언에세상 TG_level3_성현

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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,


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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

언에세상 TG_level1_수정



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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정




소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin




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71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

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3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho



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E F G H Contents The Elephant and the Eskimo The Flamingo and the Frog The Greyhound and the Grasshopper The Horse and the Hippo Review EFGH

1.13 (cont.) Time (시간) today (오늘) yesterday (어제) tomorrow (내일) breakfast (아침밥) lunch (점심) dinner (저녁밥) week (주) month (달) year (해/년) clock (시계) before





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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

Read Together Kitty lived near the sea. 키티는 바닷가에 살았어요. She played alone on the beach. 키티는 해변에서 혼자 놀았답니다. She wanted to make friends. 키티는 친구를 사귀고 싶었어요.

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

Unit 1 reading.hwp


Just Grammar Starter Level 3-º»¹®.PDF


서론 34 2

4. Are We There Yet? 학습목표 차를타고워터파크에가는규리와친구들의이야기를즐기며주요질문익히기 주요질문 Q1: Are we there yet? A1: Not yet. / Just wait. / Yes, we are. / Almost. Q2: What do y

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Being friends with the face in the mirror



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Level 3-1 Lighthouse Stop, Look, and Listen Time: 100 mins Genre: Nonfiction Topic: 교통안전 Theme: 길을건너기전에할일 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? (Pointing at each vehicle) What is this? What sound does it make? Do you run when you cross the street? Do you walk? Do you cross at the red light? Do you cross at the green light? Warm-Up Activity

Look at the child on the road. What is he doing? Is it good or bad? Why? Let s draw an X in the box. How about the others? What is he/she doing? Is it safe or dangerous? Draw an O for safe and draw an X for dangerous. You should look out for cars on the street. You should stop, look, and listen. Trace the sentence. Reading with Activity Let s play a ball game. Please sit in a circle and toss the ball. When you get the ball, say the sentences in the correct order. Reading Together Teacher Reading Can you read the title? Stop, Look, and Listen. In this story, we ll learn what we should do before we cross the street. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning Are you going to cross the street when you see a bus coming? Can you cross the street at the green light? page 2~11 What is it? / Are the people crossing the street? / Why are they stopping? (It s a car. ; It s a truck. ; It s a motorcycle. ; It s a bus. / No, they are not. / Because of the traffic.) page 12 What are they doing now? / Are there any cars on the street? / Can they cross the street now?

Stop, Look, and Listen (They are crossing the street. / No, there aren t any cars. / Yes, they can cross now.) Sentence Skills Activity Writing Activity Extension I stop before I cross the street. I look before I cross the street. I listen before I cross the street. And then I cross. Wrap-Up Questions What should we do before we cross the street? What should we do before we go in-line skating? What should we do before we swim? Online Homework

Level 3-2 Lighthouse My Breakfast Time: 100 mins Genre: Nonfiction Topic: 음식 / 요일 Theme: 아침식사로먹은음식들 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? What is he doing? How many meals do you eat a day? Can you name the three meals? Breakfast, lunch and dinner. What did you have for your breakfast today? Look at the cover again. He is having his breakfast now. Do you know what he is eating now? Warm-Up Activity

What do you want for your breakfast? Bread? Eggs? Draw the food you would like to eat then write about them. Teacher Reading Can you read the title aloud? My Breakfast. In this story, the boy tells you what he ate for his breakfast on each day. And you ll also know what day his birthday is. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Make a calendar to show your breakfast each day. Make five lines for the days of the week from Monday to Friday. And then write and draw what you want to have for your breakfast. What did you have for your breakfast on Wednesday? I had pancakes for my breakfast. They were yummy! Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning What do you like to eat for your breakfast? page 2~9 What day is it? / What did he have for his breakfast? / Did he like it? (Monday. ; Tuesday. ; Wednesday. ; Thursday. / He had cereal. ; He had toast. ; He had an egg. ; He had fruit. / Yes, he did.) page 10~11 What day is it? / Is he eating now? (It s Friday. / No, he s not.) page 12 Who is this? / Whose birthday is it today? / What are they having for breakfast? (It s his mom. / It s the boy s birthday. / They are having bread, fruit and juice.)

