Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Around the World의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s Around the World Book 3 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 3 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표사람의상태를묘사하거나허락요청, 권유, 제안하는표현을할수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Around the World Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 세번째의 third 그림 painting 화가 artist 1A 철 오르다 iron climb 군인, 병사 soldier 아주좋아하 는 계절 favorite season 도시 city 서커스 circus 경기 game 1B 산 사다리 mountain ladder 언덕 hill 승리 triumph 아치형구조 물 arch 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 거울 mirror 천장 ceiling 맛있는 yummy 2A 예의범절 가운데의 manners middle 다리 bridge 굉장한 amazing 정원 garden 창문 window 운전기사 driver 부엌 kitchen 2B 연 선물 kite gift 저녁식사 dinner 강한 전채, 애피타이저 strong appetizer 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 약한 weak 싸우다 fight 불가능한 impossible 3A 넘어가다 위험한 cross dangerous 적 ( 키가 ) 작은용감한 enemy short brave 과학자 scientist 음악가 musician 거리 street 3B 마을 졸린 village sleepy 화가난 angry 지도자 leader 장군 general 5
Book 3 Unit 1 Mina and Teo Visit Paris 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 climb 오르다 1 세번째의 third 2 soldier 군인, 병사 2 그림 painting 3 favorite 아주좋아하는 3 화가 artist 4 season 계절 4 철 iron 5 third 세번째의 5 오르다 climb 6 painting 그림 6 군인, 병사 soldier 7 artist 화가 7 아주좋아하는 favorite 8 iron 철 8 계절 season 6 16 개중 개정답
Key Points 허락구하기 : 상대방에게허락을구할때, Can we[i] ~? 를사용해요. 질문에 대한긍정대답은 Sure. / Yes, we[you] can. 으로, 부정대답은 No, we[you] can t. / Not yet. 등으로말할수있어요. 예문 1. A: Can we go to the top? ( 우리가꼭대기에올라가도되나요?) B: Sure. ( 물론이에요.) 2. A: Can I go to the park? ( 내가공원에가도되나요?) B: No, you can t. ( 아니, 안돼요.) Let s Practice Word 를사용하여대화를완성해보세요. Dialogue Word 1. A: Can we go to the circus? B: Yes, we can. we / can / go to we / yes, / can 2. A: Can we go to the river? B: Not yet. we / can / go to not / yet 3. A: Can we go to the game? B: No, we can t. we / can / go to we / no, / can t 4. A: Can we go to the mountain? B: Yes, we can. we / can / go to we / yes, / can 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 프랑스는큰나라인가요? (France / Is /? / a / big / country) Is France a big country? 2. 정말예쁜그림이에요! (what / beautiful /! / a / painting) What a beautiful painting! 3. 파리의날씨는어때요? (Paris / weather / like / what / in /? / is / the) What is the weather like in Paris? 4. 그것은유럽에서세번째로큰나라예요. (the / it s / largest / third / country / in / Europe /.) It s the third largest country in Europe. 5. 여긴화가들이많아요. (here / there / are / artists / many /.) There are many artists here. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. Pardon me? 2. Where is France? 3. France is between Spain and Germany. 4. Look at the view of Paris. 5. Fall is my favorite. 선생님확인 8
1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 city 도시 1 사다리 ladder 2 circus 서커스 2 언덕 hill 3 game 경기 3 승리 triumph 4 mountain 산 4 아치형구조물 arch 5 ladder 사다리 5 도시 city 6 hill 언덕 6 서커스 circus 7 triumph 승리 7 경기 game 8 arch 아치형구조물 8 산 mountain 9 16 개중 개정답
