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1 ª Œª Œ 26ƒ 5A Á œ pp. 849 ~ 859 ª w y w µ-» w Robust Analysis of a µ-controller for a Cable-Stayed Bridge with Various Uncertainties ³ Á4QFODFS # ' +SÁ½ yá Park, Kyu SikÁSpencer, B. F., Jr.ÁKim, Chun HoÁLee, In Won Abstract This paper presents an extensive robust analysis of a µ-controller in the hybrid system for various uncertainties using the benchmark cable-stayed bridge. The overall system robustness may be deteriorated by introducing active devices and the active controller may cause instability due to small margins. Therefore, a µ-synthesis method that simultaneously guarantees the performance and stability of the closed-loop system (robust performance) with uncertainties is used for active devices to enhance the robustness in company with the inherent reliability of passive devices. The robustness of the µ-synthesis method is investigated with respect to the additional mass on the deck, structural stiffness matrix perturbation, time delay of actuator, and combinations thereof. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed control system has the good robustness without loss of control performances with respect to various uncertainties under earthquakes considered in this study. Furthermore, the control system robustness is more affected by the perturbation of structural stiffness matrix than others considered in this study. Therefore, the hybrid system controlled by a µ-synthesis method could be proposed as an improved control strategy for a seismically excited cable-stayed bridge containing many uncertainties. Keywords : hybrid control system, µ-synthesis method, robust analysis, seismic response control, benchmark cable-stayed bridge e j w w y w w l µ-» w w w. w l ƒ e w l w ù w. w l w j» w» y e wì y sww l ( ) w µ-w e w. q ƒ, w w, e, š w w µ-w w. ew w y w l w ù. w l y w w j w. µ-w w l y w». w : w l, µ-w, w,, e j 1. m w l e» w w y (uncertainty). w m p w y l w jš ƒ ¼. m l w» w (robustness) w g y w w. š l w g l ƒ ƒ j z. ù w y w.» l y š w w» w. sz l(closed- * ÁPost Doctoral Researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign( kspark@uiuc.edu) ** Nathan M. and Anne M. Newmark Endowed Chair of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil and EnvironmentalG Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign( bfs@uiuc.edu) **** z Á w m œw ( chkim@joongbu.ac.kr) **** z Áw w» y œw ( iwlee@kaist.ac.kr) 26ƒ 5A œ 849

2 loop system) w y š w ¾ w. y w v Há w ù e sy(saturation) q š. z w m. Suhardjo(1990) m w w 2- (norm) á- yw H 2 Há š w. Schimitendorf (1994a, b, c) w x, Smith (1994) z w (gain-scheduled adaptive method), Smith Chase(1994) e sy w l y w, Yoshida (1994)», Nishimura (1994)» e(pole assignment) ww, Nishitani Yamada(1994) (reduced-order)» w Há w. Turan(2001), Moon (2003), Park (2003) w e j(benchmark) (Dyke, 2003) w µ-w (µ-synthesis method) ƒ»(hydraulic actuator), (sliding mode) š w»» (magnetorheological fluid damper), š on-off xk LQG(linear quadratic Gaussian) š w ƒ» ûš e(lead rubber bearing) ww w l w w (perturbation) w. w q ƒ l w Journal of Structural Control(Dyke, 2003) p w (special issue) tw. ù w š w w l w, w, e w y w w k. w w l ƒ w w w mw w. µ-» w w l w w sƒw. y w, w y w, e y y (time delay) w w w 3 w w w. 2.» l Park (2003) w w l. l Ali Abdel-Ghaffar (1995)ƒ w ûš e e j (Dyke, 2003) ƒ» ww l. ³ (2002) ƒ e w w wù e w w. w ³ (2003) l w ù ûš e x w. w z x (2004) w x ûš e LQG š ƒ» ww w l w. ± 5% w w y w ù w y w w. w l w w j» w ƒ» š µ-w (Burl, 1999) w. w l 1. w, y š ƒƒ sƒ x g e, y m y s, d, š p(volt) d d (measurement noise, ν ) sww. u HA f HA µ-w y w ƒ». xr,lrb x r,lrb ûš e f LRB ûš e w ùkü. w l w Park (2003). sz l ùkü (robust performance) y ù y s ww l y p e(structured singular value) w sƒw. ³y (normalized) sww t xk l ƒ» w v (1) (Burl, 1999). sup ω µ [ Njω ( )] < 1» µ (). y p e, N( jω) œe(nominal) sz l w (transfer function) l w P( jω)» w K( jω). š (block). y p e µ-w w (cost function) w ù w wš y p e w. y p e we yw. y D-K (Burl, 1999) w sz l á- D- f ( y p e we w f ) yw. w (2). 1. w l (1) 850 ª Œª Œ