My Breakfast page 3 cereal(corn flakes), milk page 5 toast, orange juice, jam, butter page 7 toast, egg(boiled egg), apple juice page 9 milk, fruit(banana, grapes, orange, strawberry) page 12 orange juice, fruit, bread(muffin, pastry) Sentence Skills Activity Extension On Monday I had rice and soup. On Tuesday I had vegetable soup. On Wednesday I had a cupcake. On Thursday I had milk and cereal. On Friday I had an egg for my breakfast. Wrap-Up Questions Online Homework What did you have for your breakfast on your birthday? Writing Activity

Level 3-3 Lighthouse You Can t Catch Me Time: 100 mins Genre: Fiction Topic: 동작 Theme: 술래잡기놀이 Eliciting Background Knowledge Let s see what s on the cover. You see two children. What are they doing? Are they walking? Are they swimming? No, they are running. They are playing tag. Warm-Up Activity Tarzan is going to see his girlfriend. On the way, he is going to meet different animals. What animal do you see? (Pointing at each animal) Is it running/ hopping/ jumping/ flying/ skipping? Follow the maze and trace the words.

Run! I m the running man! Teacher Reading Let s read the title altogether. You Can t Catch Me. In this story, children are playing tag and having fun. I m going to read the story slowly. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity When I say run, you say I m the running man. You should act it out, too. Can a sleeping man speak? No. Here s a rule. When I say sleep, you just pretend you re sleeping but you should not say anything because you are sleeping. Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning Can you run? Yes, I can run as fast as a dog. page 2~9 What are they doing? / Are they having fun? / Who is it now? (They are running. ; They are jumping. ; They are hopping. ; They are skipping. / Yes, they are. / It s boy wearing a white and red shirt. ; The boy in a sweatsuit. ; The boy in a green

You Can t Catch Me T-shirt. ; The boy wearing a striped shirt.) page 10~11 What does the teacher say? / What do you think the girls are thinking? (Walk! / The boys are silly. ; We re better than the boys.) page 12 Are the boys running now? / Where are they going? (No, they are not. / They are going into the class room.) Sentence Skills Activity Writing Activity Extension He s the running man. No. He s the hopping man. I think he s the jumping man. You are right. I m the jumping man. Online Homework Wrap-Up Questions When do you have to run as fast as you can? When do you have to jump as high as you can?

Level 3-4 Four Corners What Should We Wear? Time: 100 mins Genre: Nonfiction - Procedure Topic: 비옷 Theme: 비옷의쓰임새와성질 Eliciting Background Knowledge Look at the cover. How is the weather? Is it raining? Do you take an umbrella when it s raining? Look at the children. What do they have in their hands? What will happen if they go outside without umbrellas? Warm-Up Activity How is the weather? Is it sunny? No, it s raining. What should we wear when it s raining?

Trace the sentence. Look at the drawings. What are they? What do we need to wear on a rainy day? Circle the drawings and write the words. Key Words Activity Teacher Reading What is the title? What Should We Wear? This story is about what we should wear when it s raining outside and why. I m going to read the story slowly. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity What should we wear to keep us dry? What you need: What you do: Where is the paper dry/wet?: We will do the test(experiment) together. What do we need? What do we do? Tell me the steps in order. What s the result? Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning What else do we need to keep us dry on a rainy day? page 2 How is the weather? / What does the girl have? / What does the boy have? (It s rainy. / She has a sweater. / He has a raincoat.) page 3 What do they have on the table? / What are they going to find out? / Do you know why they re using colored water? (They have a plastic square, a cloth square, paper, colored water and an eyedropper. / They are going to find out what to wear to keep them dry. / Because it is easy to see the results clearly.) page 4 What color is the plastic square? / What color is the cloth square? / What is under the squares? (It s yellow. / It s red. / There is paper.) page 5 What are they doing? / What are they using to drop the water? /What will happen?

