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114 2, 115,,?,,,, (Distinctiveness of Humanity),, (eternity),,, 1),,, (, 1998), 344 (David Brower) 6 8, 4, 11 2/3, 2?, 2) ) 4) 5), 6) 2) John He

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요 약 문 남북 종교교류의 역사는 짧지만, 그 성과와 영향력은 무시할 수 없을 만큼 크고, 갈 수록 그 현실적 의미와 결실이 증대하고 있다. 정치ㆍ경제ㆍ문화ㆍ학술ㆍ예술ㆍ종교 분 야 등에서 다양하게 남북한간의 교류가 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 다양한 분야에서의 교 류와 협

1? ??

안동교회 90년사(pdf).PDF




표현의 자유

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: An Exploratory Stud




2,5 부 1 부 입례송영 21장(다 찬양하여라) 예배에의 부름 시 56:10 사회자 송영 찬양대 기원 사회자 찬송 37장(주 예수 이름 높이어) 다함께 기도 2부 : 주낙명 장로 /5부: 기우중 장로 신앙고백 사도신경 다같이 찬송 293장(주의 사랑 비칠 때에) 다함

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션


26 영미연구 제9집 어떠한 방법으로 가르쳐야 하는가에 대한 필자의 시도이다. 사실 이러한 문제들 은 교과목 이름을 어떻게 하고 가르치든지 간에 모든 교수님들이 매 학기마다 항 상 부딪히는 문제이다. 필자는 이러한 문제는 공개적인 논의를 통해 영미 소설을 가르치는 교수



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324호 완성(최종본)

H i s t o ry of the Joint Chiefs of StaffThe Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy 1947~1949,


Version CMef00.81.ko 2003 3 25 Copyright 2001-2003, Ted A. Campbell

Ted A. Campbell ( ) Copyright 2001-2003, Ted A. Campbell : Cmef00.81.ko 2003 3 25 License: The Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. Web Site:

... 7 1:... 15 2:... 21 3:... 27 4:... 31 5:... 37 6:... 45 7:... 51 8:... 57 A:... 63 B:... 65... 77

0.1..... ( 15:1b).. ( 15:3b-4).. ( 15:11) 0.2...,. ( )..

8 ( ),. 0.3. 20., (, ).,,... 0.4,.. (

9 ). ( )..,.,., ( 6 ).,,.. 0.5....,..,

10,... (Eastern and Oriental Orthodox),., 2 (Oneness). 6. (, ).. 0.6...,.

11 ( B). (Restora tionist) " (Waldensian) ". 0.7 ( ). ( ),,,,,,. ( ). ( ).,, ( ) ( 0.2 ).

12, 20, ( ). 0.8 ( )....,,,. 0.9 ( 3:4; 2:2,4:3), ( 2:1-2), ( 6:19),..,.

13 ( ) ( 13:11). ( 4:1, 13:2, 14:2)...... 0.10 Creative Commons License ( C ).,,,.

1:. ( ). 1.1..., (1.4 ). 1963 4, (Scripture, Tradition and Traditions).,,. (Tradition, )

16 (traditions) ". ( 15:3-11 ), ( ). (1980 1990 ). 1.2 ( ).,,,.,. 1.3.,,,.,

17....,. 1.4,..,.. 1.5,,, ( ). ( 325 787 ). (Oriental Orthodox).. 1.6. ( ) ( ).

18.,. 1.7..,,.,,..,.,. 1.8, 1800.,,,,, ( ),. 1.9, ( ).,.,,,. 1.10.

19. 15:1-2,. 1:6-7,. 1:13-14,. 1.11. 15:1-2 11:23-25. 2:15.., 2 4. 1.12,,... 3:16, 22:18-19. ( )..


2:.. 2.1,? 50. ( 15:3b-4)., - -. 2.2 ( )

22.,. 300. 381 ( ), ( A ). 1970 1980 (Confessing the Apostolic Faith Today). (Confessing the One Faith),. 2.3 ( ),..,., ( ),

23.,,.,.. 2.4 ( ), (,, ).,,. 2.5.. (Abba) ( 8:15-17, 26-27)...

24 2.6, (Persons), (nature), (Trinity) (substance).,,. 2.7,,.. 2.8..,. (, ).,. 2.9. ( 6:4-5) ( 5:6-7). 28:19b,. 1 5:7..

25 ( ) 8:15-17 26-27.

