thrown] away after reading. 12. Break the habit, and try [new something / something new]: Subscribe to our e-magazines instead of paper magazines [to

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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습



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[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 1] 어법선택 아래괄호안의표현중바른것을고르고, 해석하시오. 1. Last week, I [got / have gotten] a huge package in the mail. At first, I didn't know [what / that] it was. 2. [Giving / Given] the enormous size of the box, I didn't think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. 3. I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess [what / that] I found! [Other / Another] little box! 4. And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, [wrapping / wrapped] in bubble wrap and plastic. 5. I was glad [to receive / receiving] the product I [have / had] ordered in perfect condition, but so much packaging seemed unnecessary. 6. I realized [what / that] this kind of wasteful packaging must be bad for the environment. 7. So I went online, and while looking for ways [avoiding / to avoid] wasteful packaging, I discovered "Green Shopping." 8. I'd like to share [that / what] I've learned. In short, "Green Shopping" means shopping with the environment in mind: 9. buying products [that / what] help conserve precious resources, [save / saving] on energy use, and [preventing / prevent] unnecessary waste. 10. Here are ads I found from eco-friendly companies [what / that] [provide / provides] creative ways to "shop green." Buy SMART with E-readers! 11. We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines [what / that] [throw / are

thrown] away after reading. 12. Break the habit, and try [new something / something new]: Subscribe to our e-magazines instead of paper magazines [to help / helping] save trees and money! 13. We offer an incredible selection of magazines [what / that] can [read / be read] anywhere on a variety of smart devices. Make Your Own Shopping Bag! 14. Do you want to stop [to use / using] disposable plastic bags? [Visiting / Visit] our online store! 15. It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags [what / that] [meets / meet] every shopper's needs. 16. You get to choose your bag's color and fabric, and can [be add / add] a unique logo or picture. 17. This can be a great way [spreading / to spread] your business or nonprofit message! 18. Most importantly, [shopped / shopping] with a reusable bag [help / helps] reduce [a number of / the number of] paper and plastic bags [what / that] use up precious natural resources. Visit Us - Buy and Sell Used Goods 19. Do you have home electronics, furniture or any other things [what / that] are old but still in good condition just [lied / lying] around? 20. Are you about [throwing / to throw] [away them / them away]? Well, STOP! 21. Check out our website and sell the things you aren't using anymore and help keep the Earth [freely / free] from waste. Or just go to "For Sale" to buy things you need [at / to] great prices. Buy Recycled Products! 22. Do you buy things [making / made] from [recycling / recycled] materials? No? Well, by buying recycled items, you can save natural resources.

23. [To visit / Visit] our website or one of our stores for a great selection of eco-friendly products. 24. You'll be [amazing / amazed] by the creative designs of our recycled products, [such / such as] pencils and bags [making / made] from 100% recycled newspaper. 25. In addition, we will [glad / gladly] pack your purchases in biodegradable bags [making / made] from corn free of charge. 26. From products [to / in] packaging, our stores are 100% eco-friendly! Why don't you visit us and [check out it / check it out] today? Summer Along to the Green Fair! 27. The Green Fair is right around the corner! [To come / Come] to the Green Fair for fun, free activities, and useful information on [how / how to] go green. 28. Our information is special and unique, but it is still simple and easy [understading / to understand]. Our fair includes: 29. A variety of local and organic foods [in / for] sale [at / in] reasonable prices. Eco-friendly outdoor activities for people of all ages Over 200 exhibitions [presented / presenting] new green products Green workshops the entire family can [be participated / participate] in 30. Come to the Green Fair and take a big step toward [to live / living] a healthier and greener life! 31. Overall, I was [surprising / surprised] by [which / how] many ways there are to be a "green shopper." 32. I realized chat making everyday choices that [helps / help] protect the environment is [very / much] easier than many people believe. 33. To me, "shopping green" means [made / making] smart shopping choices. 34. I now look for products [making / made] from recycled materials, and stop

[me / myself] from buying things [what / that] I don't need. 35. I've also started to take a reusable bag with me every time I go shopping. Best of all, I've found [what / that] "shopping green" is not just good for the planet; it's good for my bank account, [either / too]!

[ 정답 ] 1. got 2. Given 3. what / Another 4. wrapped 5. to receive / had 6. that 7. to avoid 8. what 9. that 10. that / provide 11. that / are thrown 12. something new / to help 13. that / be read 14. using / Visit 15. that / meet 16. add 17. to spread 18. shopping / helps / the number of / that 19. that / lying 20. to throw / them away 21. free / at 22. made / recycled 23. Visit 24. amazed / such as / made 25. gladly / made 26. to / check it out 27. Come / how to 28. to understand 29. for / at / presenting / participate 30. living 31. surprised / how 32. help / much 33. making 34. made / myself / that 35. that / too

[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 2] 밑줄어법 1. Last week, I have got a huge package in the mail. At first, I didn't know that it was. 2. Giving the enormous size of the box, I didn't think it could possibly be the cellphone case I have recently bought online. 3. I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess that I found! Another little box! And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, wrapping in bubble wrap and plastic. 4. I was glad to receive the product I have ordered in perfect condition, but so much packaging seemed unnecessary. 5. I realized that this kind of wasteful packaging would be bad for the environment. 6. So I went online, and while looked for ways to avoid wasteful packaging, I discovered "Green Shopping." I'd like to share that I've learned. 7. In short, "Green Shopping" means shopping with the environment in mind: buying products that help conserve precious resources, saving on energy use, and preventing unnecessary waste. 8. Here is ads I found from eco-friendly companies that provide creative ways to "shop green. 9. We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines that throw away after reading. 10. Break the habit, and try new something: Subscribe to our e-magazines instead paper magazines to help save trees and money! 11. We offer an incredible selection of magazines that can read anywhere on a variety of smart devices. 12. Do you want to stop to use disposable plastic bags? Visit our online store!