Key Points 최상급 : 그녀가제일예뻐. 와같이여러사람이나사물중에서 가장 ~ 하다 라고말하는것을최상급이라고해요. 최상급앞에는 the 를써요. < 최상급만들기 > 1. 단어끝에 est를붙여요. e로끝나는단어에는 st만붙여요. 예 ) tall tallest / smart - smartest / large - largest 2. 단모음 + 단자음 으로끝나면마지막자음을한번더쓰고 est를붙여요. 예 ) big - biggest / hot hottest 3. y로끝나는단어는 y를 i로고치고 est를붙여요. 예 ) pretty - prettiest / happy - happiest 4. 긴단어나끝이 ful, less, ous 등으로끝나면단어앞에 most를써요. 예 ) delicious most delicious / beautiful most beautiful 5. 형태가전혀다른최상급은외워두세요. 예 ) good best / bad worst / many most / much / most Let s Practice 아래의밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐문장전체를빈칸에써넣어보세요. 1. The rabbit is the fastiest. The rabbit is the fastest. 2. She s the prettyest. She s the prettiest. 3. I m the most tall in my class. I m the tallest in my class. 4. This is the goodest way. This is the best way. 5. She is the beautifulest woman in the world. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 에펠탑은정말높구나! (Eiffel Tower / high / really / is /!) Eiffel Tower is really high! 2. 그것은철로만들어졌죠. (it s / of / made / iron /.) It s made of iron. 3. 우리가꼭대기로올라가도되나요? (go /? / we / can / top / the / to) Can we go to the top? 4. 계단으로올라가자! (climb / the / let s / stairs /!) Let s climb the stairs! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. It looks very strong. 2. Let s take the elevator. 3. It s more than 170 years old. 4. He is famous around the world. 5. It s 324 meters high. 선생님확인 11
Book 3 Unit 2 Teo Feels Like a King 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 mirror 거울 1 가운데의 middle 2 ceiling 천장 2 다리 bridge 3 yummy 맛있는 3 굉장한 amazing 4 manners 예의범절 4 정원 garden 5 middle 가운데의 5 거울 mirror 6 bridge 다리 6 천장 ceiling 7 amazing 굉장한 7 맛있는 yummy 8 garden 정원 8 예의범절 manners 12 16 개중 개정답
Key Points 명령문 : 조용히해, 도와줘. 와같이상대방에게명령하거나부탁할때쓰는 말이에요. 보통주어없이동사원형으로시작하고 ~ 해라 라는의미를가져요. < 명령문만들기 > 1. be동사명령문 : 주어를생략하고 am, are, is의원형인 be로시작해요. 예 ) Be quiet! ( 조용히해라!) 2. 일반동사명령문 : 동사원형으로시작해요. 예 ) Open the door. ( 문을열어라.) 3. 공손한명령문 : 명령문의맨앞이나뒤에 please를써요. 예 ) Please help me. / Help me, please. Let s Practice 아래주어진문장을명령문으로바꿔써보세요. Sentence Practice 1. You are kind. Be kind. 2. You pass me the ball. Pass me the ball. 3. You look at the church. Look at the church. 4. You go straight. Go straight. 5. You are careful. Be careful. 6. You sit down. Sit down. 7. You play outside. Play outside. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 너는왜그렇게천천히걷는거니? (you / why / are / walking /? / so / slow) Why are you walking so slow? 2. 이곳은꼭그림같다. (looks / just / this / like / painting / a /.) This looks like just a painting. 3. 다른방으로가자. (go / let s / to / the / room /. / other) Let s go to the other room. 4. 그림의저남자는누구니? (man / is / who / the /? / painting / in / the) Who is the man in the painting? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. Look at the garden! 2. I feel like a king here. 3. There s so much gold! 4. Let s take a picture together. 5. They re amazing! 14 선생님확인
