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23 24,, 2 2, 4
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23 200012 1 200012 2 16, 4 11, 5 1 200112 2 29 13, 4 18 7, 8 3 (1) 2,,,,,,,, ( ),,, ), ( ), 10, 35-36
23 21, 6, PC Game,
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23, (2) 4,,,, '21 ', ( ),,, CD 1,,,
, 20 1 (Technical Practice of 20th Century Music) 20 2 (Technical Practice of 20th Century Music 2) (Practice of Orchestration) (Study of Lyrics) (Counterpoint) 1 (Fusional Performance Ensemble of Eastern-Western Music 1) 2 (Fusional Performance Ensemble of Eastern-Western Music 2) (Aesthetics of Eastern and Western Music : Seminar) (Apprehension of Eastern Music) (Theory of Eastern Music) (MIDI) (MIDI and Sound Control) (Chromatic Harmony) (Practice of Chromatic Harmony) (Theory of Western Music), (Listening and Solfeggio : advanced) (Instrument Study) (Film/Video and Music Coordination) (Analysis of Musical Works) (Internet and Music Producing) 1 (Theory of Jazz 1) 2 (Theory of Jazz 2) 12 (Performance 1~2) 36 (Performance 3~6) 7 (Performance 7) (Composition : basic) Studio Session 1 (Studio Session : advanced 1) Studio Session 2 (Studio Session : advanced 2) Studio Session 1 (Studio Session : more advanced 1) Studio Session 2 (Studio Session : more advanced 2) Studio Session 3 (Studio Session : more advanced 3) 1 (Concept Design and Music Producing 1) 2 (Concept Design and Music Producing 2) 3- (Concept Design and Music Producing 5 - for Graduation Recital) (Sound Engineering : basic) (Sound Engineering : advanced) (Composition : advanced) (Computer Music and Sound Design : basic)
23 (Computer Music and Sound Design : advanced) (Eastern Music Performance : basic) (Eastern Music Performance : advanced) (Acoustics : basic) (Acoustics and Music Devices: advanced) (Computer Music Networking) (History of Computer Music) (Theory of Post-modern Music) 1 (Composition of Fusional Music 1) 2 (Composition of Fusional Music 2) (Composition of String Orchestra) MAX MSP (Programming by MAX and MSP) 20,,
, (Synchronization) 1-7 (Session) (Session man) -
23, 2 MAX MSP MAX MSP ) Aaron Copland, The New Music 1900-1960, New Electronic Media W W Norton Company, 1968, P183
21, TV MIDI, 90%MIDI 2000,, MIDI 1, 2 MIDI 1, 2 1, 2
23 1, 2 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 TV, TV CF,,,,,,,,,
,, TV 4 2 (3),,, 21,
23 21 I II A B I II I II, I II I II I II I II (Film Music Production) (Orchestration for Film Scoring) (Film Music : History and Theory)
I (Audio Design for Video I) II (Audio Design for Video II) I (Multimedia Music Production I) II (Multimedia Music Production II) (Recording I) (Recording II) III (Recording III) (Recording IV) (Musical Acoustics I) (Musical Acoustics II) (Sound Synthesis) (Concert Recording) (Computer Music Synthesis) (Advanced Computer Music Synthesis) I (Master's Project Preparation I) II (Master's Project Preparation II) (Electronic and Computer Music Literature) (Internship) 2,,
23 ( ),,,,,,, (Electronic and Computer Music Literature) (Orchestration for Applied Music) (Multimedia) (Musical Acoustic) (Recording Engineering) (Tone Synthesis) (Studies in Popular Music) I (Composition of Computer Music I) II (Composition of Computer Music II) (Music Composition for Video and Film) (Composition and Arrangement of Jazz) (Internship) (Research for the Master's Degree ) (Intensive Lecture of Musicology) (Seminars on Cultural Studies)
,, 1, CCM CCM, 2 21 CCM (4)
23 2 4 4,,,,,,, 4,, 1-4 3, 21,
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23 3 4 2 4,,,,,, 2 MBC SBS KBS,,,
,,, (Music Director) PD PD PD / / PR TV TV / / )
, art0011@daunetdongaackr :,,,, (, 1996), 1(, 1984), 2(, 1986), 4(, 1993), (1995), (, 1995), (, 1994), (, 1989), (, 1994), (, 1995), (, 1996), (, 1990), (, 1996), (, 1995), (, 1996), (, 1996) (TWAdorno), (, 1993) ( ), (, 1993), (, 1992), (, 1989)
23 The present state and prospects of the applied music Park Chul-Hong applied music has taken its own reputation as the subject of university education Therefore, this thesis is to look for graduate schoolseducational goals, curriculums, and directions ahead through the current status of colleges or universities opening the applied music course as of December, 2001 It is also to define current applied music and to seek for an object to offer an proposal for the future As a result of the survey, the applied music courses have been opened in 16 colleges (requiring two years for graduation), 11 universities(requiring four years), and 5 graduate schools by the end of 2000 One year after that, it has drastically jumped up to 29 for college, 18 for university, and 8 for graduate school Its surging is specially attributed to various job creation such as commercial musicians, singers, professional artists, music producers, sound editors, computer musicians, electronic musicians, Instrumental musicians, applied vocalists, sound engineers, music management, music therapists, sound designers, pop musician, piano tuner, musical instrument producers and repair men And it is also due to take an opportunity as an educational beneficiary that applied music we have met routinely and enjoyed has been positioned in the center of the music, stopping wandering around artistic music But the music should construct further it s independence and strive to secure its own creative area In order to do that, we should practice viable education at its own identity by means of inclusively combining new eras such as classical music, pop music, oriental traditional music, computer backed music and other multi media supported music We must admit that the public will be throughout educational demanders and should positively come up with the change of the times being requested by engineering mechanism And we must further drive new pertinent job creation and Korean music culture into
the direction of the future through training integrated knowledgeble music experts Not only educational market or demand, but also future cultural technology that educational beneficiaries newly create are like an undeveloped areas Those are all future of the applied music However, there are many educational problems to solve Recently most universities have opened the courses or similar ones, but they must improve lack of educational resources and shortage of expensive practical musical instruments that might result in a hole of education And morale hazard concealed in commercial success should be definitely improved