13. It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags what meet every shopper's needs. 14. You get to choose your bag's color and fabric, and can be added a unique logo or picture. 15. This can be a great way spreading your business or nonprofit message! 16. Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag help reduce a number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources. 17. Do you have home electronics, furniture or any other things what are old but still in good condition just lied around? 18. Are you about to throw it away? Well, STOP! Check out our website and sell the things you aren't using anymore and help keep the Earth freely from waste. 19. Or just go to "On Sale" to buy things you need to great prices. 20. Do you buy things making from recycled materials? No? Well, on buying recycled items, you can save natural resources. 21. Visit our website or one of our store for a great selection of eco-friendly products. 22. You'll be amazing by the creative designs of our recycled products, such as pencils and bags making from 100% recycled newspaper. 23. In addition, we will glad pack your purchases in biodegradable bags making from corn free of charge. 24. From products to packaging, our stores are 100% eco-friendly! Why don't you visiting us and check it out today? 25. The Green Fair is right around the corner! Come to the Green Fair for fun, free activities, and useful information on how go green. 26. Our information is special and unique, but it is still simple and easy to understanding.

27. A variety of local and organic foods by sale at reasonable prices. Eco-friendly outdoor activities for people of all ages. 28. Over 200 exhibitions presented new green products. Green workshops the entire family can participate in 29. Come to the Green Fair and take a big step toward live a healthier and greener life! 30. Overall, I was surprising by that many ways there are to be a "green shopper." I realized chat making everyday choices that help protect the environment are very easier than many people believe. 31. To me, "shopping green" means making smart shopping choices. I now look for products making from recycled materials, and stop me to buying things that I don't need. 32. Best of all, I've found that "shopping green" is not just good at the planet; it's good for my bank account, too!

[ 정답및해설 ] 1. have got got ( 명백한과거를나타내는 last week 이있으므로현재완료를사용할수없다 ) that what ( 동사 know의목적어로 what it was 의간접의문문의어순이사용되어야한다 ) 2. Giving Given ( given 은전치사처럼사용되는분사구문으로 ~ 을고려해볼때 라는뜻의숙어적의미를나타낸다 ) have had ( had bought 는과거완료시제로, 기준이되는과거시점보다더이전의일을나타내기위해사용된다 ) 3. that what ( 동사 guess 의목적어로 what I found 어순의간접의문문이사용되었다 ) wrapping wrapped (wrapped 는과거분사로명사 new cellphone case를부연설명한다. 분사를구분할때에는항상수식받는명사와의능동, 수동관계를따져야한다 비닐포장재와플라스틱에포장되어있는 ) 4. have ordered had ordered (had ordered 는과거완료시제로, 기준이되는과거시점보다더이전의일을나타낸다 ) 5. would be must be ( 조동사 must 는 ~ 임에틀림없다, 틀림없이 ~ 일것이다 의강한추측을나타낸다 ) 6. looked for looking for ( 시간, 조건, 양보의부사절에서는주어가주절의주어와같고동사가 be동사일경우주어와 be동사가생략될수있다. that what ( 동사 share 의목적어로관계대명사 what이이끄는명사절이사용되었다 ) 7. saving save, preventing prevent (help의목적어로사용된동사원형 conserve, save, prevent가 <A, B, and C> 의형태로병렬구조를이룬다 ) 8. Here is here are ( 문법상의습관적도치로동사뒤의명사가진짜주어이다. 주어가 ads 이므로복수 be동사 are을사용한다 ) 9. throw away are thrown away ( 문맥상 읽은후에버려지는잡지와신문들 이므로 be+p.p 의수동태를사용한다 ) 10. try new something try something new (-thing, -one, -body로끝나는명사들은형용사가뒤에서수식한다 ) 11. can read can be read ( 수식을받는잡지가읽는것이아닌읽혀지는것이므로수동태인 be+p.p 를사용한다 ) 12. stop to use stop using (stop+to부정사는 ~ 하기위해멈추다, stop+ing는 ~ 하던것을멈추다 의의미이다 ) 13. what that (that은주격관계대명사로선행사 reusable shopping bags를수식한다 ) 14. can be added can add ( 생략된주어 you가로고와그림을추가할수있다는능동의의미이므로수동태가아닌능동태를사용한다 ) 15. spreading to spread (to spread 는 to부정사의형용사적용법으로명사 way를수식하여 ~ 하는방법 이라고해석한다 ) 16. help helps ( 주어자리에동명사가오면동사는항상단수취급한다 ) a number of paper the number of paper ( the number of 는 ~ 의수 의의미이며, a number of 는 많은 의의미이다 ) 17. what that (that은주격관계대명사로선행사 home electronics, furniture or any other things 을수식한다 ) lied lying ( lying 은현재분사로 home electronics,

