자연채무에대한재검토 1. 서론 2. 선행연구 9 Journal of Digital Convergence 214 May; 12(5): 89-99

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자연채무에대한재검토 1. 서론 2. 선행연구 9 Journal of Digital Convergence 214 May; 12(5): 89-99

Review of the Theory of Natural Obligations 3. 자료및연구방법 3.1 자료수집 Journal of Digital Convergence 91

자연채무에대한재검토 3.2 연구방법 4. 실증분석 1,6 1,2 8 4 (period : 1987.1-213.12, 1987.1=1, unit : %) 4 35 3 25 2 15 1 4.1 기술통계 199 1995 2 25 21 5 199 1995 2 25 21 KOSPI Seoul Apt 5 28 4 24 3 2 2 16 1 12 199 1995 2 25 21 8 199 1995 2 25 21 CLI HPPCI [Figure 1] Fluctuations of KOSPI and Seoul_Apt, CLI, HPPCI 92 Journal of Digital Convergence 214 May; 12(5): 89-99

Review of the Theory of Natural Obligations (period : 1986.2-213.12, unit : %) [Figure 2] Monthly Changing rate of KOSPI and Seoul_Apt, CLI, HPPCI(12month M.A) (period : 1986.2-213.12, unit : %) [Figure 3] Comparative of Monthly Changing rate of KOSPI and Seoul_Apt(12month M.A) <Table 1> Comparative of Monthly Changing rate of KOSPI and Seoul_Apt(12month M.A) (unit : %) Journal of Digital Convergence 93

자연채무에대한재검토 (period : 1986.2-213.12, unit : %) [Figure 4] Comparative of Monthly Changing rate of KOSPI and CLI(12month M.A) <Table 2> The Elementary Statistic : Seoul Apt., CLI, KOSPI, HPPCI <Table 3> Analysis of Relation : Seoul Apt., CLI, KOSPI, HPPCI 4.2 상관관계 94 Journal of Digital Convergence 214 May; 12(5): 89-99

Review of the Theory of Natural Obligations <Table 5> Pairwise Granger Causality Tests <Table 4> Crossing Correlation Coefficient of KOSPI and Seoul_Apt, CLI, HPPCI 4.4 Vector Autoregression 분석 4.4.1 서울아파트 ( 종속변수 ) 가모델인경우 4.3 Granger 인과관계분석 4.4.2 CLI( 종속변수 ) 가모델인경우 Journal of Digital Convergence 95

자연채무에대한재검토 4.4.3 KOSPI( 종속변수 ) 가모델인경우 <Table 6> VAR 모형추정결과 4.4.4 HPPCI( 종속변수 ) 가모델인경우 4.4 회귀분석 96 Journal of Digital Convergence 214 May; 12(5): 89-99

Review of the Theory of Natural Obligations <Table 7> Dependent Variable : KOSPI KOSPI Residuals (period : 1987.1-213.12) SEOUL _APT R es iduals 15 15 1 1 5 5-5 -1-15 -5-2 199 199 5 2 2 5 21-1 1 99 1 995 2 25 21 CL I Re sidu a ls HPPCI R es idu als 6 6 4 4 2 2-2 -4-2 -6 199 199 5 2 2 5 21-4 1 99 1 995 2 25 21 (period : 1987.1-213.12) 1,6 1,2 [Figure 6] Residuals : KOSPI, Seoul_Apt, CLI, HPPCI 4 8 4 4.4 모형분석 2-2 -4 86 88 9 92 94 96 98 2 4 6 8 1 12 Residual Actual Fitted [Figure 5] KOSPI : Residual, Actual, Fitted (period : 1987.1-213.12) [Figure 7] Regularity Probability : Seoul_Apt, CLI, HPPCI center of KOSPI Journal of Digital Convergence 97

자연채무에대한재검토 LOG(KOSPI) by Season (period : 1987.1-213.12) LOG(SEOUL_APT) by Season 7.5 6. 7. 6.5 6. 5.6 5.2 5.5 5. 4.5 J an Feb Mar Apr May J un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 4.8 4.4 J an Feb Mar Apr May J un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec LOG(CLI) by Season 6.4 6. 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.4 J an Feb Mar Apr May J un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec LOG(HPPCI) by Season 5.6 5.4 5.2 5. 4.8 4.6 4.4 J an Feb Mar Apr May J un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Means by Season [Figure 8] Seasonal Distribution chart of Log(KOSPI), Log(Seoul_Apt), Log(CLI), Log(HPPCI) 4. 결론 REFERENCES 98 Journal of Digital Convergence 214 May; 12(5): 89-99

Review of the Theory of Natural Obligations 최정일 (Choi, Jeong Il) 이옥동 (Lee, Ok Dong) Journal of Digital Convergence 99