2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 window 창문 1 선물 gift 2 driver 운전기사 2 저녁식사 dinner 3 kitchen 부엌 3 강한 strong 4 kite 연 4 전채, 애피타이저 appetizer 5 gift 선물 5 창문 window 6 dinner 저녁식사 6 운전기사 driver 7 strong 강한 7 부엌 kitchen 8 appetizer 전채, 애피타이저 8 연 kite 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points Let s + 동사원형 : ~ 하자 라는권유나제안의뜻을표현할때사용해요. 대답은 Sure. ( 물론 ) / That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) 등과같이말할수있어요. 예문 1. A: Let s sit here. ( 여기에앉자.) B: Sure. ( 그래.) 2. A: Let s go to the park. ( 공원에가자.) B: That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) Let s Practice 괄호안의우리말을참고하여아래의 A, B 상자에서알맞은말을골라대화를만들어보세요. 1. A: Let s buy this shirt. ( 이셔츠를사자.) B: That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) 2. A: Let s take off our coats. ( 우리코트를벗자.) B: Sure. ( 물론이지.) 3. A: Let s go to the circus. ( 서커스에가자.) B: Sure. ( 물론이지.) 4. A: Let s drink some soda. ( 탄산음료를좀마시자.) B: That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) A go to the circus take off our coats drink some soda buy this shirt B That s a good idea Sure 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 우리는약간의맛있는치즈를먹어. (some / have / we / cheese / delicious /.) We have some delicious cheese. 2. 식탁위에손을올려놔. (hands / keep / your / on / table / the /.) Keep your hands on the table. 3. 그것은프랑스에서좋은예의범절이야. (France /. / manners / in / good / it s) It s good manners in France. 4. 정말아름다운밤이다! (a / what /! / night / wonderful) What a wonderful night! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. What s for dinner? 2. That sounds great! 3. It looks like a rose. 4. I like these old bridges. 선생님확인 17
Book 3 Unit 3 Napoleon Bonaparte 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 weak 약한 1 위험한 dangerous 2 fight 싸우다 2 적 enemy 3 impossible 불가능한 3 ( 키가 ) 작은 short 4 cross 넘어가다 4 용감한 brave 5 dangerous 위험한 5 약한 weak 6 enemy 적 6 싸우다 fight 7 short ( 키가 ) 작은 7 불가능한 impossible 8 brave 용감한 8 넘어가다 cross 18 16 개중 개정답
Key Points 빈도부사 : 어떤행동이나일이얼마나자주일어나는지나타낼때쓰는 부사를 빈도부사 라고해요. 1. 빈도부사의종류 always ( 언제나, 항상 ) / usually ( 흔히, 보통 ) / often ( 자주 ) / sometimes ( 때때로, 가끔 ) / never ( 결코 전혀 ~ 하지않는 ) 2. 허락을요청할때, 2. 빈도부사의위치 A: Can I try on the crown? B: (1) I m be afraid 동사 not. 뒤에 : I am often sick. ( 나는자주아파.) (2) 일반동사앞에 : I often read a book. ( 나는자주책을읽어.) Let s Practice 아래의밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐빈칸에써넣어보세요. Sentence Practice 1. He always is hungry. He is always hungry. 2. The dog barks often at night. The dog often barks at night. 3. I play always computer games. I always play computer games. 4. She never is sick. She is never sick. 괄호안의우리말을참고하여빈칸에알맞은말을아래의상자에서골라써넣어보세요. 1. I always do my homework. ( 나는항상숙제를해.) 2. I am sometimes tired. ( 나는가끔피곤해.) do always am sometimes 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 내일우리는이탈리아로간다. (Italy / tomorrow / we re / to / going /.) Tomorrow we re going to Italy. 2. 난프랑스의지도자가될거요! (leader / I / be / want / to / the / of / France /.) I want to be the leader of France. 3. 우리는프랑스를위해서싸울것이다. (fighting / we / for / are / France /.) We are fighting for France. 4. 불가능한건없다. (impossible / is / nothing /.) Nothing is impossible. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. Who is that short man? 2. He always wins. 3. He s very brave and strong. 4. He looks weak. 5. We re crossing the Alps. 20 선생님확인
3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 scientist 과학자 1 졸린 sleepy 2 musician 음악가 2 화가난 angry 3 street 거리 3 지도자 leader 4 village 마을 4 장군 general 5 sleepy 졸린 5 과학자 scientist 6 angry 화가난 6 음악가 musician 7 leader 지도자 7 거리 street 8 general 장군 8 마을 village 21 16 개중 개정답