furniture or any other things 을수식한다 ) * lie lay lain ~ 에놓여있다 lie lied lied 거짓말하다 lay laid laid ~ 을놓다, 알을낳다 18. throw it way throw them away (throw away 는구동사로문맥상 them은 home electronics, furniture or any other things 을대신하는대명사이므로복수대명사를써준다 ) the Earth freely the Earth free (keep + 목적어 + 형용사형태로목적격보어자리에형용사가위치한다 ) 19. On sale for sale ( on sale 은 할인중인, for sale 은 판매중인 의의미이다 ) to great prices at great prices ( 문맥상 좋은가격에 에해당하므로전치사 at 을사용한다 ) 20. making from made from (made는과거분사로명사 things를수식한다 ) on buying by buying ( by ~ing 는 ~ 함으로써 의의미이며 on ~ing 는 ~ 하자마자 의의미이다 ) 21. one of our store one of our stores ( one of the + 복수명사 의형태를취하며동사는단수취급한다 ) 22. amazing amazed ( 감정을나타내는분사를사용할때감정을느끼는경우에는과거분사, 감정을유발하는경우현재분사를쓴다 ) making from made from (made는과거분사로 pencils and bags를수식한다 ) 23. glad gladly ( 문맥상동사 pack 을수식하는부사가위치해야한다 ) 24. visiting visit ( why don t you + 동사원형 의형태는 ~ 하는것은어때 의제안하는표현이다 ) 25. how go green how to go green (how+to부정사는 어떻게 ~ 할지 /~ 하는방법 의의미를가진표현이다 ) 26. understanding understand (to+ 동사원형의형태로 to부정사를사용한다 ) 27. by sale for sale ( 문맥상 판매중인 의의미가자연스럽기때문에 for sale 로사용한다 ) 28. presented presenting (presenting은현재분사로명사 exhibitions를수식한다 ) 29. live living (toward는전치사로목적어로동명사 living을사용한다 ) 30. surprising surprised ( 감정을나타내는분사를사용할때감정을느끼는경우에는과거분사, 감정을유발하는경우현재분사를쓴다 ) that many ways how many ways ( 전치사 by의목적어로의문사 how가이끄는명사절을사용한다 ) are very is much ( 준동사에해당하는동명사가주어로쓰일경우동사는항상단수취급하며, 비교급을강조하는표현으로는 much, even, still, far, a lot 을사용한다 ) 31. making from made from (made는과거분사로명사 products를수식한다 ) stop me to stop myself to ( 주어와목적어가동일인일경우목적어자리에재귀대명사를사용한다 ) 32. at for ( be good at 은 ~ 을잘하다, 능통하다 의의미이며 be good for 은 ~ 에좋다 의의미이다 )

[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 3] 부분배열 1. Last week, (mail / I / package / in / huge / the / got / a). 2. At first, (know / I / was / what / it / didn't). 3. Given the enormous size of the box, I didn't think (could / it / be / possibly) the cellphone case (online / recently / I / bought / had). 4. I (through / looked / the / packaging) in the box, and guess (I / found / what)! Another little box! 5. And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, (in / and / bubble / plastic / wrap / wrapped). 6. I was glad (product / receive / ordered / to / had / I / the) in perfect condition, but (so / much / packaging / seemed) unnecessary. 7. I realized (must / packaging / this / that / kind / wasteful / be / of) bad for the environment. 8. So I went online, and (for / ways / looking / while / to / avoid) wasteful packaging, I discovered "Green Shopping." 9. I'd like to share (learned / I've / what). In short, "Green Shopping" means (with / mind / environment / in / shopping / the): 10. buying products (that / help / resources / conserve / precious), save on energy use, and (prevent / unnecessary / waste). 11. Here are ads I found from eco-friendly companies (provide / ways / that / creative) to "shop green. 12. We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines (away / that / reading / thrown / after / are). 13. Break the habit, (try / new / something / and):

14. (to / e-magazines / our / Subscribe) instead of paper magazines (money / help / save / trees / to / and)! 15. We offer an incredible selection of magazines (anywhere / a / devices / of / read / can / that / be / variety / on / smart). 16. Do you want to (using / stop / disposable / bags / plastic)? 17. It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags (that / shopper's / meet / needs / every). 18. This can be a great way (or / spread / message / nonprofit / your / business / to)! 19. Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag (bags / plastic / and / of / paper / number / helps / reduce / the) that use up precious natural resources. 20. Do you have home electronics, furniture or (are / that / condition / still / but / other / any / good / things / old / in) just lying around? 21. Are you (them / throw / about / to / away)? 22. Well, STOP! Check out our website and sell the things you aren't using anymore and (the / from / free / Earth / waste / help / keep). 23. Do you buy things (made / recycled / materials / from)? 24. No? Well, (recycled / items / buying / by), you can save natural resources. 25. Visit our website or one of our stores for a great selection of eco-friendly products. 26. You'll (be / the / designs / creative / amazed / by) of our recycled products, such as pencils and bags made from 100% recycled newspaper. 27. In addition, we (pack / purchases / gladly / will / your) in *biodegradable bags made from corn free of charge. 28. (packaging / products / to / From), our stores are 100% eco-friendly! 29. The Green Fair is right around the corner! Come to the Green Fair for fun,

free activities, and (on / green / useful / how / to / information / go). 30. A variety of local and organic foods (for / prices / sale / reasonable / at). 31. Over 200 exhibitions (new / products / presenting / green) 32. Green workshops (family / the / can / entire / in / participate) 33. Come to the Green Fair and (big / healthier / a / take / toward / life / and / step / living / a / greener)! 34. Overall, I was (surprised / many / how / by / ways) there are to be a "green shopper. 35. I realized chat making everyday choices (the / environment / help / protect / that) is (than / easier / people / many / much / believe). 36. I now look for products made from recycled materials, and (things / that / need / stop / buying / don't / myself / I / from). 37. Best of all, I've found that "shopping green" is (good / just / for / planet / the / not); it's good for my bank account, too!