3:. 3.1,,....,. 400,., a) ( ) (,,,, ), b) ( ) (, ).

28 3.2, (451) ( ). (, ),.,, (modernist).,. 3.3 ( 4 ). (Athanasius),.., ( 1:4b).

29 3.4,,. 3.5.,,.,,.,. 3.6,,., ( 2:5b;, 9:2b, 17:20b), ( 17:1-13, 9:2-13, 9:28-36;, 1:16-18),., ( 2:5-11), ( 2:9), ( 12:27-28, 16:30),. 3.7,.

30 ( 1:1-14).,, ( 2:6-7)., ( )., ( 1:2b-3a 1:1-2:4), ( 2:5-18).

4:.,. 4.1,,.. 1999 10 31 (Joint Declaration on Justification). 20,. (4.4)

32 (4.8),.,,. 4.2,., ( ) (4.4).,,., ( ) ( ).,,,, ( ). ( ) ( 6. ).,.,. 4.3.,

33,.,., (personal),.,,.,. 4.4..,. 4.5, a), b), c).,,,.. ( ). 4.6 (,

34,, ),.. 4.7,,,,. 4.8.., ( ).. 4.9, (, 5 ).. (,.) 4.10,,.,. ( )

35. 4.11,.,.,. (, ). ( ),. ( ), ( 5 ). 4.12., ( 1:18-3:20)., ( 1:16-17 3:21-31; 2:15-3:14 )., ( 6:15-23, ). ( 8:29-30;, ), ( 9-11), ( ).

36, 13:8,,.

5:,,.. 5.1,. ( ),,.,. ( A ),, (, ),.,. (ecclesia semper reformanda)..,

38,,. ( ).. 5.2.,,.,,,. 5.3 ( ).. 1900,. (organic union).

39. ( ),,. (The Nature and Unity of the Church) (1998). 5.4.,,,.,., ( ),,. ( ) ( ; ),, ( ),,,,,. 5.5, ( ).. ( ) ( ).

40 5.6,,,,. (sacrament), (ordinance).,. 5.7 ( ) ( ).,. ( ). 5.8 ( )., ( ). ( ).,.. (episcopos, ), ( p, presbyteros elder ),.,.. 5.9.,,..

41, ( ). ( 1), ( ),. 5.10 (Synodal).., (house).,.,., ( ) (presbyteries). (Elders Conference). 5.11 ( ).. a) ( ), b), c). (, ) (synod, ).,. 5.12.,,.

42 ( )... 5.13.. ( ), ( ).,. ( ),, ( ) ( ). 5.14.. - -. 5.15,. (ekklesia; 16:18 18:17, 2:47, 5:11 )., ( 1:7 1:2 ) ( 24:31, 8:33),.,., 1:13,., 12:12-31

43 ( 4:1-16 ).,,,, ( 2:43-47). 5.16 (charismata) ( 12-14, : 12:4-8 4:11-13).,, (elders. presbyters priests ),. ( 3:1-13 5:9-22; 1:5-9).

6:.,,.. 6.1 (,, ),. (, 6.6 ), (6.5 ).., ( )

46, (, ). 6.2 ( 6.5 ).,, ( ).,. ( ) ( )..,, ( ),,, (. ),,, (,, ).,,

47. 6.3 ( ). :,, ( 4:5).,.... 6.4,. ( ). ( ),..

48. 6.5. (a),, ( ) ( ) ( ). (b),.. (c),,,.. 6.6.. (a),,,,,., (, ). (b),,,. ( ),. (c),.

49 6.7.,, ( ). (a),,,,,,.. (b),,,,,. 20,,. 6.8,.,. (a), (b), (c),.,,,,,,.,,,,.,,., ( ).

50 6.9 : 3:1, 1:2-8, 3:1-2. 3:13-17, 1:9-11, 3:21-22, 1:29-34., 28:19. 16:16,, ( ) 3:2,.. 16:15, 33, ( ). (2 ), ( ).

7:,,. ( ). 7.1 ( ), (, )..,. (Eucharist) : (Qorbana), (Divine Liturgy),, (Holy Communion).

52 7.2 (7.5-7.6).,. a). b) (fellowship) (communion) ( koinonia ). ( ; 18:20),.,, ( ),.. 7.3, ( )...