What Should Looking We at Wear? Cities (They are dropping water. / They are using an eyedropper. / The cloth will absorb the water. ; The plastic will not absorb the water.) page 6~7 Where is the paper dry? / What is the difference between the plastic and the cloth? (The plastic side of the paper is dry. / The cloth absorbed the water and made the paper wet, but the plastic stopped the water and kept the paper dry.) page 8 What are they wearing? / Are they ready to go outside? / Will they get wet? (They are wearing raincoats. / Yes, they are. / No, they won t.) Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions What do we need on a rainy day? What do we need on a snowy day? Why do people wear mufflers and mittens in winter? To keep us warm. Why do people wear sunglasses on a sunny day? Because the sun is bright. Writing Activity Extension We need to wear pads and helmets for skating. Pads and helmets keep us safe. We need sweaters and mittens when it s snowing. They keep us warm. Online Homework Fact-File 우리를보호하는것들 1. 2. 3.

Level 3-5 Lighthouse Stuck in the Mud Time: 100 mins Genre: Fiction Topic: 진창에빠진엄마의차 Theme: 차가진창에빠져여러사람의도움을받은엄마 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? (Pointing at the mud) What is this? It s mud. Where do you see the mud? When do you see the mud on the ground? Is it clean? Is it dirty? What would happen if a car got into the mud? Would it get dirty? A car can be stuck in the mud. What should people do if their cars are stuck in the mud? Warm-Up Activity

Look at the first picture. What is she doing? Is she busy? What does she say? She says, Help! Who is helping her? Match the pictures. Look at the second picture. Why is she crying? Is she in trouble? Who is helping her? Match the pictures. Look at the third picture. What is he going to do? What does he say? Who is helping him? Match the pictures. Repeat the sentence after me. Who asked whom? Trace the words to complete the sentences. Teacher Reading Can you read the title? Stuck In the Mud. Mom s car is stuck in the mud, so she asks people to help. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Take it in turns to pick out a name from the bag. Say, She asked a (truck driver) to help. with the name you picked. The rest of the students say, The (truck driver) pushed and pushed, but Mom s car was still stuck in the mud. If you don t remember the previous names or make mistakes, restart the game. Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning What would you do if you were in trouble? What would you do if your friends asked you to help them?

Stuck in the Mud page 2~3 Where is Mom s car? / What is Mom stepping on? Why is Mom stepping on the stone and the log? / What is Mom doing? (It s in the mud. / She is on a stone and a log. / Because of the mud. / She is asking for help.) page 4~5 What is the lady doing? / Why is she pushing the car? (She is pushing the car. / She is pushing Mom s car to get it out of the mud.) page 6~7 (Pointing at the truck) What is this? / (Pointing at the truck driver) Who is he? / Who is pushing Mom s car now? (It s a truck. / He is a truck driver. / The lady and the truck driver are.) page 8~9 (Pointing at the bus) What is this? / (Pointing at the bus driver) Who is she? / What does Mom ask to the bus driver? / Who is pushing Mom s car now? (It s a bus. / She is a bus driver. / Mom asks her to push her car out of the mud. / The lady, the truck driver, and the bus driver are.) page 10~11 What are they all doing? / Is Mom s car out of the mud now? (They are pushing the car. / No, it s still stuck in the mud.) page 12 Is Mom s car still stuck in the mud? / What does Mom say? / (Pointing at the people) What happened to them? (No, it s out of the mud. / Thank you. / They fell on the mud.) Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions Has your mom or dad s car ever been stuck in the mud/ had a flat tire/ had an accident? Who did she/ he ask for some help? Writing Activity Extension Team 1 My mom s car was stuck in the mud. She asked a zookeeper and a lion trainer to help. They pushed and pushed, but the car was still stuck in the mud. They called strong animals like lions, elephants, and bears to help. The men and the animals pushed and pushed and they all fell into the mud! Online Homework