[ 정답 ] 1. I got a huge package in the mail 2. I didn't know what it was 3. it could possibly be / I had recently bought online 4. looked through the packaging / what I found 5. wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic 6. to receive the product I had ordered / so much packaging seemed 7. that this kind of wasteful packaging must be 8. while looking for ways to avoid 9. what I've learned / shopping with the environment in mind 10. that help conserve precious resources / prevent unnecessary waste 11. that provide creative ways 12. that are thrown away after reading 13. and try something new 14. Subscribe to our e-magazines / to help save trees and money 15. that can be read anywhere on a variety of smart devices 16. stop using disposable plastic bags 17. that meet every shopper's needs 18. to spread your business or nonprofit message 19. helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags 20. any other things that are old but still in good condition 21. about to throw them away 22. help keep the Earth free from waste 23. made from recycled materials 24. by buying recycled items 25. be amazed by the creative designs 26. will gladly pack your purchases 27. From products to packaging 28. useful information on how to go green 29. for sale at reasonable prices 30. presenting new green products 31. the entire family can participate in 32. take a big step toward living a healthier and greener life 33. surprised by how many ways 34. that help protect the environment / much easier than many people believe 35. stop myself from buying things that I don't need 36. not just good for the planet

[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 4] 전체배열 1. Last week, (got / a / I / the / package / in / mail / huge). At first, (was / what / know / I / it / didn't). [ 지난주에나는우편으로커다란소포를받았다. 처음에는그것이무엇인지몰랐다.] 2. (Given / size / of / box / the / the / enormous), I didn't think (recently / cellphone / case / it / could / the / had / I / be / online / possibly / bought). [ 그상자의거대한크기로봤을때, 나는그것이온라인에서내가최근구매했던휴대전화케이스일것이라고는생각조차하지않았다.] 3.(what / packaging / and / through / I / looked / I / the / in / found / the / guess / box)! Another little box! And in this little box, (wrapped / finally / wrap / my / I / bubble / cellphone / plastic / case, / found / new / and / in). [ 나는상자안의포장재를살펴보았는데, 내가무엇을찾아내었을지추측해보라! 또다른작은상자였다! 그리고이작은상자안에내최신휴대전화케이스가기포가들어있는비닐포장재와플라스틱에포장되어있었다.] 4. (condition / glad / was / receive / I / perfect / I / product / had / to / the / ordered / in), but (so / seemed / unnecessary / packaging / much). [ 내가주문한제품을완벽한상태로받아기뻤지만, 너무많은포장은불필요하게보였다.] 5. I realized (packaging / be / that / for / kind / this / bad / must / the / wasteful / environment / of). [ 나는이런종류의낭비적인포장이환경에분명히나쁠것임을깨달았다.] 6. So I went online, and (to / avoid / looking / packaging / for / ways / wasteful / while), I discovered "Green Shopping." (learned / I've / what / like / I'd / to / share). [ 그래서온라인에접속하여불필요한포장을피하는방법들을찾던도중, 녹색구매 를발견하였다. 나는내가알게된것들을공유하고자한다.] 7. In short, "Green Shopping" means (in / shopping / the / mind / environment / with): (conserve / that / buying / help / products / precious / resources), save on energy use, and prevent unnecessary waste. [ 간단히말해서, 녹색구매 는환경을염두에둔소비를뜻하는데, 바로소중한자원을보존하고, 에너지사용을아끼며, 불필요한낭비를방지하는것을돕는제품들을구매하는것이

다.] 8. (creative / Here / I / provide / found / companies / to / are / from / eco-friendly / "shop green. / ads / that / ways) [ 여기에 녹색구매를하는 창의적방법들을제공하는환경친화적인회사들로부터찾아낸광고들이있다.] 9. We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines (thrown / are / away / that / after / reading). [ 우리는모두읽고난후버려지는신문과잡지를정기적으로삽니다.] 10. Break the habit, and try something new: (to / paper / e-magazines / Subscribe / magazines / help / save / our / money / and / trees / instead / to / of)! [ 그런습관을버리고다음과같은새로운것을시도하세요. 나무를보호하고돈을절약하기위해종이잡지대신 e-잡지를구독하세요.] 11. We offer an incredible selection of magazines (a / on / of / smart / read / devices / be / can / anywhere / variety / that). [ 우리는다양한스마트장비들을통해어디서든읽을수있는놀라울만큼의다양한잡지들을제공합니다.] 12. (disposable / plastic / stop / bags / you / using / want / Do / to)? Visit our online store! [ 일회용비닐봉투를그만사용하고싶으세요? 우리의온라인상점을방문하세요!] 13. (selection / shopping / that / every / reusable / bags / of / has / large / meet / It / needs / shopper's / a). [ 우리상점에는모든소비자들의필요를충족시키는다양한종류의재사용가능한쇼핑가방이있습니다.] 14. (or / color / can / fabric, / and / You / your / choose / unique / add / logo / get / bag's / a / and / to / picture). [ 당신은가방의색상과천을선택할수있고, 독특한로고나그림을추가할수도있습니다.] 15. (a / nonprofit / be / can / or / great / spread / your / way / business / to / message / This)! [ 이것은당신의사업또는비영리적메시지를확산시키는훌륭한방법이될수있습니다!] 16. Most importantly, (resources / use / with / that / helps / up / number / plastic / and / paper / precious / reduce / bags / shopping / a / natural / of /