53,., (hospitality; ) (7.6)., (,, ). 7.4.,,.,. (in communion)., ( ) ( ).. 7.5

54. (a),,.,,. (b).. (substance) ( ) (transubstantiation). (Catechism of the Catholic Church). (c), ( ), (, virtue). (d) (,,,,, ).., [ ] ( 18:20). (sign) (symbol). 7.6,.,.,..,

55,, ( ). (,,,, ).,, ( /, ).. ( ).,,. 7.7 11:23-34, 26:26-30, 14:22-26, 22:14-23. (Eucharist). 11:20.....,. 11:27-34,.

8:,.,. 8.1,..,., ( 22:34-40; 12:28-34; 10:25-28).,. ( 22:40).,,, ( : 20:1-7, 5:6-21)

58., ( 8.5.) 1.. 2. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9. 10.. 8.2,,,... 8.3.,.,

59,..,,. 8.4,..,, ( ).,.,, ( 8.8 ), ( ),, ( ),,,.,.,. 8.5,, ( )..

60 20:8-11 20:12 20:13 20:14 3. 4.....,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,.,,.,.,.,. 4. 5...,,.. 5.. 6.. 6.. 7..

61 20:15 20:16 20:17a 20:17b 7..8.. 8. 9... 9. 10... 10.,,.. 8.6... ( ), ( ). 20 ( ). 20, ( ),. 8.7. ( ),,,.,,. (,.)

62 8.8,,.,,..,.., 20, ( ) ( ) (B.29 the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches ).,,. 8.9 22:34-40; 12:28-34; 10:25-28. ( ) 20:1-7 5:6-21., 6:17 (,, )., 19:22. 1:24-27. 139:13, ( ).

A: ( 700 ), ( ). (325 ) (381 ), -. (the International Consultation on English Texts), WCC (Confessing the One Faith, Geneva: WCC Press, 1991). WCC., ( ) (B.6 ).,,,,.,,,, ;,,.. : ( ),,.

64 ; ( ). ( ) ;.,.,,,,,.,,,. ( )., ( )..

B: B.0.,.,, (B. 16),.. B.1.,., ( 1:10-17), ( 2:6, 9, 14-15).. 100,,., 2, ( ). ( ),., 100,,,,. B.2 300,.,,. (Arius)

66, (325 328 ), ( A ). 300,,,. B.3 5 ( 400 ),..,., ( ). 431,,,,., (Assyrian Church of the East;, ).., (Nestorius). B.4 400, ( ),. ( ; 3.5 )., (the Oriental Orthodox Church) ( Eastern Orthodox church, ).. (American Apostolic Church), (West Syrian Church), (Malankara Syrian Church), (Christian Coptic Orthodox Church),

67 (Abyssinian Orthodox Church).,.. B.5, (Mar Thoma).. (.) ( ).,,. B.6 500, (,, ).,. (, ) ( ), ( ),., ( ),. ( ). ( )., 381 ( ) ( A ).,.

68 B.7. 1054. 1400,.. 800., ( ), ( ) (,, )..,. B.8. ( ).., ( 20 10 )., ( ).., ( ). ( B.3 ) 20. (Chaldean Catholic). B.9.,,.., (Peter Waldo), (Waldensians).,.,.

69.. 1970,.,,. B.10, (John Huss). Unitas Fratrum., 1700. (Zinzendorf).,.,. ( ),. B.11 1500.,., ( ; B.13. ).,... B.12, (1530),. 1500 (, )

70. ( ),,.. (Lutheran World Federation),. B.13,.,. (Ulrich Zwingli).,, ( ).,.,... (the World Alliance of Reformed churches)., (Union). (1830 ) B.14. (the Church of England, ) 1500,., 1, ( )., (Anglican churches),.. (Lambeth Conference of Bishops), (Consultative Council)

71. (synodal). B.15 1500,,. ( ) ( ). ( ).,.. 1500, (Huterites) (Mennonites). (Mennonites and Brethren in Christ World Conference). B.16 1600.,.,,., ( )... (Baptist World Alliance). B.17 (1640-1660). (Society of Friends, ). (George Fox), 1640 1650,,.

72,.,.,.,, ( ), 1600. B.18,.. 1700,., (Unitarian) ( [Trinitarian, ] ). 1770... B.19 1700.,. 1780 ( ) 1790 ( ),., ( ),, ( ),. :,. (the World Methodist Council).