Level 3-6 Lighthouse Whose Footprints? Time: 100 mins Genre: Nonfiction Topic: 발자국 Theme: 발자국을보고무엇이남긴것인지추측하기 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? It s a dog. (Pointing at the footprints) What are these? (Pointing at the dog s footprint) Whose footprint is this? (Pointing at the cat s footprint) Whose footprint is this? Let s find out whose footprints these are in the book. Warm-Up Activity

Have you seen the footprints of animals? Look at the footprints. What animal made those footprints? Draw lines to match a footprint and a foot. Then trace the sentence. Pick up a picture of a set of footprints. Then ask, Here are some footprints. Who made them? The person who knows the answer raises his/ her hand and says the answer. Then find the correct foot picture and say, A (bird) s foot looks like this. Teacher Reading Can you read the title aloud? Whose Footprints? In this story, we ll see different footprints made by different animals. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning Have you seen the footprints of animals? Where did you see them? Whose footprints were they? page 2 What is he looking at? / Whose footprints are these? (He is looking at footprints. / They are a bird s.) page 3~4 What animal made these footprints? Was it a bird or a cat? (It was a bird.) page 5~11 (Pointing at each animal) What is this? How many feet does it have? (Pointing at the foot and footprint) Whose foot and footprint is this? (It s a cat. ; A cow. ; A dog. ; A rabbit. / It has four feet. / It s a cat s. / A cow s. / A dog s.) page 12 Who made the footprints? / Does his foot print look like his shoe sole? (The boy did. / Yes, it does.)

Whose Footprints? Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions Do you make the same footprints as your friends/ mom/ dad? Why are they all different? Where can you make footprints easily? Extension Here are some more footprints. Who made them? It was a cat. No. It was a monkey. That s right. Online Homework Writing Activity

Level 3-7 Step into Reading The Worst Helper Ever! Time: 100 mins Genre: Fiction Topic: 실수 Theme: 누구나실수를할수있음 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? There is a cat and two pigs. Can you guess where they are? Can you guess what they were doing? There are bowls, cups, knives and forks. It looks like a dining room. What time is it? It s one o clock. Maybe they were going to eat lunch. What is the cat doing? He is pulling the table cloth. Can you guess why he s doing that? Warm-Up Activity

A helper is a person who helps others. The animals are helping others. Are they the best helpers or the worst helpers? Circle the best helpers and trace the sentence. We re going to make a chart about the mistakes in the story. You can write and draw. After finishing the chart, come out and tell other students about your chart. Teacher Reading Can you read the title aloud? The Worst Helper Ever! In this story, Farmer Pig asks Charlie Cat to help him in the farm. Will Charlie Cat be a good helper? Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning Have you ever helped your mom or dad? What did you help with? Were you a good helper? page 4~5 What time is it? / Is it morning or night? / What is Farmer Pig doing? (It s six o clock. / It s morning. / He is sleeping.) page 6~7 What animals does Farmer Pig have on his farm? / How many cows? / How many chickens and chicks? / What happened to Farmer Pig? / Is he busy? (He has chickens and cows. / One cow. / Nine chickens and chicks. / He is hanging on a rope. / He is busy.) page 8~9 What is Farmer Pig doing? / What is Charlie Cat doing? / Is he busy?