reusable / bag / the). [ 무엇보다중요한것은, 재사용가능한가방으로하는쇼핑은소중한천연자원을고갈시키는 종이및비닐봉투의숫자를줄이는데도움을준다는것입니다.] 17. Do you have home electronics, furniture or (around / just / that / old / things / lying / are / still / good / other / any / but / in / condition)? [ 오래되었지만상태는여전히좋은가전제품이나가구, 그밖에다른물건이그냥방치되어있는게있으신가요?] 18. (about / throw / Are / away / to / you / them)? Well, STOP! Check out our website and sell the things (help / the / aren't / using / keep / anymore / and / from / Earth / waste / you / free). [ 그것들을버릴예정이신가요? 그렇다면멈추세요! 우리웹사이트에방문해서당신이더이상사용하지않는물건들을팔아서쓰레기가없는지구를유지할수있도록도와주세요.] 19. Or just go to ("For Sale" / things / great / need / to / prices / you / at / buy). [ 아니면 판매중 코너로가서당신이필요한중고물건을좋은가격에구입하세요.] 20. (you / buy / things / recycled / materials / made / Do / from)? No? Well, (by / items / recycled / buying), you can save natural resources. [ 재활용재료로만들어진물건들을구입하시나요? 아니라고요? 재활용제품들을구입함으로써, 당신은천연자원을아낄수있습니다.] 21. Visit our website or (for / one / great / eco-friendly / stores / a / of / our / products / selection / of). [ 다양한종류의친환경제품을판매하는우리의웹사이트나, 매장중한곳을방문하세요.] 22. You'll (designs / of / our / products / amazed / be / creative / the / recycled / by), such as (recycled / from / made / and / newspaper / bags / 100% / pencils). [ 당신은 100% 재활용된신문으로만들어진연필이나가방같은우리의재활용제품들의창의적디자인을보고놀랄것입니다.] 23. In addition, (purchases / made / charge / will / bags / corn / your / we / from / of / biodegradable / in / pack / free / gladly). [ 게다가, 우리는곡물로만들어져미생물에의해자연분해되는가방에당신이구입한물건들을기꺼이무료로담아드립니다.] 24. (to / products / From / packaging), our stores are 100% eco-friendly! (Why / you / us / check / today / it / visit / out / don't / and)?

[ 제품에서부터포장까지, 우리매장은 100% 환경친화적입니다! 오늘우리매장이나웹사이 트에방문해서확인해보는것은어떠세요?] 25. (Green / around / corner / The / the / right / Fair / is)! Come to the Green Fair for fun, free activities, and (to / information / go / green / on / useful / how). [ 녹색박람회가다가옵니다! 녹색박람회에오셔서재미있고무료로제공되는활동들을체험하고, 환경친화적이되는방법에대한유용한정보들을얻으세요.] 26. Our information is special and unique, but (simple / it / still / and / easy / understand / to / is). [ 우리의정보는특별하고독특하면서도, 간단하고이해하기도쉽습니다.] 27. (A / prices / reasonable / organic / foods / at / of / variety / for / local / and / sale). Eco-friendly outdoor activities for people of all ages. [ 합리적인가격으로판매되는다양한종류의지역유기농식품. 전연령이즐길수있는환경친화적인야외활동들.] 28. (200 / products / green / exhibitions / presenting / new / Over). Green workshops the entire family can participate in. [ 새로운친환경제품들을선보이는 200개가넘는전시회. 모든가족구성원이참여할수있는친환경워크숍 ] 29. Come to the Green Fair and (step / greener / a / take / life / big / healthier / and / toward / living / a)! [ 녹색박람회에오셔서더건강하고친환경적인삶을살기위한큰발걸음을내딛으세요!] 30. Overall, (are / to / be / by / I / "green shopper." / many / was / surprised / how / ways / there / a). I realized (is / easier / people / chat / environment / help / making / the / much / that / many / choices / believe / protect / everyday / ). [ 대체로, 나는 친환경적인소비자 가될수있는방법이이렇게많다는사실에놀랐다. 나는환경을보호하는데도움이되는일상의선택이많은사람들이생각하는것보다훨씬쉽다는것을깨달았다.] 31. To me, "shopping green" means making smart shopping choices. (look / for / made / recycled / from / I / materials / products / now), and stop myself (I / buying / that / don't / things / from / need). [ 나에게 친환경소비 를한다는것은물건을구매할때현명한선택을한다는것을의미한다. 나는요즘재활용재료로만들어진제품들을찾고, 불필요한물건들은구입하지않는다.]

32. I've also (bag / started / every / I / reusable / to / me / time / go / take / shopping / with / a). [ 나는또한쇼핑을갈때마다재사용이가능한가방을꼭가지고가기시작했다.] 33. Best of all, I've found (just / good / is / the / planet / green" / not / "shopping / for / that); it's good for my bank account, too! [ 무엇보다 친환경소비 는지구에만좋은것이아니라, 나의은행계좌에도좋다는것을알게되었다!]

[ 정답 ] 1. I got a huge package in the mail / I didn't know what it was 2. Given the enormous size of the box / it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online 3. I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess what I found / I finally found my new cellphone case, wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic 4. I was glad to receive the product I had ordered in perfect condition / so much packaging seemed unnecessary 5. that this kind of wasteful packaging must be bad for the environment 6. while looking for ways to avoid wasteful packaging / I'd like to share what I've learned 7. shopping with the environment in mind / buying products that help conserve precious resources 8. Here are ads I found from eco-friendly companies that provide creative ways to "shop green. 9. that are thrown away after reading 10. Subscribe to our e-magazines instead of paper magazines to help save trees and money 11. that can be read anywhere on a variety of smart devices 12. Do you want to stop using disposable plastic bags 13. It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags that meet every shopper's needs 14. You get to choose your bag's color and fabric, and can add a unique logo or picture 15. This can be a great way to spread your business or nonprofit message 16. shopping with a reusable bag helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources 17. any other things that are old but still in good condition just lying around 18. Are you about to throw them away / you aren't using anymore and help keep the Earth free from waste 19. "For Sale" to buy things you need at great prices 20. Do you buy things made from recycled materials / by buying recycled items 21. one of our stores for a great selection of eco-friendly products 22. be amazed by the creative designs of our recycled products / pencils and bags made from 100% recycled newspaper 23. we will gladly pack your purchases in biodegradable bags made from corn free of charge 24. From products to packaging / Why don't you visit us and check it out today 25. The Green Fair is right around the corner / useful information on how to go green