73 B.20. ( ). (Thomas and Alexander Campbell), (Barton Warren Stone),, 1830.,..,., (the Christian Church) (Disciples of Christ),. (Church of Christ), ( ).. B.21 1800 ( ). (William Miller) 1843 1844.,,,. (the Adventist churches)., ( ).,. 1800,, 1900. B.22 (Latter-day Saints). (Joseph Smith, 1805-1844).

74, ( )...,.., 2001 4 (the Community of Christ)., ( ). B.23 1800 (N. J. Darby C. I. Scofield ). (dispensations). (the Plymouth Brethren churches),. ( ), (Dispensationalist churches). B.24 1800,.,.. ( ) (Mary Baker Eddy, 1821-1910)., ( ) (illusion). 1880. B.25 1800,. (Charles Taze Russell, 1852-1916) 1884 (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society).

75. 1900, ( ) 3.,,. B.26 ( ). 1800,.,,,..,,, (, ). B.27 1900.,,,. (Three Blessing)., (Two Blessing). ( (Finished Work).,.),, (Oneness),,, ( ). 1900..

76 B.28 20 ( ). (United churches)., (the United Church of Canada),, 1925., (the Uniting Church in Austrailia) (1977). (the Church of South India, 1947) ( ). (the Church of North India, ) (1970). B.29,.. 20,. (the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches). 1970,.. B.30, (mega-churches). ( )..,,.

Abstract of Principles Abstract of Principles of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY. 1859 (in Leith, pp. 339-343). Anglican Articles of Religion Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion of the Church of England, adopted during the reign of Elizabeth I, 1563 (in Leith, pp. 266-281). Assemblies of God Statement of Fundamental Truths Sixteen paragraphs expressing Assemblies of God teaching, as revised in 1969 (in Melton, pp. 357-360). Baptist Faith and Message Report of the Committee on Baptist Faith and Message, adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention, 1925 (in Leith, pp. 343-352). Catechism of the Catholic Church Catechism approved by the apostolic constitution Fidei Depositum of John Paul II, 11 October 1992. I have cited the uniform paragraph numbers in the work as well as page numbers from the American translation: Catechism of the Catholic Church (United States Catholic Conference, 1994). Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (1995) Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective: Draft Recommended to Delegates for Adoption at the General Conference Mennonite Church Triennial Sessions and the Mennonite Church General Assembly, July 25-30 1995. This confession was approved by assemblies of both denominations in July 1995 with minor changes in wording.

78 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists Leith Melton An Adventist statement of 27 central beliefs originally developed in 1872 and revised most recently in 1980. In Seventh-day Adventists Believe... A Biblical Exposition of 27 Fundamental Doctrines (Washington DC: Ministerial Association, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1988). John Leith, ed. Creeds of the Churches: A Reader in Christian Doctrine from the Bible to the Present. Atlanta: John Knox Press, third edition, 1982. J. Gordon Melton, ed., Encyclopedia of American Religions: Religious Creeds (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1988). Mennonite Confession of Faith (1963) A statement of belief adopted by the Mennonite General Conference in 1963 and also affirmed by the Mennonite Church, revised in 1995 as the "Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective" (see above), but it contains some material not included in the latter. In Mennonite Confession of Faith: Adopted by the Mennonite General Conference, August 22, 1963 (Scottdale PA and Kitchener, Ontario, 1963). Methodist Articles of Religion Twenty-Five Articles of Religion (in Leith, pp. 354-360). Moravian Ground of the Unity A Moravian statement of doctrine developed after World War II and revised most recently in 1982. Printed as a separate pamphlet. Nazarene Articles of Faith Articles of Faith of the Church of the Nazarene (in the Manual 1989; Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing Company, 1989).

79 New Hampshire Confession The New Hampshire Confession, adopted by the New Hampshire Baptist Convention, 1833 (in Leith, pp. 334-339). Ware, The Orthodox Church Timothy [Kallistos] Ware, The Orthodox Church. London: Penguin Books, second edition revised, 1993. WCC Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry Report of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches (Faith and Order Paper no. 111; Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1982). WCC Becoming a Christian World Council of Churches Faith and Order Commission, Becoming a Christian: The Ecumenical Implications of Our Common Baptism (available on the internet at WCC/RCC Ecumenical Dialogue on Moral Issues World Council of Churches/Roman Catholic Church Joint Working Group, The Ecumenical Dialogue on Moral Issues (1995; available on the internet at http://www/