Key Points look + 형용사 : ~ 처럼보이다 로사람의상태를나타낼때사용할수있어요. 예문 1. He looks sad. ( 그는슬퍼보여요.) 2. She looks sleepy. ( 그녀는졸려보여요.) 3. He looks weak. ( 그는약해보여요.) 4. You look angry. ( 당신은화난것처럼보여요.) Let s Practice 우리말을참고하여빈칸에알맞은말을아래의상자에서골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. She looks angry. ( 그녀는화나보여요.) 2. He looks strong. ( 그는강해보여요.) 3. He looks thirsty. ( 그는목말라보여요.) 4. You look sleepy. ( 당신은졸려보여요.) 5. You look tired. ( 당신은피곤해보여요.) angry sleepy tired strong thirsty 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 이기는것은불가능합니다. (impossible / is / it / to / win /.) It is impossible to win. 2. 장군님으로부터편지가왔습니다. (the / general / from / I / letter / have / a /.) I have a letter from the general. 3. 이것이장군에대한나의답장이다. (this / is / reply / my / for / the / general /.) This is my reply for the general. 4. 우리가어떻게호텔로갑니까? (get / the / how / we /? / can / to / hotel) How can we get to the hotel? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. He is in the mountains. 2. It sounds very dangerous. 3. He never gives up. 4. Our enemy is very strong. 5. We both speak English. 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형문제해결하기 ( 세부내용말하기 ) G: We're in Paris! What is that big iron tower over there? B: Wow, it is really tall. It looks very strong. B: Can we go to the top? 문제 G: Maybe it has elevators or stairs. Question: What are they talking about? 출처 B3, p. 8 힌트 그들은무엇에대해이야기하고있나요? They are talking about~ 답안 They are talking about the Eiffel Tower. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 편지쓰기 출처 B3, p. 18~21 힌트 Today I went to~ I saw~ 답안 Today I went to the Palace of Versailles. I saw a nice garden and a huge fountain! 25
Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Around the World Book 3 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 3 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표사람의상태를묘사하거나허락요청, 권유, 제안하는표현을할수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Around the World Book 3 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 세번째의 third 그림 painting 화가 artist 1A 철 오르다 iron climb 군인, 병사 soldier 아주좋아하 는 계절 favorite season 도시 city 서커스 circus 경기 game 1B 산 사다리 mountain ladder 언덕 hill 승리 triumph 아치형구조 물 arch 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 거울 mirror 천장 ceiling 맛있는 yummy 2A 예의범절 가운데의 manners middle 다리 bridge 굉장한 amazing 정원 garden 창문 window 운전기사 driver 부엌 kitchen 2B 연 선물 kite gift 저녁식사 dinner 강한 전채, 애피타이저 strong appetizer 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 약한 weak 싸우다 fight 불가능한 impossible 3A 넘어가다 위험한 cross dangerous 적 ( 키가 ) 작은용감한 enemy short brave 과학자 scientist 음악가 musician 거리 street 3B 마을 졸린 village sleepy 화가난 angry 지도자 leader 장군 general 5
