THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 Jul.; 27(7), 588598. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) A Promoting Policy Direction of Radio Industry by Ecosystem Analysis 박석지 박덕규 Seok-Ji ParkDuk-Kyu Park* 요약..,., 5. Abstract In this paper, we studied a policy direction for promoting radio industry by analyzing the ecosystem. For this, we drew the growing structure and mechanism of radio industries according to wireless technology and service development. We suggested policy elements for radio industry promotion, which is composed of technology development, service development, advancement of law and regulations, business model development, assistance of production and use, publicity enforcement for promotion. The concept and radio industry sector practices of the ecosystem analysis are analyzed by survey of experts. From this result, the 5 policy options are proposed. Key words: Radio Industry, Policy Elements of Promotion, Growing Mechanism of Industry, Industry Ecosystem. 서론, (fintech).,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,, 2016 (IITP) (CPRC) (IITP-2016-H8201-16-1003). (Department of Techno-Marketing, Mokwon University) * (Division of Information and Communication Convergence, Mokwon University) Manuscript received May 29, 2016 ; Revised June 30, 2016 ; Accepted July 6, 2016. (ID No. 20160529-02S) Corresponding Author: Duk-Kyu Park (e-mail: 588 c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved.
,, RFID,. ITU-R [7], IoT (Internet of Thing), (ultra reliable) (low latency). IoT ( ) 2020 500, [1]., [8] 10 IoT.,. Ofcom [10] IoT/M2M, (utilities),, (healthcare),,.,. [15],.,. [16]. ICT [12],[13],[18],[21], [18], [20],....... 전파산업의성장구조와메커니즘 2-1 전파산업의성장구조,,,, [15]. 1,,,, 4.. 표 1. Table 1. Existing classification of radio industry., Wibro, LAN TV,, DMB,,, LAN,,,, 589
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 7, Jul. 2016. 그림 1. () [15] Fig. 1. Conceptual structure of radio industry growing [15]..,,, (appliance).. 1,,,, 4 [15].,,.,,.. /THz/IR/, /,., 5G, UHD,., /., /,,.,,,,,,, /. 2-2 전파산업성장의메커니즘 ICT. 2 Moore's Law, Metcalf's Law, Network. Moore's Law 18 2 ICT ICT 그림 2. Fig. 2. Mechanism of radio industry growing. 590
,,. Metcalf's Law,,.,, (embedment),. Maxwell's Law,,., /IoT. /,, /.. 전파산업생태계개념및분석 3-1 산업생태계개념과분석지표 J. F. Moore [9], Iansiti [5],[6] IT, Fransman [2],[3] ICT (ELM: Ecosystem Layer Model). Moore [9],.,,,,., (co-evolution),,,,,,, [9],[19].,,., (space),. Iansiti [5],., (productivity), (robustness), (innovation) (niche creation) [5]. IT., Financial betas.,,., (MFP),. 591
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 7, Jul. 2016... 3-2 건강한산업생태계의모습 Iansiti [6] IT,,.,,,., /.. 3-3 국내전파산업의생태계분석 3-3-1 전파산업의생태계층구조, Fransman Iansiti,,, IT 2 4. 3-3-2 전파산업의생태계분석지표 3 Iansiti 표 2. Table 2. A layer structure of radio industry ecosystem. 4 3 2 1,, RF,,,,,,,,,, (,, ), (,, ), S/W RF, Chip,, 표 3. Table 3. Index of performance and efficiency evaluation of industry ecosystem. - - - [] Iansiti [5],[6]. -. 3.,, Start-up,,. 592
표 4. Table 4. Evaluation index and measure items of radio industry ecosystem. - - - - - - BM - () - * * (dynamic value constellation): Business Model. 4. 3-3-3 전파산업생태계분석을위한설문조사,. 1),,,. 4 8.,. (2010 2014 ),.,. 5 (5:, 4:, 3:, 2:, 1: ). 표 5. Table 5. Results of evaluation survey of radio industry ecosystem. 1 2 3 4 3.50 3.80 3.50 4.30 3.78 3.90 4.30 3.70 4.50 4.10 3.70 4.05 3.60 4.40 3.94 3.30 2.50 2.50 4.30 3.15 3.10 3.70 3.90 3.80 3.63 2.10 3.90 3.60 4.30 3.48 2.83 3.37 3.33 4.13 3.42 BM 3.30 3.70 3.80 4.50 3.83 3.10 4.10 3.70 4.10 3.75 2.80 4.10 3.30 4.30 3.63 3.07 3.97 3.60 4.30 3.73 3.20 3.79 3.51 4.28 3.70. 5. 3.7. 3.94, 3.42, 3.73,. 1 3.2, 2 3.79, 3 3.51, 4 4.28 4. 4. 1 3.2. 3.775, 4.1. 3.15, 3.63, 3.48,. BM 3.8, 3.75, 3.63 1) ETRI ICT. 47 20, 19, 8. 2016 1 29 2 12 15. 593
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 7, Jul. 2016.. BM., 35 %. 29 %... 전파산업활성화를위한정책방향 4-1 생태계설문조사결과의산업활성화에대한시사점.,,,,.. BM,, BM..., ICT (contents)-(platform)-(network)-(terminal device) 2). Fransman 4 ( 1:, 2:, 3:, 4:, ).. 4,, 4 1, 2, 3., 4.,. 3.68. 4 2 4.3, 4.1.,.,..,,,,.,, 2) ICT (contents)-(platform)-(network)-(terminal device), [17]. 594
.,,,,. 4-2 전파산업생태계발전을위한정책방향제안.,,,, 5. 4-2-1 전파신산업창출활성화를위한연구개발및주파수발굴강화,.,.,,., 4,,., (: free band ). 4-2-2 다양화하는전파기기이용에대응한전파이용환경정비,.,,.,,..,,,. 4-2-3 선순환구조의전파산업혁신생태계조성,,,., 595
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 27, no. 7, Jul. 2016.., -., -.,.,.,.,.,. 4-2-4 건강한전파산업생태계시스템구축 /.., -.,,.,..,,,,.,.,.. 4-2-5 전파산업생태계의지속적인공진화발전을위한인프라구축..,.,. --.,.,., ()-(,, ) (: ),,.. 결론,., 596
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