26. it is still simple and easy to understand 27. A variety of local and organic foods for sale at reasonable prices 28. Over 200 exhibitions presenting new green products 29. take a big step toward living a healthier and greener life 30. I was surprised by how many ways there are to be a "green shopper. / chat making everyday choices that help protect the environment is much easier than many people believe 31. I now look for products made from recycled materials / from buying things that I don't need 32. started to take a reusable bag with me every time I go shopping that "shopping green" is not just good for the planet

[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 5] 정비문 1. 다음문장에서어법상틀린것을두개고르시오. 1 Last week, I got a huge package in the mail. At first, I didn't know what it was. 2 Giving the enormous size of the box, I didn't think it could possibly be the cellphone case I have recently bought online. 3 And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic. 4 I was glad to receive the product I had ordered in perfect condition, but so much packaging seemed unnecessary. 5 I realized that this kind of wasteful packaging would be bad for the environment. 2. 다음문장에서어법상틀린것을두개고르시오. 1 So I went online, and while looking for ways to avoid wasteful packaging, I discovered "Green Shopping." I'd like to share what I've learned. 2 buying products that help conserve precious resources, save on energy use, and prevent unnecessary waste. 3 Here is ads I found from eco-friendly companies that provide creative ways to "shop green. 4 We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines that throw away after reading. 5 Break the habit, and try something new: Subscribe to our e-magazines instead of paper magazines to help save trees and money! 3. 다음문장에서어법상틀린것을두개고르시오. 1 We offer an incredible selection of magazines that can read anywhere on a variety of smart devices. 2 Do you want to stop using disposable plastic bags? 3 It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags that meet every shopper's needs. 4 You get to choose your bag's color and fabric, and can add a unique logo or picture. 5 This can be a great way spreading your business or nonprofit message!

4. 다음문장에서어법상틀린것을두개고르시오. 1 Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources. 2 Do you have home electronics, furniture or any other things that are old but still in good condition just lying around? 3 Are you about to throw them away? Well, STOP! 4 Check out our website and sell the things you aren't using anymore and help keep the Earth freely from waste. 5 Do you buy things making from recycled materials? No? Well, on buying recycled items, you can save natural resources. 5. 다음문장에서어법상틀린것을두개고르시오. 1 Visit our website or one of our stores for a great selection of eco-friendly products. 2 You'll be amazed by the creative designs of our recycled products, such as pencils and bags made from 100% recycled newspaper. 3 In addition, we will glad pack your purchases in biodegradable bags making from corn free of charge. 4 From products to packaging, our stores are 100% eco-friendly! Why don't you visiting us and check it out today? 5 The Green Fair is right around the corner! Come to the Green Fair for fun, free activities, and useful information on how to go green. 6. 다음문장에서어법상틀린것을두개고르시오. 1 Our information is special and unique, but it is still simple and easy to understanding. 2 A variety of local and organic foods for sale at reasonable prices. Eco-friendly outdoor activities for people of all ages. 3 Over 200 exhibitions presenting new green products. Green workshops the entire family can participate in. 4 Overall, I was surprising by that many ways there are to be a "green shopper." 5 Come to the Green Fair and take a big step toward living a healthier and greener life! 7. 다음문장에서어법상틀린것을두개고르시오. 1 I realized chat making everyday choices that help protect the environment is

much easier than many people believe. 2 To me, "shopping green" means making smart shopping choices. 3 I now look for products making from recycled materials, and stop me to buying things that I don't need. 4 I've also started to take a reusable bag with me every time I go shopping. 5 Best of all, I've found that "shopping green" is not just good at the planet; it's good for my bank account, too!

[ 정답및해설 ] 1. 2 Giving Given ( given 은전치사처럼사용되는분사구문으로 ~ 을고려해볼때 라는뜻의숙어적의미를나타낸다 ) have had ( had bought 는과거완료시제로, 기준이되는과거시점보다더이전의일을나타내기위해사용된다 ) 5 would be must be ( 조동사 must 는 ~ 임에틀림없다, 틀림없이 ~ 일것이다 의강한추측을나타낸다 ) 2. 3 Here is here are ( 문법상의습관적도치로동사뒤의명사가진짜주어이다. 주어가 ads 이므로복수 be동사 are을사용한다. 4 throw away are thrown away ( 문맥상 읽은후에버려지는잡지와신문들 이므로 be+p.p 의수동태를사용한다 ) 3. 1 can read can be read ( 수식을받는잡지가읽는것이아닌읽혀지는것이므로수동태인 be+p.p 를사용한다 ) 5 spreading to spread (to spread 는 to부정사의형용사적용법으로명사 way를수식하여 ~ 하는방법 이라고해석한다 ) 4. 4 throw it way throw them away (throw away 는구동사로문맥상 them은 home electronics, furniture or any other things 을대신하는대명사이므로복수대명사를써준다 ) the Earth freely the Earth free (keep + 목적어 + 형용사형태로목적격보어자리에형용사가위치한다 ) 5 making from made from (made는과거분사로명사 things를수식한다 ) on buying by buying ( by ~ing 는 ~ 함으로써 의의미이며 on ~ing 는 ~ 하자마자 의의미이다 ) 5. 3 glad gladly ( 문맥상동사 pack 을수식하는부사가위치해야한다 ) 4 visiting visit ( why don t you + 동사원형 의형태는 ~ 하는것은어때 의제안하는 표현이다 ) 6. 1 understanding understand (to+ 동사원형의형태로 to부정사를사용한다 ) 4 surprising surprised ( 감정을나타내는분사를사용할때감정을느끼는경우에는과거분사, 감정을유발하는경우현재분사를쓴다 ) that many ways how many ways ( 전치사 by의목적어로의문사 how가이끄는명사절을사용한다 ) 7. 3 making from made from (made는과거분사로명사 products를수식한다 ) stop me to stop myself to ( 주어와목적어가동일인일경우목적어자리에재귀대명사를사용한다 ) 5 at for ( be good at 은 ~ 을잘하다, 능통하다 의의미이며 be good for 은 ~ 에좋다 의의미이다 )