3 1 J = sup σ[ D R ( jω)n( jω)d L ( jω) ] = D R jω ω» e z w ( ). (sƒ ) y y š w» w 2 vl(filter) w. vl vl w d e w w. vl sƒ p e» w. 2(a) sƒ p e sww 2(b) (3) vl w.» l 838 k(state) ƒ sƒ (controllability grammian) d (observavility grammians) w ³x x(balanced realization) mw 30 k ƒ (Dyke, 2003). W x g 2 2 y W y I c 1 ( s + 2ξ 2 ω f2 s + ω f2 ) = = I x g s 2 2ξ 1 ω f1 s ω f1 1 ( )N( jω)d L ( jω)» c 1 =10.32, ω f1 =10 rad/sec, ω f2 = š 5 ξ 1 = ξ 2 = 0.8 w. y vl e y, y w y (2) (3) š w» w y 1% ƒ š ƒ w. 2 y vl» w j» w 3 q ƒ vl w. š w w 3(a) q ƒ. w w p w» w (4) Kanai-Tajimi vl (Clough Penzien, 1995) w. + W g = W g I = I» S 0 = max El Centro Mexico City Gebze 2 S 0 ( 2ξ g ω g s ω g ) s ξ g ω g s + ω g [ ( ) ] mean ω = 0~10 rad/sec S x g x g š ω g = 17rad/sec ξ g = 0.3 w. w w» š q.» ez (spillover effect) w» w (6) š q m (high-pass) vl y w. m ƒ (4) (5) 2. p e y vl 3. w vl rp 26ƒ 5A œ 851

4 e w j» z w» w (7) q m (low-pass) vl w. W u W z s = W u I= s s = W z I = I s w š q m vl q m vl rp (power spectral density) 3(b) ùkù. 4 w vl sww µ-» ùkü. z l k l (vector), z z l, z u. w» w z kw. k g z w x g yw v z w yw ùkü (8) w. k g = max El Centro Mexico City Gebze [ rms ( )] x g t = 0~20 sec 4 R ƒ w w w š Q ƒ w. µ-w š w w w ƒ w k w. (Park, 2002; 2003) w. i) z ùký t kw (, p, ); ii) w ƒ y g ƒ ew mw ƒ ƒ 2 kw. w l w, w l ³yw ; iii) k 2 ƒ y g ƒ 3 w mw ƒ w w. e j 3 w 3 w yw ƒ w kw. ûš e l w š w š 1 ûš e 4. w vl sww µ-» (6) (7) (8) w ƒ w. w l w ûš e sw j k w w y j ƒ w w. w x ûš e w š w ƒ w w. mw k ƒ w. Q q I bs 4 4 = = = (9) 0 q dd I 4 4 q Q w bs I = =, qdd = (10) 0 q dd I 4 4» q bs q dd q ùkü ƒ l 24 ƒ» w l w l w» w š w. µ-» w» w MATLAB (1997) µ-analysis and synthesis toolbox(balas, 1998) dkit.m w. 3. e 0 4, q bs 6 10, qdd , q bs » w e j Bill Emerson Memorial. 2 k 128 f (cable), š (Illinois) w ew 12 ƒ. w e w w sƒ w 5(a) š w. w» w Dyke (2003) w ùký 3 x w. x w w w ABAQUS (1996) x w mw (Wilson Gravelle, 1991).» (bedrock)» - y w w w ƒ ƒw š ƒ w., f, š (rigid link) w w swwš» z w w (static condensation) mw 419 sƒ w. ƒ w ƒ 3% w. q k 16 e(shock transmission device) ew 10 š q , , , , , , , , , Hz. w l e w» w». w w e ew» w 852 ª Œª Œ

5 t 1. El Centro w q (m) q (kn) p (kn m) T max /T f T min /T f * T (kn) (kn) LRB: 467 HA: 1000 LRB+HA: Bill Emerson Memorial e e q k e w sƒ 10 q , , , , , , , , , Hz. ƒ l e j š w f ù q ƒ x ù w w (Park, 2005). š (feedback) w 5 ƒ 4 w ( 5(a) š). 4 ƒ k Õ» š 1 q ew š, ƒ 2 3 ƒƒ 2 ƒ e. (sensor) w d w w š w. e j š w El Centro (1940), Mexico City (1985), š Gebze (1999) l sƒw» w MATLAB (1997) w e w ww. Mexico City Bill Emerson Memorial Cape Girardeau w Mexico City w» š š ù 2 p ƒ l sƒw» w š. 3 ƒ 0.36g w ƒ ƒ., sƒ» e j w w ü Dyke (2003). 3.2 ƒ l» ù e ƒ» w» ƒ l w s³ (root mean value of control force) k ƒ l w. t 1-3 ƒ w ƒ l e ùkü. t 16 e w l, 24 ûš e w l, s³ (kn) LRB: 79 HA: 107 LRB+HA: 96 *x f y (0.2T f ~0.7T f, Dyke, 2003) ù t 2. Mexico City w q (m) q (kn) p (kn m) T max /T f T min /T f T (kn) (kn) s³ (kn) LRB: 296 HA: 1000 LRB+HA: 1260 LRB: 55 HA: 58 LRB+HA: 63 t 3. Gebze w q (m) q (kn) p (kn m) T max /T f T min /T f T (kn) (kn) s³ (kn) LRB: 493 HA: 1000 LRB+HA: 1493 LRB: 57 HA: 69 LRB+HA: 64 µ-w 24 ƒ» w l, š w 24 ûš e µ-w 24 ƒ» w l. š T f f q Dyke (2003). El Centro w l ƒ j 26ƒ 5A œ 853

