routers CTP (Connection Termination Point TTP (Trail Termination Point) Tunnel VPN#2 Customer _B CPE 40
41 NGN OSS work ASAP orders Convergent -> Provisioning activation Platform commands Work order Work order Work order Work order Common Service Work Description order Layer (CSDL) S A R M -> -> ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ NE AE NEP NEP NEP NEP NEP 1 NE n AE NE -> Activate / Ne Ae ( ) 41
42 NGN OSS Events Event Data Enhancement Trouble Ticket Behavior trouble trouble ticket tickets trouble ticket Trouble Ticket SLA compliance SLA trouble ticket knowledge SLA trouble ticket 42
43 NGN OSS 43
44 NGN OSS 44
45 NGN OSS 45
46 NGN OSS Data Collection Data Processing Data Warehousing Network Elements Poll Response Reporting Alarms SNMP Data Collection Analyse Data Storing Network Elements Agents IP Transaction Real Time Forecasting Trending Historical Data Traffic Management Fault Detection Trouble Ticketing Service Assurance Testing Emulation Service Simulation Network Capacity Planning 46
47 NGN OSS NGN OSS TT CRM Submit TT Fault Alarm Data Fault Management Fault Alarms Get Alarms Threshold Alerts Fault Monitoring Service Quality Management (Server) Get Performance Performance Management (Data Collector) N/EMS NE Performance values Performance Data Update Service Level Management (Server) QoS Data Get Resources Performance Data Network Inventory Resource Inventory Service Inventory 47
48 NGN OSS Mobile Service Provider Fixed Line Operator Portal Mobile Service Provider Content Mobile Field Service Wireless Field Service / Workforce Management B2B Interface Middleware / Workflow TT API SA API Customer Fault Occurence Fixed Line Operator responsible for resolution. SLA Management QoS Breach Service Activation Mobile Service Provider customers impacted. Network Management MSP Network FLO Network MSP Network Basestation 48
49 NGN OSS Rule Builder SLA Violations SLA / Service Models Correlation Engine Correlation Engine SLA Actions SLA Alarms SLA/ QoS Metrics QoS Calculation Engine Network Trouble Tickets Raw/Correlated Alarms Raw Performance Data Network / Network elements Network / Network elements 49
50 NGN OSS Rule Builder Service Impact notification or TT Service / Customers Models Inventory database Correlation Engine Correlation Engine Customer Impact Notification Correlated Alarms Network Models Correlation Engine Correlation Engine Rule Builder ILOG J/Rules Raw Alarms Network / Network elements Network / Network elements 50
51 NGN OSS Rule Builder NE / Network Models Correlation Engine Correlation Engine Abnormal behavior notification Trouble Tickets Historical Performance Data Raw / Correlated Alarms Raw Performance Data Network / Network elements Network / Network elements 51
52 3 2 1 Service Layer Core network Access Networks User/Service Profile Policy Manager Central Directory NE protocol 52
53 / Assurance PBM - QoS / Security SO - QoS/Security SA Service Delivery Service Assurance Service Delivery Assurance Order handling Customer Mngt. Order handling Customer Mngt. Provisioning PBM Service Mngt. Provisioning Service Mngt. Activation NMS Activation NMS PBM NMS / profile / -> 53
54 NGN OSS Service Assurance Policy Server Directory Service 1 Internet Portal 2 Customer Care 18 Web Self Service(WSS) WTI 17 Network Elements IOM Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Status Management Order Routing Order Validation & Translations Process Management Interface Drivers Trouble Ticketing Service Provisioning 9 Order Mgmt 10 Inventory Mgr 12 Srv Activation 15 Billing NEW CUSTOMER SCENARIO 1 (ecrm) 2 / (Inventory) 3, 10 (OMS and WSS) 4 11 Click to Chat 12 activated 5 (WSS 13 (OMS and WSS) 6 (DSL, calendaring, internet access and video 14 streaming) IOM provision Billing Billing account / 8 IOM 16, IOM billing 9 provisioning 17 IOM, WSS 18 Customer logs back into WSS 19 video stream 20 Silver Gold 21 QoS NE Provision 22 video Gold service 54
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모바일웹 플랫폼과 Device API 표준 이강찬 TTA 유비쿼터스 웹 응용 실무반(WG6052)의장, ETRI 선임연구원 1. 머리말 현재 소개되어 이용되는 모바일 플랫폼은 아이폰, 윈 도 모바일, 안드로이드, 심비안, 모조, 리모, 팜 WebOS, 바다 등이 있으며, 플랫폼별로 버전을 고려하면 그 수 를 열거하기 힘들 정도로 다양하게 이용되고 있다. 이
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Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-332P25 September, 2010 Insight 3.11 Base Workstation 그림 1. Insight Base 메인메뉴 Insight Base Insight Insight Base, Insight Base Insight Base Insight Windows
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CRM Data Quality Management 2003 2003. 11. 11 (SK ) hskim226@skcorp.com Why Quality Management? Prologue,,. Water Source Management 2 Low Quality Water 1) : High Quality Water 2) : ( ) Water Quality Management
OUR INSIGHT. YOUR FUTURE. Disclaimer Presentation ( ),. Presentation,..,,,,, (E).,,., Presentation,., Representative.( ). ( ).
OUR INSIGHT. YOUR FUTURE. Disclaimer Presentation ( ),. Presentation,..,,,,, (E).,,., Presentation,., Representative.( ). ( ). Investor Relations 2016 Contents Prologue Chapter1. 네트워크 솔루션 전문기업 Chapter2.
목순 차서 v KM의 현황 v Web2.0 의 개념 v Web2.0의 도입 사례 v Web2.0의 KM 적용방안 v 고려사항 1/29
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SAS Korea / Professional Service Division 2 3 Corporate Performance Management Definition ý... is a system that provides organizations with a method of measuring and aligning the organization strategy
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(Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business) ( ) ,, Bio Bio 1 2 3 Money Money ( ) ( ) 4025 39 21 25 20 13 15 13 15 17 12 11 10 1 23 1 26 ( ) 1 2 2 6 (1 3 ) 1 14:00 20:00 1 2 1 1 5-6 4 e t / Life Cycle (e-commerce)
leehj@nca nca.or..or.kr 1 : 2 : / 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 2 1 : 1.? 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 1.? " MOU (ISO, IEC, ITU, UN/ECE) Electronic Business A generic term covering information definition and exchange requirements
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J2EE J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition) (Web Services) :,, SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol WSDL: Web Service Description Language UDDI: Universal Discovery, Description & Integration 4. (XML Protocol
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네트워크 보안도 안철수연구소입니다 통합 보안의 No.1 파트너, AhnLab TrusGuard 네트워크 환경을 수호하는 최고의 통합 보안 시스템 고성능 방화벽ㆍVPN Security 기술과 고품질 Integrated Security 기술의 강력한 결합 네트워크 안정성을 지켜줄 최고의 기술과 성능 TrusGuard는 국내 최초의 통합보안솔루션으로서 지난 5년간
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Web Application Hosting in the AWS Cloud Contents 개요 가용성과 확장성이 높은 웹 호스팅은 복잡하고 비용이 많이 드는 사업이 될 수 있습니다. 전통적인 웹 확장 아키텍처는 높은 수준의 안정성을 보장하기 위해 복잡한 솔루션으로 구현
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황 교 국 (fullc0de@gmail.com) SK Infosec Co., Inc MSS Biz. Security Center Table of Contents 1. 소개...3 2. 공격 관련 Protocols Overview...3 2.1. UDP Protocol...3 2.2. ICMP Protocol...4 3. UDP Flood Test Environment...5
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