[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 6] 순서배열 1. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? Last week, I got a huge package in the mail. At first, I didn't know what it was. (A) I was glad to receive the product I had ordered in perfect condition, but so much packaging seemed unnecessary. (B) Given the enormous size of the box, I didn't think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. (C) I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess what I found! Another little box! And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 2. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? I realized that this kind of wasteful packaging must be bad for the environment. (A) Here are ads I found from eco-friendly companies that provide creative ways to "shop green. (B) In short, "Green Shopping" means shopping with the environment in mind: buying products that help conserve precious resources, save on energy use, and prevent unnecessary waste. (C) So I went online, and while looking for ways to avoid wasteful packaging, I discovered "Green Shopping." I'd like to share what I've learned. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 3. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines that are thrown away after reading. (A) We offer an incredible selection of magazines that can be read anywhere on

a variety of smart devices. (B) Break the habit, and try something new: Subscribe to our e-magazines instead of paper magazines to help save trees and money! (C) Do you want to stop using disposable plastic bags? Visit our online store! 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 4. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags that meet every shopper's needs. (A) You get to choose your bag's color and fabric, and can add a unique logo or picture. (B) Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources. (C) This can be a great way to spread your business or nonprofit message! 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 5. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? Do you have home electronics, furniture or any other things that are old but still in good condition just lying around? (A) Or just go to "For Sale" to buy things you need at great prices. (B) Do you buy things made from recycled materials? No? Well, by buying recycled items, you can save natural resources. (C) Are you about to throw them away? Well, STOP! Check out our website and sell the things you aren't using anymore and help keep the Earth free from waste. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B)

6. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? Visit our website or one of our stores for a great selection of eco-friendly products. (A) From products to packaging, our stores are 100% eco-friendly! Why don't you visit us and check it out today? (B) You'll be amazed by the creative designs of our recycled products, such as pencils and bags made from 100% recycled newspaper. (C) In addition, we will gladly pack your purchases in biodegradable bags made from corn free of charge. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 7. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? The Green Fair is right around the corner! Come to the Green Fair for fun, free activities, and useful information on how to go green. (A) Our information is special and unique, but it is still simple and easy to understand. (B) A variety of local and organic foods for sale at reasonable prices. Eco-friendly outdoor activities for people of all ages. (C) Over 200 exhibitions presenting new green products. Green workshops the entire family can participate in. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 8. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? Come to the Green Fair and take a big step toward living a healthier and greener life! (A) To me, "shopping green" means making smart shopping choices. I now look for products made from recycled materials, and stop myself from buying things that I don't need. (B) I've also started to take a reusable bag with me every time I go shopping. (C) Overall, I was surprised by how many ways there are to be a "green shopper." I realized chat making everyday choices that help protect the

environment is much easier than many people believe. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(B)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B)

[ 정답 ] 1. 3 2. 4 3. 3 4. 2 5. 5 6. 3 7. 1 8. 5

[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 7] 문장삽입 1. 다음문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? I was glad to receive the product I had ordered in perfect condition, but so much packaging seemed unnecessary. Last week, I got a huge package in the mail. a At first, I didn't know what it was. Given the enormous size of the box, I didn't think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. b I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess what I found! Another little box! And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic. c I realized that this kind of wasteful packaging must be bad for the environment. d So I went online, and while looking for ways to avoid wasteful packaging, I discovered "Green Shopping." I'd like to share what I've learned. e 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 2. 다음문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? We offer an incredible selection of magazines that can be read anywhere on a variety of smart devices. In short, "Green Shopping" means shopping with the environment in mind: buying products that help conserve precious resources, save on energy use, and prevent unnecessary waste. a Here are ads I found from eco-friendly companies that provide creative ways to "shop green. b We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines that are thrown away after reading. c Break the habit, and try something new: Subscribe to our e-magazines instead of paper magazines to help save trees and money! d Do you want to stop using disposable plastic bags? Visit our online store! e 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 3. 다음문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources.

It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags that meet every shopper's needs. a You get to choose your bag's color and fabric, and can add a unique logo or picture. b This can be a great way to spread your business or nonprofit message! c Do you have home electronics, furniture or any other things that are old but still in good condition just lying around? d Are you about to throw them away? Well, STOP! Check out our website and sell the things you aren't using anymore and help keep the Earth free from waste. Or just go to "For Sale" to buy things you need at great prices. e 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 4. 다음문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? In addition, we will gladly pack your purchases in biodegradable bags made from corn free of charge. Do you buy things made from recycled materials? No? Well, by buying recycled items, you can save natural resources. a Visit our website or one of our stores for a great selection of eco-friendly products. b You'll be amazed by the creative designs of our recycled products, such as pencils and bags made from 100% recycled newspaper. c From products to packaging, our stores are 100% eco-friendly! Why don't you visit us and check it out today? d The Green Fair is right around the corner! Come to the Green Fair for fun, free activities, and useful information on how to go green. e 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 5. 다음문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? I now look for products made from recycled materials, and stop myself from buying things that I don't need. Come to the Green Fair and take a big step toward living a healthier and greener life! a Overall, I was surprised by how many ways there are to be a "green shopper." b I realized chat making everyday choices that help protect the environment is much easier than many people believe. To me, "shopping green" means making smart shopping choices. c I've also started to take a reusable bag with me every time I go shopping. d Best of all, I've found that "shopping green" is not just good for the planet; it's good for my bank account, too! e 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e