(He is talking to Charlie Cat. / He is just sitting on a chair. / No, he isn t) page 10~11 What is Famer Pig asking Charlie Cat to do? / Whose truck is this? / Who is going to drive the truck? (Farmer Pig is asking Charlie Cat to help him. / It s Farmer Pig s. / Charlie Cat is going to drive it.) page 12~13 What mistake did Charlie Cat make here? / Is Farmer Pig angry? (He drove through the water. / Yes, he is.) page 14~15 Who is helping Farmer Pig now? / Is Farmer Fox a good helper? (Farmer Fox is. / Yes, he is.) page 16~17 What mistake did Charlie Cat make here? / What happened to the gate? (He drove through the gate. / It broke.) page 18~19 What animal is in the barn? / What does Farmer Pig want Charlie Cat to do? / What is Charlie Cat going to do? (A cow is in the barn. / Farmer Pig wants Charlie Cat to help him in the barn. / He is going to milk the cow.) page 20~21 What did Charlie Cat do? / Is he a good helper? (He spilt the milk in the pail. / No, he is not.) page 22~23 What is in the garden? / What will Charlie Cat do to help Farmer Pig? (There are tomatoes, cabbages, and carrots. / Charlie cat will help Farmer Pig with watering the garden.) page 24~25 What is Charlie Cat doing? / Is he really helping Farmer Pig? / Is he a good helper? (He is watering the kitchen. / No, he isn t. / No, he s not.) page 26~27 What time is it? / Where are they now? / What are they going to do? (It s twelve. ; Noon. / They are in the kitchen. / They are going to eat lunch.) page 28~29 What is Charlie Cat doing now? / Why does Charlie Cat do this? / Is he really helping Farmer Pig? (He is pulling the table cloth. / He does it to clear the table. / No, he is not.) page 30 Is Farmer Pig happy? / Why is he angry? (No, he is not. / Because Charlie Cat made mistakes.) page 31 Where are they going? Who is driving? Why is Farmer Pig driving? (They are going back to Charlie Cat s place. / Farmer Pig is driving. / Because he doesn t want Charlie Cat to make any more mistakes.) page 32 Why is the truck in the water again? Who made a mistake this time? (Farmer Pig drove through the water. / Farmer Pig made a mistake this time.) Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions Have you ever made a mistake? What mistakes did you make? Writing Activity

The Worst Helper Ever! Extension I can clean up the barn and give food to the hens. I can water the vegetables and pick the tomatoes. Online Homework

Level 3-8 Four Corners Where Does Breakfast Come From? Time: 100 mins Genre: Nonfiction - Explanation Topic: 식품과식재료 Theme: 아침식사로먹는음식들이얻어지는곳 Eliciting Background Knowledge Look at the cover. What is he doing? What is on the table? Can you point to the eggs/ toast/ milk/ orange juice? What do you have for your breakfast? Warm-Up Activity Where do the foods come from? Follow down the ladder and find out about it. Then trace the words.

Teacher Reading What is the title? Where Does Breakfast Come From? In this story, we ll learn where breakfast foods come from. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Pick up a food card. Tell us the name of the food and where it comes from or what it s made with. Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning Cabbages, radishes, cucumbers are used to make Kimchi. Where do cabbages, radishes, and cucumbers come from? Rice is used to make rice cakes (tteok). Where do you see the rice plant? Meat is used to make bulgogi. Where do you see the cows, pigs and chickens? page 2 What are these? / Do they make a good breakfast? / Do you like eggs / toast / orange juice / milk? (They are eggs, toast, orange juice and milk. / Yes, they do. / Yes, I do. ; No, I don t.) page 3 What is this place? / What is this? (It s a farm. / It s wheat.) page 4 (Pointing at the hen) What is this? / (Pointing at the eggs) What are these? Where do eggs come from? (It s a hen. / They are eggs. / Eggs come from hens.) page 5 What are these? / What is this? / Where does milk come from? (They are cows. / It s milk. / Milk comes from cows.) page 6 What is this powder? / What is the person doing? / What is used to make bread?

Where Does Breakfast Come From? (It s flour. / He(She) is Making dough. / Wheat is used to make bread.) page 7 What are these on the tree? / What other fruits can make juice? (They are Oranges. / Apples ; Graphs ; Pineapples etc.) page 8 What is he holding? / Is he enjoying his breakfast? / What did you have for your breakfast this morning? / What part of your breakfast comes from a farm? (He is holding milk. / Yes, he is. / I had rice and spinach soup. / Rice and spinach do.) Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions What did you have for breakfast today? Where do your breakfast foods come from? What part of your breakfast comes from a farm? What part of your breakfast comes from the sea? Writing Activity Extension I had rice for my dinner. Rice comes from a farm. I had meat for my dinner. Meat comes from cows. I had potato soup for my dinner. Potatoes come from a farm. Online Homework Fact-File 어디서어떻게얻을까? 1. 2. 3.