Book 3 Unit 1 Mina and Teo Visit Paris 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 climb 오르다 1 세번째의 third 2 soldier 군인, 병사 2 그림 painting 3 favorite 아주좋아하는 3 화가 artist 4 season 계절 4 철 iron 5 third 세번째의 5 오르다 climb 6 painting 그림 6 군인, 병사 soldier 7 artist 화가 7 아주좋아하는 favorite 8 iron 철 8 계절 season 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points 허락구하기 : 상대방에게허락을구할때, Can we[i] ~? 를사용해요. 질문에 대한긍정대답은 Sure. / Yes, we[you] can. 으로, 부정대답은 No, we[you] can t. / Not yet. 등으로말할수있어요. 예문 1. A: Can we go to the top? ( 우리가꼭대기에올라가도되나요?) B: Sure. ( 물론이에요.) 2. A: Can I go to the park? ( 내가공원에가도되나요?) B: No, you can t. ( 아니, 안돼요.) Let s Practice Word 에있는단어의순서를바로잡아서대화를완성해보세요. Dialogue Word 1. A: Can we go to the circus? B: Sure. we / can / go to 2. A: Can we go to the river? B: No, you can t. can / go to / we 3. A: Can we go to Paris? B: Sure. go to / we / can 4. A: Can we go to the mountain? we / can / go to B: No, you can t. 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 프랑스는큰나라인가요? (France / Is /? / a / big / country) Is France a big country? 2. 정말예쁜그림이에요! (what / beautiful /! / a / painting) What a beautiful painting! 3. 파리의날씨는어때요? (Paris / weather / like / what / in /? / is / the) What is the weather like in Paris? 4. 그것은유럽에서세번째로큰나라예요. (the / it s / largest / third / country / in / Europe /.) It s the third largest country in Europe. 5. 여긴화가들이많아요. (here / there / are / artists / many /.) There are many artists here. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. Pardon me? 2. Where is France? 3. France is between Spain and Germany. 4. Look at the view of Paris. 5. Fall is my favorite. 선생님확인 8
1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 city 도시 1 사다리 ladder 2 circus 서커스 2 언덕 hill 3 game 경기 3 승리 triumph 4 mountain 산 4 아치형구조물 arch 5 ladder 사다리 5 도시 city 6 hill 언덕 6 서커스 circus 7 triumph 승리 7 경기 game 8 arch 아치형구조물 8 산 mountain 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points 최상급 여러사람이나사물중에서 가장 ~ 하다 라고말하는것을최상급이라고 해요. 최상급앞에는 the 를써요. < 최상급만들기 > 1. 단어끝에 est 를붙여요. e 로끝나는단어에는 st 만붙여요. 예 ) large - largest / tall tallest 2. 단모음 + 단자음 으로끝나면마지막자음을한번더쓰고 est 를붙여요. 예 ) big biggest / hot hottest 3. y 로끝나는단어는 y 를 i 로고치고 est 를붙여요. 예 ) happy happiest 4. 긴단어나끝이 ful, less, ous 등으로끝나면단어앞에 most 를써요. 예 ) delicious most delicious / beautiful most beautiful Let s Practice 예시를보고 New Word 를사용하여대화를완성해보세요. Expression New Word 예시 It s the third largest country in Europe. large 1. It s the tallest tower in Asia. tall 2. It s the biggest house in the world. big 3. It s the most beautiful park in Korea. beautiful 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 에펠탑은정말높구나! (Eiffel Tower / high / really / is /!) Eiffel Tower is really high! 2. 그것은철로만들어졌죠. (it s / of / made / iron /.) It s made of iron. 3. 우리가꼭대기로올라가도되나요? (go /? / we / can / top / the / to) Can we go to the top? 4. 계단으로올라가자! (climb / the / let s / stairs /!) Let s climb the stairs! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. It looks very strong. 2. Let s take the elevator. 3. It s more than 170 years old. 4. He is famous around the world. 5. It s 324 meters high. 선생님확인 11
