전공필수과목 : 전공중전공담당교수가지정하는 1 과목 교과목구성 학과필수과목 Studies in the Global Age 전공국제안보국제통상국제한국학사회 문화유산 전 공 필 수 과목 Introduction Security to Trade Understanding Kor

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. 45 1,258 ( 601, 657; 1,111, 147). Cronbach α=.67.95, 95.1%, Kappa.95.,,,,,,.,...,.,,,,.,,,,,.. :,, ( )


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국제지역대학원국제학과 ( 안 ) 1. 학과명 국제학과 / Department of Studies 2. 수여학위 국제학전공 / Studies 수여학위명 : 국제학석사 / Master of Studies - 한국외대학부생의경우, 학 석사연계과정가능 - 향후박사과정및석 박사통합과정신설예정 (2019 년 1 학기 ) 3. 전공 국제안보 국제통상 Global Korean Studies 사회 문화유산 * 위 4 전공중하나를선택하여 기능적 전문지식을연마하고, 이를관심지역연구에적용 응용 - 국제학과지역학의조화를통한인재양성 국제학과내에유엔평화학프로그램 : 구체적운영은한국외대 - 유엔대학과의합의등세부준칙에근거 4. 학과교육목표 국제학의기본적인학문영역을탐구하여국제무대에서활동하는미래핵심인재로서의기본역량배양 국제안보, 국제통상, 국제한국학, 사회 문화유산등전공별로전문가적역량을함양하여, 국제무대에서능동적으로활약하는글로벌전문가양성 국제학과지역학의조화를통한 21세기형전문가양성 5. 교과과정 모든수업과연구는영어로수행 학과필수과목 : 글로벌시대국제학 ( Studies in the Global Age)

전공필수과목 : 전공중전공담당교수가지정하는 1 과목 교과목구성 학과필수과목 Studies in the Global Age 전공국제안보국제통상국제한국학사회 문화유산 전 공 필 수 과목 Introduction Security to Trade Understanding Korea Global Cultural Heritage and I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation -Seminar on Relations 전공과목 Conflicts -US Foreign -US-led alliances in the Asia-Pacific Relations in East Asia -Political Dynamics in East Asia -Terrorism and Politics -UN and Other Organizations -Resource Politics -Globalization Social Change and -Global Governance Trade -Statistical Analysis of Trade -Comparative of FTA Analysis -FTA and Trade -Topics in FTA -Topics in Enterprise -Overseas Regional Economics -Korean Peninsula Division/Unification: An Perspective -South Korea s Foreign -Korean Cultural Studies: Media, Culture, Society -Gender and Modern Korean Society -Ethnography of Korea -Contemporary South Korea: Neoliberalism and Social Effects -Two Koreas -Politics of Science and Technology in Korea and East Asia -Controversial Topics in Korean Society -Cultural Heritage and Cooperation -Multiculturalism Globalization and -Cultural Heritage and Tourism -Seminar on Heritage Studies -Cultural Heritage in Korea -Cultural Heritage Negotiation -Advanced Seminar in Global Korean Studies Regime -Human Rights and Politics - 2 -

6. 학점이수구성 석사학위구성요건 : 최소 40 학점이수와석사학위논문 구분 외국어 이수학점 4 학점 - 영어가모국어가아닌학생은영어 - 영어가모국어인학생은연구와관련된해당지역언어중 1 개를선택 2 학점과목을첫 2 개학기에걸쳐이수 * 제 2 외국어가능통한자는주임교수가대체과목지정 학과필수 3 학점 Studies in the Global Age 전공필수 3 학점전공담당교수가지정하는 1 과목 전공과목 15 학점전공영역에서개설하는과목중 5 과목 타전공과목 3 학점국제학과내타전공에서개설하는과목중 1 과목 분과학문 6 학점국제지역대학원타과에서개설하는지역전공 2 과목 자유선택 계 6 학점 40 학점 자유선택에의한 2 과목 (* 필요시학과장의승인하에국제학대학원외나타학교에서수강하는것도가능 ) 7. 석사학위논문 / 비논문트랙 석사학위는영어로작성 비논문트랙을선택할경우, 석사학위논문대신전공담당교수가지정하는 6 학점추가이수 8. 교수진 - 박재적 ( 국제학과주임교수, 국제안보전공담당 ) - 이승래 ( 국제통상전공담당 ) - 박진경 ( 국제한국학전공담당 ) - 박상미 ( 사회 문화유산전공담당 ) - 온대원 ( 유엔평화학프로그램주임교수 ) - 3 -