Level 3-9 Step into Reading Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat Time: 100 mins Genre: Fiction Topic: 용기 Theme: 쥐를돕기위해용감한행동을한겁많은고양이 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? It s a cat. Its name is Tiger. What is a tiger? Tiger is a wild animal. Why do you think the cat is named Tiger? Can you guess what Tiger would do in this story? Warm-Up Activity

What are you scared of? Are you scared of snakes? Repeat after me, I am scared of snakes. Circle the things you are scared of and draw one more thing in the box. Teacher Reading Can you read the title? Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat. Who is Tiger? Do you know what scaredy means? You ll find it out in the story. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Please make 2 teams. One team will be named Before, the other team will be named After. Each team has to rewrite your part of the story. Team Before writes about what Tiger is scared of, and Team After writes about what things Tiger has to do to help Baby Mouse. Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning What is Tiger scared of? Are you scared of the dark? Are you scared of dogs? page 4~5 What is it? / What s his name? / Is he small? / Is he weak? (It s a cat. / It s Tiger. / No, he is big. / No, he is strong.)

Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat page 6~7 What is the dog doing? / Why is Tiger running away from the dog? / Is Tiger brave? (It is chasing Tiger. / He is scared of dogs. / No, he is not brave.) page 8~11 Where is Tiger? / What is he doing? / Why is he hiding? / Is Tiger brave? (He is behind the fire hydrant. ; Under the couch. / He is hiding from the truck. ; Hiding from the vacuum cleaner. / Because he is scared. / No, he s not.) page 12~13 What is he scared of? (He is scared of the dark. ; The mice.) page 14~15 What is Tiger doing? / Do you see a dog? / Do you see a vacuum cleaner? (He is taking a nap. / No, I don t. / No, I don t.) page 16~17 (Pointing at the mice) What are these? / What is Tiger doing? / Does Tiger see them? (They are mice. / He is taking a nap. / No, he doesn t.) page 18~19 What are the mice doing? / What is Tiger doing? / What are the mice scared of? / What is Tiger scared of? (They are running away. / He is running away, too. / They are scared of the cat. / Tiger is scared of the mice.) page 20~25 (Pointing at the mouse) Is he crying? / (Pointing at Tiger) Is he running away? / Is Tiger going to help baby Mouse? (Yes, he is. / No, he is not. / Yes, he is.) page 26~29 What is Tiger doing? / Does he look scared of the truck ; dog ; vacuum cleaner ; dark? (He is walking by a truck ; a dog ; the vacuum cleaner and down the dark stairs. / No, he doesn t.) page 30~31 Who does Tiger meet? / Is it bright here? / Is Tiger running away? (Tiger meets Mother Mouse and Father Mouse. / No, it s dark. / No, he s not.) page 32 Is Tiger still scared of mice? / Is he brave? (No, he s not. / Yes, he is.) Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions What are you scared of? What did you do to overcome it? Writing Activity Extension I was scared of the dark. I had to go out at night and look for my lost key. I was scared of bees. I had to put my hand in the beehive to get honey. I was afraid of water. I had to swim across the river. Online Homework

Level 3-10 Step into Reading The Snowman Time: 100 mins Genre: Fiction Topic: 눈사람 Theme: 눈사람을만들고놀았던어느날의일 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? It s a snowman! How is the weather? It s snowing. What do you do when it s snowing? How do you make a snowman? Look at the snowman in the picture. What is he wearing? What color is his nose? What color are his eyes? Can you guess what his nose is made with? Warm-Up Activity