Book 3 Unit 2 Teo Feels Like a King 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 mirror 거울 1 가운데의 middle 2 ceiling 천장 2 다리 bridge 3 yummy 맛있는 3 굉장한 amazing 4 manners 예의범절 4 정원 garden 5 middle 가운데의 5 거울 mirror 6 bridge 다리 6 천장 ceiling 7 amazing 굉장한 7 맛있는 yummy 8 garden 정원 8 예의범절 manners 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points 명령문 : 조용히해, 도와줘. 와같이상대방에게명령하거나부탁할때쓰는 말이에요. 보통주어없이동사원형으로시작하고 ~ 해라 라는의미를가져요. < 명령문만들기 > 1. be동사명령문 : 주어를생략하고 am, are, is의원형인 be로시작해요. 예 ) Be quiet! ( 조용히해라!) 2. 일반동사명령문 : 동사원형으로시작해요. 예 ) Open the door. ( 문을열어라.) 3. 공손한명령문 : 명령문의맨앞이나뒤에 please를써요. 예 ) Please help me. / Help me, please. Let s Practice 아래주어진문장을명령문으로바꿔써보세요. Sentence Practice 예시 1. You are kind. Be kind. 예시 2. You pass me the ball. Pass me the ball. 1. You play outside. Play outside. 2. You go straight. Go straight. 3. You are careful. Be careful. 4. You sit down. Sit down. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 너는왜그렇게천천히걷는거니? (you / why / are / walking /? / so / slow) Why are you walking so slow? 2. 이곳은꼭그림같다. (looks / just / this / like / painting / a /.) This looks just like a painting. 3. 다른방으로가자. (go / let s / to / the / room /. / other) Let s go to the other room. 4. 그림의저남자는누구니? (man / is / who / the /? / painting / in / the) Who is the man in the painting? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. Look at the garden! 2. I feel like a king here. 3. There s so much gold! 4. Let s take a picture together. 5. They re amazing! 선생님확인 14
2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 window 창문 1 선물 gift 2 driver 운전기사 2 저녁식사 dinner 3 kitchen 부엌 3 강한 strong 4 kite 연 4 전채, 애피타이저 appetizer 5 gift 선물 5 창문 window 6 dinner 저녁식사 6 운전기사 driver 7 strong 강한 7 부엌 kitchen 8 appetizer 전채, 애피타이저 8 연 kite 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points Let s + 동사원형 : ~ 하자 라는권유나제안의뜻을표현할때사용해요. 대답은 Sure. ( 그래 ) / That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) 등과같이말할수있어요. 예문 1. A: Let s sit here. ( 여기에앉자.) B: Sure. ( 그래.) 2. A: Let s go to the park. ( 공원에가자.) B: That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) Let s Practice 괄호안의우리말을참고하여아래의 A, B 상자에서알맞은말을골라대화를만들어보세요. 1. A: Let s buy this shirt. ( 이셔츠를사자.) B: That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) 2. A: Let s eat dinner. ( 우리저녁을먹자.) B: Sure. ( 그래.) 3. A: Let s go to the circus. ( 서커스에가자.) B: Sure. ( 그래.) 4. A: Let s drink some soda. ( 탄산음료를좀마시자.) B: That s a good idea. ( 좋은생각이야.) A go to the circus eat dinner drink some soda buy this shirt B That s a good idea Sure 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 우리는약간의맛있는치즈를먹어. (some / have / we / cheese / delicious /.) We have some delicious cheese. 2. 식탁위에손을올려놔. (hands / keep / your / on / table / the /.) Keep your hands on the table. 3. 그것은프랑스에서좋은예의범절이야. (France /. / manners / in / good / it s) It s good manners in France. 4. 정말아름다운밤이다! (a / what /! / night / wonderful) What a wonderful night! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. What s for dinner? 2. That sounds great! 3. It looks like a rose. 4. I like these old bridges. 선생님확인 17