[ 정답 ] 1. 3 2. 4 3. 3 4. 3 5. 3

[ 실용독해와작문능률이찬승 ] Lesson 1 Let's Go "Green Shopping!" [STEP 8] 내용일치 1. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Last week, I got a huge package in the mail. At first, I didn't know what it was. Given the enormous size of the box, I didn't think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess what I found! Another little box! And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic. I was glad to receive the product I had ordered in perfect condition, but so much packaging seemed unnecessary. I realized that this kind of wasteful packaging must be bad for the environment. 1 내최신휴대전화케이스가포장재와플라스틱에포장되어배송되었다. 2 소포가왔을때내가주문한휴대전화케이스인것을몰랐다. 3 휴대전화케이스가약간파손된채배송되어기분이좋지않았다. 4 저자는너무많은포장이불필요하다고여긴다. 5 저자는과도한포장이환경에부정적인영향을끼칠것이라생각한다. 2. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? So I went online, and while looking for ways to avoid wasteful packaging, I discovered "Green Shopping." I'd like to share what I've learned. In short, "Green Shopping" means shopping with the environment in mind: buying products that help conserve precious resources, save on energy use, and prevent unnecessary waste. Here are ads I found from eco-friendly companies that provide creative ways to "shop green. We all regularly buy newspapers and magazines that are thrown away after reading. Break the habit, and try something new: Subscribe to our e-magazines instead of paper magazines to help save trees and money! We offer an incredible selection of magazines that can be read anywhere on a variety of smart devices. 1 저자는과도한포장을피하는방법을찾으려노력했다. 2 녹색구매는환경을위해소비를하지않는것이다. 3 E-readers는종이신문과잡지보다는스마트장비들을통한 e-잡지를권하는회사이다. 4 e-잡지는스마트장비만있으면장소에구애받지않고다양한잡지를읽을수있다. 5 친환경적인회사들이다양한녹색구매방법을광고하고있다.

3. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Do you want to stop using disposable plastic bags? Visit our online store! It has a large selection of reusable shopping bags that meet every shopper's needs. You get to choose your bag's color and fabric, and can add a unique logo or picture. This can be a great way to spread your business or nonprofit message! Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources. 1 종이또는비닐봉투의사용은천연자원을고갈시키는원인이될수있다. 2 재사용가능한쇼핑가방은비영리적메시지를확산시킬수있는방법이될수있다. 3 소비자가원하는스타일의재사용가능한쇼핑가방을만들수있다. 4 일회용봉투의사용을줄일수있는방법의사이트가있다. 5 재사용가능한쇼핑가방은선택의폭이넓지않아소비자들의선택에제한적이다. 4. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Do you have home electronics, furniture or any other things that are old but still in good condition just lying around? Are you about to throw them away? Well, STOP! Check out our website and sell the things you aren't using anymore and help keep the Earth free from waste. Or just go to "For Sale" to buy things you need at great prices. Do you buy things made from recycled materials? No? Well, by buying recycled items, you can save natural resources. Visit our website or one of our stores for a great selection of eco-friendly products. 1 재활용제품을구입하는것은천연자원을아끼는좋은방법이될수있다. 2 친환경제품을판매하는온라인사이트나매장에서다양한제품을구매할수있다. 3 오래되고고장난가전제품이나물건을위사이트에서팔수있다. 4 위사이트에서는중고물건을좋은가격에구입할수있다. 5 더이상사용하지않는물건들을되파는것이깨끗한지구를유지하는데도움이된다. 5. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? The Green Fair is right around the corner! Come to the Green Fair for fun, free activities, and useful information on how to go green. Our information is special and unique, but it is still simple and easy to understand. A variety of local and organic foods for sale at reasonable prices. Eco-friendly outdoor activities for people of all ages Over 200 exhibitions presenting new green products Green workshops the entire family can participate in Come to the Green Fair and take a big step toward living a healthier and greener life! 1 녹색박람회는재밌고유익한활동들을저렴한비용으로체험할수있다. 2 박람회에서제공하는환경친화적인방법들은간단하고이해하기쉽다.

3 녹색박람회에서지역유기농식품을저렴한가격에살수있다. 4 박람회에서남녀노소즐길수있는환경친화적인야외활동과워크숍을제공한다. 5 박람회에서새로운친환경제품들을만나볼수있다. 6. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Overall, I was surprised by how many ways there are to be a "green shopper." I realized chat making everyday choices that help protect the environment is much easier than many people believe. To me, "shopping green" means making smart shopping choices. I now look for products made from recycled materials, and stop myself from buying things that I don't need. I've also started to take a reusable bag with me every time I go shopping. Best of all, I've found that "shopping green" is not just good for the planet; it's good for my bank account, too! 1 주인공에게친환경소비란물건을구매할때현명한선택을하는것이다. 2 주인공은환경보호에도움이되는일상의일들이어렵지않다는것을깨달았다. 3 주인공은재활용재료로만들어진제품을사려고노력하며재사용가능한가방을이용한다. 4 친환경적인소비자가될수있는방법은제한적이지만쉽다. 5 친환경소비를함으로써돈을절약하는데도움이되었다.

[ 정답 ] 1. 3 2. 2 3. 5 4. 3 5. 1 6. 4