Have you ever made a snowman? What did it look like? Draw your own snowman. What color are its eyes? What color is its nose? What do you want to add to the snowman? After drawing your snowman complete the sentences. Reading with Activity Put the sentence strips into the order they appear in the story. When you are finished, raise your hand and read the story. Teacher Reading Can you read the title aloud? The Snowman. In this story, we are going to meet a very special snowman that was made by a child like you. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Questioning What happened to the snowman? Why did the snowman melt? page 4 What s the weather like? / Why does the boy say Hooray? (It s snowing. / Because he is excited to see snow.) page 5 What is he doing? / Is he wearing his boots? / Is he wearing his hat? (He s putting his pants on. ; He is getting dressed. / Yes, he is. / No, it fell off.) page 6~7 (Pointing at the shovel) What is it? / What is

The Snowman he doing? / Is the pile taller than the boy? (It s a shovel. / He is making a pile of snow. / No, it isn t. ; Yes, it is.) page 8 (Pointing at the snowball) What is it? / Why does the boy put the snowball on top? (It s a snowball. / He does it to make a head for the snowman.) page 9~11 What is the boy adding? / What makes its nose? / What makes its eyes and buttons? (He is adding a scarf and a hat. / An orange does. / Coal does.) page 12~13 What does the boy say? / Does the snowman move? (What a fine snowman. / No, he doesn t) page 14~15 Is it bright or dark? / What is he doing? (It s dark. / He is sneaking downstairs. ; He is looking out the door.) page 16~17 What is the snowman doing? / Is the snowman moving? (He is greeting the boy. / Yes, he is.) page 18~21 Where are they? / What are they doing? / What does the snowman see? (They are in the house. / The boy s showing the house to the snowman. / He sees a cat, a lamp, and paper towels.) page 22~27 Are they inside the house? / What are they doing? (No, they are out. / They are flying in the sky.) page 28 Why is the boy giving a hug? (Because he is saying, Good-bye. ) page 29 (Pointing at the window) Is it nighttime? / How s the weather? (No, it s morning. / It s sunny.) page 30~31 What is the boy doing? / Did he get dressed? / Why is the boy running? (He is running. / No, he didn t / He is running to see the snowman.) page 32 What happened to the snowman? (It s gone. ; It s melted.) Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions When can we make snowmen? Can we make a snowman in summer? Can we make a snowman when it s warm? What will happen to the snowman when it gets warmer? Writing Activity Extension Team 1 We would like to eat ice-cream, watch movies, and go to school with the snowman. The teachers might be surprised. Team 2 We would like to show all different kinds of animals to the snowman in the zoo. Then we would like to have a snowball fight. It would be fun. Online Homework

Level 3-11 Step into Reading My New Boy Time: 100 mins Genre: Fiction Topic: 애완동물 Theme: 새로운주인을만나행복한생활을하는강아지 Eliciting Background Knowledge What do you see on the cover? There is a dog and a child. Look at their faces. Do they look happy? Who is the master? Who will take care of whom? Warm-Up Activity You re in a pet store. Which pet do you want? Circle the pet you want and complete the sentence. Who is going to take care of your pet? Do you think the pet will like it? What will you do to make your pet think you re a good master?

about the puppy like what the puppy did to the boy or what the puppy is good at. Teacher Reading Can you read the title aloud? My New Boy. In this story, the puppy takes good care of the boy. Look at the pictures while listening. Reading Together Let s read the story again in teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turns. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Make 2 teams. One team comes out first. Each of the team members has to tell us one thing Questioning Where can you get a pet? Have you ever been to a pet store? What pets have you seen there? Have you been to an animal shelter? page 4~5 What is this place? / What animals do you see inside? (It s a pet store. / I see a puppy.) page 6~7 What are they doing to the puppy? / How does the puppy look? / Does the puppy like it? (They are pulling its tail. ; Kissing too much. / He does not look happy. / No, he dosen t.) page 8~9 What is the boy doing to the puppy? / Does the puppy like him? / Does he take the puppy home? (He is patting its head. / Yes, it does. / Yes, he does.) page 10 What is the boy doing? (He is giving some food to the puppy.) page 11 Where are they? What is the boy doing? / What is the puppy doing? (They are in the bathroom. / He is hugging the puppy. / He is licking the boy s face.) page 12