1. Program and Degree conferred Master s program: M.I.S (Master of Studies) Department of Studies (Draft) * BA/MA combined degree program is currently available to HUFS undergraduate students * MA/PhD combined degree program is expected to be launched in the Spring Semester of 2019. Ph.D program: * Expect to be launched in the Spring Semester of 2019 2. Majors within the Department Security Trade Global Korean Studies Heritage Studies and Sociology * Prospective Students should declare their major at the time of application; under normal circumstances, students are not allowed to change their major once they are admitted to the program. * The UN Peace Studies Program is operated under the umbrella of the Department of Studies. However, the program is run according to agreed-upon principles, regulations, and rules between HUFS and the UN University. 3. Select Courses offered (or, to be offered) Every course is offered in English. Required courses (1) One required course for all incoming students in the department: Studies in the Global Age -Students should take this course during their first semester. (2) One required course for each major Security: Introduction to Security Trade: Trade -Global Korean Studies: Understanding Global Korea - Heritage Studies and Sociology: Cultural Heritage and Cooperation Courses offered (or, to be offered) by each Major Security: Introduction to Security Seminar on Relations Conflicts US Foreign US-led alliances in the Asia-Pacific Relations in East Asia Political Dynamics in East Asia - 4 -

Terrorism and Politics UN and Other Organizations Resource Politics Globalization and Social Change Global Governance Negotiation Regime Human Rights and Politics Trade: Trade Statistical Analysis of Trade Comparative Analysis of FTA FTA and Trade Topics in FTA Topics in Enterprise Overseas Regional Economics -Global Korean Studies: Understanding Global Korea Korean Peninsula Division/Unification South Korea s Foreign Korean Cultural Studies: Media, Culture, Society Gender and Modern Korean Society Ethnography of Korea Contemporary South Korea: Neoliberalism and Its Social Effects Two Koreas Politics of Science and Technology in Korea and East Asia Controversial Topics in Korean Society Advanced Seminar in Global Korean Studies - Heritage Studies and Sociology: Cultural Heritage and Cooperation 4. Requirement for MIS degree Students should take at least 40 credits. Multiculturalism and Globalization Cultural Heritage and Tourism Seminar on Heritage Studies Cultural Heritage in Korea Cultural Heritage Types Number of Credits* -Non-native English speakers: English Foreign Language requirement Departmental Requirement Major Requirement -Native English speakers should declare a foreign language relevant to their research and take two courses within the first two 4 semesters of the program. *Those who are fluent in their second language may be exempt from this requirement upon the approval of the Chair of the department. In that case, such students should fulfill 4 credits by taking courses of their choice in consultation with their supervisor. 3 Studies in the Global Age 3 One course designated by the supervisor of each Major - 5 -

Selective Major courses Selective inter-major course Selective inter-department courses * Each course provides three credits toward completion of the degree, except Foreign Language courses, which provide two credits each. MIS Thesis - Students should write a thesis in English. -In place of writing a thesis, students may opt for taking 2 additional courses approved by the supervising professor of their Major. 5. Faculty 15 Five courses offered by his/her Major 3 One course offered by other majors in the department 6 Selective 6 Total 40 Two courses the GSIAS with regional focus offered by other departments in Two courses of student s choice (which can be taken outside GSIAS) upon the approval of the supervisor of each Major Chair of the Department: Prof. Jae Jeok Park Supervisor for Security Major: Prof. Jae Jeok Park Supervisor for Trade Major: Prof. Seungrae Lee Supervisor for Global Korean Studies Major: Prof. Jin Kyung Park Supervisor for Heritage Studies and Sociology Major: Prof. Sangmee Bak Chair of UN Peace Studies Program: Prof. Daewon Ohn - 6 -