Book 3 Unit 3 Napoleon Bonaparte 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 weak 약한 1 위험한 dangerous 2 fight 싸우다 2 적 enemy 3 impossible 불가능한 3 ( 키가 ) 작은 short 4 cross 넘어가다 4 용감한 brave 5 dangerous 위험한 5 약한 weak 6 enemy 적 6 싸우다 fight 7 short ( 키가 ) 작은 7 불가능한 impossible 8 brave 용감한 8 넘어가다 cross 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points always: 언제나 라는뜻으로어떤행동이나일이항상일어나는걸표현할때써요. 문장에서의위치는어떤동사가오는지에따라달라져요. 일반동사가올때는일반동사의앞에위치하고, am/are/is가올때는 am/are/is 뒤에위치한답니다. 잘기억해두세요. Ex) He always wins. 2. 허락을 I 요청할 am always 때, sick. A: Can I try on the crown? * B: 어떤 I m 행동이나 afraid not. 일이얼마나자주일어나는지나타낼때쓰는또다른표현들에는다음과같은것들이있어요. usually ( 흔히, 보통 ) often ( 자주 ) sometimes ( 때때로, 가끔 ) 이단어들의위치도 always의위치와같아요. Let s Practice always 를올바른위치에넣어문장을다시완성해보세요. 예시 He wins. He always wins. I am sick. I am always sick. 1. He is hungry. He is always hungry. 2. She is sick. She is always sick. 3. I play computer games. I always play computer games. 4. I am tired. I am always tired. 5. I do my homework. I always do my homework. 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 내일우리는이탈리아로간다. (Italy / tomorrow / we re / to / going /.) Tomorrow we re going to Italy. 2. 난프랑스의지도자가될거요! (leader / I / be / want / to / the / of / France /.) I want to be the leader of France. 3. 우리는프랑스를위해서싸울것이다. (fighting / we / for / are / France /.) We are fighting for France. 4. 불가능한건없다. (impossible / is / nothing /.) Nothing is impossible. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. Who is that short man? 2. He always wins. 3. He s very brave and strong. 4. He looks weak. 5. We re crossing the Alps. 선생님확인 20
3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 scientist 과학자 1 졸린 sleepy 2 musician 음악가 2 화가난 angry 3 street 거리 3 지도자 leader 4 village 마을 4 장군 general 5 sleepy 졸린 5 과학자 scientist 6 angry 화가난 6 음악가 musician 7 leader 지도자 7 거리 street 8 general 장군 8 마을 village 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points look + 형용사 : ( 누가 ) ~ 해보이다 라는뜻이에요. 예문 1. He looks sad. ( 그는슬퍼보여요.) 2. She looks sleepy. ( 그녀는졸려보여요.) 3. He looks weak. ( 그는약해보여요.) 4. You look angry. ( 당신은화난것처럼보여요.) Let s Practice 우리말을참고하여빈칸에알맞은말을아래의상자에서골라문장을완성해보세요. 1. She looks angry. ( 그녀는화나보여요.) 2. He looks strong. ( 그는강해보여요.) 3. He looks thirsty. ( 그는목말라보여요.) 4. You look sleepy. ( 당신은졸려보여요.) 5. You look tired. ( 당신은피곤해보여요.) angry sleepy tired strong thirsty 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 이기는것은불가능합니다. (impossible / is / it / to / win /.) It is impossible to win. 2. 장군님으로부터편지가왔습니다. (the / general / from / I / letter / have / a /.) I have a letter from the general. 3. 이것이장군에대한나의답장이다. (this / is / reply / my / for / the / general /.) This is my reply for the general. 4. 우리가어떻게호텔로갑니까? (get / the / how / we /? / can / to / hotel) How can we get to the hotel? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은말을써보세요. 1. He is in the mountains. 2. It sounds very dangerous. 3. He never gives up. 4. Our enemy is very strong. 5. We both speak English. 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형문제해결하기 ( 세부내용말하기 ) G: We're in Paris! What is that big iron tower over there? B: Wow, it is really tall. It looks very strong. B: Can we go to the top? 문제 G: Maybe it has elevators or stairs. Question: What are they talking about? 출처 B3, p. 8 힌트 그들은무엇에대해이야기하고있나요? They are talking about~ 답안 They are talking about the Eiffel Tower. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 편지쓰기 출처 B3, p. 18~21 힌트 Today I went to~ I saw~ 답안 Today I went to the Palace of Versailles. I saw a nice garden and a huge fountain! 25