6 w. w l l w 114%, l w 47% wš. w s³ w w l l w 9%, l w 47% w. w w w l, p, f y l w w. w w l Mexico City Gebze w w w ùkü. t 1-3 µ-w w l 3 w e j e w ùkþ. ù Dyke (2003) w e p» w» š q y. w e w, ú / l y(a/d conversion), l/ ú y(d/a conversion), š e y w y w. e. µ-w w l ƒ w» w w y w w ww. 3.3» w ƒ j w e w w ww. w (11) δ j š» w w ww. K = pert K( 1 + δ) (11)» K pert w. (11) w w w. w ƒ 3% (modal damping) ƒ w» (12). C = pert M pert Φ pert 2ξ 1 ω 1, pert ξ n ω n, pert 1 Φ pert (12)» M pert Φ pert š ω i, pert ƒƒ w, w, š q (rad/sec) š ξ 1 i (3%). ±5%, ±10%, ±15%, š ±20% w š w. w w w k q eƒ 10 q y ƒƒ 2.55%, 5.14%, 7.82%, š 10.58% w ƒw q y ƒw. sƒ» y 100% ù ƒ, q 30 cm w (Turan, 2001), f 6. w 3 w sƒ» y 0.2T f ~0.7T f w w (Dyke, 2003),» ( 1000 kn, p j(stroke) 0.2 m, 1 m/sec, Dyke, 2003) w w» y w w š ƒ w. 6 w 3 w sƒ» (J 1 ~J 11 ) y ùk ü. w ƒw ƒ sƒ» y ƒw. š sƒ» y w w w w w». w w f (J 5, J 11 ) y j. w w x w. w w ww. q,, e w w w. e j (Caicedo, 2003) š w q ƒ w w w ww. UBC» (UBC, 1991) w Bill Emerson Memorial Cape Girardeau 50 x» 73.3 kg/m 2 ü. w ƒ» 24.4 kg/m w ƒ kg/m w q ƒw 2 w g (Caicedo, 2003). ƒ w 3.7% ƒ g. w w q j. w w w w. ƒ sww 10 q , , , , , , , , , š Hz. ƒw q w q y 4.40%. t 4 w ƒ w sƒ» ùkü. 854 ª Œª Œ

7 sƒ» t 4 3 w w l y wš w w y. El Centro, Mexico City, š Gebze sƒ» y ƒƒ 6.9%(J 10 ), 8.0%(J 4 ), š 22.4%(J 11 ). w w ƒ x w. ƒ» e w y w. (13) ew (T s ) w š w w ww. t 4. w ƒ sƒ» y El Centro Mexico City Gebze y y y J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J % % % J 1 /J 7 - /s³ ; J 2 /J 8 - /s³ q ; J 3 /J 9 - /s³ p; J 4 /J 10 - /s³ q p; J 5 /J 11 - /s³ f y; J 6 - q τ = εt s (13) 7 š w w l y w š s»» y w w w w. x m» ù w j» ƒ» e w». y q /s³ (J 2, J 8 ) ù kù ƒ»ƒ e e». ƒ ƒ š w l w. 8 ƒ 2 e ƒ» 0.02 ƒ y ùkü. 8 (œœ) w w y e w j ù kù j w. w ƒ w. w w w w w 7. 3 w sƒ» y ww. (11) w š q ƒ 97.7 kg/m 2 w. w ±5%, ±10%, ±15%, š ±20% w k q eƒ 10 q y ƒƒ 6.82%, 9.30%, 11.85%, š 14.50% w y j. 9 w w 3 w sƒ» y ùkü. w -20% w Gebze s³ f y(j 11 )ƒ ƒw y 100%. l -20% w w y w qw. l e f x w š w e. w 6 9 ƒ q w sƒ» y 26ƒ 5A œ 855

8 8. ƒ 2 y ƒw w 3 w f (J 5, J 11 ) y ùkü. f y w j w. w w w (±5%), z ƒ ùkù w ƒw z ƒ w. ±20% w w ƒw y w. w s³ f y(j 11 ) 11 w w. ƒ w w ƒ» w ww. 9. w w 3 w sƒ» y 856 ª Œª Œ

9 10. w 3 w f y (J5 ) 12. w 3 w sƒ» y 11. w 3 w s³ f y (J11 ) w 12 sƒ» y w ƒw. w ƒw w. w w w š ƒ» l w. Gebze s³ f y(j 11 ) -20% w ƒ w y 100% w. w 13 f x w f sww z w š w. wš y 100% j l e w e y qw š w. 4. ûš e µ-w ƒ» w l w, w, ƒ», š w w w. ew w l l w s³ w w. µ-w w l w, w, ƒ» w y. ƒƒ w sƒ» y 84.9%(J 11, -20% w, Gebze ), 22.4%(J 11, Gebze ), 32.3%(J 8, =0.02, Mexico City ). w w, l w w Gebze -20% w w ù y w. w w 26ƒ 5A œ 857

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