My New Boy What are they playing? (They are playing tug of war.) *tug of war: page 14~15 What are they doing? / Who is throwing the ball? / Who is going to catch the ball? (They are plying. / The boy is. / The puppy is.) page 16~17 What is the puppy doing? / Why does the puppy do tricks? (He is showing the boy his tricks. / He does them to get a bone.) page 18~19 Who is a good digger? (The puppy is.) page 20~21 What is the puppy doing? / Can the boy do it? (It s scratching its ears. ; Hiding under the bed. / No, he can t.) page 22~23 Who is running faster? / Can the boy run as fast as his puppy? (The puppy is. / No, he can t.) page 24~27 Is the boy still following the puppy? / What is the puppy doing? (No, he is not. / The puppy is looking for the boy.) page 28~31 Are they happy to see each other? / Is the leash on? (Yes, they are. / No, it isn t. ; Yes, it is.) page 32 Where are they? / What is the boy doing? / Do they look happy? (They are in the bedroom. / He is sleeping. / Yes, they do.) Sentence Skills Activity Wrap-Up Questions How do your mom and dad take care of you? Do you take care of your brothers or sisters? Writing Activity Extension Is your master a child or an adult? Why do you want a child? Is your master a boy or a girl? Does your master kiss you too much? My master is a girl. I don t want a boy. Boys run too much. I don t want to run a lot. I would like to teach her to understand me. I love to hear a song. Online Homework

Level 3-12 Four Corners Where Do Plants Grow? Time: 100 mins Genre: Nonfiction Topic: 식물과그분포지 Theme: 여러식물들과그식물들이자라는곳들 Eliciting Background Knowledge Look at the cover. What is this place? Is it land? No, it is water! (Pointing at the flower) Do you know what this is? Yes, it is a flower. It is a lotus. Lotuses grow in ponds. How about other plants? What plants grow in ponds? What plants grow on land? Warm-Up Activity (Pointing at the first picture) Do you see plants here? The plants are in the desert. Repeat after me, desert. Color the plant.

Teacher Reading What is the title? Where Do Plants Grow? In this story, we ll learn about how different plants grow in different places on the earth. Look at the pictures while listening. Echo Reading Let s read the words 3 times. Now I m going to read the story one line at a time. Please repeat after me. Key Words Activity Reading with Activity Where do sunflowers grow? Sunflowers grow in fields. What plants grow in forests? Different trees grow in forests. Reading Together OK. Let s make 2 teams. One team reads one sentence and the other team reads the next sentence in turn. Questioning What kinds of plants grow in ponds? Where do cactuses grow? Do we have deserts in our country? page 2 What are these places? / Have you ever seen a pond? / What did you see there? (They are a desert, a pond, a field, and an ocean. / Yes, I have. ; No, I haven t. / I saw waterlilies. ; Frogs.) page 3~7 What place is this? / What is growing here? (It s a desert. ; Pond. ; Forest. ; Field. ; Ocean. / Cactuses. / Ferns. ; Waterlilies. ; Potatoes. ; Seaweed.) page 8 What are deserts? / What are fields? / What are the differences between oceans and ponds? (They are places that get little rain. / They are wide, flat places. / Oceans are places with deep, salty water and ponds have shallow water.) Sentence Skills Activity

Where Do Plants Grow? Wrap-Up Questions What animals live in deserts? What animals can you see in ponds? Where do rice plants grow? Where do lavers grow? Writing Activity Extension Team 1 Sharks, whales, sea horses, jelly fish, and octopuses live in oceans. Team 2 Maple trees, pines, chestnut trees, oaks, and ferns grow in forests. Online Homework Fact-File 어떤식물일까요? 책에등장한식물들에대해좀더알아봅시다. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.